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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/pcre/pcregrep.1 versions 1.1 and 1.2
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ossp-pkg/pcre/pcregrep.1 1.1 -> 1.2

--- pcregrep.1   2002/01/07 15:21:06     1.1
+++ pcregrep.1   2002/01/11 10:19:12     1.2
@@ -32,17 +32,7 @@
 lines that would otherwise have been printed. If several files are given, a
 count is printed for each of them.
-       versity of Cambridge for use on Unix systems connected  to
-       the  Internet.  It  is freely available under the terms of
-       the GNU General Public Licence. In style it is similar  to
-       Smail  3,  but  its  facilities are more extensive, and in
-       particular it has some defences  against  mail  bombs  and
-       unsolicited junk mail, in the form of options for refusing
-       messages from particular hosts, networks, or senders.
-       Exim's command line takes the  standard  Unix  form  of  a
-       sequence  of  options, each starting with a hyphen charac\fB-f\fIfilename\fR
 Read patterns from the file, one per line, and match all patterns against each
 line. There is a maximum of 100 patterns. Trailing white space is removed, and
 blank lines are ignored. An empty file contains no patterns and therefore

CVSTrac 2.0.1