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ossp - Directory /ossp-pkg/xds/docs/
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File Vers By Age Check-in
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 .cvsignore 1.2 simons 22 years [4282] Ignore Makefile and xds.3.
 Makefile.in 1.3 simons 22 years [4285] Updated dependencies.
 architecture.dia 1.1 simons 22 years [4275] Diagrams used in the documentation.
 architecture.eps 1.1 simons 22 years [4275] Diagrams used in the documentation.
 data-exchange.dia 1.2 simons 22 years [4298] Replaced name "libxds" with "XDS" in the diagram.
 data-exchange.eps 1.2 simons 22 years [4298] Replaced name "libxds" with "XDS" in the diagram.
 decode.c 1.1 simons 22 years [4274] Example programs used in the documentation.
 encode.c 1.2 simons 22 years [4277] Free the buffer created by xds_encode() before leaving.
 extended.c 1.3 simons 22 years [4307] Made the code in extended.c more elegant.
 libxds.tex 1.18 simons 22 years [4313] Completed the documentation of (xml|xdr)_(en|de)code_(float|double)().
 setbuffer-logic.dia 1.1 simons 22 years [4284] Nice diagramm illustrating the xds_setbuffer() function.
 setbuffer-logic.eps 1.1 simons 22 years [4284] Nice diagramm illustrating the xds_setbuffer() function.
 xds.pod 1.1 simons 22 years [4281] Moved POD documentation into the docs directory.

CVSTrac 2.0.1