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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/rc/rc_script.c versions 1.16 and 1.17
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ossp-pkg/rc/rc_script.c 1.16 -> 1.17

--- rc_script.c  2003/05/16 12:37:10     1.16
+++ rc_script.c  2003/05/16 18:43:31     1.17
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
 **  rc_script.c: Run-command processor ISO C source file
-#include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <ctype.h>      /* For isspace(3)             */
+#include <pwd.h>        /* For getlogin(2)            */
 #include "rc.h"         /* Public Rc interface        */
 #include "rc_pcre.h"    /* For section parsing        */
@@ -110,8 +110,12 @@
     char *piBlocend    = NULL; /* Misnomer used to control section looping */
     char *piStart      = NULL;
     char *piEnd        = NULL;
+    char *piSep        = NULL;
+    char *szUser       = NULL;
+    struct passwd *pPwd = NULL;
     long  nPri         = 0;
     long  nUid         = 0;
+    int nUserbytes     = 0;
     int nTmp           = 0;
     int nOffset        = 0;
     int nFound         = 0;
@@ -190,19 +194,47 @@
             if (piSubtemp) { /* Priority pattern found */
                 for (nTmp = (int)piSubtemp + strlen(RC_DEF_PRG);\
                     isspace(*(char *)nTmp); nTmp += sizeof (char)); /* Strip */
-                nPri = strtol((char *)nTmp, (char **)NULL, 10);
-                sectionSetpri(pSec, nPri);
+                nPri = strtol((char *)nTmp, &piSep, 10);
+                if ((char *)nTmp == piSep)  /* No priority number follows */
+                    sectionSetpri(pSec, RC_DEF_PRI); /* which is an error */
+                else
+                    sectionSetpri(pSec, nPri);  /* Found a priority value */
             else /* Fallback to default value */
                 sectionSetpri(pSec, RC_DEF_PRI);
             /* Handle the section userid   */
             piSubtemp = strnstr(piStart, RC_DEF_UIG, piEnd - piStart);
-            if (piSubtemp) { /* Priority pattern found */
+            if (piSubtemp) { /* Userid pattern found */
                 for (nTmp = (int)piSubtemp + strlen(RC_DEF_UIG);\
                     isspace(*(char *)nTmp); nTmp += sizeof (char)); /* Strip */
-                nUid = strtol((char *)nTmp, (char **)NULL, 10);
-                sectionSetuid(pSec, nUid);
+                nUid = strtol((char *)nTmp, &piSep, 10);
+                if ((char *)nTmp == piSep)      /* No userid number follows */
+                {
+                    nUserbytes = (strcspn(piSep, " \t\n") + sizeof (char)) * sizeof (char);
+                    szUser = malloc(nUserbytes);
+                    if (!szUser)
+                        RC_THROW(RC_ERR_MEM);
+                    strncpy(szUser, (const char *)nTmp, nUserbytes);
+                    strtok(szUser, " \t\n");
+                    pPwd = getpwnam(szUser);
+                    if (pPwd) {
+                        sectionSetuid(pSec, pPwd->pw_uid);  /* Set to given   */
+                        sectionSetlogin(pSec, szUser);      /* uid and login  */
+                    }
+                    else
+                        sectionSetuid(pSec, RC_DEF_UID);    /* Set to default */
+                    free(szUser);
+                }
+                else {
+                    pPwd = getpwuid(nUid);
+                    if (pPwd) {
+                        sectionSetuid(pSec, nUid);              /* Found a value */
+                        sectionSetlogin(pSec, pPwd->pw_name);   /* uid and login  */
+                    }
+                    else
+                        sectionSetuid(pSec, RC_DEF_UID);        /* Set to default */
+                }
             else /* Fallback to default value */
                 sectionSetuid(pSec, RC_DEF_UID);

CVSTrac 2.0.1