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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/cfg/cfg_syn.c versions 1.6 and 1.7
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ossp-pkg/cfg/cfg_syn.c 1.6 -> 1.7

--- cfg_syn.c    2002/07/05 17:15:14     1.6
+++ cfg_syn.c    2002/07/05 17:21:40     1.7
@@ -270,11 +270,21 @@
         return CFG_ERR_ARG;
     if ((rc = cfg_buf_create(&buf)) != CFG_OK)
         return rc;
     ctx.buf    = buf;
     ctx.indent = 0;
-    export_node(&ctx, node);
+    /* first SEQ node is special, so expand it manually instead
+       of just calling once export_node(&ctx, node); */
+    cfg_node_goto(node, CFG_NODE_GOTO_CHILD1, &node);
+    while (node != NULL) {
+        export_node(&ctx, node);
+        cfg_node_goto(node, CFG_NODE_GOTO_RBROTH, &node);
+    }
     cfg_buf_content(buf, output, NULL, NULL);
     return CFG_OK;

CVSTrac 2.0.1