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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/lmtp2nntp/lmtp2nntp.c versions 1.71 and 1.72
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ossp-pkg/lmtp2nntp/lmtp2nntp.c 1.71 -> 1.72

--- lmtp2nntp.c  2001/10/09 09:08:02     1.71
+++ lmtp2nntp.c  2001/10/09 10:19:12     1.72
@@ -127,16 +127,22 @@
     char           *progname;
     char           *option_logfile;
     int             option_groupmode;
-    int             option_deliverymode;
-    char           *option_deliverymodefakestatus;
-    char           *option_deliverymodefakedsn;
+    int             option_operationmode;
+    char           *option_operationmodefakestatus;
+    char           *option_operationmodefakedsn;
     int             option_maxmessagesize;
     int             option_waittime;
-    int             option_timeout;
+    int             option_timeout_lmtp_accept;
+    int             option_timeout_lmtp_read;
+    int             option_timeout_lmtp_write;
+    int             option_timeout_nntp_connect;
+    int             option_timeout_nntp_read;
+    int             option_timeout_nntp_write;
     char           *option_mailfrom;
     unsigned int    option_levelmask;
     char           *option_pidfile;
     int             option_killflag;
+    int             option_daemon;
     l2_stream_t    *l2;
     sa_addr_t      *saaAltio;
     sa_t           *saAltio;
@@ -169,9 +175,9 @@
 enum {
@@ -185,20 +191,21 @@
             "USAGE: %s "
-            "[-a altio] "
-            "[-b bindaddr[:port]] "
-            "[-d deliverymode] "
+            "[-D] "
+            "[-K] "
+            "[-P pidfile] "
+            "[-a addr/mask[,addr/mask[,...]] "
+            "[-b -|path|addr[:port]] "
+            "[-c addr[:port]] "
+            "[-d addr[:port][,addr[:port], ...]] "
             "[-g groupmode] "
-            "[-h host[:port][,host[:port], ...]] "
-            "[-k] "
             "[-l level[:logfile]] "
             "[-m mailfrom] "
             "[-n nodename] "
-            "[-p pidfile] "
+            "[-o operationmode] "
             "[-s size] "
-            "[-t timeout] "
+            "[-t name=sec[,name=sec[,...]] "
             "[-v] "
-            "[-w waittime] "
             "newsgroup [newsgroup ...] "
@@ -339,6 +346,8 @@
     char         *cp;            /* general purpose character pointer */
     char         *azHosts;
     size_t        asHosts;
+    char         *azTimeout;
+    size_t        asTimeout;
     char         *cpHost;
     char         *cpPort;
     l2_channel_t *chPrefix;
@@ -364,16 +373,22 @@
     ctx->progname = strdup(argv[0]);
     ctx->option_logfile = NULL;
     ctx->option_groupmode = GROUPMODE_ARG;
-    ctx->option_deliverymode = DELIVERYMODE_FAKE;
-    ctx->option_deliverymodefakestatus = "553";   /* Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed */
-    ctx->option_deliverymodefakedsn    = "5.7.1"; /* Delivery not authorized, message refused */
+    ctx->option_operationmode = OPERATIONMODE_FAKE;
+    ctx->option_operationmodefakestatus = "553";   /* Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed */
+    ctx->option_operationmodefakedsn    = "5.7.1"; /* Delivery not authorized, message refused */
     ctx->option_maxmessagesize = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
     ctx->option_waittime = -1;
-    ctx->option_timeout = 3;
+    ctx->option_timeout_lmtp_accept = 0;
+    ctx->option_timeout_lmtp_read = 10;
+    ctx->option_timeout_lmtp_write = 10;
+    ctx->option_timeout_nntp_connect = 360;
+    ctx->option_timeout_nntp_read = 60;
+    ctx->option_timeout_nntp_write = 60;
     ctx->option_mailfrom = NULL;
     ctx->option_levelmask = L2_LEVEL_NONE;
     ctx->option_pidfile = NULL;
     ctx->option_killflag = FALSE;
+    ctx->option_daemon = FALSE;
     ctx->l2 = NULL;
     ctx->saaAltio = NULL;
     ctx->saAltio = NULL;
@@ -407,21 +422,26 @@
     /* read in the arguments */
-    while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "a:b:d:g:h:kl:m:n:p:s:t:vw:")) != -1) {
+    while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "D:KP:a:b:c:d:g:l:m:n:o:s:t:v")) != -1) {
         switch (i) {
-            case 'a': /*POD [B<-a> I<altio>] */
-                if ((rc = sa_addr_create(&ctx->saaAltio)) != SA_OK) {
-                    fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Creating address failed for -a option (%d)\n", 
-                            ctx->progname, rc);
-                }
-                if ((strncasecmp(optarg, "inet://", 7) == 0) ||
-                    (strncasecmp(optarg, "unix:/" , 6) == 0)   ) {
-                    if ((rc = sa_addr_u2a(ctx->saaAltio, "%s", optarg)) != SA_OK) {
-                        fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Parsing alternate IO URL failed for \"%s\" (%d)\n", 
-                                ctx->progname, optarg, rc);
-                        CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
+            case 'D': /*POD [B<-D>] */
+                ctx->option_daemon = TRUE;
+                break;
+            case 'K': /*POD [B<-K>] */
+                ctx->option_killflag = TRUE;
+                break;
+            case 'P': /*POD [B<-P> I<pidfile>] */
+                ctx->option_pidfile = strdup(optarg);
+                break;
+            case 'a': /*POD [B<-a> I<addr>/I<mask>[,I<addr>/I<mask>[,...]] */
+                /* FIXME */
+                break;
+            case 'b': /*POD [B<-b> C<->|I<path>|I<addr>[I<:port>]] */
+                if (strcmp(optarg, "-") != 0) {
+                    if ((rc = sa_addr_create(&ctx->saaAltio)) != SA_OK) {
+                        fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Creating address failed for -a option (%d)\n", 
+                                ctx->progname, rc);
-                } else {
                     if (optarg[0] == '/') {
                         if ((rc = sa_addr_u2a(ctx->saaAltio, "unix:%s", optarg)) != SA_OK) {
                             fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Parsing alternate IO guessing UNIX domain socket failed for \"%s\" (%d)\n", 
@@ -436,24 +456,24 @@
-                }
-                if ((rc = sa_create(&ctx->saAltio)) != SA_OK) {
-                    fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Creating TCP socket failed for \"%s\": %s\n", 
-                            ctx->progname, optarg, strerror(errno));
-                    CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
-                }
-                if ((rc = sa_bind(ctx->saAltio, ctx->saaAltio)) != SA_OK) {
-                    fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Bind failed for \"%s\": %s\n", 
-                            ctx->progname, optarg, strerror(errno));
-                    CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
-                }
-                if ((rc = sa_listen(ctx->saAltio, -1)) != SA_OK) {
-                    fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Listen to failed for \"%s\": %s\n", 
-                            ctx->progname, optarg, strerror(errno));
-                    CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
+                    if ((rc = sa_create(&ctx->saAltio)) != SA_OK) {
+                        fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Creating TCP socket failed for \"%s\": %s\n", 
+                                ctx->progname, optarg, strerror(errno));
+                        CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
+                    }
+                    if ((rc = sa_bind(ctx->saAltio, ctx->saaAltio)) != SA_OK) {
+                        fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Bind failed for \"%s\": %s\n", 
+                                ctx->progname, optarg, strerror(errno));
+                        CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
+                    }
+                    if ((rc = sa_listen(ctx->saAltio, -1)) != SA_OK) {
+                        fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Listen to failed for \"%s\": %s\n", 
+                                ctx->progname, optarg, strerror(errno));
+                        CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
+                    }
-            case 'b': /*POD [B<-b> I<bindaddr>[I<:port>]] */
+            case 'c': /*POD [B<-c> I<addr>[I<:port>]] */
                 ctx->cpBindh = strdup(optarg);
                 if ((ctx->cpBindp = strrchr(ctx->cpBindh, ':')) != NULL) {
                     *ctx->cpBindp++ = NUL;
@@ -471,59 +491,7 @@
-            case 'd': /*POD [B<-d> I<deliverymode>] */
-                if      (strcasecmp(optarg, "post") == 0)
-                    ctx->option_deliverymode = DELIVERYMODE_POST;
-                else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "feed") == 0)
-                    ctx->option_deliverymode = DELIVERYMODE_FEED;
-                else {
-                    if (strlen(optarg) != 9) {
-                        fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Invalid format or length \"%s\" to option -d\n", ctx->progname, optarg);
-                        CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
-                    }
-                    if (optarg[3] != '/') {
-                        fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Invalid format or missing slash \"%s\" to option -d\n", ctx->progname, optarg);
-                        CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
-                    }
-                    optarg[3] = NUL;
-                    ctx->option_deliverymodefakestatus = &optarg[0];
-                    ctx->option_deliverymodefakedsn    = &optarg[4];
-                    if (   strlen(ctx->option_deliverymodefakestatus) != 3
-                        || !isdigit((int)ctx->option_deliverymodefakestatus[0])
-                        || !isdigit((int)ctx->option_deliverymodefakestatus[1])
-                        || !isdigit((int)ctx->option_deliverymodefakestatus[2])) {
-                            fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Invalid status in format \"%s\" to option -d\n", ctx->progname, optarg);
-                            CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
-                        }
-                    if (   (strlen(ctx->option_deliverymodefakedsn) != 5)
-                        || !isdigit((int)ctx->option_deliverymodefakedsn[0])
-                        || (ctx->option_deliverymodefakedsn[1] != '.')
-                        || !isdigit((int)ctx->option_deliverymodefakedsn[2])
-                        || (ctx->option_deliverymodefakedsn[3] != '.')
-                        || !isdigit((int)ctx->option_deliverymodefakedsn[4])
-                        || (ctx->option_deliverymodefakedsn[0] != ctx->option_deliverymodefakestatus[0])) {
-                            fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Invalid dsn in format \"%s\" to option -d\n", ctx->progname, optarg);
-                            CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
-                        }
-                    }
-                break;
-            case 'g': /*POD [B<-g> I<groupmode>] */
-                if      (strcasecmp(optarg, "arg") == 0)
-                    ctx->option_groupmode = GROUPMODE_ARG;
-                else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "envelope") == 0)
-                    ctx->option_groupmode = GROUPMODE_ENVELOPE;
-                else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "header") == 0)
-                    ctx->option_groupmode = GROUPMODE_HEADER;
-                else {
-                    fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Invalid mode \"%s\" to option -g\n", ctx->progname, optarg);
-                    CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
-                }
-                break;
-            case 'h': /*POD [B<-h> I<host>[I<:port>][,I<host>[I<:port>], ...]] */
+            case 'd': /*POD [B<-d> I<addr>[I<:port>][,I<addr>[I<:port>], ...]] */
                 if (argz_create_sep(optarg, ',', &azHosts, &asHosts) != 0)
                 cp = NULL;
@@ -561,8 +529,17 @@
-            case 'k': /*POD [B<-k>] */
-                ctx->option_killflag = TRUE;
+            case 'g': /*POD [B<-g> I<groupmode>] */
+                if      (strcasecmp(optarg, "arg") == 0)
+                    ctx->option_groupmode = GROUPMODE_ARG;
+                else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "envelope") == 0)
+                    ctx->option_groupmode = GROUPMODE_ENVELOPE;
+                else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "header") == 0)
+                    ctx->option_groupmode = GROUPMODE_HEADER;
+                else {
+                    fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Invalid mode \"%s\" to option -g\n", ctx->progname, optarg);
+                    CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
+                }
             case 'l': /*POD [B<-l> I<level>[:I<logfile>]] */
                 if ((cp = strrchr(optarg, ':')) != NULL) {
@@ -606,8 +583,45 @@
                 strcpy(ctx->uname.nodename, optarg);
-            case 'p': /*POD [B<-p> I<pidfile>] */
-                ctx->option_pidfile = strdup(optarg);
+            case 'o': /*POD [B<-o> I<operationmode>] */
+                if      (strcasecmp(optarg, "post") == 0)
+                    ctx->option_operationmode = OPERATIONMODE_POST;
+                else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "feed") == 0)
+                    ctx->option_operationmode = OPERATIONMODE_FEED;
+                else {
+                    if (strlen(optarg) != 9) {
+                        fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Invalid format or length \"%s\" to option -d\n", ctx->progname, optarg);
+                        CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
+                    }
+                    if (optarg[3] != '/') {
+                        fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Invalid format or missing slash \"%s\" to option -d\n", ctx->progname, optarg);
+                        CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
+                    }
+                    optarg[3] = NUL;
+                    ctx->option_operationmodefakestatus = &optarg[0];
+                    ctx->option_operationmodefakedsn    = &optarg[4];
+                    if (   strlen(ctx->option_operationmodefakestatus) != 3
+                        || !isdigit((int)ctx->option_operationmodefakestatus[0])
+                        || !isdigit((int)ctx->option_operationmodefakestatus[1])
+                        || !isdigit((int)ctx->option_operationmodefakestatus[2])) {
+                            fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Invalid status in format \"%s\" to option -d\n", ctx->progname, optarg);
+                            CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
+                        }
+                    if (   (strlen(ctx->option_operationmodefakedsn) != 5)
+                        || !isdigit((int)ctx->option_operationmodefakedsn[0])
+                        || (ctx->option_operationmodefakedsn[1] != '.')
+                        || !isdigit((int)ctx->option_operationmodefakedsn[2])
+                        || (ctx->option_operationmodefakedsn[3] != '.')
+                        || !isdigit((int)ctx->option_operationmodefakedsn[4])
+                        || (ctx->option_operationmodefakedsn[0] != ctx->option_operationmodefakestatus[0])) {
+                            fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: Invalid dsn in format \"%s\" to option -d\n", ctx->progname, optarg);
+                            CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
+                        }
+                    }
             case 's': /*POD [B<-s> I<size>] */
                 ctx->option_maxmessagesize = atoi(optarg);
@@ -616,24 +630,55 @@
-            case 't': /*POD [B<-t> I<timeout>] */
-                ctx->option_timeout = atoi(optarg);
-                if(ctx->option_timeout < 0) {
-                    fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: timeout %d to option -t must be a positive integer.\n", ctx->progname, ctx->option_waittime);
+            case 't': /*POD [B<-t> I<name>=I<sec>[,I<name>=I<sec>[,...]] */
+                if (argz_create_sep(optarg, ',', &azTimeout, &asTimeout) != 0)
+                cp = NULL;
+                while ((cp = argz_next(azTimeout, asTimeout, cp)) != NULL) {
+                    cpName = strdup(cp);
+                    if ((cpValue = strrchr(cpName, '=')) == NULL) {
+                        fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: comma-seperated argument %s to option -t have to be name=value.\n", ctx->progname, cp);
+                        CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
+                    }
+                    *cpValue++ = NUL;
+                    nValue = atoi(cpValue);
+                    if (nValue < 0) {
+                        fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: timeout %s=%d to option -t must be a positive integer.\n", ctx->progname, cpName, nValue)
+                        CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
+                    }
+                    if (strcmp(cpName, "lmtp") == 0) {
+                        ctx->option_timeout_lmtp_accept = nValue;
+                        ctx->option_timeout_lmtp_read = nValue;
+                        ctx->option_timeout_lmtp_write = nValue;
+                    }
+                    else if (strcmp(cpName, "lmtp:accept") == 0)
+                        ctx->option_timeout_lmtp_accept = nValue;
+                    else if (strcmp(cpName, "lmtp:read") == 0)
+                        ctx->option_timeout_lmtp_read = nValue;
+                    else if (strcmp(cpName, "lmtp:write") == 0)
+                        ctx->option_timeout_lmtp_write = nValue;
+                    else if (strcmp(cpName, "nntp") == 0) {
+                        ctx->option_timeout_nntp_connect = nValue;
+                        ctx->option_timeout_nntp_read = nValue;
+                        ctx->option_timeout_nntp_write = nValue;
+                    }
+                    else if (strcmp(cpName, "nntp:connect") == 0)
+                        ctx->option_timeout_nntp_connect = nValue;
+                    else if (strcmp(cpName, "nntp:read") == 0)
+                        ctx->option_timeout_nntp_read = nValue;
+                    else if (strcmp(cpName, "nntp:write") == 0)
+                        ctx->option_timeout_nntp_write = nValue;
+                    else {
+                        fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: unknown timeout %s to option -t.\n", ctx->progname, cpName);
+                        CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
+                    }
+                free(azTimeout);
             case 'v': /*POD [B<-v>] (version)*/
                 fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", lmtp2nntp_version.v_gnu);
-            case 'w': /*POD [B<-w> I<waittime>] */
-                ctx->option_waittime = atoi(optarg);
-                if(ctx->option_waittime < 1) {
-                    fprintf(stderr, "%s:Error: waittime %d to option -w must be greater 1 second.\n", ctx->progname, ctx->option_waittime);
-                    CU(ERR_EXECUTION);
-                }
-                break;
             case '?':
@@ -797,7 +842,8 @@
     } else {
         pid = getpid();
-        daemonize();
+        if (ctx->option_daemon)
+            daemonize();
         if (ctx->option_pidfile != NULL) {
             if ((fd = fopen(ctx->option_pidfile, "w+")) == NULL)
                 log1(ctx, ERROR, "cannot open pidfile \"%s\" for writing %m", ctx->option_pidfile);
@@ -808,8 +854,10 @@
         log1(ctx, NOTICE, "startup daemonized, previous pid[%d]", pid); l2_stream_flush(ctx->l2);
-        sa_timeout(ctx->saAltio, SA_TIMEOUT_ALL, ctx->option_timeout, 0);
-        sa_timeout(ctx->saAltio, SA_TIMEOUT_ACCEPT, 0, 0);
+        sa_timeout(ctx->saAltio, SA_TIMEOUT_ALL,    0, 0);
+        sa_timeout(ctx->saAltio, SA_TIMEOUT_ACCEPT, ctx->option_timeout_lmtp_accept, 0);
+        sa_timeout(ctx->saAltio, SA_TIMEOUT_READ,   ctx->option_timeout_lmtp_read,   0);
+        sa_timeout(ctx->saAltio, SA_TIMEOUT_WRITE,  ctx->option_timeout_lmtp_write,  0);
         while ((rc = sa_accept(ctx->saAltio, &ctx->saaIO, &ctx->saIO)) == SA_OK) {
             l2_stream_flush(ctx->l2); /* must flush before fork() */
             pid = fork();
@@ -969,7 +1017,7 @@
      *  RFC1893 2. Status Codes                         4.X.X   Persistent Transient Failure
      *  RFC1893 3.5 Network and Routing Status          X.3.5   System incorrectly configured
-    if (ctx->option_deliverymode != DELIVERYMODE_FAKE) {
+    if (ctx->option_operationmode != OPERATIONMODE_FAKE) {
         log0(ctx, TRACE, "check if at least one NNTP service was successfully configured");
         if (ctx->nsc == 0) {
             res.statuscode = "451";
@@ -980,7 +1028,7 @@
     log0(ctx, TRACE, "try to establish a session to any configured NNTP services");
-    if (ctx->option_deliverymode == DELIVERYMODE_FAKE)
+    if (ctx->option_operationmode == OPERATIONMODE_FAKE)
         log0(ctx, NOTICE, "NNTP running in fake mode, network connections will be executed but result is ignored");
     i = 0;
     do {
@@ -1048,7 +1096,7 @@
     } while (i < ctx->nsc);
-    if (ctx->option_deliverymode == DELIVERYMODE_FAKE)
+    if (ctx->option_operationmode == OPERATIONMODE_FAKE)
         log1(ctx, NOTICE, "NNTP running in fake mode, network connections successfully established=%d but ignored", ctx->nsc);
@@ -1665,14 +1713,14 @@
     log0(ctx, TRACE, "deliver message");
     bSuccess = NNTP_ERR_DELIVERY; /* assume a hard error for the worst case */
     for (i = 0; i < ctx->nsc; i++) {
-        switch (ctx->option_deliverymode) {
-            case DELIVERYMODE_FAKE:
+        switch (ctx->option_operationmode) {
+            case OPERATIONMODE_FAKE:
                 ctx->ns[i].rc = NNTP_FAKE;
-            case DELIVERYMODE_POST:
+            case OPERATIONMODE_POST:
                 ctx->ns[i].rc = nntp_post(ctx->ns[i].nntp, ctx->msg);
-            case DELIVERYMODE_FEED:
+            case OPERATIONMODE_FEED:
                 ctx->ns[i].rc = nntp_feed(ctx->ns[i].nntp, ctx->msg);
@@ -1688,14 +1736,14 @@
             bSuccess = NNTP_DEFER;
-    if (ctx->option_deliverymode == DELIVERYMODE_FAKE) {
+    if (ctx->option_operationmode == OPERATIONMODE_FAKE) {
         str_format(errorstring, sizeof(errorstring),
                    "NNTP running in fake mode, delivery of %s [%d bytes] %s but delivery status forced to",
                    ((bSuccess == NNTP_OK)    ? "succeeded" :
                     (bSuccess == NNTP_DEFER) ? "deferred"  : "failed"));
-        switch (ctx->option_deliverymodefakestatus[0]) {
+        switch (ctx->option_operationmodefakestatus[0]) {
             case '5':
                 bSuccess = NNTP_ERR_UNKNOWN;
                 log2(ctx, NOTICE, "%s %s", errorstring, "failed");
@@ -1711,8 +1759,8 @@
     } else {
         str_format(errorstring, sizeof(errorstring), "%sdelivery of %s [%d bytes]", 
-                   ((ctx->option_deliverymode == DELIVERYMODE_POST) ? "post " :
-                   (ctx->option_deliverymode == DELIVERYMODE_FEED) ? "feed " : ""),
+                   ((ctx->option_operationmode == OPERATIONMODE_POST) ? "post " :
+                   (ctx->option_operationmode == OPERATIONMODE_FEED) ? "feed " : ""),
         if (bSuccess == NNTP_OK)
@@ -1735,9 +1783,9 @@
     rcpt = NULL;
     while ((rcpt = argz_next(ctx->msg->azRcpt, ctx->msg->asRcpt, rcpt)) != NULL) {
-        if (ctx->option_deliverymode == DELIVERYMODE_FAKE) {
-                    res.statuscode = ctx->option_deliverymodefakestatus;
-                    res.dsncode    = ctx->option_deliverymodefakedsn;
+        if (ctx->option_operationmode == OPERATIONMODE_FAKE) {
+                    res.statuscode = ctx->option_operationmodefakestatus;
+                    res.dsncode    = ctx->option_operationmodefakedsn;
                     str_format(errorstring, sizeof(errorstring),
                                "NNTP noop fake return for %s", rcpt);
         } else {

CVSTrac 2.0.1