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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/snmpdx/00TODO versions 1.10 and 1.11
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ossp-pkg/snmpdx/00TODO 1.10 -> 1.11

--- 00TODO       2003/09/10 13:10:22     1.10
+++ 00TODO       2003/09/10 13:30:47     1.11
@@ -1,24 +1,33 @@
+   _        ___  ____ ____  ____                                  _
+  |_|_ _   / _ \/ ___/ ___||  _ \   ___ _ __  _ __ ___  _ __   __| |_  __
+  _|_||_| | | | \___ \___ \| |_) | / __| '_ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _` \ \/ /
+ |_||_|_| | |_| |___) |__) |  __/  \__ \ | | | | | | | | |_) | (_| |>  <
+  |_|_|_|  \___/|____/____/|_|     |___/_| |_|_| |_| |_| .__/ \__,_/_/\_\
+                                                       |_|
+  OSSP snmpdx - SNMP Daemon Extension
+  ====
-- implement more probes [thl]
-- write snmpdx.pod documentation
+  - snmp mibs dir was lost
+  - implement more probes [thl]
+  - write snmpdx.pod documentation
-- allow two modules to run and cache the same command with different 
-  expire times by using/enforcing the smaller expire time in the cache object.
-- speed up initial MIB processing by trying to consolidate snmptranslate calls?
-- write probe snmpdx.pm which provides name and version and which
-  especially can be also used as the always present probe in Makefile
-  during restart.
-- add --param=key:value command line option for passing key/value
-  pairs into snmpdx for use by probes as some sort of configuration.
-- provide "-expire" field in $obj which the probes can fill out.
-  If filled out, the framework uses this to cache the result
-  value to speed up things even more.
-- split out MIB parts of each probe into own sub-MIBs
-- Makefile and snmpdx.cfg still contains some hard-coded things
+  =====
+  - allow two modules to run and cache the same command with different
+    expire times by using/enforcing the smaller expire time in the cache object.
+  - speed up initial MIB processing by trying to consolidate snmptranslate calls?
+  - write probe snmpdx.pm which provides name and version and which
+    especially can be also used as the always present probe in Makefile
+    during restart.
+  - add --param=key:value command line option for passing key/value
+    pairs into snmpdx for use by probes as some sort of configuration.
+  - provide "-expire" field in $obj which the probes can fill out.
+    If filled out, the framework uses this to cache the result
+    value to speed up things even more.
+  - split out MIB parts of each probe into own sub-MIBs
+  - Makefile and snmpdx.cfg still contains some hard-coded things

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