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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/fsl/fsl.c versions 1.6 and 1.7
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ossp-pkg/fsl/fsl.c 1.6 -> 1.7

--- fsl.c        2002/07/16 14:59:53     1.6
+++ fsl.c        2002/07/16 15:59:44     1.7
@@ -108,6 +108,35 @@
     { 0,           NULL       }
+static struct {
+    int facility;
+    char *string;
+} facility2string[] = {
+    { LOG_AUTH,     "auth"     },
+    { LOG_AUTHPRIV, "authpriv" },
+    { LOG_CONSOLE,  "console"  },
+    { LOG_CRON,     "cron"     },
+    { LOG_DAEMON,   "daemon"   },
+    { LOG_FTP,      "ftp"      },
+    { LOG_KERN,     "kern"     },
+    { LOG_LPR,      "lpr"      },
+    { LOG_MAIL,     "mail"     },
+    { LOG_NEWS,     "news"     },
+    { LOG_SECURITY, "security" },
+    { LOG_SYSLOG,   "syslog"   },
+    { LOG_USER,     "user"     },
+    { LOG_UUCP,     "uucp"     },
+    { LOG_LOCAL0,   "local0"   },
+    { LOG_LOCAL1,   "local1"   },
+    { LOG_LOCAL2,   "local2"   },
+    { LOG_LOCAL3,   "local3"   },
+    { LOG_LOCAL4,   "local4"   },
+    { LOG_LOCAL5,   "local5"   },
+    { LOG_LOCAL6,   "local6"   },
+    { LOG_LOCAL7,   "local7"   },
+    { 0,            NULL       }
 /* internal context structure */
 static struct {
     FILE *log;
@@ -176,8 +205,8 @@
     int rc;
     buf_t buf;
     fsl_rc_t rv;
-    cfg_t           *cfg     = NULL;
-    cfg_rc_t         cfgrv   = CFG_OK;
+    cfg_t           *cfg;
+    cfg_rc_t         cfgrv;
     cfg_node_t      *cfgseq;
     cfg_node_t      *cfgdir;
     cfg_node_t      *cfgarg;
@@ -187,11 +216,38 @@
     char *argmatch;
     char *argl2spec;
     char *cp;
+    int   i;
+    char *cpIdent;
+    char *cpFacility;
+    char *cpISF;
+#define OVECSIZE 30 //FIXME find a good place for this
+    int ovec[OVECSIZE];
+    const char   **acpMatch;
-fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: BEGIN ident=\"%s\", logopt=0x%.8lx, facility=0x%.8lx\n", ident, (unsigned long)logopt, (unsigned long)facility);
+    cfg = NULL;
     buf.base = NULL;
     buf.used = 0;
     buf.size = 0;
+    cpISF = NULL;
+fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: BEGIN ident=\"%s\", logopt=0x%.8lx, facility=0x%.8lx\n", ident, (unsigned long)logopt, (unsigned long)facility);
+    /* create IdentSlashFacility */
+    cpIdent = ident != NULL ? ident : "unknown";
+    cpFacility = "unknown";
+    for (i = 0; facility2string[i].string != NULL; i++) {
+        if (facility == facility2string[i].facility) {
+            cpFacility = facility2string[i].string;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if ((cpISF = (char *)malloc(strlen(cpIdent) + 1 + strlen(cpFacility) + 1)) == NULL) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: malloc() failed\n"); CU(1); }
+    cpISF[0] = '\0';
+    strcat(cpISF, cpIdent);
+    strcat(cpISF, "/");
+    strcat(cpISF, cpFacility);
+fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: ISF=\"%s\"\n", cpISF);
     if ((cfgrv = cfg_create(&cfg)) != CFG_OK) {
         (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cfg_create() failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
@@ -276,21 +332,48 @@
         /*  process the directive using the three arguments found */
         fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: argident=%s, argmatch=%s, argl2spec=%s\n", argident, argmatch, argl2spec);
+        {
+            pcre       *pcreRegex;
+            pcre_extra *pcreExtra;
+            const char *cpError;
+            int         iError;
+            int         nMatch;
+            /* compile regular expression into finite state machine and optimize */
+            if ((pcreRegex = pcre_compile(argmatch, PCRE_CASELESS, &cpError, &iError, NULL)) == NULL) {
+                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: pcre_compile() failed with error %s (%d)\n", cpError, iError); CU(1); }
+            pcreExtra = pcre_study(pcreRegex, 0, &cpError);
+            if (cpError != NULL) {
+                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: pcre_study() failed with error %s\n", cpError); CU(1); }
+            nMatch = pcre_exec(pcreRegex, pcreExtra, cpISF, strlen(cpISF), 0, 0, ovec, OVECSIZE);
+            fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: nMatch=%d when \"%s\" is used against \"%s\"\n", nMatch, argmatch, cpISF);
+            if (nMatch >= 1) {
+                int i;
+                char *cp;
+                pcre_get_substring_list(cpISF, ovec, nMatch, &acpMatch);
+                if (acpMatch != NULL)
+                    for (i = 0; i < nMatch; i++)
+                        fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: regex reference[%d]=\'%s\'\n", i, acpMatch[i] == NULL ? "(UNDEFINED)" : acpMatch[i]);
+            }
+        }
         /*  get right brother of current directive */
         if ((cfgrv = cfg_node_get(cfg, cfgdir, CFG_NODE_ATTR_RBROTH, &cfgdir)) != CFG_OK) {
             (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_RBROTH) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
-#if 0
-    if ((cfgrv = cfg_destroy(cfg)) != CFG_OK) {
-        (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cfg_destroy() failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
 fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: *END*, buf.base=0x%.8lx, buf.used=%d, buf.size=%d\n", (unsigned long)buf.base, (int)buf.used, (int)buf.size);
     FIXMEopenlog(ident, logopt, facility);
+    if (cpISF != NULL)
+        free(cpISF);
+#if 0
+    if (cfg != NULL)
+        if ((cfgrv = cfg_destroy(cfg)) != CFG_OK) {
+            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cfg_destroy() failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }

CVSTrac 2.0.1