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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/pth/pthread.c versions 1.55 and 1.56
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ossp-pkg/pth/pthread.c 1.55 -> 1.56

--- pthread.c    2001/03/24 15:46:32     1.55
+++ pthread.c    2001/03/24 15:55:33     1.56
@@ -384,6 +384,31 @@
+**  We just have to provide the interface, because SUSv2 says:
+**  "The pthread_setconcurrency() function allows an application to
+**  inform the threads implementation of its desired concurrency
+**  level, new_level. The actual level of concurrency provided by the
+**  implementation as a result of this function call is unspecified."
+static int pthread_concurrency = 0;
+int pthread_getconcurrency(void)
+    return pthread_concurrency;
+int pthread_setconcurrency(int new_level)
+    if (new_level < 0)
+        return_errno(EINVAL, EINVAL);
+    pthread_concurrency = new_level;
+    return OK;

CVSTrac 2.0.1