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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_slot.cpp versions 1.135 and 1.136
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ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_slot.cpp 1.135 -> 1.136

--- as_slot.cpp  2003/02/28 17:12:24     1.135
+++ as_slot.cpp  2003/02/28 18:07:42     1.136
@@ -1770,8 +1770,15 @@
         // Iterate through the selection of row entries to transmit
         for (int nRowiter = 0; nRowiter < nTotal; nRowiter++) {
             QString Syncthis = m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXUSER);
-            for (int nColiter = TITRAQ_IDXUSER + 1; nColiter < TITRAQ_IDXTAIL; nColiter++)
-                Syncthis += ' ' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, nColiter);
+            Syncthis += ' ' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXGUID);
+            Syncthis += ' ' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXCRC).remove("0x");
+            Syncthis += ' ' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXREV);
+            Syncthis += ' ' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXDATE);
+            Syncthis += ' ' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXSTART);
+            Syncthis += ' ' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXFINISH);
+            Syncthis += ' ' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT);
+            Syncthis += ' ' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXTASK);
+            Syncthis += ' ' + ('"' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXREMARK)) + '"';
             Clistr = Syncthis;                          // Build RPC parameter
             Logmeth.AddParameter("Tuple") << Clistr;    // Prepare for marshalling
             const SOAPResponse &Logresp = Proxy.Execute(Logmeth);

CVSTrac 2.0.1