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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/shiela/shiela.pod versions 1.14 and 1.15
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ossp-pkg/shiela/shiela.pod 1.14 -> 1.15

--- shiela.pod   2002/12/23 08:50:34     1.14
+++ shiela.pod   2002/12/23 09:05:47     1.15
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
 (see B<User> and B<Group> directives) or can be given as "C<*>" (which means
 "any").  So, a specification of "C<foo>" means the user C<foo>, "C<*:bar>"
 means any user of group C<bar> and "C<*:*>" means any user of any group.
-Similarily, nobody can be expressed as C<!*:*>.
+Similarly, nobody can be expressed as C<!*:*>.
 Example: C<Acl foo-src/*:FOO_1_0 *:core !badboy;>
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
 reports (see B<Report> directive). To disable logging one can use "C<none>" as
 the E<lt>reportidE<gt> (and leave out the ":E<lt>targetE<gt>" part).
-The occurance of the logging message depends how the specified report is
+The occurrence of the logging message depends how the specified report is
 defined (by C<Report>). After it is produced it is send to E<lt>targetE<gt>
 which can be either an Email address of the form I<user>C<@>I<domain> or a
 filesystem path.
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@
 rewrite the functionality of C<log_accum.pl>, C<commit_prep.pl> and
 C<cvs_acls.pl> from scratch. The result is B<OSSP shiela>.
-The name B<OSSP shiela> was choosen just by coincidence and has no
+The name B<OSSP shiela> was chosen just by coincidence and has no
 related meaning. It was just that while the program was written,
 a code-name was needed. And because Engelschall's first baby was
 forthcoming and Ralf and Daniela Engelschall reviewed lots of names, one

CVSTrac 2.0.1