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ossp - Check-in [5486]
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Check-in Number: 5486
Date: 2003-Nov-15 01:10:56 (local)
2003-Nov-15 00:10:56 (UTC)
Comment: Import new upstream version: Mozilla JavaScript 1.6-
ossp-pkg/js/src/jsOS240.def      1.1->removed
ossp-pkg/js/src/jsOS240.def      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/js/src/jsconfig.mk      1.1->removed
ossp-pkg/js/src/jsconfig.mk      added-> 1.1

ossp-pkg/js/src/jsOS240.def -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Fri May 10 07:30:37 2024
--- -    Fri May 10 07:32:56 2024
*** 0 ****
--- 1,654 ----
+ ; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ ; Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
+ ;
+ ; The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ ; 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ ; the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ ; http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ ;
+ ; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ ; WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ ; for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ ; License.
+ ;
+ ; The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
+ ; March 31, 1998.
+ ;
+ ; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ ; Netscape Communications Corporation.
+ ; Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
+ ; the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ ;
+ ; Contributor(s):
+ ;
+ ; Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+ ; either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
+ ; or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+ ; in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+ ; of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+ ; under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+ ; use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+ ; decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+ ; and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+ ; the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+ ; the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+ ;
+ ; ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ DESCRIPTION 'Netscape OS/2 JavaScript Library'
+ ;====================== win16 exports these at least... ===========
+ ;      JS_Init                         = JS_Init               @2
+ ;      JS_Finish                       = JS_Finish             @3
+ ;      JS_GetNaNValue
+ ;      JS_GetNegativeInfinityValue
+ ;      JS_GetPositiveInfinityValue
+ ;      JS_GetEmptyStringValue
+ ;      JS_ConvertValue
+ ;      JS_ValueToObject
+ ;      JS_ValueToFunction
+ ;      JS_ValueToString
+ ;      JS_ValueToNumber
+ ;      JS_ValueToBoolean
+ ;      JS_TypeOfValue
+ ;      JS_GetTypeName
+ ;      JS_Lock
+ ;      JS_Unlock
+ ;      JS_NewContext
+ ;      JS_DestroyContext
+ ;      JS_ContextIterator
+ ;      JS_GetGlobalObject
+ ;      JS_SetGlobalObject
+ ;      JS_InitStandardClasses
+ ;;     JS_GetStaticLink
+ ;      JS_malloc
+ ;      JS_realloc
+ ;      JS_free
+ ;      JS_strdup
+ ;      JS_NewDouble
+ ;      JS_NewDoubleValue
+ ;      JS_AddRoot
+ ;      JS_RemoveRoot
+ ;      JS_LockGCThing
+ ;      JS_UnlockGCThing
+ ;      JS_GC
+ ;      JS_PropertyStub
+ ;      JS_EnumerateStub
+ ;      JS_ResolveStub
+ ;      JS_ConvertStub
+ ;      JS_FinalizeStub
+ ;      JS_InitClass
+ ;      JS_GetClass
+ ;      JS_InstanceOf
+ ;      JS_GetPrivate
+ ;      JS_SetPrivate
+ ;      JS_GetInstancePrivate
+ ;      JS_GetPrototype
+ ;      JS_GetParent
+ ;      JS_SetParent
+ ;      JS_GetConstructor
+ ;      JS_NewObject
+ ;      JS_DefineObject
+ ;      JS_DefineConstDoubles
+ ;      JS_DefineProperties
+ ;      JS_DefineProperty
+ ;      JS_DefinePropertyWithTinyId
+ ;      JS_AliasProperty
+ ;      JS_LookupProperty
+ ;      JS_GetProperty
+ ;      JS_SetProperty
+ ;      JS_DeleteProperty
+ ;      JS_NewArrayObject
+ ;      JS_DefineElement
+ ;      JS_AliasElement
+ ;      JS_LookupElement
+ ;      JS_GetElement
+ ;      JS_SetElement
+ ;      JS_DeleteElement
+ ;      JS_ClearScope
+ ;      JS_NewFunction
+ ;      JS_GetFunctionObject
+ ;      JS_GetFunctionName
+ ;      JS_DefineFunctions
+ ;      JS_DefineFunction
+ ;      JS_CompileScript
+ ;      JS_DestroyScript
+ ;      JS_CompileFunction
+ ;      JS_DecompileScript
+ ;      JS_DecompileFunction
+ ;      JS_DecompileFunctionBody
+ ;      JS_ExecuteScript
+ ;      JS_EvaluateScript
+ ;      JS_CallFunction
+ ;      JS_CallFunctionName
+ ;      JS_CallFunctionValue
+ ;      JS_SetBranchCallback
+ ;      JS_IsRunning
+ ;      JS_IsConstructing
+ ;      JS_SetCallReturnValue2
+ ;      JS_NewString
+ ;      JS_NewStringCopyN
+ ;      JS_NewStringCopyZ
+ ;      JS_InternString
+ ;      JS_GetStringBytes
+ ;      JS_GetStringLength
+ ;      JS_CompareStrings
+ ;      JS_ReportError
+ ;      JS_ReportOutOfMemory
+ ;      JS_SetErrorReporter
+ ;      JS_NewRegExpObject
+ ;      JS_SetRegExpInput
+ ;      JS_ClearRegExpStatics
+ ;=================================================
+ ;00001:jsstr (OFFSET:0x00002e17, SIZE:0x0000ae17):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_EmptySubString
+ ;     js_CompareStrings
+ ;     js_HashString
+ ;     js_ValueToString
+ ;     js_StringToObject
+ ;     js_FinalizeString
+ ;     js_NewStringCopyZ
+ ;     js_NewString
+ ;     js_InitStringClass
+ ;     js_NewStringCopyN
+ ;     js_BoyerMooreHorspool
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00002:jsscript (OFFSET:0x0000dc2e, SIZE:0x00003abb):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_LineNumberToPC
+ ;     js_PCToLineNumber
+ ;     js_GetSrcNote
+ ;     js_DestroyScript
+ ;     js_NewScript
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00003:jsscope (OFFSET:0x000116e9, SIZE:0x00004f82):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_hash_scope_ops
+ ;     js_list_scope_ops
+ ;     js_DestroyProperty
+ ;     js_NewProperty
+ ;     js_IdToValue
+ ;     js_HashValue
+ ;     js_DestroyScope
+ ;     js_MutateScope
+ ;     js_DropScope
+ ;     js_HoldScope
+ ;     js_NewScope
+ ;     js_GetMutableScope
+ ;     js_HoldProperty
+ ;     js_DropProperty
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00004:jsscan (OFFSET:0x0001666b, SIZE:0x00008890):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_MatchToken
+ ;     js_FlushNewlines
+ ;     js_PeekTokenSameLine
+ ;     js_UngetToken
+ ;     js_GetToken
+ ;     js_PeekToken
+ ;     js_ReportCompileError
+       js_CloseTokenStream
+       js_NewBufferTokenStream
+ ;     js_NewTokenStream
+ ;     js_InitScanner
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00005:jsregexp (OFFSET:0x0001eefb, SIZE:0x0000eee4):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_RegExpClass
+ ;     reopsize
+ ;     js_NewRegExpObject
+ ;     js_InitRegExpClass
+ ;     js_FreeRegExpStatics
+ ;     js_InitRegExpStatics
+ ;     js_ExecuteRegExp
+ ;     js_NewRegExpOpt
+ ;     js_DestroyRegExp
+ ;     js_NewRegExp
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00006:jsparse (OFFSET:0x0002dddf, SIZE:0x00010b71):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_ParseFunctionBody
+       js_Parse
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00007:jsopcode (OFFSET:0x0003e950, SIZE:0x0000d362):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_EscapeMap
+ ;     js_NumCodeSpecs
+ ;     js_CodeSpec
+ ;     js_incop_str
+ ;     js_true_str
+ ;     js_false_str
+ ;     js_this_str
+ ;     js_null_str
+ ;     js_void_str
+ ;     js_typeof_str
+ ;     js_delete_str
+ ;     js_new_str
+ ;     js_ValueToSource
+ ;     js_DecompileScript
+ ;     js_DecompileCode
+ ;     js_DecompileFunction
+ ;     js_puts
+ ;     js_printf
+ ;     js_GetPrinterOutput
+ ;     js_DestroyPrinter
+ ;     js_NewPrinter
+ ;     js_EscapeString
+ ;     js_Disassemble1
+ ;     js_Disassemble
+ ;
+ ;00008:jsobj (OFFSET:0x0004bcb2, SIZE:0x000090a4):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_WithClass
+ ;     js_ObjectClass
+ ;     js_TryValueOf
+ ;     js_ValueToNonNullObject
+ ;     js_TryMethod
+ ;     js_ObjectToString
+ ;     js_SetClassPrototype
+ ;     js_DeleteProperty2
+ ;     js_DeleteProperty
+ ;     js_SetProperty
+ ;     js_GetProperty
+ ;     js_FindVariableScope
+ ;     js_FindVariable
+ ;     js_FindProperty
+ ;     js_LookupProperty
+ ;     js_DefineProperty
+ ;     js_FreeSlot
+ ;     js_AllocSlot
+ ;     js_FinalizeObject
+ ;     js_GetClassPrototype
+ ;     js_NewObject
+ ;     js_InitObjectClass
+ ;     js_ValueToObject
+ ;     js_obj_toString
+ ;     js_SetSlot
+ ;     js_GetSlot
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00009:jsnum (OFFSET:0x00054d56, SIZE:0x00004f29):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_ValueToInt32
+ ;     js_NumberToObject
+ ;     js_FinalizeDouble
+ ;     js_InitNumberClass
+ ;     js_NumberToString
+ ;     js_NewDoubleValue
+ ;     js_NewDouble
+ ;     js_ValueToNumber
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00010:jsmath (OFFSET:0x00059c7f, SIZE:0x000054b6):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_InitMathClass
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00011:jsjava (OFFSET:0x0005f135, SIZE:0x00022aad):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_Hooks
+ ;     MojaSrcLog
+ ;     finalizeTask
+       JSJ_FindCurrentJSContext
+ ;     JSJ_GetPrincipals
+       JSJ_IsSafeMethod
+       JSJ_InitContext
+       JSJ_Init
+       js_JSErrorToJException
+       js_JavaErrorReporter
+       js_RemoveReflection
+       js_ReflectJObjectToJSObject
+       js_convertJObjectToJSValue
+       js_convertJSValueToJObject
+       js_ReflectJSObjectToJObject
+ ;     js_ReflectJClassToJSObject
+       JSJ_ExitJS
+       JSJ_EnterJS
+       JSJ_CurrentContext
+       JSJ_IsEnabled
+ ;added in GA code - DSR70297
+       JSJ_Finish
+       JSJ_IsCalledFromJava
+       js_GetJSPrincipalsFromJavaCaller
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00012:jsinterp (OFFSET:0x00081be2, SIZE:0x00012274):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_Call
+ ;     js_Interpret
+ ;     js_SetLocalVariable
+ ;     js_GetLocalVariable
+ ;     js_SetArgument
+ ;     js_GetArgument
+ ;     js_FlushPropertyCacheByProp
+ ;     js_FlushPropertyCache
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00013:jsgc (OFFSET:0x00093e56, SIZE:0x00004f8d):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_ForceGC
+ ;     js_UnlockGCThing
+ ;     js_LockGCThing
+ ;     js_GC
+ ;     js_AllocGCThing
+ ;     js_RemoveRoot
+ ;     js_AddRoot
+ ;     js_FinishGC
+ ;     js_InitGC
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00014:jsfun (OFFSET:0x00098de3, SIZE:0x0000977c):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_FunctionClass
+ ;     js_ClosureClass
+ ;     js_CallClass
+ ;     js_DefineFunction
+ ;     js_NewFunction
+ ;     js_InitCallAndClosureClasses
+ ;     js_InitFunctionClass
+ ;     js_ValueToFunction
+ ;     js_SetCallVariable
+ ;     js_GetCallVariable
+ ;     js_PutCallObject
+ ;     js_GetCallObject
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00015:jsemit (OFFSET:0x000a255f, SIZE:0x000077be):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_SrcNoteName
+ ;     js_SrcNoteArity
+       js_FinishTakingSrcNotes
+ ;     js_MoveSrcNotes
+ ;     js_GetSrcNoteOffset
+ ;     js_BumpSrcNoteDelta
+ ;     js_NewSrcNote3
+ ;     js_NewSrcNote2
+ ;     js_PopStatement
+ ;     js_EmitContinue
+ ;     js_EmitBreak
+ ;     js_SetSrcNoteOffset
+ ;     js_NewSrcNote
+ ;     js_PushStatement
+ ;     js_MoveCode
+ ;     js_SetJumpOffset
+ ;     js_Emit3
+ ;     js_Emit2
+ ;     js_Emit1
+ ;     js_UpdateDepth
+ ;     js_SrcNoteLength
+ ;     js_CancelLastOpcode
+       js_InitCodeGenerator
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00016:jsdbgapi (OFFSET:0x000a9d1d, SIZE:0x000057db):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_watchpoint_list
+ ;     js_trap_list
+ ;     JS_SetAnnotationInFrame
+ ;     JS_GetAnnotationFromFrame
+ ;     JS_GetJSPrincipalArrayFromFrame
+ ;     JS_NextJSFrame
+ ;     JS_InitJSFrameIterator
+       JS_LineNumberToPC
+       JS_PCToLineNumber
+       JS_ClearAllWatchPoints
+       JS_ClearWatchPoint
+       JS_SetWatchPoint
+       JS_HandleTrap
+       JS_ClearAllTraps
+       JS_ClearScriptTraps
+       JS_ClearTrap
+       JS_GetTrapOpcode
+       JS_SetTrap
+ ;DSR070297 - added in GA code
+       JS_FrameIterator
+       JS_GetFrameAnnotation
+       JS_GetFramePrincipalArray
+       JS_GetFrameScript
+       JS_GetScriptFilename
+       JS_SetFrameAnnotation
+       JS_GetFramePC
+       JS_GetFunctionScript
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00017:jsdate (OFFSET:0x000af4f8, SIZE:0x00009a8e):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+       js_DateGetSeconds
+       js_DateGetMinutes
+       js_DateGetHours
+       js_DateGetDate
+       js_DateGetMonth
+       js_DateGetYear
+       js_NewDateObject
+ ;     js_InitDateClass
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00018:jscntxt (OFFSET:0x000b8f86, SIZE:0x00003732):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_InterpreterHooks
+ ;     js_ReportIsNotDefined
+ ;     js_ReportErrorAgain
+ ;     js_ReportErrorVA
+ ;     js_ContextIterator
+ ;     js_DestroyContext
+ ;     js_NewContext
+ ;     js_SetInterpreterHooks
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00019:jsbool (OFFSET:0x000bc6b8, SIZE:0x00003375):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_BooleanToString
+ ;     js_BooleanToObject
+ ;     js_InitBooleanClass
+ ;     js_ValueToBoolean
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00020:jsatom (OFFSET:0x000bfa2d, SIZE:0x000058d0):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_valueOf_str
+ ;     js_toString_str
+ ;     js_length_str
+ ;     js_eval_str
+ ;     js_constructor_str
+ ;     js_class_prototype_str
+ ;     js_assign_str
+ ;     js_anonymous_str
+ ;     js_Object_str
+ ;     js_Array_str
+ ;     js_type_str
+ ;     js_DropUnmappedAtoms
+       js_FreeAtomMap
+       js_InitAtomMap
+ ;     js_GetAtom
+ ;     js_DropAtom
+ ;     js_IndexAtom
+ ;     js_ValueToStringAtom
+ ;     js_AtomizeString
+ ;     js_AtomizeDouble
+ ;     js_AtomizeInt
+ ;     js_AtomizeBoolean
+ ;     js_AtomizeObject
+ ;     js_HoldAtom
+ ;     js_MarkAtomState
+ ;     js_FreeAtomState
+ ;     js_Atomize
+ ;     js_InitAtomState
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00021:jsarray (OFFSET:0x000c52fd, SIZE:0x00007c86):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+ ;     js_ArrayClass
+ ;     js_SetArrayLength
+ ;     js_GetArrayLength
+ ;     js_InitArrayClass
+ ;     js_NewArrayObject
+ ;     PR_qsort
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00022:jsapi (OFFSET:0x000ccf83, SIZE:0x0000de8c):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+       JS_ClearRegExpStatics
+       JS_SetRegExpInput
+       JS_NewRegExpObject
+       JS_SetErrorReporter
+       JS_CompareStrings
+       JS_GetStringLength
+       JS_GetStringBytes
+       JS_InternString
+       JS_NewStringCopyZ
+       JS_NewStringCopyN
+       JS_NewString
+       JS_IsRunning
+       JS_SetBranchCallback
+       JS_CallFunctionValue
+       JS_CallFunctionName
+       JS_CallFunction
+       JS_EvaluateScriptForPrincipals
+       JS_EvaluateScript
+       JS_ExecuteScript
+       JS_DecompileFunctionBody
+       JS_DecompileFunction
+       JS_DecompileScript
+       JS_CompileFunctionForPrincipals
+       JS_CompileFunction
+       JS_DestroyScript
+       JS_CompileScriptForPrincipals
+       JS_CompileScript
+       JS_DefineFunction
+       JS_GetFunctionName
+       JS_GetFunctionObject
+       JS_NewFunction
+       JS_ClearScope
+       JS_DeleteElement
+       JS_SetElement
+       JS_GetElement
+       JS_LookupElement
+       JS_AliasElement
+       JS_DefineElement
+       JS_SetArrayLength
+       JS_GetArrayLength
+       JS_NewArrayObject
+       JS_DeleteProperty
+       JS_SetProperty
+       JS_GetProperty
+       JS_LookupProperty
+       JS_AliasProperty
+       JS_DefinePropertyWithTinyId
+       JS_DefineProperty
+       JS_DefineConstDoubles
+       JS_DefineObject
+       JS_NewObject
+       JS_GetConstructor
+       JS_SetParent
+       JS_GetParent
+       JS_SetPrototype
+       JS_GetPrototype
+       JS_GetInstancePrivate
+       JS_SetPrivate
+       JS_GetPrivate
+       JS_InstanceOf
+       JS_GetClass
+       JS_DefineFunctions
+       JS_DefineProperties
+       JS_InitClass
+       JS_FinalizeStub
+       JS_ConvertStub
+       JS_ResolveStub
+       JS_EnumerateStub
+       JS_PropertyStub
+       JS_GC
+       JS_UnlockGCThing
+       JS_LockGCThing
+       JS_RemoveRoot
+       JS_AddRoot
+       JS_NewDoubleValue
+       JS_NewDouble
+       JS_strdup
+       JS_free
+       JS_realloc
+       JS_ReportOutOfMemory
+       JS_malloc
+       JS_GetScopeChain
+       JS_InitStandardClasses
+       JS_SetGlobalObject
+       JS_GetGlobalObject
+       JS_SetVersion
+       JS_GetVersion
+       JS_ContextIterator
+       JS_GetTaskState
+       JS_DestroyContext
+       JS_NewContext
+       JS_Unlock
+       JS_Lock
+       JS_Finish
+       JS_Init
+       JS_GetTypeName
+       JS_TypeOfValue
+       JS_ValueToBoolean
+       JS_ValueToInt32
+       JS_ValueToNumber
+       JS_ValueToString
+       JS_ValueToFunction
+       JS_ValueToObject
+       JS_ReportError
+       JS_ConvertValue
+       JS_GetEmptyStringValue
+       JS_GetPositiveInfinityValue
+       JS_GetNegativeInfinityValue
+       JS_GetNaNValue
+ ;DSR062897 - added for GA code
+       JS_MaybeGC
+       JS_GetScriptPrincipals
+       JS_IsAssigning
+       JS_SetCharSetInfo
+ ;brendan@mozilla.org, 2-Sept-2000
+       JS_SetCallReturnValue2
+       JS_SetGCCallback
+       JS_SetGCCallbackRT
+       JS_AddExternalStringFinalizer
+       JS_RemoveExternalStringFinalizer
+       JS_NewExternalString
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;00023:prmjtime (OFFSET:0x000dae0f, SIZE:0x00008986):
+ ; - Public Definitions:
+       PRMJ_FormatTimeUSEnglish
+       PRMJ_gmtime
+       PRMJ_FormatTime
+       PRMJ_mktime
+       PRMJ_ComputeTime
+       PRMJ_localtime
+       PRMJ_ExplodeTime
+       PRMJ_ToLocal
+       PRMJ_ToGMT
+       PRMJ_NowLocal
+       PRMJ_DSTOffset
+       PRMJ_NowS
+       PRMJ_NowMS
+       PRMJ_Now
+       PRMJ_ToExtendedTime
+       PRMJ_ToBaseTime
+       PRMJ_setDST
+       PRMJ_LocalGMTDifference

ossp-pkg/js/src/jsOS240.def 1.1 ->

ossp-pkg/js/src/jsconfig.mk -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Fri May 10 07:30:37 2024
--- -    Fri May 10 07:32:56 2024
*** 0 ****
--- 1,181 ----
+ # -*- Mode: makefile -*-
+ # 
+ # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
+ #
+ # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ #
+ # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ # License.
+ # 
+ # The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
+ # March 31, 1998.
+ # 
+ # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ # Netscape Communications Corporation.
+ # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998-1999
+ # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ # 
+ # Contributor(s):
+ # 
+ # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+ # either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
+ # or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+ # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+ # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+ # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+ # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+ # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+ # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+ # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+ # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+ # 
+ # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ ifndef OBJDIR
+   ifdef OBJDIR_NAME
+   endif
+ endif
+ NSPR_LOCAL       = $(MOZ_DEPTH)/dist/$(OBJDIR)/nspr
+ NSPR_DIST        = $(MOZ_DEPTH)/dist/$(OBJDIR)
+ ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), SunOS)
+   NSPR_OBJDIR   := $(subst _sparc,,$(NSPR_OBJDIR))
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), Linux)
+   LINUX_REL     := $(shell uname -r)
+   ifneq (,$(findstring 2.0,$(LINUX_REL)))
+     NSPR_OBJDIR := $(subst _All,2.0_x86_glibc_PTH,$(NSPR_OBJDIR))
+   else
+     NSPR_OBJDIR := $(subst _All,2.2_x86_glibc_PTH,$(NSPR_OBJDIR))
+   endif
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), AIX)
+   NSPR_OBJDIR   := $(subst 4.1,4.2,$(NSPR_OBJDIR))
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(OS_CONFIG), IRIX6.2)
+   NSPR_OBJDIR   := $(subst 6.2,6.2_n32_PTH,$(NSPR_OBJDIR))
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(OS_CONFIG), IRIX6.5)
+   NSPR_OBJDIR   := $(subst 6.5,6.5_n32_PTH,$(NSPR_OBJDIR))
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), WINNT)
+   ifeq ($(OBJDIR), WIN32_D.OBJ)
+   endif
+   ifeq ($(OBJDIR), WIN32_O.OBJ)
+   endif
+ endif
+ NSPR_SHARED      = /share/builds/components/nspr20/$(NSPR_VERSION)/$(NSPR_OBJDIR)
+ ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), WINNT)
+ endif
+ get_nspr:
+        @echo "Grabbing NSPR component..."
+        @echo "No need, NSPR is up to date in this tree (ver=$(NSPR_VERSION))."
+ else
+        mkdir -p $(NSPR_LOCAL)
+        mkdir -p $(NSPR_DIST)
+   ifneq ($(OS_ARCH), WINNT)
+        cp       $(NSPR_SHARED)/*.jar $(NSPR_LOCAL)
+   else
+        sh       $(MOZ_DEPTH)/../reltools/compftp.sh $(NSPR_SHARED) $(NSPR_LOCAL) *.jar
+   endif
+        unzip -o $(NSPR_LOCAL)/mdbinary.jar -d $(NSPR_DIST)
+        mkdir -p $(NSPR_DIST)/include
+        unzip -o $(NSPR_LOCAL)/mdheader.jar -d $(NSPR_DIST)/include
+        rm -rf   $(NSPR_DIST)/META-INF
+        rm -rf   $(NSPR_DIST)/include/META-INF
+ endif
+ SHIP_LIBS      = libjs.$(SO_SUFFIX) libjs.a
+   SHIP_LIBS   += libjsj.$(SO_SUFFIX) libjsj.a
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), WINNT)
+   SHIP_LIBS    = js32.dll js32.lib
+     SHIP_LIBS += jsj.dll jsj.lib
+   endif
+ endif
+ SHIP_LIBS     += $(LCJAR)
+ SHIP_LIBS     := $(addprefix $(SHIP_DIST)/lib/, $(SHIP_LIBS))
+ SHIP_INCS      = js*.h prmjtime.h resource.h *.msg *.tbl
+   SHIP_INCS   += netscape*.h nsC*.h nsI*.h
+ endif
+ SHIP_INCS     := $(addprefix $(SHIP_DIST)/include/, $(SHIP_INCS))
+ SHIP_BINS      = js
+   SHIP_BINS   += lcshell
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), WINNT)
+   SHIP_BINS   := $(addsuffix .exe, $(SHIP_BINS))
+ endif
+ SHIP_BINS     := $(addprefix $(SHIP_DIST)/bin/, $(SHIP_BINS))
+ ifdef BUILD_OPT
+   JSREFJAR = jsref_opt.jar
+ else
+ ifdef BUILD_IDG
+   JSREFJAR = jsref_idg.jar
+ else
+   JSREFJAR = jsref_dbg.jar
+ endif
+ endif
+ ship:
+        mkdir -p $(SHIP_DIR)/$(LIBDIR)
+        mkdir -p $(SHIP_DIR)/include
+        mkdir -p $(SHIP_DIR)/bin
+        cp $(SHIP_LIBS) $(SHIP_DIR)/$(LIBDIR)
+        cp $(SHIP_INCS) $(SHIP_DIR)/include
+        cp $(SHIP_BINS) $(SHIP_DIR)/bin
+        cd $(SHIP_DIR); \
+          zip -r $(JSREFJAR) bin lib include
+ ifdef BUILD_SHIP
+        cp $(SHIP_DIR)/$(JSREFJAR) $(BUILD_SHIP)
+ endif
+ CWD = $(shell pwd)
+ shipSource: $(SHIP_DIR)/jsref_src.lst .FORCE
+        mkdir -p $(SHIP_DIR)
+        cd $(MOZ_DEPTH)/.. ; \
+          zip $(CWD)/$(SHIP_DIR)/jsref_src.jar -@ < $(CWD)/$(SHIP_DIR)/jsref_src.lst
+ ifdef BUILD_SHIP
+        cp $(SHIP_DIR)/jsref_src.jar $(BUILD_SHIP)
+ endif
+ JSREFSRCDIRS := $(shell cat $(DEPTH)/SpiderMonkey.rsp)
+ $(SHIP_DIR)/jsref_src.lst: .FORCE
+        mkdir -p $(SHIP_DIR)
+        rm -f $@
+        touch $@
+        for d in $(JSREFSRCDIRS); do                                \
+          cd $(MOZ_DEPTH)/..;                                       \
+          ls -1 -d $$d | grep -v CVS | grep -v \.OBJ >> $(CWD)/$@;  \
+          cd $(CWD);                                                \
+        done

ossp-pkg/js/src/jsconfig.mk 1.1 ->

CVSTrac 2.0.1