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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/var/var.c versions 1.48 and 1.49
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ossp-pkg/var/var.c 1.48 -> 1.49

--- var.c        2001/12/13 16:25:58     1.48
+++ var.c        2001/12/14 13:42:56     1.49
@@ -446,39 +446,38 @@
 static int text(const char *begin, const char *end, char varinit,
                 char startindex, char endindex, char escape)
-    {
     const char *p;
-    for (p = begin; p != end; ++p)
-        {
-        if (*p == escape)
-            {
+    for (p = begin; p != end; ++p) {
+        if (*p == escape) {
             if (++p == end)
                 return VAR_ERR_INCOMPLETE_QUOTED_PAIR;
-            }
+        }
         else if (*p == varinit)
-            {
-            }
         else if (startindex && (*p == startindex || *p == endindex))
-            {
-            }
-        }
-    return p - begin;
+    return p - begin;
 static int varname(const char *begin, const char *end,
                    const char_class_t nameclass)
     const char *p;
-    for (p = begin; p != end && nameclass[(int) *p]; ++p);
+    for (p = begin; p != end && nameclass[(int) *p]; p++)
+        ;
     return p - begin;
 static int number(const char *begin, const char *end)
     const char *p;
-    for (p = begin; p != end && isdigit((int)*p); ++p);
+    for (p = begin; p != end && isdigit((int)*p); p++)
+        ;
     return p - begin;
@@ -486,11 +485,12 @@
                     const var_config_t *config)
     const char *p;
-    for (p = begin; p != end && *p != config->varinit && *p != '/'; ++p) {
+    for (p = begin; p != end && *p != config->varinit && *p != '/'; p++) {
         if (*p == config->escape) {
             if (p + 1 == end)
                 return VAR_ERR_INCOMPLETE_QUOTED_PAIR;
-            ++p;
+            p++;
     return p - begin;
@@ -500,37 +500,39 @@
                    const var_config_t *config)
     const char *p;
     for (p = begin;
-         p != end && *p != config->varinit && *p != config->enddelim
-         && *p != ':'; ++p) {
+            p != end 
+         && *p != config->varinit 
+         && *p != config->enddelim
+         && *p != ':'; p++) {
         if (*p == config->escape) {
             if (p + 1 == end)
                 return VAR_ERR_INCOMPLETE_QUOTED_PAIR;
-            ++p;
+            p++;
     return p - begin;
-static int num_exp_read_int(const char** begin, const char* end)
-    {
+static int num_exp_read_int(const char **begin, const char *end)
     int num = 0;
-    do
-        {
+    do {
         num *= 10;
         num += **begin - '0';
-        }
-    while (isdigit(**begin) && *begin != end);
+    } while (isdigit(**begin) && *begin != end);
     return num;
-    }
 static int num_exp_read_operand(const char *begin, const char *end, int current_index,
-                                int* result, int* failed, int* rel_lookup_flag,
+                                int *result, int *failed, int *rel_lookup_flag,
                                 const var_config_t *config,
                                 const char_class_t nameclass,
-                                var_cb_t lookup, void* lookup_context)
-    {
+                                var_cb_t lookup, void *lookup_context)
     const char* p = begin;
     tokenbuf_t tmp;
     int rc;
@@ -540,9 +542,9 @@
     if (begin == end)
-    if (*p == '(')
-        {
-        rc = num_exp(++p, end, current_index, result, failed, rel_lookup_flag, config, nameclass, lookup, lookup_context);
+    if (*p == '(') {
+        rc = num_exp(++p, end, current_index, result, failed, 
+                     rel_lookup_flag, config, nameclass, lookup, lookup_context);
         if (rc < 0)
             return rc;
         p += rc;
@@ -551,74 +553,68 @@
         if (*p != ')')
-        }
-    else if (*p == config->varinit)
-        {
-        rc = variable(p, end, config, nameclass, lookup, lookup_context, 1, &tmp, current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
-        if (rc == VAR_ERR_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE)
-            {
+    }
+    else if (*p == config->varinit) {
+        rc = variable(p, end, config, nameclass, lookup, 
+                      lookup_context, 1, &tmp, current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
+        if (rc == VAR_ERR_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE) {
             *failed = 1;
-            rc = variable(p, end, config, nameclass, lookup, lookup_context, 0, &tmp, current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
+            rc = variable(p, end, config, nameclass, lookup, 
+                          lookup_context, 0, &tmp, current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
             if (rc < 0)
                 return rc;
             p += rc;
             *result = 0;
-            }
-        else
-            {
+        }
+        else {
             if (rc < 0)
                 return rc;
             p += rc;
-            rc = num_exp(tmp.begin, tmp.end, current_index, result, failed, rel_lookup_flag, config, nameclass, lookup, lookup_context);
+            rc = num_exp(tmp.begin, tmp.end, current_index, result, 
+                         failed, rel_lookup_flag, config, nameclass, lookup, lookup_context);
             if (rc < 0)
                 return rc;
-            }
-    else if (config->current_index && *p == config->current_index)
-        {
-        ++p;
+    }
+    else if (config->current_index && *p == config->current_index) {
+        p++;
         *result = current_index;
-        ++(*rel_lookup_flag);
-        }
-    else if (isdigit(*p))
-        {
+        (*rel_lookup_flag)++;
+    }
+    else if (isdigit(*p)) {
         *result = num_exp_read_int(&p, end);
-        }
-    else if (*p == '+')
-        {
-        if (end - p > 1 && isdigit(p[1]))
-            {
-            ++p;
+    }
+    else if (*p == '+') {
+        if (end - p > 1 && isdigit(p[1])) {
+            p++;
             *result = num_exp_read_int(&p, end);
-            }
+        }
-        }
-    else if (*p == '-')
-        {
-        if (end - p > 1 && isdigit(p[1]))
-            {
-            ++p;
+    }
+    else if (*p == '-') {
+        if (end - p > 1 && isdigit(p[1])) {
+            p++;
             *result = num_exp_read_int(&p, end);
             *result = 0 - *result;
-            }
+        }
-        }
+    }
     return p - begin;
-    }
 static int num_exp(const char *begin, const char *end, int current_index,
-                   int* result, int* failed, int* rel_lookup_flag,
+                   int *result, int *failed, int *rel_lookup_flag,
                    const var_config_t *config,
                    const char_class_t nameclass,
-                   var_cb_t lookup, void* lookup_context)
-    {
-    const char* p = begin;
+                   var_cb_t lookup, void *lookup_context)
+    const char *p = begin;
     char operator;
     int right;
     int rc;
@@ -626,17 +622,18 @@
     if (begin == end)
-    rc = num_exp_read_operand(p, end, current_index, result, failed, rel_lookup_flag, config, nameclass, lookup, lookup_context);
+    rc = num_exp_read_operand(p, end, current_index, result, 
+                              failed, rel_lookup_flag, config, nameclass, 
+                              lookup, lookup_context);
     if (rc < 0)
         return rc;
     p += rc;
-    while (p != end)
-        {
-        if (*p == '+' || *p == '-')
-            {
+    while (p != end) {
+        if (*p == '+' || *p == '-') {
             operator = *p++;
-            rc = num_exp(p, end, current_index, &right, failed, rel_lookup_flag, config, nameclass, lookup, lookup_context);
+            rc = num_exp(p, end, current_index, &right, failed, 
+                         rel_lookup_flag, config, nameclass, lookup, lookup_context);
             if (rc < 0)
                 return rc;
             p += rc;
@@ -644,55 +641,49 @@
                 *result = *result + right;
                 *result = *result - right;
-            }
-        else if (*p == '*' || *p == '/' || *p == '%')
-            {
+        }
+        else if (*p == '*' || *p == '/' || *p == '%') {
             operator = *p++;
-            rc = num_exp_read_operand(p, end, current_index, &right, failed, rel_lookup_flag, config, nameclass, lookup, lookup_context);
+            rc = num_exp_read_operand(p, end, current_index, &right, failed, 
+                                      rel_lookup_flag, config, nameclass, lookup, lookup_context);
             if (rc < 0)
                 return rc;
             p += rc;
-            if (operator == '*')
-                {
+            if (operator == '*') {
                 *result = *result * right;
-                }
-            else if (operator == '/')
-                {
-                if (right == 0)
-                    {
+            }
+            else if (operator == '/') {
+                if (right == 0) {
                     if (*failed)
                         *result = 0;
                         return VAR_ERR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO_IN_INDEX;
-                    }
+                }
                     *result = *result / right;
-                }
-            else if (operator == '%')
-                {
-                if (right == 0)
-                    {
+            }
+            else if (operator == '%') {
+                if (right == 0) {
                     if (*failed)
                         *result = 0;
                         return VAR_ERR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO_IN_INDEX;
-                    }
+                }
                     *result = *result % right;
-                }
+        }
-        }
-    return p - begin;
+    return p - begin;
 static int expression(const char *begin, const char *end,
                       const var_config_t *config,
                       const char_class_t nameclass, var_cb_t lookup,
                       void *lookup_context, int force_expand,
-                      tokenbuf_t *result, int current_index, int* rel_lookup_flag)
+                      tokenbuf_t *result, int current_index, int *rel_lookup_flag)
     const char *p = begin;
     const char *data;
@@ -720,157 +711,138 @@
     /* Get the name of the variable to expand. The name may consist of
        an arbitrary number of VARNAMEs and VARIABLEs. */
-    do
-        {
+    do {
         rc = varname(p, end, nameclass);
         if (rc < 0)
             goto error_return;
-        if (rc > 0)
-            {
-            if (!tokenbuf_append(&name, p, rc))
-                {
+        if (rc > 0) {
+            if (!tokenbuf_append(&name, p, rc)) {
                 rc = VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
                 goto error_return;
-                }
-            p += rc;
+            p += rc;
+        }
         rc = variable(p, end, config, nameclass, lookup, lookup_context,
                       force_expand, &tmp, current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
         if (rc < 0)
             goto error_return;
-        if (rc > 0)
-            {
-            if (!tokenbuf_append(&name, tmp.begin, tmp.end - tmp.begin))
-                {
+        if (rc > 0) {
+            if (!tokenbuf_append(&name, tmp.begin, tmp.end - tmp.begin)) {
                 rc = VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
                 goto error_return;
-                }
-            p += rc;
+            p += rc;
-    while (rc > 0);
+    } while (rc > 0);
     /* We must have the complete variable name now, so make sure we
        do. */
-    if (name.begin == name.end)
-        {
+    if (name.begin == name.end) {
         goto error_return;
-        }
+    }
     /* If the next token is START-INDEX, read the index specification. */
-    if (config->startindex && *p == config->startindex)
-        {
-        rc = num_exp(++p, end, current_index, &index, &failed, rel_lookup_flag, config, nameclass, lookup, lookup_context);
+    if (config->startindex && *p == config->startindex) {
+        rc = num_exp(++p, end, current_index, &index, &failed, 
+                     rel_lookup_flag, config, nameclass, lookup, lookup_context);
         if (rc < 0)
             goto error_return;
-        if (rc == 0)
-            {
+        if (rc == 0) {
             goto error_return;
-            }
+        }
         p += rc;
-        if (p == end)
-            {
+        if (p == end) {
             goto error_return;
-            }
-        if (*p != config->endindex)
-            {
+        }
+        if (*p != config->endindex) {
             goto error_return;
-            }
-        ++p;
+        p++;
+    }
     /* Now we have the name of the variable stored in "name". The next
        token here must either be an END-DELIM or a ':'. */
-    if (p == end || (*p != config->enddelim && *p != ':'))
-        {
+    if (p == end || (*p != config->enddelim && *p != ':')) {
         goto error_return;
-        }
-    ++p;
+    }
+    p++;
     /* Use the lookup callback to get the variable's contents. */
-    if (failed)
-        {
+    if (failed) {
         result->begin = begin - 1;
         result->end = p;
         result->buffer_size = 0;
-        }
-    else
-        {
+    }
+    else {
         rc = (*lookup) (lookup_context, name.begin, name.end - name.begin, index,
                         &data, &len, &buffer_size);
         if (rc < 0)
             goto error_return;
-        if (rc == 0)
-            {
+        if (rc == 0) {
             /* The variable is undefined. What we'll do now depends on the
                force_expand flag. */
-            if (force_expand)
-                {
+            if (force_expand) {
                 rc = VAR_ERR_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE;
                 goto error_return;
-                }
+            }
             /* Initialize result to point back to the original text in
                the buffer. */
             result->begin = begin - 1;
             result->end = p;
             result->buffer_size = 0;
             failed = 1;
-            }
-        else
-            {
+        }
+        else {
             /* The preliminary result is the contents of the variable.
                This may be modified by the commands that may follow. */
             result->begin = data;
             result->end = data + len;
             result->buffer_size = buffer_size;
-            }
+    }
-    if (p[-1] == ':')
-        {
+    if (p[-1] == ':') {
         /* Parse and execute commands. */
-        --p;
-        while (p != end && *p == ':')
-            {
-            ++p;
+        p--;
+        while (p != end && *p == ':') {
+            p++;
             if (!failed)
                 rc = command(p, end, config, nameclass, lookup,
-                             lookup_context, force_expand, result, current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
+                             lookup_context, force_expand, result, 
+                             current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
                 rc = command(p, end, config, nameclass, lookup,
-                             lookup_context, force_expand, &tmp, current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
+                             lookup_context, force_expand, &tmp, 
+                             current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
             if (rc < 0)
                 goto error_return;
             p += rc;
             if (failed)
                 result->end += rc;
-            }
+        }
-        if (p == end || *p != config->enddelim)
-            {
+        if (p == end || *p != config->enddelim) {
             goto error_return;
-            }
-        ++p;
-        if (failed)
-            ++result->end;
+        p++;
+        if (failed)
+            result->end++;
+    }
     /* Exit gracefully. */
@@ -885,13 +857,13 @@
     return rc;
-    }
 static int variable(const char *begin, const char *end,
                     const var_config_t *config, const char_class_t nameclass,
                     var_cb_t lookup, void *lookup_context,
                     int force_expand, tokenbuf_t *result, int current_index,
-                    int* rel_lookup_flag)
+                    int *rel_lookup_flag)
     const char *p = begin;
     const char *data;
@@ -918,7 +890,7 @@
     if (rc < 0)
         return rc;
     if (rc > 0) {
-        rc2 = (*lookup) (lookup_context, p, rc, 0, &data, &len, &buffer_size);
+        rc2 = (*lookup)(lookup_context, p, rc, 0, &data, &len, &buffer_size);
         if (rc2 < 0)
             return rc2;
         if (rc2 == 0) {
@@ -940,7 +912,7 @@
     rc = expression(p, end, config, nameclass, lookup, lookup_context,
                     force_expand, result, current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
     if (rc > 0)
-        ++rc;
+        rc++;
     return rc;
@@ -949,7 +921,7 @@
                                const char_class_t nameclass, var_cb_t lookup,
                                void *lookup_context, int force_expand,
                                tokenbuf_t *result, int current_index,
-                               int* rel_lookup_flag)
+                               int *rel_lookup_flag)
     const char *p = begin;
     tokenbuf_t tmp;
@@ -985,8 +957,7 @@
                 goto error_return;
-    }
-    while (rc > 0);
+    } while (rc > 0);
     return p - begin;
@@ -1002,7 +973,7 @@
                                 const char_class_t nameclass, var_cb_t lookup,
                                 void *lookup_context, int force_expand,
                                 tokenbuf_t *result, int current_index,
-                                int* rel_lookup_flag)
+                                int *rel_lookup_flag)
     const char *p = begin;
     tokenbuf_t tmp;
@@ -1038,8 +1009,7 @@
                 goto error_return;
-    }
-    while (rc > 0);
+    } while (rc > 0);
     return p - begin;
@@ -1050,24 +1020,24 @@
     return rc;
 static int expand_class_description(tokenbuf_t *src, tokenbuf_t *dst)
     unsigned char c, d;
     const char *p = src->begin;
     while (p != src->end) {
         if ((src->end - p) >= 3 && p[1] == '-') {
             if (*p > p[2])
             for (c = *p, d = p[2]; c <= d; ++c) {
-                if (!tokenbuf_append(dst, (char *) &c, 1))
+                if (!tokenbuf_append(dst, (char *)&c, 1))
                     return VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
             p += 3;
         } else {
             if (!tokenbuf_append(dst, p, 1))
                 return VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-            ++p;
+            p++;
     return VAR_OK;
@@ -1100,8 +1070,7 @@
     if (data->buffer_size == 0) {
         tokenbuf_t tmp;
-        if (!tokenbuf_assign
-            (&tmp, data->begin, data->end - data->begin)) {
+        if (!tokenbuf_assign(&tmp, data->begin, data->end - data->begin)) {
             rc = VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
             goto error_return;
@@ -1134,8 +1103,11 @@
     tokenbuf_t res;
     const char *p;
-    size_t num1 = tokenbuf_toint(number1);
-    size_t num2 = tokenbuf_toint(number2);
+    size_t num1;
+    size_t num2;
+    num1 = tokenbuf_toint(number1);
+    num2 = tokenbuf_toint(number2);
     /* Determine begin of result string. */
@@ -1149,7 +1121,8 @@
     if (num2 == 0) {
         if (!tokenbuf_assign(&res, p, data->end - p))
             return VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-    } else {                    /* OK, then use num2. */
+    } else {
+        /* OK, then use num2. */
         if (isrange) {
             if ((p + num2) > data->end)
                 return VAR_ERR_RANGE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;
@@ -1183,13 +1156,13 @@
                 return VAR_ERR_INCOMPLETE_QUOTED_PAIR;
-            ++p;
+            p++;
             if (*p == '\\') {
                 if (!tokenbuf_append(expanded, p, 1)) {
                     return VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-                ++p;
+                p++;
             if (!isdigit((int)*p)) {
@@ -1197,7 +1170,7 @@
             i = *p - '0';
-            ++p;
+            p++;
             if (pmatch[i].rm_so == -1) {
                 return VAR_ERR_SUBMATCH_OUT_OF_RANGE;
@@ -1212,7 +1185,7 @@
                 return VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-            ++p;
+            p++;
@@ -1258,7 +1231,8 @@
                 rc = strncmp(p, search->begin,
                              search->end - search->begin);
-            if (rc != 0) {      /* no match, copy character */
+            if (rc != 0) {      
+                /* no match, copy character */
                 if (!tokenbuf_append(&tmp, p, 1)) {
                     return VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
@@ -1266,7 +1240,7 @@
             } else {
                 tokenbuf_append(&tmp, replace->begin,
-                                   replace->end - replace->begin);
+                                replace->end - replace->begin);
                 p += search->end - search->begin;
                 if (!global) {
                     if (!tokenbuf_append(&tmp, p, data->end - p)) {
@@ -1291,19 +1265,16 @@
         /* Copy the pattern and the data to our own buffer to make
            sure they're terminated with a null byte. */
-        if (!tokenbuf_assign
-            (&tmp, search->begin, search->end - search->begin))
+        if (!tokenbuf_assign(&tmp, search->begin, search->end - search->begin))
             return VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-        if (!tokenbuf_assign
-            (&mydata, data->begin, data->end - data->begin)) {
+        if (!tokenbuf_assign(&mydata, data->begin, data->end - data->begin)) {
             return VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
         /* Compile the pattern. */
-        rc = regcomp(&preg, tmp.begin,
-                     REG_EXTENDED | ((case_insensitive) ? REG_ICASE : 0));
+        rc = regcomp(&preg, tmp.begin, REG_EXTENDED|((case_insensitive)?REG_ICASE:0));
         if (rc != 0) {
@@ -1313,7 +1284,7 @@
         /* Match the pattern and create the result string in the tmp
            buffer. */
-        for (p = mydata.begin; p != mydata.end;) {
+        for (p = mydata.begin; p != mydata.end; ) {
             if (p == mydata.begin || p[-1] == '\n')
                 regexec_flag = 0;
@@ -1379,10 +1350,10 @@
                 if (!tokenbuf_append
                     (data, fill->begin, fill->end - fill->begin))
                     return VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-                --i;
+                i--;
-            i = (width - (data->end - data->begin)) % (fill->end -
-                                                       fill->begin);
+            i = (width - (data->end - data->begin)) 
+                % (fill->end - fill->begin);
             if (!tokenbuf_append(data, fill->begin, i))
                 return VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
@@ -1396,16 +1367,15 @@
                     return VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-                --i;
+                i--;
-            i = (width - (data->end - data->begin)) % (fill->end -
-                                                       fill->begin);
+            i = (width - (data->end - data->begin)) 
+                % (fill->end - fill->begin);
             if (!tokenbuf_append(&result, fill->begin, i)) {
                 return VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-            if (!tokenbuf_append
-                (&result, data->begin, data->end - data->begin)) {
+            if (!tokenbuf_append(&result, data->begin, data->end - data->begin)) {
                 return VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
@@ -1420,15 +1390,14 @@
             i = i / (fill->end - fill->begin);
             while (i > 0) {
-                if (!tokenbuf_append
-                    (&result, fill->begin, fill->end - fill->begin)) {
+                if (!tokenbuf_append(&result, fill->begin, fill->end - fill->begin)) {
                     return VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-                --i;
+                i--;
-            i = ((width - (data->end - data->begin)) / 2) % (fill->end -
-                                                             fill->begin);
+            i = ((width - (data->end - data->begin)) / 2) 
+                % (fill->end - fill->begin);
             if (!tokenbuf_append(&result, fill->begin, i)) {
                 return VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
@@ -1436,8 +1405,7 @@
             /* Append the actual data string. */
-            if (!tokenbuf_append
-                (&result, data->begin, data->end - data->begin)) {
+            if (!tokenbuf_append(&result, data->begin, data->end - data->begin)) {
                 return VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
@@ -1452,7 +1420,7 @@
                     return VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-                --i;
+                i--;
             i = width - (result.end - result.begin);
             if (!tokenbuf_append(&result, fill->begin, i)) {
@@ -1473,7 +1441,7 @@
 static int command(const char *begin, const char *end,
                    const var_config_t *config, const char_class_t nameclass,
                    var_cb_t lookup, void *lookup_context, int force_expand,
-                   tokenbuf_t *data, int current_index, int* rel_lookup_flag)
+                   tokenbuf_t *data, int current_index, int *rel_lookup_flag)
     const char *p = begin;
     tokenbuf_t tmptokbuf;
@@ -1500,16 +1468,15 @@
                we have to copy it before modifying the contents. */
             if (data->buffer_size == 0) {
-                if (!tokenbuf_assign
-                    (data, data->begin, data->end - data->begin)) {
+                if (!tokenbuf_assign(data, data->begin, data->end - data->begin)) {
                     rc = VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
                     goto error_return;
-            for (ptr = (char *) data->begin; ptr != data->end; ++ptr)
+            for (ptr = (char *)data->begin; ptr != data->end; ++ptr)
                 *ptr = tolower(*ptr);
-        ++p;
+        p++;
     case 'u':                   /* Turn data to uppercase. */
@@ -1577,7 +1544,7 @@
     case '-':                   /* Substitute parameter if data is empty. */
-        ++p;
+        p++;
         rc = exptext_or_variable(p, end, config, nameclass, lookup,
                                  lookup_context, force_expand, &tmptokbuf,
                                  current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
@@ -1595,7 +1562,7 @@
     case '*':                   /* Return "" if data is not empty, parameter otherwise. */
-        ++p;
+        p++;
         rc = exptext_or_variable(p, end, config, nameclass, lookup,
                                  lookup_context, force_expand, &tmptokbuf, current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
         if (rc < 0)
@@ -1618,7 +1585,7 @@
     case '+':                   /* Substitute parameter if data is not empty. */
-        ++p;
+        p++;
         rc = exptext_or_variable(p, end, config, nameclass, lookup,
                                  lookup_context, force_expand, &tmptokbuf, current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
         if (rc < 0)
@@ -1635,11 +1602,11 @@
     case 's':                   /* Search and replace. */
-        ++p;
+        p++;
         if (*p != '/')
-        ++p;
+        p++;
         rc = substext_or_variable(p, end, config, nameclass, lookup,
                                   lookup_context, force_expand, &search, current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
@@ -1651,7 +1618,7 @@
             goto error_return;
-        ++p;
+        p++;
         rc = substext_or_variable(p, end, config, nameclass, lookup,
                                   lookup_context, force_expand, &replace, current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
@@ -1663,7 +1630,7 @@
             goto error_return;
-        ++p;
+        p++;
         rc = exptext(p, end, config);
         if (rc < 0)
@@ -1681,11 +1648,11 @@
     case 'y':                   /* Transpose characters from class A to class B. */
-        ++p;
+        p++;
         if (*p != '/')
-        ++p;
+        p++;
         rc = substext_or_variable(p, end, config, nameclass, lookup,
                                   lookup_context, force_expand, &search, current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
@@ -1697,7 +1664,7 @@
             goto error_return;
-        ++p;
+        p++;
         rc = substext_or_variable(p, end, config, nameclass, lookup,
                                   lookup_context, force_expand, &replace, current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
@@ -1720,11 +1687,11 @@
     case 'p':                   /* Padding. */
-        ++p;
+        p++;
         if (*p != '/')
-        ++p;
+        p++;
         rc = number(p, end);
         if (rc == 0) {
@@ -1740,7 +1707,7 @@
             goto error_return;
-        ++p;
+        p++;
         rc = substext_or_variable(p, end, config, nameclass, lookup,
                                   lookup_context, force_expand, &replace, current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
@@ -1752,13 +1719,13 @@
             goto error_return;
-        ++p;
+        p++;
         if (*p != 'l' && *p != 'c' && *p != 'r') {
             goto error_return;
-        ++p;
+        p++;
         if (data->begin) {
             rc = padding(data, &number1, &replace, p[-1]);
@@ -1792,43 +1759,42 @@
     return rc;
-struct wrapper_context
-    {
+struct wrapper_context {
     var_cb_t lookup;
-    void*    context;
-    int*     rel_lookup_flag;
-    };
+    void    *context;
+    int     *rel_lookup_flag;
 static int lookup_wrapper(void *context,
                           const char *varname, size_t name_len, int index,
                           const char **data, size_t *data_len,
                           size_t *buffer_size)
-    {
     static char buf[1];
-    struct wrapper_context* wcon = context;
+    struct wrapper_context *wcon = context;
     int rc;
-    rc = (*wcon->lookup)(wcon->context, varname, name_len, index, data, data_len, buffer_size);
-    if (rc == 0)
-        {
-        --(*wcon->rel_lookup_flag);
+    rc = (*wcon->lookup)(wcon->context, varname, name_len, 
+                         index, data, data_len, buffer_size);
+    if (rc == 0) {
+        (*wcon->rel_lookup_flag)--;
         *data = buf;
         *data_len = 0;
         *buffer_size = 0;
         return 1;
-        }
+    }
         return rc;
-    }
 static var_rc_t input(const char *begin, const char *end,
                       const var_config_t *config,
                       const char_class_t nameclass, var_cb_t lookup,
                       void *lookup_context, int force_expand,
                       tokenbuf_t *output, int current_index,
-                      size_t recursion_level, int* rel_lookup_flag)
+                      size_t recursion_level, int *rel_lookup_flag)
-    const char* p = begin;
+    const char *p = begin;
     int rc;
     tokenbuf_t result;
     int i;
@@ -1836,45 +1802,44 @@
     struct wrapper_context wcon;
     int my_rel_lookup_flag;
     int original_rel_lookup_state;
-    if (rel_lookup_flag == NULL)
-        {
+    if (rel_lookup_flag == NULL) {
         rel_lookup_flag  = &my_rel_lookup_flag;
         *rel_lookup_flag = 0;
-        }
+    }
     do {
-        if (begin != end && config->startindex && *begin == config->startindex)
-            {
+        if (begin != end && config->startindex && *begin == config->startindex) {
             original_rel_lookup_state = *rel_lookup_flag;
             wcon.lookup = lookup;
             wcon.context = lookup_context;
             wcon.rel_lookup_flag = rel_lookup_flag;
-            ++begin;
-            for (i = 0; i == 0 || *rel_lookup_flag > original_rel_lookup_state; ++i)
-                {
+            begin++;
+            for (i = 0; i == 0 || *rel_lookup_flag > original_rel_lookup_state; i++) {
                 *rel_lookup_flag = original_rel_lookup_state;
                 output_backup = output->end - output->begin;
                 printf("%d: Recursing with default index %d.\n", recursion_level, i);
-                rc = input(begin, end, config, nameclass, &lookup_wrapper, &wcon, 1, output, i, recursion_level+1, rel_lookup_flag);
+                rc = input(begin, end, config, nameclass, &lookup_wrapper, 
+                           &wcon, 1, output, i, recursion_level+1, rel_lookup_flag);
                 printf("%d: input() recursion returned %d.\n", recursion_level, rc);
                 printf("%d: input(): Had %d relative lookups.\n", recursion_level, *rel_lookup_flag);
                 if (rc < 0)
                     goto error_return;
-                if (begin[rc] != config->endindex)
-                    {
+                if (begin[rc] != config->endindex) {
                     rc = VAR_ERR_UNTERMINATED_LOOP_CONSTRUCT;
                     goto error_return;
-                    }
+            }
             output->end = output->begin + output_backup;
             begin += rc;
-            ++begin;
+            begin++;
-            }
+        }
-        rc = text(begin, end, config->varinit, config->startindex, config->endindex, config->escape);
+        rc = text(begin, end, config->varinit, config->startindex, 
+                  config->endindex, config->escape);
         if (rc > 0) {
             if (!tokenbuf_append(output, begin, rc)) {
                 rc = VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
@@ -1886,10 +1851,10 @@
             goto error_return;
         rc = variable(begin, end, config, nameclass, lookup,
-                      lookup_context, force_expand, &result, current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
+                      lookup_context, force_expand, &result, 
+                      current_index, rel_lookup_flag);
         if (rc > 0) {
-            if (!tokenbuf_append
-                (output, result.begin, result.end - result.begin)) {
+            if (!tokenbuf_append(output, result.begin, result.end - result.begin)) {
                 rc = VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
                 goto error_return;
@@ -1898,8 +1863,7 @@
         if (rc < 0)
             goto error_return;
-    }
-    while (begin != end && rc > 0);
+    } while (begin != end && rc > 0);
     if (recursion_level == 0 && begin != end) {
@@ -1958,18 +1922,16 @@
                lookup, lookup_context, force_expand, &output, 0, 0, NULL);
     *result = (char *)output.begin;
     *result_len = output.end - output.begin;
-    if (rc >= 0)
-        {
-        if (!tokenbuf_append(&output, "\0", 1))
-            {
+    if (rc >= 0) {
+        if (!tokenbuf_append(&output, "\0", 1)) {
             return VAR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
-            }
-        --output.end;
-        rc = VAR_OK;
+        output.end--;
+        rc = VAR_OK;
+    }
     *result = (char *)output.begin;
     *result_len = output.end - output.begin;
     return rc;

CVSTrac 2.0.1