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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/shtool/sh.slo versions 1.23 and 1.24
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ossp-pkg/shtool/sh.slo 1.23 -> 1.24

--- sh.slo       2004/01/01 16:54:20     1.23
+++ sh.slo       2004/02/12 16:06:27     1.24
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 ##  slo -- Separate linker options by library class
 ##  Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
-##  Originally written for Apache
 ##  This file is part of shtool and free software; you can redistribute
 ##  it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
@@ -178,3 +177,88 @@
     echo "${opt_p}${var}=\"${val}\""
+shtool_exit 0
+##  manual page
+=head1 NAME
+B<shtool slo> - B<GNU shtool> separate linker options by library class
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<shtool slo>
+[B<-p>|B<--prefix> I<str>]
+[B<-L>I<dir> B<-l>I<lib> ...]
+This command separates the linker options ``B<-L>'' and ``B<-l>'' by library
+class. It's argument line can actually be an arbitrary command line where those
+options are contained. B<slo> parses these two options only and ignores the
+remaining contents. The result is a trivial shell script on C<stdout> which
+defines six variables containing the ``B<-L>'' and ``B<-l>'' options sorted by
+``C<SLO_DIRS_OBJ>'' and ``C<SLO_LIBS_OBJ>'' contains the ``B<-L>'' and
+``B<-l>'' options of static libraries,  ``C<SLO_DIRS_PIC>'' and
+``C<SLO_LIBS_PIC>'' contains the ``B<-L>'' and ``B<-l>'' options of static
+libraries containing PIC ("Position Independent Code") and
+``C<SLO_DIRS_DSO>'' and ``C<SLO_LIBS_DSO>'' contains the ``B<-L>'' and
+``B<-l>'' options of shared libraries. The B<-p> option can be used to
+change the default variable prefix from "C<SLO_>" to I<str>.
+The intent of this separation is to provide a way between static and shared
+libraries which is important if one wants to link custom DSOs against
+libraries, because not all platforms all one to link these DSOs against shared
+libraries. So one first has to separate out the shared libraries and link the
+DSO only against the static libraries.  One can use this command also to just
+sort the options.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+The following command line options are available.
+=over 4
+=item B<-p>, B<--prefix> I<str>
+    FIXME
+=item B<-L>I<dir>
+Directory where libraries are searched in.
+=item B<-l>I<lib>
+Library to search for.
+=head1 EXAMPLE
+ #   configure.in
+ eval `shtool slo $LINK_STD`
+   :
+=head1 HISTORY
+The B<GNU shtool> B<slo> command was originally written by Ralf S.
+Engelschall E<lt>rse@engelschall.comE<gt> in 1998 for B<Apache>.
+It was later taken over into B<GNU shtool>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+shtool(1), ld(1).

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