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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/shiela/THANKS versions 1.4 and 1.5
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ossp-pkg/shiela/THANKS 1.4 -> 1.5

--- THANKS       2004/05/05 13:18:47     1.4
+++ THANKS       2004/05/10 18:01:03     1.5
@@ -12,9 +12,10 @@
   Credit has to be given to the following people who contributed ideas,
   stuff, bugfixes, hints etc. (in alphabetical order):
-  o Denis Barbier            <barbier@imacs.polytechnique.fr>
-  o Markus Sander            <msander@de.cw.com>
-  o Christoph Schug          <chris@schug.net>
+  o Denis Barbier               <barbier@imacs.polytechnique.fr>
+  o Markus Sander               <msander@de.cw.com>
+  o Michael Schloh v. Bennewitz <michael.schloh@cw.com>
+  o Christoph Schug             <chris@schug.net>
   ...and all other OSSP shiela users who gave me feedback but I've forgot.

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