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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/rc/rc_proc.c versions 1.31 and 1.32
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ossp-pkg/rc/rc_proc.c 1.31 -> 1.32

--- rc_proc.c    2003/05/21 15:24:07     1.31
+++ rc_proc.c    2003/05/22 14:46:33     1.32
@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@
     int   nSecs     = 0;              /* Section index       */
     char *szTmpfile = NULL;           /* Path of temporary file          */
     char *szTmp     = NULL;           /* Generic temporary string        */
+    char *szCom     = NULL;           /* Stores common script text       */
     char *szExec    = NULL;           /* Used only during exec mode      */
     char *pszVec[RC_EXEC_MAXARGS];    /* For passing in to execv(3)      */
     rc_script_t   *pFatscript = NULL; /* To build a comprehensive script */
@@ -263,10 +264,7 @@
     else if (configGetval(RC_EXC_VAL)) {                        /* Execute  */
         /* Allocate a block of section pointers to use temporarily */
         ppSectmp = calloc(pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs, sizeof(rc_section_t *));
-        /* Allocate the command chain string to execute with execv(3) */
-        szTmp = (char *)scriptTostring(pRc->m_pScriptcom);
-        szExec = malloc((strlen(szTmp) + 1) * sizeof(char));
-        strcpy(szExec, szTmp);
+        szCom = (char *)scriptTostring(pRc->m_pScriptcom);
         for (nSecs = 0; nSecs < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nSecs; nSecs++) {
             for (nRcs = 0; nRcs < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs; nRcs++) {
                 nTmp = 0;
@@ -280,27 +278,31 @@
                     ppSectmp[nRcs] = NULL;
             qsort((void *)ppSectmp, (size_t)pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs, sizeof(rc_section_t *), priCompare);
-            nTmp = 0;
+            pszVec[0] = "/bin/sh";  /* Run the bourne shell over the following */
+            pszVec[1] = "-c";       /* Append script code of the sections */
+            pszVec[3] = NULL;       /* Add a NULL to mark the end of the chain */
+            nTmp = 0; /* Count from zero until however many sections we have */
             while (nTmp < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs && ppSectmp[nTmp]) {
                 szTmp = (char *)sectionGetdata(ppSectmp[nTmp]);
-                szExec = realloc(szExec, (strlen(szExec) + 1) * sizeof(char) + \
-                                         (strlen(szTmp) + 1) * sizeof(char));
-                strcat(szExec, szTmp); /* Build onto the command chain */
+                szExec = malloc(strlen(szCom) * sizeof(char) + \
+                               (strlen(szTmp) + 1) * sizeof(char));
+                strcpy(szExec, szCom); /* Start out with just the common script code */
+                strcat(szExec, szTmp); /* And build a section onto the command chain */
+                pszVec[2] = szExec; /* Actually launch the new process image now */
+/* FIXME: Put the fork in here! */
+                if (execvp(*pszVec, pszVec) == -1) {                    /* launch */
+                    TRACE("Bad, execvp for common script in child returned -1");
+                    return(RC_THROW(RC_ERR_INT));
+                }
+                free(szExec); /* Cleanup after exec */
+                szExec = NULL;
         ppSectmp = NULL;
-        /* Actually launch the new process image now */
-        pszVec[0] = "/bin/sh";
-        pszVec[1] = "-c";
-        pszVec[2] = szExec;
-        pszVec[3] = NULL;   /* Add a NULL to mark the end of the chain */
-        if (execvp(*pszVec, pszVec) == -1) {                    /* launch */
-            TRACE("Bad, execvp for common script in child returned -1");
-            return(RC_THROW(RC_ERR_INT));
-        }
     else if (configGetval(RC_PRN_VAL)) {                        /* Print  */
         /* Allocate a block of section pointers to use as a temporary */

CVSTrac 2.0.1