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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/petidomo/unsubscribe.c versions 1.8 and 1.9
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ossp-pkg/petidomo/unsubscribe.c 1.8 -> 1.9

--- unsubscribe.c        2001/01/11 14:10:57     1.8
+++ unsubscribe.c        2001/01/15 16:35:07     1.9
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
    $Source: /v/ossp/cvs/ossp-pkg/petidomo/unsubscribe.c,v $
-   $Revision: 1.8 $
+   $Revision: 1.9 $
    Copyright (C) 2000 by CyberSolutions GmbH, Germany.
@@ -166,72 +166,6 @@
                 text_wordwrap(buffer, 70);
                 fprintf(fh, "%s\n\n", buffer);
                 fprintf(fh, "password <AdminPassword>\n");
-                fprintf(fh, "unsubscribe %s %s\n", address, listname);
-                CloseMailer(fh);
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to send email to \"%s\"!", owner);
-                return -1;
-                }
-            return 0;
-            }
-        if (ListConfig->allowaliensub == FALSE &&
-            (MailStruct->From == NULL || !strcasecmp(address, MailStruct->From) == FALSE) &&
-            (MailStruct->Reply_To == NULL || !strcasecmp(address, MailStruct->Reply_To) == FALSE))
-            {
-            /* Trying to unsubscribe something different than himself. */
-            syslog(LOG_INFO, "\"%s\" tried to unsubscribe \"%s\" from list \"%s\", but the " \
-                   "list type doesn't allow this.", originator, address, listname);
-            fh = vOpenMailer(envelope, originator, NULL);
-            if (fh != NULL)
-                {
-                fprintf(fh, "From: %s-request@%s (Petidomo Mailing List Server)\n",
-                        listname, ListConfig->fqdn);
-                fprintf(fh, "To: %s\n", originator);
-                fprintf(fh, "Subject: Petidomo: Your request \"unsubscribe %s %s\"\n",
-                        address, listname);
-                if (MailStruct->Message_Id != NULL)
-                    fprintf(fh, "In-Reply-To: %s\n", MailStruct->Message_Id);
-                fprintf(fh, "Precedence: junk\n");
-                fprintf(fh, "Sender: %s\n", envelope);
-                fprintf(fh, "\n");
-                buffer = text_easy_sprintf(
-                                           "The mailing list \"%s\" does not allow to automatically subscribe or unsubscribe an " \
-                                           "address not equal to the one, you are mailing from. Your request has been forwarded " \
-                                           "to the list administrator, so please don't send any futher mail. You will be notified " \
-                                           "as soon as possible.", listname);
-                text_wordwrap(buffer, 70);
-                fprintf(fh, "%s\n", buffer);
-                CloseMailer(fh);
-                }
-            else
-                syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to send email to \"%s\" concerning his request.",
-                       originator);
-            /* Notify the owner. */
-            fh = vOpenMailer(envelope, owner, NULL);
-            if (fh != NULL)
-                {
-                fprintf(fh, "From: %s-request@%s (Petidomo Mailing List Server)\n",
-                        listname, ListConfig->fqdn);
-                fprintf(fh, "To: %s\n", owner);
-                fprintf(fh, "Subject: Petidomo: APPROVE %s@%s: Unauthorized request from \"%s\"\n", listname, ListConfig->fqdn, originator);
-                fprintf(fh, "Precedence: junk\n");
-                fprintf(fh, "Sender: %s\n", envelope);
-                fprintf(fh, "\n");
-                buffer = text_easy_sprintf(
-                                           "\"%s\" tried to unsubscribe the address \"%s\" from the \"%s\" mailing list. " \
-                                           "The list type does not allow unsubscribing addresses not equal to the From: " \
-                                           "address, though, so the request has been denied. To unsubscribe this person " \
-                                           "manually, send the following commands to the server:", originator, address, listname);
-                text_wordwrap(buffer, 70);
-                fprintf(fh, "%s\n\n", buffer);
-                fprintf(fh, "password <AdminPassword>\n");
                 fprintf(fh, "unsubscribe %s %s\n", address, listname);

CVSTrac 2.0.1