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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_sfile.cpp versions 1.2 and 1.3
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ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_sfile.cpp 1.2 -> 1.3

--- as_sfile.cpp 2003/02/13 21:32:36     1.2
+++ as_sfile.cpp 2003/02/13 21:50:35     1.3
@@ -45,19 +45,18 @@
     QTextStream Streambak;  // Stream to write to (Filebak)
     try {
-        Q_ASSERT(!this->exists());          // Conditionally short circuit
+        if(!this->exists())                 // Conditionally short circuit if
+            return;                         // file to backup does not exist
         Fname = this->name();               // Copy filename from original
         Filein.setName(Fname);              // Set filename of original
-        if (Filein.exists()) {              // Can only backup an existing file
-            Filein.open(IO_ReadOnly);           // Open original read-only
-            Filebak.setName(Fname + ".bak");    // Set filename of backup
-            Filebak.open(IO_WriteOnly);         // Open backup write-only
-            Streamin.setDevice(&Filein);        // Set incoming stream
-            Streambak.setDevice(&Filebak);      // Set outgoing stream
-            Streambak << Streamin.read();       // Do actual writing
-            Filein.close();                     // Close original
-            Filebak.close();                    // Close backup
-        }
+        Filein.open(IO_ReadOnly);           // Open original read-only
+        Filebak.setName(Fname + ".bak");    // Set filename of backup
+        Filebak.open(IO_WriteOnly);         // Open backup write-only
+        Streamin.setDevice(&Filein);        // Set incoming stream
+        Streambak.setDevice(&Filebak);      // Set outgoing stream
+        Streambak << Streamin.read();       // Do actual writing
+        Filein.close();                     // Close original
+        Filebak.close();                    // Close backup
     catch (Genexcept& Genex) {

CVSTrac 2.0.1