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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/cfg/cfg.pod versions 1.3 and 1.4
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ossp-pkg/cfg/cfg.pod 1.3 -> 1.4

--- cfg.pod      2002/07/12 19:59:33     1.3
+++ cfg.pod      2002/07/18 15:34:55     1.4
@@ -175,13 +175,53 @@
+The B<cfg_node_select> function takes a I<node selection specification>
+string B<select> for locating the intended nodes. This specification is
+defined as:
+B<select>           ::= I<empty>
+                   | B<select-step> B<select>
+B<select-step>      ::= B<select-direction> 
+                     B<select-pattern> 
+                     B<select-filter>
+B<select-direction> ::= "./"        # current node
+                   | "../"       # parent node
+                   | "..../"     # anchestor nodes
+                   | "-/"        # previous sibling node
+                   | "--/"       # preceeding sibling nodes
+                   | "+/"        # next sibling node
+                   | "++/"       # following sibling nodes
+                   | "/"         # child nodes
+                   | "//"        # descendant nodes
+B<select-pattern>   ::= /</ B<regex> />/
+                   | B<token> 
+B<select-filter>    ::= I<empty>
+                   | /\[/ B<filter-range> /\]/
+B<filter-range>     ::= B<num>           # short for: num,num
+                   | B<num> /,/          # short for: num,-1
+                   | /,/ B<num>          # short for: 1,num
+                   | B<num> /,/ B<num>
+B<num>              ::= /^[+-]?[0-9]+/
+B<regex>            ::= "Regular Expression (PCRE-based)"
+B<token>            ::= "Plain-Text Token String"
 =head1 HISTORY
 B<OSSP cfg> was implemented in lots of small steps over a very
-long time. The first ideas date back to the year 1995 when Ralf S.
-Engelschall attended his first compiler construction lessons at
-university. But it was first time finished in 2002 by him for use in the
-B<OSSP> project.
+long time. The first ideas date back to the year 1995 when
+Ralf S. Engelschall attended his first compiler construction lessons at
+university. But it was first time finished in summer 2002 by him for use
+in the B<OSSP> project.
 =head1 AUTHOR

CVSTrac 2.0.1