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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/fsl/fsl.pod versions 1.30 and 1.31
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ossp-pkg/fsl/fsl.pod 1.30 -> 1.31

--- fsl.pod      2003/06/30 11:13:08     1.30
+++ fsl.pod      2003/06/30 12:54:05     1.31
@@ -203,16 +203,21 @@
 messages poured in from upper channels to this file. If the file at
 the given path already exists, additional data is either appended
 (I<append>=1 or I<trunc>=0>) or the existing file is truncated
-(I<append>=0 or I<trunc>=1>). The desired permissions of the file can be
-set.  Both append and trunc work equally well but append is obsolete and
-might be removed in the future.  Both options can be specified together
-as long as they are set different. L2 versions which know the trunc
-option default to append mode while previous versions only having the
-append option defaulted to truncate mode.
+(I<append>=0 or I<trunc>=1>). If I<jitter> is set the logfile will be
+opened and closed for every write operation. This makes log file
+rotation easy at the price of performance. The desired permissions of
+the logfile can be set through I<perm>.
+Note that both append and trunc work equally well but append is obsolete
+and might be removed in the future.  Both options can be specified
+together as long as they are set different. L2 versions which know the
+trunc option default to append mode while previous versions limited to
+support only the append option defaulted to truncate mode.
  o file   (STR path            m
            INT append          o [0=no|1=yes]          =1
            INT trunc           o [0=no|1=yes]          =0
+           INT jitter          o [0=no|1=yes]          =0
            INT perm            o [octal]               =0644

CVSTrac 2.0.1