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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_uuid.h versions 1.6 and 1.7
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ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_uuid.h 1.6 -> 1.7

--- as_uuid.h    2003/02/03 21:15:16     1.6
+++ as_uuid.h    2003/02/04 19:39:44     1.7
@@ -34,82 +34,10 @@
 #include <string>
-#include "ac_config.h"
+#include "as_gui.h"
 namespace AS {
-#if (SIZEOF_CHAR == 1)
-typedef unsigned char        __u8;
-?==Error: Undefined 8 bit type
-#endif // __u8
-#if (SIZEOF_SHORT == 2)
-typedef unsigned short       __u16;
-#elif (SIZEOF_INT == 2)
-typedef unsigned int         __u16;
-#elif (SIZEOF_LONG == 2)
-typedef unsigned long        __u16;
-?==Error: Undefined 16 bit type
-#endif // __u16
-#if (SIZEOF_SHORT == 4)
-typedef unsigned short       __u32;
-#elif (SIZEOF_INT == 4)
-typedef unsigned int         __u32;
-#elif (SIZEOF_LONG == 4)
-typedef unsigned long        __u32;
-?==Error: Undefined 32 bit type
-#endif // __u32
-#if (SIZEOF_SHORT == 8)
-typedef unsigned short       __u64;
-#elif (SIZEOF_INT == 8)
-typedef unsigned int         __u64;
-#elif (SIZEOF_LONG == 8)
-typedef unsigned long        __u64;
-#elif (SIZEOF_LONG_LONG == 8)
-typedef unsigned long long   __u64;
-?==Error: Undefined 64 bit type
-#endif // __u64
-#else // HAVE_CONFIG_H (not defined)
-typedef unsigned char        __u8;
-#if (4 == 8)
-typedef unsigned int         __u64;
-#elif (4 == 8)
-typedef unsigned long        __u64;
-#elif (8 == 8)
-typedef unsigned long long   __u64;
-?==Error: Undefined 64 bit type
-#if (4 == 2)
-typedef unsigned int         __u16;
-#elif (2 == 2)
-typedef unsigned short       __u16;
-?==Error: Undefined 16 bit type
-#if (4 == 4)
-typedef unsigned int         __u32;
-#elif (4 == 4)
-typedef unsigned long        __u32;
-#elif (2 == 4)
-typedef unsigned short       __u32;
-?== Error: Undefined 32 bit type
-#endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H
 // A DCE standard UUID, can generate (multiple)
@@ -119,11 +47,11 @@
     std::string m_Fmtstr;               // Human readable format
-    __u32   time_low;                   //
-    __u16   time_mid;                   // Fields according to
-    __u16   time_hi_and_version;        // the IETF specification
-    __u16   clock_seq;                  // draft-mealling-uuid-urn-00
-    __u8    node[6];                    //
+    U32 time_low;                       //
+    U16 time_mid;                       // Fields according to
+    U16 time_hi_and_version;            // the IETF specification
+    U16 clock_seq;                      // draft-mealling-uuid-urn-00
+    U8  node[6];                        //
     void genId(void);                   // Generate an UUID

CVSTrac 2.0.1