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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/quos/quos.cgi versions 1.5 and 1.6
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ossp-pkg/quos/quos.cgi 1.5 -> 1.6

--- quos.cgi     2004/10/27 16:23:46     1.5
+++ quos.cgi     2004/10/28 12:00:26     1.6
@@ -30,6 +30,98 @@
 use String::Divert;
 use IO::File;
+#   internal handling of fatal errors
+    $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
+        my ($msg) = @_;
+        my $hint = '';
+        if ($msg =~ m|line\s+(\d+)|) {
+            my $line = $1;
+            my $io = new IO::File "<$0";
+            my @code = $io->getlines();
+            $io->close();
+            my $i = -1;
+            $hint = join("", map { s/^/sprintf("%d: ", $line+$i++)/se; $_; } @code[$line-2..$line]);
+        }
+        print STDOUT 
+            "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\n" .
+            "\n" .
+            "<html>\n" .
+            "  <head>\n" .
+            "    <title>OSSP quos: GURU MEDITATION</title>\n" .
+            "    <style type=\"text/css\">\n" .
+            "      HTML {\n" .
+            "          width:  100%;\n" .
+            "          height: auto;\n" .
+            "      }\n" .
+            "      BODY {\n" .
+            "          background: #cccccc;\n" .
+            "          margin:     0 0 0 0;\n" .
+            "          padding:    0 0 0 0;\n" .
+            "      }\n" .
+            "      DIV.canvas {\n" .
+            "          background: #000000;\n" .
+            "          border: 20px solid #000000;\n" .
+            "      }\n" .
+            "      DIV.error1 {\n" .
+            "          border-top:          4px solid #cc3333;\n" .
+            "          border-left:         4px solid #cc3333;\n" .
+            "          border-right:        4px solid #cc3333;\n" .
+            "          border-bottom:       4px solid #cc3333;\n" .
+            "          padding:             10px 10px 10px 10px;\n" .
+            "          font-family:         sans-serif, helvetica, arial;\n" .
+            "          background:          #000000;\n" .
+            "          color:               #cc3333;\n" .
+            "      }\n" .
+            "      DIV.error2 {\n" .
+            "          border-top:          4px solid #000000;\n" .
+            "          border-left:         4px solid #000000;\n" .
+            "          border-right:        4px solid #000000;\n" .
+            "          border-bottom:       4px solid #000000;\n" .
+            "          padding:             10px 10px 10px 10px;\n" .
+            "          font-family:         sans-serif, helvetica, arial;\n" .
+            "          background:          #000000;\n" .
+            "          color:               #cc3333;\n" .
+            "      }\n" .
+            "      SPAN.title {\n" .
+            "          font-size:           200%;\n" .
+            "          font-weight:         bold;\n" .
+            "      }\n" .
+            "      TT.text {\n" .
+            "          font-weight:         bold;\n" .
+            "      }\n" .
+            "    </style>\n" .
+            "    <script language=\"JavaScript\">\n" .
+            "    var count = 0;\n" .
+            "    function blinker() {\n" .
+            "        var obj = document.getElementById('error');\n" .
+            "        if (count++ % 2 == 0) {\n" .
+            "            obj.className = 'error1';\n" .
+            "        }\n" .
+            "        else {\n" .
+            "            obj.className = 'error2';\n" .
+            "        }\n" .
+            "        setTimeout('blinker()', 1000);\n" .
+            "    }\n" .
+            "    </script>\n" .
+            "  </head>\n" .
+            "  <body onLoad=\"setTimeout('blinker()', 1);\">\n" .
+            "    <div class=\"canvas\">\n" .
+            "      <div id=\"error\" class=\"error1\">\n" .
+            "        <span class=\"title\">OSSP quos: GURU MEDITATION</span>\n" .
+            "        <p>\n" .
+            "        <tt class=\"text\">\n" .
+            "          $msg<br>\n" .
+            "        </tt>\n" .
+            "        <pre>\n$hint</pre>\n" .
+            "      </div>\n" .
+            "    </div>\n" .
+            "  </body>\n" .
+            "</html>\n";
+        exit(0);
+    };
 #   create objects
 my $cgi  = new CGI;
 my $html = new String::Divert;

CVSTrac 2.0.1