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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/fsl/fsl.pod versions 1.5 and 1.6
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ossp-pkg/fsl/fsl.pod 1.5 -> 1.6

--- fsl.pod      2002/07/23 09:40:38     1.5
+++ fsl.pod      2002/07/24 07:57:04     1.6
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@
 If an application calls openlog(3) it passes an identification string
 (I<ident>) and a logging facility (I<facility>) along. B<OSSP l2syslog>
-tries to read the file "C<cfgdir>C</l2.>I<ident>". If the file is not
-readable, all files matching I<cfgdir>C</l2.*> are read.
+tries to read the file "C<cfgdir>C</fsl.>I<ident>". If the file is not
+readable, all files matching I<cfgdir>C</fsl.*> are read.
 In both cases, all data that has been read in is then parsed for
 configuration sections. These are identified by "C<ident >I<match>"

CVSTrac 2.0.1