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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/petidomo/README versions 1.4 and 1.5
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ossp-pkg/petidomo/README 1.4 -> 1.5

--- README       2001/01/18 20:30:50     1.4
+++ README       2001/08/23 14:00:20     1.5
@@ -1,90 +1,45 @@
+                          OSSP Petidomo 4.0
-                    Petidomo Mailing List Manager
-                          Version 4
-Greetings citizen,
-I know how  tedious reading "manuals"  is when you're eager to install
-the new  software,  so  I'll keep  it   as short as  possible.  Before
-Petidomo can  be   installed, either  from  a   binary or  a    source
-distribution, you -must- do the following:
- 1) Create a user of the name "petidomo".
-    The petidomo-user is needed by the software,  but will usually not
-    be used to  log into  the system,  so you should  set the password
-    entry   to   "*"  and  the  login   shell   to "/usr/bin/true"  or
-    "/sbin/nologin" -- depending on what your system uses.
- 2) Create a group of the name "petidomo".
-    This group should contain all users of your system who are allowed
-    to  administrate Petidomo or for  other reasons need access to the
-    installation. The  "petidomo" user  should be   a member  of  this
-    group, too, even though this is not strictly necessary.
- 3) Create the home directory of the "petidomo" user.
-    The home directory  is the place  where  the package will  live. A
-    good  place   is "/usr/local/petidomo",   but   you  can  place it
-    wherever it suits your installation.
-Once  the user, the  group and  the directory  exist, you can  use the
-following mechanisms to do the actual installation.
-If you're upgrading  from  Petidomo 2.0 and  have  some  mailing lists
-installed  already, you  can safely use   these mechanisms, too. In no
-event  will the installation procedure  overwrite your config files or
-change anything except for the actual binaries.
-The installation itself works as follows:
- Binary distribution:
-    Become 'root' and   start  the "install.sh" script,  which  can be
-    found in the same directory as this file. install.sh will populate
-    the home  directory of the  petidomo user and  insert the required
-    mail  aliases  into  /etc/aliases.  Then  it will install  the CGI
-    config manager and that's it: Petidomo is ready to run.
- Source distribution:
-    Obviously you  need to compile the sources  first of all. In order
-    to compile Petidomo, you will need the following tools:
-     - a C compiler, preferably gcc or egcs
-     - a  version of   make(1)  that  understands   the "include"  and
-       ".PHONY" statement (use GNU make if your native make doesn't)
-     - flex, the GNU version of lex
-     - bison, the  GNU version of yacc,  at least version  1.25. Older
-       version -might- work,  but I had   problems with them,  because
-       they're lacking the YYERROR_VERBOSE mechanism.
-    If  you have all  these tools,  you can  compile Petidomo with the
-    following commands:
-      $ make
-      $ make install      (must be done as root)
-In  case you experience any  problems  you're not  able to fix, you're
-welcome to file a problem report  with the "send-pr" utility, included
-in  the distribution.   You   might  also  want    to check out    the
-petidomo-users mailing list, to which  you can subscribe by sending  a
-SUBSCRIBE command to the following address:
-   petidomo-users-request@petidomo.com
-Okay, I hope you'll find the Petidomo Mailing List Manager useful, and
-may the force be with you!
-                                    Peter Simons <simons@petidomo.com>
+On December 12th, 2000, CyberSolutions GmbH published a version of
+Petidomo 2.2 under the GNU General Public License. The OSSP project
+enhanced that version significantly and hereby releases the result of
+its efforts as »OSSP Petidomo 4.0«. OSSP Petidomo is a small but
+powerful package that can be used to host and maintain mailing lists
+on an Unix machine. Its only requirement is that there is a working
+mail transport agent installed, such as sendmail.
+OSSP Petidomo has -- among other things -- the following features:
+ * A simple-to-use e-mail command interface, which can be used by
+   users and administrators of a mailing list to subscribe or
+   unsubscribe addresses, approve postings that have been deferred or
+   rejected, list all subscribed addresses of a list, etc.
+ * Petidomo supports various modes of operation for a mailing list
+   such as open lists, closed lists, and moderated lists.
+ * Mailing list subscriptions or postings can be verified by requiring
+   an acknowledgement. This feature is particularly useful when used
+   for mailing list postings as it will keep the vast majority of all
+   spam mail off the list.
+ * Petidomo can host an arbitrary number of mailing lists in entirely
+   different domain name spaces -- also known as »Virtual Hosting«.
+ * A powerful »Access Control Language« (ACL) can be used to reject,
+   approve, drop, or redirect postings or subscription attempts.
+ * Mailing list postings can be piped through an external »Posting
+   Filter«, which can modify the article before it's delivered in any
+   way it sees fit.
+ * Petidomo can be configured to add arbitrary headers to any mail
+   that's posted on a mailing list.
+ * Petidomo can be configured to add a signature to any mail that's
+   posted on a mailing list.
+The whole package is written in ISO-C and should compile
+out-of-the-box on any POSIX.1 compliant system that provides a mail
+transport agent. It has been released under the GNU General Public

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