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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/rc/rc_proc.c versions 1.47 and 1.48
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ossp-pkg/rc/rc_proc.c 1.47 -> 1.48

--- rc_proc.c    2003/06/23 11:27:53     1.47
+++ rc_proc.c    2003/06/26 18:45:14     1.48
@@ -68,16 +68,15 @@
 rc_return_t procPopulate(rc_proc_t *pRc)
     int nSect   = 0;
-    int nFdrc   = -1;
     int nFdfunc = -1;
     int nRet    = 0;
     int nRcs    = 0;
     ex_t Except;
     char         *sBuf        = NULL;
-    char         *szLocex     = NULL;
-    rc_script_t  *pTempscript = NULL;
+    rc_file_t    *pRcfile     = NULL;
     rc_section_t *pSec        = NULL;
+    rc_section_t *pCom        = NULL;
     short         nTotalsecs  = vectorCount(configGetsecs());
@@ -93,6 +92,7 @@
             if (nRet == -1) /* Handle read errors */
             scriptAppend(pRc->m_pScriptfunc, "\n", sizeof("\n"));
+            close(nFdfunc); /* Close Func file handle */
@@ -104,86 +104,40 @@
         if (!pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs])
             RC_THROW(RC_ERR_INT); /* Rcfile vector is missing its tail */
-        /* Build the location path name */
-        if (!configGetval(RC_LOC_VAL)) {
-            szLocex = NULL;
-            szLocex = strdup("./"); /* FIXME: Relocate default val */
-            RC_THROW(RC_ERR_INT);   /* Config should have given a locs default */
-        }
-        else { /* Only enter block with valid string, strdup can't handle NULL */
-            if (*(configGetval(RC_LOC_VAL) + strlen(configGetval(RC_LOC_VAL)) - sizeof (char)) != '/') {
-                szLocex = malloc(strlen(configGetval(RC_LOC_VAL)) + \
-                                 sizeof (char) + \
-                                 strlen("rc.") + \
-                                 strlen(pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_szName) + \
-                                 sizeof (char));
-                strcpy(szLocex, configGetval(RC_LOC_VAL));
-                strcat(szLocex, "/");
-                strcat(szLocex, "rc."); /* FIXME: Make the prefix configurable */
-                strcat(szLocex, pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_szName);
-            }
-            else {
-                szLocex = malloc(strlen(configGetval(RC_LOC_VAL)) + \
-                                 strlen("rc.") + \
-                                 strlen(pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_szName) + \
-                                 sizeof (char));
-                strcpy(szLocex, configGetval(RC_LOC_VAL));
-                strcat(szLocex, "rc."); /* FIXME: Make the prefix configurable */
-                strcat(szLocex, pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_szName);
-            }
-        }
+        pRcfile = rcfileNew(pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_szName);
+        rcfileParse(pRcfile);
-        /* Open the rc file unconditionally */
-        if ((nFdrc = open(szLocex, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
-            RC_THROW(RC_ERR_RCF);
-        /* Read data from the rc file into a temporary script */
-        pTempscript = scriptNew();
-        while ((nRet = read(nFdrc, sBuf, RC_READ_BUFSIZE)) > 0)
-            scriptAppend(pTempscript, sBuf, nRet);
-        if (nRet == -1) /* Handle read errors */
-            RC_THROW(RC_ERR_IO);
-        try {
-            /* Append common section if it exists */
-            pSec = scriptSection(pTempscript, configGetval(RC_NCF_VAL));
+        try { /* If it exists, append config section unconditionally */
+            pSec = rcfileGetsec(pRcfile, configGetval(RC_NCF_VAL));
             if (pSec) { /* Only operate if the section lookup succeeds */
                 scriptAppend(pRc->m_pScriptcom, sectionGetdata(pSec), strlen(sectionGetdata(pSec)));
                 scriptAppend(pRc->m_pScriptcom, "\n", strlen ("\n"));
-                sectionDelete(pSec);    /* Cleanup */
-                pSec = NULL;            /* Cleanup */
             for (nSect = 0; nSect < nTotalsecs; nSect++) { /* Iterate over */
                 /* Extract a section from the temp script, and append it */
-                pSec = scriptSection(pTempscript, configGetsecs()[nSect]);
-                if (pSec) /* Only copy if the section lookup succeeds */
+                pSec = rcfileGetsec(pRcfile, configGetsecs()[nSect]);
+                if (pSec) {
+                    /* Append common section only if the target section matches */
+                    pCom = rcfileGetsec(pRcfile, configGetval(RC_CMN_VAL));
+                    if (pCom)   /* Only append if the common lookup succeeds */
+                        rcfileAppendsec(pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs], pCom);
+                    /* Only copy if the section lookup succeeds */
                     rcfileAppendsec(pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs], pSec);
+                }
                 else if (configGetval(RC_DBG_VAL)) /* Only show if debug set */
                     fprintf(stderr, "#Warning: Missing section '%s' in %s!\n",\
                         configGetsecs()[nSect], pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_szName);
-                if (pSec) { /* Cleanup iterative section string */
-                    sectionDelete(pSec);
-                    pSec = NULL;
-                }
-        /* Clean up our crap */
-        scriptDelete(pTempscript); /* Temp script */
-        pTempscript = NULL;
-        free(szLocex);  /* Temp Location + Rcfile */
-        szLocex = NULL;
-        close(nFdrc);   /* Close Rc file handle */
+        /* Attach our rcfile in the list */
+        pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs] = pRcfile;
+        pRcfile = NULL;
-    close(nFdfunc);     /* Close Func file handle */
     /* Memory cleanups */
     if (sBuf) {
@@ -248,20 +202,18 @@
             szVerbose = NULL;
-        scriptAppend(pFatscript, scriptTostring(pRc->m_pScriptfunc), \
-            strlen(scriptTostring(pRc->m_pScriptfunc)));
+        scriptAdd(pFatscript, pRc->m_pScriptfunc);
         /* Conditionally print common section notice in verbal mode */
         if (configGetval(RC_VRB_VAL)) {
-            nBytes = (strlen(RC_EVN_TEXT) + strlen(RC_CMN_TEXT) * 2 + 2) * sizeof (char);
+            nBytes = (strlen(RC_EVN_TEXT) + strlen(RC_CFG_TEXT) * 2 + 2) * sizeof (char);
             szVerbose = malloc(nBytes);
-            sprintf(szVerbose, RC_EVN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT);
+            sprintf(szVerbose, RC_EVN_TEXT, RC_CFG_TEXT, RC_CFG_TEXT);
             strcat(szVerbose, "\n");
             scriptAppend(pFatscript, szVerbose, strlen(szVerbose));
             szVerbose = NULL;
-        scriptAppend(pFatscript, scriptTostring(pRc->m_pScriptcom), \
-            strlen(scriptTostring(pRc->m_pScriptcom)));
+        scriptAdd(pFatscript, pRc->m_pScriptcom);
         for (nSecs = 0; nSecs < nTotalsecs; nSecs++) {
             for (nRcs = 0; nRcs < pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles; nRcs++) {
                 for (nTmp = 0; nTmp < pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_nSecs && \
@@ -344,8 +296,8 @@
         /* Allocate a block of section pointers to use temporarily */
         ppSectmp = calloc(pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles, sizeof(rc_section_t *));
-        szFunc = (char *)scriptTostring(pRc->m_pScriptfunc);
-        szCom  = (char *)scriptTostring(pRc->m_pScriptcom);
+        szFunc = (char *)scriptGetdata(pRc->m_pScriptfunc);
+        szCom  = (char *)scriptGetdata(pRc->m_pScriptcom);
         for (nSecs = 0; nSecs < nTotalsecs; nSecs++) {
             for (nRcs = 0; nRcs < pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles; nRcs++) {
                 for (nTmp = 0; nTmp < pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_nSecs && \
@@ -363,17 +315,17 @@
             nTmp = 0; /* Count from zero until however many sections we have */
             while (nTmp < pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles && ppSectmp[nTmp]) {
                 /* Conditionally print common and other section notices in verbal mode */
-                if (configGetval(RC_VRB_VAL)) {
+                if (configGetval(RC_VRB_VAL)) { /* Verbose mode is active */
                     size_t nSizverb = 0;
                     size_t nPrescr  = 0;
                     size_t nSecverb = 0;
                     size_t nSection = 0;
                     /* Allocate space just for string to prepare for verbose */
-                    nSizverb = (strlen(RC_EXN_TEXT) + strlen(RC_CMN_TEXT) * 2 \
+                    nSizverb = (strlen(RC_EXN_TEXT) + strlen(RC_CFG_TEXT) * 2 \
                         + strlen(RC_ECHO_STR) + strlen("\"\"") + 1) * sizeof (char);
                     szVerbose = malloc(nSizverb);
-                    sprintf(szVerbose, RC_EXN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT);
+                    sprintf(szVerbose, RC_EXN_TEXT, RC_CFG_TEXT, RC_CFG_TEXT);
                     /* Allocate space for entire string to execvp(3) */
                     nPrescr = (strlen(RC_VST_TEXT) + strlen(RC_EXF_TEXT) + \
@@ -388,12 +340,12 @@
                     strcat(szExec, "\n");           /* Stick a newline inbetween */
                     strcat(szExec, RC_EXF_TEXT);    /* Continue with the func text */
                     strcat(szExec, "\";");          /* Finalize the verbosity notice */
-                    strcat(szExec, szFunc);         /* Continue with the common script code */
+                    strcat(szExec, szFunc);         /* Continue with the funcs script code */
                     strcat(szExec, RC_ECHO_STR);    /* Continue with the echo string */
                     strcat(szExec, "\"");           /* Append a quote next to the echo */
                     strcat(szExec, szVerbose);      /* Continue with the common text */
                     strcat(szExec, "\";");          /* Finalize the verbosity notice */
-                    strcat(szExec, szCom);          /* Then with the funcs script code  */
+                    strcat(szExec, szCom);          /* Then with the common script code  */
                     szTmp = (char *)sectionGetname(ppSectmp[nTmp]);
                     nSecverb = (strlen(RC_EXN_TEXT) + strlen(szTmp) * 2 \
                         + strlen(RC_ECHO_STR) + strlen("\"\"") + 1) * sizeof (char);
@@ -433,7 +385,7 @@
                         szExec = NULL;
-                else {
+                else { /* Verbose mode is off */
                     szTmp = (char *)sectionGetdata(ppSectmp[nTmp]);
                     szExec = malloc((strlen(szFunc) + strlen(szCom) + \
                         strlen(szTmp) + 1) * sizeof(char));
@@ -486,9 +438,9 @@
         scriptDump(pRc->m_pScriptfunc); /* Dump the funcs script */
         /* Conditionally print common section notice in verbal mode */
         if (configGetval(RC_VRB_VAL)) {
-            nBytes = (strlen(RC_EVN_TEXT) + strlen(RC_CMN_TEXT) * 2 + 2) * sizeof (char);
+            nBytes = (strlen(RC_EVN_TEXT) + strlen(RC_CFG_TEXT) * 2 + 2) * sizeof (char);
             szVerbose = malloc(nBytes);
-            sprintf(szVerbose, RC_EVN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT);
+            sprintf(szVerbose, RC_EVN_TEXT, RC_CFG_TEXT, RC_CFG_TEXT);
             strcat(szVerbose, "\n");
             fprintf(stderr, szVerbose);
@@ -527,7 +479,7 @@
     else if (configGetval(RC_PAR_VAL)) {                    /* Parse names */
         /* Allocate a block of section pointers to use as a temporary */
         ppSectmp = calloc(pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles, sizeof(rc_section_t *));
-        fprintf(stderr, "file %s, section %s\n", pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_szName, RC_CMN_TEXT);
+        fprintf(stderr, "file %s, section %s\n", pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_szName, RC_CFG_TEXT);
         for (nSecs = 0; nSecs < nTotalsecs; nSecs++) {
             for (nRcs = 0; nRcs < pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles; nRcs++) {
                 for (nTmp = 0; nTmp < pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_nSecs && \

CVSTrac 2.0.1