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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/rc/rc.conf versions 1.1 and 1.2
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ossp-pkg/rc/rc.conf 1.1 -> 1.2

--- rc.conf      2002/01/24 17:47:47     1.1
+++ rc.conf      2002/01/25 16:04:41     1.2
@@ -12,18 +12,18 @@
 defaultsection  config          #name for config section in rcfile
 commonsection   common          #name for common section in rcfile
-refsymbol       &               #can be @ or any unreserved ASCII symbol
 rcfile          'rc.%s'         #'rc.' followed by the program name
 rcumask         002             #mask checked against rcfile permissions
 deactivate      OSSP_RC_DEACT   #environment variable controls activation
+interpreter     /usr/bin/perl   #command interpreter to use for script code
-# The following regex options need explanation
-regex-section   '(?<=^|\n)%%%s\s*\n(.+?)(?=\n%\S+|$)'
-regex-param     '..'
-regex-reference '(?<=^|\n)%%%s\s*(.+?)(?=\n|;)'
-regex-config    '(\s+)=(.*)$'
+regex-sec       '(?<=^|\n)%%%s\s*\n(.+?)(?=\n%\S+|$)'
+regex-ref       '(?<=^|\n)%%%s\s*(.+?)(?=\n|;)'
+regex-assign    '(\s+)=(.*)$'
+regex-param     '..'            #needs explanation
 #### Exclusive options ####

CVSTrac 2.0.1