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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/shtool/Makefile.in versions 1.45 and 1.46
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ossp-pkg/shtool/Makefile.in 1.45 -> 1.46

--- Makefile.in  2001/12/31 15:06:04     1.45
+++ Makefile.in  2002/02/01 14:58:04     1.46
@@ -40,9 +40,6 @@
 CP          = cp
 LS          = ls
-USER_NAME   = gnu
-GROUP_NAME  = shtool
  sh.echo \
  sh.mdate \
@@ -134,47 +131,3 @@
         $(RM) Makefile shtoolize
         $(RM) config.cache config.status config.log
-#   (not intended to be run by end users)
-dist: distclean
-        $(SHELL) sh.fixperm -v *; \
-        V=`$(SHELL) sh.version -l txt -d short VERSION`; \
-        $(SHELL) sh.tarball -o shtool-$${V}.tar.gz -d shtool-$${V} \
-                            -u $(USER_NAME) -g $(GROUP_NAME) \
-                            -e 'CVS,\.cvsignore,\.[ao]$$,^\.' \
-                            -c 'gzip --best' .; \
-        $(LS) -l shtool-$$V.tar.gz
-#   (not intended to be run by end users)
-snap: distclean
-        @$(SHELL) sh.fixperm -v *; \
-        V=`$(SHELL) sh.version -l txt -d short VERSION`; \
-        $(SHELL) sh.tarball -o shtool-$${V}-SNAP.tar.gz -d shtool-$${V}-SNAP \
-                            -u $(USER_NAME) -g $(GROUP_NAME) \
-                            -e 'CVS,\.cvsignore,\.[ao]$$,^\.' \
-                            -c 'gzip --best' .; \
-        $(LS) -l shtool-$$V-SNAP.tar.gz
-#   (not intended to be run by end users)
-        @echo "Setting new version information:"; \
-        V="$(VERSION)"; \
-        if [ ".$$V" != . ]; then \
-                OPT="-s$$V"; \
-        else \
-                OPT="-e"; \
-        fi; \
-        $(SHELL) ./sh.version -l txt -n "GNU shtool" -p shtool $$OPT VERSION; \
-        V=`$(SHELL) ./sh.version -l txt -d long VERSION`; \
-        sed -e "s/Version .*(.*)/Version $$V/g" <README >README.n && mv README.n README; \
-        V=`$(SHELL) ./sh.version -l txt -d short VERSION`; \
-        sed -e "s/%define ver .*/%define ver $$V/g" <shtool.spec >shtool.spec.n && mv shtool.spec.n shtool.spec
-        @echo "Updating date in version information"; \
-        V=`$(SHELL) ./sh.version -l txt -d short VERSION`;\
-        $(SHELL) ./sh.version -l txt -n "GNU shtool" -p shtool -s $$V VERSION;\
-        V=`$(SHELL) ./sh.version -l txt -d long VERSION`;\
-        sed -e "s/Version .*(.*)/Version $$V/g" <README >README.n && mv README.n README;\
-        V=`$(SHELL) ./sh.version -l txt -d short VERSION`;\
-        sed -e "s/%define ver .*/%define ver $$V/g" <shtool.spec >shtool.spec.n && mv shtool.spec.n shtool.spec

CVSTrac 2.0.1