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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/shiela/shiela.pod versions 1.7 and 1.8
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ossp-pkg/shiela/shiela.pod 1.7 -> 1.8

--- shiela.pod   2002/12/21 09:42:57     1.7
+++ shiela.pod   2002/12/21 11:00:17     1.8
@@ -81,6 +81,53 @@
 For semantical reasons only a particular structure is allowed to be created
 with the syntax. This is described in the following.
+=head2 Environment Configuration
+The last configuration block is optional and for setting the run-time
+environment. This configuration block has to be of the following
+ Environment {
+     [Program sendmail <path>;]
+     [Program cvs <path>;]
+     [Program diff <path>;]
+     [Program uuencode <path>;]
+ };
+The individual parts of this are:
+=over 4
+=item B<Program sendmail E<lt>pathE<gt>;>
+This overrides the path to the F<sendmail> executable. Per default
+B<OSSP shiela> determines this automatically through the inherited C<$PATH>
+variable. Use this either if you have Sendmail not in C<$PATH> or if you
+have multiple Sendmail instances installed.
+=item B<Program cvs E<lt>pathE<gt>;>
+This overrides the path to the F<cvs> executable. Per default B<OSSP shiela>
+determines this automatically through the inherited C<$PATH> variable.
+Use this either if you have CVS not in C<$PATH> or if you have multiple
+CVS instances installed.
+=item B<Program diff E<lt>pathE<gt>;>
+This overrides the path to the F<diff> executable. Per default B<OSSP
+shiela> determines this automatically through the inherited C<$PATH>
+variable. Use this either if you have GNU Diffutils not in C<$PATH> or
+if you have multiple GNU Diffutils instances installed.
+=item B<Program uuencode E<lt>pathE<gt>;>
+This overrides the path to the F<uuencode> executable. Per default
+B<OSSP shiela> determines this automatically through the inherited
+C<$PATH> variable. Use this either if you have GNU Sharutils not in
+C<$PATH> or if you have multiple GNU Sharutils instances installed.
 =head2 Project Configuration
 The first configuration block is for the project to which the repository
@@ -335,42 +382,19 @@
-=head2 Environment Configuration
-The last configuration block is optional and for setting the run-time
-environment. This configuration block has to be of the following
- Environment {
-     CVS <path>;
-     Sendmail <path>;
- };
-The individual parts of this are:
-=over 4
-=item B<CVS E<lt>pathE<gt>;>
-This overrides the path to the CVS executable. Per default B<OSSP shiela>
-determines this automatically through the inherited C<$PATH> variable.
-Use this either if you have CVS not in C<$PATH> or if you have multiple
-CVS instances installed.
-=item B<Sendmail E<lt>pathE<gt>;>
-This overrides the path to the Sendmail executable. Per default
-B<OSSP shiela> determines this automatically through the inherited C<$PATH>
-variable. Use this either if you have Sendmail not in C<$PATH> or if you
-have multiple Sendmail instances installed.
 =head1 EXAMPLE
 The following example shows a fictive but reasonable configuration for a
 sample FOO project:
+ #   override the run-time environment
+ Environment {
+     Program sendmail /e/foo/sw/bin/sendmail;
+     Program cvs      /e/foo/sw/bin/cvs;
+     Program diff     /e/foo/sw/bin/diff;
+     Program uuencode /e/foo/sw/bin/uuencode;
+ };
  #   define the project and its users
  Project {
      Tag     FOO;
@@ -439,12 +463,6 @@
- #   override the run-time environment
- Environment {
-     CVS      /e/foo/sw/bin/cvs;
-     Sendmail /e/foo/sw/bin/sendmail;
- };
 =head1 HISTORY
 There were the scripts C<log_accum.pl> and C<commit_prep.pl> (originally

CVSTrac 2.0.1