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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/rc/rc-sample.pod versions 1.2 and 1.3
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ossp-pkg/rc/rc-sample.pod 1.2 -> 1.3

--- rc-sample.pod        2002/01/28 16:23:20     1.2
+++ rc-sample.pod        2002/01/29 08:53:03     1.3
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
 =head1 USE CASE: OpenPKG Run-Command Facility
 This describes how B<OSSP rc> is used as the B<OpenPKG>
-(http://www.openpkg.org/) run-command facility. First, the involved files:
+(http://www.openpkg.org/) run-command facility. 
+First, the involved files:
 =over 4
@@ -27,18 +29,27 @@
 C<--with-config=/cw/etc/rc.cf>. It is installed at B<OpenPKG>
 bootstrap time and used read-only.
- Dirs          /cw/etc/rc.d:/cw/local/etc/rc.d
- Name          rc.%s/rc.*
- ConfigDef     (?<=^\s*)([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)=("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|\S+)
- SectionDef    (?<=^|\n)%([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)(\s+-[a-zA-Z]\s*\S+)\s*\n(.+?)(?=\n%%\S+|$)
- ParamDef      (?<=^|\s)-([a-zA-Z])\s*(\S+)
- SectionRef    (?<=^\s*|;\s*)%([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)(\s+[^\n]+)?
- ParamRef      \$([0-9])
- NameConfig    config
- NameCommon    common
- Execute       root  %s
- Execute       !root sudo %s
- LineControl   yes
+ #   how to locate RC files
+ Locate            /cw/etc/rc.d/rc.%{RCFILE:s/^all$/*/}
+ Locate            /cw/local/etc/rc.d/rc.%{RCFILE:s/^all$/*/}
+ #   requirements on RC files
+ RequireUmask      022
+ RequireOwner      cw
+ RequireGroup      cw
+ #   how to parse RC files
+ ParseConfigDef    (?<=^\s*)([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)=(?:"([^"]*)"|'([^']*)'|(\S+))
+ ParseSectionDef   (?<=^|\n)%([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)(\s+-[a-zA-Z]\s*\S+)*\s*\n(.+?)(?=\n%%\S+|$)
+ ParseSectionParam (?<=^|\s)-([a-zA-Z])\s*(\S+)
+ ParseSectionRef   (?<=^\s*|;\s*)%([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)(\s+[^\n]+)?
+ ParseParamRef     \$([0-9])
+ NameConfig        config
+ NameCommon        common
+ Execute           root  %s
+ Execute           !root sudo %s
+ LineControl       yes
 =item F</cw/etc/rc.func> (C<%common> extensions)
@@ -159,21 +170,26 @@
 =item F<$HOME/.bashrc>
-  cd () {
-      eval `rc --eval --conf=$HOME/.duecf - leave`
-      builtin cd ${1+"$@"} 
-      eval `rc --eval --conf=$HOME/.duecf - enter`
-  }
+ cd () {
+     eval `rc --eval --conf=$HOME/.duecf $PWD leave`
+     builtin cd ${1+"$@"} 
+     eval `rc --eval --conf=$HOME/.duecf $PWD enter`
+ }
 =item F<$HOME/.duecf>
-  Dirs          .:..// # current and all parent dirs
-  Name          .duerc
-  NameGlobal    $HOME/.dueglobal:/etc/dueglobal
-  RequireUmask  022      
-  RequireOwner  %{USER}
-  RequireGroup  %{GROUP}
-  Functions     $HOME/.duefunc
+ #   how to locate RC files
+ Locate        %{RCFILE}/.duerc
+ Locate        ${HOME}/.duerc:m/^<dir path="%{RCFILE}">(.*)<\/dir>/i
+ Locate        ${HOME}/.duerc.%{RCFILE:s/^\///:s/[\/]/-/g}
+ #   restrictions on RC files
+ RequireUmask  022
+ RequireOwner  ${USER}
+ RequireGroup  ${USER:F<user2group>}
+ #   how to parse RC files
+ Functions     $HOME/.duefunc
 =item F<$HOME/.duefunc>
@@ -237,38 +253,38 @@
 =item F</cw/.duerc>
-  <event name=enter>
-      duePathAdd PATH            $CWD/bin $CWD/sbin
-      duePathAdd MANPATH         $CWD/man
-      duePathAdd INFOPATH        $CWD/info
-      duePathAdd LD_LIBRARY_PATH $CWD/lib
-  </event>
-  <event name=leave>
-      duePathDel PATH            $CWD/bin $CWD/sbin
-      duePathDel MANPATH         $CWD/man
-      duePathDel INFOPATH        $CWD/info
-      duePathDel LD_LIBRARY_PATH $CWD/lib
-  </event>
+ <event name=enter>
+     duePathAdd PATH            $CWD/bin $CWD/sbin
+     duePathAdd MANPATH         $CWD/man
+     duePathAdd INFOPATH        $CWD/info
+     duePathAdd LD_LIBRARY_PATH $CWD/lib
+ </event>
+ <event name=leave>
+     duePathDel PATH            $CWD/bin $CWD/sbin
+     duePathDel MANPATH         $CWD/man
+     duePathDel INFOPATH        $CWD/info
+     duePathDel LD_LIBRARY_PATH $CWD/lib
+ </event>
 =item F<$HOME/.dueglobal>
-  <directory path=/cw>
-      <event name=enter>
-          duePathAdd PATH            /cw/bin /cw/sbin
-          duePathAdd MANPATH         /cw/man
-          duePathAdd INFOPATH        /cw/info
-          duePathAdd LD_LIBRARY_PATH /cw/lib
-      </event>
-      <event name=leave>
-          duePathDel PATH            /cw/bin /cw/sbin
-          duePathDel MANPATH         /cw/man
-          duePathDel INFOPATH        /cw/info
-          duePathDel LD_LIBRARY_PATH /cw/lib
-      </event>
-  </directory>
-  <directory path=/usr/opkg>
-      ...
-  </directory>
+ <dir path=/cw>
+     <event name=enter>
+         duePathAdd PATH            /cw/bin /cw/sbin
+         duePathAdd MANPATH         /cw/man
+         duePathAdd INFOPATH        /cw/info
+         duePathAdd LD_LIBRARY_PATH /cw/lib
+     </event>
+     <event name=leave>
+         duePathDel PATH            /cw/bin /cw/sbin
+         duePathDel MANPATH         /cw/man
+         duePathDel INFOPATH        /cw/info
+         duePathDel LD_LIBRARY_PATH /cw/lib
+     </event>
+ </dir>
+ <dir path=/usr/opkg>
+     ...
+ </dir>

CVSTrac 2.0.1