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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/uuid/uuid++.hh versions 1.1 and 1.2
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ossp-pkg/uuid/uuid++.hh 1.1 -> 1.2

--- uuid++.hh    2005/08/31 14:29:56     1.1
+++ uuid++.hh    2005/08/31 20:07:29     1.2
@@ -31,43 +31,66 @@
 #define __UUIDXX_HH__
 /* required C API header */
+#include <stdlib.h>
 #include "uuid.h"
+/* UUID object class */
 class uuid {
+    public:
+        /* construction & destruction */
+                      uuid         ();                         /* standard constructor */
+                      uuid         (const uuid   &_obj);       /* copy     constructor */
+                      uuid         (const uuid_t *_obj);       /* import   constructor */
+                      uuid         (const void   *_bin);       /* import   constructor */
+                      uuid         (const char   *_str);       /* import   constructor */
+                     ~uuid         ();                         /* destructor */
+        /* copying & cloning */
+        uuid         &operator=    (const uuid   &_obj);       /* copy   assignment operator */
+        uuid         &operator=    (const uuid_t *_obj);       /* import assignment operator */
+        uuid         &operator=    (const void   *_bin);       /* import assignment operator */
+        uuid         &operator=    (const char   *_str);       /* import assignment operator */
+        uuid          clone        (void);                     /* regular method */
+        /* content generation */
+        void          load         (const char *_name);        /* regular method */
+        void          make         (unsigned int _mode, ...);  /* regular method */
+        /* content comparison */
+        int           isnil        (void);                     /* regular method */
+        int           compare      (const uuid &_obj);         /* regular method */
+        int           operator==   (const uuid &_obj);         /* comparison operator */
+        int           operator!=   (const uuid &_obj);         /* comparison operator */
+        int           operator<    (const uuid &_obj);         /* comparison operator */
+        int           operator<=   (const uuid &_obj);         /* comparison operator */
+        int           operator>    (const uuid &_obj);         /* comparison operator */
+        int           operator>=   (const uuid &_obj);         /* comparison operator */
+        /* content importing & exporting */
+        void          import       (const void *_bin);         /* regular method */
+        void          import       (const char *_str);         /* regular method */
+        void         *binary       (void);                     /* regular method */
+        char         *string       (void);                     /* regular method */
+        char         *summary      (void);                     /* regular method */
+        unsigned long version      (void);                     /* regular method */
         uuid_t *ctx;
+/* UUID exception class */
+class uuid_error_t {
-        /* object constructors and destructor */
-        uuid();                                      /* standard constructor */
-        ~uuid();                                     /* standard destructor */
-        uuid(const uuid &obj);                       /* construction: import of other C++ API object */
-        uuid(uuid_t *obj);                           /* construction: import of other C   API object */
-        uuid(const unsigned char *str);              /* construction: import of binary representation */
-        uuid(const char *str);                       /* construction: import of string representation */
-        /* import methods */
-        uuid &operator=  (const uuid &rhs);          /* assignment: import of other C++ API object */
-        uuid &operator=  (const uuid_t *rhs);        /* assignment: import of other C   API object */
-        uuid &operator=  (const unsigned char *rhs); /* assignment: import of binary representation */
-        uuid &operator=  (const char *rhs);          /* assignment: import of string representation */
-        /* generation methods */
-        void load        (const char *name);         /* generation: loading existing UUID by name */
-        void make        (unsigned int mode, ...);   /* generation: making new UUID one from scratch */
-        /* comparison methods */
-        int  isnil       (void);                     /* comparison: is-Nil-UUID */
-        int  operator==  (const uuid &rhs);          /* comparison: equality */
-        int  operator!=  (const uuid &rhs);          /* comparison: inequality */
-        int  operator<   (const uuid &rhs);          /* comparison: lower-than */
-        int  operator<=  (const uuid &rhs);          /* comparison: lower-than-or-equal */
-        int  operator>   (const uuid &rhs);          /* comparison: greater-than */
-        int  operator>=  (const uuid &rhs);          /* comparison: greater-than-or-equal */
-        /* export methods */                           
-        uuid_t        *object (void);                /* export: object representation */
-        unsigned char *binary (void);                /* export: binary representation */
-        char          *string (void);                /* export: string representation */
+                      uuid_error_t ()                     { code(UUID_RC_OK); };
+                      uuid_error_t (uuid_rc_t _code)      { code(_code); };
+                     ~uuid_error_t ()                     { };
+        void          code         (uuid_rc_t _code)      { rc = _code; };
+        uuid_rc_t     code         (void)                 { return rc; };
+        char         *string       (void)                 { return uuid_error(rc); };
+    private:
+        uuid_rc_t rc;
 #endif /* __UUIDXX_HH__ */

CVSTrac 2.0.1