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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/shiela/ChangeLog versions 1.34 and 1.35
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ossp-pkg/shiela/ChangeLog 1.34 -> 1.35

--- ChangeLog    2002/12/23 14:21:57     1.34
+++ ChangeLog    2002/12/23 14:33:55     1.35
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@
    *) Log also the user id of the committer in the OSSP shiela logfile
       to remove the burden on foreign applications having to merge
       the CVSROOT/history and the shiela logfile in order to get all
-      information.
+      information. Additionally the seperator character in the OSSP
+      shiela logfile was changed from a comma (",") to a bar ("|")
+      character in order to be more similar to CVSROOT/history.
       [Ralf S. Engelschall]
    *) Added "Setenv <variable <value>" configuration command to

CVSTrac 2.0.1