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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/rc/rc.c versions 1.9 and 1.10
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ossp-pkg/rc/rc.c 1.9 -> 1.10

--- rc.c 2002/02/06 18:16:40     1.9
+++ rc.c 2002/02/07 12:38:32     1.10
@@ -30,164 +30,37 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include "rc.h"
-#include "rc_p.h"       /* FIXME, remove when options moves */
-#include "rc_strings.h" /* FIXME, remove when options moves */
 #include "rc_config.h"
-/* Third party headers for libraries linked in */
+/* Third party headers for libraries linked in       */
 #include "ex.h"         /* OSSP ex exception library */
-#include "str.h"        /* OSSP str string library   */
-#include "var.h"        /* OSSP var variable library */
-#include "popt.h"       /* OSSP popt options library */
-/* FIXME if we only catch exceptions we might not need the following */
-/* Catch OSSP ex based exceptions */
-#define RC_THROW(rv) \
-    (  (rv) != RC_OK && (ex_catching && !ex_shielding) \
-     ? (ex_throw(ossprc_id, NULL, (rv)), (rv)) : (rv))
-/* Unique identifier to use with OSSP ex library */
-const char ossprc_id[] = "OSSP rc";
-static void die(rc_return_t rv)
-    fprintf(stderr, "OSSP rc: Error, dying.\n");
-    exit((int)rv);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    char cOpt = 0;              /* For argument parsing           */
-    int  iBufpos = 0;           /* For tracking options           */
-    char *szCLIBuf = NULL;
-    char *szFuncfile = NULL;    /* Rc.func file name and location */
-    int  nIter = 0;
-    char pcBuf[BUFSIZ+1];
-    popt_context optCon;        /* Context for parsing options    */
-    struct popt_option optionsTable[] = {
-        /* Long options with short keys but no arguments */
-        { "usage",   '?', POPT_ARG_NONE,   0, RC_USE_VAL, RC_USE_DESC, NULL },
-        { "debug",   'd', POPT_ARG_NONE,   0, RC_DBG_VAL, RC_DBG_DESC, NULL },
-        { "version", 'V', POPT_ARG_NONE,   0, RC_VER_VAL, RC_VER_DESC, NULL },
-        { "eval",    'e', POPT_ARG_NONE,   0, RC_EVL_VAL, RC_EVL_DESC, NULL },
-        { "help",    'h', POPT_ARG_NONE,   0, RC_HLP_VAL, RC_HLP_DESC, NULL },
-        { "info",    'i', POPT_ARG_NONE,   0, RC_INF_VAL, RC_INF_DESC, NULL },
-        { "labels",  'l', POPT_ARG_NONE,   0, RC_LBL_VAL, RC_LBL_DESC, NULL },
-        { "print",   'p', POPT_ARG_NONE,   0, RC_PRN_VAL, RC_PRN_DESC, NULL },
-        { "silent",  's', POPT_ARG_NONE,   0, RC_SIL_VAL, RC_SIL_DESC, NULL },
-        { "raw",     'r', POPT_ARG_NONE,   0, RC_RAW_VAL, RC_RAW_DESC, NULL },
-        { "verbose", 'v', POPT_ARG_NONE,   0, RC_VRB_VAL, RC_VRB_DESC, NULL },
-        { "exec",    'x', POPT_ARG_NONE,   0, RC_EXC_VAL, RC_EXC_DESC, NULL },
-        /* Single argument long options with short keys */
-        { "locate",  'L', POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, RC_LOC_VAL, RC_LOC_DESC, "regx" },
-        { "conf",    'c', POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, RC_CNF_VAL, RC_CNF_DESC, "path" },
-        { "func",    'f', POPT_ARG_STRING, &szFuncfile,\
-            RC_FNC_VAL, RC_FNC_DESC, "path" },
-        { "query",   'q', POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, RC_QRY_VAL, RC_QRY_DESC, "varx" },
-        { "tmp",     't', POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, RC_TMP_VAL, RC_TMP_DESC, "path" },
-        /* Single argument long options without short keys */
-        { "RequireOwner",      0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0,\
-            RC_OWN_VAL, RC_OWN_DESC, "user"  },
-        { "RequireGroup",      0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0,\
-            RC_GRP_VAL, RC_GRP_DESC, "group" },
-        { "RequireUmask",      0, POPT_ARG_INT,    0,\
-            RC_MSK_VAL, RC_MSK_DESC, "umask" },
-        { "ParseEnvAss",       0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0,\
-            RC_ASS_VAL, RC_ASS_DESC, "regx" },
-        { "ParseSectionDef",   0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0,\
-            RC_DEF_VAL, RC_DEF_DESC, "regx" },
-        { "ParseSectionRef",   0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0,\
-            RC_REF_VAL, RC_REF_DESC, "regx" },
-        { "ParseSectionParam", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0,\
-            RC_PRM_VAL, RC_PRM_DESC, "regx" },
-        { "ParseTerminal",     0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0,\
-            RC_TRM_VAL, RC_TRM_DESC, "regx" },
-        { "NameConfig",        0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0,\
-            RC_NCF_VAL, RC_NCF_DESC, "name" },
-        { "NameCommon",        0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0,\
-            RC_CMN_VAL, RC_CMN_DESC, "name" },
-        { "NameDefault",       0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0,\
-            RC_DFL_VAL, RC_DFL_DESC, "name" },
-        { "NameError",         0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0,\
-            RC_ERR_VAL, RC_ERR_DESC, "name" },
-        { NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0 }
-    };
-    optCon = popt_getcontext(NULL, argc, (const char **)argv, optionsTable, 0);
-    popt_setotheroptionhelp(optCon,
-        "[OPTIONS]* [rcfile] [[section [args]] ...]");
-    if (argc < 2) {
-        popt_printusage(optCon, stderr, 0);
-        exit(1);
-    }
+    ex_t Except;
+    int bCaught = 0;
-    /* Now do options processing */
-    while ((cOpt = popt_getnextopt(optCon)) >= 0) {
-        switch (cOpt) {
-        case 'h':
-            pcBuf[iBufpos++] = 'h';
-            break;
-        case 'V':
-            pcBuf[iBufpos++] = 'V';
-            break;
-        case 'i':
-            pcBuf[iBufpos++] = 'i';
-            break;
-        case 'q':
-            pcBuf[iBufpos++] = 'q';
-            break;
-        }
+    ex_try {
+        parseopts(argc, argv);
-    {   /* FIXME Code snippet to use with throwable library calls FIXME */
-        ex_t Except;
-        int bCaught = 0;
-        ex_try { /* OSSP exception-enabled library calls go here */
-        }
-        ex_catch(Except) {
-            if ((rc_return_t)Except.ex_value != RC_ERR_USE)
-                fprintf(stderr, "Nonusage exception: %d\n",\
-                    (rc_return_t)Except.ex_value);
-            bCaught = 1;
-        }
-        if (!bCaught)
-            fprintf(stderr, "Great, we can keep executing exceptionless.\n");
-    }   /* FIXME Code snippet to use with throwable library calls FIXME */
-    szCLIBuf = (char *)popt_getarg(optCon);
-    if ((szCLIBuf == NULL)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Please specify at least one rcfile and section.\n");
-        popt_printusage(optCon, stderr, 0);
-        die(RC_THROW(RC_ERR_USE)); /* FIXME Vielleicht muss local = */
-    } /* (int)RC_THROW(RC_ERR_USE));die(local); oder etwas so FIXME */
-    if (cOpt < -1) {
-        /* An error occurred during option processing */
-        fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n",
-                popt_badoption(optCon, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS),
-                popt_strerror(cOpt));
-        die(RC_THROW(RC_ERR_INT)); /* FIXME Ebenso als vorherige Merkung */
+    ex_catch(Except) {
+        if ((rc_return_t)Except.ex_value != RC_ERR_USE)
+            fprintf(stderr, "Nonusage exception: %d\n",\
+                (rc_return_t)Except.ex_value);
+        bCaught = 1;
+    if (!bCaught) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "No exceptions caught.\n");
+        exit(0); /* Success */
+    }
+    else
+        fprintf(stderr, "Class '%s' threw exception %d in %s:%s():%d.\n",\
+                (char *)Except.ex_class, *(int *)Except.ex_value,\
+                Except.ex_file, Except.ex_func, Except.ex_line);
-    /* Print out options, szCLIBuf chosen */
-    fprintf(stderr, "Options chosen: ");
-    for (nIter = 0; nIter < iBufpos ; nIter++)
-        fprintf(stderr, "-%c ", pcBuf[nIter]);
-    if (szFuncfile)
-        fprintf(stderr, "-f %s ", szFuncfile);
-    fprintf(stderr, "\nRun these commands: %s\n", szCLIBuf);
-    popt_freecontext(optCon);
-    exit(0);
+    exit(1); /* Failure */

CVSTrac 2.0.1