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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/fsl/fsl.pod versions 1.10 and 1.11
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ossp-pkg/fsl/fsl.pod 1.10 -> 1.11

--- fsl.pod      2002/07/25 10:14:03     1.10
+++ fsl.pod      2002/07/25 13:33:50     1.11
@@ -159,79 +159,171 @@
 B<param_value>    ::= single-quoted, double-quoted
                    or unquoted text
-Here is a table of available channels that lists their B<channel_name> and
-B<param_names> including the type of each parameter.
+Here is a description of all available channels. The table lists their
+B<channel_name> prefixed with an 'o' or a 'f' indicating it's operating
+as an output or a filter channel. All parameters are B<param_names>
+listed, including the type of each parameter which is either a string
+(STR) or integer (INT) and an 'm' or 'o' indicating the paramter is
+optional or mandatory. Also, the default value for each paramter is
+listed, if there is one.
+The "buffer" channel buffers messages poured in from upper channels.  It
+flushes the messages down to the lower channels when the buffered space
+exceeds the buffer size, when a given time interval is reached (0
+disables this feature) or when a newly arrived message has a level that
+matches the levelflush mask.
+  f buffer (INT size            o [bytes] =4096
+            INT interval        o [sec]   =0 (disabled)
+            INT levelflush      o [level] =0 (none)
+            );
+The "fd" channel passes messages poured in from upper channels to
+the open file identified by the given filedescriptor. Note that UNIX
+usually alloctes 1 for STDOUT and 2 for STDERR.
+  o fd     (INT filedescriptor  m
+            );
+The "file" channel opens a file at the given path and passes messages
+poured in from upper channels to this file. If the file at the given
+path already exists, additional data is either appended (append=1) or
+the existing file is truncated (append=0). The desired permissions of
+the file can be set. Note that due to a limitation of the current parser
+only decimal numbers are accepted, so have fun doing octal to decimal
+conversion. Here're some hints
+    rw-rw-rw- \0666 =438    rw-r--r-- \0644 =420
+    rw-rw-r-- \0664 =436    rw-r----- \0640 =416
+    rw-rw---- \0660 =432    rw------- \0600 =384
+  o file   (STR path            m
+            INT append          o [0=truncate|1=append] =1
+            INT perm            o [decimal]             =420
+            );
+The "filter" channel filters messages poured in from upper channels. A
+regex is used against the incoming message and the normal operation is
+that only matching messages are passed down the tree. Setting negate
+reverses the matching decision. Comparisons are case sensitive unless
+nocase is set.
+  f filter (STR regex           m [PCRE]
+            INT negate          o [0=normal,1=negate] =0
+            INT nocase          o [0=case,1=nocase]   =0
+            );
+The "irc" channel opens a connection to a given IRC channel and passes
+messages poured in from upper channels to this IRC channel. If
+configured, the message posted to IRC channel contains the progname for
+easy identification of the sending host.
+  o irc    (STR progname        o [string]
+            STR localhost       o [hostname|address] =nodename or "localhost"
+            STR localuser       o [string]           =name or "uid#"num
+            STR nickname        o [string]           =localuser
+            STR username        o [string]           =localuser"@"localhost
+            STR realname        o [string]           =username
+            STR channel         o [string]           ="#l2"
+            INT join            o [01]               =1 use JOIN/PART 
+            STR host            m [hostname|address]
+            STR port            o [tcpport]          =6667
+            INT timeout         o [sec]              =30
+            );
+The "noop" channel can be used to divert incoming messages to multiple
+pathes down the tree. Otherwise is does not do anything put passing the
+messages along. It has no configuration parameters.
+  f noop   ()
+The "null" channel discards any incoming messages and creates no output
+at all. It has no configuration parameters.
+  o null   ()
+The "pipe" channel executes a given command and pipes messages poured in
+from upper channels to the commands stdin. The command can be executed
+directly or run by "/bin/sh -c". The lifetime of the connection can be
+adjusted by setting runtime to either "cont" for a continuous
+pipethrough with command restart after termination or "one" for oneshot
+where the connection is broken when the command terminates.
+  o pipe   (STR execmode        m [direct|shell]
+            STR runtime         m [cont|one]
+            STR path            m [dir/file]
+            );
+The "prefix" channel prefixes messages poured in from upper channels.
+The format string may contain variables prefixed with a '%'. These are
+expanded using the internal formatters
+    L loglevel
+    N nodename
+    P pid
+then expansion continues to use application specific formatters where
+FSL offers
+    D dump
+    S string
+    m errno
+and finally remaining variables are expaned by strftime(3).
+  f prefix (STR prefix          m [string]
+            STR timezone        o [local|utc] =local
+            );
+The "smtp" channel forwards messages poured in from upper channels to
+remote hosts using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is possible to
+specify the local address to bind to which is useful for multihomed
+  o smtp   (STR progname        o [string]
+            STR localhost       o [hostname|address] =nodename or "localhost"
+            STR localuser       o [string]           =name or "uid#"num
+            STR from            o [string]           =localuser"@"localhost
+            STR rcpt            m [string]
+            STR subject         o [string]           ="[L2] ..."
+            STR host            m [hostname|address]
+            STR port            o [tcpport]          ="smtp"
+            INT timeout         o [sec]              =30
+            );
+The "socket" channel forwards messages poured in from upper channels to
+daemons on remote hosts using raw UDP communication or TCP connections.
+  o socket (STR proto           o [udp|tcp] =tcp
+            STR host            m [hostname|address]
+            STR port            m [udpport|tcpport]
+            INT timeout         o [sec] =30
+            );
+The "syslog" channel forwards messages poured in from upper channels
+either to the local syslog or passes it to a remote syslogd.  It is
+possible to specify the local address to bind to which is useful for
+multihomed hosts.
+  o syslog (STR target          o [local|remote]     =local
+            STR remotehost      o [hostname|address]
+            INT remoteport      o [udpport]          =514
+            STR localhost       o [hostname|address] =nodename or localhost
+            STR facility        o [facility]         ="user"
+            STR ident           m [string]
+            INT logpid          o [0=no,1=yes]       =1
+            );
-FIXME mandatories, defaults, output vs. filterchannels
-    buffer (INT size,
-            INT interval,
-            INT levelflush);
-    fd     (INT filedescriptor);
-    file   (STR path,
-            INT append,
-            INT perm);
-    filter (STR regex,
-            INT negate,
-            INT nocase);
-    irc    (STR progname,
-            STR localhost,
-            STR localuser,
-            STR nickname,
-            STR username,
-            STR realname,
-            STR channel,
-            INT join,
-            STR host,
-            STR port,
-            INT timeout);
-    noop   ()
-    null   ()
-    pipe   (STR execmode,
-            STR runtime,
-            STR path);
-    prefix (STR prefix,
-            STR timezone);
-    smtp   (STR progname,
-            STR localhost,
-            STR localuser,
-            STR from,
-            STR rcpt,
-            STR subject,
-            STR host,
-            STR port,
-            INT timeout);
-    socket (STR proto,
-            STR host,
-            STR port,
-            INT timeout);
-    syslog (STR target,
-            STR remotehost,
-            INT remoteport,
-            STR localhost,
-            STR facility,
-            STR ident,
-            INT logpid);
-    EXAMPLE for a very simple l2spec writing to STDERR (FD#2)
+    - for a very simple l2spec writing everything to STDERR (FD#2)
-    EXAMPLE for a simple l2spec writing to a file
+    - for a simple l2spec writing notices and more important
+    messages to a file
-    file(path="/var/log/file")
+    notice: file(path="/var/log/file")
     EXAMPLE for a very complex l2spec

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