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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/pcre/pcre_test.d/testoutput6 versions 1.2 and 1.3
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ossp-pkg/pcre/pcre_test.d/testoutput6 1.2 -> 1.3

--- testoutput6  2000/08/29 19:24:19     1.2
+++ testoutput6  2002/01/07 15:21:08     1.3
@@ -1,82 +1,82 @@
-PCRE version 3.4 22-Aug-2000
+PCRE version 3.8 18-Dec-2001
 Memory allocation (code space): 11
   0   7 Bra 0
-  3   2 \xc0\x88
+  3   2 \xc4\x80
   7   7 Ket
  10     End
 Capturing subpattern count = 0
 Options: utf8
-First char = 192
-Need char = 136
+First char = 196
+Need char = 128
 Memory allocation (code space): 12
   0   8 Bra 0
-  3   3 \xe0\x80\x84
+  3   3 \xe1\x80\x80
   8   8 Ket
  11     End
 Capturing subpattern count = 0
 Options: utf8
-First char = 224
-Need char = 132
+First char = 225
+Need char = 128
 Memory allocation (code space): 13
   0   9 Bra 0
-  3   4 \xf0\x80\x80\x82
+  3   4 \xf0\x90\x80\x80
   9   9 Ket
  12     End
 Capturing subpattern count = 0
 Options: utf8
 First char = 240
-Need char = 130
+Need char = 128
 Memory allocation (code space): 13
   0   9 Bra 0
-  3   4 \xf0\x80\x80\xa0
+  3   4 \xf4\x80\x80\x80
   9   9 Ket
  12     End
 Capturing subpattern count = 0
 Options: utf8
-First char = 240
-Need char = 160
+First char = 244
+Need char = 128
 Memory allocation (code space): 14
   0  10 Bra 0
-  3   5 \xf8\x80\x80\x80\x90
+  3   5 \xf9\x80\x80\x80\x80
  10  10 Ket
  13     End
 Capturing subpattern count = 0
 Options: utf8
-First char = 248
-Need char = 144
+First char = 249
+Need char = 128
 Memory allocation (code space): 15
   0  11 Bra 0
-  3   6 \xfc\x80\x80\x80\x80\x82
+  3   6 \xfc\x84\x80\x80\x80\x80
  11  11 Ket
  14     End
 Capturing subpattern count = 0
 Options: utf8
 First char = 252
-Need char = 130
+Need char = 128
 Memory allocation (code space): 15
@@ -121,26 +121,160 @@
   0   7 Bra 0
-  3   2 \xc0\x84
+  3   2 \xc2\x80
   7   7 Ket
  10     End
 Capturing subpattern count = 0
 Options: utf8
-First char = 192
-Need char = 132
+First char = 194
+Need char = 128
   0   7 Bra 0
-  3   2 \xdf\x87
+  3   2 \xc3\xbf
+  7   7 Ket
+ 10     End
+Capturing subpattern count = 0
+Options: utf8
+First char = 195
+Need char = 191
+  0  12 Bra 0
+  3   7 A\xe2\x89\xa2\xce\x91.
+ 12  12 Ket
+ 15     End
+Capturing subpattern count = 0
+Options: utf8
+First char = 'A'
+Need char = '.'
+    \x{0041}\x{2262}\x{0391}\x{002e}
+ 0: A\x{2262}\x{391}.
+  0  14 Bra 0
+  3   9 \xed\x95\x9c\xea\xb5\xad\xec\x96\xb4
+ 14  14 Ket
+ 17     End
+Capturing subpattern count = 0
+Options: utf8
+First char = 237
+Need char = 180
+    \x{D55c}\x{ad6d}\x{C5B4} 
+ 0: \x{d55c}\x{ad6d}\x{c5b4}
+  0  14 Bra 0
+  3   9 \xe6\x97\xa5\xe6\x9c\xac\xe8\xaa\x9e
+ 14  14 Ket
+ 17     End
+Capturing subpattern count = 0
+Options: utf8
+First char = 230
+Need char = 158
+    \x{65e5}\x{672c}\x{8a9e}
+ 0: \x{65e5}\x{672c}\x{8a9e}
+  0   7 Bra 0
+  3   2 \xc2\x80
   7   7 Ket
  10     End
 Capturing subpattern count = 0
 Options: utf8
-First char = 223
-Need char = 135
+First char = 194
+Need char = 128
+  0   7 Bra 0
+  3   2 \xc2\x84
+  7   7 Ket
+ 10     End
+Capturing subpattern count = 0
+Options: utf8
+First char = 194
+Need char = 132
+  0   7 Bra 0
+  3   2 \xc4\x84
+  7   7 Ket
+ 10     End
+Capturing subpattern count = 0
+Options: utf8
+First char = 196
+Need char = 132
+  0   8 Bra 0
+  3   3 \xe0\xa1\xa1
+  8   8 Ket
+ 11     End
+Capturing subpattern count = 0
+Options: utf8
+First char = 224
+Need char = 161
+  0   9 Bra 0
+  3   4 \xf0\xa1\x8a\xab
+  9   9 Ket
+ 12     End
+Capturing subpattern count = 0
+Options: utf8
+First char = 240
+Need char = 171
+  0  14 Bra 0
+  3     Any{3}
+  7     Any{0,2}
+ 11   1 X
+ 14  14 Ket
+ 17     End
+Capturing subpattern count = 0
+Options: utf8
+No first char
+Need char = 'X'
+    \x{212ab}\x{212ab}\x{212ab}\x{861}X
+ 0: \x{212ab}\x{212ab}\x{212ab}\x{861}X
+  0  11 Bra 0
+  3     Any{3}
+  7     Any{0,2}?
+ 11  11 Ket
+ 14     End
+Capturing subpattern count = 0
+Options: utf8
+No first char
+No need char
+    \x{212ab}\x{212ab}\x{212ab}\x{861}
+ 0: \x{212ab}\x{212ab}\x{212ab}
 /-- These tests are here rather than in testinput5 because Perl 5.6 has --/
 /-- some problems with UTF-8 support, in the area of \x{..} where the   --/

CVSTrac 2.0.1