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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/fsl/fsl.c versions 1.30 and 1.31
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ossp-pkg/fsl/fsl.c 1.30 -> 1.31

--- fsl.c        2002/07/25 16:28:43     1.30
+++ fsl.c        2002/07/27 15:35:23     1.31
@@ -50,28 +50,28 @@
 #include "cfg.h"
 #include "pcre.h"
+/* autoconfiguration */
+#include "config.h"
 /* pcre static vector size */
 #define OVECSIZE 30
+/* backward compatibility */
 #ifndef LOG_PRIMASK
 #ifndef LOG_PRI
 #define LOG_PRI(p) ((p) & LOG_PRIMASK)
-#include "config.h"
-#define FSL_PREFIX "fsl."
+/* cleanup sequence macros */
 #define STMT(stuff) do { stuff } while (0)
 #define CU(returncode) STMT( rc = returncode; goto CUS; )
 #define VCU STMT( goto CUS; )
-typedef struct {
-    char   *base;
-    size_t  used;
-    size_t  size;
-} buf_t;
+/* prefix of configuration files */
+#define FSL_PREFIX "fsl."
 /* general return codes */
 typedef enum {
@@ -80,18 +80,16 @@
     FSL_ERR_USE,              /* invalid use */
     FSL_ERR_MEM,              /* no more memory available */
     FSL_ERR_SYS               /* operating system error, see errno */
-#if 0
-    FSL_ERR_FMT,              /* formatting error */
-    FSL_ERR_INT,              /* internal error */
-    FSL_ERR_SYN,              /* syntax error */
 } fsl_rc_t;
-fsl_rc_t readfileorallfiles(buf_t *, const char *);
-fsl_rc_t readfile          (buf_t *, const char *);
-fsl_rc_t readallfiles      (buf_t *);
-fsl_rc_t appendfiletobuffer(buf_t *, const char *);
+/* file buffer handling sub-API */
+typedef struct {
+    char   *base;
+    size_t  used;
+    size_t  size;
+} buf_t;
+/* mapping table for syslog(3) facilities to strings */
 static struct {
     int facility;
     char *string;
@@ -132,6 +130,7 @@
     { -1,            NULL      }
+/* mapping table for syslog(3) levels/priorities strings/numbers to L2 levels */
 static struct {
     char       *string;
     int         level;
@@ -148,6 +147,7 @@
     { NULL,      -1,          -1                }
+/* mapping table for L2 level strings to L2 level numbers */
 static struct {
     char *string;
     l2_level_t level;
@@ -163,12 +163,14 @@
     { "debug",    L2_LEVEL_DEBUG,     },
     { NULL,       -1                  }
+/* type of run-time syslog(3) to L2 level mapping table */
 typedef struct {
     int        syslog;
     l2_level_t l2;
 } levelmap_t;
-/* internal context structure */
+/* internal global context structure */
 static struct {
     l2_env_t     *l2_fslenv;
     l2_channel_t *l2_fslnch;
@@ -189,19 +191,157 @@
+/* internal debugging function */
 static void fsldebug(l2_level_t level, const char *message, ...)
-    va_list args;
+    va_list ap;
-    va_start(args, message);
+    va_start(ap, message);
     if (ctx.l2_fslnch != NULL)
-        l2_channel_vlog(ctx.l2_fslnch, level, message, args);
+        l2_channel_vlog(ctx.l2_fslnch, level, message, ap);
-        vfprintf(stderr, message, args);
-    va_end(args);
+        vfprintf(stderr, message, ap);
+    va_end(ap);
+/* append contents of a file to buffer */
+static fsl_rc_t appendfiletobuffer(buf_t *buffer, const char *filename)
+    fsl_rc_t rc;
+    int fd = -1;
+    int filesize;
+    int fileread;
+    int bufferneed;
+    if (filename == NULL || buffer == NULL)
+        CU(FSL_ERR_ARG);
+    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "appendfiletobuffer(buffer, filename=\"%s\")\n", filename);
+    if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
+        CU(FSL_ERR_SYS);
+    if ((filesize = (int)lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END)) == -1)
+        CU(FSL_ERR_SYS);
+    bufferneed = buffer->used + filesize;
+    if (bufferneed > buffer->size) {
+        if (buffer->base == NULL) {
+            if ((buffer->base = (char *)malloc(bufferneed)) == NULL)
+                CU(FSL_ERR_MEM);
+            buffer->size = bufferneed;
+            buffer->used = 0;
+        }
+        else {
+            if ((buffer->base = (char *)realloc(buffer->base, bufferneed)) == NULL)
+                CU(FSL_ERR_MEM);
+            buffer->size = bufferneed;
+        }
+    }
+    if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1)
+        CU(FSL_ERR_SYS);
+    if ((fileread = (int)read(fd, buffer->base + buffer->used, (size_t)filesize)) == -1)
+        CU(FSL_ERR_SYS);
+    if (fileread != filesize)
+        CU(FSL_ERR_USE);
+    buffer->used += filesize;
+    CU(FSL_OK);
+    if (fd != -1)
+        close(fd);
+    return rc;
+/* read a single file "fsl.xxx" into buffer */
+static fsl_rc_t readfile(buf_t *buffer, const char *ident)
+    fsl_rc_t rc;
+    char *filename = NULL;
+    if (ident == NULL || buffer == NULL)
+        CU(FSL_ERR_ARG);
+    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "readfile(buffer, ident=\"%s\")\n", ident);
+    if ((filename = (char *)malloc(strlen(FSL_CFGDIR) + 1 + 
+                                   strlen(FSL_PREFIX) + strlen(ident) + 1)) == NULL)
+        CU(FSL_ERR_MEM);
+    filename[0] = '\0';
+    strcat(filename, FSL_CFGDIR);
+    strcat(filename, "/");
+    strcat(filename, FSL_PREFIX);
+    strcat(filename, ident);
+    CU(appendfiletobuffer(buffer, filename));
+    if (filename != NULL)
+        free(filename);
+    return rc;
+/* read all possible files "fsl.*" into buffer */
+static fsl_rc_t readallfiles(buf_t *buffer)
+    fsl_rc_t rc;
+    DIR *dp = NULL;
+    struct dirent *de;
+    char *filename = NULL;
+    int n;
+    if (buffer == NULL)
+        CU(FSL_ERR_ARG);
+    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "readallfiles(buffer) globbing \"%s/%s*\"\n", FSL_CFGDIR, FSL_PREFIX);
+    if ((dp = opendir(FSL_CFGDIR)) == NULL)
+        CU(FSL_ERR_SYS);
+    rc = FSL_ERR_ARG;
+    while ((de = readdir(dp)) != NULL) {
+        n = strlen(de->d_name);
+        if (   (n >= strlen(FSL_PREFIX))
+            && (strncmp(de->d_name, FSL_PREFIX, strlen(FSL_PREFIX)) == 0)) {
+            if ((filename = (char *)malloc(strlen(FSL_CFGDIR) + 1 + n + 1)) == NULL)
+                CU(FSL_ERR_MEM);
+            filename[0] = '\0';
+            strcat(filename, FSL_CFGDIR);
+            strcat(filename, "/");
+            strcat(filename, de->d_name);
+            if (appendfiletobuffer(buffer, filename) == FSL_OK)
+                rc = FSL_OK;
+            free(filename);
+            filename = NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    closedir(dp);
+    CU(rc);
+    if (dp != NULL)
+        closedir(dp);
+    if (filename != NULL)
+        free(filename);
+    return rc;
+/* read a single or all possible files */
+static fsl_rc_t readfileorallfiles(buf_t *buffer, const char *ident)
+    fsl_rc_t rv;
+    if (ident == NULL)
+        return FSL_ERR_ARG;
+    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "readfileorallfiles(buffer, ident=\"%s\")\n", ident);
+    if ((rv = readfile(buffer, ident)) == FSL_OK)
+        return FSL_OK;
+    if (rv != FSL_ERR_SYS || errno != ENOENT)
+        return rv;
+    if ((rv = readallfiles(buffer)) != FSL_OK)
+        return rv;
+    return FSL_OK;
+/* OSSP cfg node tree traversal function (recursive) */
 static void traverse(cfg_t *cfg, cfg_node_t *cfgnode)
     int rc;
@@ -213,25 +353,25 @@
     while (cfgnode != NULL) {
         if ((cfgrv = cfg_node_get(cfg, cfgnode, CFG_NODE_ATTR_TOKEN, &cp)) != CFG_OK) {
-            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_TOKEN) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "traverse: cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_TOKEN) failed: %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
         if ((cfgrv = cfg_node_get(cfg, cfgnode, CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE, &cfgtyp)) != CFG_OK) {
-            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "traverse: cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE) failed: %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
         if ((cfgrv = cfg_node_get(cfg, cfgnode, CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILDS, &cfgchilds)) != CFG_OK) {
-            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILDS) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
-        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "cfgnode=0x%.8lx[%d], *cp=\"%s\", type=%d\n", (unsigned long)cfgnode, cfgchilds, cp, cfgtyp);
+            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "traverse: cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILDS) failed: %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "traverse: cfgnode=0x%.8lx[%d], cp=\"%s\", type=%d\n", (unsigned long)cfgnode, cfgchilds, (cp != NULL ? cp : "<NULL>"), cfgtyp);
         if ((cfgrv = cfg_node_get(cfg, cfgnode, CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILD1, &cfgchld)) != CFG_OK) {
-            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILD1) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "traverse: cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILD1) failed: %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
         if (cfgchld != NULL)
             traverse(cfg, cfgchld);
         if ((cfgrv = cfg_node_get(cfg, cfgnode, CFG_NODE_ATTR_RBROTH, &cfgnode)) != CFG_OK) {
-            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_RBROTH) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "traverse: cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_RBROTH) failed: %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
-/* Substitutes $[0-9] in inbuf[inlen] with captured strings passed through capary[nary].
+/* Substitute $[0-9] in inbuf[inlen] with captured strings passed through capary[nary].
  * Returns the number of characters (to be) written to output.  Output can be suppressed
  * by passing a NULL outpbuf. The terminating NUL is not counted but will be written!
@@ -251,7 +391,7 @@
             if (c == '$') {
                 if (outbuf != NULL)
                     outbuf[n] = '$';
-                i+=2;
+                i += 2;
             else if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) {
@@ -260,8 +400,8 @@
                     outbuf[n] = '\0';
                     strcat(&outbuf[n], ((m < nary) && (capary[m] != NULL)) ? capary[m] : "");
-                i+=2;
-                n+= ((m < nary) && (capary[m] != NULL)) ? strlen(capary[m]) : 0;
+                i += 2;
+                n += ((m < nary) && (capary[m] != NULL)) ? strlen(capary[m]) : 0;
             else {
                 if (outbuf != NULL)
@@ -286,6 +426,7 @@
     return n;
+/* POSIX API function openlog(3) */
 void openlog(const char *ident, int logopt, int facility)
     int rc;
@@ -315,6 +456,7 @@
     l2_channel_t *ch; /* scratch variable */
     l2_result_t   l2rv;
+    /* initialization */
     cfg = NULL;
     buf.base = NULL;
     buf.used = 0;
@@ -325,71 +467,75 @@
     /* properly handle repeated execution */
-    /* create L2 environment for fsl itself */
-    argl2spec = getenv("FSL_DEBUG");
-    if (argl2spec == NULL)
+    /* create OSSP l2 environment for fsl itself (internal logging) */
+    if ((argl2spec = getenv("FSL_DEBUG")) == NULL)
         argl2spec = FSL_DEBUG;
-    if (strlen(argl2spec) != 0) {
+    if (strlen(argl2spec) > 0) {
         if ((l2rv = l2_env_create(&ctx.l2_fslenv)) != L2_OK) {
-            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_fslenv, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "failed to create L2 environment (%d) for fsl\n", l2rv); CU(1); }
+            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_fslenv, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: failed to create L2 environment (%d) for fsl\n", l2rv); CU(1); }
         if ((l2rv = l2_env_levels(ctx.l2_fslenv, L2_LEVEL_ALL, L2_LEVEL_NONE)) != L2_OK) {
-            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_fslenv, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "logging failed to set global logging level defaults %s(%d) for fsl\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
+            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_fslenv, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: logging failed to set global logging level defaults %s(%d) for fsl\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
         if ((l2rv = l2_env_formatter(ctx.l2_fslenv, 'D', l2_util_fmt_dump, NULL)) != L2_OK) {
-            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_fslenv, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "logging failed to register dump formatter %s(%d) for fsl\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
+            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_fslenv, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: logging failed to register dump formatter %s(%d) for fsl\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
         if ((l2rv = l2_env_formatter(ctx.l2_fslenv, 'S', l2_util_fmt_string, NULL)) != L2_OK) {
-            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_fslenv, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "logging failed to register string formatter %s(%d) for fsl\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
+            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_fslenv, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: logging failed to register string formatter %s(%d) for fsl\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
         if ((l2rv = l2_env_formatter(ctx.l2_fslenv, 'm', l2_util_fmt_errno, NULL)) != L2_OK) {
-            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_fslenv, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "logging failed to register errno formatter %s(%d) for fsl\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
+            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_fslenv, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: logging failed to register errno formatter %s(%d) for fsl\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
         if ((l2rv = l2_channel_create(&ctx.l2_fslnch, ctx.l2_fslenv, "noop")) != L2_OK) {
-            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_fslenv, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "logging failed to create noop channel; %s(%d)\n for fsl", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
+            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_fslenv, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: logging failed to create noop channel; %s(%d)\n for fsl", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
         if ((l2rv = l2_spec(&ch, ctx.l2_fslenv, "%s", argl2spec)) != L2_OK) {
-            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_fslenv, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "logging failed to create stream from spec %s(%d) for fsl\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
+            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_fslenv, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: logging failed to create stream from spec %s(%d) for fsl\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
         if ((l2rv = l2_channel_link(ctx.l2_fslnch, L2_LINK_CHILD, ch, NULL)) != L2_OK) {
-            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_fslenv, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "logging failed to link child channel %s(%d) for fsl\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
+            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_fslenv, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: logging failed to link child channel %s(%d) for fsl\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
         if ((l2rv = l2_channel_open(ctx.l2_fslnch)) != L2_OK) {
-            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_fslenv, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "logging failed to open channel stream %s(%d) for fsl\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
-        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "captured openlog(ident=\"%s\", logopt=0x%.8lx, facility=0x%.8lx)", ident, logopt, facility);
+            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_fslenv, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: logging failed to open channel stream %s(%d) for fsl\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
+    /* tracing */
+    if (ctx.l2_fslnch != NULL)
+        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "openlog(ident=\"%s\", logopt=0x%.8lx, facility=0x%.8lx)", ident, logopt, facility);
     /* remember logopt and handle unsupported values */
     ctx.logopt = logopt;
     if (logopt & LOG_CONS)
-        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_WARNING, "ignored unsupported logopt LOG_CONS");
+        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_WARNING, "openlog: ignore unsupported LOG_CONS");
 #ifdef LOG_PERROR
     if (logopt & LOG_PERROR)
-        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_WARNING, "ignored unsupported logopt LOG_PERROR, use l2spec channel \"fd(filedescriptor=2)\" to emulate");
+        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_WARNING, "openlog: ignore unsupported LOG_PERROR (use OSSP l2 channel \"fd(filedescriptor=2)\" to emulate)");
     if (logopt & LOG_PID)
-        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_WARNING, "ignored unsupported logopt PID, use l2spec formatter %%P in prefix channel to emulate");
+        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_WARNING, "openlog: ignore unsupported LOG_PID (use OSSP l2 formatter %%P in prefix channel to emulate)");
     /* create default sysloglevel to l2_level mapping */
-    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "create default sysloglevel to l2_level mapping\n");
-    for (i = 0; sysloglevel2string[i].string != NULL; i++);
+    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "openlog: create default syslog(3) to OSSP l2 level/priority mapping table\n");
+    for (i = 0; sysloglevel2string[i].string != NULL; i++)
+        ;
     if ((ctx.levelmap = (levelmap_t *)malloc(i * sizeof(levelmap_t))) == NULL) {
-        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error: malloc() failed\n"); CU(1); }
+        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: malloc() failed\n"); CU(1); }
     for (i = 0; sysloglevel2string[i].string != NULL; i++) {
         ctx.levelmap[i].syslog = sysloglevel2string[i].level;
         ctx.levelmap[i].l2     = sysloglevel2string[i].deflevelmap;
-        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "ctx.levelmap[%d].syslog = 0x%.8lx, ctx.levelmap[%d].l2 = 0x%.8lx\n", i, (unsigned long)ctx.levelmap[i].syslog, i, (unsigned long)ctx.levelmap[i].l2);
+        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "openlog: ctx.levelmap[%d].syslog = 0x%.8lx, ctx.levelmap[%d].l2 = 0x%.8lx\n", 
+                 i, (unsigned long)ctx.levelmap[i].syslog, i, (unsigned long)ctx.levelmap[i].l2);
-    /* create L2 environment for main application */
+    /* create OSSP l2 environment for main application */
     if ((l2rv = l2_env_create(&ctx.l2_env)) != L2_OK) {
-        cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "failed to create L2 environment: (%d)\n", l2rv); CU(1); }
+        cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: failed to create OSSP l2 environment: (%d)\n", l2rv); CU(1); }
     if ((l2rv = l2_env_levels(ctx.l2_env, L2_LEVEL_ALL, L2_LEVEL_NONE)) != L2_OK) {
-        cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "logging failed to set global logging level defaults: %s(%d)\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
+        cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: logging failed to set global logging level defaults: %s(%d)\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
     if ((l2rv = l2_env_formatter(ctx.l2_env, 'D', l2_util_fmt_dump, NULL)) != L2_OK) {
-        cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "logging failed to register dump formatter: %s(%d)\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
+        cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: logging failed to register dump formatter: %s(%d)\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
     if ((l2rv = l2_env_formatter(ctx.l2_env, 'S', l2_util_fmt_string, NULL)) != L2_OK) {
-        cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "logging failed to register string formatter: %s(%d)\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
+        cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: logging failed to register string formatter: %s(%d)\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
     if ((l2rv = l2_env_formatter(ctx.l2_env, 'm', l2_util_fmt_errno, NULL)) != L2_OK) {
-        cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "logging failed to register errno formatter: %s(%d)\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
+        cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: logging failed to register errno formatter: %s(%d)\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
     if ((l2rv = l2_channel_create(&ctx.l2_nch, ctx.l2_env, "noop")) != L2_OK) {
-        cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "logging failed to create noop channel: %s(%d)\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
+        cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: logging failed to create noop channel: %s(%d)\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
     /* create IdentSlashFacility */
     if ((cpIdent = strdup((ident != NULL) ? ident : "unknown")) == NULL) {
-        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "strdup() failed\n"); CU(1); }
+        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: strdup() failed\n"); CU(1); }
     cpFacility = "unknown";
     for (i = 0; syslogfacility2string[i].string != NULL; i++) {
         if (facility == syslogfacility2string[i].facility) {
@@ -398,58 +544,60 @@
     if ((cpISF = (char *)malloc(strlen(cpIdent) + 1 + strlen(cpFacility) + 1)) == NULL) {
-        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "malloc() failed\n"); CU(1); }
+        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: malloc() failed\n"); CU(1); }
     cpISF[0] = '\0';
     strcat(cpISF, cpIdent);
     strcat(cpISF, "/");
     strcat(cpISF, cpFacility);
+    /* read in configuration file(s) */
     if ((rv = readfileorallfiles(&buf, ident)) != FSL_OK) {
-        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "readfileorallfiles(buf, \"%s\") returned %d, system error: %s(%d)\n", ident, rv, strerror(errno), errno); CU(1); }
+        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: readfileorallfiles(buf, \"%s\") returned %d, system error: %s(%d)\n", ident, rv, strerror(errno), errno); CU(1); }
+    /* import configuration buffer into OSSP cfg node tree */
     if ((cfgrv = cfg_create(&cfg)) != CFG_OK) {
-        (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_create() failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+        (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: cfg_create() failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
     if ((cfgrv = cfg_import(cfg, NULL, CFG_FMT_CFG, buf.base, buf.size)) != CFG_OK) {
-        (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_import() failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+        (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: cfg_import() failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
-    /*  find root and check if it is a sequence and has one or more directives below it */
+    /*  find configuration root node and check if it is a sequence and has one or more directives below it */
     if ((cfgrv = cfg_node_root(cfg, &cfgseq)) != CFG_OK) {
-        (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_node_root() failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+        (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: cfg_node_root() failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
     traverse(cfg, cfgseq);
     if ((cfgrv = cfg_node_get(cfg, cfgseq, CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE, &cfgtype)) != CFG_OK) {
-        (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+        (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
     if (cfgtype != CFG_NODE_TYPE_SEQ) {
-        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "expected sequence\n"); CU(1); }
+        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: expected sequence\n"); CU(1); }
     if ((cfgrv = cfg_node_get(cfg, cfgseq, CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILDS, &cfgnumc)) != CFG_OK) {
-        (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILDS) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+        (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILDS) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
     if (cfgnumc < 1) {
-        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "sequence is missing directives, expected 1, got %d\n", cfgnumc); CU(1); }
+        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: sequence is missing directives, expected 1, got %d\n", cfgnumc); CU(1); }
     /*  get first directive below sequence */
     if ((cfgrv = cfg_node_get(cfg, cfgseq, CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILD1, &cfgdir)) != CFG_OK) {
-        (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILD1) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+        (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILD1) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
     while (cfgdir != NULL) {
         /*  check if operating on a directive */
         if ((cfgrv = cfg_node_get(cfg, cfgdir, CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE, &cfgtype)) != CFG_OK) {
-            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
         if (cfgtype != CFG_NODE_TYPE_DIR) {
-            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "expected directive\n"); CU(1); }
+            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: expected directive\n"); CU(1); }
         if ((cfgrv = cfg_node_get(cfg, cfgdir, CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILDS, &cfgnumc)) != CFG_OK) {
-            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILDS) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILDS) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
         /*  process first child of directive, check if it is an argument and has a valid token attached */
         if ((cfgrv = cfg_node_get(cfg, cfgdir, CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILD1, &cfgarg)) != CFG_OK) {
-            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILD1) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILD1) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
         if (cfgarg == NULL) {
-            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "first argument is NULL\n"); CU(1); }
+            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: first argument is NULL\n"); CU(1); }
         if ((cfgrv = cfg_node_get(cfg, cfgarg, CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE, &cfgtype)) != CFG_OK) {
-            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
         if (cfgtype != CFG_NODE_TYPE_ARG) {
-            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "expected first argument, got %d\n", cfgtype); CU(1); }
+            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: expected first argument, got %d\n", cfgtype); CU(1); }
         if ((cfgrv = cfg_node_get(cfg, cfgarg, CFG_NODE_ATTR_TOKEN, &cfgargtok)) != CFG_OK) {
-            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_TOKEN) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_TOKEN) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
         if (cfgargtok == NULL) {
-            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "first argument has NULL data\n"); CU(1); }
+            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: first argument has NULL data\n"); CU(1); }
         cfgargtoka[0] = cfgargtok;
         cfgnume = 0;
@@ -460,36 +608,34 @@
         if (strcmp(cfgargtoka[0], "map") == 0)
             cfgnume = 3;
         if (cfgnume == 0) {
-            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "syntax error, invalid argument \"%s\"\n", cfgargtoka[0]); CU(1); }
+            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: syntax error, invalid argument \"%s\"\n", cfgargtoka[0]); CU(1); }
         if (cfgnume != cfgnumc) {
-            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "directive missing arguments, expected %d, got %d\n", cfgnume, cfgnumc); CU(1); }
+            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: directive missing arguments, expected %d, got %d\n", cfgnume, cfgnumc); CU(1); }
         for (i = 1; i < cfgnume; i++) {
             /*  process right brother of argument, check if it is an argument and has a valid token attached */
             if ((cfgrv = cfg_node_get(cfg, cfgarg, CFG_NODE_ATTR_RBROTH, &cfgarg)) != CFG_OK) {
-                (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_RBROTH) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+                (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_RBROTH) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
             if (cfgarg == NULL) {
-                fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "argument %d is NULL\n", i); CU(1); }
+                fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: argument %d is NULL\n", i); CU(1); }
             if ((cfgrv = cfg_node_get(cfg, cfgarg, CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE, &cfgtype)) != CFG_OK) {
-                (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+                (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
             if (cfgtype != CFG_NODE_TYPE_ARG) {
-                fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "expected argument %d\n", i); CU(1); }
+                fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: expected argument %d\n", i); CU(1); }
             if ((cfgrv = cfg_node_get(cfg, cfgarg, CFG_NODE_ATTR_TOKEN, &cfgargtok)) != CFG_OK) {
-                (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_TOKEN) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+                (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_TOKEN) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
             if (cfgargtok == NULL) {
-                fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "argument %d has NULL data\n", i); CU(1); }
+                fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: argument %d has NULL data\n", i); CU(1); }
             cfgargtoka[i] = cfgargtok;
         if ((strcmp(cfgargtoka[0], "ident") == 0) || (strcmp(cfgargtoka[0], "default") == 0)) { /*FIXME currently default and ident are identical*/
             argident  = cfgargtoka[0];
             argmatch  = cfgargtoka[1];
             argl2spec = cfgargtoka[2];
             /*  process the directive using the three arguments found */
-            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "argident=%s, argmatch=%s, argl2spec=%s\n", argident, argmatch, argl2spec);
+            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "openlog: argident=%s, argmatch=%s, argl2spec=%s\n", argident, argmatch, argl2spec);
                 pcre       *pcreRegex;
                 pcre_extra *pcreExtra;
@@ -499,37 +645,37 @@
                 /* compile regular expression into finite state machine and optimize */
                 if ((pcreRegex = pcre_compile(argmatch, PCRE_CASELESS, &cpError, &iError, NULL)) == NULL) {
-                    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "pcre_compile() failed with error %s (%d)\n", cpError, iError); CU(1); }
+                    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: pcre_compile() failed with error %s (%d)\n", cpError, iError); CU(1); }
                 pcreExtra = pcre_study(pcreRegex, 0, &cpError);
                 if (cpError != NULL) {
-                    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "pcre_study() failed with error %s\n", cpError); CU(1); }
+                    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: pcre_study() failed with error %s\n", cpError); CU(1); }
                 nMatch = pcre_exec(pcreRegex, pcreExtra, cpISF, strlen(cpISF), 0, 0, ovec, OVECSIZE);
                 if (nMatch < 0)
-                    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "matching ident/facility \"%s\" against section \"%s\" failed.\n", cpISF, argmatch);
+                    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "openlog: matching ident/facility \"%s\" against section \"%s\" failed.\n", cpISF, argmatch);
                     if (nMatch == 0)
-                        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "matching ident/facility \"%s\" against section \"%s\" succeeded, found $0\n", cpISF, argmatch);
+                        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "openlog: matching ident/facility \"%s\" against section \"%s\" succeeded, found $0\n", cpISF, argmatch);
-                        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "matching ident/facility \"%s\" against section \"%s\" succeeded, found $0...$%d\n", cpISF, argmatch, (nMatch-1) > 9 ? 9 : (nMatch-1));
+                        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "openlog: matching ident/facility \"%s\" against section \"%s\" succeeded, found $0...$%d\n", cpISF, argmatch, (nMatch-1) > 9 ? 9 : (nMatch-1));
                 if (nMatch >= 1) {
                     pcre_get_substring_list(cpISF, ovec, nMatch, &acpMatch);
                     if (acpMatch != NULL)
                         for (i = 0; i < nMatch; i++)
-                            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "regex reference[%d]=\'%s\'\n", i, acpMatch[i] == NULL ? "(UNDEFINED)" : acpMatch[i]);
+                            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "openlog: regex reference[%d]=\'%s\'\n", i, acpMatch[i] == NULL ? "(UNDEFINED)" : acpMatch[i]);
                     n = substcapture(argl2spec, strlen(argl2spec), acpMatch, nMatch, NULL);
                     if ((cp = (char *)malloc(n + 1)) == NULL) {
-                        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "malloc() failed\n"); CU(1); }
+                        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: malloc() failed\n"); CU(1); }
                     if (substcapture(argl2spec, strlen(argl2spec), acpMatch, nMatch, cp) != n) {
-                        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "substcapture() failed\n"); CU(1); }
+                        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: substcapture() failed\n"); CU(1); }
                     argl2spec = cp;
-                    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "argident=%s, argmatch=%s, argl2spec=%s\n", argident, argmatch, argl2spec);
+                    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "openlog: argident=%s, argmatch=%s, argl2spec=%s\n", argident, argmatch, argl2spec);
                     /* create L2 channel throuh spec and link into root channel */
                     if ((l2rv = l2_spec(&ch, ctx.l2_env, "%s", argl2spec)) != L2_OK) {
-                        cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "logging failed to create stream from spec %s(%d)\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
+                        cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: logging failed to create stream from spec %s(%d)\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
                     if ((l2rv = l2_channel_link(ctx.l2_nch, L2_LINK_CHILD, ch, NULL)) != L2_OK) {
-                        cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "logging failed to link child channel %s(%d)\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
+                        cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: logging failed to link child channel %s(%d)\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
@@ -545,33 +691,34 @@
                     mapfrom = i;
             if (mapfrom == -1) {
-                fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "trying to map from unknown syslog level \"%s\"\n", cfgargtoka[1]); CU(1); }
+                fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: trying to map from unknown syslog level \"%s\"\n", cfgargtoka[1]); CU(1); }
             for (i = 0, mapto = -1; (mapto == -1) && (l2level2string[i].string != NULL); i++) {
                 if (strcmp(l2level2string[i].string, cfgargtoka[2]) == 0)
                     mapto = i;
             if (mapto == -1) {
-                fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "trying to map to unknown l2 level \"%s\"\n", cfgargtoka[2]); CU(1); }
+                fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: trying to map to unknown l2 level \"%s\"\n", cfgargtoka[2]); CU(1); }
             ctx.levelmap[mapfrom].l2 = l2level2string[mapto].level;
-            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "map levelmap[%10s/%d].l2 = l2level2string[%10s/%d].level = 0x%.8lx\n", cfgargtoka[1], mapfrom, cfgargtoka[2], mapto, (unsigned long)l2level2string[mapto].level);
+            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "openlog: map levelmap[%10s/%d].l2 = l2level2string[%10s/%d].level = 0x%.8lx\n", cfgargtoka[1], mapfrom, cfgargtoka[2], mapto, (unsigned long)l2level2string[mapto].level);
         else {
-            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "internal, argument \"%s\" not implemented\n", cfgargtoka[0]); CU(1); }
+            fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: internal, argument \"%s\" not implemented\n", cfgargtoka[0]); CU(1); }
         /*  get right brother of current directive */
         if ((cfgrv = cfg_node_get(cfg, cfgdir, CFG_NODE_ATTR_RBROTH, &cfgdir)) != CFG_OK) {
             (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_node_get(CFG_NODE_ATTR_RBROTH) failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
     if (logopt & LOG_NDELAY) {
         ctx.delayopen = TRUE;
-        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "logopt LOG_NDELAY delays open of L2 channel tree until first message is being logged");
+        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "openlog: logopt LOG_NDELAY delays open of L2 channel tree until first message is being logged");
     else {
         if ((l2rv = l2_channel_open(ctx.l2_nch)) != L2_OK) {
-            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "logging failed to open channel stream %s(%d) immediately\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
-        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "logging succeeded to open channel stream immediately");
+            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: logging failed to open channel stream %s(%d) immediately\n", cp, l2rv); CU(1); }
+        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "openlog: logging succeeded to open channel stream immediately");
@@ -580,10 +727,10 @@
     if (cpIdent != NULL)
-#if 0
+#if 0 /* FIXME */
     if (cfg != NULL)
         if ((cfgrv = cfg_destroy(cfg)) != CFG_OK) {
-            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "cfg_destroy() failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
+            (void)cfg_error(cfg, cfgrv, &cp); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "openlog: cfg_destroy() failed with error %s (%d)\n", cp, cfgrv); CU(1); }
     if (buf.base != NULL)
@@ -592,10 +739,11 @@
+/* faked POSIX API function closelog(3) */
 void closelog(void)
     if (ctx.l2_fslnch != NULL) {
-        l2_channel_log(ctx.l2_fslnch, L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "captured closelog()");
+        l2_channel_log(ctx.l2_fslnch, L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "closelog()");
         ctx.l2_fslnch = NULL;
@@ -621,20 +769,20 @@
+/* faked POSIX API function setlogmask(3) */
 int setlogmask(int maskpri)
     int oldmask;
     if (ctx.l2_fslnch != NULL)
-        l2_channel_log(ctx.l2_fslnch, L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "captured setlogmask(maskpri=0x%.8lx)", maskpri);
+        l2_channel_log(ctx.l2_fslnch, L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "setlogmask(maskpri=0x%.8lx)", maskpri);
     oldmask = ctx.maskpri;
     if (maskpri != 0)
         ctx.maskpri = maskpri;
     return oldmask;
+/* faked POSIX API function syslog(3) */
 void syslog(int priority, const char *message, ...)
     va_list args;
@@ -646,6 +794,7 @@
+/* faked POSIX API function vsyslog(3) */
 void vsyslog(int priority, const char *fmt, __va_list args)
@@ -661,173 +810,45 @@
     if (ctx.l2_nch == NULL)
+#if 0
+    /* tracing */
+    if (ctx.l2_fslnch != NULL)
+        l2_channel_log(ctx.l2_fslnch, L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "vsyslog(priority=%d, fmt=\"%s\", ...)", priority, fmt);
     /* check for delayed open */
     if ((ctx.logopt & LOG_NDELAY) && (ctx.delayopen == TRUE)) {
         if ((l2rv = l2_channel_open(ctx.l2_nch)) != L2_OK) {
-            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "logging failed to open channel stream %s(%d) delayed\n", cp, l2rv);
+            cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv); fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_ERROR, "vsyslog: logging failed to open channel stream %s(%d) delayed\n", cp, l2rv);
-        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "logging succeeded to open channel stream delayed");
+        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "vsyslog: logging succeeded to open channel stream delayed");
         ctx.delayopen = FALSE;
     /* strip off facility */
     priority &= LOG_PRIMASK;
-    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "priority =0x%.8lx, ctx.maskpri=0x%.8lx  ", (unsigned long)priority, (unsigned long)ctx.maskpri);
+    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vsyslog: priority=0x%.8lx, ctx.maskpri=0x%.8lx  ", (unsigned long)priority, (unsigned long)ctx.maskpri);
     /* check against maskpri */
     if ((LOG_MASK(priority) & ctx.maskpri) == 0) {
-        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "short circuit maskpri\n");
+        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vsyslog: short circuit maskpri\n");
     levelmask = 0;
     for (i = 0; sysloglevel2string[i].string != NULL; i++) {
-    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "ctx.levelmap[%d].syslog = 0x%.8lx, ctx.levelmap[%d].l2 = 0x%.8lx\n", i, (unsigned long)ctx.levelmap[i].syslog, i, (unsigned long)ctx.levelmap[i].l2);
+        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vsyslog: ctx.levelmap[%d].syslog = 0x%.8lx, ctx.levelmap[%d].l2 = 0x%.8lx\n", i, (unsigned long)ctx.levelmap[i].syslog, i, (unsigned long)ctx.levelmap[i].l2);
         if (ctx.levelmap[i].syslog == priority) {
             levelmask = ctx.levelmap[i].l2;
-    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "levelmask=0x%.8lx\n", (unsigned long)levelmask);
+    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vsyslog: levelmask=0x%.8lx\n", (unsigned long)levelmask);
     if ((l2rv = l2_channel_vlog(ctx.l2_nch, levelmask, fmt, args)) != L2_OK) {
         cp = l2_env_strerror(ctx.l2_env, l2rv);
-        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_PANIC, "applicaion logging failed %s(%d)\n", cp, l2rv);
+        fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_PANIC, "vsyslog: application logging failed: %s (%d)\n", cp, l2rv);
-fsl_rc_t readfileorallfiles(buf_t *buffer, const char *ident)
-    fsl_rc_t rv;
-    if (ident == NULL)
-        return FSL_ERR_ARG;
-    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "readfileorallfiles(buffer, ident=\"%s\")\n", ident);
-    if ((rv = readfile(buffer, ident)) == FSL_OK)
-        return FSL_OK;
-    if (rv != FSL_ERR_SYS || errno != ENOENT)
-        return rv;
-    if ((rv = readallfiles(buffer)) != FSL_OK)
-        return rv;
-    return FSL_OK;
-fsl_rc_t readfile(buf_t *buffer, const char *ident)
-    fsl_rc_t rc;
-    char *filename = NULL;
-    if (ident == NULL || buffer == NULL)
-        CU(FSL_ERR_ARG);
-    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "readfile(buffer, ident=\"%s\")\n", ident);
-    if ((filename = (char *)malloc(strlen(FSL_CFGDIR) + 1 + strlen(FSL_PREFIX) + strlen(ident) + 1)) == NULL)
-        CU(FSL_ERR_MEM);
-    filename[0] = '\0';
-    strcat(filename, FSL_CFGDIR);
-    strcat(filename, "/");
-    strcat(filename, FSL_PREFIX);
-    strcat(filename, ident);
-    CU(appendfiletobuffer(buffer, filename));
-    if (filename != NULL)
-        free(filename);
-    return rc;
-fsl_rc_t readallfiles(buf_t *buffer)
-    fsl_rc_t rc;
-    DIR *dp;
-    struct dirent *de;
-    char *filename = NULL;
-    int n;
-    if (buffer == NULL)
-        CU(FSL_ERR_ARG);
-    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "readallfiles(buffer) globbing \"%s/%s*\"\n", FSL_CFGDIR, FSL_PREFIX);
-    if ((dp = opendir(FSL_CFGDIR)) == NULL)
-        CU(FSL_ERR_SYS);
-    rc = FSL_ERR_ARG;
-    while ((de = readdir(dp)) != NULL) {
-        n = strlen(de->d_name);
-        if (   (n >= strlen(FSL_PREFIX))
-            && (strncmp(de->d_name, FSL_PREFIX, strlen(FSL_PREFIX)) == 0)
-              ) {
-            if ((filename = (char *)malloc(strlen(FSL_CFGDIR) + 1 + n + 1)) == NULL)
-                CU(FSL_ERR_MEM);
-            filename[0] = '\0';
-            strcat(filename, FSL_CFGDIR);
-            strcat(filename, "/");
-            strcat(filename, de->d_name);
-            if (appendfiletobuffer(buffer, filename) == FSL_OK)
-                rc = FSL_OK;
-            free(filename);
-            filename = NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    (void)closedir(dp);
-    CU(rc);
-    if (filename != NULL)
-        free(filename);
-    return rc;
-fsl_rc_t appendfiletobuffer(buf_t *buffer, const char *filename)
-    fsl_rc_t rc;
-    int fd = -1;
-    int filesize;
-    int fileread;
-    int bufferneed;
-    if (filename == NULL || buffer == NULL)
-        CU(FSL_ERR_ARG);
-    fsldebug(L2_LEVEL_TRACE, "appendfiletobuffer(buffer, filename=\"%s\")\n", filename);
-    if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
-        CU(FSL_ERR_SYS);
-    if ((filesize = (int)lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END)) == -1)
-        CU(FSL_ERR_SYS);
-    bufferneed = buffer->used + filesize;
-    if (bufferneed > buffer->size) {
-        if (buffer->base == NULL) {
-            if ((buffer->base = (char *)malloc(bufferneed)) == NULL)
-                CU(FSL_ERR_MEM);
-            buffer->size = bufferneed;
-            buffer->used = 0;
-        }
-        else {
-            if ((buffer->base = (char *)realloc(buffer->base, bufferneed)) == NULL)
-                CU(FSL_ERR_MEM);
-            buffer->size = bufferneed;
-        }
-    }
-    if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1)
-        CU(FSL_ERR_SYS);
-    if ((fileread = (int)read(fd, buffer->base + buffer->used, (size_t)filesize)) == -1)
-        CU(FSL_ERR_SYS);
-    if (fileread != filesize)
-        CU(FSL_ERR_USE);
-    buffer->used += filesize;
-    CU(FSL_OK);
-    if (fd != -1)
-        close(fd);
-    return rc;

CVSTrac 2.0.1