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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/sa/sa.pod versions 1.34 and 1.35
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ossp-pkg/sa/sa.pod 1.34 -> 1.35

--- sa.pod       2002/10/30 08:42:16     1.34
+++ sa.pod       2002/10/30 18:43:08     1.35
@@ -687,7 +687,8 @@
 This reads from the socket (optionally through the internal read buffer)
 up to a maximum of I<buflen> bytes into buffer I<buf>, but only as long
 as no line terminating newline character (0x0a) was found. The line
-terminating newline character is stored in the buffer, too. The actual
+terminating newline character is stored in the buffer plus a (not
+counted) terminating C<NUL> character ('C<\0>'), too. The actual
 number of read bytes is stored in I<bufdone>. This internally maps to

CVSTrac 2.0.1