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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/var/var.pod versions 1.3 and 1.4
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ossp-pkg/var/var.pod 1.3 -> 1.4

--- var.pod      2001/11/16 15:44:17     1.3
+++ var.pod      2001/11/19 15:38:47     1.4
@@ -35,9 +35,255 @@
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
+var_rc_t var_unescape(const char *src, size_t len, char *dst, int unescape_all);
+var_rc_t var_expand(const char *input, size_t input_len, char **result, size_t *result_len, var_cb_t lookup, void *lookup_context, const var_config_t *config, int force_expand);
-The purpose of VAR is ...
+The routines included in this library, var_unescape() and
+var_expand(), enable application developers to make use of variable
+expansion in an arbitrary text buffer. Assume, for instance, your
+application provided the data items
+    HOST   = peti.example.org
+    OSTYPE = FreeBSD
+    HOME   = /home/my-application
+and you had obtained the following message from the user via means of
+a configuration file, the system environment, or the command line:
+    My-application starting up with the following configuration:
+        HOST   = $HOST
+        OSTYPE = $OSTYPE
+        HOME   = $HOME
+Then you could use var_expand() to replace the variables in that
+message by their actual contents.
+The good thing about this kind of approach is that you separate the
+actual information in a message from the message's layout, language,
+or content encoding. If the user doesn't like messages as long the one
+above, he'd simply provide the template
+    my-application: $HOST ($OSTYPE), $HOME
+to get the result, he's interested in. Maybe all he's interested in
+    my-application's home is $HOME
+To take things one step further, OSSP var provides the user -- the
+person providing the template file, that is -- with powerful
+mechanisms to modify the presentation of the variable's contents. For
+example, the expression ${HOME:l} would yield the contents of the
+variable HOME converted to all lower-case. Or, to show on even more
+powerful construct: The expression ${HOME:y/ \t/__/} would turn all
+blanks or tabs in the contents of HOME to underscores, before
+inserting it into the output text.
+Similarly, the function var_unescape() will expand "quoted pairs",
+thus allowing the user to speficy non-printable characters is a
+template, such as the carrige return ('\r'), the newline ('\n'), or --
+as seen above -- the tab ('\t').
+Using these two routines in combination, gives the application
+developer the power to have the user custumize the application's
+messages as he or she sees fit at virtually no extra cost;
+incorporating a template mechanism into your own applications with
+OSSP var is extremely simple.
+The purpose of var_unescape() is to expand any quoted pairs found in
+the input buffer. Its prototype is:
+    var_rc_t var_unescape(const char *src, size_t len,
+                          char *dst, int unescape_all);
+The first parameter, "src", is a pointer to the input buffer, which
+should be processed. Unlike most C library functions, var_unescape()
+does not expect the buffer to be terminated by a null byte ('\0'),
+instead, it expects the length of the buffer's contents as parameter
+"len". The third parameter, "dst" is a pointer to a buffer, into which
+the expanded buffer is copied if processing is successful. The size of
+this buffer must be at least len+1 characters. The reason the result
+buffer has to be one byte longer than the input buffer is that
+var_unescape() always adds a terminating null byte at the end of the
+output buffer, so that you can use the result comfortably with other C
+library routines.
+The last parameter, "unescape_all", is flag that modifies the behavior
+of var_unescape(). If is set to TRUE (any value except zero, that is),
+var_unescape() will expand B<any> quoted pair it sees, even those that
+it does not know about. Hence, a "\1" will become a "1", even though
+"\1" has no special meaning to var_unescape(). If "unescape_all" is
+set to FALSE (zero), such quoted pairs will be copied verbatimly to
+the output buffer.
+The quoted pairs supported by var_unescape() are '\t', '\r', '\n',
+'\abc' (octal), '\xAB' (hexadecimal), and '\x{...}' (grouped
+hexadecimal). Please refer to section "SUPPORTED NAMED CHARACTERS" for
+a more comprehensive description of these quoted pairs.
+If var_unescape() encounters any syntax errors, it will return an
+error code denoting exactly what kind of error occured; please refer
+to section "CODES RETURNED BY THE LIBRARY" for a complete list of
+possible return codes. If no error occured, VAR_OK is returned.
+The second function of OSSP var is var_expand(), the routine that will
+expand any variables found in a text buffer to their actual contents.
+Its prototype is:
+    var_rc_t var_expand(const char *input, size_t input_len,
+                        char **result, size_t *result_len,
+                        var_cb_t lookup, void *lookup_context,
+                        const var_config_t *config,
+                        int force_expand);
+Don't be scared, the usage is way simpler than it looks at first
+glance. The parameters of var_expand() are:
+=over 4
+=item const char *input
+A pointer to the text buffer containing the variable expressions to be
+expanded. Unlike in most other C library functions, this text buffer
+need not be terminated by a null byte.
+=item size_t input_len
+The length of the text buffer's contents.
+=item char **result
+A pointer to a character pointer in which the location of the expanded
+text buffer will be stored. The result buffer will be allocated by
+var_expand() using the system call malloc(3), thus it is the caller's
+responsibility to free(3) that buffer once it is not used anymore.
+If var_expand() fails with an error, "result" will point to "input".
+The only exception is the VAR_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT error, in which
+case "result" is not modified.
+=item size_t *result_len
+A pointer to the location in which the length of the expanded text
+buffer will be stored. If var_expand() fails with an error -- with the
+exception of VAR_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT --, "result_len" will contain
+the number of characters that have been consumed from "input" before
+the error occured.
+=item var_cb_t lookup
+A pointer to the function used to perform the actual variable lookup.
+Please refer to section "THE LOOKUP CALLBACK" for a comprehensive
+=item void *lookup_context
+An arbitrary value passed through to "lookup" every time it is called.
+Please refer to section "THE LOOKUP CALLBACK" for a comprehensive
+=item const var_config_t *config
+The configuration of var_expand(). The var_config_t structure is
+defined as follows:
+    typedef struct {
+        char varinit;
+        char startdelim;
+        char enddelim;
+        char escape;
+        char *namechars;
+    } var_config_t;
+Using this structure, you can modify the parser to use different
+tokens to find variable constructs. If "config" is NULL, the default
+configuration will be used, which you can access through the
+    extern const var_config_t var_config_default;
+in var.h. The default configuration for var_init looks like this:
+    const var_config_t var_config_default = {
+        '$',              /* varinit */
+        '{',              /* startdelim */
+        '}',              /* enddelim */
+        '\\',             /* escape */
+        "a-zA-Z0-9_"      /* namechars */
+    };
+Please note that the setting of var_config_t.escape is actually a
+single backslash; the quote above has been taken from the C source
+code, which is why the backslash had to be escaped with another
+backslash for the C pre-processor.
+=item int force_expand
+This flag determines how var_expand() deals with undefined variables.
+If it is set to TRUE (any value but zero), var_expand() will fail with
+error code VAR_ERR_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE whenever an undefined variable
+is encountered. If set to FALSE (zero), var_expand() will copy the
+expression it failed to expand verbatimly into the output buffer, in
+order to enable you to go over the buffer with an additional pass.
+Generally, if you do not plan to use muli-pass expansion, you should
+set "force_expand" to TRUE in order to make sure no unexpanded
+variables are left over in the buffer.
+var_expand() returns VAR_OK if everything went fine, and one of the
+error codes described in section "CODES RETURNED BY THE LIBRARY" if
+the function call failed.
+For maximum power and flexibility, you will want to use both routines
+provided by this library in combination. That is, you will want to use
+var_unescape() to turn all quoted pairs into their real
+representation, before you call var_expand(), because then the user
+can safely use specials like "\n" or "\t" throughout the template and
+achieve the desired effect. These quoted pairs are particularly useful
+if search-and-replace or transpose actions are performed on variables
+before they're expanded. Be sure, though, to make the first
+var_unescape() pass with "expand_all" set to FALSE, or the routine
+will also expand quoted pairs like "\1", which might have a special
+meaning in the var_expand() pass to follow.
+Once, all known quoted pairs are expanded, expand the variables with
+var_expand(). After that, you will want to have a second pass with
+var_unescape() and "expand_all" set to TRUE, to make sure all
+remaining quoted pairs are expanded. Also, the var_expand() pass might
+have introduced now quoted pairs into the output text, which you need
+to expand to get the desired effect.
+Take a look at this code snipped, to see how to combine var_unescape()
+und var_expand() properly:
+    var_rc_t rc;
+    char* result;
+    size_t result_len;
+    if ((rc = var_unescape(input, strlen(input), output, 0)) != VAR_OK ||
+        (rc = var_expand(output, strlen(output),
+                         &result, &result_len,
+                         &lookup, NULL,
+                         NULL, 1)) != VAR_OK ||
+        (rc = var_unescape(input, strlen(input), output, 1)) != VAR_OK)
+    {
+        printf("Expanding the template failed with error %d.\n", rc);
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    [...]
+    free(result);

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