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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/rc/rc_proc.c versions 1.45 and 1.46
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ossp-pkg/rc/rc_proc.c 1.45 -> 1.46

--- rc_proc.c    2003/06/13 18:33:07     1.45
+++ rc_proc.c    2003/06/18 14:35:29     1.46
@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@
     ex_try {
         pNewrc = malloc(sizeof(rc_proc_t));
-        pNewrc->m_pAnal = analNew();        /* Construct a configuration analyser */
-        analRcs (pNewrc->m_pAnal, configGetrcfile()); /* Preprocess analysis      */
-        pNewrc->m_pScriptcom = scriptNew(); /* Construct a run-command script     */
-        pNewrc->m_ppLabvec = calloc(pNewrc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs, sizeof(rc_label_t *));
+        pNewrc->m_pList = listNew();              /* Construct a rcfile list  */
+        listPopulate(pNewrc->m_pList, configGetrcfile()); /* Prepopulate list */
+        pNewrc->m_pScriptfunc = scriptNew(); /* Construct a functions script  */
+        pNewrc->m_pScriptcom  = scriptNew(); /* Construct a common script     */
@@ -71,40 +71,38 @@
     int nFdrc   = -1;
     int nFdfunc = -1;
     int nRet    = 0;
-    int nRc     = 0;
+    int nRcs    = 0;
     ex_t Except;
     char         *sBuf        = NULL;
-    rc_section_t *pSec        = NULL;
     char         *szLocex     = NULL;
     rc_script_t  *pTempscript = NULL;
+    rc_section_t *pSec        = NULL;
     short         nTotalsecs  = vectorCount(configGetsecs());
-    assert(*pRc->m_pAnal->m_pszRcs);
+    assert(pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec);
     sBuf = (char *)calloc(1, RC_READ_BUFSIZE);
     /* Open the func file if it exists in the configuration */
     if (configGetval(RC_FNC_VAL)) {
-/* FIXME: Funcfile data does not belong in config section data! */
+        /* FIXME: Funcfile data does not belong in config section data! */
         if ((nFdfunc = open(configGetval(RC_FNC_VAL), O_RDONLY)) >= 0) {
             /* Read data from the func file */
             while ((nRet = read(nFdfunc, sBuf, RC_READ_BUFSIZE)) > 0)
-                scriptAppend(pRc->m_pScriptcom, sBuf, nRet);
+                scriptAppend(pRc->m_pScriptfunc, sBuf, nRet);
             if (nRet == -1) /* Handle read errors */
-            scriptAppend(pRc->m_pScriptcom, "\n", sizeof(char));
+            scriptAppend(pRc->m_pScriptfunc, "\n", sizeof("\n"));
     /* Iteratively read possibly globbed rc files */
-    for (nRc = 0; nRc < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs; nRc++)
+    for (nRcs = 0; nRcs < pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles; nRcs++)
-        assert(*pRc->m_pAnal->m_pszRcs);
-        /* Construct a new label */
-        pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRc] = labelNew(pRc->m_pAnal->m_pszRcs[nRc]);
+        if (!pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs])
+            RC_THROW(RC_ERR_INT); /* Rcfile vector is missing its tail */
         /* Build the location path name */
         if (!configGetval(RC_LOC_VAL)) {
@@ -117,21 +115,21 @@
                 szLocex = malloc(strlen(configGetval(RC_LOC_VAL)) + \
                                  sizeof (char) + \
                                  strlen("rc.") + \
-                                 strlen(pRc->m_pAnal->m_pszRcs[nRc]) + \
+                                 strlen(pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_szName) + \
                                  sizeof (char));
                 strcpy(szLocex, configGetval(RC_LOC_VAL));
                 strcat(szLocex, "/");
                 strcat(szLocex, "rc."); /* FIXME: Make the prefix configurable */
-                strcat(szLocex, pRc->m_pAnal->m_pszRcs[nRc]);
+                strcat(szLocex, pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_szName);
             else {
                 szLocex = malloc(strlen(configGetval(RC_LOC_VAL)) + \
                                  strlen("rc.") + \
-                                 strlen(pRc->m_pAnal->m_pszRcs[nRc]) + \
+                                 strlen(pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_szName) + \
                                  sizeof (char));
                 strcpy(szLocex, configGetval(RC_LOC_VAL));
                 strcat(szLocex, "rc."); /* FIXME: Make the prefix configurable */
-                strcat(szLocex, pRc->m_pAnal->m_pszRcs[nRc]);
+                strcat(szLocex, pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_szName);
@@ -162,10 +160,10 @@
                 pSec = scriptSection(pTempscript, configGetsecs()[nSect]);
                 if (pSec) /* Only copy if the section lookup succeeds */
-                    labelAppendsec(pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRc], pSec);
+                    rcfileAppendsec(pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs], pSec);
                 else if (configGetval(RC_DBG_VAL)) /* Only show if debug set */
                     fprintf(stderr, "#Warning: Missing section '%s' in %s!\n",\
-                        configGetsecs()[nSect], pRc->m_pAnal->m_pszRcs[nRc]);
+                        configGetsecs()[nSect], pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_szName);
                 if (pSec) { /* Cleanup iterative section string */
@@ -211,6 +209,7 @@
     pid_t Pidexec   = -1;               /* When spawning before execv(3)   */
     char *szTmpfile = NULL;             /* Path of temporary file          */
     char *szTmp     = NULL;             /* Generic temporary string        */
+    char *szFunc    = NULL;             /* Stores func script text         */
     char *szCom     = NULL;             /* Stores common script text       */
     char *szExec    = NULL;             /* Used only during exec mode      */
     char *szVerbose = NULL;             /* Used when handling verbose mode */
@@ -228,43 +227,64 @@
     if (configGetval(RC_EVL_VAL)) {                             /* Evaluate */
         /* Allocate a block of section pointers to use temporarily */
-        ppSectmp = calloc(pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs, sizeof(rc_section_t *));
+        ppSectmp = calloc(pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles, sizeof(rc_section_t *));
         pFatscript = scriptNew();
         scriptAppend(pFatscript, RC_BANG_STR, strlen(RC_BANG_STR)); /* Shebang */
+        /* Conditionally output initial notice in verbal mode */
+        if (configGetval(RC_VRB_VAL)) {
+            szVerbose = malloc((strlen(RC_VST_TEXT) + 2) * sizeof (char));
+            sprintf(szVerbose, "%s", RC_VST_TEXT);
+            strcat(szVerbose, "\n");
+            scriptAppend(pFatscript, szVerbose, strlen(szVerbose));
+            free(szVerbose);
+            szVerbose = NULL;
+        }
+        /* Conditionally print funcs section notice in verbal mode */
+        if (configGetval(RC_VRB_VAL)) {
+            szVerbose = malloc((strlen(RC_EVF_TEXT) + 2) * sizeof (char));
+            sprintf(szVerbose, "%s", RC_EVF_TEXT);
+            strcat(szVerbose, "\n");
+            scriptAppend(pFatscript, szVerbose, strlen(szVerbose));
+            free(szVerbose);
+            szVerbose = NULL;
+        }
+        scriptAppend(pFatscript, scriptTostring(pRc->m_pScriptfunc), \
+            strlen(scriptTostring(pRc->m_pScriptfunc)));
         /* Conditionally print common section notice in verbal mode */
         if (configGetval(RC_VRB_VAL)) {
-            nBytes = (strlen(RC_PRN_TEXT) + strlen(RC_CMN_TEXT) * 2 + 1) * sizeof (char);
+            nBytes = (strlen(RC_EVN_TEXT) + strlen(RC_CMN_TEXT) * 2 + 2) * sizeof (char);
             szVerbose = malloc(nBytes);
-            sprintf(szVerbose, RC_PRN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT);
+            sprintf(szVerbose, RC_EVN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT);
+            strcat(szVerbose, "\n");
             scriptAppend(pFatscript, szVerbose, strlen(szVerbose));
+            szVerbose = NULL;
         scriptAppend(pFatscript, scriptTostring(pRc->m_pScriptcom), \
         for (nSecs = 0; nSecs < nTotalsecs; nSecs++) {
-            for (nRcs = 0; nRcs < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs; nRcs++) {
-                nTmp = 0;
-                while (nTmp < pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs]->m_nSecs && \
-                    strcmp(pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs]->m_ppSecvec[nTmp]->m_szName, \
-                                configGetsecs()[nSecs]))
-                    nTmp++;
-                if (nTmp < pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs]->m_nSecs)
-                    ppSectmp[nRcs] = pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs]->m_ppSecvec[nTmp];
+            for (nRcs = 0; nRcs < pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles; nRcs++) {
+                for (nTmp = 0; nTmp < pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_nSecs && \
+                    strcmp(pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_ppSecvec[nTmp]->m_szName, \
+                    configGetsecs()[nSecs]); nTmp++);
+                if (nTmp < pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_nSecs)
+                    ppSectmp[nRcs] = pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_ppSecvec[nTmp];
                     ppSectmp[nRcs] = NULL;
-            qsort((void *)ppSectmp, (size_t)pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs, \
+            qsort((void *)ppSectmp, (size_t)pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles, \
                 sizeof(rc_section_t *), priCompare);
-            nTmp = 0;
-            while (nTmp < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs && ppSectmp[nTmp]) {
+            for (nTmp = 0; nTmp < pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles && ppSectmp[nTmp]; nTmp++) {
                 /* Conditionally print each section notice in verbal mode */
                 if (configGetval(RC_VRB_VAL)) {
                     szTmp = (char *)sectionGetname(ppSectmp[nTmp]);
-                    nBytes = (strlen(RC_EVN_TEXT) + strlen(szTmp) + 1) * sizeof (char);
+                    nBytes = (strlen(RC_EVN_TEXT) + strlen(szTmp) + 2) * sizeof (char);
                     szVerbose = malloc(nBytes);
                     sprintf(szVerbose, RC_EVN_TEXT, szTmp, szTmp);
+                    strcat(szVerbose, "\n");
                     scriptAppend(pFatscript, szVerbose, strlen(szVerbose));
+                    szVerbose = NULL;
                 if ((szTmp = (char *)sectionGetlogin(ppSectmp[nTmp])) != NULL) {
                     scriptAppend(pFatscript, "#su ", strlen("#su "));
@@ -273,7 +293,6 @@
                 szTmp = (char *)sectionGetdata(ppSectmp[nTmp]);
                 scriptAppend(pFatscript, szTmp, strlen(szTmp) + 1);
-                nTmp++;
@@ -303,11 +322,11 @@
         /* that allows rc to run unprivileged (as long as no privileged     */
         /* code is used in the script sections to be executed               */
         for (nSecs = 0; nSecs < nTotalsecs; nSecs++) {
-            for (nTmp = 0; nTmp < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs; nTmp++) {
-                if (pRc->m_ppLabvec[nTmp]->m_ppSecvec && \
-                    pRc->m_ppLabvec[nTmp]->m_ppSecvec[nSecs]) {
+            for (nTmp = 0; nTmp < pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles; nTmp++) {
+                if (pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nTmp]->m_ppSecvec && \
+                    pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nTmp]->m_ppSecvec[nSecs]) {
                     nRunuid = getuid();
-                    nSectuid = pRc->m_ppLabvec[nTmp]->m_ppSecvec[nSecs]->m_nUid;
+                    nSectuid = pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nTmp]->m_ppSecvec[nSecs]->m_nUid;
                     /* See if root user status is needed, and bail out if so */
                     if (nRunuid != 0 && nSectuid != -1 && nRunuid != nSectuid) {
                         fprintf(stderr, RC_RUT_TEXT);
@@ -317,44 +336,57 @@
         /* Allocate a block of section pointers to use temporarily */
-        ppSectmp = calloc(pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs, sizeof(rc_section_t *));
-        szCom = (char *)scriptTostring(pRc->m_pScriptcom);
+        ppSectmp = calloc(pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles, sizeof(rc_section_t *));
+        szFunc = (char *)scriptTostring(pRc->m_pScriptfunc);
+        szCom  = (char *)scriptTostring(pRc->m_pScriptcom);
         for (nSecs = 0; nSecs < nTotalsecs; nSecs++) {
-            for (nRcs = 0; nRcs < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs; nRcs++) {
-                nTmp = 0;
-                while (nTmp < pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs]->m_nSecs && \
-                    strcmp(pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs]->m_ppSecvec[nTmp]->m_szName, \
-                                configGetsecs()[nSecs]))
-                    nTmp++;
-                if (nTmp < pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs]->m_nSecs)
-                    ppSectmp[nRcs] = pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs]->m_ppSecvec[nTmp];
+            for (nRcs = 0; nRcs < pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles; nRcs++) {
+                for (nTmp = 0; nTmp < pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_nSecs && \
+                    strcmp(pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_ppSecvec[nTmp]->m_szName, \
+                                configGetsecs()[nSecs]); nTmp++);
+                if (nTmp < pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_nSecs)
+                    ppSectmp[nRcs] = pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_ppSecvec[nTmp];
                     ppSectmp[nRcs] = NULL;
-            qsort((void *)ppSectmp, (size_t)pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs, sizeof(rc_section_t *), priCompare);
+            qsort((void *)ppSectmp, (size_t)pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles, sizeof(rc_section_t *), priCompare);
             pszVec[0] = "/bin/sh";  /* Run the bourne shell over the following */
             pszVec[1] = "-c";       /* Append script code of the sections */
             pszVec[3] = NULL;       /* Add a NULL to mark the end of the chain */
             nTmp = 0; /* Count from zero until however many sections we have */
-            while (nTmp < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs && ppSectmp[nTmp]) {
+            while (nTmp < pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles && ppSectmp[nTmp]) {
                 /* Conditionally print common and other section notices in verbal mode */
                 if (configGetval(RC_VRB_VAL)) {
-                    size_t nComverb = 0;
-                    size_t nCommon  = 0;
+                    size_t nSizverb = 0;
+                    size_t nPrescr  = 0;
                     size_t nSecverb = 0;
                     size_t nSection = 0;
-                    nComverb = (strlen(RC_EXN_TEXT) + strlen(RC_CMN_TEXT) * 2 \
+                    /* Allocate space just for string to prepare for verbose */
+                    nSizverb = (strlen(RC_EXN_TEXT) + strlen(RC_CMN_TEXT) * 2 \
                         + strlen(RC_ECHO_STR) + strlen("\"\"") + 1) * sizeof (char);
-                    szVerbose = malloc(nComverb);
+                    szVerbose = malloc(nSizverb);
                     sprintf(szVerbose, RC_EXN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT);
-                    nCommon = (strlen(szCom) + strlen(RC_BANG_STR) + 1) * sizeof (char);
-                    szExec = malloc(nComverb + nCommon);
+                    /* Allocate space for entire string to execvp(3) */
+                    nPrescr = (strlen(RC_VST_TEXT) + strlen(RC_EXF_TEXT) + \
+                        strlen(szVerbose) + strlen(szFunc) + strlen(szCom) + \
+                        strlen(RC_BANG_STR) + 1) * sizeof (char);
+                    szExec = malloc(nSizverb + nPrescr);
                     strcpy(szExec, RC_BANG_STR);    /* Start out with the bang string */
                     strcat(szExec, RC_ECHO_STR);    /* Continue with the echo string */
                     strcat(szExec, "\"");           /* Append a quote next to the echo */
-                    strcat(szExec, szVerbose);      /* Continue with the verboseity text */
-                    strcat(szExec, "\"");           /* Finalize the verbosity notice */
-                    strcat(szExec, szCom);          /* Then with the common script code */
+                    strcat(szExec, RC_VST_TEXT);    /* Continue with the start text */
+                    strcat(szExec, "\n");           /* Stick a newline inbetween */
+                    strcat(szExec, RC_EXF_TEXT);    /* Continue with the func text */
+                    strcat(szExec, "\";");          /* Finalize the verbosity notice */
+                    strcat(szExec, szFunc);         /* Continue with the common script code */
+                    strcat(szExec, RC_ECHO_STR);    /* Continue with the echo string */
+                    strcat(szExec, "\"");           /* Append a quote next to the echo */
+                    strcat(szExec, szVerbose);      /* Continue with the common text */
+                    strcat(szExec, "\";");          /* Finalize the verbosity notice */
+                    strcat(szExec, szCom);          /* Then with the funcs script code  */
                     szTmp = (char *)sectionGetname(ppSectmp[nTmp]);
                     nSecverb = (strlen(RC_EXN_TEXT) + strlen(szTmp) * 2 \
                         + strlen(RC_ECHO_STR) + strlen("\"\"") + 1) * sizeof (char);
@@ -362,11 +394,11 @@
                     sprintf(szVerbose, RC_EXN_TEXT, szTmp, szTmp);
                     szTmp = (char *)sectionGetdata(ppSectmp[nTmp]);
                     nSection = (strlen(szTmp) + 1) * sizeof (char);
-                    realloc(szExec, nComverb + nCommon + nSecverb + nSection);
+                    realloc(szExec, nSizverb + nPrescr + nSecverb + nSection);
                     strcat(szExec, RC_ECHO_STR);    /* Start out with the echo string */
                     strcat(szExec, "\"");           /* Append a quote next to the echo */
                     strcat(szExec, szVerbose);      /* Continue with the verboseity text */
-                    strcat(szExec, "\"");           /* Finalize the verbosity notice */
+                    strcat(szExec, "\";");          /* Finalize the verbosity notice */
                     strcat(szExec, szTmp);          /* Then with the new script code */
                     pszVec[2] = szExec;             /* Launch the new process image now  */
@@ -396,11 +428,13 @@
                 else {
                     szTmp = (char *)sectionGetdata(ppSectmp[nTmp]);
-                    szExec = malloc((strlen(szCom) + strlen(szTmp) + 1) * sizeof(char));
-                    strcpy(szExec, RC_BANG_STR);    /* Start out with the shebang string */
-                    strcat(szExec, szCom); /* Continue with just the common script code  */
-                    strcat(szExec, szTmp); /* And build a section onto the command chain */
-                    pszVec[2] = szExec;    /* Actually launch the new process image now  */
+                    szExec = malloc((strlen(szFunc) + strlen(szCom) + \
+                        strlen(szTmp) + 1) * sizeof(char));
+                    strcpy(szExec, RC_BANG_STR);     /* Start out with the shebang string */
+                    strcat(szExec, szFunc); /* Continue with just the funcs script code   */
+                    strcat(szExec, szCom);  /* Continue with just the common script code  */
+                    strcat(szExec, szTmp);  /* And build a section onto the command chain */
+                    pszVec[2] = szExec;     /* Actually launch the new process image now  */
                     /* Spawn the section shell code */
                     switch (Pidexec = fork()){
@@ -430,35 +464,43 @@
     else if (configGetval(RC_PRN_VAL)) {                        /* Print  */
         /* Allocate a block of section pointers to use as a temporary */
-        ppSectmp = calloc(pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs, sizeof(rc_section_t *));
+        ppSectmp = calloc(pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles, sizeof(rc_section_t *));
         pBangscript = scriptNew();
         scriptAppend(pBangscript, RC_BANG_STR, (strlen(RC_BANG_STR) + 1) * sizeof (char));
+        scriptDump(pBangscript); /* Dump the shebang */
+        scriptDelete(pBangscript);
+        /* Conditionally output initial notice in verbal mode */
+        if (configGetval(RC_VRB_VAL))
+            fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", RC_VST_TEXT);
+        /* Conditionally print funcs section notice in verbal mode */
+        if (configGetval(RC_VRB_VAL))
+            fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", RC_EVF_TEXT);
+        scriptDump(pRc->m_pScriptfunc); /* Dump the funcs script */
         /* Conditionally print common section notice in verbal mode */
         if (configGetval(RC_VRB_VAL)) {
-            nBytes = (strlen(RC_PRN_TEXT) + strlen(RC_CMN_TEXT) * 2 + 1) * sizeof (char);
+            nBytes = (strlen(RC_EVN_TEXT) + strlen(RC_CMN_TEXT) * 2 + 2) * sizeof (char);
             szVerbose = malloc(nBytes);
-            sprintf(szVerbose, RC_PRN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT);
-            scriptAppend(pBangscript, szVerbose, (strlen(szVerbose) + 1) * sizeof (char));
+            sprintf(szVerbose, RC_EVN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT);
+            strcat(szVerbose, "\n");
+            fprintf(stderr, szVerbose);
+            szVerbose = NULL;
-        scriptDump(pBangscript);        /* Dump the common script with shebang */
-        scriptDump(pRc->m_pScriptcom);  /* Dump the rest of the common script */
-        scriptDelete(pBangscript);
+        scriptDump(pRc->m_pScriptcom);  /* Dump the common script */
         for (nSecs = 0; nSecs < nTotalsecs; nSecs++) {
-            for (nRcs = 0; nRcs < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs; nRcs++) {
-                nTmp = 0;
-                while (nTmp < pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs]->m_nSecs && \
-                    strcmp(pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs]->m_ppSecvec[nTmp]->m_szName, \
-                                configGetsecs()[nSecs]))
-                    nTmp++;
-                if (nTmp < pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs]->m_nSecs)
-                    ppSectmp[nRcs] = pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs]->m_ppSecvec[nTmp];
+            for (nRcs = 0; nRcs < pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles; nRcs++) {
+                for (nTmp = 0; nTmp < pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_nSecs && \
+                    strcmp(pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_ppSecvec[nTmp]->m_szName, \
+                                configGetsecs()[nSecs]); nTmp++);
+                if (nTmp < pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_nSecs)
+                    ppSectmp[nRcs] = pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_ppSecvec[nTmp];
                     ppSectmp[nRcs] = NULL;
-            qsort((void *)ppSectmp, (size_t)pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs, sizeof(rc_section_t *), priCompare);
-            nTmp = 0;
-            while (nTmp < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs && ppSectmp[nTmp]) {
+            qsort((void *)ppSectmp, (size_t)pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles, sizeof(rc_section_t *), priCompare);
+            for (nTmp = 0; nTmp < pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles && ppSectmp[nTmp]; nTmp++) {
                 /* Conditionally print each section notice in verbal mode */
                 if (configGetval(RC_VRB_VAL)) {
                     szTmp = (char *)sectionGetname(ppSectmp[nTmp]);
@@ -467,9 +509,9 @@
                     sprintf(szVerbose, RC_PRN_TEXT, szTmp, szTmp);
                     fprintf(stderr, "%s", szVerbose);
+                    szVerbose = NULL;
-                nTmp++;
@@ -477,27 +519,21 @@
     else if (configGetval(RC_PAR_VAL)) {                    /* Parse names */
         /* Allocate a block of section pointers to use as a temporary */
-        ppSectmp = calloc(pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs, sizeof(rc_section_t *));
-        fprintf(stderr, "file %s, section %s\n", pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs]->m_szName, RC_CMN_TEXT);
+        ppSectmp = calloc(pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles, sizeof(rc_section_t *));
+        fprintf(stderr, "file %s, section %s\n", pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_szName, RC_CMN_TEXT);
         for (nSecs = 0; nSecs < nTotalsecs; nSecs++) {
-            for (nRcs = 0; nRcs < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs; nRcs++) {
-                nTmp = 0;
-                while (nTmp < pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs]->m_nSecs && \
-                    strcmp(pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs]->m_ppSecvec[nTmp]->m_szName, \
-                                configGetsecs()[nSecs])) {
-                    nTmp++;
-                }
-                if (nTmp < pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs]->m_nSecs)
-                    ppSectmp[nRcs] = pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs]->m_ppSecvec[nTmp];
+            for (nRcs = 0; nRcs < pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles; nRcs++) {
+                for (nTmp = 0; nTmp < pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_nSecs && \
+                    strcmp(pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_ppSecvec[nTmp]->m_szName, \
+                                configGetsecs()[nSecs]); nTmp++);
+                if (nTmp < pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_nSecs)
+                    ppSectmp[nRcs] = pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]->m_ppSecvec[nTmp];
                     ppSectmp[nRcs] = NULL;
-            qsort((void *)ppSectmp, (size_t)pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs, sizeof(rc_section_t *), priCompare);
-            nTmp = 0;
-            while (nTmp < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs && ppSectmp[nTmp]) {
+            qsort((void *)ppSectmp, (size_t)pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles, sizeof(rc_section_t *), priCompare);
+            for (nTmp = 0; nTmp < pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles && ppSectmp[nTmp]; nTmp++)
                 fprintf(stderr, "section %s\n", ppSectmp[nTmp]->m_szName);
-                nTmp++;
-            }
         ppSectmp = NULL;
@@ -514,20 +550,26 @@
 rc_return_t procDelete(rc_proc_t *pRc)
-    int nRcs = pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs;
+    int nRcs = pRc->m_pList->m_nFiles;
-    /* Destroy the label vector */
-    while (nRcs-- > 0) {
-        if (pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs]) {
-            labelDelete(pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs]);
-            pRc->m_ppLabvec[nRcs] = NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    free(pRc->m_ppLabvec);
-    pRc->m_ppLabvec = NULL;
-    scriptDelete(pRc->m_pScriptcom);    /* Destroy the script        */
-    analDelete(pRc->m_pAnal);           /* Destroy the analyser      */
+    scriptDelete(pRc->m_pScriptcom);    /* Destroy the common script */
+    pRc->m_pScriptcom = NULL;
+    scriptDelete(pRc->m_pScriptfunc);   /* Destroy the funcs script  */
+    pRc->m_pScriptcom = NULL;
+    /* Destroy the rcfile objects */
+    while (nRcs-- > 0)
+        if (rcfileExists(pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs])) {
+            rcfileDelete(pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs]);
+            pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec[nRcs] = NULL;
+        }
+    free(pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec);
+    pRc->m_pList->m_ppFilevec = NULL;
+    listDelete(pRc->m_pList);           /* Destroy the rcfile list   */
+    pRc->m_pList = NULL;
     free(pRc);                          /* Free the processor itself */
+    pRc = NULL;

CVSTrac 2.0.1