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ossp - Check-in [5478]
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Check-in Number: 5478
Date: 2006-Jul-22 22:31:56 (local)
2006-Jul-22 20:31:56 (UTC)
Comment: apply OpenPKG patches (which originally came from FreeBSD AFAIK)
ossp-pkg/js/Makefile.in      1.15 -> 1.16     1 inserted, 1 deleted
ossp-pkg/js/src/jsapi.c      added-> 1.2
ossp-pkg/js/src/jsdtoa.c      added-> 1.2
ossp-pkg/js/src/jsinterp.c      added-> 1.3
ossp-pkg/js/src/jspubtd.h      added-> 1.2

ossp-pkg/js/Makefile.in 1.15 -> 1.16

--- Makefile.in  2006/07/22 20:04:20     1.15
+++ Makefile.in  2006/07/22 20:31:56     1.16
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
         @$(LIBTOOL) --mode=link $(CC) -o $(LIB_NAME) $(LIB_OBJS) -rpath $(libdir) \
-            -version-info `$(SHTOOL) version -l txt -d libtool VERSION`
+            -version-info 0:0
         @$(LIBTOOL) --mode=link $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(CLI_LDFLAGS) -o $(CLI_NAME) $(CLI_OBJS) $(LIB_NAME) $(LIBS) $(CLI_LIBS)

ossp-pkg/js/src/jsapi.c -> 1.2

*** /dev/null    Sun Apr 28 08:37:11 2024
--- -    Sun Apr 28 08:41:07 2024
*** 0 ****
--- 1,4823 ----
+ /* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+  * vim: set ts=8 sw=4 et tw=80:
+  *
+  * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+  * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
+  *
+  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+  * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+  *
+  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+  * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+  * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+  * License.
+  *
+  * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
+  * March 31, 1998.
+  *
+  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+  * Netscape Communications Corporation.
+  * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
+  * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+  *
+  * Contributor(s):
+  *
+  * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+  * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
+  * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+  * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+  * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+  * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+  * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+  * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+  * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+  * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+  * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+  *
+  * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
+ /*
+  * JavaScript API.
+  */
+ #include "jsstddef.h"
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ #include <stdarg.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include "jstypes.h"
+ #include "jsarena.h" /* Added by JSIFY */
+ #include "jsutil.h" /* Added by JSIFY */
+ #include "jsclist.h"
+ #include "jsdhash.h"
+ #include "jsprf.h"
+ #include "jsapi.h"
+ #include "jsarray.h"
+ #include "jsatom.h"
+ #include "jsbool.h"
+ #include "jscntxt.h"
+ #include "jsconfig.h"
+ #include "jsdate.h"
+ #include "jsdtoa.h"
+ #include "jsemit.h"
+ #include "jsexn.h"
+ #include "jsfun.h"
+ #include "jsgc.h"
+ #include "jsinterp.h"
+ #include "jslock.h"
+ #include "jsmath.h"
+ #include "jsnum.h"
+ #include "jsobj.h"
+ #include "jsopcode.h"
+ #include "jsparse.h"
+ #include "jsregexp.h"
+ #include "jsscan.h"
+ #include "jsscope.h"
+ #include "jsscript.h"
+ #include "jsstr.h"
+ #include "prmjtime.h"
+ #include "jsfile.h"
+ #endif
+ #include "jsxml.h"
+ #endif
+ #define JS_ADDRESSOF_VA_LIST(ap) ((va_list *)(ap))
+ #else
+ #define JS_ADDRESSOF_VA_LIST(ap) (&(ap))
+ #endif
+ #if defined(JS_PARANOID_REQUEST) && defined(JS_THREADSAFE)
+ #define CHECK_REQUEST(cx)       JS_ASSERT(cx->requestDepth)
+ #else
+ #define CHECK_REQUEST(cx)       ((void)0)
+ #endif
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(int64)
+ JS_Now()
+ {
+     return PRMJ_Now();
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(jsval)
+ JS_GetNaNValue(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     return DOUBLE_TO_JSVAL(cx->runtime->jsNaN);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(jsval)
+ JS_GetNegativeInfinityValue(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     return DOUBLE_TO_JSVAL(cx->runtime->jsNegativeInfinity);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(jsval)
+ JS_GetPositiveInfinityValue(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     return DOUBLE_TO_JSVAL(cx->runtime->jsPositiveInfinity);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(jsval)
+ JS_GetEmptyStringValue(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     return STRING_TO_JSVAL(cx->runtime->emptyString);
+ }
+ static JSBool
+ TryArgumentFormatter(JSContext *cx, const char **formatp, JSBool fromJS,
+ #ifdef OSSP
+                      jsval **vpp, va_list app)
+ #else
+                      jsval **vpp, va_list *app)
+ #endif
+ {
+     const char *format;
+     JSArgumentFormatMap *map;
+     format = *formatp;
+     for (map = cx->argumentFormatMap; map; map = map->next) {
+         if (!strncmp(format, map->format, map->length)) {
+             *formatp = format + map->length;
+             return map->formatter(cx, format, fromJS, vpp, app);
+         }
+     }
+     JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_BAD_CHAR, format);
+     return JS_FALSE;
+ }
+ JS_ConvertArguments(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, jsval *argv, const char *format,
+                     ...)
+ {
+     va_list ap;
+     JSBool ok;
+     va_start(ap, format);
+     ok = JS_ConvertArgumentsVA(cx, argc, argv, format, ap);
+     va_end(ap);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_ConvertArgumentsVA(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, jsval *argv,
+                       const char *format, va_list ap)
+ {
+     jsval *sp;
+     JSBool required;
+     char c;
+     JSFunction *fun;
+     jsdouble d;
+     JSString *str;
+     JSObject *obj;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     sp = argv;
+     required = JS_TRUE;
+     while ((c = *format++) != '\0') {
+         if (isspace(c))
+             continue;
+         if (c == '/') {
+             required = JS_FALSE;
+             continue;
+         }
+         if (sp == argv + argc) {
+             if (required) {
+                 fun = js_ValueToFunction(cx, &argv[-2], 0);
+                 if (fun) {
+                     char numBuf[12];
+                     JS_snprintf(numBuf, sizeof numBuf, "%u", argc);
+                     JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
+                                          JSMSG_MORE_ARGS_NEEDED,
+                                          JS_GetFunctionName(fun), numBuf,
+                                          (argc == 1) ? "" : "s");
+                 }
+                 return JS_FALSE;
+             }
+             break;
+         }
+         switch (c) {
+           case 'b':
+             if (!js_ValueToBoolean(cx, *sp, va_arg(ap, JSBool *)))
+                 return JS_FALSE;
+             break;
+           case 'c':
+             if (!js_ValueToUint16(cx, *sp, va_arg(ap, uint16 *)))
+                 return JS_FALSE;
+             break;
+           case 'i':
+             if (!js_ValueToECMAInt32(cx, *sp, va_arg(ap, int32 *)))
+                 return JS_FALSE;
+             break;
+           case 'u':
+             if (!js_ValueToECMAUint32(cx, *sp, va_arg(ap, uint32 *)))
+                 return JS_FALSE;
+             break;
+           case 'j':
+             if (!js_ValueToInt32(cx, *sp, va_arg(ap, int32 *)))
+                 return JS_FALSE;
+             break;
+           case 'd':
+             if (!js_ValueToNumber(cx, *sp, va_arg(ap, jsdouble *)))
+                 return JS_FALSE;
+             break;
+           case 'I':
+             if (!js_ValueToNumber(cx, *sp, &d))
+                 return JS_FALSE;
+             *va_arg(ap, jsdouble *) = js_DoubleToInteger(d);
+             break;
+           case 's':
+           case 'S':
+           case 'W':
+             str = js_ValueToString(cx, *sp);
+             if (!str)
+                 return JS_FALSE;
+             *sp = STRING_TO_JSVAL(str);
+             if (c == 's')
+                 *va_arg(ap, char **) = JS_GetStringBytes(str);
+             else if (c == 'W')
+                 *va_arg(ap, jschar **) = JS_GetStringChars(str);
+             else
+                 *va_arg(ap, JSString **) = str;
+             break;
+           case 'o':
+             if (!js_ValueToObject(cx, *sp, &obj))
+                 return JS_FALSE;
+             *sp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
+             *va_arg(ap, JSObject **) = obj;
+             break;
+           case 'f':
+             obj = js_ValueToFunctionObject(cx, sp, 0);
+             if (!obj)
+                 return JS_FALSE;
+             *va_arg(ap, JSFunction **) = (JSFunction *) JS_GetPrivate(cx, obj);
+             break;
+           case 'v':
+             *va_arg(ap, jsval *) = *sp;
+             break;
+           case '*':
+             break;
+           default:
+             format--;
+             if (!TryArgumentFormatter(cx, &format, JS_TRUE, &sp,
+ #ifdef OSSP
+                                       ap)) {
+ #else
+                                       JS_ADDRESSOF_VA_LIST(ap))) {
+ #endif
+                 return JS_FALSE;
+             }
+             /* NB: the formatter already updated sp, so we continue here. */
+             continue;
+         }
+         sp++;
+     }
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(jsval *)
+ JS_PushArguments(JSContext *cx, void **markp, const char *format, ...)
+ {
+     va_list ap;
+     jsval *argv;
+     va_start(ap, format);
+     argv = JS_PushArgumentsVA(cx, markp, format, ap);
+     va_end(ap);
+     return argv;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(jsval *)
+ JS_PushArgumentsVA(JSContext *cx, void **markp, const char *format, va_list ap)
+ {
+     uintN argc;
+     jsval *argv, *sp;
+     char c;
+     const char *cp;
+     JSString *str;
+     JSFunction *fun;
+     JSStackHeader *sh;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     *markp = NULL;
+     argc = 0;
+     for (cp = format; (c = *cp) != '\0'; cp++) {
+         /*
+          * Count non-space non-star characters as individual jsval arguments.
+          * This may over-allocate stack, but we'll fix below.
+          */
+         if (isspace(c) || c == '*')
+             continue;
+         argc++;
+     }
+     sp = js_AllocStack(cx, argc, markp);
+     if (!sp)
+         return NULL;
+     argv = sp;
+     while ((c = *format++) != '\0') {
+         if (isspace(c) || c == '*')
+             continue;
+         switch (c) {
+           case 'b':
+             *sp = BOOLEAN_TO_JSVAL((JSBool) va_arg(ap, int));
+             break;
+           case 'c':
+             *sp = INT_TO_JSVAL((uint16) va_arg(ap, unsigned int));
+             break;
+           case 'i':
+           case 'j':
+             if (!js_NewNumberValue(cx, (jsdouble) va_arg(ap, int32), sp))
+                 goto bad;
+             break;
+           case 'u':
+             if (!js_NewNumberValue(cx, (jsdouble) va_arg(ap, uint32), sp))
+                 goto bad;
+             break;
+           case 'd':
+           case 'I':
+             if (!js_NewDoubleValue(cx, va_arg(ap, jsdouble), sp))
+                 goto bad;
+             break;
+           case 's':
+             str = JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, va_arg(ap, char *));
+             if (!str)
+                 goto bad;
+             *sp = STRING_TO_JSVAL(str);
+             break;
+           case 'W':
+             str = JS_NewUCStringCopyZ(cx, va_arg(ap, jschar *));
+             if (!str)
+                 goto bad;
+             *sp = STRING_TO_JSVAL(str);
+             break;
+           case 'S':
+             str = va_arg(ap, JSString *);
+             *sp = STRING_TO_JSVAL(str);
+             break;
+           case 'o':
+             *sp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(va_arg(ap, JSObject *));
+             break;
+           case 'f':
+             fun = va_arg(ap, JSFunction *);
+             *sp = fun ? OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(fun->object) : JSVAL_NULL;
+             break;
+           case 'v':
+             *sp = va_arg(ap, jsval);
+             break;
+           default:
+             format--;
+             if (!TryArgumentFormatter(cx, &format, JS_FALSE, &sp,
+ #ifdef OSSP
+                                       ap)) {
+ #else
+                                       JS_ADDRESSOF_VA_LIST(ap))) {
+ #endif
+                 goto bad;
+             }
+             /* NB: the formatter already updated sp, so we continue here. */
+             continue;
+         }
+         sp++;
+     }
+     /*
+      * We may have overallocated stack due to a multi-character format code
+      * handled by a JSArgumentFormatter.  Give back that stack space!
+      */
+     JS_ASSERT(sp <= argv + argc);
+     if (sp < argv + argc) {
+         /* Return slots not pushed to the current stack arena. */
+         cx->stackPool.current->avail = (jsuword)sp;
+         /* Reduce the count of slots the GC will scan in this stack segment. */
+         sh = cx->stackHeaders;
+         JS_ASSERT(JS_STACK_SEGMENT(sh) + sh->nslots == argv + argc);
+         sh->nslots -= argc - (sp - argv);
+     }
+     return argv;
+ bad:
+     js_FreeStack(cx, *markp);
+     return NULL;
+ }
+ JS_PopArguments(JSContext *cx, void *mark)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     js_FreeStack(cx, mark);
+ }
+ JS_AddArgumentFormatter(JSContext *cx, const char *format,
+                         JSArgumentFormatter formatter)
+ {
+     size_t length;
+     JSArgumentFormatMap **mpp, *map;
+     length = strlen(format);
+     mpp = &cx->argumentFormatMap;
+     while ((map = *mpp) != NULL) {
+         /* Insert before any shorter string to match before prefixes. */
+         if (map->length < length)
+             break;
+         if (map->length == length && !strcmp(map->format, format))
+             goto out;
+         mpp = &map->next;
+     }
+     map = (JSArgumentFormatMap *) JS_malloc(cx, sizeof *map);
+     if (!map)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     map->format = format;
+     map->length = length;
+     map->next = *mpp;
+     *mpp = map;
+ out:
+     map->formatter = formatter;
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_RemoveArgumentFormatter(JSContext *cx, const char *format)
+ {
+     size_t length;
+     JSArgumentFormatMap **mpp, *map;
+     length = strlen(format);
+     mpp = &cx->argumentFormatMap;
+     while ((map = *mpp) != NULL) {
+         if (map->length == length && !strcmp(map->format, format)) {
+             *mpp = map->next;
+             JS_free(cx, map);
+             return;
+         }
+         mpp = &map->next;
+     }
+ }
+ JS_ConvertValue(JSContext *cx, jsval v, JSType type, jsval *vp)
+ {
+     JSBool ok, b;
+     JSObject *obj;
+     JSString *str;
+     jsdouble d, *dp;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     switch (type) {
+       case JSTYPE_VOID:
+         *vp = JSVAL_VOID;
+         ok = JS_TRUE;
+         break;
+       case JSTYPE_OBJECT:
+         ok = js_ValueToObject(cx, v, &obj);
+         if (ok)
+             *vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
+         break;
+       case JSTYPE_FUNCTION:
+         *vp = v;
+         obj = js_ValueToFunctionObject(cx, vp, JSV2F_SEARCH_STACK);
+         ok = (obj != NULL);
+         break;
+       case JSTYPE_STRING:
+         str = js_ValueToString(cx, v);
+         ok = (str != NULL);
+         if (ok)
+             *vp = STRING_TO_JSVAL(str);
+         break;
+       case JSTYPE_NUMBER:
+         ok = js_ValueToNumber(cx, v, &d);
+         if (ok) {
+             dp = js_NewDouble(cx, d, 0);
+             ok = (dp != NULL);
+             if (ok)
+                 *vp = DOUBLE_TO_JSVAL(dp);
+         }
+         break;
+       case JSTYPE_BOOLEAN:
+         ok = js_ValueToBoolean(cx, v, &b);
+         if (ok)
+             *vp = BOOLEAN_TO_JSVAL(b);
+         break;
+       default: {
+         char numBuf[12];
+         JS_snprintf(numBuf, sizeof numBuf, "%d", (int)type);
+         JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_BAD_TYPE,
+                              numBuf);
+         ok = JS_FALSE;
+         break;
+       }
+     }
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_ValueToObject(JSContext *cx, jsval v, JSObject **objp)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_ValueToObject(cx, v, objp);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSFunction *)
+ JS_ValueToFunction(JSContext *cx, jsval v)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_ValueToFunction(cx, &v, JSV2F_SEARCH_STACK);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSFunction *)
+ JS_ValueToConstructor(JSContext *cx, jsval v)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_ValueToFunction(cx, &v, JSV2F_SEARCH_STACK);
+ }
+ JS_ValueToString(JSContext *cx, jsval v)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_ValueToString(cx, v);
+ }
+ JS_ValueToNumber(JSContext *cx, jsval v, jsdouble *dp)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_ValueToNumber(cx, v, dp);
+ }
+ JS_ValueToECMAInt32(JSContext *cx, jsval v, int32 *ip)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_ValueToECMAInt32(cx, v, ip);
+ }
+ JS_ValueToECMAUint32(JSContext *cx, jsval v, uint32 *ip)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_ValueToECMAUint32(cx, v, ip);
+ }
+ JS_ValueToInt32(JSContext *cx, jsval v, int32 *ip)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_ValueToInt32(cx, v, ip);
+ }
+ JS_ValueToUint16(JSContext *cx, jsval v, uint16 *ip)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_ValueToUint16(cx, v, ip);
+ }
+ JS_ValueToBoolean(JSContext *cx, jsval v, JSBool *bp)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_ValueToBoolean(cx, v, bp);
+ }
+ JS_TypeOfValue(JSContext *cx, jsval v)
+ {
+     JSType type;
+     JSObject *obj;
+     JSObjectOps *ops;
+     JSClass *clasp;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(v)) {
+         type = JSTYPE_OBJECT;           /* XXXbe JSTYPE_NULL for JS2 */
+         obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(v);
+         if (obj) {
+             ops = obj->map->ops;
+             if (ops == &js_XMLObjectOps.base) {
+                 type = JSTYPE_XML;
+             } else
+ #endif
+             {
+                 /*
+                  * ECMA 262, 11.4.3 says that any native object that implements
+                  * [[Call]] should be of type "function". Note that RegExp and
+                  * Script are both of type "function" for compatibility with
+                  * older SpiderMonkeys.
+                  */
+                 clasp = OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, obj);
+                 if ((ops == &js_ObjectOps)
+                     ? (clasp->call
+                        ? (clasp == &js_RegExpClass || clasp == &js_ScriptClass)
+                        : clasp == &js_FunctionClass)
+                     : ops->call != NULL) {
+                     type = JSTYPE_FUNCTION;
+                 } else {
+ #ifdef NARCISSUS
+                     if (!OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(cx, obj,
+                                           ATOM_TO_JSID(cx->runtime->atomState
+                                                        .callAtom),
+                                           &v)) {
+                         JS_ClearPendingException(cx);
+                     } else if (JSVAL_IS_FUNCTION(cx, v)) {
+                         type = JSTYPE_FUNCTION;
+                     }
+ #endif
+                 }
+             }
+         }
+     } else if (JSVAL_IS_NUMBER(v)) {
+         type = JSTYPE_NUMBER;
+     } else if (JSVAL_IS_STRING(v)) {
+         type = JSTYPE_STRING;
+     } else if (JSVAL_IS_BOOLEAN(v)) {
+         type = JSTYPE_BOOLEAN;
+     } else {
+         type = JSTYPE_VOID;
+     }
+     return type;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(const char *)
+ JS_GetTypeName(JSContext *cx, JSType type)
+ {
+     if ((uintN)type >= (uintN)JSTYPE_LIMIT)
+         return NULL;
+     return js_type_str[type];
+ }
+ /************************************************************************/
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSRuntime *)
+ JS_NewRuntime(uint32 maxbytes)
+ {
+     JSRuntime *rt;
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+     /*
+      * This code asserts that the numbers associated with the error names in
+      * jsmsg.def are monotonically increasing.  It uses values for the error
+      * names enumerated in jscntxt.c.  It's not a compiletime check, but it's
+      * better than nothing.
+      */
+     int errorNumber = 0;
+ #define MSG_DEF(name, number, count, exception, format) \
+     JS_ASSERT(name == errorNumber++);
+ #include "js.msg"
+ #undef MSG_DEF
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+     if (!js_InitStringGlobals())
+         return NULL;
+     rt = (JSRuntime *) malloc(sizeof(JSRuntime));
+     if (!rt)
+         return NULL;
+     /* Initialize infallibly first, so we can goto bad and JS_DestroyRuntime. */
+     memset(rt, 0, sizeof(JSRuntime));
+     JS_INIT_CLIST(&rt->contextList);
+     JS_INIT_CLIST(&rt->trapList);
+     JS_INIT_CLIST(&rt->watchPointList);
+     if (!js_InitGC(rt, maxbytes))
+         goto bad;
+     rt->gcLock = JS_NEW_LOCK();
+     if (!rt->gcLock)
+         goto bad;
+     rt->gcDone = JS_NEW_CONDVAR(rt->gcLock);
+     if (!rt->gcDone)
+         goto bad;
+     rt->requestDone = JS_NEW_CONDVAR(rt->gcLock);
+     if (!rt->requestDone)
+         goto bad;
+     /* this is asymmetric with JS_ShutDown: */
+     if (!js_SetupLocks(8, 16))
+         goto bad;
+     rt->rtLock = JS_NEW_LOCK();
+     if (!rt->rtLock)
+         goto bad;
+     rt->stateChange = JS_NEW_CONDVAR(rt->gcLock);
+     if (!rt->stateChange)
+         goto bad;
+     rt->setSlotLock = JS_NEW_LOCK();
+     if (!rt->setSlotLock)
+         goto bad;
+     rt->setSlotDone = JS_NEW_CONDVAR(rt->setSlotLock);
+     if (!rt->setSlotDone)
+         goto bad;
+     rt->scopeSharingDone = JS_NEW_CONDVAR(rt->gcLock);
+     if (!rt->scopeSharingDone)
+         goto bad;
+     rt->scopeSharingTodo = NO_SCOPE_SHARING_TODO;
+ #endif
+     rt->propertyCache.empty = JS_TRUE;
+     if (!js_InitPropertyTree(rt))
+         goto bad;
+     return rt;
+ bad:
+     JS_DestroyRuntime(rt);
+     return NULL;
+ }
+ JS_DestroyRuntime(JSRuntime *rt)
+ {
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+     /* Don't hurt everyone in leaky ol' Mozilla with a fatal JS_ASSERT! */
+     if (!JS_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&rt->contextList)) {
+         JSContext *cx, *iter = NULL;
+         uintN cxcount = 0;
+         while ((cx = js_ContextIterator(rt, JS_TRUE, &iter)) != NULL)
+             cxcount++;
+         fprintf(stderr,
+ "JS API usage error: %u contexts left in runtime upon JS_DestroyRuntime.\n",
+                 cxcount);
+     }
+ #endif
+     js_FreeRuntimeScriptState(rt);
+     js_FinishAtomState(&rt->atomState);
+     js_FinishGC(rt);
+     if (rt->gcLock)
+         JS_DESTROY_LOCK(rt->gcLock);
+     if (rt->gcDone)
+         JS_DESTROY_CONDVAR(rt->gcDone);
+     if (rt->requestDone)
+         JS_DESTROY_CONDVAR(rt->requestDone);
+     if (rt->rtLock)
+         JS_DESTROY_LOCK(rt->rtLock);
+     if (rt->stateChange)
+         JS_DESTROY_CONDVAR(rt->stateChange);
+     if (rt->setSlotLock)
+         JS_DESTROY_LOCK(rt->setSlotLock);
+     if (rt->setSlotDone)
+         JS_DESTROY_CONDVAR(rt->setSlotDone);
+     if (rt->scopeSharingDone)
+         JS_DESTROY_CONDVAR(rt->scopeSharingDone);
+ #endif
+     js_FinishPropertyTree(rt);
+     free(rt);
+ }
+ JS_ShutDown(void)
+ {
+     JS_ArenaShutDown();
+     js_FinishDtoa();
+     js_FreeStringGlobals();
+     js_CleanupLocks();
+ #endif
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(void *)
+ JS_GetRuntimePrivate(JSRuntime *rt)
+ {
+     return rt->data;
+ }
+ JS_SetRuntimePrivate(JSRuntime *rt, void *data)
+ {
+     rt->data = data;
+ }
+ JS_BeginRequest(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     JSRuntime *rt;
+     JS_ASSERT(cx->thread);
+     if (!cx->requestDepth) {
+         /* Wait until the GC is finished. */
+         rt = cx->runtime;
+         JS_LOCK_GC(rt);
+         /* NB: we use cx->thread here, not js_CurrentThreadId(). */
+         if (rt->gcThread != cx->thread) {
+             while (rt->gcLevel > 0)
+                 JS_AWAIT_GC_DONE(rt);
+         }
+         /* Indicate that a request is running. */
+         rt->requestCount++;
+         cx->requestDepth = 1;
+         JS_UNLOCK_GC(rt);
+         return;
+     }
+     cx->requestDepth++;
+ }
+ JS_EndRequest(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     JSRuntime *rt;
+     JSScope *scope, **todop;
+     uintN nshares;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     JS_ASSERT(cx->requestDepth > 0);
+     if (cx->requestDepth == 1) {
+         /* Lock before clearing to interlock with ClaimScope, in jslock.c. */
+         rt = cx->runtime;
+         JS_LOCK_GC(rt);
+         cx->requestDepth = 0;
+         /* See whether cx has any single-threaded scopes to start sharing. */
+         todop = &rt->scopeSharingTodo;
+         nshares = 0;
+         while ((scope = *todop) != NO_SCOPE_SHARING_TODO) {
+             if (scope->ownercx != cx) {
+                 todop = &scope->u.link;
+                 continue;
+             }
+             *todop = scope->u.link;
+             scope->u.link = NULL;       /* null u.link for sanity ASAP */
+             /*
+              * If js_DropObjectMap returns null, we held the last ref to scope.
+              * The waiting thread(s) must have been killed, after which the GC
+              * collected the object that held this scope.  Unlikely, because it
+              * requires that the GC ran (e.g., from a branch callback) during
+              * this request, but possible.
+              */
+             if (js_DropObjectMap(cx, &scope->map, NULL)) {
+                 js_InitLock(&scope->lock);
+                 scope->u.count = 0;                 /* NULL may not pun as 0 */
+                 js_FinishSharingScope(rt, scope);   /* set ownercx = NULL */
+                 nshares++;
+             }
+         }
+         if (nshares)
+             JS_NOTIFY_ALL_CONDVAR(rt->scopeSharingDone);
+         /* Give the GC a chance to run if this was the last request running. */
+         JS_ASSERT(rt->requestCount > 0);
+         rt->requestCount--;
+         if (rt->requestCount == 0)
+             JS_NOTIFY_REQUEST_DONE(rt);
+         JS_UNLOCK_GC(rt);
+         return;
+     }
+     cx->requestDepth--;
+ }
+ /* Yield to pending GC operations, regardless of request depth */
+ JS_YieldRequest(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     JSRuntime *rt;
+     JS_ASSERT(cx->thread);
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     rt = cx->runtime;
+     JS_LOCK_GC(rt);
+     JS_ASSERT(rt->requestCount > 0);
+     rt->requestCount--;
+     if (rt->requestCount == 0)
+     JS_UNLOCK_GC(rt);
+     /* XXXbe give the GC or another request calling it a chance to run here?
+              Assumes FIFO scheduling */
+     JS_LOCK_GC(rt);
+     rt->requestCount++;
+     JS_UNLOCK_GC(rt);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(jsrefcount)
+ JS_SuspendRequest(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     jsrefcount saveDepth = cx->requestDepth;
+     while (cx->requestDepth)
+         JS_EndRequest(cx);
+     return saveDepth;
+ }
+ JS_ResumeRequest(JSContext *cx, jsrefcount saveDepth)
+ {
+     JS_ASSERT(!cx->requestDepth);
+     while (--saveDepth >= 0)
+         JS_BeginRequest(cx);
+ }
+ #endif /* JS_THREADSAFE */
+ JS_Lock(JSRuntime *rt)
+ {
+     JS_LOCK_RUNTIME(rt);
+ }
+ JS_Unlock(JSRuntime *rt)
+ {
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSContext *)
+ JS_NewContext(JSRuntime *rt, size_t stackChunkSize)
+ {
+     return js_NewContext(rt, stackChunkSize);
+ }
+ JS_DestroyContext(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     js_DestroyContext(cx, JS_FORCE_GC);
+ }
+ JS_DestroyContextNoGC(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     js_DestroyContext(cx, JS_NO_GC);
+ }
+ JS_DestroyContextMaybeGC(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     js_DestroyContext(cx, JS_MAYBE_GC);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(void *)
+ JS_GetContextPrivate(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     return cx->data;
+ }
+ JS_SetContextPrivate(JSContext *cx, void *data)
+ {
+     cx->data = data;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSRuntime *)
+ JS_GetRuntime(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     return cx->runtime;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSContext *)
+ JS_ContextIterator(JSRuntime *rt, JSContext **iterp)
+ {
+     return js_ContextIterator(rt, JS_TRUE, iterp);
+ }
+ JS_GetVersion(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     return cx->version & JSVERSION_MASK;
+ }
+ JS_SetVersion(JSContext *cx, JSVersion version)
+ {
+     JSVersion oldVersion;
+     JS_ASSERT((version & ~JSVERSION_MASK) == 0);
+     oldVersion = cx->version & JSVERSION_MASK;
+     if (version == oldVersion)
+         return oldVersion;
+     cx->version = (cx->version & ~JSVERSION_MASK) | version;
+     js_OnVersionChange(cx);
+     return oldVersion;
+ }
+ static struct v2smap {
+     JSVersion   version;
+     const char  *string;
+ } v2smap[] = {
+     {JSVERSION_1_0,     "1.0"},
+     {JSVERSION_1_1,     "1.1"},
+     {JSVERSION_1_2,     "1.2"},
+     {JSVERSION_1_3,     "1.3"},
+     {JSVERSION_1_4,     "1.4"},
+     {JSVERSION_ECMA_3,  "ECMAv3"},
+     {JSVERSION_1_5,     "1.5"},
+     {JSVERSION_1_6,     "1.6"},
+     {JSVERSION_DEFAULT, js_default_str},
+     {JSVERSION_UNKNOWN, NULL},          /* must be last, NULL is sentinel */
+ };
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(const char *)
+ JS_VersionToString(JSVersion version)
+ {
+     int i;
+     for (i = 0; v2smap[i].string; i++)
+         if (v2smap[i].version == version)
+             return v2smap[i].string;
+     return "unknown";
+ }
+ JS_StringToVersion(const char *string)
+ {
+     int i;
+     for (i = 0; v2smap[i].string; i++)
+         if (strcmp(v2smap[i].string, string) == 0)
+             return v2smap[i].version;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(uint32)
+ JS_GetOptions(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     return cx->options;
+ }
+ #define SYNC_OPTIONS_TO_VERSION(cx)                                           \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         if ((cx)->options & JSOPTION_XML)                                     \
+             (cx)->version |= JSVERSION_HAS_XML;                               \
+         else                                                                  \
+             (cx)->version &= ~JSVERSION_HAS_XML;                              \
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(uint32)
+ JS_SetOptions(JSContext *cx, uint32 options)
+ {
+     uint32 oldopts = cx->options;
+     cx->options = options;
+     return oldopts;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(uint32)
+ JS_ToggleOptions(JSContext *cx, uint32 options)
+ {
+     uint32 oldopts = cx->options;
+     cx->options ^= options;
+     return oldopts;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(const char *)
+ JS_GetImplementationVersion(void)
+ {
+     return "JavaScript-C 1.6 pre-release 1 2006-04-04";
+ }
+ JS_GetGlobalObject(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     return cx->globalObject;
+ }
+ JS_SetGlobalObject(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
+ {
+     cx->globalObject = obj;
+     cx->xmlSettingFlags = 0;
+ #endif
+ }
+ static JSObject *
+ InitFunctionAndObjectClasses(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
+ {
+     JSDHashTable *table;
+     JSBool resolving;
+     JSRuntime *rt;
+     JSResolvingKey key;
+     JSResolvingEntry *entry;
+     JSObject *fun_proto, *obj_proto;
+     /* If cx has no global object, use obj so prototypes can be found. */
+     if (!cx->globalObject)
+         JS_SetGlobalObject(cx, obj);
+     /* Record Function and Object in cx->resolvingTable, if we are resolving. */
+     table = cx->resolvingTable;
+     resolving = (table && table->entryCount);
+     if (resolving) {
+         rt = cx->runtime;
+         key.obj = obj;
+         key.id = ATOM_TO_JSID(rt->atomState.FunctionAtom);
+         entry = (JSResolvingEntry *)
+                 JS_DHashTableOperate(table, &key, JS_DHASH_ADD);
+         if (entry && entry->key.obj && (entry->flags & JSRESFLAG_LOOKUP)) {
+             /* Already resolving Function, record Object too. */
+             JS_ASSERT(entry->key.obj == obj);
+             key.id = ATOM_TO_JSID(rt->atomState.ObjectAtom);
+             entry = (JSResolvingEntry *)
+                     JS_DHashTableOperate(table, &key, JS_DHASH_ADD);
+         }
+         if (!entry) {
+             JS_ReportOutOfMemory(cx);
+             return NULL;
+         }
+         JS_ASSERT(!entry->key.obj && entry->flags == 0);
+         entry->key = key;
+         entry->flags = JSRESFLAG_LOOKUP;
+     }
+     /* Initialize the function class first so constructors can be made. */
+     fun_proto = js_InitFunctionClass(cx, obj);
+     if (!fun_proto)
+         goto out;
+     /* Initialize the object class next so Object.prototype works. */
+     obj_proto = js_InitObjectClass(cx, obj);
+     if (!obj_proto) {
+         fun_proto = NULL;
+         goto out;
+     }
+     /* Function.prototype and the global object delegate to Object.prototype. */
+     OBJ_SET_PROTO(cx, fun_proto, obj_proto);
+     if (!OBJ_GET_PROTO(cx, obj))
+         OBJ_SET_PROTO(cx, obj, obj_proto);
+ out:
+     /* If resolving, remove the other entry (Object or Function) from table. */
+     if (resolving)
+         JS_DHashTableOperate(table, &key, JS_DHASH_REMOVE);
+     return fun_proto;
+ }
+ JS_InitStandardClasses(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+ {
+     /* Define a top-level property 'undefined' with the undefined value. */
+     JSAtom *atom = cx->runtime->atomState.typeAtoms[JSTYPE_VOID];
+                              NULL, NULL, JSPROP_PERMANENT, NULL)) {
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     }
+ }
+ #endif
+     /* Function and Object require cooperative bootstrapping magic. */
+     if (!InitFunctionAndObjectClasses(cx, obj))
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     /* Initialize the rest of the standard objects and functions. */
+     return js_InitArrayClass(cx, obj) &&
+            js_InitBooleanClass(cx, obj) &&
+            js_InitMathClass(cx, obj) &&
+            js_InitNumberClass(cx, obj) &&
+            js_InitStringClass(cx, obj) &&
+            js_InitCallClass(cx, obj) &&
+ #endif
+            js_InitRegExpClass(cx, obj) &&
+ #endif
+            js_InitScriptClass(cx, obj) &&
+ #endif
+            js_InitExceptionClasses(cx, obj) &&
+ #endif
+            js_InitXMLClasses(cx, obj) &&
+ #endif
+            js_InitFileClass(cx, obj) &&
+ #endif
+            js_InitDateClass(cx, obj);
+ }
+ #define ATOM_OFFSET(name)       offsetof(JSAtomState, name##Atom)
+ #define OFFSET_TO_ATOM(rt,off)  (*(JSAtom **)((char*)&(rt)->atomState + (off)))
+ /*
+  * Table of class initializers and their atom offsets in rt->atomState.
+  * If you add a "standard" class, remember to update this table.
+  */
+ static struct {
+     JSObjectOp  init;
+     size_t      atomOffset;
+ } standard_class_atoms[] = {
+     {InitFunctionAndObjectClasses,  ATOM_OFFSET(Function)},
+     {InitFunctionAndObjectClasses,  ATOM_OFFSET(Object)},
+     {js_InitArrayClass,             ATOM_OFFSET(Array)},
+     {js_InitBooleanClass,           ATOM_OFFSET(Boolean)},
+     {js_InitDateClass,              ATOM_OFFSET(Date)},
+     {js_InitMathClass,              ATOM_OFFSET(Math)},
+     {js_InitNumberClass,            ATOM_OFFSET(Number)},
+     {js_InitStringClass,            ATOM_OFFSET(String)},
+     {js_InitCallClass,              ATOM_OFFSET(Call)},
+ #endif
+     {js_InitExceptionClasses,       ATOM_OFFSET(Error)},
+ #endif
+     {js_InitRegExpClass,            ATOM_OFFSET(RegExp)},
+ #endif
+     {js_InitScriptClass,            ATOM_OFFSET(Script)},
+ #endif
+     {js_InitXMLClass,               ATOM_OFFSET(XML)},
+     {js_InitNamespaceClass,         ATOM_OFFSET(Namespace)},
+     {js_InitQNameClass,             ATOM_OFFSET(QName)},
+ #endif
+     {js_InitFileClass,              ATOM_OFFSET(File)},
+ #endif
+     {NULL,                          0}
+ };
+ /*
+  * Table of top-level function and constant names and their init functions.
+  * If you add a "standard" global function or property, remember to update
+  * this table.
+  */
+ typedef struct JSStdName {
+     JSObjectOp  init;
+     size_t      atomOffset;     /* offset of atom pointer in JSAtomState */
+     const char  *name;          /* null if atom is pre-pinned, else name */
+ } JSStdName;
+ static JSAtom *
+ StdNameToAtom(JSContext *cx, JSStdName *stdn)
+ {
+     size_t offset;
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     const char *name;
+     offset = stdn->atomOffset;
+     atom = OFFSET_TO_ATOM(cx->runtime, offset);
+     if (!atom) {
+         name = stdn->name;
+         if (name) {
+             atom = js_Atomize(cx, name, strlen(name), ATOM_PINNED);
+             OFFSET_TO_ATOM(cx->runtime, offset) = atom;
+         }
+     }
+     return atom;
+ }
+ #define LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(name)    ATOM_OFFSET(lazy.name), js_##name##_str
+ static JSStdName standard_class_names[] = {
+     /* ECMA requires that eval be a direct property of the global object. */
+     {js_InitObjectClass,        EAGERLY_PINNED_ATOM(eval)},
+     /* Global properties and functions defined by the Number class. */
+     {js_InitNumberClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(NaN)},
+     {js_InitNumberClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(Infinity)},
+     {js_InitNumberClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(isNaN)},
+     {js_InitNumberClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(isFinite)},
+     {js_InitNumberClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(parseFloat)},
+     {js_InitNumberClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(parseInt)},
+     /* String global functions. */
+     {js_InitStringClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(escape)},
+     {js_InitStringClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(unescape)},
+     {js_InitStringClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(decodeURI)},
+     {js_InitStringClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(encodeURI)},
+     {js_InitStringClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(decodeURIComponent)},
+     {js_InitStringClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(encodeURIComponent)},
+     {js_InitStringClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(uneval)},
+ #endif
+     /* Exception constructors. */
+     {js_InitExceptionClasses,   EAGERLY_PINNED_ATOM(Error)},
+     {js_InitExceptionClasses,   LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(InternalError)},
+     {js_InitExceptionClasses,   LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(EvalError)},
+     {js_InitExceptionClasses,   LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(RangeError)},
+     {js_InitExceptionClasses,   LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(ReferenceError)},
+     {js_InitExceptionClasses,   LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(SyntaxError)},
+     {js_InitExceptionClasses,   LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(TypeError)},
+     {js_InitExceptionClasses,   LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(URIError)},
+ #endif
+     {js_InitAnyNameClass,       LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(AnyName)},
+     {js_InitAttributeNameClass, LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(AttributeName)},
+     {js_InitXMLClass,           LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(XMLList)},
+     {js_InitXMLClass,           LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(isXMLName)},
+ #endif
+     {NULL,                      0, NULL}
+ };
+ static JSStdName object_prototype_names[] = {
+     /* Object.prototype properties (global delegates to Object.prototype). */
+     {js_InitObjectClass,        EAGERLY_PINNED_ATOM(proto)},
+     {js_InitObjectClass,        EAGERLY_PINNED_ATOM(parent)},
+     {js_InitObjectClass,        EAGERLY_PINNED_ATOM(count)},
+     {js_InitObjectClass,        EAGERLY_PINNED_ATOM(toSource)},
+ #endif
+     {js_InitObjectClass,        EAGERLY_PINNED_ATOM(toString)},
+     {js_InitObjectClass,        EAGERLY_PINNED_ATOM(toLocaleString)},
+     {js_InitObjectClass,        EAGERLY_PINNED_ATOM(valueOf)},
+     {js_InitObjectClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(watch)},
+     {js_InitObjectClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(unwatch)},
+ #endif
+     {js_InitObjectClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(hasOwnProperty)},
+     {js_InitObjectClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(isPrototypeOf)},
+     {js_InitObjectClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(propertyIsEnumerable)},
+ #endif
+     {js_InitObjectClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(defineGetter)},
+     {js_InitObjectClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(defineSetter)},
+     {js_InitObjectClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(lookupGetter)},
+     {js_InitObjectClass,        LAZILY_PINNED_ATOM(lookupSetter)},
+ #endif
+     {NULL,                      0, NULL}
+ };
+ JS_ResolveStandardClass(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id,
+                         JSBool *resolved)
+ {
+     JSString *idstr;
+     JSRuntime *rt;
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     JSObjectOp init;
+     uintN i;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     *resolved = JS_FALSE;
+     if (!JSVAL_IS_STRING(id))
+         return JS_TRUE;
+     idstr = JSVAL_TO_STRING(id);
+     rt = cx->runtime;
+     /* Check whether we're resolving 'undefined', and define it if so. */
+     atom = rt->atomState.typeAtoms[JSTYPE_VOID];
+     if (idstr == ATOM_TO_STRING(atom)) {
+         *resolved = JS_TRUE;
+         return OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), JSVAL_VOID,
+                                    NULL, NULL, JSPROP_PERMANENT, NULL);
+     }
+ #endif
+     /* Try for class constructors/prototypes named by well-known atoms. */
+     init = NULL;
+     for (i = 0; standard_class_atoms[i].init; i++) {
+         atom = OFFSET_TO_ATOM(rt, standard_class_atoms[i].atomOffset);
+         if (idstr == ATOM_TO_STRING(atom)) {
+             init = standard_class_atoms[i].init;
+             break;
+         }
+     }
+     if (!init) {
+         /* Try less frequently used top-level functions and constants. */
+         for (i = 0; standard_class_names[i].init; i++) {
+             atom = StdNameToAtom(cx, &standard_class_names[i]);
+             if (!atom)
+                 return JS_FALSE;
+             if (idstr == ATOM_TO_STRING(atom)) {
+                 init = standard_class_names[i].init;
+                 break;
+             }
+         }
+         if (!init && !OBJ_GET_PROTO(cx, obj)) {
+             /*
+              * Try even less frequently used names delegated from the global
+              * object to Object.prototype, but only if the Object class hasn't
+              * yet been initialized.
+              */
+             for (i = 0; object_prototype_names[i].init; i++) {
+                 atom = StdNameToAtom(cx, &object_prototype_names[i]);
+                 if (!atom)
+                     return JS_FALSE;
+                 if (idstr == ATOM_TO_STRING(atom)) {
+                     init = standard_class_names[i].init;
+                     break;
+                 }
+             }
+         }
+     }
+     if (init) {
+         if (!init(cx, obj))
+             return JS_FALSE;
+         *resolved = JS_TRUE;
+     }
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ static JSBool
+ AlreadyHasOwnProperty(JSObject *obj, JSAtom *atom)
+ {
+     return SCOPE_GET_PROPERTY(OBJ_SCOPE(obj), ATOM_TO_JSID(atom)) != NULL;
+ }
+ JS_EnumerateStandardClasses(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
+ {
+     JSRuntime *rt;
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     uintN i;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     rt = cx->runtime;
+     /* Check whether we need to bind 'undefined' and define it if so. */
+     atom = rt->atomState.typeAtoms[JSTYPE_VOID];
+     if (!AlreadyHasOwnProperty(obj, atom) &&
+                              NULL, NULL, JSPROP_PERMANENT, NULL)) {
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     }
+ #endif
+     /* Initialize any classes that have not been resolved yet. */
+     for (i = 0; standard_class_atoms[i].init; i++) {
+         atom = OFFSET_TO_ATOM(rt, standard_class_atoms[i].atomOffset);
+         if (!AlreadyHasOwnProperty(obj, atom) &&
+             !standard_class_atoms[i].init(cx, obj)) {
+             return JS_FALSE;
+         }
+     }
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ static JSIdArray *
+ AddAtomToArray(JSContext *cx, JSAtom *atom, JSIdArray *ida, jsint *ip)
+ {
+     jsint i, length;
+     i = *ip;
+     length = ida->length;
+     if (i >= length) {
+         ida = js_SetIdArrayLength(cx, ida, JS_MAX(length * 2, 8));
+         if (!ida)
+             return NULL;
+         JS_ASSERT(i < ida->length);
+     }
+     ida->vector[i] = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+     *ip = i + 1;
+     return ida;
+ }
+ static JSIdArray *
+ EnumerateIfResolved(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSAtom *atom, JSIdArray *ida,
+                     jsint *ip, JSBool *foundp)
+ {
+     *foundp = AlreadyHasOwnProperty(obj, atom);
+     if (*foundp)
+         ida = AddAtomToArray(cx, atom, ida, ip);
+     return ida;
+ }
+ JS_EnumerateResolvedStandardClasses(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                                     JSIdArray *ida)
+ {
+     JSRuntime *rt;
+     jsint i, j, k;
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     JSBool found;
+     JSObjectOp init;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     rt = cx->runtime;
+     if (ida) {
+         i = ida->length;
+     } else {
+         ida = js_NewIdArray(cx, 8);
+         if (!ida)
+             return NULL;
+         i = 0;
+     }
+     /* Check whether 'undefined' has been resolved and enumerate it if so. */
+     atom = rt->atomState.typeAtoms[JSTYPE_VOID];
+     ida = EnumerateIfResolved(cx, obj, atom, ida, &i, &found);
+     if (!ida)
+         return NULL;
+ #endif
+     /* Enumerate only classes that *have* been resolved. */
+     for (j = 0; standard_class_atoms[j].init; j++) {
+         atom = OFFSET_TO_ATOM(rt, standard_class_atoms[j].atomOffset);
+         ida = EnumerateIfResolved(cx, obj, atom, ida, &i, &found);
+         if (!ida)
+             return NULL;
+         if (found) {
+             init = standard_class_atoms[j].init;
+             for (k = 0; standard_class_names[k].init; k++) {
+                 if (standard_class_names[k].init == init) {
+                     atom = StdNameToAtom(cx, &standard_class_names[k]);
+                     ida = AddAtomToArray(cx, atom, ida, &i);
+                     if (!ida)
+                         return NULL;
+                 }
+             }
+             if (init == js_InitObjectClass) {
+                 for (k = 0; object_prototype_names[k].init; k++) {
+                     atom = StdNameToAtom(cx, &object_prototype_names[k]);
+                     ida = AddAtomToArray(cx, atom, ida, &i);
+                     if (!ida)
+                         return NULL;
+                 }
+             }
+         }
+     }
+     /* Trim to exact length via js_SetIdArrayLength. */
+     return js_SetIdArrayLength(cx, ida, i);
+ }
+ #undef ATOM_OFFSET
+ JS_GetScopeChain(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     return cx->fp ? cx->fp->scopeChain : NULL;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(void *)
+ JS_malloc(JSContext *cx, size_t nbytes)
+ {
+     void *p;
+     JS_ASSERT(nbytes != 0);
+     if (nbytes == 0)
+         nbytes = 1;
+     cx->runtime->gcMallocBytes += nbytes;
+     p = malloc(nbytes);
+     if (!p)
+         JS_ReportOutOfMemory(cx);
+     return p;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(void *)
+ JS_realloc(JSContext *cx, void *p, size_t nbytes)
+ {
+     p = realloc(p, nbytes);
+     if (!p)
+         JS_ReportOutOfMemory(cx);
+     return p;
+ }
+ JS_free(JSContext *cx, void *p)
+ {
+     if (p)
+         free(p);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(char *)
+ JS_strdup(JSContext *cx, const char *s)
+ {
+     size_t n;
+     void *p;
+     n = strlen(s) + 1;
+     p = JS_malloc(cx, n);
+     if (!p)
+         return NULL;
+     return (char *)memcpy(p, s, n);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(jsdouble *)
+ JS_NewDouble(JSContext *cx, jsdouble d)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_NewDouble(cx, d, 0);
+ }
+ JS_NewDoubleValue(JSContext *cx, jsdouble d, jsval *rval)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_NewDoubleValue(cx, d, rval);
+ }
+ JS_NewNumberValue(JSContext *cx, jsdouble d, jsval *rval)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_NewNumberValue(cx, d, rval);
+ }
+ #undef JS_AddRoot
+ JS_AddRoot(JSContext *cx, void *rp)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_AddRoot(cx, rp, NULL);
+ }
+ JS_AddNamedRootRT(JSRuntime *rt, void *rp, const char *name)
+ {
+     return js_AddRootRT(rt, rp, name);
+ }
+ JS_RemoveRoot(JSContext *cx, void *rp)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_RemoveRoot(cx->runtime, rp);
+ }
+ JS_RemoveRootRT(JSRuntime *rt, void *rp)
+ {
+     return js_RemoveRoot(rt, rp);
+ }
+ JS_AddNamedRoot(JSContext *cx, void *rp, const char *name)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_AddRoot(cx, rp, name);
+ }
+ JS_ClearNewbornRoots(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     uintN i;
+     for (i = 0; i < GCX_NTYPES; i++)
+         cx->newborn[i] = NULL;
+     cx->lastAtom = NULL;
+     cx->lastInternalResult = JSVAL_NULL;
+ }
+ JS_EnterLocalRootScope(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_EnterLocalRootScope(cx);
+ }
+ JS_LeaveLocalRootScope(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     js_LeaveLocalRootScope(cx);
+ }
+ JS_ForgetLocalRoot(JSContext *cx, void *thing)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     js_ForgetLocalRoot(cx, (jsval) thing);
+ }
+ #include "jshash.h" /* Added by JSIFY */
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ typedef struct NamedRootDumpArgs {
+     void (*dump)(const char *name, void *rp, void *data);
+     void *data;
+ } NamedRootDumpArgs;
+ js_named_root_dumper(JSDHashTable *table, JSDHashEntryHdr *hdr, uint32 number,
+                      void *arg)
+ {
+     NamedRootDumpArgs *args = (NamedRootDumpArgs *) arg;
+     JSGCRootHashEntry *rhe = (JSGCRootHashEntry *)hdr;
+     if (rhe->name)
+         args->dump(rhe->name, rhe->root, args->data);
+     return JS_DHASH_NEXT;
+ }
+ JS_DumpNamedRoots(JSRuntime *rt,
+                   void (*dump)(const char *name, void *rp, void *data),
+                   void *data)
+ {
+     NamedRootDumpArgs args;
+     args.dump = dump;
+     args.data = data;
+     JS_DHashTableEnumerate(&rt->gcRootsHash, js_named_root_dumper, &args);
+ }
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+ typedef struct GCRootMapArgs {
+     JSGCRootMapFun map;
+     void *data;
+ } GCRootMapArgs;
+ js_gcroot_mapper(JSDHashTable *table, JSDHashEntryHdr *hdr, uint32 number,
+                  void *arg)
+ {
+     GCRootMapArgs *args = (GCRootMapArgs *) arg;
+     JSGCRootHashEntry *rhe = (JSGCRootHashEntry *)hdr;
+     intN mapflags;
+     JSDHashOperator op;
+     mapflags = args->map(rhe->root, rhe->name, args->data);
+ #if JS_MAP_GCROOT_NEXT == JS_DHASH_NEXT &&                                     \
+     JS_MAP_GCROOT_STOP == JS_DHASH_STOP &&                                     \
+     op = (JSDHashOperator)mapflags;
+ #else
+     op = JS_DHASH_NEXT;
+     if (mapflags & JS_MAP_GCROOT_STOP)
+         op |= JS_DHASH_STOP;
+     if (mapflags & JS_MAP_GCROOT_REMOVE)
+         op |= JS_DHASH_REMOVE;
+ #endif
+     return op;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(uint32)
+ JS_MapGCRoots(JSRuntime *rt, JSGCRootMapFun map, void *data)
+ {
+     GCRootMapArgs args;
+     uint32 rv;
+     args.map = map;
+     args.data = data;
+     JS_LOCK_GC(rt);
+     rv = JS_DHashTableEnumerate(&rt->gcRootsHash, js_gcroot_mapper, &args);
+     JS_UNLOCK_GC(rt);
+     return rv;
+ }
+ JS_LockGCThing(JSContext *cx, void *thing)
+ {
+     JSBool ok;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     ok = js_LockGCThing(cx, thing);
+     if (!ok)
+         JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_CANT_LOCK);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_LockGCThingRT(JSRuntime *rt, void *thing)
+ {
+     return js_LockGCThingRT(rt, thing);
+ }
+ JS_UnlockGCThing(JSContext *cx, void *thing)
+ {
+     JSBool ok;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     ok = js_UnlockGCThingRT(cx->runtime, thing);
+     if (!ok)
+         JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_CANT_UNLOCK);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_UnlockGCThingRT(JSRuntime *rt, void *thing)
+ {
+     return js_UnlockGCThingRT(rt, thing);
+ }
+ JS_MarkGCThing(JSContext *cx, void *thing, const char *name, void *arg)
+ {
+     JS_ASSERT(cx->runtime->gcLevel > 0);
+     JS_ASSERT(cx->runtime->gcThread == js_CurrentThreadId());
+ #endif
+     GC_MARK(cx, thing, name, arg);
+ }
+ JS_GC(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     /* Don't nuke active arenas if executing or compiling. */
+     if (cx->stackPool.current == &cx->stackPool.first)
+         JS_FinishArenaPool(&cx->stackPool);
+     if (cx->tempPool.current == &cx->tempPool.first)
+         JS_FinishArenaPool(&cx->tempPool);
+     js_ForceGC(cx, 0);
+ }
+ JS_MaybeGC(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+ #ifdef WAY_TOO_MUCH_GC
+     JS_GC(cx);
+ #else
+     JSRuntime *rt;
+     uint32 bytes, lastBytes;
+     rt = cx->runtime;
+     bytes = rt->gcBytes;
+     lastBytes = rt->gcLastBytes;
+     if ((bytes > 8192 && bytes > lastBytes + lastBytes / 2) ||
+         rt->gcMallocBytes > rt->gcMaxMallocBytes) {
+         /*
+          * Run the GC if we have half again as many bytes of GC-things as
+          * the last time we GC'd, or if we have malloc'd more bytes through
+          * JS_malloc than we were told to allocate by JS_NewRuntime.
+          */
+         JS_GC(cx);
+     }
+ #endif
+ }
+ JS_SetGCCallback(JSContext *cx, JSGCCallback cb)
+ {
+     return JS_SetGCCallbackRT(cx->runtime, cb);
+ }
+ JS_SetGCCallbackRT(JSRuntime *rt, JSGCCallback cb)
+ {
+     JSGCCallback oldcb;
+     oldcb = rt->gcCallback;
+     rt->gcCallback = cb;
+     return oldcb;
+ }
+ JS_IsAboutToBeFinalized(JSContext *cx, void *thing)
+ {
+     JS_ASSERT(thing);
+     return js_IsAboutToBeFinalized(cx, thing);
+ }
+ JS_SetGCParameter(JSRuntime *rt, JSGCParamKey key, uint32 value)
+ {
+     switch (key) {
+       case JSGC_MAX_BYTES:
+         rt->gcMaxBytes = value;
+         break;
+         rt->gcMaxMallocBytes = value;
+         break;
+     }
+ }
+ JS_AddExternalStringFinalizer(JSStringFinalizeOp finalizer)
+ {
+     return js_ChangeExternalStringFinalizer(NULL, finalizer);
+ }
+ JS_RemoveExternalStringFinalizer(JSStringFinalizeOp finalizer)
+ {
+     return js_ChangeExternalStringFinalizer(finalizer, NULL);
+ }
+ JS_NewExternalString(JSContext *cx, jschar *chars, size_t length, intN type)
+ {
+     JSString *str;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     JS_ASSERT(GCX_EXTERNAL_STRING <= type && type < (intN) GCX_NTYPES);
+     str = (JSString *) js_NewGCThing(cx, (uintN) type, sizeof(JSString));
+     if (!str)
+         return NULL;
+     str->length = length;
+     str->chars = chars;
+     return str;
+ }
+ JS_GetExternalStringGCType(JSRuntime *rt, JSString *str)
+ {
+     uint8 type = (uint8) (*js_GetGCThingFlags(str) & GCF_TYPEMASK);
+     if (type >= GCX_EXTERNAL_STRING)
+         return (intN)type;
+     JS_ASSERT(type == GCX_STRING || type == GCX_MUTABLE_STRING);
+     return -1;
+ }
+ JS_SetThreadStackLimit(JSContext *cx, jsuword limitAddr)
+ {
+     if (limitAddr == 0)
+         limitAddr = (jsuword)-1;
+ #endif
+     cx->stackLimit = limitAddr;
+ }
+ /************************************************************************/
+ JS_DestroyIdArray(JSContext *cx, JSIdArray *ida)
+ {
+     JS_free(cx, ida);
+ }
+ JS_ValueToId(JSContext *cx, jsval v, jsid *idp)
+ {
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (JSVAL_IS_INT(v)) {
+         *idp = v;
+     } else {
+         atom = js_ValueToStringAtom(cx, v);
+         if (!atom)
+             return JS_FALSE;
+         *idp = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+     }
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_IdToValue(JSContext *cx, jsid id, jsval *vp)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     *vp = ID_TO_VALUE(id);
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_PropertyStub(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, jsval *vp)
+ {
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_EnumerateStub(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
+ {
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_ResolveStub(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id)
+ {
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_ConvertStub(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSType type, jsval *vp)
+ {
+     if (type == JSTYPE_STRING)
+         return JS_TRUE;
+ #endif
+     js_TryValueOf(cx, obj, type, vp);
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_FinalizeStub(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
+ {
+ }
+ JS_InitClass(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSObject *parent_proto,
+              JSClass *clasp, JSNative constructor, uintN nargs,
+              JSPropertySpec *ps, JSFunctionSpec *fs,
+              JSPropertySpec *static_ps, JSFunctionSpec *static_fs)
+ {
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     JSObject *proto, *ctor;
+     JSTempValueRooter tvr;
+     jsval cval, rval;
+     JSBool named;
+     JSFunction *fun;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     atom = js_Atomize(cx, clasp->name, strlen(clasp->name), 0);
+     if (!atom)
+         return NULL;
+     /* Create a prototype object for this class. */
+     proto = js_NewObject(cx, clasp, parent_proto, obj);
+     if (!proto)
+         return NULL;
+     /* After this point, control must exit via label bad or out. */
+     if (!constructor) {
+         /* Lacking a constructor, name the prototype (e.g., Math). */
+         named = OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom),
+                                     OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(proto),
+                                     NULL, NULL, 0, NULL);
+         if (!named)
+             goto bad;
+         ctor = proto;
+     } else {
+         /* Define the constructor function in obj's scope. */
+         fun = js_DefineFunction(cx, obj, atom, constructor, nargs, 0);
+         named = (fun != NULL);
+         if (!fun)
+             goto bad;
+         /*
+          * Remember the class this function is a constructor for so that
+          * we know to create an object of this class when we call the
+          * constructor.
+          */
+         fun->clasp = clasp;
+         /*
+          * Optionally construct the prototype object, before the class has
+          * been fully initialized.  Allow the ctor to replace proto with a
+          * different object, as is done for operator new -- and as at least
+          * XML support requires.
+          */
+         ctor = fun->object;
+         if (clasp->flags & JSCLASS_CONSTRUCT_PROTOTYPE) {
+             cval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(ctor);
+             if (!js_InternalConstruct(cx, proto, cval, 0, NULL, &rval))
+                 goto bad;
+             if (!JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(rval) && JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(rval) != proto)
+                 proto = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(rval);
+         }
+         /* Connect constructor and prototype by named properties. */
+         if (!js_SetClassPrototype(cx, ctor, proto,
+                                   JSPROP_READONLY | JSPROP_PERMANENT)) {
+             goto bad;
+         }
+         /* Bootstrap Function.prototype (see also JS_InitStandardClasses). */
+         if (OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, ctor) == clasp) {
+             /* XXXMLM - this fails in framesets that are writing over
+              *           themselves!
+              * JS_ASSERT(!OBJ_GET_PROTO(cx, ctor));
+              */
+             OBJ_SET_PROTO(cx, ctor, proto);
+         }
+     }
+     /* Add properties and methods to the prototype and the constructor. */
+     if ((ps && !JS_DefineProperties(cx, proto, ps)) ||
+         (fs && !JS_DefineFunctions(cx, proto, fs)) ||
+         (static_ps && !JS_DefineProperties(cx, ctor, static_ps)) ||
+         (static_fs && !JS_DefineFunctions(cx, ctor, static_fs))) {
+         goto bad;
+     }
+ out:
+     JS_POP_TEMP_ROOT(cx, &tvr);
+     return proto;
+ bad:
+     if (named)
+         (void) OBJ_DELETE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), &rval);
+     proto = NULL;
+     goto out;
+ }
+ JS_GetClass(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
+ {
+     return (JSClass *)
+ }
+ #else
+ JS_GetClass(JSObject *obj)
+ {
+     return LOCKED_OBJ_GET_CLASS(obj);
+ }
+ #endif
+ JS_InstanceOf(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSClass *clasp, jsval *argv)
+ {
+     JSFunction *fun;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, obj) == clasp)
+         return JS_TRUE;
+     if (argv) {
+         fun = js_ValueToFunction(cx, &argv[-2], 0);
+         if (fun) {
+             JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
+                                  JSMSG_INCOMPATIBLE_PROTO,
+                                  clasp->name, JS_GetFunctionName(fun),
+                                  OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, obj)->name);
+         }
+     }
+     return JS_FALSE;
+ }
+ JS_HasInstance(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval v, JSBool *bp)
+ {
+     return js_HasInstance(cx, obj, v, bp);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(void *)
+ JS_GetPrivate(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
+ {
+     jsval v;
+     if (!JSVAL_IS_INT(v))
+         return NULL;
+     return JSVAL_TO_PRIVATE(v);
+ }
+ JS_SetPrivate(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, void *data)
+ {
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(void *)
+ JS_GetInstancePrivate(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSClass *clasp,
+                       jsval *argv)
+ {
+     if (!JS_InstanceOf(cx, obj, clasp, argv))
+         return NULL;
+     return JS_GetPrivate(cx, obj);
+ }
+ JS_GetPrototype(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
+ {
+     JSObject *proto;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     /* Beware ref to dead object (we may be called from obj's finalizer). */
+     return proto && proto->map ? proto : NULL;
+ }
+ JS_SetPrototype(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSObject *proto)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (obj->map->ops->setProto)
+         return obj->map->ops->setProto(cx, obj, JSSLOT_PROTO, proto);
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_GetParent(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
+ {
+     JSObject *parent;
+     /* Beware ref to dead object (we may be called from obj's finalizer). */
+     return parent && parent->map ? parent : NULL;
+ }
+ JS_SetParent(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSObject *parent)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (obj->map->ops->setParent)
+         return obj->map->ops->setParent(cx, obj, JSSLOT_PARENT, parent);
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_GetConstructor(JSContext *cx, JSObject *proto)
+ {
+     jsval cval;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (!OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(cx, proto,
+                           ATOM_TO_JSID(cx->runtime->atomState.constructorAtom),
+                           &cval)) {
+         return NULL;
+     }
+     if (!JSVAL_IS_FUNCTION(cx, cval)) {
+         JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_NO_CONSTRUCTOR,
+                              OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, proto)->name);
+         return NULL;
+     }
+     return JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(cval);
+ }
+ JS_GetObjectId(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsid *idp)
+ {
+     JS_ASSERT(((jsid)obj & JSID_TAGMASK) == 0);
+     *idp = OBJECT_TO_JSID(obj);
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_NewObject(JSContext *cx, JSClass *clasp, JSObject *proto, JSObject *parent)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (!clasp)
+         clasp = &js_ObjectClass;    /* default class is Object */
+     return js_NewObject(cx, clasp, proto, parent);
+ }
+ JS_SealObject(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSBool deep)
+ {
+     JSScope *scope;
+     JSIdArray *ida;
+     uint32 nslots;
+     jsval v, *vp, *end;
+     if (!OBJ_IS_NATIVE(obj)) {
+         JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
+                              JSMSG_CANT_SEAL_OBJECT,
+                              OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, obj)->name);
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     }
+     scope = OBJ_SCOPE(obj);
+ #if defined JS_THREADSAFE && defined DEBUG
+     /* Insist on scope being used exclusively by cx's thread. */
+     if (scope->ownercx != cx) {
+         JS_LOCK_OBJ(cx, obj);
+         JS_ASSERT(OBJ_SCOPE(obj) == scope);
+         JS_ASSERT(scope->ownercx == cx);
+         JS_UNLOCK_SCOPE(cx, scope);
+     }
+ #endif
+     /* Nothing to do if obj's scope is already sealed. */
+     if (SCOPE_IS_SEALED(scope))
+         return JS_TRUE;
+     /* XXX Enumerate lazy properties now, as they can't be added later. */
+     ida = JS_Enumerate(cx, obj);
+     if (!ida)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     JS_DestroyIdArray(cx, ida);
+     /* Ensure that obj has its own, mutable scope, and seal that scope. */
+     JS_LOCK_OBJ(cx, obj);
+     scope = js_GetMutableScope(cx, obj);
+     if (scope)
+         SCOPE_SET_SEALED(scope);
+     JS_UNLOCK_SCOPE(cx, scope);
+     if (!scope)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     /* If we are not sealing an entire object graph, we're done. */
+     if (!deep)
+         return JS_TRUE;
+     /* Walk obj->slots and if any value is a non-null object, seal it. */
+     nslots = JS_MIN(scope->map.freeslot, scope->map.nslots);
+     for (vp = obj->slots, end = vp + nslots; vp < end; vp++) {
+         v = *vp;
+         if (JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(v))
+             continue;
+         if (!JS_SealObject(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(v), deep))
+             return JS_FALSE;
+     }
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_ConstructObject(JSContext *cx, JSClass *clasp, JSObject *proto,
+                    JSObject *parent)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (!clasp)
+         clasp = &js_ObjectClass;    /* default class is Object */
+     return js_ConstructObject(cx, clasp, proto, parent, 0, NULL);
+ }
+ JS_ConstructObjectWithArguments(JSContext *cx, JSClass *clasp, JSObject *proto,
+                                 JSObject *parent, uintN argc, jsval *argv)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (!clasp)
+         clasp = &js_ObjectClass;    /* default class is Object */
+     return js_ConstructObject(cx, clasp, proto, parent, argc, argv);
+ }
+ static JSBool
+ DefineProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name, jsval value,
+                JSPropertyOp getter, JSPropertyOp setter, uintN attrs,
+                uintN flags, intN tinyid)
+ {
+     jsid id;
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     if (attrs & JSPROP_INDEX) {
+         id = INT_TO_JSID(JS_PTR_TO_INT32(name));
+         atom = NULL;
+         attrs &= ~JSPROP_INDEX;
+     } else {
+         atom = js_Atomize(cx, name, strlen(name), 0);
+         if (!atom)
+             return JS_FALSE;
+         id = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+     }
+     if (flags != 0 && OBJ_IS_NATIVE(obj)) {
+         return js_DefineNativeProperty(cx, obj, id, value, getter, setter,
+                                        attrs, flags, tinyid, NULL);
+     }
+     return OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, value, getter, setter, attrs,
+                                NULL);
+ }
+ #define AUTO_NAMELEN(s,n)   (((n) == (size_t)-1) ? js_strlen(s) : (n))
+ static JSBool
+ DefineUCProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                  const jschar *name, size_t namelen, jsval value,
+                  JSPropertyOp getter, JSPropertyOp setter, uintN attrs,
+                  uintN flags, intN tinyid)
+ {
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     atom = js_AtomizeChars(cx, name, AUTO_NAMELEN(name, namelen), 0);
+     if (!atom)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     if (flags != 0 && OBJ_IS_NATIVE(obj)) {
+         return js_DefineNativeProperty(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), value,
+                                        getter, setter, attrs, flags, tinyid,
+                                        NULL);
+     }
+     return OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), value,
+                                getter, setter, attrs, NULL);
+ }
+ JS_DefineObject(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name, JSClass *clasp,
+                 JSObject *proto, uintN attrs)
+ {
+     JSObject *nobj;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (!clasp)
+         clasp = &js_ObjectClass;    /* default class is Object */
+     nobj = js_NewObject(cx, clasp, proto, obj);
+     if (!nobj)
+         return NULL;
+     if (!DefineProperty(cx, obj, name, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(nobj), NULL, NULL, attrs,
+                         0, 0)) {
+         cx->newborn[GCX_OBJECT] = NULL;
+         return NULL;
+     }
+     return nobj;
+ }
+ JS_DefineConstDoubles(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSConstDoubleSpec *cds)
+ {
+     JSBool ok;
+     jsval value;
+     uintN flags;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     for (ok = JS_TRUE; cds->name; cds++) {
+         ok = js_NewNumberValue(cx, cds->dval, &value);
+         if (!ok)
+             break;
+         flags = cds->flags;
+         if (!flags)
+         ok = DefineProperty(cx, obj, cds->name, value, NULL, NULL, flags, 0, 0);
+         if (!ok)
+             break;
+     }
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_DefineProperties(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSPropertySpec *ps)
+ {
+     JSBool ok;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     for (ok = JS_TRUE; ps->name; ps++) {
+         ok = DefineProperty(cx, obj, ps->name, JSVAL_VOID,
+                             ps->getter, ps->setter, ps->flags,
+                             SPROP_HAS_SHORTID, ps->tinyid);
+         if (!ok)
+             break;
+     }
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_DefineProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name, jsval value,
+                   JSPropertyOp getter, JSPropertyOp setter, uintN attrs)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return DefineProperty(cx, obj, name, value, getter, setter, attrs, 0, 0);
+ }
+ JS_DefinePropertyWithTinyId(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name,
+                             int8 tinyid, jsval value,
+                             JSPropertyOp getter, JSPropertyOp setter,
+                             uintN attrs)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return DefineProperty(cx, obj, name, value, getter, setter, attrs,
+                           SPROP_HAS_SHORTID, tinyid);
+ }
+ static JSBool
+ LookupProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name, JSObject **objp,
+                JSProperty **propp)
+ {
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     atom = js_Atomize(cx, name, strlen(name), 0);
+     if (!atom)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     return OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), objp, propp);
+ }
+ static JSBool
+ LookupUCProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                  const jschar *name, size_t namelen,
+                  JSObject **objp, JSProperty **propp)
+ {
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     atom = js_AtomizeChars(cx, name, AUTO_NAMELEN(name, namelen), 0);
+     if (!atom)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     return OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), objp, propp);
+ }
+ JS_AliasProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name,
+                  const char *alias)
+ {
+     JSObject *obj2;
+     JSProperty *prop;
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     JSBool ok;
+     JSScopeProperty *sprop;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (!LookupProperty(cx, obj, name, &obj2, &prop))
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     if (!prop) {
+         js_ReportIsNotDefined(cx, name);
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     }
+     if (obj2 != obj || !OBJ_IS_NATIVE(obj)) {
+         OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+         JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_CANT_ALIAS,
+                              alias, name, OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, obj2)->name);
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     }
+     atom = js_Atomize(cx, alias, strlen(alias), 0);
+     if (!atom) {
+         ok = JS_FALSE;
+     } else {
+         sprop = (JSScopeProperty *)prop;
+         ok = (js_AddNativeProperty(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom),
+                                    sprop->getter, sprop->setter, sprop->slot,
+                                    sprop->attrs, sprop->flags | SPROP_IS_ALIAS,
+                                    sprop->shortid)
+               != NULL);
+     }
+     OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj, prop);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ static jsval
+ LookupResult(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSObject *obj2, JSProperty *prop)
+ {
+     JSScopeProperty *sprop;
+     jsval rval;
+     if (!prop) {
+         /* XXX bad API: no way to tell "not defined" from "void value" */
+         return JSVAL_VOID;
+     }
+     if (OBJ_IS_NATIVE(obj2)) {
+         /* Peek at the native property's slot value, without doing a Get. */
+         sprop = (JSScopeProperty *)prop;
+         rval = SPROP_HAS_VALID_SLOT(sprop, OBJ_SCOPE(obj2))
+                ? LOCKED_OBJ_GET_SLOT(obj2, sprop->slot)
+                : JSVAL_TRUE;
+     } else {
+         /* XXX bad API: no way to return "defined but value unknown" */
+         rval = JSVAL_TRUE;
+     }
+     OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+     return rval;
+ }
+ static JSBool
+ GetPropertyAttributes(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSAtom *atom,
+                       uintN *attrsp, JSBool *foundp,
+                       JSPropertyOp *getterp, JSPropertyOp *setterp)
+ {
+     JSObject *obj2;
+     JSProperty *prop;
+     JSBool ok;
+     if (!atom)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     if (!OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), &obj2, &prop))
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     if (!prop || obj != obj2) {
+         *attrsp = 0;
+         *foundp = JS_FALSE;
+         if (getterp)
+             *getterp = NULL;
+         if (setterp)
+             *setterp = NULL;
+         if (prop)
+             OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+         return JS_TRUE;
+     }
+     *foundp = JS_TRUE;
+     ok = OBJ_GET_ATTRIBUTES(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), prop, attrsp);
+     if (ok && OBJ_IS_NATIVE(obj)) {
+         JSScopeProperty *sprop = (JSScopeProperty *) prop;
+         if (getterp)
+             *getterp = sprop->getter;
+         if (setterp)
+             *setterp = sprop->setter;
+     }
+     OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj, prop);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ static JSBool
+ SetPropertyAttributes(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSAtom *atom,
+                       uintN attrs, JSBool *foundp)
+ {
+     JSObject *obj2;
+     JSProperty *prop;
+     JSBool ok;
+     if (!atom)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     if (!OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), &obj2, &prop))
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     if (!prop || obj != obj2) {
+         *foundp = JS_FALSE;
+         if (prop)
+             OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+         return JS_TRUE;
+     }
+     *foundp = JS_TRUE;
+     ok = OBJ_SET_ATTRIBUTES(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), prop, &attrs);
+     OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj, prop);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_GetPropertyAttributes(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name,
+                          uintN *attrsp, JSBool *foundp)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return GetPropertyAttributes(cx, obj,
+                                  js_Atomize(cx, name, strlen(name), 0),
+                                  attrsp, foundp, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ JS_GetPropertyAttrsGetterAndSetter(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                                    const char *name,
+                                    uintN *attrsp, JSBool *foundp,
+                                    JSPropertyOp *getterp,
+                                    JSPropertyOp *setterp)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return GetPropertyAttributes(cx, obj,
+                                  js_Atomize(cx, name, strlen(name), 0),
+                                  attrsp, foundp, getterp, setterp);
+ }
+ JS_SetPropertyAttributes(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name,
+                          uintN attrs, JSBool *foundp)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return SetPropertyAttributes(cx, obj,
+                                  js_Atomize(cx, name, strlen(name), 0),
+                                  attrs, foundp);
+ }
+ JS_HasProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name, JSBool *foundp)
+ {
+     JSBool ok;
+     JSObject *obj2;
+     JSProperty *prop;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     ok = LookupProperty(cx, obj, name, &obj2, &prop);
+     if (ok) {
+         *foundp = (prop != NULL);
+         if (prop)
+             OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+     }
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_LookupProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name, jsval *vp)
+ {
+     JSBool ok;
+     JSObject *obj2;
+     JSProperty *prop;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     ok = LookupProperty(cx, obj, name, &obj2, &prop);
+     if (ok)
+         *vp = LookupResult(cx, obj, obj2, prop);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_LookupPropertyWithFlags(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name,
+                            uintN flags, jsval *vp)
+ {
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     JSBool ok;
+     JSObject *obj2;
+     JSProperty *prop;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     atom = js_Atomize(cx, name, strlen(name), 0);
+     if (!atom)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     ok = OBJ_IS_NATIVE(obj)
+          ? js_LookupPropertyWithFlags(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), flags,
+                                       &obj2, &prop)
+          : OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), &obj2, &prop);
+     if (ok)
+         *vp = LookupResult(cx, obj, obj2, prop);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_GetProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name, jsval *vp)
+ {
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     atom = js_Atomize(cx, name, strlen(name), 0);
+     if (!atom)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     return OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), vp);
+ }
+ JS_GetMethod(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name, JSObject **objp,
+              jsval *vp)
+ {
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     jsid id;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     atom = js_Atomize(cx, name, strlen(name), 0);
+     if (!atom)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     id = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+     if (OBJECT_IS_XML(cx, obj)) {
+         JSXMLObjectOps *ops;
+         ops = (JSXMLObjectOps *) obj->map->ops;
+         obj = ops->getMethod(cx, obj, id, vp);
+         if (!obj)
+             return JS_FALSE;
+     } else
+ #endif
+     {
+         if (!OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, vp))
+             return JS_FALSE;
+     }
+     *objp = obj;
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_SetProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name, jsval *vp)
+ {
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     atom = js_Atomize(cx, name, strlen(name), 0);
+     if (!atom)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     return OBJ_SET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), vp);
+ }
+ JS_DeleteProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name)
+ {
+     jsval junk;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return JS_DeleteProperty2(cx, obj, name, &junk);
+ }
+ JS_DeleteProperty2(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name,
+                    jsval *rval)
+ {
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     atom = js_Atomize(cx, name, strlen(name), 0);
+     if (!atom)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     return OBJ_DELETE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), rval);
+ }
+ JS_DefineUCProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                     const jschar *name, size_t namelen, jsval value,
+                     JSPropertyOp getter, JSPropertyOp setter,
+                     uintN attrs)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return DefineUCProperty(cx, obj, name, namelen, value, getter, setter,
+                             attrs, 0, 0);
+ }
+ JS_GetUCPropertyAttributes(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                            const jschar *name, size_t namelen,
+                            uintN *attrsp, JSBool *foundp)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return GetPropertyAttributes(cx, obj,
+                     js_AtomizeChars(cx, name, AUTO_NAMELEN(name, namelen), 0),
+                     attrsp, foundp, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ JS_GetUCPropertyAttrsGetterAndSetter(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                                      const jschar *name, size_t namelen,
+                                      uintN *attrsp, JSBool *foundp,
+                                      JSPropertyOp *getterp,
+                                      JSPropertyOp *setterp)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return GetPropertyAttributes(cx, obj,
+                     js_AtomizeChars(cx, name, AUTO_NAMELEN(name, namelen), 0),
+                     attrsp, foundp, getterp, setterp);
+ }
+ JS_SetUCPropertyAttributes(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                            const jschar *name, size_t namelen,
+                            uintN attrs, JSBool *foundp)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return SetPropertyAttributes(cx, obj,
+                     js_AtomizeChars(cx, name, AUTO_NAMELEN(name, namelen), 0),
+                     attrs, foundp);
+ }
+ JS_DefineUCPropertyWithTinyId(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                               const jschar *name, size_t namelen,
+                               int8 tinyid, jsval value,
+                               JSPropertyOp getter, JSPropertyOp setter,
+                               uintN attrs)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return DefineUCProperty(cx, obj, name, namelen, value, getter, setter,
+                             attrs, SPROP_HAS_SHORTID, tinyid);
+ }
+ JS_HasUCProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                  const jschar *name, size_t namelen,
+                  JSBool *vp)
+ {
+     JSBool ok;
+     JSObject *obj2;
+     JSProperty *prop;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     ok = LookupUCProperty(cx, obj, name, namelen, &obj2, &prop);
+     if (ok) {
+         *vp = (prop != NULL);
+         if (prop)
+             OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+     }
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_LookupUCProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                     const jschar *name, size_t namelen,
+                     jsval *vp)
+ {
+     JSBool ok;
+     JSObject *obj2;
+     JSProperty *prop;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     ok = LookupUCProperty(cx, obj, name, namelen, &obj2, &prop);
+     if (ok)
+         *vp = LookupResult(cx, obj, obj2, prop);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_GetUCProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                  const jschar *name, size_t namelen,
+                  jsval *vp)
+ {
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     atom = js_AtomizeChars(cx, name, AUTO_NAMELEN(name, namelen), 0);
+     if (!atom)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     return OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), vp);
+ }
+ JS_SetUCProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                  const jschar *name, size_t namelen,
+                  jsval *vp)
+ {
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     atom = js_AtomizeChars(cx, name, AUTO_NAMELEN(name, namelen), 0);
+     if (!atom)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     return OBJ_SET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), vp);
+ }
+ JS_DeleteUCProperty2(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                      const jschar *name, size_t namelen,
+                      jsval *rval)
+ {
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     atom = js_AtomizeChars(cx, name, AUTO_NAMELEN(name, namelen), 0);
+     if (!atom)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     return OBJ_DELETE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), rval);
+ }
+ JS_NewArrayObject(JSContext *cx, jsint length, jsval *vector)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     /* NB: jsuint cast does ToUint32. */
+     return js_NewArrayObject(cx, (jsuint)length, vector);
+ }
+ JS_IsArrayObject(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
+ {
+     return OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, obj) == &js_ArrayClass;
+ }
+ JS_GetArrayLength(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsuint *lengthp)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_GetLengthProperty(cx, obj, lengthp);
+ }
+ JS_SetArrayLength(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsuint length)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_SetLengthProperty(cx, obj, length);
+ }
+ JS_HasArrayLength(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsuint *lengthp)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_HasLengthProperty(cx, obj, lengthp);
+ }
+ JS_DefineElement(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsint index, jsval value,
+                  JSPropertyOp getter, JSPropertyOp setter, uintN attrs)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, INT_TO_JSID(index), value,
+                                getter, setter, attrs, NULL);
+ }
+ JS_AliasElement(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name, jsint alias)
+ {
+     JSObject *obj2;
+     JSProperty *prop;
+     JSScopeProperty *sprop;
+     JSBool ok;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (!LookupProperty(cx, obj, name, &obj2, &prop))
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     if (!prop) {
+         js_ReportIsNotDefined(cx, name);
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     }
+     if (obj2 != obj || !OBJ_IS_NATIVE(obj)) {
+         char numBuf[12];
+         OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+         JS_snprintf(numBuf, sizeof numBuf, "%ld", (long)alias);
+         JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_CANT_ALIAS,
+                              numBuf, name, OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, obj2)->name);
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     }
+     sprop = (JSScopeProperty *)prop;
+     ok = (js_AddNativeProperty(cx, obj, INT_TO_JSID(alias),
+                                sprop->getter, sprop->setter, sprop->slot,
+                                sprop->attrs, sprop->flags | SPROP_IS_ALIAS,
+                                sprop->shortid)
+           != NULL);
+     OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj, prop);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_HasElement(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsint index, JSBool *foundp)
+ {
+     JSBool ok;
+     JSObject *obj2;
+     JSProperty *prop;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     ok = OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY(cx, obj, INT_TO_JSID(index), &obj2, &prop);
+     if (ok) {
+         *foundp = (prop != NULL);
+         if (prop)
+             OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+     }
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_LookupElement(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsint index, jsval *vp)
+ {
+     JSBool ok;
+     JSObject *obj2;
+     JSProperty *prop;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     ok = OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY(cx, obj, INT_TO_JSID(index), &obj2, &prop);
+     if (ok)
+         *vp = LookupResult(cx, obj, obj2, prop);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_GetElement(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsint index, jsval *vp)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, INT_TO_JSID(index), vp);
+ }
+ JS_SetElement(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsint index, jsval *vp)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return OBJ_SET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, INT_TO_JSID(index), vp);
+ }
+ JS_DeleteElement(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsint index)
+ {
+     jsval junk;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return JS_DeleteElement2(cx, obj, index, &junk);
+ }
+ JS_DeleteElement2(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsint index, jsval *rval)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return OBJ_DELETE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, INT_TO_JSID(index), rval);
+ }
+ JS_ClearScope(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (obj->map->ops->clear)
+         obj->map->ops->clear(cx, obj);
+ }
+ JS_Enumerate(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
+ {
+     jsint i, n;
+     jsval iter_state, num_properties;
+     jsid id;
+     JSIdArray *ida;
+     jsval *vector;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     ida = NULL;
+     iter_state = JSVAL_NULL;
+     /* Get the number of properties to enumerate. */
+     if (!OBJ_ENUMERATE(cx, obj, JSENUMERATE_INIT, &iter_state, &num_properties))
+         goto error;
+     if (!JSVAL_IS_INT(num_properties)) {
+         JS_ASSERT(0);
+         goto error;
+     }
+     /* Grow as needed if we don't know the exact amount ahead of time. */
+     n = JSVAL_TO_INT(num_properties);
+     if (n <= 0)
+         n = 8;
+     /* Create an array of jsids large enough to hold all the properties */
+     ida = js_NewIdArray(cx, n);
+     if (!ida)
+         goto error;
+     i = 0;
+     vector = &ida->vector[0];
+     for (;;) {
+         if (!OBJ_ENUMERATE(cx, obj, JSENUMERATE_NEXT, &iter_state, &id))
+             goto error;
+         /* No more jsid's to enumerate ? */
+         if (iter_state == JSVAL_NULL)
+             break;
+         if (i == ida->length) {
+             ida = js_SetIdArrayLength(cx, ida, ida->length * 2);
+             if (!ida)
+                 goto error;
+             vector = &ida->vector[0];
+         }
+         vector[i++] = id;
+     }
+     return js_SetIdArrayLength(cx, ida, i);
+ error:
+     if (iter_state != JSVAL_NULL)
+         OBJ_ENUMERATE(cx, obj, JSENUMERATE_DESTROY, &iter_state, 0);
+     if (ida)
+         JS_DestroyIdArray(cx, ida);
+     return NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+  * XXX reverse iterator for properties, unreverse and meld with jsinterp.c's
+  *     prop_iterator_class somehow...
+  * + preserve the OBJ_ENUMERATE API while optimizing the native object case
+  * + native case here uses a JSScopeProperty *, but that iterates in reverse!
+  * + so we make non-native match, by reverse-iterating after JS_Enumerating
+  */
+ # error "JSSLOT_ITER_INDEX botch!"
+ #endif
+ static void
+ prop_iter_finalize(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
+ {
+     jsval v;
+     jsint i;
+     JSIdArray *ida;
+     if (JSVAL_IS_VOID(v))
+         return;
+     i = JSVAL_TO_INT(v);
+     if (i >= 0) {
+         /* Non-native case: destroy the ida enumerated when obj was created. */
+         ida = (JSIdArray *) JS_GetPrivate(cx, obj);
+         if (ida)
+             JS_DestroyIdArray(cx, ida);
+     }
+ }
+ static uint32
+ prop_iter_mark(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, void *arg)
+ {
+     jsval v;
+     jsint i, n;
+     JSScopeProperty *sprop;
+     JSIdArray *ida;
+     jsid id;
+     if (i < 0) {
+         /* Native case: just mark the next property to visit. */
+         sprop = (JSScopeProperty *) JSVAL_TO_PRIVATE(v);
+         if (sprop)
+             MARK_SCOPE_PROPERTY(sprop);
+     } else {
+         /* Non-native case: mark each id in the JSIdArray private. */
+         ida = (JSIdArray *) JSVAL_TO_PRIVATE(v);
+         for (i = 0, n = ida->length; i < n; i++) {
+             id = ida->vector[i];
+             if (JSID_IS_ATOM(id))
+                 GC_MARK_ATOM(cx, JSID_TO_ATOM(id), arg);
+             else if (JSID_IS_OBJECT(id))
+                 GC_MARK(cx, JSID_TO_OBJECT(id), "id", arg);
+         }
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ static JSClass prop_iter_class = {
+     "PropertyIterator",
+     JS_PropertyStub,  JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub,
+     JS_EnumerateStub, JS_ResolveStub,  JS_ConvertStub,  prop_iter_finalize,
+     NULL,             NULL,            NULL,            NULL,
+     NULL,             NULL,            prop_iter_mark,  NULL
+ };
+ JS_NewPropertyIterator(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
+ {
+     JSObject *iterobj;
+     JSScope *scope;
+     void *pdata;
+     jsint index;
+     JSIdArray *ida;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     iterobj = js_NewObject(cx, &prop_iter_class, NULL, obj);
+     if (!iterobj)
+         return NULL;
+     if (OBJ_IS_NATIVE(obj)) {
+         /* Native case: start with the last property in obj's own scope. */
+         scope = OBJ_SCOPE(obj);
+         pdata = (scope->object == obj) ? scope->lastProp : NULL;
+         index = -1;
+     } else {
+         /* Non-native case: enumerate a JSIdArray and keep it via private. */
+         ida = JS_Enumerate(cx, obj);
+         if (!ida)
+             goto bad;
+         pdata = ida;
+         index = ida->length;
+     }
+     if (!JS_SetPrivate(cx, iterobj, pdata))
+         goto bad;
+     OBJ_SET_SLOT(cx, iterobj, JSSLOT_ITER_INDEX, INT_TO_JSVAL(index));
+     return iterobj;
+ bad:
+     cx->newborn[GCX_OBJECT] = NULL;
+     return NULL;
+ }
+ JS_NextProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *iterobj, jsid *idp)
+ {
+     jsint i;
+     JSObject *obj;
+     JSScope *scope;
+     JSScopeProperty *sprop;
+     JSIdArray *ida;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (i < 0) {
+         /* Native case: private data is a property tree node pointer. */
+         obj = OBJ_GET_PARENT(cx, iterobj);
+         JS_ASSERT(OBJ_IS_NATIVE(obj));
+         scope = OBJ_SCOPE(obj);
+         JS_ASSERT(scope->object == obj);
+         sprop = (JSScopeProperty *) JS_GetPrivate(cx, iterobj);
+         /*
+          * If the next property mapped by scope in the property tree ancestor
+          * line is not enumerable, or it's an alias, or one or more properties
+          * were deleted from the "middle" of the scope-mapped ancestor line
+          * and the next property was among those deleted, skip it and keep on
+          * trying to find an enumerable property that is still in scope.
+          */
+         while (sprop &&
+                (!(sprop->attrs & JSPROP_ENUMERATE) ||
+                 (sprop->flags & SPROP_IS_ALIAS) ||
+                 (SCOPE_HAD_MIDDLE_DELETE(scope) &&
+                  !SCOPE_HAS_PROPERTY(scope, sprop)))) {
+             sprop = sprop->parent;
+         }
+         if (!sprop) {
+             *idp = JSVAL_VOID;
+         } else {
+             if (!JS_SetPrivate(cx, iterobj, sprop->parent))
+                 return JS_FALSE;
+             *idp = sprop->id;
+         }
+     } else {
+         /* Non-native case: use the ida enumerated when iterobj was created. */
+         ida = (JSIdArray *) JS_GetPrivate(cx, iterobj);
+         JS_ASSERT(i <= ida->length);
+         if (i == 0) {
+             *idp = JSVAL_VOID; 
+         } else {
+             *idp = ida->vector[--i];
+             OBJ_SET_SLOT(cx, iterobj, JSSLOT_ITER_INDEX, INT_TO_JSVAL(i));
+         }
+     }
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_CheckAccess(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsid id, JSAccessMode mode,
+                jsval *vp, uintN *attrsp)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return OBJ_CHECK_ACCESS(cx, obj, id, mode, vp, attrsp);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSCheckAccessOp)
+ JS_SetCheckObjectAccessCallback(JSRuntime *rt, JSCheckAccessOp acb)
+ {
+     JSCheckAccessOp oldacb;
+     oldacb = rt->checkObjectAccess;
+     rt->checkObjectAccess = acb;
+     return oldacb;
+ }
+ static JSBool
+ ReservedSlotIndexOK(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSClass *clasp,
+                     uint32 index, uint32 limit)
+ {
+     /* Check the computed, possibly per-instance, upper bound. */
+     if (clasp->reserveSlots)
+         JS_LOCK_OBJ_VOID(cx, obj, limit += clasp->reserveSlots(cx, obj));
+     if (index >= limit) {
+         JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
+                              JSMSG_RESERVED_SLOT_RANGE);
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     }
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_GetReservedSlot(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uint32 index, jsval *vp)
+ {
+     JSClass *clasp;
+     uint32 limit, slot;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     clasp = OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, obj);
+     limit = JSCLASS_RESERVED_SLOTS(clasp);
+     if (index >= limit && !ReservedSlotIndexOK(cx, obj, clasp, index, limit))
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     slot = JSSLOT_START(clasp) + index;
+     *vp = OBJ_GET_REQUIRED_SLOT(cx, obj, slot);
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_SetReservedSlot(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uint32 index, jsval v)
+ {
+     JSClass *clasp;
+     uint32 limit, slot;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     clasp = OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, obj);
+     limit = JSCLASS_RESERVED_SLOTS(clasp);
+     if (index >= limit && !ReservedSlotIndexOK(cx, obj, clasp, index, limit))
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     slot = JSSLOT_START(clasp) + index;
+     return OBJ_SET_REQUIRED_SLOT(cx, obj, slot, v);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(jsrefcount)
+ JS_HoldPrincipals(JSContext *cx, JSPrincipals *principals)
+ {
+     return JS_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&principals->refcount);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(jsrefcount)
+ JS_DropPrincipals(JSContext *cx, JSPrincipals *principals)
+ {
+     jsrefcount rc = JS_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&principals->refcount);
+     if (rc == 0)
+         principals->destroy(cx, principals);
+     return rc;
+ }
+ #endif
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSPrincipalsTranscoder)
+ JS_SetPrincipalsTranscoder(JSRuntime *rt, JSPrincipalsTranscoder px)
+ {
+     JSPrincipalsTranscoder oldpx;
+     oldpx = rt->principalsTranscoder;
+     rt->principalsTranscoder = px;
+     return oldpx;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSObjectPrincipalsFinder)
+ JS_SetObjectPrincipalsFinder(JSRuntime *rt, JSObjectPrincipalsFinder fop)
+ {
+     JSObjectPrincipalsFinder oldfop;
+     oldfop = rt->findObjectPrincipals;
+     rt->findObjectPrincipals = fop;
+     return oldfop;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSFunction *)
+ JS_NewFunction(JSContext *cx, JSNative native, uintN nargs, uintN flags,
+                JSObject *parent, const char *name)
+ {
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (!name) {
+         atom = NULL;
+     } else {
+         atom = js_Atomize(cx, name, strlen(name), 0);
+         if (!atom)
+             return NULL;
+     }
+     return js_NewFunction(cx, NULL, native, nargs, flags, parent, atom);
+ }
+ JS_CloneFunctionObject(JSContext *cx, JSObject *funobj, JSObject *parent)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, funobj) != &js_FunctionClass) {
+         /* Indicate we cannot clone this object. */
+         return funobj;
+     }
+     return js_CloneFunctionObject(cx, funobj, parent);
+ }
+ JS_GetFunctionObject(JSFunction *fun)
+ {
+     return fun->object;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(const char *)
+ JS_GetFunctionName(JSFunction *fun)
+ {
+     return fun->atom
+            ? JS_GetStringBytes(ATOM_TO_STRING(fun->atom))
+            : js_anonymous_str;
+ }
+ JS_GetFunctionId(JSFunction *fun)
+ {
+     return fun->atom ? ATOM_TO_STRING(fun->atom) : NULL;
+ }
+ JS_GetFunctionFlags(JSFunction *fun)
+ {
+     return fun->flags;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(uint16)
+ JS_GetFunctionArity(JSFunction *fun)
+ {
+     return fun->nargs;
+ }
+ JS_ObjectIsFunction(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
+ {
+     return OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, obj) == &js_FunctionClass;
+ }
+ js_generic_native_method_dispatcher(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                                     uintN argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval)
+ {
+     jsval fsv;
+     JSFunctionSpec *fs;
+     JSObject *tmp;
+     if (!JS_GetReservedSlot(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(argv[-2]), 0, &fsv))
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     fs = (JSFunctionSpec *) JSVAL_TO_PRIVATE(fsv);
+     /*
+      * We know that argv[0] is valid because JS_DefineFunctions, which is our
+      * only (indirect) referrer, defined us as requiring at least one argument
+      * (notice how it passes fs->nargs + 1 as the next-to-last argument to
+      * JS_DefineFunction).
+      */
+     if (JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(argv[0])) {
+         /*
+          * Make sure that this is an object or null, as required by the generic
+          * functions.
+          */
+         if (!js_ValueToObject(cx, argv[0], &tmp))
+             return JS_FALSE;
+         argv[0] = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(tmp);
+     }
+     /*
+      * Copy all actual (argc) and required but missing (fs->nargs + 1 - argc)
+      * args down over our |this| parameter, argv[-1], which is almost always
+      * the class constructor object, e.g. Array.  Then call the corresponding
+      * prototype native method with our first argument passed as |this|.
+      */
+     memmove(argv - 1, argv, JS_MAX(fs->nargs + 1U, argc) * sizeof(jsval));
+     /*
+      * Follow Function.prototype.apply and .call by using the global object as
+      * the 'this' param if no args.
+      */
+     JS_ASSERT(cx->fp->argv == argv);
+     if (!js_ComputeThis(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(argv[-1]), cx->fp))
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     /*
+      * Protect against argc - 1 underflowing below. By calling js_ComputeThis,
+      * we made it as if the static was called with one parameter.
+      */
+     if (argc == 0)
+         argc = 1;
+     return fs->call(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(argv[-1]), argc - 1, argv, rval);
+ }
+ JS_DefineFunctions(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSFunctionSpec *fs)
+ {
+     uintN flags;
+     JSObject *ctor;
+     JSFunction *fun;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     ctor = NULL;
+     for (; fs->name; fs++) {
+         flags = fs->flags;
+         /*
+          * Define a generic arity N+1 static method for the arity N prototype
+          * method if flags contains JSFUN_GENERIC_NATIVE.
+          */
+         if (flags & JSFUN_GENERIC_NATIVE) {
+             if (!ctor) {
+                 ctor = JS_GetConstructor(cx, obj);
+                 if (!ctor)
+                     return JS_FALSE;
+             }
+             flags &= ~JSFUN_GENERIC_NATIVE;
+             fun = JS_DefineFunction(cx, ctor, fs->name,
+                                     js_generic_native_method_dispatcher,
+                                     fs->nargs + 1, flags);
+             if (!fun)
+                 return JS_FALSE;
+             fun->extra = fs->extra;
+             /*
+              * As jsapi.h notes, fs must point to storage that lives as long
+              * as fun->object lives.
+              */
+             if (!JS_SetReservedSlot(cx, fun->object, 0, PRIVATE_TO_JSVAL(fs)))
+                 return JS_FALSE;
+         }
+         fun = JS_DefineFunction(cx, obj, fs->name, fs->call, fs->nargs, flags);
+         if (!fun)
+             return JS_FALSE;
+         fun->extra = fs->extra;
+     }
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSFunction *)
+ JS_DefineFunction(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name, JSNative call,
+                   uintN nargs, uintN attrs)
+ {
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     atom = js_Atomize(cx, name, strlen(name), 0);
+     if (!atom)
+         return NULL;
+     return js_DefineFunction(cx, obj, atom, call, nargs, attrs);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSFunction *)
+ JS_DefineUCFunction(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                     const jschar *name, size_t namelen, JSNative call,
+                     uintN nargs, uintN attrs)
+ {
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     atom = js_AtomizeChars(cx, name, AUTO_NAMELEN(name, namelen), 0);
+     if (!atom)
+         return NULL;
+     return js_DefineFunction(cx, obj, atom, call, nargs, attrs);
+ }
+ static JSScript *
+ CompileTokenStream(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSTokenStream *ts,
+                    void *tempMark, JSBool *eofp)
+ {
+     JSBool eof;
+     JSArenaPool codePool, notePool;
+     JSCodeGenerator cg;
+     JSScript *script;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     eof = JS_FALSE;
+     JS_InitArenaPool(&codePool, "code", 1024, sizeof(jsbytecode));
+     JS_InitArenaPool(&notePool, "note", 1024, sizeof(jssrcnote));
+     if (!js_InitCodeGenerator(cx, &cg, &codePool, &notePool,
+                               ts->filename, ts->lineno,
+                               ts->principals)) {
+         script = NULL;
+     } else if (!js_CompileTokenStream(cx, obj, ts, &cg)) {
+         script = NULL;
+         eof = (ts->flags & TSF_EOF) != 0;
+     } else {
+         script = js_NewScriptFromCG(cx, &cg, NULL);
+     }
+     if (eofp)
+         *eofp = eof;
+     if (!js_CloseTokenStream(cx, ts)) {
+         if (script)
+             js_DestroyScript(cx, script);
+         script = NULL;
+     }
+     cg.tempMark = tempMark;
+     js_FinishCodeGenerator(cx, &cg);
+     JS_FinishArenaPool(&codePool);
+     JS_FinishArenaPool(&notePool);
+     return script;
+ }
+ JS_CompileScript(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                  const char *bytes, size_t length,
+                  const char *filename, uintN lineno)
+ {
+     jschar *chars;
+     JSScript *script;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     chars = js_InflateString(cx, bytes, length);
+     if (!chars)
+         return NULL;
+     script = JS_CompileUCScript(cx, obj, chars, length, filename, lineno);
+     JS_free(cx, chars);
+     return script;
+ }
+ JS_CompileScriptForPrincipals(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                               JSPrincipals *principals,
+                               const char *bytes, size_t length,
+                               const char *filename, uintN lineno)
+ {
+     jschar *chars;
+     JSScript *script;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     chars = js_InflateString(cx, bytes, length);
+     if (!chars)
+         return NULL;
+     script = JS_CompileUCScriptForPrincipals(cx, obj, principals,
+                                              chars, length, filename, lineno);
+     JS_free(cx, chars);
+     return script;
+ }
+ JS_CompileUCScript(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                    const jschar *chars, size_t length,
+                    const char *filename, uintN lineno)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return JS_CompileUCScriptForPrincipals(cx, obj, NULL, chars, length,
+                                            filename, lineno);
+ }
+ # define LAST_FRAME_EXCEPTION_CHECK(cx,result)                                \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         if (!(result))                                                        \
+             js_ReportUncaughtException(cx);                                   \
+ #else
+ # define LAST_FRAME_EXCEPTION_CHECK(cx,result)  /* nothing */
+ #endif
+ #define LAST_FRAME_CHECKS(cx,result)                                          \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         if (!(cx)->fp) {                                                      \
+             (cx)->lastInternalResult = JSVAL_NULL;                            \
+             LAST_FRAME_EXCEPTION_CHECK(cx, result);                           \
+         }                                                                     \
+ JS_CompileUCScriptForPrincipals(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                                 JSPrincipals *principals,
+                                 const jschar *chars, size_t length,
+                                 const char *filename, uintN lineno)
+ {
+     void *mark;
+     JSTokenStream *ts;
+     JSScript *script;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     mark = JS_ARENA_MARK(&cx->tempPool);
+     ts = js_NewTokenStream(cx, chars, length, filename, lineno, principals);
+     if (!ts)
+         return NULL;
+     script = CompileTokenStream(cx, obj, ts, mark, NULL);
+     LAST_FRAME_CHECKS(cx, script);
+     return script;
+ }
+ JS_BufferIsCompilableUnit(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                           const char *bytes, size_t length)
+ {
+     jschar *chars;
+     JSBool result;
+     JSExceptionState *exnState;
+     void *tempMark;
+     JSTokenStream *ts;
+     JSErrorReporter older;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     chars = js_InflateString(cx, bytes, length);
+     if (!chars)
+         return JS_TRUE;
+     /*
+      * Return true on any out-of-memory error, so our caller doesn't try to
+      * collect more buffered source.
+      */
+     result = JS_TRUE;
+     exnState = JS_SaveExceptionState(cx);
+     tempMark = JS_ARENA_MARK(&cx->tempPool);
+     ts = js_NewTokenStream(cx, chars, length, NULL, 0, NULL);
+     if (ts) {
+         older = JS_SetErrorReporter(cx, NULL);
+         if (!js_ParseTokenStream(cx, obj, ts) &&
+             (ts->flags & TSF_UNEXPECTED_EOF)) {
+             /*
+              * We ran into an error.  If it was because we ran out of source,
+              * we return false, so our caller will know to try to collect more
+              * buffered source.
+              */
+             result = JS_FALSE;
+         }
+         JS_SetErrorReporter(cx, older);
+         js_CloseTokenStream(cx, ts);
+         JS_ARENA_RELEASE(&cx->tempPool, tempMark);
+     }
+     JS_free(cx, chars);
+     JS_RestoreExceptionState(cx, exnState);
+     return result;
+ }
+ JS_CompileFile(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *filename)
+ {
+     void *mark;
+     JSTokenStream *ts;
+     JSScript *script;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     mark = JS_ARENA_MARK(&cx->tempPool);
+     ts = js_NewFileTokenStream(cx, filename, stdin);
+     if (!ts)
+         return NULL;
+     script = CompileTokenStream(cx, obj, ts, mark, NULL);
+     LAST_FRAME_CHECKS(cx, script);
+     return script;
+ }
+ JS_CompileFileHandle(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *filename,
+                      FILE *file)
+ {
+     return JS_CompileFileHandleForPrincipals(cx, obj, filename, file, NULL);
+ }
+ JS_CompileFileHandleForPrincipals(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                                   const char *filename, FILE *file,
+                                   JSPrincipals *principals)
+ {
+     void *mark;
+     JSTokenStream *ts;
+     JSScript *script;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     mark = JS_ARENA_MARK(&cx->tempPool);
+     ts = js_NewFileTokenStream(cx, NULL, file);
+     if (!ts)
+         return NULL;
+     ts->filename = filename;
+     /* XXXshaver js_NewFileTokenStream should do this, because it drops */
+     if (principals) {
+         ts->principals = principals;
+         JSPRINCIPALS_HOLD(cx, ts->principals);
+     }
+     script = CompileTokenStream(cx, obj, ts, mark, NULL);
+     LAST_FRAME_CHECKS(cx, script);
+     return script;
+ }
+ JS_NewScriptObject(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script)
+ {
+     JSObject *obj;
+     obj = js_NewObject(cx, &js_ScriptClass, NULL, NULL);
+     if (!obj)
+         return NULL;
+     if (script) {
+         if (!JS_SetPrivate(cx, obj, script))
+             return NULL;
+         script->object = obj;
+     }
+     return obj;
+ }
+ JS_GetScriptObject(JSScript *script)
+ {
+     return script->object;
+ }
+ JS_DestroyScript(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     js_DestroyScript(cx, script);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSFunction *)
+ JS_CompileFunction(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name,
+                    uintN nargs, const char **argnames,
+                    const char *bytes, size_t length,
+                    const char *filename, uintN lineno)
+ {
+     jschar *chars;
+     JSFunction *fun;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     chars = js_InflateString(cx, bytes, length);
+     if (!chars)
+         return NULL;
+     fun = JS_CompileUCFunction(cx, obj, name, nargs, argnames, chars, length,
+                                filename, lineno);
+     JS_free(cx, chars);
+     return fun;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSFunction *)
+ JS_CompileFunctionForPrincipals(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                                 JSPrincipals *principals, const char *name,
+                                 uintN nargs, const char **argnames,
+                                 const char *bytes, size_t length,
+                                 const char *filename, uintN lineno)
+ {
+     jschar *chars;
+     JSFunction *fun;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     chars = js_InflateString(cx, bytes, length);
+     if (!chars)
+         return NULL;
+     fun = JS_CompileUCFunctionForPrincipals(cx, obj, principals, name,
+                                             nargs, argnames, chars, length,
+                                             filename, lineno);
+     JS_free(cx, chars);
+     return fun;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSFunction *)
+ JS_CompileUCFunction(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name,
+                      uintN nargs, const char **argnames,
+                      const jschar *chars, size_t length,
+                      const char *filename, uintN lineno)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return JS_CompileUCFunctionForPrincipals(cx, obj, NULL, name,
+                                              nargs, argnames,
+                                              chars, length,
+                                              filename, lineno);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSFunction *)
+ JS_CompileUCFunctionForPrincipals(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                                   JSPrincipals *principals, const char *name,
+                                   uintN nargs, const char **argnames,
+                                   const jschar *chars, size_t length,
+                                   const char *filename, uintN lineno)
+ {
+     void *mark;
+     JSTokenStream *ts;
+     JSFunction *fun;
+     JSAtom *funAtom, *argAtom;
+     uintN i;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     mark = JS_ARENA_MARK(&cx->tempPool);
+     ts = js_NewTokenStream(cx, chars, length, filename, lineno, principals);
+     if (!ts) {
+         fun = NULL;
+         goto out;
+     }
+     if (!name) {
+         funAtom = NULL;
+     } else {
+         funAtom = js_Atomize(cx, name, strlen(name), 0);
+         if (!funAtom) {
+             fun = NULL;
+             goto out;
+         }
+     }
+     fun = js_NewFunction(cx, NULL, NULL, nargs, 0, obj, funAtom);
+     if (!fun)
+         goto out;
+     if (nargs) {
+         for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
+             argAtom = js_Atomize(cx, argnames[i], strlen(argnames[i]), 0);
+             if (!argAtom)
+                 break;
+             if (!js_AddHiddenProperty(cx, fun->object, ATOM_TO_JSID(argAtom),
+                                       js_GetArgument, js_SetArgument,
+                                       SPROP_INVALID_SLOT,
+                                       JSPROP_PERMANENT | JSPROP_SHARED,
+                                       SPROP_HAS_SHORTID, i)) {
+                 break;
+             }
+         }
+         if (i < nargs) {
+             fun = NULL;
+             goto out;
+         }
+     }
+     if (!js_CompileFunctionBody(cx, ts, fun)) {
+         fun = NULL;
+         goto out;
+     }
+     if (obj && funAtom) {
+         if (!OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(funAtom),
+                                  OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(fun->object),
+                                  NULL, NULL, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, NULL)) {
+             return NULL;
+         }
+     }
+ out:
+     if (ts)
+         js_CloseTokenStream(cx, ts);
+     JS_ARENA_RELEASE(&cx->tempPool, mark);
+     LAST_FRAME_CHECKS(cx, fun);
+     return fun;
+ }
+ JS_DecompileScript(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script, const char *name,
+                    uintN indent)
+ {
+     JSPrinter *jp;
+     JSString *str;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     jp = js_NewPrinter(cx, name,
+                        indent & ~JS_DONT_PRETTY_PRINT,
+                        !(indent & JS_DONT_PRETTY_PRINT));
+     if (!jp)
+         return NULL;
+     if (js_DecompileScript(jp, script))
+         str = js_GetPrinterOutput(jp);
+     else
+         str = NULL;
+     js_DestroyPrinter(jp);
+     return str;
+ }
+ JS_DecompileFunction(JSContext *cx, JSFunction *fun, uintN indent)
+ {
+     JSPrinter *jp;
+     JSString *str;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     jp = js_NewPrinter(cx, JS_GetFunctionName(fun),
+                        indent & ~JS_DONT_PRETTY_PRINT,
+                        !(indent & JS_DONT_PRETTY_PRINT));
+     if (!jp)
+         return NULL;
+     if (js_DecompileFunction(jp, fun))
+         str = js_GetPrinterOutput(jp);
+     else
+         str = NULL;
+     js_DestroyPrinter(jp);
+     return str;
+ }
+ JS_DecompileFunctionBody(JSContext *cx, JSFunction *fun, uintN indent)
+ {
+     JSPrinter *jp;
+     JSString *str;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     jp = js_NewPrinter(cx, JS_GetFunctionName(fun),
+                        indent & ~JS_DONT_PRETTY_PRINT,
+                        !(indent & JS_DONT_PRETTY_PRINT));
+     if (!jp)
+         return NULL;
+     if (js_DecompileFunctionBody(jp, fun))
+         str = js_GetPrinterOutput(jp);
+     else
+         str = NULL;
+     js_DestroyPrinter(jp);
+     return str;
+ }
+ JS_ExecuteScript(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSScript *script, jsval *rval)
+ {
+     JSBool ok;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     ok = js_Execute(cx, obj, script, NULL, 0, rval);
+     LAST_FRAME_CHECKS(cx, ok);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_ExecuteScriptPart(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSScript *script,
+                      JSExecPart part, jsval *rval)
+ {
+     JSScript tmp;
+     JSRuntime *rt;
+     JSBool ok;
+     /* Make a temporary copy of the JSScript structure and farble it a bit. */
+     tmp = *script;
+     if (part == JSEXEC_PROLOG) {
+         tmp.length = PTRDIFF(tmp.main, tmp.code, jsbytecode);
+     } else {
+         tmp.length -= PTRDIFF(tmp.main, tmp.code, jsbytecode);
+         tmp.code = tmp.main;
+     }
+     /* Tell the debugger about our temporary copy of the script structure. */
+     rt = cx->runtime;
+     if (rt->newScriptHook) {
+         rt->newScriptHook(cx, tmp.filename, tmp.lineno, &tmp, NULL,
+                           rt->newScriptHookData);
+     }
+     /* Execute the farbled struct and tell the debugger to forget about it. */
+     ok = JS_ExecuteScript(cx, obj, &tmp, rval);
+     if (rt->destroyScriptHook)
+         rt->destroyScriptHook(cx, &tmp, rt->destroyScriptHookData);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_EvaluateScript(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                   const char *bytes, uintN length,
+                   const char *filename, uintN lineno,
+                   jsval *rval)
+ {
+     jschar *chars;
+     JSBool ok;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     chars = js_InflateString(cx, bytes, length);
+     if (!chars)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     ok = JS_EvaluateUCScript(cx, obj, chars, length, filename, lineno, rval);
+     JS_free(cx, chars);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_EvaluateScriptForPrincipals(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                                JSPrincipals *principals,
+                                const char *bytes, uintN length,
+                                const char *filename, uintN lineno,
+                                jsval *rval)
+ {
+     jschar *chars;
+     JSBool ok;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     chars = js_InflateString(cx, bytes, length);
+     if (!chars)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     ok = JS_EvaluateUCScriptForPrincipals(cx, obj, principals, chars, length,
+                                           filename, lineno, rval);
+     JS_free(cx, chars);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_EvaluateUCScript(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                     const jschar *chars, uintN length,
+                     const char *filename, uintN lineno,
+                     jsval *rval)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return JS_EvaluateUCScriptForPrincipals(cx, obj, NULL, chars, length,
+                                             filename, lineno, rval);
+ }
+ JS_EvaluateUCScriptForPrincipals(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                                  JSPrincipals *principals,
+                                  const jschar *chars, uintN length,
+                                  const char *filename, uintN lineno,
+                                  jsval *rval)
+ {
+     uint32 options;
+     JSScript *script;
+     JSBool ok;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     options = cx->options;
+     cx->options = options | JSOPTION_COMPILE_N_GO;
+     script = JS_CompileUCScriptForPrincipals(cx, obj, principals, chars, length,
+                                              filename, lineno);
+     cx->options = options;
+     if (!script)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     ok = js_Execute(cx, obj, script, NULL, 0, rval);
+     LAST_FRAME_CHECKS(cx, ok);
+     JS_DestroyScript(cx, script);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_CallFunction(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSFunction *fun, uintN argc,
+                 jsval *argv, jsval *rval)
+ {
+     JSBool ok;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     ok = js_InternalCall(cx, obj, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(fun->object), argc, argv,
+                          rval);
+     LAST_FRAME_CHECKS(cx, ok);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_CallFunctionName(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, const char *name, uintN argc,
+                     jsval *argv, jsval *rval)
+ {
+     JSBool ok;
+     jsval fval;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (OBJECT_IS_XML(cx, obj)) {
+         JSXMLObjectOps *ops;
+         JSAtom *atom;
+         ops = (JSXMLObjectOps *) obj->map->ops;
+         atom = js_Atomize(cx, name, strlen(name), 0);
+         if (!atom)
+             return JS_FALSE;
+         obj = ops->getMethod(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), &fval);
+         if (!obj)
+             return JS_FALSE;
+     } else
+ #endif
+     if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, obj, name, &fval))
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     ok = js_InternalCall(cx, obj, fval, argc, argv, rval);
+     LAST_FRAME_CHECKS(cx, ok);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_CallFunctionValue(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval fval, uintN argc,
+                      jsval *argv, jsval *rval)
+ {
+     JSBool ok;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     ok = js_InternalCall(cx, obj, fval, argc, argv, rval);
+     LAST_FRAME_CHECKS(cx, ok);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSBranchCallback)
+ JS_SetBranchCallback(JSContext *cx, JSBranchCallback cb)
+ {
+     JSBranchCallback oldcb;
+     oldcb = cx->branchCallback;
+     cx->branchCallback = cb;
+     return oldcb;
+ }
+ JS_IsRunning(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     return cx->fp != NULL;
+ }
+ JS_IsConstructing(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     return cx->fp && (cx->fp->flags & JSFRAME_CONSTRUCTING);
+ }
+ JS_IsAssigning(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     JSStackFrame *fp;
+     jsbytecode *pc;
+     for (fp = cx->fp; fp && !fp->script; fp = fp->down)
+         continue;
+     if (!fp || !(pc = fp->pc))
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     return (js_CodeSpec[*pc].format & JOF_ASSIGNING) != 0;
+ }
+ JS_SetCallReturnValue2(JSContext *cx, jsval v)
+ {
+     cx->rval2 = v;
+     cx->rval2set = JS_TRUE;
+ #endif
+ }
+ /************************************************************************/
+ JS_NewString(JSContext *cx, char *bytes, size_t length)
+ {
+     jschar *chars;
+     JSString *str;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     /* Make a Unicode vector from the 8-bit char codes in bytes. */
+     chars = js_InflateString(cx, bytes, length);
+     if (!chars)
+         return NULL;
+     /* Free chars (but not bytes, which caller frees on error) if we fail. */
+     str = js_NewString(cx, chars, length, 0);
+     if (!str) {
+         JS_free(cx, chars);
+         return NULL;
+     }
+     /* Hand off bytes to the deflated string cache, if possible. */
+     if (!js_SetStringBytes(str, bytes, length))
+         JS_free(cx, bytes);
+     return str;
+ }
+ JS_NewStringCopyN(JSContext *cx, const char *s, size_t n)
+ {
+     jschar *js;
+     JSString *str;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     js = js_InflateString(cx, s, n);
+     if (!js)
+         return NULL;
+     str = js_NewString(cx, js, n, 0);
+     if (!str)
+         JS_free(cx, js);
+     return str;
+ }
+ JS_NewStringCopyZ(JSContext *cx, const char *s)
+ {
+     size_t n;
+     jschar *js;
+     JSString *str;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (!s)
+         return cx->runtime->emptyString;
+     n = strlen(s);
+     js = js_InflateString(cx, s, n);
+     if (!js)
+         return NULL;
+     str = js_NewString(cx, js, n, 0);
+     if (!str)
+         JS_free(cx, js);
+     return str;
+ }
+ JS_InternString(JSContext *cx, const char *s)
+ {
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     atom = js_Atomize(cx, s, strlen(s), ATOM_INTERNED);
+     if (!atom)
+         return NULL;
+     return ATOM_TO_STRING(atom);
+ }
+ JS_NewUCString(JSContext *cx, jschar *chars, size_t length)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_NewString(cx, chars, length, 0);
+ }
+ JS_NewUCStringCopyN(JSContext *cx, const jschar *s, size_t n)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_NewStringCopyN(cx, s, n, 0);
+ }
+ JS_NewUCStringCopyZ(JSContext *cx, const jschar *s)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (!s)
+         return cx->runtime->emptyString;
+     return js_NewStringCopyZ(cx, s, 0);
+ }
+ JS_InternUCStringN(JSContext *cx, const jschar *s, size_t length)
+ {
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     atom = js_AtomizeChars(cx, s, length, ATOM_INTERNED);
+     if (!atom)
+         return NULL;
+     return ATOM_TO_STRING(atom);
+ }
+ JS_InternUCString(JSContext *cx, const jschar *s)
+ {
+     return JS_InternUCStringN(cx, s, js_strlen(s));
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(char *)
+ JS_GetStringBytes(JSString *str)
+ {
+     char *bytes;
+     bytes = js_GetStringBytes(str);
+     return bytes ? bytes : "";
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(jschar *)
+ JS_GetStringChars(JSString *str)
+ {
+     /*
+      * API botch (again, shades of JS_GetStringBytes): we have no cx to pass
+      * to js_UndependString (called by js_GetStringChars) for out-of-memory
+      * error reports, so js_UndependString passes NULL and suppresses errors.
+      * If it fails to convert a dependent string into an independent one, our
+      * caller will not be guaranteed a \u0000 terminator as a backstop.  This
+      * may break some clients who already misbehave on embedded NULs.
+      *
+      * The gain of dependent strings, which cure quadratic and cubic growth
+      * rate bugs in string concatenation, is worth this slight loss in API
+      * compatibility.
+      */
+     jschar *chars;
+     chars = js_GetStringChars(str);
+     return chars ? chars : JSSTRING_CHARS(str);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(size_t)
+ JS_GetStringLength(JSString *str)
+ {
+     return JSSTRING_LENGTH(str);
+ }
+ JS_CompareStrings(JSString *str1, JSString *str2)
+ {
+     return js_CompareStrings(str1, str2);
+ }
+ JS_NewGrowableString(JSContext *cx, jschar *chars, size_t length)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_NewString(cx, chars, length, GCF_MUTABLE);
+ }
+ JS_NewDependentString(JSContext *cx, JSString *str, size_t start,
+                       size_t length)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_NewDependentString(cx, str, start, length, 0);
+ }
+ JS_ConcatStrings(JSContext *cx, JSString *left, JSString *right)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_ConcatStrings(cx, left, right);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(const jschar *)
+ JS_UndependString(JSContext *cx, JSString *str)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_UndependString(cx, str);
+ }
+ JS_MakeStringImmutable(JSContext *cx, JSString *str)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (!js_UndependString(cx, str))
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     *js_GetGCThingFlags(str) &= ~GCF_MUTABLE;
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ /************************************************************************/
+ JS_ReportError(JSContext *cx, const char *format, ...)
+ {
+     va_list ap;
+     va_start(ap, format);
+     js_ReportErrorVA(cx, JSREPORT_ERROR, format, ap);
+     va_end(ap);
+ }
+ JS_ReportErrorNumber(JSContext *cx, JSErrorCallback errorCallback,
+                      void *userRef, const uintN errorNumber, ...)
+ {
+     va_list ap;
+     va_start(ap, errorNumber);
+     js_ReportErrorNumberVA(cx, JSREPORT_ERROR, errorCallback, userRef,
+                            errorNumber, JS_TRUE, ap);
+     va_end(ap);
+ }
+ JS_ReportErrorNumberUC(JSContext *cx, JSErrorCallback errorCallback,
+                      void *userRef, const uintN errorNumber, ...)
+ {
+     va_list ap;
+     va_start(ap, errorNumber);
+     js_ReportErrorNumberVA(cx, JSREPORT_ERROR, errorCallback, userRef,
+                            errorNumber, JS_FALSE, ap);
+     va_end(ap);
+ }
+ JS_ReportWarning(JSContext *cx, const char *format, ...)
+ {
+     va_list ap;
+     JSBool ok;
+     va_start(ap, format);
+     ok = js_ReportErrorVA(cx, JSREPORT_WARNING, format, ap);
+     va_end(ap);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_ReportErrorFlagsAndNumber(JSContext *cx, uintN flags,
+                              JSErrorCallback errorCallback, void *userRef,
+                              const uintN errorNumber, ...)
+ {
+     va_list ap;
+     JSBool ok;
+     va_start(ap, errorNumber);
+     ok = js_ReportErrorNumberVA(cx, flags, errorCallback, userRef,
+                                 errorNumber, JS_TRUE, ap);
+     va_end(ap);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_ReportErrorFlagsAndNumberUC(JSContext *cx, uintN flags,
+                                JSErrorCallback errorCallback, void *userRef,
+                                const uintN errorNumber, ...)
+ {
+     va_list ap;
+     JSBool ok;
+     va_start(ap, errorNumber);
+     ok = js_ReportErrorNumberVA(cx, flags, errorCallback, userRef,
+                                 errorNumber, JS_FALSE, ap);
+     va_end(ap);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JS_ReportOutOfMemory(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     js_ReportOutOfMemory(cx, js_GetErrorMessage);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSErrorReporter)
+ JS_SetErrorReporter(JSContext *cx, JSErrorReporter er)
+ {
+     JSErrorReporter older;
+     older = cx->errorReporter;
+     cx->errorReporter = er;
+     return older;
+ }
+ /************************************************************************/
+ /*
+  * Regular Expressions.
+  */
+ JS_NewRegExpObject(JSContext *cx, char *bytes, size_t length, uintN flags)
+ {
+     jschar *chars;
+     JSObject *obj;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     chars = js_InflateString(cx, bytes, length);
+     if (!chars)
+         return NULL;
+     obj = js_NewRegExpObject(cx, NULL, chars, length, flags);
+     JS_free(cx, chars);
+     return obj;
+ #else
+     JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_NO_REG_EXPS);
+     return NULL;
+ #endif
+ }
+ JS_NewUCRegExpObject(JSContext *cx, jschar *chars, size_t length, uintN flags)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_NewRegExpObject(cx, NULL, chars, length, flags);
+ #else
+     JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_NO_REG_EXPS);
+     return NULL;
+ #endif
+ }
+ JS_SetRegExpInput(JSContext *cx, JSString *input, JSBool multiline)
+ {
+     JSRegExpStatics *res;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     /* No locking required, cx is thread-private and input must be live. */
+     res = &cx->regExpStatics;
+     res->input = input;
+     res->multiline = multiline;
+     cx->runtime->gcPoke = JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_ClearRegExpStatics(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     JSRegExpStatics *res;
+     /* No locking required, cx is thread-private and input must be live. */
+     res = &cx->regExpStatics;
+     res->input = NULL;
+     res->multiline = JS_FALSE;
+     res->parenCount = 0;
+     res->lastMatch = res->lastParen = js_EmptySubString;
+     res->leftContext = res->rightContext = js_EmptySubString;
+     cx->runtime->gcPoke = JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JS_ClearRegExpRoots(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     JSRegExpStatics *res;
+     /* No locking required, cx is thread-private and input must be live. */
+     res = &cx->regExpStatics;
+     res->input = NULL;
+     cx->runtime->gcPoke = JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ /* TODO: compile, execute, get/set other statics... */
+ /************************************************************************/
+ JS_SetLocaleCallbacks(JSContext *cx, JSLocaleCallbacks *callbacks)
+ {
+     cx->localeCallbacks = callbacks;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSLocaleCallbacks *)
+ JS_GetLocaleCallbacks(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     return cx->localeCallbacks;
+ }
+ /************************************************************************/
+ JS_IsExceptionPending(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     return (JSBool) cx->throwing;
+ #else
+     return JS_FALSE;
+ #endif
+ }
+ JS_GetPendingException(JSContext *cx, jsval *vp)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (!cx->throwing)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     *vp = cx->exception;
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ #else
+     return JS_FALSE;
+ #endif
+ }
+ JS_SetPendingException(JSContext *cx, jsval v)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     cx->throwing = JS_TRUE;
+     cx->exception = v;
+ #endif
+ }
+ JS_ClearPendingException(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     cx->throwing = JS_FALSE;
+     cx->exception = JSVAL_VOID;
+ #endif
+ }
+ JS_ReportPendingException(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     JSBool save, ok;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     /*
+      * Set cx->creatingException to suppress the standard error-to-exception
+      * conversion done by all {js,JS}_Report* functions except for OOM.  The
+      * cx->creatingException flag was added to suppress recursive divergence
+      * under js_ErrorToException, but it serves for our purposes here too.
+      */
+     save = cx->creatingException;
+     cx->creatingException = JS_TRUE;
+     ok = js_ReportUncaughtException(cx);
+     cx->creatingException = save;
+     return ok;
+ #else
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ #endif
+ }
+ struct JSExceptionState {
+     JSBool throwing;
+     jsval  exception;
+ };
+ #endif
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSExceptionState *)
+ JS_SaveExceptionState(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     JSExceptionState *state;
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     state = (JSExceptionState *) JS_malloc(cx, sizeof(JSExceptionState));
+     if (state) {
+         state->throwing = JS_GetPendingException(cx, &state->exception);
+         if (state->throwing && JSVAL_IS_GCTHING(state->exception))
+             js_AddRoot(cx, &state->exception, "JSExceptionState.exception");
+     }
+     return state;
+ #else
+     return NULL;
+ #endif
+ }
+ JS_RestoreExceptionState(JSContext *cx, JSExceptionState *state)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (state) {
+         if (state->throwing)
+             JS_SetPendingException(cx, state->exception);
+         else
+             JS_ClearPendingException(cx);
+         JS_DropExceptionState(cx, state);
+     }
+ #endif
+ }
+ JS_DropExceptionState(JSContext *cx, JSExceptionState *state)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     if (state) {
+         if (state->throwing && JSVAL_IS_GCTHING(state->exception))
+             JS_RemoveRoot(cx, &state->exception);
+         JS_free(cx, state);
+     }
+ #endif
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(JSErrorReport *)
+ JS_ErrorFromException(JSContext *cx, jsval v)
+ {
+     CHECK_REQUEST(cx);
+     return js_ErrorFromException(cx, v);
+ #else
+     return NULL;
+ #endif
+ }
+ JS_ThrowReportedError(JSContext *cx, const char *message,
+                       JSErrorReport *reportp)
+ {
+     return js_ErrorToException(cx, message, reportp);
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(jsword)
+ JS_GetContextThread(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     return cx->thread;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(jsword)
+ JS_SetContextThread(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     jsword old = cx->thread;
+     cx->thread = js_CurrentThreadId();
+     return old;
+ }
+ JS_PUBLIC_API(jsword)
+ JS_ClearContextThread(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     jsword old = cx->thread;
+     cx->thread = 0;
+     return old;
+ }
+ #endif
+ /************************************************************************/
+ #if defined(XP_WIN)
+ #include <windows.h>
+ /*
+  * Initialization routine for the JS DLL...
+  */
+ /*
+  * Global Instance handle...
+  * In Win32 this is the module handle of the DLL.
+  *
+  * In Win16 this is the instance handle of the application
+  * which loaded the DLL.
+  */
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ {
+     return TRUE;
+ }
+ #else  /* !_WIN32 */
+ int CALLBACK LibMain( HINSTANCE hInst, WORD wDataSeg,
+                       WORD cbHeapSize, LPSTR lpszCmdLine )
+ {
+     return TRUE;
+ }
+ BOOL CALLBACK __loadds WEP(BOOL fSystemExit)
+ {
+     return TRUE;
+ }
+ #endif /* !_WIN32 */
+ #endif /* XP_WIN */

ossp-pkg/js/src/jsdtoa.c -> 1.2

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*** 0 ****
--- 1,3132 ----
+ /* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+  *
+  * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+  * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
+  *
+  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+  * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+  *
+  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+  * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+  * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+  * License.
+  *
+  * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
+  * March 31, 1998.
+  *
+  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+  * Netscape Communications Corporation.
+  * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
+  * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+  *
+  * Contributor(s):
+  *
+  * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+  * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
+  * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+  * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+  * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+  * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+  * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+  * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+  * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+  * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+  * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+  *
+  * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
+ /*
+  * Portable double to alphanumeric string and back converters.
+  */
+ #include "jsstddef.h"
+ #include "jslibmath.h"
+ #include "jstypes.h"
+ #include "jsdtoa.h"
+ #include "jsprf.h"
+ #include "jsutil.h" /* Added by JSIFY */
+ #include "jspubtd.h"
+ #include "jsnum.h"
+ #include "prlock.h"
+ #endif
+ /****************************************************************
+  *
+  * The author of this software is David M. Gay.
+  *
+  * Copyright (c) 1991 by Lucent Technologies.
+  *
+  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+  * purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice
+  * is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy
+  * or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting
+  * documentation for such software.
+  *
+  *
+  ***************************************************************/
+ /* Please send bug reports to
+     David M. Gay
+     Bell Laboratories, Room 2C-463
+     600 Mountain Avenue
+     Murray Hill, NJ 07974-0636
+     U.S.A.
+     dmg@bell-labs.com
+  */
+ /* On a machine with IEEE extended-precision registers, it is
+  * necessary to specify double-precision (53-bit) rounding precision
+  * before invoking strtod or dtoa.  If the machine uses (the equivalent
+  * of) Intel 80x87 arithmetic, the call
+  *  _control87(PC_53, MCW_PC);
+  * does this with many compilers.  Whether this or another call is
+  * appropriate depends on the compiler; for this to work, it may be
+  * necessary to #include "float.h" or another system-dependent header
+  * file.
+  */
+ /* strtod for IEEE-arithmetic machines.
+  *
+  * This strtod returns a nearest machine number to the input decimal
+  * string (or sets err to JS_DTOA_ERANGE or JS_DTOA_ENOMEM).  With IEEE
+  * arithmetic, ties are broken by the IEEE round-even rule.  Otherwise
+  * ties are broken by biased rounding (add half and chop).
+  *
+  * Inspired loosely by William D. Clinger's paper "How to Read Floating
+  * Point Numbers Accurately" [Proc. ACM SIGPLAN '90, pp. 92-101].
+  *
+  * Modifications:
+  *
+  *  1. We only require IEEE double-precision
+  *      arithmetic (not IEEE double-extended).
+  *  2. We get by with floating-point arithmetic in a case that
+  *      Clinger missed -- when we're computing d * 10^n
+  *      for a small integer d and the integer n is not too
+  *      much larger than 22 (the maximum integer k for which
+  *      we can represent 10^k exactly), we may be able to
+  *      compute (d*10^k) * 10^(e-k) with just one roundoff.
+  *  3. Rather than a bit-at-a-time adjustment of the binary
+  *      result in the hard case, we use floating-point
+  *      arithmetic to determine the adjustment to within
+  *      one bit; only in really hard cases do we need to
+  *      compute a second residual.
+  *  4. Because of 3., we don't need a large table of powers of 10
+  *      for ten-to-e (just some small tables, e.g. of 10^k
+  *      for 0 <= k <= 22).
+  */
+ /*
+  * #define IEEE_8087 for IEEE-arithmetic machines where the least
+  *  significant byte has the lowest address.
+  * #define IEEE_MC68k for IEEE-arithmetic machines where the most
+  *  significant byte has the lowest address.
+  * #define Long int on machines with 32-bit ints and 64-bit longs.
+  * #define Sudden_Underflow for IEEE-format machines without gradual
+  *  underflow (i.e., that flush to zero on underflow).
+  * #define No_leftright to omit left-right logic in fast floating-point
+  *  computation of js_dtoa.
+  * #define Check_FLT_ROUNDS if FLT_ROUNDS can assume the values 2 or 3.
+  * #define RND_PRODQUOT to use rnd_prod and rnd_quot (assembly routines
+  *  that use extended-precision instructions to compute rounded
+  *  products and quotients) with IBM.
+  * #define ROUND_BIASED for IEEE-format with biased rounding.
+  * #define Inaccurate_Divide for IEEE-format with correctly rounded
+  *  products but inaccurate quotients, e.g., for Intel i860.
+  * #define JS_HAVE_LONG_LONG on machines that have a "long long"
+  *  integer type (of >= 64 bits).  If long long is available and the name is
+  *  something other than "long long", #define Llong to be the name,
+  *  and if "unsigned Llong" does not work as an unsigned version of
+  *  Llong, #define #ULLong to be the corresponding unsigned type.
+  * #define Bad_float_h if your system lacks a float.h or if it does not
+  *  define some or all of DBL_DIG, DBL_MAX_10_EXP, DBL_MAX_EXP,
+  * #define MALLOC your_malloc, where your_malloc(n) acts like malloc(n)
+  *  if memory is available and otherwise does something you deem
+  *  appropriate.  If MALLOC is undefined, malloc will be invoked
+  *  directly -- and assumed always to succeed.
+  * #define Omit_Private_Memory to omit logic (added Jan. 1998) for making
+  *  memory allocations from a private pool of memory when possible.
+  *  When used, the private pool is PRIVATE_MEM bytes long: 2000 bytes,
+  *  unless #defined to be a different length.  This default length
+  *  suffices to get rid of MALLOC calls except for unusual cases,
+  *  such as decimal-to-binary conversion of a very long string of
+  *  digits.
+  * #define INFNAN_CHECK on IEEE systems to cause strtod to check for
+  *  Infinity and NaN (case insensitively).  On some systems (e.g.,
+  *  some HP systems), it may be necessary to #define NAN_WORD0
+  *  appropriately -- to the most significant word of a quiet NaN.
+  *  (On HP Series 700/800 machines, -DNAN_WORD0=0x7ff40000 works.)
+  * #define MULTIPLE_THREADS if the system offers preemptively scheduled
+  *  multiple threads.  In this case, you must provide (or suitably
+  *  #define) two locks, acquired by ACQUIRE_DTOA_LOCK() and released
+  *  by RELEASE_DTOA_LOCK().  (The second lock, accessed
+  *  in pow5mult, ensures lazy evaluation of only one copy of high
+  *  powers of 5; omitting this lock would introduce a small
+  *  probability of wasting memory, but would otherwise be harmless.)
+  *  You must also invoke freedtoa(s) to free the value s returned by
+  *  dtoa.  You may do so whether or not MULTIPLE_THREADS is #defined.
+  * #define NO_IEEE_Scale to disable new (Feb. 1997) logic in strtod that
+  *  avoids underflows on inputs whose result does not underflow.
+  */
+ #define IEEE_8087
+ #else
+ #define IEEE_MC68k
+ #endif
+ #ifndef Long
+ #define Long int32
+ #endif
+ #ifndef ULong
+ #define ULong uint32
+ #endif
+ #define Bug(errorMessageString) JS_ASSERT(!errorMessageString)
+ #include "stdlib.h"
+ #include "string.h"
+ #ifdef MALLOC
+ extern void *MALLOC(size_t);
+ #else
+ #define MALLOC malloc
+ #endif
+ #define Omit_Private_Memory
+ /* Private memory currently doesn't work with JS_THREADSAFE */
+ #ifndef Omit_Private_Memory
+ #ifndef PRIVATE_MEM
+ #define PRIVATE_MEM 2000
+ #endif
+ #define PRIVATE_mem ((PRIVATE_MEM+sizeof(double)-1)/sizeof(double))
+ static double private_mem[PRIVATE_mem], *pmem_next = private_mem;
+ #endif
+ #ifdef Bad_float_h
+ #undef __STDC__
+ #define DBL_DIG 15
+ #define DBL_MAX_10_EXP 308
+ #define DBL_MAX_EXP 1024
+ #define FLT_RADIX 2
+ #define FLT_ROUNDS 1
+ #define DBL_MAX 1.7976931348623157e+308
+ #ifndef LONG_MAX
+ #define LONG_MAX 2147483647
+ #endif
+ #else /* ifndef Bad_float_h */
+ #include "float.h"
+ #endif /* Bad_float_h */
+ #ifndef __MATH_H__
+ #include "math.h"
+ #endif
+ #ifndef CONST
+ #define CONST const
+ #endif
+ #if defined(IEEE_8087) + defined(IEEE_MC68k) != 1
+ Exactly one of IEEE_8087 or IEEE_MC68k should be defined.
+ #endif
+ #define word0(x)        JSDOUBLE_HI32(x)
+ #define set_word0(x, y) JSDOUBLE_SET_HI32(x, y)
+ #define word1(x)        JSDOUBLE_LO32(x)
+ #define set_word1(x, y) JSDOUBLE_SET_LO32(x, y)
+ #ifdef OSSP
+ #define Storeinc(a,b,c) (*(a)++ = (b) << 16 | ((c) & 0xffff))
+ #else
+ #define Storeinc(a,b,c) (*(a)++ = (b) << 16 | (c) & 0xffff)
+ #endif
+ /* #define P DBL_MANT_DIG */
+ /* Ten_pmax = floor(P*log(2)/log(5)) */
+ /* Bletch = (highest power of 2 < DBL_MAX_10_EXP) / 16 */
+ /* Quick_max = floor((P-1)*log(FLT_RADIX)/log(10) - 1) */
+ /* Int_max = floor(P*log(FLT_RADIX)/log(10) - 1) */
+ #define Exp_shift  20
+ #define Exp_shift1 20
+ #define Exp_msk1    0x100000
+ #define Exp_msk11   0x100000
+ #define Exp_mask  0x7ff00000
+ #define P 53
+ #define Bias 1023
+ #define Emin (-1022)
+ #define Exp_1  0x3ff00000
+ #define Exp_11 0x3ff00000
+ #define Ebits 11
+ #define Frac_mask  0xfffff
+ #define Frac_mask1 0xfffff
+ #define Ten_pmax 22
+ #define Bletch 0x10
+ #define Bndry_mask  0xfffff
+ #define Bndry_mask1 0xfffff
+ #define LSB 1
+ #define Sign_bit 0x80000000
+ #define Log2P 1
+ #define Tiny0 0
+ #define Tiny1 1
+ #define Quick_max 14
+ #define Int_max 14
+ #define Infinite(x) (word0(x) == 0x7ff00000) /* sufficient test for here */
+ #ifndef NO_IEEE_Scale
+ #define Avoid_Underflow
+ #endif
+ #define rounded_product(a,b) a = rnd_prod(a, b)
+ #define rounded_quotient(a,b) a = rnd_quot(a, b)
+ extern double rnd_prod(double, double), rnd_quot(double, double);
+ #else
+ #define rounded_product(a,b) a *= b
+ #define rounded_quotient(a,b) a /= b
+ #endif
+ #define Big0 (Frac_mask1 | Exp_msk1*(DBL_MAX_EXP+Bias-1))
+ #define Big1 0xffffffff
+ #undef ULLong
+ #else   /* long long available */
+ #ifndef Llong
+ #define Llong JSInt64
+ #endif
+ #ifndef ULLong
+ #define ULLong JSUint64
+ #endif
+ #endif /* JS_HAVE_LONG_LONG */
+ static PRLock *freelist_lock;
+ #define ACQUIRE_DTOA_LOCK()                                                   \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         if (!initialized)                                                     \
+             InitDtoa();                                                       \
+         PR_Lock(freelist_lock);                                               \
+ #define RELEASE_DTOA_LOCK() PR_Unlock(freelist_lock)
+ #else
+ #define ACQUIRE_DTOA_LOCK()   /*nothing*/
+ #define RELEASE_DTOA_LOCK()   /*nothing*/
+ #endif
+ #define Kmax 15
+ struct Bigint {
+     struct Bigint *next;  /* Free list link */
+     int32 k;              /* lg2(maxwds) */
+     int32 maxwds;         /* Number of words allocated for x */
+     int32 sign;           /* Zero if positive, 1 if negative.  Ignored by most Bigint routines! */
+     int32 wds;            /* Actual number of words.  If value is nonzero, the most significant word must be nonzero. */
+     ULong x[1];           /* wds words of number in little endian order */
+ };
+ /* Out-of-memory testing.  Use a good testcase (over and over) and then use
+  * these routines to cause a memory failure on every possible Balloc allocation,
+  * to make sure that all out-of-memory paths can be followed.  See bug 14044.
+  */
+ static int allocationNum;               /* which allocation is next? */
+ static int desiredFailure;              /* which allocation should fail? */
+ /**
+  * js_BigintTestingReset
+  *
+  * Call at the beginning of a test run to set the allocation failure position.
+  * (Set to 0 to just have the engine count allocations without failing.)
+  */
+ js_BigintTestingReset(int newFailure)
+ {
+     allocationNum = 0;
+     desiredFailure = newFailure;
+ }
+ /**
+  * js_BigintTestingWhere
+  *
+  * Report the current allocation position.  This is really only useful when you
+  * want to learn how many allocations a test run has.
+  */
+ js_BigintTestingWhere()
+ {
+     return allocationNum;
+ }
+ /*
+  * So here's what you do: Set up a fantastic test case that exercises the
+  * elements of the code you wish.  Set the failure point at 0 and run the test,
+  * then get the allocation position.  This number is the number of allocations
+  * your test makes.  Now loop from 1 to that number, setting the failure point
+  * at each loop count, and run the test over and over, causing failures at each
+  * step.  Any memory failure *should* cause a Out-Of-Memory exception; if it
+  * doesn't, then there's still an error here.
+  */
+ #endif
+ typedef struct Bigint Bigint;
+ static Bigint *freelist[Kmax+1];
+ /*
+  * Allocate a Bigint with 2^k words.
+  * This is not threadsafe. The caller must use thread locks
+  */
+ static Bigint *Balloc(int32 k)
+ {
+     int32 x;
+     Bigint *rv;
+ #ifndef Omit_Private_Memory
+     uint32 len;
+ #endif
+     if (++allocationNum == desiredFailure) {
+         printf("Forced Failing Allocation number %d\n", allocationNum);
+         return NULL;
+     }
+ #endif
+     if ((rv = freelist[k]) != NULL)
+         freelist[k] = rv->next;
+     if (rv == NULL) {
+         x = 1 << k;
+ #ifdef Omit_Private_Memory
+         rv = (Bigint *)MALLOC(sizeof(Bigint) + (x-1)*sizeof(ULong));
+ #else
+         len = (sizeof(Bigint) + (x-1)*sizeof(ULong) + sizeof(double) - 1)
+             /sizeof(double);
+         if (pmem_next - private_mem + len <= PRIVATE_mem) {
+             rv = (Bigint*)pmem_next;
+             pmem_next += len;
+             }
+         else
+             rv = (Bigint*)MALLOC(len*sizeof(double));
+ #endif
+         if (!rv)
+             return NULL;
+         rv->k = k;
+         rv->maxwds = x;
+     }
+     rv->sign = rv->wds = 0;
+     return rv;
+ }
+ static void Bfree(Bigint *v)
+ {
+     if (v) {
+         v->next = freelist[v->k];
+         freelist[v->k] = v;
+     }
+ }
+ #define Bcopy(x,y) memcpy((char *)&x->sign, (char *)&y->sign, \
+                           y->wds*sizeof(Long) + 2*sizeof(int32))
+ /* Return b*m + a.  Deallocate the old b.  Both a and m must be between 0 and
+  * 65535 inclusive.  NOTE: old b is deallocated on memory failure.
+  */
+ static Bigint *multadd(Bigint *b, int32 m, int32 a)
+ {
+     int32 i, wds;
+ #ifdef ULLong
+     ULong *x;
+     ULLong carry, y;
+ #else
+     ULong carry, *x, y;
+     ULong xi, z;
+ #endif
+     Bigint *b1;
+     if (++allocationNum == desiredFailure) {
+         /* Faux allocation, because I'm not getting all of the failure paths
+          * without it.
+          */
+         printf("Forced Failing Allocation number %d\n", allocationNum);
+         Bfree(b);
+         return NULL;
+     }
+ #endif
+     wds = b->wds;
+     x = b->x;
+     i = 0;
+     carry = a;
+     do {
+ #ifdef ULLong
+         y = *x * (ULLong)m + carry;
+         carry = y >> 32;
+         *x++ = (ULong)(y & 0xffffffffUL);
+ #else
+         xi = *x;
+         y = (xi & 0xffff) * m + carry;
+         z = (xi >> 16) * m + (y >> 16);
+         carry = z >> 16;
+         *x++ = (z << 16) + (y & 0xffff);
+ #endif
+     }
+     while(++i < wds);
+     if (carry) {
+         if (wds >= b->maxwds) {
+             b1 = Balloc(b->k+1);
+             if (!b1) {
+                 Bfree(b);
+                 return NULL;
+             }
+             Bcopy(b1, b);
+             Bfree(b);
+             b = b1;
+         }
+         b->x[wds++] = (ULong)carry;
+         b->wds = wds;
+     }
+     return b;
+ }
+ static Bigint *s2b(CONST char *s, int32 nd0, int32 nd, ULong y9)
+ {
+     Bigint *b;
+     int32 i, k;
+     Long x, y;
+     x = (nd + 8) / 9;
+     for(k = 0, y = 1; x > y; y <<= 1, k++) ;
+     b = Balloc(k);
+     if (!b)
+         return NULL;
+     b->x[0] = y9;
+     b->wds = 1;
+     i = 9;
+     if (9 < nd0) {
+         s += 9;
+         do {
+             b = multadd(b, 10, *s++ - '0');
+             if (!b)
+                 return NULL;
+         } while(++i < nd0);
+         s++;
+     }
+     else
+         s += 10;
+     for(; i < nd; i++) {
+         b = multadd(b, 10, *s++ - '0');
+         if (!b)
+             return NULL;
+     }
+     return b;
+ }
+ /* Return the number (0 through 32) of most significant zero bits in x. */
+ static int32 hi0bits(register ULong x)
+ {
+     register int32 k = 0;
+     if (!(x & 0xffff0000)) {
+         k = 16;
+         x <<= 16;
+     }
+     if (!(x & 0xff000000)) {
+         k += 8;
+         x <<= 8;
+     }
+     if (!(x & 0xf0000000)) {
+         k += 4;
+         x <<= 4;
+     }
+     if (!(x & 0xc0000000)) {
+         k += 2;
+         x <<= 2;
+     }
+     if (!(x & 0x80000000)) {
+         k++;
+         if (!(x & 0x40000000))
+             return 32;
+     }
+     return k;
+ }
+ /* Return the number (0 through 32) of least significant zero bits in y.
+  * Also shift y to the right past these 0 through 32 zeros so that y's
+  * least significant bit will be set unless y was originally zero. */
+ static int32 lo0bits(ULong *y)
+ {
+     register int32 k;
+     register ULong x = *y;
+     if (x & 7) {
+         if (x & 1)
+             return 0;
+         if (x & 2) {
+             *y = x >> 1;
+             return 1;
+         }
+         *y = x >> 2;
+         return 2;
+     }
+     k = 0;
+     if (!(x & 0xffff)) {
+         k = 16;
+         x >>= 16;
+     }
+     if (!(x & 0xff)) {
+         k += 8;
+         x >>= 8;
+     }
+     if (!(x & 0xf)) {
+         k += 4;
+         x >>= 4;
+     }
+     if (!(x & 0x3)) {
+         k += 2;
+         x >>= 2;
+     }
+     if (!(x & 1)) {
+         k++;
+         x >>= 1;
+         if (!x & 1)
+             return 32;
+     }
+     *y = x;
+     return k;
+ }
+ /* Return a new Bigint with the given integer value, which must be nonnegative. */
+ static Bigint *i2b(int32 i)
+ {
+     Bigint *b;
+     b = Balloc(1);
+     if (!b)
+         return NULL;
+     b->x[0] = i;
+     b->wds = 1;
+     return b;
+ }
+ /* Return a newly allocated product of a and b. */
+ static Bigint *mult(CONST Bigint *a, CONST Bigint *b)
+ {
+     CONST Bigint *t;
+     Bigint *c;
+     int32 k, wa, wb, wc;
+     ULong y;
+     ULong *xc, *xc0, *xce;
+     CONST ULong *x, *xa, *xae, *xb, *xbe;
+ #ifdef ULLong
+     ULLong carry, z;
+ #else
+     ULong carry, z;
+     ULong z2;
+ #endif
+     if (a->wds < b->wds) {
+         t = a;
+         a = b;
+         b = t;
+     }
+     k = a->k;
+     wa = a->wds;
+     wb = b->wds;
+     wc = wa + wb;
+     if (wc > a->maxwds)
+         k++;
+     c = Balloc(k);
+     if (!c)
+         return NULL;
+     for(xc = c->x, xce = xc + wc; xc < xce; xc++)
+         *xc = 0;
+     xa = a->x;
+     xae = xa + wa;
+     xb = b->x;
+     xbe = xb + wb;
+     xc0 = c->x;
+ #ifdef ULLong
+     for(; xb < xbe; xc0++) {
+         if ((y = *xb++) != 0) {
+             x = xa;
+             xc = xc0;
+             carry = 0;
+             do {
+                 z = *x++ * (ULLong)y + *xc + carry;
+                 carry = z >> 32;
+                 *xc++ = (ULong)(z & 0xffffffffUL);
+                 }
+                 while(x < xae);
+             *xc = (ULong)carry;
+             }
+         }
+ #else
+     for(; xb < xbe; xb++, xc0++) {
+         if ((y = *xb & 0xffff) != 0) {
+             x = xa;
+             xc = xc0;
+             carry = 0;
+             do {
+                 z = (*x & 0xffff) * y + (*xc & 0xffff) + carry;
+                 carry = z >> 16;
+                 z2 = (*x++ >> 16) * y + (*xc >> 16) + carry;
+                 carry = z2 >> 16;
+                 Storeinc(xc, z2, z);
+             }
+             while(x < xae);
+             *xc = carry;
+         }
+         if ((y = *xb >> 16) != 0) {
+             x = xa;
+             xc = xc0;
+             carry = 0;
+             z2 = *xc;
+             do {
+                 z = (*x & 0xffff) * y + (*xc >> 16) + carry;
+                 carry = z >> 16;
+                 Storeinc(xc, z, z2);
+                 z2 = (*x++ >> 16) * y + (*xc & 0xffff) + carry;
+                 carry = z2 >> 16;
+             }
+             while(x < xae);
+             *xc = z2;
+         }
+     }
+ #endif
+     for(xc0 = c->x, xc = xc0 + wc; wc > 0 && !*--xc; --wc) ;
+     c->wds = wc;
+     return c;
+ }
+ /*
+  * 'p5s' points to a linked list of Bigints that are powers of 5.
+  * This list grows on demand, and it can only grow: it won't change
+  * in any other way.  So if we read 'p5s' or the 'next' field of
+  * some Bigint on the list, and it is not NULL, we know it won't
+  * change to NULL or some other value.  Only when the value of
+  * 'p5s' or 'next' is NULL do we need to acquire the lock and add
+  * a new Bigint to the list.
+  */
+ static Bigint *p5s;
+ static PRLock *p5s_lock;
+ #endif
+ /* Return b * 5^k.  Deallocate the old b.  k must be nonnegative. */
+ /* NOTE: old b is deallocated on memory failure. */
+ static Bigint *pow5mult(Bigint *b, int32 k)
+ {
+     Bigint *b1, *p5, *p51;
+     int32 i;
+     static CONST int32 p05[3] = { 5, 25, 125 };
+     if ((i = k & 3) != 0) {
+         b = multadd(b, p05[i-1], 0);
+         if (!b)
+             return NULL;
+     }
+     if (!(k >>= 2))
+         return b;
+     if (!(p5 = p5s)) {
+         /*
+          * We take great care to not call i2b() and Bfree()
+          * while holding the lock.
+          */
+         Bigint *wasted_effort = NULL;
+         p5 = i2b(625);
+         if (!p5) {
+             Bfree(b);
+             return NULL;
+         }
+         /* lock and check again */
+         PR_Lock(p5s_lock);
+         if (!p5s) {
+             /* first time */
+             p5s = p5;
+             p5->next = 0;
+         } else {
+             /* some other thread just beat us */
+             wasted_effort = p5;
+             p5 = p5s;
+         }
+         PR_Unlock(p5s_lock);
+         if (wasted_effort) {
+             Bfree(wasted_effort);
+         }
+ #else
+         /* first time */
+         p5 = p5s = i2b(625);
+         if (!p5) {
+             Bfree(b);
+             return NULL;
+         }
+         p5->next = 0;
+ #endif
+     }
+     for(;;) {
+         if (k & 1) {
+             b1 = mult(b, p5);
+             Bfree(b);
+             if (!b1)
+                 return NULL;
+             b = b1;
+         }
+         if (!(k >>= 1))
+             break;
+         if (!(p51 = p5->next)) {
+             Bigint *wasted_effort = NULL;
+             p51 = mult(p5, p5);
+             if (!p51) {
+                 Bfree(b);
+                 return NULL;
+             }
+             PR_Lock(p5s_lock);
+             if (!p5->next) {
+                 p5->next = p51;
+                 p51->next = 0;
+             } else {
+                 wasted_effort = p51;
+                 p51 = p5->next;
+             }
+             PR_Unlock(p5s_lock);
+             if (wasted_effort) {
+                 Bfree(wasted_effort);
+             }
+ #else
+             p51 = mult(p5,p5);
+             if (!p51) {
+                 Bfree(b);
+                 return NULL;
+             }
+             p51->next = 0;
+             p5->next = p51;
+ #endif
+         }
+         p5 = p51;
+     }
+     return b;
+ }
+ /* Return b * 2^k.  Deallocate the old b.  k must be nonnegative.
+  * NOTE: on memory failure, old b is deallocated. */
+ static Bigint *lshift(Bigint *b, int32 k)
+ {
+     int32 i, k1, n, n1;
+     Bigint *b1;
+     ULong *x, *x1, *xe, z;
+     n = k >> 5;
+     k1 = b->k;
+     n1 = n + b->wds + 1;
+     for(i = b->maxwds; n1 > i; i <<= 1)
+         k1++;
+     b1 = Balloc(k1);
+     if (!b1)
+         goto done;
+     x1 = b1->x;
+     for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+         *x1++ = 0;
+     x = b->x;
+     xe = x + b->wds;
+     if (k &= 0x1f) {
+         k1 = 32 - k;
+         z = 0;
+         do {
+             *x1++ = *x << k | z;
+             z = *x++ >> k1;
+         }
+         while(x < xe);
+         if ((*x1 = z) != 0)
+             ++n1;
+     }
+     else do
+         *x1++ = *x++;
+          while(x < xe);
+     b1->wds = n1 - 1;
+ done:
+     Bfree(b);
+     return b1;
+ }
+ /* Return -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether a<b, a==b, or a>b, respectively. */
+ static int32 cmp(Bigint *a, Bigint *b)
+ {
+     ULong *xa, *xa0, *xb, *xb0;
+     int32 i, j;
+     i = a->wds;
+     j = b->wds;
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+     if (i > 1 && !a->x[i-1])
+         Bug("cmp called with a->x[a->wds-1] == 0");
+     if (j > 1 && !b->x[j-1])
+         Bug("cmp called with b->x[b->wds-1] == 0");
+ #endif
+     if (i -= j)
+         return i;
+     xa0 = a->x;
+     xa = xa0 + j;
+     xb0 = b->x;
+     xb = xb0 + j;
+     for(;;) {
+         if (*--xa != *--xb)
+             return *xa < *xb ? -1 : 1;
+         if (xa <= xa0)
+             break;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ static Bigint *diff(Bigint *a, Bigint *b)
+ {
+     Bigint *c;
+     int32 i, wa, wb;
+     ULong *xa, *xae, *xb, *xbe, *xc;
+ #ifdef ULLong
+     ULLong borrow, y;
+ #else
+     ULong borrow, y;
+     ULong z;
+ #endif
+     i = cmp(a,b);
+     if (!i) {
+         c = Balloc(0);
+         if (!c)
+             return NULL;
+         c->wds = 1;
+         c->x[0] = 0;
+         return c;
+     }
+     if (i < 0) {
+         c = a;
+         a = b;
+         b = c;
+         i = 1;
+     }
+     else
+         i = 0;
+     c = Balloc(a->k);
+     if (!c)
+         return NULL;
+     c->sign = i;
+     wa = a->wds;
+     xa = a->x;
+     xae = xa + wa;
+     wb = b->wds;
+     xb = b->x;
+     xbe = xb + wb;
+     xc = c->x;
+     borrow = 0;
+ #ifdef ULLong
+     do {
+         y = (ULLong)*xa++ - *xb++ - borrow;
+         borrow = y >> 32 & 1UL;
+         *xc++ = (ULong)(y & 0xffffffffUL);
+         }
+         while(xb < xbe);
+     while(xa < xae) {
+         y = *xa++ - borrow;
+         borrow = y >> 32 & 1UL;
+         *xc++ = (ULong)(y & 0xffffffffUL);
+         }
+ #else
+     do {
+         y = (*xa & 0xffff) - (*xb & 0xffff) - borrow;
+         borrow = (y & 0x10000) >> 16;
+         z = (*xa++ >> 16) - (*xb++ >> 16) - borrow;
+         borrow = (z & 0x10000) >> 16;
+         Storeinc(xc, z, y);
+         }
+         while(xb < xbe);
+     while(xa < xae) {
+         y = (*xa & 0xffff) - borrow;
+         borrow = (y & 0x10000) >> 16;
+         z = (*xa++ >> 16) - borrow;
+         borrow = (z & 0x10000) >> 16;
+         Storeinc(xc, z, y);
+         }
+ #endif
+     while(!*--xc)
+         wa--;
+     c->wds = wa;
+     return c;
+ }
+ /* Return the absolute difference between x and the adjacent greater-magnitude double number (ignoring exponent overflows). */
+ static double ulp(double x)
+ {
+     register Long L;
+     double a = 0;
+     L = (word0(x) & Exp_mask) - (P-1)*Exp_msk1;
+ #ifndef Sudden_Underflow
+     if (L > 0) {
+ #endif
+         set_word0(a, L);
+         set_word1(a, 0);
+ #ifndef Sudden_Underflow
+     }
+     else {
+         L = -L >> Exp_shift;
+         if (L < Exp_shift) {
+             set_word0(a, 0x80000 >> L);
+             set_word1(a, 0);
+         }
+         else {
+             set_word0(a, 0);
+             L -= Exp_shift;
+             set_word1(a, L >= 31 ? 1 : 1 << (31 - L));
+         }
+     }
+ #endif
+     return a;
+ }
+ static double b2d(Bigint *a, int32 *e)
+ {
+     ULong *xa, *xa0, w, y, z;
+     int32 k;
+     double d = 0;
+ #define d0 word0(d)
+ #define d1 word1(d)
+ #define set_d0(x) set_word0(d, x)
+ #define set_d1(x) set_word1(d, x)
+     xa0 = a->x;
+     xa = xa0 + a->wds;
+     y = *--xa;
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+     if (!y) Bug("zero y in b2d");
+ #endif
+     k = hi0bits(y);
+     *e = 32 - k;
+     if (k < Ebits) {
+         set_d0(Exp_1 | y >> (Ebits - k));
+         w = xa > xa0 ? *--xa : 0;
+         set_d1(y << (32-Ebits + k) | w >> (Ebits - k));
+         goto ret_d;
+     }
+     z = xa > xa0 ? *--xa : 0;
+     if (k -= Ebits) {
+         set_d0(Exp_1 | y << k | z >> (32 - k));
+         y = xa > xa0 ? *--xa : 0;
+         set_d1(z << k | y >> (32 - k));
+     }
+     else {
+         set_d0(Exp_1 | y);
+         set_d1(z);
+     }
+   ret_d:
+ #undef d0
+ #undef d1
+ #undef set_d0
+ #undef set_d1
+     return d;
+ }
+ /* Convert d into the form b*2^e, where b is an odd integer.  b is the returned
+  * Bigint and e is the returned binary exponent.  Return the number of significant
+  * bits in b in bits.  d must be finite and nonzero. */
+ static Bigint *d2b(double d, int32 *e, int32 *bits)
+ {
+     Bigint *b;
+     int32 de, i, k;
+     ULong *x, y, z;
+ #define d0 word0(d)
+ #define d1 word1(d)
+ #define set_d0(x) set_word0(d, x)
+ #define set_d1(x) set_word1(d, x)
+     b = Balloc(1);
+     if (!b)
+         return NULL;
+     x = b->x;
+     z = d0 & Frac_mask;
+     set_d0(d0 & 0x7fffffff);  /* clear sign bit, which we ignore */
+ #ifdef Sudden_Underflow
+     de = (int32)(d0 >> Exp_shift);
+     z |= Exp_msk11;
+ #else
+     if ((de = (int32)(d0 >> Exp_shift)) != 0)
+         z |= Exp_msk1;
+ #endif
+     if ((y = d1) != 0) {
+         if ((k = lo0bits(&y)) != 0) {
+             x[0] = y | z << (32 - k);
+             z >>= k;
+         }
+         else
+             x[0] = y;
+         i = b->wds = (x[1] = z) ? 2 : 1;
+     }
+     else {
+         JS_ASSERT(z);
+         k = lo0bits(&z);
+         x[0] = z;
+         i = b->wds = 1;
+         k += 32;
+     }
+ #ifndef Sudden_Underflow
+     if (de) {
+ #endif
+         *e = de - Bias - (P-1) + k;
+         *bits = P - k;
+ #ifndef Sudden_Underflow
+     }
+     else {
+         *e = de - Bias - (P-1) + 1 + k;
+         *bits = 32*i - hi0bits(x[i-1]);
+     }
+ #endif
+     return b;
+ }
+ #undef d0
+ #undef d1
+ #undef set_d0
+ #undef set_d1
+ static double ratio(Bigint *a, Bigint *b)
+ {
+     double da, db;
+     int32 k, ka, kb;
+     da = b2d(a, &ka);
+     db = b2d(b, &kb);
+     k = ka - kb + 32*(a->wds - b->wds);
+     if (k > 0)
+         set_word0(da, word0(da) + k*Exp_msk1);
+     else {
+         k = -k;
+         set_word0(db, word0(db) + k*Exp_msk1);
+     }
+     return da / db;
+ }
+ static CONST double
+ tens[] = {
+     1e0, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9,
+     1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15, 1e16, 1e17, 1e18, 1e19,
+     1e20, 1e21, 1e22
+ };
+ static CONST double bigtens[] = { 1e16, 1e32, 1e64, 1e128, 1e256 };
+ static CONST double tinytens[] = { 1e-16, 1e-32, 1e-64, 1e-128,
+ #ifdef Avoid_Underflow
+         9007199254740992.e-256
+ #else
+         1e-256
+ #endif
+         };
+ /* The factor of 2^53 in tinytens[4] helps us avoid setting the underflow */
+ /* flag unnecessarily.  It leads to a song and dance at the end of strtod. */
+ #define Scale_Bit 0x10
+ #define n_bigtens 5
+ #ifndef NAN_WORD0
+ #define NAN_WORD0 0x7ff80000
+ #endif
+ #ifndef NAN_WORD1
+ #define NAN_WORD1 0
+ #endif
+ static int match(CONST char **sp, char *t)
+ {
+     int c, d;
+     CONST char *s = *sp;
+     while(d = *t++) {
+         if ((c = *++s) >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
+             c += 'a' - 'A';
+         if (c != d)
+             return 0;
+         }
+     *sp = s + 1;
+     return 1;
+     }
+ #endif /* INFNAN_CHECK */
+ static JSBool initialized = JS_FALSE;
+ /* hacked replica of nspr _PR_InitDtoa */
+ static void InitDtoa(void)
+ {
+     freelist_lock = PR_NewLock();
+         p5s_lock = PR_NewLock();
+     initialized = JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ #endif
+ void js_FinishDtoa(void)
+ {
+     int count;
+     Bigint *temp;
+     if (initialized == JS_TRUE) {
+         PR_DestroyLock(freelist_lock);
+         PR_DestroyLock(p5s_lock);
+         initialized = JS_FALSE;
+     }
+ #endif
+     /* clear down the freelist array and p5s */
+     /* static Bigint *freelist[Kmax+1]; */
+     for (count = 0; count <= Kmax; count++) {
+         Bigint **listp = &freelist[count];
+         while ((temp = *listp) != NULL) {
+             *listp = temp->next;
+             free(temp);
+         }
+         freelist[count] = NULL;
+     }
+     /* static Bigint *p5s; */
+     while (p5s) {
+         temp = p5s;
+         p5s = p5s->next;
+         free(temp);
+     }
+ }
+ /* nspr2 watcom bug ifdef omitted */
+ JS_FRIEND_API(double)
+ JS_strtod(CONST char *s00, char **se, int *err)
+ {
+     int32 scale;
+     int32 bb2, bb5, bbe, bd2, bd5, bbbits, bs2, c, dsign,
+         e, e1, esign, i, j, k, nd, nd0, nf, nz, nz0, sign;
+     CONST char *s, *s0, *s1;
+     double aadj, aadj1, adj, rv, rv0;
+     Long L;
+     ULong y, z;
+     Bigint *bb, *bb1, *bd, *bd0, *bs, *delta;
+     *err = 0;
+     bb = bd = bs = delta = NULL;
+     sign = nz0 = nz = 0;
+     rv = 0.;
+     /* Locking for Balloc's shared buffers that will be used in this block */
+     for(s = s00;;s++) switch(*s) {
+     case '-':
+         sign = 1;
+         /* no break */
+     case '+':
+         if (*++s)
+             goto break2;
+         /* no break */
+     case 0:
+         s = s00;
+         goto ret;
+     case '\t':
+     case '\n':
+     case '\v':
+     case '\f':
+     case '\r':
+     case ' ':
+         continue;
+     default:
+         goto break2;
+     }
+ break2:
+     if (*s == '0') {
+         nz0 = 1;
+         while(*++s == '0') ;
+         if (!*s)
+             goto ret;
+     }
+     s0 = s;
+     y = z = 0;
+     for(nd = nf = 0; (c = *s) >= '0' && c <= '9'; nd++, s++)
+         if (nd < 9)
+             y = 10*y + c - '0';
+         else if (nd < 16)
+             z = 10*z + c - '0';
+     nd0 = nd;
+     if (c == '.') {
+         c = *++s;
+         if (!nd) {
+             for(; c == '0'; c = *++s)
+                 nz++;
+             if (c > '0' && c <= '9') {
+                 s0 = s;
+                 nf += nz;
+                 nz = 0;
+                 goto have_dig;
+             }
+             goto dig_done;
+         }
+         for(; c >= '0' && c <= '9'; c = *++s) {
+         have_dig:
+             nz++;
+             if (c -= '0') {
+                 nf += nz;
+                 for(i = 1; i < nz; i++)
+                     if (nd++ < 9)
+                         y *= 10;
+                     else if (nd <= DBL_DIG + 1)
+                         z *= 10;
+                 if (nd++ < 9)
+                     y = 10*y + c;
+                 else if (nd <= DBL_DIG + 1)
+                     z = 10*z + c;
+                 nz = 0;
+             }
+         }
+     }
+ dig_done:
+     e = 0;
+     if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
+         if (!nd && !nz && !nz0) {
+             s = s00;
+             goto ret;
+         }
+         s00 = s;
+         esign = 0;
+         switch(c = *++s) {
+         case '-':
+             esign = 1;
+         case '+':
+             c = *++s;
+         }
+         if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
+             while(c == '0')
+                 c = *++s;
+             if (c > '0' && c <= '9') {
+                 L = c - '0';
+                 s1 = s;
+                 while((c = *++s) >= '0' && c <= '9')
+                     L = 10*L + c - '0';
+                 if (s - s1 > 8 || L > 19999)
+                     /* Avoid confusion from exponents
+                      * so large that e might overflow.
+                      */
+                     e = 19999; /* safe for 16 bit ints */
+                 else
+                     e = (int32)L;
+                 if (esign)
+                     e = -e;
+             }
+             else
+                 e = 0;
+         }
+         else
+             s = s00;
+     }
+     if (!nd) {
+         if (!nz && !nz0) {
+             /* Check for Nan and Infinity */
+             switch(c) {
+               case 'i':
+               case 'I':
+                 if (match(&s,"nfinity")) {
+                     word0(rv) = 0x7ff00000;
+                     word1(rv) = 0;
+                     goto ret;
+                     }
+                 break;
+               case 'n':
+               case 'N':
+                 if (match(&s, "an")) {
+                     word0(rv) = NAN_WORD0;
+                     word1(rv) = NAN_WORD1;
+                     goto ret;
+                     }
+               }
+ #endif /* INFNAN_CHECK */
+             s = s00;
+             }
+         goto ret;
+     }
+     e1 = e -= nf;
+     /* Now we have nd0 digits, starting at s0, followed by a
+      * decimal point, followed by nd-nd0 digits.  The number we're
+      * after is the integer represented by those digits times
+      * 10**e */
+     if (!nd0)
+         nd0 = nd;
+     k = nd < DBL_DIG + 1 ? nd : DBL_DIG + 1;
+     rv = y;
+     if (k > 9)
+         rv = tens[k - 9] * rv + z;
+     bd0 = 0;
+     if (nd <= DBL_DIG
+ #ifndef RND_PRODQUOT
+         && FLT_ROUNDS == 1
+ #endif
+         ) {
+         if (!e)
+             goto ret;
+         if (e > 0) {
+             if (e <= Ten_pmax) {
+                 /* rv = */ rounded_product(rv, tens[e]);
+                 goto ret;
+             }
+             i = DBL_DIG - nd;
+             if (e <= Ten_pmax + i) {
+                 /* A fancier test would sometimes let us do
+                  * this for larger i values.
+                  */
+                 e -= i;
+                 rv *= tens[i];
+                 /* rv = */ rounded_product(rv, tens[e]);
+                 goto ret;
+             }
+         }
+ #ifndef Inaccurate_Divide
+         else if (e >= -Ten_pmax) {
+             /* rv = */ rounded_quotient(rv, tens[-e]);
+             goto ret;
+         }
+ #endif
+     }
+     e1 += nd - k;
+     scale = 0;
+     /* Get starting approximation = rv * 10**e1 */
+     if (e1 > 0) {
+         if ((i = e1 & 15) != 0)
+             rv *= tens[i];
+         if (e1 &= ~15) {
+             if (e1 > DBL_MAX_10_EXP) {
+             ovfl:
+                 *err = JS_DTOA_ERANGE;
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+                 rv = HUGE_VAL;
+ #else
+                 /* Can't trust HUGE_VAL */
+                 word0(rv) = Exp_mask;
+                 word1(rv) = 0;
+ #endif
+                 if (bd0)
+                     goto retfree;
+                 goto ret;
+             }
+             e1 >>= 4;
+             for(j = 0; e1 > 1; j++, e1 >>= 1)
+                 if (e1 & 1)
+                     rv *= bigtens[j];
+             /* The last multiplication could overflow. */
+             set_word0(rv, word0(rv) - P*Exp_msk1);
+             rv *= bigtens[j];
+             if ((z = word0(rv) & Exp_mask) > Exp_msk1*(DBL_MAX_EXP+Bias-P))
+                 goto ovfl;
+             if (z > Exp_msk1*(DBL_MAX_EXP+Bias-1-P)) {
+                 /* set to largest number */
+                 /* (Can't trust DBL_MAX) */
+                 set_word0(rv, Big0);
+                 set_word1(rv, Big1);
+                 }
+             else
+                 set_word0(rv, word0(rv) + P*Exp_msk1);
+             }
+     }
+     else if (e1 < 0) {
+         e1 = -e1;
+         if ((i = e1 & 15) != 0)
+             rv /= tens[i];
+         if (e1 &= ~15) {
+             e1 >>= 4;
+             if (e1 >= 1 << n_bigtens)
+                 goto undfl;
+ #ifdef Avoid_Underflow
+             if (e1 & Scale_Bit)
+                 scale = P;
+             for(j = 0; e1 > 0; j++, e1 >>= 1)
+                 if (e1 & 1)
+                     rv *= tinytens[j];
+             if (scale && (j = P + 1 - ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask)
+                         >> Exp_shift)) > 0) {
+                 /* scaled rv is denormal; zap j low bits */
+                 if (j >= 32) {
+                     set_word1(rv, 0);
+                     set_word0(rv, word0(rv) & (0xffffffff << (j-32)));
+                     if (!word0(rv))
+                         set_word0(rv, 1);
+                     }
+                 else
+                     set_word1(rv, word1(rv) & (0xffffffff << j));
+                 }
+ #else
+             for(j = 0; e1 > 1; j++, e1 >>= 1)
+                 if (e1 & 1)
+                     rv *= tinytens[j];
+             /* The last multiplication could underflow. */
+             rv0 = rv;
+             rv *= tinytens[j];
+             if (!rv) {
+                 rv = 2.*rv0;
+                 rv *= tinytens[j];
+ #endif
+                 if (!rv) {
+                 undfl:
+                     rv = 0.;
+                     *err = JS_DTOA_ERANGE;
+                     if (bd0)
+                         goto retfree;
+                     goto ret;
+                 }
+ #ifndef Avoid_Underflow
+                 set_word0(rv, Tiny0);
+                 set_word1(rv, Tiny1);
+                 /* The refinement below will clean
+                  * this approximation up.
+                  */
+             }
+ #endif
+         }
+     }
+     /* Now the hard part -- adjusting rv to the correct value.*/
+     /* Put digits into bd: true value = bd * 10^e */
+     bd0 = s2b(s0, nd0, nd, y);
+     if (!bd0)
+         goto nomem;
+     for(;;) {
+         bd = Balloc(bd0->k);
+         if (!bd)
+             goto nomem;
+         Bcopy(bd, bd0);
+         bb = d2b(rv, &bbe, &bbbits);    /* rv = bb * 2^bbe */
+         if (!bb)
+             goto nomem;
+         bs = i2b(1);
+         if (!bs)
+             goto nomem;
+         if (e >= 0) {
+             bb2 = bb5 = 0;
+             bd2 = bd5 = e;
+         }
+         else {
+             bb2 = bb5 = -e;
+             bd2 = bd5 = 0;
+         }
+         if (bbe >= 0)
+             bb2 += bbe;
+         else
+             bd2 -= bbe;
+         bs2 = bb2;
+ #ifdef Sudden_Underflow
+         j = P + 1 - bbbits;
+ #else
+ #ifdef Avoid_Underflow
+         j = bbe - scale;
+ #else
+         j = bbe;
+ #endif
+         i = j + bbbits - 1; /* logb(rv) */
+         if (i < Emin)   /* denormal */
+             j += P - Emin;
+         else
+             j = P + 1 - bbbits;
+ #endif
+         bb2 += j;
+         bd2 += j;
+ #ifdef Avoid_Underflow
+         bd2 += scale;
+ #endif
+         i = bb2 < bd2 ? bb2 : bd2;
+         if (i > bs2)
+             i = bs2;
+         if (i > 0) {
+             bb2 -= i;
+             bd2 -= i;
+             bs2 -= i;
+         }
+         if (bb5 > 0) {
+             bs = pow5mult(bs, bb5);
+             if (!bs)
+                 goto nomem;
+             bb1 = mult(bs, bb);
+             if (!bb1)
+                 goto nomem;
+             Bfree(bb);
+             bb = bb1;
+         }
+         if (bb2 > 0) {
+             bb = lshift(bb, bb2);
+             if (!bb)
+                 goto nomem;
+         }
+         if (bd5 > 0) {
+             bd = pow5mult(bd, bd5);
+             if (!bd)
+                 goto nomem;
+         }
+         if (bd2 > 0) {
+             bd = lshift(bd, bd2);
+             if (!bd)
+                 goto nomem;
+         }
+         if (bs2 > 0) {
+             bs = lshift(bs, bs2);
+             if (!bs)
+                 goto nomem;
+         }
+         delta = diff(bb, bd);
+         if (!delta)
+             goto nomem;
+         dsign = delta->sign;
+         delta->sign = 0;
+         i = cmp(delta, bs);
+         if (i < 0) {
+             /* Error is less than half an ulp -- check for
+              * special case of mantissa a power of two.
+              */
+             if (dsign || word1(rv) || word0(rv) & Bndry_mask
+ #ifdef Avoid_Underflow
+              || (word0(rv) & Exp_mask) <= Exp_msk1 + P*Exp_msk1
+ #else
+              || (word0(rv) & Exp_mask) <= Exp_msk1
+ #endif
+                 ) {
+ #ifdef Avoid_Underflow
+                 if (!delta->x[0] && delta->wds == 1)
+                     dsign = 2;
+ #endif
+                 break;
+                 }
+             delta = lshift(delta,Log2P);
+             if (!delta)
+                 goto nomem;
+             if (cmp(delta, bs) > 0)
+                 goto drop_down;
+             break;
+         }
+         if (i == 0) {
+             /* exactly half-way between */
+             if (dsign) {
+                 if ((word0(rv) & Bndry_mask1) == Bndry_mask1
+                     &&  word1(rv) == 0xffffffff) {
+                     /*boundary case -- increment exponent*/
+                     set_word0(rv, (word0(rv) & Exp_mask) + Exp_msk1);
+                     set_word1(rv, 0);
+ #ifdef Avoid_Underflow
+                     dsign = 0;
+ #endif
+                     break;
+                 }
+             }
+             else if (!(word0(rv) & Bndry_mask) && !word1(rv)) {
+ #ifdef Avoid_Underflow
+                 dsign = 2;
+ #endif
+             drop_down:
+                 /* boundary case -- decrement exponent */
+ #ifdef Sudden_Underflow
+                 L = word0(rv) & Exp_mask;
+                 if (L <= Exp_msk1)
+                     goto undfl;
+                 L -= Exp_msk1;
+ #else
+                 L = (word0(rv) & Exp_mask) - Exp_msk1;
+ #endif
+                 set_word0(rv, L | Bndry_mask1);
+                 set_word1(rv, 0xffffffff);
+                 break;
+             }
+ #ifndef ROUND_BIASED
+             if (!(word1(rv) & LSB))
+                 break;
+ #endif
+             if (dsign)
+                 rv += ulp(rv);
+ #ifndef ROUND_BIASED
+             else {
+                 rv -= ulp(rv);
+ #ifndef Sudden_Underflow
+                 if (!rv)
+                     goto undfl;
+ #endif
+             }
+ #ifdef Avoid_Underflow
+             dsign = 1 - dsign;
+ #endif
+ #endif
+             break;
+         }
+         if ((aadj = ratio(delta, bs)) <= 2.) {
+             if (dsign)
+                 aadj = aadj1 = 1.;
+             else if (word1(rv) || word0(rv) & Bndry_mask) {
+ #ifndef Sudden_Underflow
+                 if (word1(rv) == Tiny1 && !word0(rv))
+                     goto undfl;
+ #endif
+                 aadj = 1.;
+                 aadj1 = -1.;
+             }
+             else {
+                 /* special case -- power of FLT_RADIX to be */
+                 /* rounded down... */
+                 if (aadj < 2./FLT_RADIX)
+                     aadj = 1./FLT_RADIX;
+                 else
+                     aadj *= 0.5;
+                 aadj1 = -aadj;
+             }
+         }
+         else {
+             aadj *= 0.5;
+             aadj1 = dsign ? aadj : -aadj;
+ #ifdef Check_FLT_ROUNDS
+             switch(FLT_ROUNDS) {
+             case 2: /* towards +infinity */
+                 aadj1 -= 0.5;
+                 break;
+             case 0: /* towards 0 */
+             case 3: /* towards -infinity */
+                 aadj1 += 0.5;
+             }
+ #else
+             if (FLT_ROUNDS == 0)
+                 aadj1 += 0.5;
+ #endif
+         }
+         y = word0(rv) & Exp_mask;
+         /* Check for overflow */
+         if (y == Exp_msk1*(DBL_MAX_EXP+Bias-1)) {
+             rv0 = rv;
+             set_word0(rv, word0(rv) - P*Exp_msk1);
+             adj = aadj1 * ulp(rv);
+             rv += adj;
+             if ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask) >=
+                 Exp_msk1*(DBL_MAX_EXP+Bias-P)) {
+                 if (word0(rv0) == Big0 && word1(rv0) == Big1)
+                     goto ovfl;
+                 set_word0(rv, Big0);
+                 set_word1(rv, Big1);
+                 goto cont;
+             }
+             else
+                 set_word0(rv, word0(rv) + P*Exp_msk1);
+         }
+         else {
+ #ifdef Sudden_Underflow
+             if ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask) <= P*Exp_msk1) {
+                 rv0 = rv;
+                 set_word0(rv, word0(rv) + P*Exp_msk1);
+                 adj = aadj1 * ulp(rv);
+                 rv += adj;
+                     if ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask) <= P*Exp_msk1)
+                         {
+                             if (word0(rv0) == Tiny0
+                                 && word1(rv0) == Tiny1)
+                                 goto undfl;
+                             set_word0(rv, Tiny0);
+                             set_word1(rv, Tiny1);
+                             goto cont;
+                         }
+                     else
+                         set_word0(rv, word0(rv) - P*Exp_msk1);
+             }
+             else {
+                 adj = aadj1 * ulp(rv);
+                 rv += adj;
+             }
+ #else
+             /* Compute adj so that the IEEE rounding rules will
+              * correctly round rv + adj in some half-way cases.
+              * If rv * ulp(rv) is denormalized (i.e.,
+              * y <= (P-1)*Exp_msk1), we must adjust aadj to avoid
+              * trouble from bits lost to denormalization;
+              * example: 1.2e-307 .
+              */
+ #ifdef Avoid_Underflow
+             if (y <= P*Exp_msk1 && aadj > 1.)
+ #else
+             if (y <= (P-1)*Exp_msk1 && aadj > 1.)
+ #endif
+                 {
+                 aadj1 = (double)(int32)(aadj + 0.5);
+                 if (!dsign)
+                     aadj1 = -aadj1;
+             }
+ #ifdef Avoid_Underflow
+             if (scale && y <= P*Exp_msk1)
+                 set_word0(aadj1, word0(aadj1) + (P+1)*Exp_msk1 - y);
+ #endif
+             adj = aadj1 * ulp(rv);
+             rv += adj;
+ #endif
+         }
+         z = word0(rv) & Exp_mask;
+ #ifdef Avoid_Underflow
+         if (!scale)
+ #endif
+         if (y == z) {
+             /* Can we stop now? */
+             L = (Long)aadj;
+             aadj -= L;
+             /* The tolerances below are conservative. */
+             if (dsign || word1(rv) || word0(rv) & Bndry_mask) {
+                 if (aadj < .4999999 || aadj > .5000001)
+                     break;
+             }
+             else if (aadj < .4999999/FLT_RADIX)
+                 break;
+         }
+     cont:
+         Bfree(bb);
+         Bfree(bd);
+         Bfree(bs);
+         Bfree(delta);
+         bb = bd = bs = delta = NULL;
+     }
+ #ifdef Avoid_Underflow
+     if (scale) {
+ #ifdef OSSP
+         rv0 = 0.; /* calm the compiler warning */
+ #endif
+         set_word0(rv0, Exp_1 - P*Exp_msk1);
+         set_word1(rv0, 0);
+         if ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask) <= P*Exp_msk1
+               && word1(rv) & 1
+               && dsign != 2) {
+             if (dsign) {
+ #ifdef Sudden_Underflow
+                 /* rv will be 0, but this would give the  */
+                 /* right result if only rv *= rv0 worked. */
+                 set_word0(rv, word0(rv) + P*Exp_msk1);
+                 set_word0(rv0, Exp_1 - 2*P*Exp_msk1);
+ #endif
+                 rv += ulp(rv);
+                 }
+             else
+                 set_word1(rv, word1(rv) & ~1);
+         }
+         rv *= rv0;
+     }
+ #endif /* Avoid_Underflow */
+ retfree:
+     Bfree(bb);
+     Bfree(bd);
+     Bfree(bs);
+     Bfree(bd0);
+     Bfree(delta);
+ ret:
+     if (se)
+         *se = (char *)s;
+     return sign ? -rv : rv;
+ nomem:
+     Bfree(bb);
+     Bfree(bd);
+     Bfree(bs);
+     Bfree(bd0);
+     Bfree(delta);
+     *err = JS_DTOA_ENOMEM;
+     return 0;
+ }
+ /* Return floor(b/2^k) and set b to be the remainder.  The returned quotient must be less than 2^32. */
+ static uint32 quorem2(Bigint *b, int32 k)
+ {
+     ULong mask;
+     ULong result;
+     ULong *bx, *bxe;
+     int32 w;
+     int32 n = k >> 5;
+     k &= 0x1F;
+     mask = (1<<k) - 1;
+     w = b->wds - n;
+     if (w <= 0)
+         return 0;
+     JS_ASSERT(w <= 2);
+     bx = b->x;
+     bxe = bx + n;
+     result = *bxe >> k;
+     *bxe &= mask;
+     if (w == 2) {
+         JS_ASSERT(!(bxe[1] & ~mask));
+         if (k)
+             result |= bxe[1] << (32 - k);
+     }
+     n++;
+     while (!*bxe && bxe != bx) {
+         n--;
+         bxe--;
+     }
+     b->wds = n;
+     return result;
+ }
+ /* Return floor(b/S) and set b to be the remainder.  As added restrictions, b must not have
+  * more words than S, the most significant word of S must not start with a 1 bit, and the
+  * returned quotient must be less than 36. */
+ static int32 quorem(Bigint *b, Bigint *S)
+ {
+     int32 n;
+     ULong *bx, *bxe, q, *sx, *sxe;
+ #ifdef ULLong
+     ULLong borrow, carry, y, ys;
+ #else
+     ULong borrow, carry, y, ys;
+     ULong si, z, zs;
+ #endif
+     n = S->wds;
+     JS_ASSERT(b->wds <= n);
+     if (b->wds < n)
+         return 0;
+     sx = S->x;
+     sxe = sx + --n;
+     bx = b->x;
+     bxe = bx + n;
+     JS_ASSERT(*sxe <= 0x7FFFFFFF);
+     q = *bxe / (*sxe + 1);  /* ensure q <= true quotient */
+     JS_ASSERT(q < 36);
+     if (q) {
+         borrow = 0;
+         carry = 0;
+         do {
+ #ifdef ULLong
+             ys = *sx++ * (ULLong)q + carry;
+             carry = ys >> 32;
+             y = *bx - (ys & 0xffffffffUL) - borrow;
+             borrow = y >> 32 & 1UL;
+             *bx++ = (ULong)(y & 0xffffffffUL);
+ #else
+             si = *sx++;
+             ys = (si & 0xffff) * q + carry;
+             zs = (si >> 16) * q + (ys >> 16);
+             carry = zs >> 16;
+             y = (*bx & 0xffff) - (ys & 0xffff) - borrow;
+             borrow = (y & 0x10000) >> 16;
+             z = (*bx >> 16) - (zs & 0xffff) - borrow;
+             borrow = (z & 0x10000) >> 16;
+             Storeinc(bx, z, y);
+ #endif
+         }
+         while(sx <= sxe);
+         if (!*bxe) {
+             bx = b->x;
+             while(--bxe > bx && !*bxe)
+                 --n;
+             b->wds = n;
+         }
+     }
+     if (cmp(b, S) >= 0) {
+         q++;
+         borrow = 0;
+         carry = 0;
+         bx = b->x;
+         sx = S->x;
+         do {
+ #ifdef ULLong
+             ys = *sx++ + carry;
+             carry = ys >> 32;
+             y = *bx - (ys & 0xffffffffUL) - borrow;
+             borrow = y >> 32 & 1UL;
+             *bx++ = (ULong)(y & 0xffffffffUL);
+ #else
+             si = *sx++;
+             ys = (si & 0xffff) + carry;
+             zs = (si >> 16) + (ys >> 16);
+             carry = zs >> 16;
+             y = (*bx & 0xffff) - (ys & 0xffff) - borrow;
+             borrow = (y & 0x10000) >> 16;
+             z = (*bx >> 16) - (zs & 0xffff) - borrow;
+             borrow = (z & 0x10000) >> 16;
+             Storeinc(bx, z, y);
+ #endif
+         } while(sx <= sxe);
+         bx = b->x;
+         bxe = bx + n;
+         if (!*bxe) {
+             while(--bxe > bx && !*bxe)
+                 --n;
+             b->wds = n;
+         }
+     }
+     return (int32)q;
+ }
+ /* dtoa for IEEE arithmetic (dmg): convert double to ASCII string.
+  *
+  * Inspired by "How to Print Floating-Point Numbers Accurately" by
+  * Guy L. Steele, Jr. and Jon L. White [Proc. ACM SIGPLAN '90, pp. 92-101].
+  *
+  * Modifications:
+  *  1. Rather than iterating, we use a simple numeric overestimate
+  *     to determine k = floor(log10(d)).  We scale relevant
+  *     quantities using O(log2(k)) rather than O(k) multiplications.
+  *  2. For some modes > 2 (corresponding to ecvt and fcvt), we don't
+  *     try to generate digits strictly left to right.  Instead, we
+  *     compute with fewer bits and propagate the carry if necessary
+  *     when rounding the final digit up.  This is often faster.
+  *  3. Under the assumption that input will be rounded nearest,
+  *     mode 0 renders 1e23 as 1e23 rather than 9.999999999999999e22.
+  *     That is, we allow equality in stopping tests when the
+  *     round-nearest rule will give the same floating-point value
+  *     as would satisfaction of the stopping test with strict
+  *     inequality.
+  *  4. We remove common factors of powers of 2 from relevant
+  *     quantities.
+  *  5. When converting floating-point integers less than 1e16,
+  *     we use floating-point arithmetic rather than resorting
+  *     to multiple-precision integers.
+  *  6. When asked to produce fewer than 15 digits, we first try
+  *     to get by with floating-point arithmetic; we resort to
+  *     multiple-precision integer arithmetic only if we cannot
+  *     guarantee that the floating-point calculation has given
+  *     the correctly rounded result.  For k requested digits and
+  *     "uniformly" distributed input, the probability is
+  *     something like 10^(k-15) that we must resort to the Long
+  *     calculation.
+  */
+ /* Always emits at least one digit. */
+ /* If biasUp is set, then rounding in modes 2 and 3 will round away from zero
+  * when the number is exactly halfway between two representable values.  For example,
+  * rounding 2.5 to zero digits after the decimal point will return 3 and not 2.
+  * 2.49 will still round to 2, and 2.51 will still round to 3. */
+ /* bufsize should be at least 20 for modes 0 and 1.  For the other modes,
+  * bufsize should be two greater than the maximum number of output characters expected. */
+ static JSBool
+ js_dtoa(double d, int mode, JSBool biasUp, int ndigits,
+     int *decpt, int *sign, char **rve, char *buf, size_t bufsize)
+ {
+     /*  Arguments ndigits, decpt, sign are similar to those
+         of ecvt and fcvt; trailing zeros are suppressed from
+         the returned string.  If not null, *rve is set to point
+         to the end of the return value.  If d is +-Infinity or NaN,
+         then *decpt is set to 9999.
+         mode:
+         0 ==> shortest string that yields d when read in
+         and rounded to nearest.
+         1 ==> like 0, but with Steele & White stopping rule;
+         e.g. with IEEE P754 arithmetic , mode 0 gives
+         1e23 whereas mode 1 gives 9.999999999999999e22.
+         2 ==> max(1,ndigits) significant digits.  This gives a
+         return value similar to that of ecvt, except
+         that trailing zeros are suppressed.
+         3 ==> through ndigits past the decimal point.  This
+         gives a return value similar to that from fcvt,
+         except that trailing zeros are suppressed, and
+         ndigits can be negative.
+         4-9 should give the same return values as 2-3, i.e.,
+         4 <= mode <= 9 ==> same return as mode
+         2 + (mode & 1).  These modes are mainly for
+         debugging; often they run slower but sometimes
+         faster than modes 2-3.
+         4,5,8,9 ==> left-to-right digit generation.
+         6-9 ==> don't try fast floating-point estimate
+         (if applicable).
+         Values of mode other than 0-9 are treated as mode 0.
+         Sufficient space is allocated to the return value
+         to hold the suppressed trailing zeros.
+     */
+     int32 bbits, b2, b5, be, dig, i, ieps, ilim, ilim0, ilim1,
+         j, j1, k, k0, k_check, leftright, m2, m5, s2, s5,
+         spec_case, try_quick;
+     Long L;
+ #ifndef Sudden_Underflow
+     int32 denorm;
+     ULong x;
+ #endif
+     Bigint *b, *b1, *delta, *mlo, *mhi, *S;
+     double d2, ds, eps;
+     char *s;
+     if (word0(d) & Sign_bit) {
+         /* set sign for everything, including 0's and NaNs */
+         *sign = 1;
+         set_word0(d, word0(d) & ~Sign_bit);  /* clear sign bit */
+     }
+     else
+         *sign = 0;
+     if ((word0(d) & Exp_mask) == Exp_mask) {
+         /* Infinity or NaN */
+         *decpt = 9999;
+         s = !word1(d) && !(word0(d) & Frac_mask) ? "Infinity" : "NaN";
+         if ((s[0] == 'I' && bufsize < 9) || (s[0] == 'N' && bufsize < 4)) {
+             JS_ASSERT(JS_FALSE);
+ /*          JS_SetError(JS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, 0); */
+             return JS_FALSE;
+         }
+         strcpy(buf, s);
+         if (rve) {
+             *rve = buf[3] ? buf + 8 : buf + 3;
+             JS_ASSERT(**rve == '\0');
+         }
+         return JS_TRUE;
+     }
+     b = NULL;                           /* initialize for abort protection */
+     S = NULL;
+     mlo = mhi = NULL;
+     if (!d) {
+       no_digits:
+         *decpt = 1;
+         if (bufsize < 2) {
+             JS_ASSERT(JS_FALSE);
+ /*          JS_SetError(JS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, 0); */
+             return JS_FALSE;
+         }
+         buf[0] = '0'; buf[1] = '\0';  /* copy "0" to buffer */
+         if (rve)
+             *rve = buf + 1;
+         /* We might have jumped to "no_digits" from below, so we need
+          * to be sure to free the potentially allocated Bigints to avoid
+          * memory leaks. */
+         Bfree(b);
+         Bfree(S);
+         if (mlo != mhi)
+             Bfree(mlo);
+         Bfree(mhi);
+         return JS_TRUE;
+     }
+     b = d2b(d, &be, &bbits);
+     if (!b)
+         goto nomem;
+ #ifdef Sudden_Underflow
+     i = (int32)(word0(d) >> Exp_shift1 & (Exp_mask>>Exp_shift1));
+ #else
+     if ((i = (int32)(word0(d) >> Exp_shift1 & (Exp_mask>>Exp_shift1))) != 0) {
+ #endif
+         d2 = d;
+         set_word0(d2, word0(d2) & Frac_mask1);
+         set_word0(d2, word0(d2) | Exp_11);
+         /* log(x)   ~=~ log(1.5) + (x-1.5)/1.5
+          * log10(x)  =  log(x) / log(10)
+          *      ~=~ log(1.5)/log(10) + (x-1.5)/(1.5*log(10))
+          * log10(d) = (i-Bias)*log(2)/log(10) + log10(d2)
+          *
+          * This suggests computing an approximation k to log10(d) by
+          *
+          * k = (i - Bias)*0.301029995663981
+          *  + ( (d2-1.5)*0.289529654602168 + 0.176091259055681 );
+          *
+          * We want k to be too large rather than too small.
+          * The error in the first-order Taylor series approximation
+          * is in our favor, so we just round up the constant enough
+          * to compensate for any error in the multiplication of
+          * (i - Bias) by 0.301029995663981; since |i - Bias| <= 1077,
+          * and 1077 * 0.30103 * 2^-52 ~=~ 7.2e-14,
+          * adding 1e-13 to the constant term more than suffices.
+          * Hence we adjust the constant term to 0.1760912590558.
+          * (We could get a more accurate k by invoking log10,
+          *  but this is probably not worthwhile.)
+          */
+         i -= Bias;
+ #ifndef Sudden_Underflow
+         denorm = 0;
+     }
+     else {
+         /* d is denormalized */
+         i = bbits + be + (Bias + (P-1) - 1);
+         x = i > 32 ? word0(d) << (64 - i) | word1(d) >> (i - 32) : word1(d) << (32 - i);
+         d2 = x;
+         set_word0(d2, word0(d2) - 31*Exp_msk1); /* adjust exponent */
+         i -= (Bias + (P-1) - 1) + 1;
+         denorm = 1;
+     }
+ #endif
+     /* At this point d = f*2^i, where 1 <= f < 2.  d2 is an approximation of f. */
+     ds = (d2-1.5)*0.289529654602168 + 0.1760912590558 + i*0.301029995663981;
+     k = (int32)ds;
+     if (ds < 0. && ds != k)
+         k--;    /* want k = floor(ds) */
+     k_check = 1;
+     if (k >= 0 && k <= Ten_pmax) {
+         if (d < tens[k])
+             k--;
+         k_check = 0;
+     }
+     /* At this point floor(log10(d)) <= k <= floor(log10(d))+1.
+        If k_check is zero, we're guaranteed that k = floor(log10(d)). */
+     j = bbits - i - 1;
+     /* At this point d = b/2^j, where b is an odd integer. */
+     if (j >= 0) {
+         b2 = 0;
+         s2 = j;
+     }
+     else {
+         b2 = -j;
+         s2 = 0;
+     }
+     if (k >= 0) {
+         b5 = 0;
+         s5 = k;
+         s2 += k;
+     }
+     else {
+         b2 -= k;
+         b5 = -k;
+         s5 = 0;
+     }
+     /* At this point d/10^k = (b * 2^b2 * 5^b5) / (2^s2 * 5^s5), where b is an odd integer,
+        b2 >= 0, b5 >= 0, s2 >= 0, and s5 >= 0. */
+     if (mode < 0 || mode > 9)
+         mode = 0;
+     try_quick = 1;
+     if (mode > 5) {
+         mode -= 4;
+         try_quick = 0;
+     }
+     leftright = 1;
+     ilim = ilim1 = 0;
+     switch(mode) {
+     case 0:
+     case 1:
+         ilim = ilim1 = -1;
+         i = 18;
+         ndigits = 0;
+         break;
+     case 2:
+         leftright = 0;
+         /* no break */
+     case 4:
+         if (ndigits <= 0)
+             ndigits = 1;
+         ilim = ilim1 = i = ndigits;
+         break;
+     case 3:
+         leftright = 0;
+         /* no break */
+     case 5:
+         i = ndigits + k + 1;
+         ilim = i;
+         ilim1 = i - 1;
+         if (i <= 0)
+             i = 1;
+     }
+     /* ilim is the maximum number of significant digits we want, based on k and ndigits. */
+     /* ilim1 is the maximum number of significant digits we want, based on k and ndigits,
+        when it turns out that k was computed too high by one. */
+     /* Ensure space for at least i+1 characters, including trailing null. */
+     if (bufsize <= (size_t)i) {
+         Bfree(b);
+         JS_ASSERT(JS_FALSE);
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     }
+     s = buf;
+     if (ilim >= 0 && ilim <= Quick_max && try_quick) {
+         /* Try to get by with floating-point arithmetic. */
+         i = 0;
+         d2 = d;
+         k0 = k;
+         ilim0 = ilim;
+         ieps = 2; /* conservative */
+         /* Divide d by 10^k, keeping track of the roundoff error and avoiding overflows. */
+         if (k > 0) {
+             ds = tens[k&0xf];
+             j = k >> 4;
+             if (j & Bletch) {
+                 /* prevent overflows */
+                 j &= Bletch - 1;
+                 d /= bigtens[n_bigtens-1];
+                 ieps++;
+             }
+             for(; j; j >>= 1, i++)
+                 if (j & 1) {
+                     ieps++;
+                     ds *= bigtens[i];
+                 }
+             d /= ds;
+         }
+         else if ((j1 = -k) != 0) {
+             d *= tens[j1 & 0xf];
+             for(j = j1 >> 4; j; j >>= 1, i++)
+                 if (j & 1) {
+                     ieps++;
+                     d *= bigtens[i];
+                 }
+         }
+         /* Check that k was computed correctly. */
+         if (k_check && d < 1. && ilim > 0) {
+             if (ilim1 <= 0)
+                 goto fast_failed;
+             ilim = ilim1;
+             k--;
+             d *= 10.;
+             ieps++;
+         }
+         /* eps bounds the cumulative error. */
+         eps = ieps*d + 7.;
+         set_word0(eps, word0(eps) - (P-1)*Exp_msk1);
+         if (ilim == 0) {
+             S = mhi = 0;
+             d -= 5.;
+             if (d > eps)
+                 goto one_digit;
+             if (d < -eps)
+                 goto no_digits;
+             goto fast_failed;
+         }
+ #ifndef No_leftright
+         if (leftright) {
+             /* Use Steele & White method of only
+              * generating digits needed.
+              */
+             eps = 0.5/tens[ilim-1] - eps;
+             for(i = 0;;) {
+                 L = (Long)d;
+                 d -= L;
+                 *s++ = '0' + (char)L;
+                 if (d < eps)
+                     goto ret1;
+                 if (1. - d < eps)
+                     goto bump_up;
+                 if (++i >= ilim)
+                     break;
+                 eps *= 10.;
+                 d *= 10.;
+             }
+         }
+         else {
+ #endif
+             /* Generate ilim digits, then fix them up. */
+             eps *= tens[ilim-1];
+             for(i = 1;; i++, d *= 10.) {
+                 L = (Long)d;
+                 d -= L;
+                 *s++ = '0' + (char)L;
+                 if (i == ilim) {
+                     if (d > 0.5 + eps)
+                         goto bump_up;
+                     else if (d < 0.5 - eps) {
+                         while(*--s == '0') ;
+                         s++;
+                         goto ret1;
+                     }
+                     break;
+                 }
+             }
+ #ifndef No_leftright
+         }
+ #endif
+     fast_failed:
+         s = buf;
+         d = d2;
+         k = k0;
+         ilim = ilim0;
+     }
+     /* Do we have a "small" integer? */
+     if (be >= 0 && k <= Int_max) {
+         /* Yes. */
+         ds = tens[k];
+         if (ndigits < 0 && ilim <= 0) {
+             S = mhi = 0;
+             if (ilim < 0 || d < 5*ds || (!biasUp && d == 5*ds))
+                 goto no_digits;
+             goto one_digit;
+         }
+         for(i = 1;; i++) {
+             L = (Long) (d / ds);
+             d -= L*ds;
+ #ifdef Check_FLT_ROUNDS
+             /* If FLT_ROUNDS == 2, L will usually be high by 1 */
+             if (d < 0) {
+                 L--;
+                 d += ds;
+             }
+ #endif
+             *s++ = '0' + (char)L;
+             if (i == ilim) {
+                 d += d;
+                 if ((d > ds) || (d == ds && (L & 1 || biasUp))) {
+                 bump_up:
+                     while(*--s == '9')
+                         if (s == buf) {
+                             k++;
+                             *s = '0';
+                             break;
+                         }
+                     ++*s++;
+                 }
+                 break;
+             }
+             if (!(d *= 10.))
+                 break;
+         }
+         goto ret1;
+     }
+     m2 = b2;
+     m5 = b5;
+     if (leftright) {
+         if (mode < 2) {
+             i =
+ #ifndef Sudden_Underflow
+                 denorm ? be + (Bias + (P-1) - 1 + 1) :
+ #endif
+             1 + P - bbits;
+             /* i is 1 plus the number of trailing zero bits in d's significand. Thus,
+                (2^m2 * 5^m5) / (2^(s2+i) * 5^s5) = (1/2 lsb of d)/10^k. */
+         }
+         else {
+             j = ilim - 1;
+             if (m5 >= j)
+                 m5 -= j;
+             else {
+                 s5 += j -= m5;
+                 b5 += j;
+                 m5 = 0;
+             }
+             if ((i = ilim) < 0) {
+                 m2 -= i;
+                 i = 0;
+             }
+             /* (2^m2 * 5^m5) / (2^(s2+i) * 5^s5) = (1/2 * 10^(1-ilim))/10^k. */
+         }
+         b2 += i;
+         s2 += i;
+         mhi = i2b(1);
+         if (!mhi)
+             goto nomem;
+         /* (mhi * 2^m2 * 5^m5) / (2^s2 * 5^s5) = one-half of last printed (when mode >= 2) or
+            input (when mode < 2) significant digit, divided by 10^k. */
+     }
+     /* We still have d/10^k = (b * 2^b2 * 5^b5) / (2^s2 * 5^s5).  Reduce common factors in
+        b2, m2, and s2 without changing the equalities. */
+     if (m2 > 0 && s2 > 0) {
+         i = m2 < s2 ? m2 : s2;
+         b2 -= i;
+         m2 -= i;
+         s2 -= i;
+     }
+     /* Fold b5 into b and m5 into mhi. */
+     if (b5 > 0) {
+         if (leftright) {
+             if (m5 > 0) {
+                 mhi = pow5mult(mhi, m5);
+                 if (!mhi)
+                     goto nomem;
+                 b1 = mult(mhi, b);
+                 if (!b1)
+                     goto nomem;
+                 Bfree(b);
+                 b = b1;
+             }
+             if ((j = b5 - m5) != 0) {
+                 b = pow5mult(b, j);
+                 if (!b)
+                     goto nomem;
+             }
+         }
+         else {
+             b = pow5mult(b, b5);
+             if (!b)
+                 goto nomem;
+         }
+     }
+     /* Now we have d/10^k = (b * 2^b2) / (2^s2 * 5^s5) and
+        (mhi * 2^m2) / (2^s2 * 5^s5) = one-half of last printed or input significant digit, divided by 10^k. */
+     S = i2b(1);
+     if (!S)
+         goto nomem;
+     if (s5 > 0) {
+         S = pow5mult(S, s5);
+         if (!S)
+             goto nomem;
+     }
+     /* Now we have d/10^k = (b * 2^b2) / (S * 2^s2) and
+        (mhi * 2^m2) / (S * 2^s2) = one-half of last printed or input significant digit, divided by 10^k. */
+     /* Check for special case that d is a normalized power of 2. */
+     spec_case = 0;
+     if (mode < 2) {
+         if (!word1(d) && !(word0(d) & Bndry_mask)
+ #ifndef Sudden_Underflow
+             && word0(d) & (Exp_mask & Exp_mask << 1)
+ #endif
+             ) {
+             /* The special case.  Here we want to be within a quarter of the last input
+                significant digit instead of one half of it when the decimal output string's value is less than d.  */
+             b2 += Log2P;
+             s2 += Log2P;
+             spec_case = 1;
+         }
+     }
+     /* Arrange for convenient computation of quotients:
+      * shift left if necessary so divisor has 4 leading 0 bits.
+      *
+      * Perhaps we should just compute leading 28 bits of S once
+      * and for all and pass them and a shift to quorem, so it
+      * can do shifts and ors to compute the numerator for q.
+      */
+     if ((i = ((s5 ? 32 - hi0bits(S->x[S->wds-1]) : 1) + s2) & 0x1f) != 0)
+         i = 32 - i;
+     /* i is the number of leading zero bits in the most significant word of S*2^s2. */
+     if (i > 4) {
+         i -= 4;
+         b2 += i;
+         m2 += i;
+         s2 += i;
+     }
+     else if (i < 4) {
+         i += 28;
+         b2 += i;
+         m2 += i;
+         s2 += i;
+     }
+     /* Now S*2^s2 has exactly four leading zero bits in its most significant word. */
+     if (b2 > 0) {
+         b = lshift(b, b2);
+         if (!b)
+             goto nomem;
+     }
+     if (s2 > 0) {
+         S = lshift(S, s2);
+         if (!S)
+             goto nomem;
+     }
+     /* Now we have d/10^k = b/S and
+        (mhi * 2^m2) / S = maximum acceptable error, divided by 10^k. */
+     if (k_check) {
+         if (cmp(b,S) < 0) {
+             k--;
+             b = multadd(b, 10, 0);  /* we botched the k estimate */
+             if (!b)
+                 goto nomem;
+             if (leftright) {
+                 mhi = multadd(mhi, 10, 0);
+                 if (!mhi)
+                     goto nomem;
+             }
+             ilim = ilim1;
+         }
+     }
+     /* At this point 1 <= d/10^k = b/S < 10. */
+     if (ilim <= 0 && mode > 2) {
+         /* We're doing fixed-mode output and d is less than the minimum nonzero output in this mode.
+            Output either zero or the minimum nonzero output depending on which is closer to d. */
+         if (ilim < 0)
+             goto no_digits;
+         S = multadd(S,5,0);
+         if (!S)
+             goto nomem;
+         i = cmp(b,S);
+         if (i < 0 || (i == 0 && !biasUp)) {
+         /* Always emit at least one digit.  If the number appears to be zero
+            using the current mode, then emit one '0' digit and set decpt to 1. */
+         /*no_digits:
+             k = -1 - ndigits;
+             goto ret; */
+             goto no_digits;
+         }
+     one_digit:
+         *s++ = '1';
+         k++;
+         goto ret;
+     }
+     if (leftright) {
+         if (m2 > 0) {
+             mhi = lshift(mhi, m2);
+             if (!mhi)
+                 goto nomem;
+         }
+         /* Compute mlo -- check for special case
+          * that d is a normalized power of 2.
+          */
+         mlo = mhi;
+         if (spec_case) {
+             mhi = Balloc(mhi->k);
+             if (!mhi)
+                 goto nomem;
+             Bcopy(mhi, mlo);
+             mhi = lshift(mhi, Log2P);
+             if (!mhi)
+                 goto nomem;
+         }
+         /* mlo/S = maximum acceptable error, divided by 10^k, if the output is less than d. */
+         /* mhi/S = maximum acceptable error, divided by 10^k, if the output is greater than d. */
+         for(i = 1;;i++) {
+             dig = quorem(b,S) + '0';
+             /* Do we yet have the shortest decimal string
+              * that will round to d?
+              */
+             j = cmp(b, mlo);
+             /* j is b/S compared with mlo/S. */
+             delta = diff(S, mhi);
+             if (!delta)
+                 goto nomem;
+             j1 = delta->sign ? 1 : cmp(b, delta);
+             Bfree(delta);
+             /* j1 is b/S compared with 1 - mhi/S. */
+ #ifndef ROUND_BIASED
+             if (j1 == 0 && !mode && !(word1(d) & 1)) {
+                 if (dig == '9')
+                     goto round_9_up;
+                 if (j > 0)
+                     dig++;
+                 *s++ = (char)dig;
+                 goto ret;
+             }
+ #endif
+             if ((j < 0) || (j == 0 && !mode
+ #ifndef ROUND_BIASED
+                 && !(word1(d) & 1)
+ #endif
+                 )) {
+                 if (j1 > 0) {
+                     /* Either dig or dig+1 would work here as the least significant decimal digit.
+                        Use whichever would produce a decimal value closer to d. */
+                     b = lshift(b, 1);
+                     if (!b)
+                         goto nomem;
+                     j1 = cmp(b, S);
+                     if (((j1 > 0) || (j1 == 0 && (dig & 1 || biasUp)))
+                         && (dig++ == '9'))
+                         goto round_9_up;
+                 }
+                 *s++ = (char)dig;
+                 goto ret;
+             }
+             if (j1 > 0) {
+                 if (dig == '9') { /* possible if i == 1 */
+                 round_9_up:
+                     *s++ = '9';
+                     goto roundoff;
+                 }
+                 *s++ = (char)dig + 1;
+                 goto ret;
+             }
+             *s++ = (char)dig;
+             if (i == ilim)
+                 break;
+             b = multadd(b, 10, 0);
+             if (!b)
+                 goto nomem;
+             if (mlo == mhi) {
+                 mlo = mhi = multadd(mhi, 10, 0);
+                 if (!mhi)
+                     goto nomem;
+             }
+             else {
+                 mlo = multadd(mlo, 10, 0);
+                 if (!mlo)
+                     goto nomem;
+                 mhi = multadd(mhi, 10, 0);
+                 if (!mhi)
+                     goto nomem;
+             }
+         }
+     }
+     else
+         for(i = 1;; i++) {
+             *s++ = (char)(dig = quorem(b,S) + '0');
+             if (i >= ilim)
+                 break;
+             b = multadd(b, 10, 0);
+             if (!b)
+                 goto nomem;
+         }
+     /* Round off last digit */
+     b = lshift(b, 1);
+     if (!b)
+         goto nomem;
+     j = cmp(b, S);
+     if ((j > 0) || (j == 0 && (dig & 1 || biasUp))) {
+     roundoff:
+         while(*--s == '9')
+             if (s == buf) {
+                 k++;
+                 *s++ = '1';
+                 goto ret;
+             }
+         ++*s++;
+     }
+     else {
+         /* Strip trailing zeros */
+         while(*--s == '0') ;
+         s++;
+     }
+   ret:
+     Bfree(S);
+     if (mhi) {
+         if (mlo && mlo != mhi)
+             Bfree(mlo);
+         Bfree(mhi);
+     }
+   ret1:
+     Bfree(b);
+     JS_ASSERT(s < buf + bufsize);
+     *s = '\0';
+     if (rve)
+         *rve = s;
+     *decpt = k + 1;
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ nomem:
+     Bfree(S);
+     if (mhi) {
+         if (mlo && mlo != mhi)
+             Bfree(mlo);
+         Bfree(mhi);
+     }
+     Bfree(b);
+     return JS_FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Mapping of JSDToStrMode -> js_dtoa mode */
+ static const int dtoaModes[] = {
+     0,   /* DTOSTR_STANDARD */
+     3,   /* DTOSTR_FIXED, */
+     2,   /* DTOSTR_EXPONENTIAL, */
+     2};  /* DTOSTR_PRECISION */
+ JS_FRIEND_API(char *)
+ JS_dtostr(char *buffer, size_t bufferSize, JSDToStrMode mode, int precision, double d)
+ {
+     int decPt;                  /* Position of decimal point relative to first digit returned by js_dtoa */
+     int sign;                   /* Nonzero if the sign bit was set in d */
+     int nDigits;                /* Number of significand digits returned by js_dtoa */
+     char *numBegin = buffer+2;  /* Pointer to the digits returned by js_dtoa; the +2 leaves space for */
+                                 /* the sign and/or decimal point */
+     char *numEnd;               /* Pointer past the digits returned by js_dtoa */
+     JSBool dtoaRet;
+             DTOSTR_VARIABLE_BUFFER_SIZE(precision)));
+     if (mode == DTOSTR_FIXED && (d >= 1e21 || d <= -1e21))
+         mode = DTOSTR_STANDARD; /* Change mode here rather than below because the buffer may not be large enough to hold a large integer. */
+     /* Locking for Balloc's shared buffers */
+     dtoaRet = js_dtoa(d, dtoaModes[mode], mode >= DTOSTR_FIXED, precision, &decPt, &sign, &numEnd, numBegin, bufferSize-2);
+     if (!dtoaRet)
+         return 0;
+     nDigits = numEnd - numBegin;
+     /* If Infinity, -Infinity, or NaN, return the string regardless of the mode. */
+     if (decPt != 9999) {
+         JSBool exponentialNotation = JS_FALSE;
+         int minNDigits = 0;         /* Minimum number of significand digits required by mode and precision */
+         char *p;
+         char *q;
+         switch (mode) {
+             case DTOSTR_STANDARD:
+                 if (decPt < -5 || decPt > 21)
+                     exponentialNotation = JS_TRUE;
+                 else
+                     minNDigits = decPt;
+                 break;
+             case DTOSTR_FIXED:
+                 if (precision >= 0)
+                     minNDigits = decPt + precision;
+                 else
+                     minNDigits = decPt;
+                 break;
+             case DTOSTR_EXPONENTIAL:
+                 JS_ASSERT(precision > 0);
+                 minNDigits = precision;
+                 /* Fall through */
+                 exponentialNotation = JS_TRUE;
+                 break;
+             case DTOSTR_PRECISION:
+                 JS_ASSERT(precision > 0);
+                 minNDigits = precision;
+                 if (decPt < -5 || decPt > precision)
+                     exponentialNotation = JS_TRUE;
+                 break;
+         }
+         /* If the number has fewer than minNDigits, pad it with zeros at the end */
+         if (nDigits < minNDigits) {
+             p = numBegin + minNDigits;
+             nDigits = minNDigits;
+             do {
+                 *numEnd++ = '0';
+             } while (numEnd != p);
+             *numEnd = '\0';
+         }
+         if (exponentialNotation) {
+             /* Insert a decimal point if more than one significand digit */
+             if (nDigits != 1) {
+                 numBegin--;
+                 numBegin[0] = numBegin[1];
+                 numBegin[1] = '.';
+             }
+             JS_snprintf(numEnd, bufferSize - (numEnd - buffer), "e%+d", decPt-1);
+         } else if (decPt != nDigits) {
+             /* Some kind of a fraction in fixed notation */
+             JS_ASSERT(decPt <= nDigits);
+             if (decPt > 0) {
+                 /* dd...dd . dd...dd */
+                 p = --numBegin;
+                 do {
+                     *p = p[1];
+                     p++;
+                 } while (--decPt);
+                 *p = '.';
+             } else {
+                 /* 0 . 00...00dd...dd */
+                 p = numEnd;
+                 numEnd += 1 - decPt;
+                 q = numEnd;
+                 JS_ASSERT(numEnd < buffer + bufferSize);
+                 *numEnd = '\0';
+                 while (p != numBegin)
+                     *--q = *--p;
+                 for (p = numBegin + 1; p != q; p++)
+                     *p = '0';
+                 *numBegin = '.';
+                 *--numBegin = '0';
+             }
+         }
+     }
+     /* If negative and neither -0.0 nor NaN, output a leading '-'. */
+     if (sign &&
+             !(word0(d) == Sign_bit && word1(d) == 0) &&
+             !((word0(d) & Exp_mask) == Exp_mask &&
+               (word1(d) || (word0(d) & Frac_mask)))) {
+         *--numBegin = '-';
+     }
+     return numBegin;
+ }
+ /* Let b = floor(b / divisor), and return the remainder.  b must be nonnegative.
+  * divisor must be between 1 and 65536.
+  * This function cannot run out of memory. */
+ static uint32
+ divrem(Bigint *b, uint32 divisor)
+ {
+     int32 n = b->wds;
+     uint32 remainder = 0;
+     ULong *bx;
+     ULong *bp;
+     JS_ASSERT(divisor > 0 && divisor <= 65536);
+     if (!n)
+         return 0; /* b is zero */
+     bx = b->x;
+     bp = bx + n;
+     do {
+         ULong a = *--bp;
+         ULong dividend = remainder << 16 | a >> 16;
+         ULong quotientHi = dividend / divisor;
+         ULong quotientLo;
+         remainder = dividend - quotientHi*divisor;
+         JS_ASSERT(quotientHi <= 0xFFFF && remainder < divisor);
+         dividend = remainder << 16 | (a & 0xFFFF);
+         quotientLo = dividend / divisor;
+         remainder = dividend - quotientLo*divisor;
+         JS_ASSERT(quotientLo <= 0xFFFF && remainder < divisor);
+         *bp = quotientHi << 16 | quotientLo;
+     } while (bp != bx);
+     /* Decrease the size of the number if its most significant word is now zero. */
+     if (bx[n-1] == 0)
+         b->wds--;
+     return remainder;
+ }
+ /* "-0.0000...(1073 zeros after decimal point)...0001\0" is the longest string that we could produce,
+  * which occurs when printing -5e-324 in binary.  We could compute a better estimate of the size of
+  * the output string and malloc fewer bytes depending on d and base, but why bother? */
+ #define BASEDIGIT(digit) ((char)(((digit) >= 10) ? 'a' - 10 + (digit) : '0' + (digit)))
+ JS_FRIEND_API(char *)
+ JS_dtobasestr(int base, double d)
+ {
+     char *buffer;        /* The output string */
+     char *p;             /* Pointer to current position in the buffer */
+     char *pInt;          /* Pointer to the beginning of the integer part of the string */
+     char *q;
+     uint32 digit;
+     double di;           /* d truncated to an integer */
+     double df;           /* The fractional part of d */
+     JS_ASSERT(base >= 2 && base <= 36);
+     buffer = (char*) malloc(DTOBASESTR_BUFFER_SIZE);
+     if (buffer) {
+         p = buffer;
+         if (d < 0.0
+ #if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_OS2)
+             && !((word0(d) & Exp_mask) == Exp_mask && ((word0(d) & Frac_mask) || word1(d))) /* Visual C++ doesn't know how to compare against NaN */
+ #endif
+            ) {
+             *p++ = '-';
+             d = -d;
+         }
+         /* Check for Infinity and NaN */
+         if ((word0(d) & Exp_mask) == Exp_mask) {
+             strcpy(p, !word1(d) && !(word0(d) & Frac_mask) ? "Infinity" : "NaN");
+             return buffer;
+         }
+         /* Locking for Balloc's shared buffers */
+         ACQUIRE_DTOA_LOCK();
+         /* Output the integer part of d with the digits in reverse order. */
+         pInt = p;
+         di = fd_floor(d);
+         if (di <= 4294967295.0) {
+             uint32 n = (uint32)di;
+             if (n)
+                 do {
+                     uint32 m = n / base;
+                     digit = n - m*base;
+                     n = m;
+                     JS_ASSERT(digit < (uint32)base);
+                     *p++ = BASEDIGIT(digit);
+                 } while (n);
+             else *p++ = '0';
+         } else {
+             int32 e;
+             int32 bits;  /* Number of significant bits in di; not used. */
+             Bigint *b = d2b(di, &e, &bits);
+             if (!b)
+                 goto nomem1;
+             b = lshift(b, e);
+             if (!b) {
+               nomem1:
+                 Bfree(b);
+                 return NULL;
+             }
+             do {
+                 digit = divrem(b, base);
+                 JS_ASSERT(digit < (uint32)base);
+                 *p++ = BASEDIGIT(digit);
+             } while (b->wds);
+             Bfree(b);
+         }
+         /* Reverse the digits of the integer part of d. */
+         q = p-1;
+         while (q > pInt) {
+             char ch = *pInt;
+             *pInt++ = *q;
+             *q-- = ch;
+         }
+         df = d - di;
+         if (df != 0.0) {
+             /* We have a fraction. */
+             int32 e, bbits, s2, done;
+             Bigint *b, *s, *mlo, *mhi;
+             b = s = mlo = mhi = NULL;
+             *p++ = '.';
+             b = d2b(df, &e, &bbits);
+             if (!b) {
+               nomem2:
+                 Bfree(b);
+                 Bfree(s);
+                 if (mlo != mhi)
+                     Bfree(mlo);
+                 Bfree(mhi);
+                 return NULL;
+             }
+             JS_ASSERT(e < 0);
+             /* At this point df = b * 2^e.  e must be less than zero because 0 < df < 1. */
+             s2 = -(int32)(word0(d) >> Exp_shift1 & Exp_mask>>Exp_shift1);
+ #ifndef Sudden_Underflow
+             if (!s2)
+                 s2 = -1;
+ #endif
+             s2 += Bias + P;
+             /* 1/2^s2 = (nextDouble(d) - d)/2 */
+             JS_ASSERT(-s2 < e);
+             mlo = i2b(1);
+             if (!mlo)
+                 goto nomem2;
+             mhi = mlo;
+             if (!word1(d) && !(word0(d) & Bndry_mask)
+ #ifndef Sudden_Underflow
+                 && word0(d) & (Exp_mask & Exp_mask << 1)
+ #endif
+                 ) {
+                 /* The special case.  Here we want to be within a quarter of the last input
+                    significant digit instead of one half of it when the output string's value is less than d.  */
+                 s2 += Log2P;
+                 mhi = i2b(1<<Log2P);
+                 if (!mhi)
+                     goto nomem2;
+             }
+             b = lshift(b, e + s2);
+             if (!b)
+                 goto nomem2;
+             s = i2b(1);
+             if (!s)
+                 goto nomem2;
+             s = lshift(s, s2);
+             if (!s)
+                 goto nomem2;
+             /* At this point we have the following:
+              *   s = 2^s2;
+              *   1 > df = b/2^s2 > 0;
+              *   (d - prevDouble(d))/2 = mlo/2^s2;
+              *   (nextDouble(d) - d)/2 = mhi/2^s2. */
+             done = JS_FALSE;
+             do {
+                 int32 j, j1;
+                 Bigint *delta;
+                 b = multadd(b, base, 0);
+                 if (!b)
+                     goto nomem2;
+                 digit = quorem2(b, s2);
+                 if (mlo == mhi) {
+                     mlo = mhi = multadd(mlo, base, 0);
+                     if (!mhi)
+                         goto nomem2;
+                 }
+                 else {
+                     mlo = multadd(mlo, base, 0);
+                     if (!mlo)
+                         goto nomem2;
+                     mhi = multadd(mhi, base, 0);
+                     if (!mhi)
+                         goto nomem2;
+                 }
+                 /* Do we yet have the shortest string that will round to d? */
+                 j = cmp(b, mlo);
+                 /* j is b/2^s2 compared with mlo/2^s2. */
+                 delta = diff(s, mhi);
+                 if (!delta)
+                     goto nomem2;
+                 j1 = delta->sign ? 1 : cmp(b, delta);
+                 Bfree(delta);
+                 /* j1 is b/2^s2 compared with 1 - mhi/2^s2. */
+ #ifndef ROUND_BIASED
+                 if (j1 == 0 && !(word1(d) & 1)) {
+                     if (j > 0)
+                         digit++;
+                     done = JS_TRUE;
+                 } else
+ #endif
+                 if (j < 0 || (j == 0
+ #ifndef ROUND_BIASED
+                     && !(word1(d) & 1)
+ #endif
+                     )) {
+                     if (j1 > 0) {
+                         /* Either dig or dig+1 would work here as the least significant digit.
+                            Use whichever would produce an output value closer to d. */
+                         b = lshift(b, 1);
+                         if (!b)
+                             goto nomem2;
+                         j1 = cmp(b, s);
+                         if (j1 > 0) /* The even test (|| (j1 == 0 && (digit & 1))) is not here because it messes up odd base output
+                                      * such as 3.5 in base 3.  */
+                             digit++;
+                     }
+                     done = JS_TRUE;
+                 } else if (j1 > 0) {
+                     digit++;
+                     done = JS_TRUE;
+                 }
+                 JS_ASSERT(digit < (uint32)base);
+                 *p++ = BASEDIGIT(digit);
+             } while (!done);
+             Bfree(b);
+             Bfree(s);
+             if (mlo != mhi)
+                 Bfree(mlo);
+             Bfree(mhi);
+         }
+         JS_ASSERT(p < buffer + DTOBASESTR_BUFFER_SIZE);
+         *p = '\0';
+         RELEASE_DTOA_LOCK();
+     }
+     return buffer;
+ }

ossp-pkg/js/src/jsinterp.c -> 1.3

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--- -    Sun Apr 28 08:41:07 2024
*** 0 ****
--- 1,5550 ----
+ /* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+  * vim: set ts=8 sw=4 et tw=78:
+  *
+  * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+  * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
+  *
+  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+  * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+  *
+  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+  * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+  * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+  * License.
+  *
+  * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
+  * March 31, 1998.
+  *
+  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+  * Netscape Communications Corporation.
+  * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
+  * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+  *
+  * Contributor(s):
+  *
+  * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+  * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
+  * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+  * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+  * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+  * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+  * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+  * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+  * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+  * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+  * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+  *
+  * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
+ /*
+  * JavaScript bytecode interpreter.
+  */
+ #include "jsstddef.h"
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <math.h>
+ #include "jstypes.h"
+ #include "jsarena.h" /* Added by JSIFY */
+ #include "jsutil.h" /* Added by JSIFY */
+ #include "jsprf.h"
+ #include "jsapi.h"
+ #include "jsarray.h"
+ #include "jsatom.h"
+ #include "jsbool.h"
+ #include "jscntxt.h"
+ #include "jsconfig.h"
+ #include "jsdbgapi.h"
+ #include "jsfun.h"
+ #include "jsgc.h"
+ #include "jsinterp.h"
+ #include "jslock.h"
+ #include "jsnum.h"
+ #include "jsobj.h"
+ #include "jsopcode.h"
+ #include "jsscope.h"
+ #include "jsscript.h"
+ #include "jsstr.h"
+ #if JS_HAS_JIT
+ #include "jsjit.h"
+ #endif
+ #include "jsxml.h"
+ #endif
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ #define ASSERT_CACHE_IS_EMPTY(cache)                                          \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         JSPropertyCacheEntry *end_, *pce_, entry_;                            \
+         JSPropertyCache *cache_ = (cache);                                    \
+         JS_ASSERT(cache_->empty);                                             \
+         end_ = &cache_->table[PROPERTY_CACHE_SIZE];                           \
+         for (pce_ = &cache_->table[0]; pce_ < end_; pce_++) {                 \
+             PCE_LOAD(cache_, pce_, entry_);                                   \
+             JS_ASSERT(!PCE_OBJECT(entry_));                                   \
+             JS_ASSERT(!PCE_PROPERTY(entry_));                                 \
+         }                                                                     \
+ #else
+ #define ASSERT_CACHE_IS_EMPTY(cache) ((void)0)
+ #endif
+ void
+ js_FlushPropertyCache(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     JSPropertyCache *cache;
+     cache = &cx->runtime->propertyCache;
+     if (cache->empty) {
+         ASSERT_CACHE_IS_EMPTY(cache);
+         return;
+     }
+     memset(cache->table, 0, sizeof cache->table);
+     cache->empty = JS_TRUE;
+     cache->flushes++;
+ #endif
+ }
+ void
+ js_DisablePropertyCache(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     JS_ASSERT(!cx->runtime->propertyCache.disabled);
+     cx->runtime->propertyCache.disabled = JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ void
+ js_EnablePropertyCache(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     JS_ASSERT(cx->runtime->propertyCache.disabled);
+     ASSERT_CACHE_IS_EMPTY(&cx->runtime->propertyCache);
+     cx->runtime->propertyCache.disabled = JS_FALSE;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Class for for/in loop property iterator objects.
+  */
+ static void
+ prop_iterator_finalize(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
+ {
+     jsval iter_state;
+     jsval iteratee;
+     /* Protect against stillborn iterators. */
+     iter_state = obj->slots[JSSLOT_ITER_STATE];
+     iteratee = obj->slots[JSSLOT_PARENT];
+     if (!JSVAL_IS_NULL(iter_state) && !JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(iteratee)) {
+                       &iter_state, NULL);
+     }
+     js_RemoveRoot(cx->runtime, &obj->slots[JSSLOT_PARENT]);
+ }
+ static JSClass prop_iterator_class = {
+     "PropertyIterator",
+     0,
+     JS_PropertyStub,  JS_PropertyStub,  JS_PropertyStub,  JS_PropertyStub,
+     JS_EnumerateStub, JS_ResolveStub,   JS_ConvertStub,   prop_iterator_finalize,
+ };
+ /*
+  * Stack macros and functions.  These all use a local variable, jsval *sp, to
+  * point to the next free stack slot.  SAVE_SP must be called before any call
+  * to a function that may invoke the interpreter.  RESTORE_SP must be called
+  * only after return from js_Invoke, because only js_Invoke changes fp->sp.
+  */
+ #define PUSH(v)         (*sp++ = (v))
+ #define POP()           (*--sp)
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ #define SAVE_SP(fp)                                                           \
+     (JS_ASSERT((fp)->script || !(fp)->spbase || (sp) == (fp)->spbase),        \
+      (fp)->sp = sp)
+ #else
+ #define SAVE_SP(fp)     ((fp)->sp = sp)
+ #endif
+ #define RESTORE_SP(fp)  (sp = (fp)->sp)
+ /*
+  * Push the generating bytecode's pc onto the parallel pc stack that runs
+  * depth slots below the operands.
+  *
+  * NB: PUSH_OPND uses sp, depth, and pc from its lexical environment.  See
+  * js_Interpret for these local variables' declarations and uses.
+  */
+ #define PUSH_OPND(v)    (sp[-depth] = (jsval)pc, PUSH(v))
+ #define STORE_OPND(n,v) (sp[(n)-depth] = (jsval)pc, sp[n] = (v))
+ #define POP_OPND()      POP()
+ #define FETCH_OPND(n)   (sp[n])
+ /*
+  * Push the jsdouble d using sp, depth, and pc from the lexical environment.
+  * Try to convert d to a jsint that fits in a jsval, otherwise GC-alloc space
+  * for it and push a reference.
+  */
+ #define STORE_NUMBER(cx, n, d)                                                \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         jsint i_;                                                             \
+         jsval v_;                                                             \
+                                                                               \
+         if (JSDOUBLE_IS_INT(d, i_) && INT_FITS_IN_JSVAL(i_)) {                \
+             v_ = INT_TO_JSVAL(i_);                                            \
+         } else {                                                              \
+             ok = js_NewDoubleValue(cx, d, &v_);                               \
+             if (!ok)                                                          \
+                 goto out;                                                     \
+         }                                                                     \
+         STORE_OPND(n, v_);                                                    \
+ #define FETCH_NUMBER(cx, n, d)                                                \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         jsval v_;                                                             \
+                                                                               \
+         v_ = FETCH_OPND(n);                                                   \
+         VALUE_TO_NUMBER(cx, v_, d);                                           \
+ #define FETCH_INT(cx, n, i)                                                   \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         jsval v_ = FETCH_OPND(n);                                             \
+         if (JSVAL_IS_INT(v_)) {                                               \
+             i = JSVAL_TO_INT(v_);                                             \
+         } else {                                                              \
+             SAVE_SP(fp);                                                      \
+             ok = js_ValueToECMAInt32(cx, v_, &i);                             \
+             if (!ok)                                                          \
+                 goto out;                                                     \
+         }                                                                     \
+ #define FETCH_UINT(cx, n, ui)                                                 \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         jsval v_ = FETCH_OPND(n);                                             \
+         jsint i_;                                                             \
+         if (JSVAL_IS_INT(v_) && (i_ = JSVAL_TO_INT(v_)) >= 0) {               \
+             ui = (uint32) i_;                                                 \
+         } else {                                                              \
+             SAVE_SP(fp);                                                      \
+             ok = js_ValueToECMAUint32(cx, v_, &ui);                           \
+             if (!ok)                                                          \
+                 goto out;                                                     \
+         }                                                                     \
+ /*
+  * Optimized conversion macros that test for the desired type in v before
+  * homing sp and calling a conversion function.
+  */
+ #define VALUE_TO_NUMBER(cx, v, d)                                             \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         if (JSVAL_IS_INT(v)) {                                                \
+             d = (jsdouble)JSVAL_TO_INT(v);                                    \
+         } else if (JSVAL_IS_DOUBLE(v)) {                                      \
+             d = *JSVAL_TO_DOUBLE(v);                                          \
+         } else {                                                              \
+             SAVE_SP(fp);                                                      \
+             ok = js_ValueToNumber(cx, v, &d);                                 \
+             if (!ok)                                                          \
+                 goto out;                                                     \
+         }                                                                     \
+ #define POP_BOOLEAN(cx, v, b)                                                 \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         v = FETCH_OPND(-1);                                                   \
+         if (v == JSVAL_NULL) {                                                \
+             b = JS_FALSE;                                                     \
+         } else if (JSVAL_IS_BOOLEAN(v)) {                                     \
+             b = JSVAL_TO_BOOLEAN(v);                                          \
+         } else {                                                              \
+             SAVE_SP(fp);                                                      \
+             ok = js_ValueToBoolean(cx, v, &b);                                \
+             if (!ok)                                                          \
+                 goto out;                                                     \
+         }                                                                     \
+         sp--;                                                                 \
+ #define VALUE_TO_OBJECT(cx, v, obj)                                           \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         if (!JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(v)) {                                         \
+             obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(v);                                         \
+         } else {                                                              \
+             SAVE_SP(fp);                                                      \
+             obj = js_ValueToNonNullObject(cx, v);                             \
+             if (!obj) {                                                       \
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;                                                \
+                 goto out;                                                     \
+             }                                                                 \
+         }                                                                     \
+ #define FETCH_OBJECT(cx, n, v, obj)                                           \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         v = FETCH_OPND(n);                                                    \
+         VALUE_TO_OBJECT(cx, v, obj);                                          \
+         STORE_OPND(n, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));                                  \
+ #define CHECK_VOID_TOSTRING(cx, v)                                            \
+     if (JSVAL_IS_VOID(v)) {                                                   \
+         JSString *str_;                                                       \
+         str_ = ATOM_TO_STRING(cx->runtime->atomState.typeAtoms[JSTYPE_VOID]); \
+         v = STRING_TO_JSVAL(str_);                                            \
+     }
+ #else
+ #define CHECK_VOID_TOSTRING(cx, v)  ((void)0)
+ #endif
+ #define CHECK_EAGER_TOSTRING(hint)  (hint = JSTYPE_STRING)
+ #else
+ #define CHECK_EAGER_TOSTRING(hint)  ((void)0)
+ #endif
+ #define VALUE_TO_PRIMITIVE(cx, v, hint, vp)                                   \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         if (JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(v)) {                                          \
+             CHECK_VOID_TOSTRING(cx, v);                                       \
+             *vp = v;                                                          \
+         } else {                                                              \
+             SAVE_SP(fp);                                                      \
+             CHECK_EAGER_TOSTRING(hint);                                       \
+             ok = OBJ_DEFAULT_VALUE(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(v), hint, vp);         \
+             if (!ok)                                                          \
+                 goto out;                                                     \
+         }                                                                     \
+ JS_FRIEND_API(jsval *)
+ js_AllocRawStack(JSContext *cx, uintN nslots, void **markp)
+ {
+     jsval *sp;
+     if (markp)
+         *markp = JS_ARENA_MARK(&cx->stackPool);
+     JS_ARENA_ALLOCATE_CAST(sp, jsval *, &cx->stackPool, nslots * sizeof(jsval));
+     if (!sp) {
+         JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_STACK_OVERFLOW,
+                              (cx->fp && cx->fp->fun)
+                              ? JS_GetFunctionName(cx->fp->fun)
+                              : "script");
+     }
+     return sp;
+ }
+ js_FreeRawStack(JSContext *cx, void *mark)
+ {
+     JS_ARENA_RELEASE(&cx->stackPool, mark);
+ }
+ JS_FRIEND_API(jsval *)
+ js_AllocStack(JSContext *cx, uintN nslots, void **markp)
+ {
+     jsval *sp, *vp, *end;
+     JSArena *a;
+     JSStackHeader *sh;
+     JSStackFrame *fp;
+     /* Callers don't check for zero nslots: we do to avoid empty segments. */
+     if (nslots == 0) {
+         *markp = NULL;
+         return JS_ARENA_MARK(&cx->stackPool);
+     }
+     /* Allocate 2 extra slots for the stack segment header we'll likely need. */
+     sp = js_AllocRawStack(cx, 2 + nslots, markp);
+     if (!sp)
+         return NULL;
+     /* Try to avoid another header if we can piggyback on the last segment. */
+     a = cx->stackPool.current;
+     sh = cx->stackHeaders;
+     if (sh && JS_STACK_SEGMENT(sh) + sh->nslots == sp) {
+         /* Extend the last stack segment, give back the 2 header slots. */
+         sh->nslots += nslots;
+         a->avail -= 2 * sizeof(jsval);
+     } else {
+         /*
+          * Need a new stack segment, so we must initialize unused slots in the
+          * current frame.  See js_GC, just before marking the "operand" jsvals,
+          * where we scan from fp->spbase to fp->sp or through fp->script->depth
+          * (whichever covers fewer slots).
+          */
+         fp = cx->fp;
+         if (fp && fp->script && fp->spbase) {
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+             jsuword depthdiff = fp->script->depth * sizeof(jsval);
+             JS_ASSERT(JS_UPTRDIFF(fp->sp, fp->spbase) <= depthdiff);
+             JS_ASSERT(JS_UPTRDIFF(*markp, fp->spbase) >= depthdiff);
+ #endif
+             end = fp->spbase + fp->script->depth;
+             for (vp = fp->sp; vp < end; vp++)
+                 *vp = JSVAL_VOID;
+         }
+         /* Allocate and push a stack segment header from the 2 extra slots. */
+         sh = (JSStackHeader *)sp;
+         sh->nslots = nslots;
+         sh->down = cx->stackHeaders;
+         cx->stackHeaders = sh;
+         sp += 2;
+     }
+     /*
+      * Store JSVAL_NULL using memset, to let compilers optimize as they see
+      * fit, in case a caller allocates and pushes GC-things one by one, which
+      * could nest a last-ditch GC that will scan this segment.
+      */
+     memset(sp, 0, nslots * sizeof(jsval));
+     return sp;
+ }
+ js_FreeStack(JSContext *cx, void *mark)
+ {
+     JSStackHeader *sh;
+     jsuword slotdiff;
+     /* Check for zero nslots allocation special case. */
+     if (!mark)
+         return;
+     /* We can assert because js_FreeStack always balances js_AllocStack. */
+     sh = cx->stackHeaders;
+     JS_ASSERT(sh);
+     /* If mark is in the current segment, reduce sh->nslots, else pop sh. */
+     slotdiff = JS_UPTRDIFF(mark, JS_STACK_SEGMENT(sh)) / sizeof(jsval);
+     if (slotdiff < (jsuword)sh->nslots)
+         sh->nslots = slotdiff;
+     else
+         cx->stackHeaders = sh->down;
+     /* Release the stackPool space allocated since mark was set. */
+     JS_ARENA_RELEASE(&cx->stackPool, mark);
+ }
+ JSBool
+ js_GetArgument(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, jsval *vp)
+ {
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JSBool
+ js_SetArgument(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, jsval *vp)
+ {
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JSBool
+ js_GetLocalVariable(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, jsval *vp)
+ {
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JSBool
+ js_SetLocalVariable(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, jsval *vp)
+ {
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ JSBool
+ js_ComputeThis(JSContext *cx, JSObject *thisp, JSStackFrame *fp)
+ {
+     if (thisp && OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, thisp) != &js_CallClass) {
+         /* Some objects (e.g., With) delegate 'this' to another object. */
+         thisp = OBJ_THIS_OBJECT(cx, thisp);
+         if (!thisp)
+             return JS_FALSE;
+         /* Default return value for a constructor is the new object. */
+         if (fp->flags & JSFRAME_CONSTRUCTING)
+             fp->rval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(thisp);
+     } else {
+         /*
+          * ECMA requires "the global object", but in the presence of multiple
+          * top-level objects (windows, frames, or certain layers in the client
+          * object model), we prefer fun's parent.  An example that causes this
+          * code to run:
+          *
+          *   // in window w1
+          *   function f() { return this }
+          *   function g() { return f }
+          *
+          *   // in window w2
+          *   var h = w1.g()
+          *   alert(h() == w1)
+          *
+          * The alert should display "true".
+          */
+         JS_ASSERT(!(fp->flags & JSFRAME_CONSTRUCTING));
+         if (JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(fp->argv[-2]) ||
+             !OBJ_GET_PARENT(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(fp->argv[-2]))) {
+             thisp = cx->globalObject;
+         } else {
+             jsid id;
+             jsval v;
+             uintN attrs;
+             /* Walk up the parent chain. */
+             thisp = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(fp->argv[-2]);
+             id = ATOM_TO_JSID(cx->runtime->atomState.parentAtom);
+             for (;;) {
+                 if (!OBJ_CHECK_ACCESS(cx, thisp, id, JSACC_PARENT, &v, &attrs))
+                     return JS_FALSE;
+                 if (JSVAL_IS_VOID(v))
+                     v = OBJ_GET_SLOT(cx, thisp, JSSLOT_PARENT);
+                 JS_ASSERT(JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(v) == OBJ_GET_PARENT(cx, thisp));
+                 if (JSVAL_IS_NULL(v))
+                     break;
+                 thisp = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(v);
+             }
+         }
+     }
+     fp->thisp = thisp;
+     fp->argv[-1] = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(thisp);
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ #include "jsclist.h"
+ #include "jshash.h"
+ #include "jsdtoa.h"
+ typedef struct CallKey {
+     jsval               callee;                 /* callee value */
+     const char          *filename;              /* function filename or null */
+     uintN               lineno;                 /* function lineno or 0 */
+ } CallKey;
+ /* Compensate for typeof null == "object" brain damage. */
+ #define TYPEOF(cx,v)    (JSVAL_IS_NULL(v) ? JSTYPE_NULL : JS_TypeOfValue(cx,v))
+ #define TYPENAME(t)     (((t) == JSTYPE_NULL) ? js_null_str : js_type_str[t])
+ #define NTYPEHIST       (JSTYPE_LIMIT + 1)
+ typedef struct CallValue {
+     uint32              total;                  /* total call count */
+     uint32              recycled;               /* LRU-recycled calls lost */
+     uint16              minargc;                /* minimum argument count */
+     uint16              maxargc;                /* maximum argument count */
+     struct ArgInfo {
+         uint32          typeHist[NTYPEHIST];    /* histogram by type */
+         JSCList         lruList;                /* top 10 values LRU list */
+         struct ArgValCount {
+             JSCList     lruLink;                /* LRU list linkage */
+             jsval       value;                  /* recently passed value */
+             uint32      count;                  /* number of times passed */
+             char        strbuf[112];            /* string conversion buffer */
+         } topValCounts[10];                     /* top 10 value storage */
+     } argInfo[8];
+ } CallValue;
+ typedef struct CallEntry {
+     JSHashEntry         entry;
+     CallKey             key;
+     CallValue           value;
+     char                name[32];               /* function name copy */
+ } CallEntry;
+ static void *
+ AllocCallTable(void *pool, size_t size)
+ {
+     return malloc(size);
+ }
+ static void
+ FreeCallTable(void *pool, void *item)
+ {
+     free(item);
+ }
+ static JSHashEntry *
+ AllocCallEntry(void *pool, const void *key)
+ {
+     return (JSHashEntry*) calloc(1, sizeof(CallEntry));
+ }
+ static void
+ FreeCallEntry(void *pool, JSHashEntry *he, uintN flag)
+ {
+     JS_ASSERT(flag == HT_FREE_ENTRY);
+     free(he);
+ }
+ static JSHashAllocOps callTableAllocOps = {
+     AllocCallTable, FreeCallTable,
+     AllocCallEntry, FreeCallEntry
+ };
+ js_hash_call_key(const void *key)
+ {
+     CallKey *ck = (CallKey *) key;
+     JSHashNumber hash = (jsuword)ck->callee >> 3;
+     if (ck->filename) {
+         hash = (hash << 4) ^ JS_HashString(ck->filename);
+         hash = (hash << 4) ^ ck->lineno;
+     }
+     return hash;
+ }
+ js_compare_call_keys(const void *k1, const void *k2)
+ {
+     CallKey *ck1 = (CallKey *)k1, *ck2 = (CallKey *)k2;
+     return ck1->callee == ck2->callee &&
+            ((ck1->filename && ck2->filename)
+             ? strcmp(ck1->filename, ck2->filename) == 0
+             : ck1->filename == ck2->filename) &&
+            ck1->lineno == ck2->lineno;
+ }
+ JSHashTable *js_CallTable;
+ size_t      js_LogCallToSourceLimit;
+ CallTableDumper(JSHashEntry *he, intN k, void *arg)
+ {
+     CallEntry *ce = (CallEntry *)he;
+     FILE *fp = (FILE *)arg;
+     uintN argc, i, n;
+     struct ArgInfo *ai;
+     JSType save, type;
+     JSCList *cl;
+     struct ArgValCount *avc;
+     jsval argval;
+     if (ce->key.filename) {
+         /* We're called at the end of the mark phase, so mark our filenames. */
+         js_MarkScriptFilename(ce->key.filename);
+         fprintf(fp, "%s:%u ", ce->key.filename, ce->key.lineno);
+     } else {
+         fprintf(fp, "@%p ", (void *) ce->key.callee);
+     }
+     if (ce->name[0])
+         fprintf(fp, "name %s ", ce->name);
+     fprintf(fp, "calls %lu (%lu) argc %u/%u\n",
+             (unsigned long) ce->value.total,
+             (unsigned long) ce->value.recycled,
+             ce->value.minargc, ce->value.maxargc);
+     argc = JS_MIN(ce->value.maxargc, 8);
+     for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+         ai = &ce->value.argInfo[i];
+         n = 0;
+         save = -1;
+         for (type = JSTYPE_VOID; type <= JSTYPE_LIMIT; type++) {
+             if (ai->typeHist[type]) {
+                 save = type;
+                 ++n;
+             }
+         }
+         if (n == 1) {
+             fprintf(fp, "  arg %u type %s: %lu\n",
+                     i, TYPENAME(save), (unsigned long) ai->typeHist[save]);
+         } else {
+             fprintf(fp, "  arg %u type histogram:\n", i);
+             for (type = JSTYPE_VOID; type <= JSTYPE_LIMIT; type++) {
+                 fprintf(fp, "  %9s: %8lu ",
+                        TYPENAME(type), (unsigned long) ai->typeHist[type]);
+                 for (n = (uintN) JS_HOWMANY(ai->typeHist[type], 10); n > 0; --n)
+                     fputc('*', fp);
+                 fputc('\n', fp);
+             }
+         }
+         fprintf(fp, "  arg %u top 10 values:\n", i);
+         n = 1;
+         for (cl = ai->lruList.prev; cl != &ai->lruList; cl = cl->prev) {
+             avc = (struct ArgValCount *)cl;
+             if (!avc->count)
+                 break;
+             argval = avc->value;
+             fprintf(fp, "  %9u: %8lu %.*s (%#lx)\n",
+                     n, (unsigned long) avc->count,
+                     sizeof avc->strbuf, avc->strbuf, argval);
+             ++n;
+         }
+     }
+     return HT_ENUMERATE_NEXT;
+ }
+ void
+ js_DumpCallTable(JSContext *cx)
+ {
+     char name[24];
+     FILE *fp;
+     static uintN dumpCount;
+     if (!js_CallTable)
+         return;
+     JS_snprintf(name, sizeof name, "/tmp/calltable.dump.%u", dumpCount & 7);
+     dumpCount++;
+     fp = fopen(name, "w");
+     if (!fp)
+         return;
+     JS_HashTableEnumerateEntries(js_CallTable, CallTableDumper, fp);
+     fclose(fp);
+ }
+ static void
+ LogCall(JSContext *cx, jsval callee, uintN argc, jsval *argv)
+ {
+     CallKey key;
+     const char *name, *cstr;
+     JSFunction *fun;
+     JSHashNumber keyHash;
+     JSHashEntry **hep, *he;
+     CallEntry *ce;
+     uintN i, j;
+     jsval argval;
+     JSType type;
+     struct ArgInfo *ai;
+     struct ArgValCount *avc;
+     JSString *str;
+     if (!js_CallTable) {
+         js_CallTable = JS_NewHashTable(1024, js_hash_call_key,
+                                        js_compare_call_keys, NULL,
+                                        &callTableAllocOps, NULL);
+         if (!js_CallTable)
+             return;
+     }
+     key.callee = callee;
+     key.filename = NULL;
+     key.lineno = 0;
+     name = "";
+     if (JSVAL_IS_FUNCTION(cx, callee)) {
+         fun = (JSFunction *) JS_GetPrivate(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(callee));
+         if (fun->atom)
+             name = js_AtomToPrintableString(cx, fun->atom);
+         if (fun->interpreted) {
+             key.filename = fun->u.script->filename;
+             key.lineno = fun->u.script->lineno;
+         }
+     }
+     keyHash = js_hash_call_key(&key);
+     hep = JS_HashTableRawLookup(js_CallTable, keyHash, &key);
+     he = *hep;
+     if (he) {
+         ce = (CallEntry *) he;
+         JS_ASSERT(strncmp(ce->name, name, sizeof ce->name) == 0);
+     } else {
+         he = JS_HashTableRawAdd(js_CallTable, hep, keyHash, &key, NULL);
+         if (!he)
+             return;
+         ce = (CallEntry *) he;
+         ce->entry.key = &ce->key;
+         ce->entry.value = &ce->value;
+         ce->key = key;
+         for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+             ai = &ce->value.argInfo[i];
+             JS_INIT_CLIST(&ai->lruList);
+             for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
+                 JS_APPEND_LINK(&ai->topValCounts[j].lruLink, &ai->lruList);
+         }
+         strncpy(ce->name, name, sizeof ce->name);
+     }
+     ++ce->value.total;
+     if (ce->value.minargc < argc)
+         ce->value.minargc = argc;
+     if (ce->value.maxargc < argc)
+         ce->value.maxargc = argc;
+     if (argc > 8)
+         argc = 8;
+     for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+         ai = &ce->value.argInfo[i];
+         argval = argv[i];
+         type = TYPEOF(cx, argval);
+         ++ai->typeHist[type];
+         for (j = 0; ; j++) {
+             if (j == 10) {
+                 avc = (struct ArgValCount *) ai->lruList.next;
+                 ce->value.recycled += avc->count;
+                 avc->value = argval;
+                 avc->count = 1;
+                 break;
+             }
+             avc = &ai->topValCounts[j];
+             if (avc->value == argval) {
+                 ++avc->count;
+                 break;
+             }
+         }
+         /* Move avc to the back of the LRU list. */
+         JS_REMOVE_LINK(&avc->lruLink);
+         JS_APPEND_LINK(&avc->lruLink, &ai->lruList);
+         str = NULL;
+         cstr = "";
+         switch (TYPEOF(cx, argval)) {
+           case JSTYPE_VOID:
+             cstr = js_type_str[JSTYPE_VOID];
+             break;
+           case JSTYPE_NULL:
+             cstr = js_null_str;
+             break;
+           case JSTYPE_BOOLEAN:
+             cstr = js_boolean_str[JSVAL_TO_BOOLEAN(argval)];
+             break;
+           case JSTYPE_NUMBER:
+             if (JSVAL_IS_INT(argval)) {
+                 JS_snprintf(avc->strbuf, sizeof avc->strbuf, "%ld",
+                             JSVAL_TO_INT(argval));
+             } else {
+                 JS_dtostr(avc->strbuf, sizeof avc->strbuf, DTOSTR_STANDARD, 0,
+                           *JSVAL_TO_DOUBLE(argval));
+             }
+             continue;
+           case JSTYPE_STRING:
+             str = js_QuoteString(cx, JSVAL_TO_STRING(argval), (jschar)'"');
+             break;
+           case JSTYPE_FUNCTION:
+             if (JSVAL_IS_FUNCTION(cx, argval)) {
+                 fun = (JSFunction *)JS_GetPrivate(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(argval));
+                 if (fun && fun->atom) {
+                     str = ATOM_TO_STRING(fun->atom);
+                     break;
+                 }
+             }
+             /* FALL THROUGH */
+           case JSTYPE_OBJECT:
+             js_LogCallToSourceLimit = sizeof avc->strbuf;
+             cx->options |= JSOPTION_LOGCALL_TOSOURCE;
+             str = js_ValueToSource(cx, argval);
+             cx->options &= ~JSOPTION_LOGCALL_TOSOURCE;
+             break;
+         }
+         if (str)
+             cstr = JS_GetStringBytes(str);
+         strncpy(avc->strbuf, cstr, sizeof avc->strbuf);
+     }
+ }
+ #endif /* DUMP_CALL_TABLE */
+ /*
+  * Find a function reference and its 'this' object implicit first parameter
+  * under argc arguments on cx's stack, and call the function.  Push missing
+  * required arguments, allocate declared local variables, and pop everything
+  * when done.  Then push the return value.
+  */
+ js_Invoke(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, uintN flags)
+ {
+     void *mark;
+     JSStackFrame *fp, frame;
+     jsval *sp, *newsp, *limit;
+     jsval *vp, v;
+     JSObject *funobj, *parent, *thisp;
+     JSBool ok;
+     JSClass *clasp;
+     JSObjectOps *ops;
+     JSNative native;
+     JSFunction *fun;
+     JSScript *script;
+     uintN nslots, nvars, nalloc, surplus;
+     JSInterpreterHook hook;
+     void *hookData;
+     /* Mark the top of stack and load frequently-used registers. */
+     mark = JS_ARENA_MARK(&cx->stackPool);
+     fp = cx->fp;
+     sp = fp->sp;
+     /*
+      * Set vp to the callee value's stack slot (it's where rval goes).
+      * Once vp is set, control should flow through label out2: to return.
+      * Set frame.rval early so native class and object ops can throw and
+      * return false, causing a goto out2 with ok set to false.  Also set
+      * frame.flags to flags so that ComputeThis can test bits in it.
+      */
+     vp = sp - (2 + argc);
+     v = *vp;
+     frame.rval = JSVAL_VOID;
+     frame.flags = flags;
+     thisp = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(vp[1]);
+     /*
+      * A callee must be an object reference, unless its |this| parameter
+      * implements the __noSuchMethod__ method, in which case that method will
+      * be called like so:
+      *
+      *   thisp.__noSuchMethod__(id, args)
+      *
+      * where id is the name of the method that this invocation attempted to
+      * call by name, and args is an Array containing this invocation's actual
+      * parameters.
+      */
+     if (JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(v)) {
+         jsid id;
+         jsbytecode *pc;
+         jsatomid atomIndex;
+         JSAtom *atom;
+         JSObject *argsobj;
+         JSArena *a;
+         if (!fp->script || (flags & JSINVOKE_INTERNAL))
+             goto bad;
+         /*
+          * We must ComputeThis here to censor Call objects; performance hit,
+          * but at least it's idempotent.
+          *
+          * Normally, we call ComputeThis after all frame members have been
+          * set, and in particular, after any revision of the callee value at
+          * *vp  due to clasp->convert (see below).  This matters because
+          * ComputeThis may access *vp via fp->argv[-2], to follow the parent
+          * chain to a global object to use as the |this| parameter.
+          *
+          * Obviously, here in the JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(v) case, there can't be
+          * any such defaulting of |this| to callee (v, *vp) ancestor.
+          */
+         frame.argv = vp + 2;
+         ok = js_ComputeThis(cx, thisp, &frame);
+         if (!ok)
+             goto out2;
+         thisp = frame.thisp;
+         id = ATOM_TO_JSID(cx->runtime->atomState.noSuchMethodAtom);
+         if (OBJECT_IS_XML(cx, thisp)) {
+             JSXMLObjectOps *ops;
+             ops = (JSXMLObjectOps *) thisp->map->ops;
+             thisp = ops->getMethod(cx, thisp, id, &v);
+             if (!thisp) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out2;
+             }
+             vp[1] = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(thisp);
+         } else {
+ #endif
+             ok = OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(cx, thisp, id, &v);
+         }
+ #endif
+         if (!ok)
+             goto out2;
+         if (JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(v))
+             goto bad;
+         pc = (jsbytecode *) vp[-(intN)fp->script->depth];
+         switch ((JSOp) *pc) {
+           case JSOP_NAME:
+           case JSOP_GETPROP:
+           case JSOP_GETMETHOD:
+ #endif
+             atomIndex = GET_ATOM_INDEX(pc);
+             atom = js_GetAtom(cx, &fp->script->atomMap, atomIndex);
+             argsobj = js_NewArrayObject(cx, argc, vp + 2);
+             if (!argsobj) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out2;
+             }
+             sp = vp + 4;
+             if (argc < 2) {
+                 a = cx->stackPool.current;
+                 if ((jsuword)sp > a->limit) {
+                     /*
+                      * Arguments must be contiguous, and must include argv[-1]
+                      * and argv[-2], so allocate more stack, advance sp, and
+                      * set newsp[1] to thisp (vp[1]).  The other argv elements
+                      * will be set below, using negative indexing from sp.
+                      */
+                     newsp = js_AllocRawStack(cx, 4, NULL);
+                     if (!newsp) {
+                         ok = JS_FALSE;
+                         goto out2;
+                     }
+                     newsp[1] = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(thisp);
+                     sp = newsp + 4;
+                 } else if ((jsuword)sp > a->avail) {
+                     /*
+                      * Inline, optimized version of JS_ARENA_ALLOCATE to claim
+                      * the small number of words not already allocated as part
+                      * of the caller's operand stack.
+                      */
+                     JS_ArenaCountAllocation(&cx->stackPool,
+                                             (jsuword)sp - a->avail);
+                     a->avail = (jsuword)sp;
+                 }
+             }
+             sp[-4] = v;
+             JS_ASSERT(sp[-3] == OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(thisp));
+             sp[-2] = ATOM_KEY(atom);
+             sp[-1] = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(argsobj);
+             fp->sp = sp;
+             argc = 2;
+             break;
+           default:
+             goto bad;
+         }
+ #else
+         goto bad;
+ #endif
+     }
+     funobj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(v);
+     parent = OBJ_GET_PARENT(cx, funobj);
+     clasp = OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, funobj);
+     if (clasp != &js_FunctionClass) {
+         /* Function is inlined, all other classes use object ops. */
+         ops = funobj->map->ops;
+         /*
+          * XXX this makes no sense -- why convert to function if clasp->call?
+          * XXX better to call that hook without converting
+          * XXX the only thing that needs fixing is liveconnect
+          *
+          * Try converting to function, for closure and API compatibility.
+          * We attempt the conversion under all circumstances for 1.2, but
+          * only if there is a call op defined otherwise.
+          */
+         if (JS_VERSION_IS_1_2(cx) ||
+             ((ops == &js_ObjectOps) ? clasp->call : ops->call)) {
+             ok = clasp->convert(cx, funobj, JSTYPE_FUNCTION, &v);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out2;
+             if (JSVAL_IS_FUNCTION(cx, v)) {
+                 /* Make vp refer to funobj to keep it available as argv[-2]. */
+                 *vp = v;
+                 funobj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(v);
+                 parent = OBJ_GET_PARENT(cx, funobj);
+                 goto have_fun;
+             }
+         }
+         fun = NULL;
+         script = NULL;
+         nslots = nvars = 0;
+         /* Try a call or construct native object op. */
+         native = (flags & JSINVOKE_CONSTRUCT) ? ops->construct : ops->call;
+         if (!native)
+             goto bad;
+     } else {
+ have_fun:
+         /* Get private data and set derived locals from it. */
+         fun = (JSFunction *) JS_GetPrivate(cx, funobj);
+         if (fun->interpreted) {
+             native = NULL;
+             script = fun->u.script;
+         } else {
+             native = fun->u.native;
+             script = NULL;
+         }
+         nslots = (fun->nargs > argc) ? fun->nargs - argc : 0;
+         nslots += fun->extra;
+         nvars = fun->nvars;
+         /* Handle bound method special case. */
+         if (fun->flags & JSFUN_BOUND_METHOD)
+             thisp = parent;
+     }
+     /* Initialize the rest of frame, except for sp (set by SAVE_SP later). */
+     frame.varobj = NULL;
+     frame.callobj = frame.argsobj = NULL;
+     frame.script = script;
+     frame.fun = fun;
+     frame.argc = argc;
+     frame.argv = sp - argc;
+     frame.nvars = nvars;
+     frame.vars = sp;
+     frame.down = fp;
+     frame.annotation = NULL;
+     frame.scopeChain = NULL;    /* set below for real, after cx->fp is set */
+     frame.pc = NULL;
+     frame.spbase = NULL;
+     frame.sharpDepth = 0;
+     frame.sharpArray = NULL;
+     frame.dormantNext = NULL;
+     frame.xmlNamespace = NULL;
+     /* Compute the 'this' parameter and store it in frame as frame.thisp. */
+     ok = js_ComputeThis(cx, thisp, &frame);
+     if (!ok)
+         goto out2;
+     /* From here on, control must flow through label out: to return. */
+     cx->fp = &frame;
+     /* Init these now in case we goto out before first hook call. */
+     hook = cx->runtime->callHook;
+     hookData = NULL;
+     /* Check for argument slots required by the function. */
+     if (nslots) {
+         /* All arguments must be contiguous, so we may have to copy actuals. */
+         nalloc = nslots;
+         limit = (jsval *) cx->stackPool.current->limit;
+         if (sp + nslots > limit) {
+             /* Hit end of arena: we have to copy argv[-2..(argc+nslots-1)]. */
+             nalloc += 2 + argc;
+         } else {
+             /* Take advantage of surplus slots in the caller's frame depth. */
+             JS_ASSERT((jsval *)mark >= sp);
+             surplus = (jsval *)mark - sp;
+             nalloc -= surplus;
+         }
+         /* Check whether we have enough space in the caller's frame. */
+         if ((intN)nalloc > 0) {
+             /* Need space for actuals plus missing formals minus surplus. */
+             newsp = js_AllocRawStack(cx, nalloc, NULL);
+             if (!newsp) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             /* If we couldn't allocate contiguous args, copy actuals now. */
+             if (newsp != mark) {
+                 JS_ASSERT(sp + nslots > limit);
+                 JS_ASSERT(2 + argc + nslots == nalloc);
+                 *newsp++ = vp[0];
+                 *newsp++ = vp[1];
+                 if (argc)
+                     memcpy(newsp, frame.argv, argc * sizeof(jsval));
+                 frame.argv = newsp;
+                 sp = frame.vars = newsp + argc;
+             }
+         }
+         /* Advance frame.vars to make room for the missing args. */
+         frame.vars += nslots;
+         /* Push void to initialize missing args. */
+         do {
+             PUSH(JSVAL_VOID);
+         } while (--nslots != 0);
+     }
+     JS_ASSERT(nslots == 0);
+     /* Now allocate stack space for local variables. */
+     if (nvars) {
+         JS_ASSERT((jsval *)cx->stackPool.current->avail >= frame.vars);
+         surplus = (jsval *)cx->stackPool.current->avail - frame.vars;
+         if (surplus < nvars) {
+             newsp = js_AllocRawStack(cx, nvars, NULL);
+             if (!newsp) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             if (newsp != sp) {
+                 /* NB: Discontinuity between argv and vars. */
+                 sp = frame.vars = newsp;
+             }
+         }
+         /* Push void to initialize local variables. */
+         do {
+             PUSH(JSVAL_VOID);
+         } while (--nvars != 0);
+     }
+     JS_ASSERT(nvars == 0);
+     /* Store the current sp in frame before calling fun. */
+     SAVE_SP(&frame);
+     /* call the hook if present */
+     if (hook && (native || script))
+         hookData = hook(cx, &frame, JS_TRUE, 0, cx->runtime->callHookData);
+     /* Call the function, either a native method or an interpreted script. */
+     if (native) {
+         /* Set by JS_SetCallReturnValue2, used to return reference types. */
+         cx->rval2set = JS_FALSE;
+ #endif
+         /* If native, use caller varobj and scopeChain for eval. */
+         frame.varobj = fp->varobj;
+         frame.scopeChain = fp->scopeChain;
+         ok = native(cx, frame.thisp, argc, frame.argv, &frame.rval);
+         JS_RUNTIME_METER(cx->runtime, nativeCalls);
+     } else if (script) {
+         LogCall(cx, *vp, argc, frame.argv);
+ #endif
+         /* Use parent scope so js_GetCallObject can find the right "Call". */
+         frame.scopeChain = parent;
+         if (fun->flags & JSFUN_HEAVYWEIGHT) {
+             /* Scope with a call object parented by the callee's parent. */
+             if (!js_GetCallObject(cx, &frame, parent)) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+ #else
+             /* Bad old code used the function as a proxy for all calls to it. */
+             frame.scopeChain = funobj;
+ #endif
+         }
+         ok = js_Interpret(cx, script->code, &v);
+     } else {
+         /* fun might be onerror trying to report a syntax error in itself. */
+         frame.scopeChain = NULL;
+         ok = JS_TRUE;
+     }
+ out:
+     if (hookData) {
+         hook = cx->runtime->callHook;
+         if (hook)
+             hook(cx, &frame, JS_FALSE, &ok, hookData);
+     }
+     /* If frame has a call object, sync values and clear back-pointer. */
+     if (frame.callobj)
+         ok &= js_PutCallObject(cx, &frame);
+ #endif
+     /* If frame has an arguments object, sync values and clear back-pointer. */
+     if (frame.argsobj)
+         ok &= js_PutArgsObject(cx, &frame);
+ #endif
+     /* Restore cx->fp now that we're done releasing frame objects. */
+     cx->fp = fp;
+ out2:
+     /* Pop everything we may have allocated off the stack. */
+     JS_ARENA_RELEASE(&cx->stackPool, mark);
+     /* Store the return value and restore sp just above it. */
+     *vp = frame.rval;
+     fp->sp = vp + 1;
+     /*
+      * Store the location of the JSOP_CALL or JSOP_EVAL that generated the
+      * return value, but only if this is an external (compiled from script
+      * source) call that has stack budget for the generating pc.
+      */
+     if (fp->script && !(flags & JSINVOKE_INTERNAL))
+         vp[-(intN)fp->script->depth] = (jsval)fp->pc;
+     return ok;
+ bad:
+     js_ReportIsNotFunction(cx, vp, flags & JSINVOKE_CONSTRUCT);
+     ok = JS_FALSE;
+     goto out2;
+ }
+ JSBool
+ js_InternalInvoke(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval fval, uintN flags,
+                   uintN argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval)
+ {
+     JSStackFrame *fp, *oldfp, frame;
+     jsval *oldsp, *sp;
+     void *mark;
+     uintN i;
+     JSBool ok;
+     fp = oldfp = cx->fp;
+     if (!fp) {
+         memset(&frame, 0, sizeof frame);
+         cx->fp = fp = &frame;
+     }
+     oldsp = fp->sp;
+     sp = js_AllocStack(cx, 2 + argc, &mark);
+     if (!sp) {
+         ok = JS_FALSE;
+         goto out;
+     }
+     PUSH(fval);
+     for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
+         PUSH(argv[i]);
+     SAVE_SP(fp);
+     ok = js_Invoke(cx, argc, flags | JSINVOKE_INTERNAL);
+     if (ok) {
+         RESTORE_SP(fp);
+         /*
+          * Store *rval in the a scoped local root if a scope is open, else in
+          * the cx->lastInternalResult pigeon-hole GC root, solely so users of
+          * js_InternalInvoke and its direct and indirect (js_ValueToString for
+          * example) callers do not need to manage roots for local, temporary
+          * references to such results.
+          */
+         *rval = POP_OPND();
+         if (JSVAL_IS_GCTHING(*rval)) {
+             if (cx->localRootStack) {
+                 if (js_PushLocalRoot(cx, cx->localRootStack, *rval) < 0)
+                     ok = JS_FALSE;
+             } else {
+                 cx->lastInternalResult = *rval;
+             }
+         }
+     }
+     js_FreeStack(cx, mark);
+ out:
+     fp->sp = oldsp;
+     if (oldfp != fp)
+         cx->fp = oldfp;
+     return ok;
+ }
+ JSBool
+ js_InternalGetOrSet(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsid id, jsval fval,
+                     JSAccessMode mode, uintN argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval)
+ {
+     /*
+      * Check general (not object-ops/class-specific) access from the running
+      * script to obj.id only if id has a scripted getter or setter that we're
+      * about to invoke.  If we don't check this case, nothing else will -- no
+      * other native code has the chance to check.
+      *
+      * Contrast this non-native (scripted) case with native getter and setter
+      * accesses, where the native itself must do an access check, if security
+      * policies requires it.  We make a checkAccess or checkObjectAccess call
+      * back to the embedding program only in those cases where we're not going
+      * to call an embedding-defined native function, getter, setter, or class
+      * hook anyway.  Where we do call such a native, there's no need for the
+      * engine to impose a separate access check callback on all embeddings --
+      * many embeddings have no security policy at all.
+      */
+     JS_ASSERT(mode == JSACC_READ || mode == JSACC_WRITE);
+     if (cx->runtime->checkObjectAccess &&
+         JSVAL_IS_FUNCTION(cx, fval) &&
+         ((JSFunction *)JS_GetPrivate(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(fval)))->interpreted &&
+         !cx->runtime->checkObjectAccess(cx, obj, ID_TO_VALUE(id), mode,
+                                         &fval)) {
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     }
+     return js_InternalCall(cx, obj, fval, argc, argv, rval);
+ }
+ JSBool
+ js_Execute(JSContext *cx, JSObject *chain, JSScript *script,
+            JSStackFrame *down, uintN flags, jsval *result)
+ {
+     JSInterpreterHook hook;
+     void *hookData, *mark;
+     JSStackFrame *oldfp, frame;
+     JSObject *obj, *tmp;
+     JSBool ok;
+     hook = cx->runtime->executeHook;
+     hookData = mark = NULL;
+     oldfp = cx->fp;
+     frame.callobj = frame.argsobj = NULL;
+     frame.script = script;
+     if (down) {
+         /* Propagate arg/var state for eval and the debugger API. */
+         frame.varobj = down->varobj;
+         frame.fun = down->fun;
+         frame.thisp = down->thisp;
+         frame.argc = down->argc;
+         frame.argv = down->argv;
+         frame.nvars = down->nvars;
+         frame.vars = down->vars;
+         frame.annotation = down->annotation;
+         frame.sharpArray = down->sharpArray;
+     } else {
+         obj = chain;
+         if (cx->options & JSOPTION_VAROBJFIX) {
+             while ((tmp = OBJ_GET_PARENT(cx, obj)) != NULL)
+                 obj = tmp;
+         }
+         frame.varobj = obj;
+         frame.fun = NULL;
+         frame.thisp = chain;
+         frame.argc = 0;
+         frame.argv = NULL;
+         frame.nvars = script->numGlobalVars;
+         if (frame.nvars) {
+             frame.vars = js_AllocRawStack(cx, frame.nvars, &mark);
+             if (!frame.vars)
+                 return JS_FALSE;
+             memset(frame.vars, 0, frame.nvars * sizeof(jsval));
+         } else {
+             frame.vars = NULL;
+         }
+         frame.annotation = NULL;
+         frame.sharpArray = NULL;
+     }
+     frame.rval = JSVAL_VOID;
+     frame.down = down;
+     frame.scopeChain = chain;
+     frame.pc = NULL;
+     frame.sp = oldfp ? oldfp->sp : NULL;
+     frame.spbase = NULL;
+     frame.sharpDepth = 0;
+     frame.flags = flags;
+     frame.dormantNext = NULL;
+     frame.xmlNamespace = NULL;
+     /*
+      * Here we wrap the call to js_Interpret with code to (conditionally)
+      * save and restore the old stack frame chain into a chain of 'dormant'
+      * frame chains.  Since we are replacing cx->fp, we were running into
+      * the problem that if GC was called under this frame, some of the GC
+      * things associated with the old frame chain (available here only in
+      * the C variable 'oldfp') were not rooted and were being collected.
+      *
+      * So, now we preserve the links to these 'dormant' frame chains in cx
+      * before calling js_Interpret and cleanup afterwards.  The GC walks
+      * these dormant chains and marks objects in the same way that it marks
+      * objects in the primary cx->fp chain.
+      */
+     if (oldfp && oldfp != down) {
+         JS_ASSERT(!oldfp->dormantNext);
+         oldfp->dormantNext = cx->dormantFrameChain;
+         cx->dormantFrameChain = oldfp;
+     }
+     cx->fp = &frame;
+     if (hook)
+         hookData = hook(cx, &frame, JS_TRUE, 0, cx->runtime->executeHookData);
+     /*
+      * Use frame.rval, not result, so the last result stays rooted across any
+      * GC activations nested within this js_Interpret.
+      */
+     ok = js_Interpret(cx, script->code, &frame.rval);
+     *result = frame.rval;
+     if (hookData) {
+         hook = cx->runtime->executeHook;
+         if (hook)
+             hook(cx, &frame, JS_FALSE, &ok, hookData);
+     }
+     if (mark)
+         js_FreeRawStack(cx, mark);
+     cx->fp = oldfp;
+     if (oldfp && oldfp != down) {
+         JS_ASSERT(cx->dormantFrameChain == oldfp);
+         cx->dormantFrameChain = oldfp->dormantNext;
+         oldfp->dormantNext = NULL;
+     }
+     return ok;
+ }
+ /*
+  * If id is JSVAL_VOID, import all exported properties from obj.
+  */
+ static JSBool
+ ImportProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsid id)
+ {
+     JSBool ok;
+     JSIdArray *ida;
+     JSProperty *prop;
+     JSObject *obj2, *target, *funobj, *closure;
+     JSString *str;
+     uintN attrs;
+     jsint i;
+     jsval value;
+     if (JSVAL_IS_VOID(id)) {
+         ida = JS_Enumerate(cx, obj);
+         if (!ida)
+             return JS_FALSE;
+         ok = JS_TRUE;
+         if (ida->length == 0)
+             goto out;
+     } else {
+         ida = NULL;
+         if (!OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &obj2, &prop))
+             return JS_FALSE;
+         if (!prop) {
+             str = js_DecompileValueGenerator(cx, JSDVG_IGNORE_STACK,
+                                              ID_TO_VALUE(id), NULL);
+             if (str)
+                 js_ReportIsNotDefined(cx, JS_GetStringBytes(str));
+             return JS_FALSE;
+         }
+         ok = OBJ_GET_ATTRIBUTES(cx, obj, id, prop, &attrs);
+         OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+         if (!ok)
+             return JS_FALSE;
+         if (!(attrs & JSPROP_EXPORTED)) {
+             str = js_DecompileValueGenerator(cx, JSDVG_IGNORE_STACK,
+                                              ID_TO_VALUE(id), NULL);
+             if (str) {
+                 JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
+                                      JSMSG_NOT_EXPORTED,
+                                      JS_GetStringBytes(str));
+             }
+             return JS_FALSE;
+         }
+     }
+     target = cx->fp->varobj;
+     i = 0;
+     do {
+         if (ida) {
+             id = ida->vector[i];
+             ok = OBJ_GET_ATTRIBUTES(cx, obj, id, NULL, &attrs);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             if (!(attrs & JSPROP_EXPORTED))
+                 continue;
+         }
+         ok = OBJ_CHECK_ACCESS(cx, obj, id, JSACC_IMPORT, &value, &attrs);
+         if (!ok)
+             goto out;
+         if (JSVAL_IS_FUNCTION(cx, value)) {
+             funobj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(value);
+             closure = js_CloneFunctionObject(cx, funobj, obj);
+             if (!closure) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             value = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(closure);
+         }
+         /*
+          * Handle the case of importing a property that refers to a local
+          * variable or formal parameter of a function activation.  These
+          * properties are accessed by opcodes using stack slot numbers
+          * generated by the compiler rather than runtime name-lookup.  These
+          * local references, therefore, bypass the normal scope chain lookup.
+          * So, instead of defining a new property in the activation object,
+          * modify the existing value in the stack slot.
+          */
+         if (OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, target) == &js_CallClass) {
+             ok = OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY(cx, target, id, &obj2, &prop);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+         } else {
+             prop = NULL;
+         }
+         if (prop && target == obj2) {
+             ok = OBJ_SET_PROPERTY(cx, target, id, &value);
+         } else {
+             ok = OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY(cx, target, id, value, NULL, NULL,
+                                      attrs & ~JSPROP_EXPORTED,
+                                      NULL);
+         }
+         if (prop)
+             OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+         if (!ok)
+             goto out;
+     } while (ida && ++i < ida->length);
+ out:
+     if (ida)
+         JS_DestroyIdArray(cx, ida);
+     return ok;
+ }
+ #endif /* JS_HAS_EXPORT_IMPORT */
+ JSBool
+ js_CheckRedeclaration(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsid id, uintN attrs,
+                       JSObject **objp, JSProperty **propp)
+ {
+     JSObject *obj2;
+     JSProperty *prop;
+     uintN oldAttrs, report;
+     JSBool isFunction;
+     jsval value;
+     const char *type, *name;
+     if (!OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &obj2, &prop))
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     if (propp) {
+         *objp = obj2;
+         *propp = prop;
+     }
+     if (!prop)
+         return JS_TRUE;
+     /* From here, return true, or goto bad on failure to drop prop. */
+     if (!OBJ_GET_ATTRIBUTES(cx, obj2, id, prop, &oldAttrs))
+         goto bad;
+     /* If either property is readonly, we have an error. */
+     report = ((oldAttrs | attrs) & JSPROP_READONLY)
+              ? JSREPORT_ERROR
+     if (report != JSREPORT_ERROR) {
+         /*
+          * Allow redeclaration of variables and functions, but insist that the
+          * new value is not a getter if the old value was, ditto for setters --
+          * unless prop is impermanent (in which case anyone could delete it and
+          * redefine it, willy-nilly).
+          */
+         if (!(attrs & (JSPROP_GETTER | JSPROP_SETTER)))
+             return JS_TRUE;
+         if ((~(oldAttrs ^ attrs) & (JSPROP_GETTER | JSPROP_SETTER)) == 0)
+             return JS_TRUE;
+         if (!(oldAttrs & JSPROP_PERMANENT))
+             return JS_TRUE;
+         report = JSREPORT_ERROR;
+     }
+     isFunction = (oldAttrs & (JSPROP_GETTER | JSPROP_SETTER)) != 0;
+     if (!isFunction) {
+         if (!OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &value))
+             goto bad;
+         isFunction = JSVAL_IS_FUNCTION(cx, value);
+     }
+     type = (oldAttrs & attrs & JSPROP_GETTER)
+            ? js_getter_str
+            : (oldAttrs & attrs & JSPROP_SETTER)
+            ? js_setter_str
+            : (oldAttrs & JSPROP_READONLY)
+            ? js_const_str
+            : isFunction
+            ? js_function_str
+            : js_var_str;
+     name = js_AtomToPrintableString(cx, JSID_TO_ATOM(id));
+     if (!name)
+         goto bad;
+     return JS_ReportErrorFlagsAndNumber(cx, report,
+                                         js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
+                                         JSMSG_REDECLARED_VAR,
+                                         type, name);
+ bad:
+     if (propp) {
+         *objp = NULL;
+         *propp = NULL;
+     }
+     OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+     return JS_FALSE;
+ }
+ JSBool
+ js_StrictlyEqual(jsval lval, jsval rval)
+ {
+     jsval ltag = JSVAL_TAG(lval), rtag = JSVAL_TAG(rval);
+     jsdouble ld, rd;
+     if (ltag == rtag) {
+         if (ltag == JSVAL_STRING) {
+             JSString *lstr = JSVAL_TO_STRING(lval),
+                      *rstr = JSVAL_TO_STRING(rval);
+             return js_CompareStrings(lstr, rstr) == 0;
+         }
+         if (ltag == JSVAL_DOUBLE) {
+             ld = *JSVAL_TO_DOUBLE(lval);
+             rd = *JSVAL_TO_DOUBLE(rval);
+             return JSDOUBLE_COMPARE(ld, ==, rd, JS_FALSE);
+         }
+         return lval == rval;
+     }
+     if (ltag == JSVAL_DOUBLE && JSVAL_IS_INT(rval)) {
+         ld = *JSVAL_TO_DOUBLE(lval);
+         rd = JSVAL_TO_INT(rval);
+         return JSDOUBLE_COMPARE(ld, ==, rd, JS_FALSE);
+     }
+     if (JSVAL_IS_INT(lval) && rtag == JSVAL_DOUBLE) {
+         ld = JSVAL_TO_INT(lval);
+         rd = *JSVAL_TO_DOUBLE(rval);
+         return JSDOUBLE_COMPARE(ld, ==, rd, JS_FALSE);
+     }
+     return lval == rval;
+ }
+ static JSBool
+ InternStringElementId(JSContext *cx, jsval idval, jsid *idp)
+ {
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     atom = js_ValueToStringAtom(cx, idval);
+     if (!atom)
+         return JS_FALSE;
+     *idp = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+     return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ static JSBool
+ InternNonIntElementId(JSContext *cx, jsval idval, jsid *idp)
+ {
+     JS_ASSERT(!JSVAL_IS_INT(idval));
+     if (JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(idval)) {
+         *idp = OBJECT_JSVAL_TO_JSID(idval);
+         return JS_TRUE;
+     }
+ #endif
+     return InternStringElementId(cx, idval, idp);
+ }
+ #define CHECK_ELEMENT_ID(obj, id)                                             \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         if (JSID_IS_OBJECT(id) && !OBJECT_IS_XML(cx, obj)) {                  \
+             SAVE_SP(fp);                                                      \
+             ok = InternStringElementId(cx, OBJECT_JSID_TO_JSVAL(id), &id);    \
+             if (!ok)                                                          \
+                 goto out;                                                     \
+         }                                                                     \
+ #else
+ #define CHECK_ELEMENT_ID(obj, id)       JS_ASSERT(!JSID_IS_OBJECT(id))
+ #endif
+ #if defined(XP_OS2)
+ #define MAX_INTERP_LEVEL 250
+ #else
+ #define MAX_INTERP_LEVEL 1000
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #define MAX_INLINE_CALL_COUNT 1000
+ JSBool
+ js_Interpret(JSContext *cx, jsbytecode *pc, jsval *result)
+ {
+     JSRuntime *rt;
+     JSStackFrame *fp;
+     JSScript *script;
+     uintN inlineCallCount;
+     JSObject *obj, *obj2, *proto, *parent;
+     JSVersion currentVersion, originalVersion;
+     JSBranchCallback onbranch;
+     JSBool ok, cond;
+     JSTrapHandler interruptHandler;
+     jsint depth, len;
+     jsval *sp, *newsp;
+     void *mark;
+     jsbytecode *endpc, *pc2;
+     JSOp op, op2;
+ #ifdef OSSP
+     const JSCodeSpec *cs = NULL;
+ #else
+     const JSCodeSpec *cs;
+ #endif
+     jsatomid atomIndex;
+     JSAtom *atom;
+     uintN argc, slot, attrs;
+     jsval *vp, lval, rval, ltmp, rtmp;
+ #ifdef OSSP
+     jsid id = -1L;
+ #else
+     jsid id;
+ #endif
+     JSObject *withobj, *origobj, *propobj;
+     jsval iter_state;
+     JSProperty *prop;
+     JSScopeProperty *sprop;
+     JSString *str, *str2;
+     jsint i, j;
+     jsdouble d, d2;
+     JSClass *clasp, *funclasp;
+     JSFunction *fun;
+     JSType type;
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ #ifdef OSSP
+     FILE *tracefp = NULL;
+ #else
+     FILE *tracefp;
+ #endif
+ #endif
+     JSIdArray *ida;
+ #endif
+     jsint low, high, off, npairs;
+     JSBool match;
+ #endif
+     JSPropertyOp getter, setter;
+ #endif
+     JSBool foreach = JS_FALSE;
+ #endif
+     int stackDummy;
+     *result = JSVAL_VOID;
+     rt = cx->runtime;
+     /* Set registerized frame pointer and derived script pointer. */
+     fp = cx->fp;
+     script = fp->script;
+     /* Count of JS function calls that nest in this C js_Interpret frame. */
+     inlineCallCount = 0;
+     /*
+      * Optimized Get and SetVersion for proper script language versioning.
+      *
+      * If any native method or JSClass/JSObjectOps hook calls js_SetVersion
+      * and changes cx->version, the effect will "stick" and we will stop
+      * maintaining currentVersion.  This is relied upon by testsuites, for
+      * the most part -- web browsers select version before compiling and not
+      * at run-time.
+      */
+     currentVersion = script->version;
+     originalVersion = cx->version;
+     if (currentVersion != originalVersion)
+         js_SetVersion(cx, currentVersion);
+     /*
+      * Prepare to call a user-supplied branch handler, and abort the script
+      * if it returns false.  We reload onbranch after calling out to native
+      * functions (but not to getters, setters, or other native hooks).
+      */
+ #define LOAD_BRANCH_CALLBACK(cx)    (onbranch = (cx)->branchCallback)
+     ok = JS_TRUE;
+ #define CHECK_BRANCH(len)                                                     \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         if (len <= 0 && onbranch) {                                           \
+             SAVE_SP(fp);                                                      \
+             if (!(ok = (*onbranch)(cx, script)))                              \
+                 goto out;                                                     \
+         }                                                                     \
+     /*
+      * Load the debugger's interrupt hook here and after calling out to native
+      * functions (but not to getters, setters, or other native hooks), so we do
+      * not have to reload it each time through the interpreter loop -- we hope
+      * the compiler can keep it in a register.
+      * XXX if it spills, we still lose
+      */
+ #define LOAD_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(rt)  (interruptHandler = (rt)->interruptHandler)
+     /* Check for too much js_Interpret nesting, or too deep a C stack. */
+     if (++cx->interpLevel == MAX_INTERP_LEVEL ||
+         !JS_CHECK_STACK_SIZE(cx, stackDummy)) {
+         JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_OVER_RECURSED);
+         ok = JS_FALSE;
+         goto out2;
+     }
+     /*
+      * Allocate operand and pc stack slots for the script's worst-case depth,
+      * unless we're called to interpret a part of an already active script, a
+      * filtering predicate expression for example.
+      */
+     depth = (jsint) script->depth;
+     if (JS_LIKELY(!fp->spbase)) {
+         newsp = js_AllocRawStack(cx, (uintN)(2 * depth), &mark);
+         if (!newsp) {
+             ok = JS_FALSE;
+             goto out2;
+         }
+         sp = newsp + depth;
+         fp->spbase = sp;
+         SAVE_SP(fp);
+     } else {
+         sp = fp->sp;
+         JS_ASSERT(JS_UPTRDIFF(sp, fp->spbase) <= depth * sizeof(jsval));
+         newsp = fp->spbase - depth;
+         mark = NULL;
+     }
+     endpc = script->code + script->length;
+     while (pc < endpc) {
+         fp->pc = pc;
+         op = (JSOp) *pc;
+       do_op:
+         cs = &js_CodeSpec[op];
+         len = cs->length;
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+         tracefp = (FILE *) cx->tracefp;
+         if (tracefp) {
+             intN nuses, n;
+             fprintf(tracefp, "%4u: ", js_PCToLineNumber(cx, script, pc));
+             js_Disassemble1(cx, script, pc,
+                             PTRDIFF(pc, script->code, jsbytecode), JS_FALSE,
+                             tracefp);
+             nuses = cs->nuses;
+             if (nuses) {
+                 SAVE_SP(fp);
+                 for (n = -nuses; n < 0; n++) {
+                     str = js_DecompileValueGenerator(cx, n, sp[n], NULL);
+                     if (str) {
+                         fprintf(tracefp, "%s %s",
+                                 (n == -nuses) ? "  inputs:" : ",",
+                                 JS_GetStringBytes(str));
+                     }
+                 }
+                 fprintf(tracefp, " @ %d\n", sp - fp->spbase);
+             }
+         }
+ #endif
+         if (interruptHandler) {
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             switch (interruptHandler(cx, script, pc, &rval,
+                                      rt->interruptHandlerData)) {
+               case JSTRAP_ERROR:
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+               case JSTRAP_CONTINUE:
+                 break;
+               case JSTRAP_RETURN:
+                 fp->rval = rval;
+                 goto out;
+               case JSTRAP_THROW:
+                 cx->throwing = JS_TRUE;
+                 cx->exception = rval;
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+ #endif /* JS_HAS_EXCEPTIONS */
+               default:;
+             }
+             LOAD_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(rt);
+         }
+         switch (op) {
+           case JSOP_NOP:
+             break;
+           case JSOP_GROUP:
+             break;
+           case JSOP_PUSH:
+             PUSH_OPND(JSVAL_VOID);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_POP:
+             sp--;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_POP2:
+             sp -= 2;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_SWAP:
+             /*
+              * N.B. JSOP_SWAP doesn't swap the corresponding generating pcs
+              * for the operands it swaps.
+              */
+             ltmp = sp[-1];
+             sp[-1] = sp[-2];
+             sp[-2] = ltmp;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_POPV:
+             *result = POP_OPND();
+             break;
+           case JSOP_ENTERWITH:
+             FETCH_OBJECT(cx, -1, rval, obj);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             withobj = js_NewObject(cx, &js_WithClass, obj, fp->scopeChain);
+             if (!withobj)
+                 goto out;
+             rval = INT_TO_JSVAL(sp - fp->spbase);
+             OBJ_SET_SLOT(cx, withobj, JSSLOT_PRIVATE, rval);
+             fp->scopeChain = withobj;
+             STORE_OPND(-1, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(withobj));
+             break;
+           case JSOP_LEAVEWITH:
+             rval = POP_OPND();
+             JS_ASSERT(JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(rval));
+             withobj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(rval);
+             JS_ASSERT(OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, withobj) == &js_WithClass);
+             rval = OBJ_GET_SLOT(cx, withobj, JSSLOT_PARENT);
+             JS_ASSERT(JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(rval));
+             fp->scopeChain = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(rval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_SETRVAL:
+             fp->rval = POP_OPND();
+             break;
+           case JSOP_RETURN:
+             CHECK_BRANCH(-1);
+             fp->rval = POP_OPND();
+             /* FALL THROUGH */
+           case JSOP_RETRVAL:    /* fp->rval already set */
+             if (inlineCallCount)
+           inline_return:
+             {
+                 JSInlineFrame *ifp = (JSInlineFrame *) fp;
+                 void *hookData = ifp->hookData;
+                 if (hookData) {
+                     JSInterpreterHook hook = cx->runtime->callHook;
+                     if (hook) {
+                         hook(cx, fp, JS_FALSE, &ok, hookData);
+                         LOAD_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(rt);
+                     }
+                 }
+                 /*
+                  * If frame has a call object, sync values and clear the back-
+                  * pointer. This can happen for a lightweight function if it
+                  * calls eval unexpectedly (in a way that is hidden from the
+                  * compiler). See bug 325540.
+                  */
+                 if (fp->callobj)
+                     ok &= js_PutCallObject(cx, fp);
+ #endif
+                 if (fp->argsobj)
+                     ok &= js_PutArgsObject(cx, fp);
+ #endif
+                 /* Restore context version only if callee hasn't set version. */
+                 if (cx->version == currentVersion) {
+                     currentVersion = ifp->callerVersion;
+                     if (currentVersion != cx->version)
+                         js_SetVersion(cx, currentVersion);
+                 }
+                 /* Store the return value in the caller's operand frame. */
+                 vp = fp->argv - 2;
+                 *vp = fp->rval;
+                 /* Restore cx->fp and release the inline frame's space. */
+                 cx->fp = fp = fp->down;
+                 JS_ARENA_RELEASE(&cx->stackPool, ifp->mark);
+                 /* Restore sp to point just above the return value. */
+                 fp->sp = vp + 1;
+                 RESTORE_SP(fp);
+                 /* Restore the calling script's interpreter registers. */
+                 script = fp->script;
+                 depth = (jsint) script->depth;
+                 pc = fp->pc;
+                 endpc = script->code + script->length;
+                 /* Store the generating pc for the return value. */
+                 vp[-depth] = (jsval)pc;
+                 /* Set remaining variables for 'goto advance_pc'. */
+                 op = (JSOp) *pc;
+                 cs = &js_CodeSpec[op];
+                 len = cs->length;
+                 /* Resume execution in the calling frame. */
+                 inlineCallCount--;
+                 if (ok)
+                     goto advance_pc;
+             }
+             goto out;
+           case JSOP_DEFAULT:
+             (void) POP();
+             /* FALL THROUGH */
+ #endif
+           case JSOP_GOTO:
+             len = GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc);
+             CHECK_BRANCH(len);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_IFEQ:
+             POP_BOOLEAN(cx, rval, cond);
+             if (cond == JS_FALSE) {
+                 len = GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc);
+                 CHECK_BRANCH(len);
+             }
+             break;
+           case JSOP_IFNE:
+             POP_BOOLEAN(cx, rval, cond);
+             if (cond != JS_FALSE) {
+                 len = GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc);
+                 CHECK_BRANCH(len);
+             }
+             break;
+           case JSOP_OR:
+             POP_BOOLEAN(cx, rval, cond);
+             if (cond == JS_TRUE) {
+                 len = GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc);
+                 PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             }
+             break;
+           case JSOP_AND:
+             POP_BOOLEAN(cx, rval, cond);
+             if (cond == JS_FALSE) {
+                 len = GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc);
+                 PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             }
+             break;
+           case JSOP_DEFAULTX:
+             (void) POP();
+             /* FALL THROUGH */
+ #endif
+           case JSOP_GOTOX:
+             len = GET_JUMPX_OFFSET(pc);
+             CHECK_BRANCH(len);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_IFEQX:
+             POP_BOOLEAN(cx, rval, cond);
+             if (cond == JS_FALSE) {
+                 len = GET_JUMPX_OFFSET(pc);
+                 CHECK_BRANCH(len);
+             }
+             break;
+           case JSOP_IFNEX:
+             POP_BOOLEAN(cx, rval, cond);
+             if (cond != JS_FALSE) {
+                 len = GET_JUMPX_OFFSET(pc);
+                 CHECK_BRANCH(len);
+             }
+             break;
+           case JSOP_ORX:
+             POP_BOOLEAN(cx, rval, cond);
+             if (cond == JS_TRUE) {
+                 len = GET_JUMPX_OFFSET(pc);
+                 PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             }
+             break;
+           case JSOP_ANDX:
+             POP_BOOLEAN(cx, rval, cond);
+             if (cond == JS_FALSE) {
+                 len = GET_JUMPX_OFFSET(pc);
+                 PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             }
+             break;
+           case JSOP_TOOBJECT:
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             if (!JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(rval)) {
+                 obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(rval);
+             } else {
+                 SAVE_SP(fp);
+                 ok = js_ValueToObject(cx, rval, &obj);
+                 if (!ok)
+                     goto out;
+             }
+             STORE_OPND(-1, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
+             break;
+ /*
+  * If the index value at sp[n] is not an int that fits in a jsval, it could
+  * be an object (an XML QName, AttributeName, or AnyName), but only if we are
+  * compiling with JS_HAS_XML_SUPPORT.  Otherwise convert the index value to a
+  * string atom id.
+  */
+ #define FETCH_ELEMENT_ID(n, id)                                               \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         jsval idval_ = FETCH_OPND(n);                                         \
+         if (JSVAL_IS_INT(idval_)) {                                           \
+             id = INT_JSVAL_TO_JSID(idval_);                                   \
+         } else {                                                              \
+             SAVE_SP(fp);                                                      \
+             ok = InternNonIntElementId(cx, idval_, &id);                      \
+             if (!ok)                                                          \
+                 goto out;                                                     \
+         }                                                                     \
+           case JSOP_IN:
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             if (JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(rval)) {
+                 str = js_DecompileValueGenerator(cx, -1, rval, NULL);
+                 if (str) {
+                     JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
+                                          JSMSG_IN_NOT_OBJECT,
+                                          JS_GetStringBytes(str));
+                 }
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(rval);
+             FETCH_ELEMENT_ID(-2, id);
+             CHECK_ELEMENT_ID(obj, id);
+             ok = OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &obj2, &prop);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             sp--;
+             STORE_OPND(-1, BOOLEAN_TO_JSVAL(prop != NULL));
+             if (prop)
+                 OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+             break;
+ #endif /* JS_HAS_IN_OPERATOR */
+           case JSOP_FORPROP:
+             /*
+              * Handle JSOP_FORPROP first, so the cost of the goto do_forinloop
+              * is not paid for the more common cases.
+              */
+             lval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             atom = GET_ATOM(cx, script, pc);
+             id   = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+             i = -2;
+             goto do_forinloop;
+           case JSOP_FORNAME:
+             atom = GET_ATOM(cx, script, pc);
+             id   = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+             /*
+              * ECMA 12.6.3 says to eval the LHS after looking for properties
+              * to enumerate, and bail without LHS eval if there are no props.
+              * We do Find here to share the most code at label do_forinloop.
+              * If looking for enumerable properties could have side effects,
+              * then we'd have to move this into the common code and condition
+              * it on op == JSOP_FORNAME.
+              */
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = js_FindProperty(cx, id, &obj, &obj2, &prop);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             if (prop)
+                 OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+             lval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
+             /* FALL THROUGH */
+           case JSOP_FORARG:
+           case JSOP_FORVAR:
+             /*
+              * JSOP_FORARG and JSOP_FORVAR don't require any lval computation
+              * here, because they address slots on the stack (in fp->args and
+              * fp->vars, respectively).
+              */
+             /* FALL THROUGH */
+           case JSOP_FORELEM:
+             /*
+              * JSOP_FORELEM simply initializes or updates the iteration state
+              * and leaves the index expression evaluation and assignment to the
+              * enumerator until after the next property has been acquired, via
+              * a JSOP_ENUMELEM bytecode.
+              */
+             i = -1;
+           do_forinloop:
+             /*
+              * ECMA-compatible for/in evals the object just once, before loop.
+              * Bad old bytecodes (since removed) did it on every iteration.
+              */
+             obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(sp[i]);
+             /* If the thing to the right of 'in' has no properties, break. */
+             if (!obj) {
+                 rval = JSVAL_FALSE;
+                 goto end_forinloop;
+             }
+             /*
+              * Save the thing to the right of 'in' as origobj.  Later on, we
+              * use this variable to suppress enumeration of shadowed prototype
+              * properties.
+              */
+             origobj = obj;
+             /*
+              * Reach under the top of stack to find our property iterator, a
+              * JSObject that contains the iteration state.  (An object is used
+              * rather than a native struct so that the iteration state is
+              * cleaned up via GC if the for-in loop terminates abruptly.)
+              */
+             vp = &sp[i - 1];
+             rval = *vp;
+             /*
+              * Save sp in fp now, before any OBJ_* call-outs that might nest
+              * an interpreter or GC activation on this context.
+              */
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             /* Is this the first iteration ? */
+             if (JSVAL_IS_VOID(rval)) {
+                 /*
+                  * Yes, create a new JSObject to hold the iterator state.
+                  * Use NULL as the nominal parent in js_NewObject to ensure
+                  * that we use the correct scope chain lookup to try to find the
+                  * PropertyIterator constructor.
+                  */
+                 propobj = js_NewObject(cx, &prop_iterator_class, NULL, NULL);
+                 if (!propobj) {
+                     ok = JS_FALSE;
+                     goto out;
+                 }
+                 /*
+                  * Now that we've resolved the object, use the PARENT slot to
+                  * store the object that we're iterating over.
+                  */
+                 propobj->slots[JSSLOT_PARENT] = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
+                 propobj->slots[JSSLOT_ITER_STATE] = JSVAL_NULL;
+                 /*
+                  * Root the parent slot so we can get it even in our finalizer
+                  * (otherwise, it would live as long as we do, but it might be
+                  * finalized first).
+                  */
+                 ok = js_AddRoot(cx, &propobj->slots[JSSLOT_PARENT],
+                                 "propobj->parent");
+                 if (!ok)
+                     goto out;
+                 /*
+                  * Rewrite the iterator so we know to do the next case.
+                  * Do this before calling the enumerator, which could
+                  * displace cx->newborn and cause GC.
+                  */
+                 *vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(propobj);
+                 ok =
+                      (foreach && OBJECT_IS_XML(cx, obj))
+                      ? ((JSXMLObjectOps *) obj->map->ops)->enumerateValues
+                                     (cx, obj, JSENUMERATE_INIT, &iter_state,
+                                      NULL, NULL)
+                      :
+ #endif
+                        OBJ_ENUMERATE(cx, obj, JSENUMERATE_INIT, &iter_state,
+                                      NULL);
+                 if (!ok)
+                     goto out;
+                 /*
+                  * Stash private iteration state into property iterator object.
+                  * NB: This code knows that the first slots are pre-allocated.
+                  */
+ #error JS_INITIAL_NSLOTS must be greater than or equal to 5.
+ #endif
+                 propobj->slots[JSSLOT_ITER_STATE] = iter_state;
+             } else {
+                 /* This is not the first iteration. Recover iterator state. */
+                 propobj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(rval);
+                 JS_ASSERT(OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, propobj) == &prop_iterator_class);
+                 obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(propobj->slots[JSSLOT_PARENT]);
+                 iter_state = propobj->slots[JSSLOT_ITER_STATE];
+             }
+           enum_next_property:
+           {
+             jsid fid;
+             /* Get the next jsid to be enumerated and store it in fid. */
+             ok =
+                  (foreach && OBJECT_IS_XML(cx, obj))
+                  ? ((JSXMLObjectOps *) obj->map->ops)->enumerateValues
+                                 (cx, obj, JSENUMERATE_NEXT, &iter_state,
+                                  &fid, &rval)
+                  :
+ #endif
+                    OBJ_ENUMERATE(cx, obj, JSENUMERATE_NEXT, &iter_state, &fid);
+             propobj->slots[JSSLOT_ITER_STATE] = iter_state;
+             /* No more jsids to iterate in obj? */
+             if (iter_state == JSVAL_NULL) {
+                 /* Enumerate the properties on obj's prototype chain. */
+                 obj = OBJ_GET_PROTO(cx, obj);
+                 if (!obj) {
+                     /* End of property list -- terminate loop. */
+                     rval = JSVAL_FALSE;
+                     foreach = JS_FALSE;
+ #endif
+                     goto end_forinloop;
+                 }
+                 ok =
+                      (foreach && OBJECT_IS_XML(cx, obj))
+                      ? ((JSXMLObjectOps *) obj->map->ops)->enumerateValues
+                                     (cx, obj, JSENUMERATE_INIT, &iter_state,
+                                      NULL, NULL)
+                      :
+ #endif
+                        OBJ_ENUMERATE(cx, obj, JSENUMERATE_INIT, &iter_state,
+                                      NULL);
+                 /*
+                  * Stash private iteration state into property iterator object.
+                  * We do this before checking 'ok' to ensure that propobj is
+                  * in a valid state even if OBJ_ENUMERATE returned JS_FALSE.
+                  * NB: This code knows that the first slots are pre-allocated.
+                  */
+                 propobj->slots[JSSLOT_ITER_STATE] = iter_state;
+                 if (!ok)
+                     goto out;
+                 /*
+                  * Update the iterator JSObject's parent link to refer to the
+                  * current object. This is used in the iterator JSObject's
+                  * finalizer.
+                  */
+                 propobj->slots[JSSLOT_PARENT] = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
+                 goto enum_next_property;
+             }
+             /* Skip properties not owned by obj when looking from origobj. */
+             ok = OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY(cx, origobj, fid, &obj2, &prop);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             if (prop)
+                 OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+             /*
+              * If the id was deleted, or found in a prototype or an unrelated
+              * object (specifically, not in an inner object for obj), skip it.
+              * This means that OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY implementations must return
+              * an object either further on the prototype chain, or related by
+              * the JSExtendedClass.outerObject optional hook.
+              */
+             if (!prop)
+                 goto enum_next_property;
+             if (obj != obj2) {
+                 cond = JS_FALSE;
+                 clasp = OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, obj2);
+                 if (clasp->flags & JSCLASS_IS_EXTENDED) {
+                     JSExtendedClass *xclasp;
+                     xclasp = (JSExtendedClass *) clasp;
+                     cond = xclasp->outerObject &&
+                            xclasp->outerObject(cx, obj2) == obj;
+                 }
+                 if (!cond)
+                     goto enum_next_property;
+             }
+             if (foreach) {
+                 /* Clear the local foreach flag set by our prefix bytecode. */
+                 foreach = JS_FALSE;
+                 /* If obj is not XML, we must get rval given its fid. */
+                 if (!OBJECT_IS_XML(cx, obj)) {
+                     ok = OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(cx, origobj, fid, &rval);
+                     if (!ok)
+                         goto out;
+                 }
+             } else
+ #endif
+             {
+                 /* Make rval a string for uniformity and compatibility. */
+                 if (JSID_IS_ATOM(fid)) {
+                     rval = ATOM_KEY(JSID_TO_ATOM(fid));
+                 }
+                 else if (JSID_IS_OBJECT(fid)) {
+                     str = js_ValueToString(cx, OBJECT_JSID_TO_JSVAL(fid));
+                     if (!str) {
+                         ok = JS_FALSE;
+                         goto out;
+                     }
+                     rval = STRING_TO_JSVAL(str);
+                 }
+ #endif
+                 else if (!JS_VERSION_IS_1_2(cx)) {
+                     str = js_NumberToString(cx, (jsdouble) JSID_TO_INT(fid));
+                     if (!str) {
+                         ok = JS_FALSE;
+                         goto out;
+                     }
+                     rval = STRING_TO_JSVAL(str);
+                 } else {
+                     rval = INT_JSID_TO_JSVAL(fid);
+                 }
+             }
+             switch (op) {
+               case JSOP_FORARG:
+                 slot = GET_ARGNO(pc);
+                 JS_ASSERT(slot < fp->fun->nargs);
+                 fp->argv[slot] = rval;
+                 break;
+               case JSOP_FORVAR:
+                 slot = GET_VARNO(pc);
+                 JS_ASSERT(slot < fp->fun->nvars);
+                 fp->vars[slot] = rval;
+                 break;
+               case JSOP_FORELEM:
+                 /* FORELEM is not a SET operation, it's more like BINDNAME. */
+                 PUSH_OPND(rval);
+                 break;
+               default:
+                 /* Convert lval to a non-null object containing id. */
+                 VALUE_TO_OBJECT(cx, lval, obj);
+                 if (i + 1 < 0)
+                     STORE_OPND(i + 1, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
+                 /* Set the variable obj[id] to refer to rval. */
+                 fp->flags |= JSFRAME_ASSIGNING;
+                 ok = OBJ_SET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval);
+                 fp->flags &= ~JSFRAME_ASSIGNING;
+                 if (!ok)
+                     goto out;
+                 break;
+             }
+             /* Push true to keep looping through properties. */
+             rval = JSVAL_TRUE;
+           end_forinloop:
+             sp += i + 1;
+             PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             break;
+           }
+           case JSOP_DUP:
+             JS_ASSERT(sp > fp->spbase);
+             rval = sp[-1];
+             PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_DUP2:
+             JS_ASSERT(sp - 1 > fp->spbase);
+             lval = FETCH_OPND(-2);
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             PUSH_OPND(lval);
+             PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             break;
+ #define PROPERTY_OP(n, call)                                                  \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         /* Fetch the left part and resolve it to a non-null object. */        \
+         FETCH_OBJECT(cx, n, lval, obj);                                       \
+                                                                               \
+         /* Get or set the property, set ok false if error, true if success. */\
+         SAVE_SP(fp);                                                          \
+         call;                                                                 \
+         if (!ok)                                                              \
+             goto out;                                                         \
+ #define ELEMENT_OP(n, call)                                                   \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         /* Fetch the right part and resolve it to an internal id. */          \
+         FETCH_ELEMENT_ID(n, id);                                              \
+                                                                               \
+         /* Fetch the left part and resolve it to a non-null object. */        \
+         FETCH_OBJECT(cx, n - 1, lval, obj);                                   \
+                                                                               \
+         /* Ensure that id has a type suitable for use with obj. */            \
+         CHECK_ELEMENT_ID(obj, id);                                            \
+                                                                               \
+         /* Get or set the element, set ok false if error, true if success. */ \
+         SAVE_SP(fp);                                                          \
+         call;                                                                 \
+         if (!ok)                                                              \
+             goto out;                                                         \
+ /*
+  * Direct callers, i.e. those who do not wrap CACHED_GET and CACHED_SET calls
+  * in PROPERTY_OP or ELEMENT_OP macro calls must SAVE_SP(fp); beforehand, just
+  * in case a getter or setter function is invoked.  CACHED_GET and CACHED_SET
+  * use cx, obj, id, and rval from their caller's lexical environment.
+  */
+ #define CACHED_GET(call)        CACHED_GET_VP(call, &rval)
+ #define CACHED_GET_VP(call,vp)                                                \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         if (!OBJ_IS_NATIVE(obj)) {                                            \
+             ok = call;                                                        \
+         } else {                                                              \
+             JS_LOCK_OBJ(cx, obj);                                             \
+             PROPERTY_CACHE_TEST(&rt->propertyCache, obj, id, sprop);          \
+             if (sprop) {                                                      \
+                 JSScope *scope_ = OBJ_SCOPE(obj);                             \
+                 slot = (uintN)sprop->slot;                                    \
+                 *(vp) = (slot != SPROP_INVALID_SLOT)                          \
+                         ? LOCKED_OBJ_GET_SLOT(obj, slot)                      \
+                         : JSVAL_VOID;                                         \
+                 JS_UNLOCK_SCOPE(cx, scope_);                                  \
+                 ok = SPROP_GET(cx, sprop, obj, obj, vp);                      \
+                 JS_LOCK_SCOPE(cx, scope_);                                    \
+                 if (ok && SPROP_HAS_VALID_SLOT(sprop, scope_))                \
+                     LOCKED_OBJ_SET_SLOT(obj, slot, *(vp));                    \
+                 JS_UNLOCK_SCOPE(cx, scope_);                                  \
+             } else {                                                          \
+                 JS_UNLOCK_OBJ(cx, obj);                                       \
+                 ok = call;                                                    \
+                 /* No fill here: js_GetProperty fills the cache. */           \
+             }                                                                 \
+         }                                                                     \
+ #define CACHED_SET(call)                                                      \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         if (!OBJ_IS_NATIVE(obj)) {                                            \
+             ok = call;                                                        \
+         } else {                                                              \
+             JSScope *scope_;                                                  \
+             JS_LOCK_OBJ(cx, obj);                                             \
+             PROPERTY_CACHE_TEST(&rt->propertyCache, obj, id, sprop);          \
+             if (sprop &&                                                      \
+                 !(sprop->attrs & JSPROP_READONLY) &&                          \
+                 (scope_ = OBJ_SCOPE(obj), !SCOPE_IS_SEALED(scope_))) {        \
+                 JS_UNLOCK_SCOPE(cx, scope_);                                  \
+                 ok = SPROP_SET(cx, sprop, obj, obj, &rval);                   \
+                 JS_LOCK_SCOPE(cx, scope_);                                    \
+                 if (ok && SPROP_HAS_VALID_SLOT(sprop, scope_)) {              \
+                     LOCKED_OBJ_SET_SLOT(obj, sprop->slot, rval);              \
+                     GC_POKE(cx, JSVAL_NULL);  /* XXX second arg ignored */    \
+                 }                                                             \
+                 JS_UNLOCK_SCOPE(cx, scope_);                                  \
+             } else {                                                          \
+                 JS_UNLOCK_OBJ(cx, obj);                                       \
+                 ok = call;                                                    \
+                 /* No fill here: js_SetProperty writes through the cache. */  \
+             }                                                                 \
+         }                                                                     \
+ #define BEGIN_LITOPX_CASE(OP,PCOFF)                                           \
+           case OP:                                                            \
+             atomIndex = GET_ATOM_INDEX(pc + PCOFF);                           \
+           do_##OP:                                                            \
+             atom = js_GetAtom(cx, &script->atomMap, atomIndex);
+ #define END_LITOPX_CASE                                                       \
+             break;                                                            \
+             obj = fp->varobj;
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom), rval,
+                                      NULL, NULL,
+                                      JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_PERMANENT |
+                                      JSPROP_READONLY,
+                                      NULL);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+           END_LITOPX_CASE
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             obj = js_FindIdentifierBase(cx, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom));
+             if (!obj) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             PUSH_OPND(OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
+           END_LITOPX_CASE
+           case JSOP_SETNAME:
+             atom = GET_ATOM(cx, script, pc);
+             id   = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             lval = FETCH_OPND(-2);
+             JS_ASSERT(!JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(lval));
+             obj  = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(lval);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             CACHED_SET(OBJ_SET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval));
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             sp--;
+             STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+ #define INTEGER_OP(OP, EXTRA_CODE)                                            \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         FETCH_INT(cx, -1, j);                                                 \
+         FETCH_INT(cx, -2, i);                                                 \
+         if (!ok)                                                              \
+             goto out;                                                         \
+         EXTRA_CODE                                                            \
+         d = i OP j;                                                           \
+         sp--;                                                                 \
+         STORE_NUMBER(cx, -1, d);                                              \
+ #define BITWISE_OP(OP)          INTEGER_OP(OP, (void) 0;)
+ #define SIGNED_SHIFT_OP(OP)     INTEGER_OP(OP, j &= 31;)
+           case JSOP_BITOR:
+             BITWISE_OP(|);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_BITXOR:
+             BITWISE_OP(^);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_BITAND:
+             BITWISE_OP(&);
+             break;
+ #define RELATIONAL_OP(OP)                                                     \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);                                                \
+         lval = FETCH_OPND(-2);                                                \
+         /* Optimize for two int-tagged operands (typical loop control). */    \
+         if ((lval & rval) & JSVAL_INT) {                                      \
+             ltmp = lval ^ JSVAL_VOID;                                         \
+             rtmp = rval ^ JSVAL_VOID;                                         \
+             if (ltmp && rtmp) {                                               \
+                 cond = JSVAL_TO_INT(lval) OP JSVAL_TO_INT(rval);              \
+             } else {                                                          \
+                 d  = ltmp ? JSVAL_TO_INT(lval) : *rt->jsNaN;                  \
+                 d2 = rtmp ? JSVAL_TO_INT(rval) : *rt->jsNaN;                  \
+                 cond = JSDOUBLE_COMPARE(d, OP, d2, JS_FALSE);                 \
+             }                                                                 \
+         } else {                                                              \
+             VALUE_TO_PRIMITIVE(cx, lval, JSTYPE_NUMBER, &lval);               \
+             sp[-2] = lval;                                                    \
+             VALUE_TO_PRIMITIVE(cx, rval, JSTYPE_NUMBER, &rval);               \
+             if (JSVAL_IS_STRING(lval) && JSVAL_IS_STRING(rval)) {             \
+                 str  = JSVAL_TO_STRING(lval);                                 \
+                 str2 = JSVAL_TO_STRING(rval);                                 \
+                 cond = js_CompareStrings(str, str2) OP 0;                     \
+             } else {                                                          \
+                 VALUE_TO_NUMBER(cx, lval, d);                                 \
+                 VALUE_TO_NUMBER(cx, rval, d2);                                \
+                 cond = JSDOUBLE_COMPARE(d, OP, d2, JS_FALSE);                 \
+             }                                                                 \
+         }                                                                     \
+         sp--;                                                                 \
+         STORE_OPND(-1, BOOLEAN_TO_JSVAL(cond));                               \
+ /*
+  * NB: These macros can't use JS_BEGIN_MACRO/JS_END_MACRO around their bodies
+  * because they begin if/else chains, so callers must not put semicolons after
+  * the call expressions!
+  */
+ #define XML_EQUALITY_OP(OP)                                                   \
+     if ((ltmp == JSVAL_OBJECT &&                                              \
+          (obj2 = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(lval)) &&                                    \
+          OBJECT_IS_XML(cx, obj2)) ||                                          \
+         (rtmp == JSVAL_OBJECT &&                                              \
+          (obj2 = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(rval)) &&                                    \
+          OBJECT_IS_XML(cx, obj2))) {                                          \
+         JSXMLObjectOps *ops;                                                  \
+                                                                               \
+         ops = (JSXMLObjectOps *) obj2->map->ops;                              \
+         if (obj2 == JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(rval))                                    \
+             rval = lval;                                                      \
+         SAVE_SP(fp);                                                          \
+         ok = ops->equality(cx, obj2, rval, &cond);                            \
+         if (!ok)                                                              \
+             goto out;                                                         \
+         cond = cond OP JS_TRUE;                                               \
+     } else
+ #define XML_NAME_EQUALITY_OP(OP)                                              \
+     if (ltmp == JSVAL_OBJECT &&                                               \
+         (obj2 = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(lval)) &&                                     \
+         ((clasp = OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, obj2))->flags & JSCLASS_IS_EXTENDED)) {   \
+         JSExtendedClass *xclasp;                                              \
+                                                                               \
+         xclasp = (JSExtendedClass *) clasp;                                   \
+         SAVE_SP(fp);                                                          \
+         ok = xclasp->equality(cx, obj2, rval, &cond);                         \
+         if (!ok)                                                              \
+             goto out;                                                         \
+         cond = cond OP JS_TRUE;                                               \
+     } else
+ #else
+ #define XML_EQUALITY_OP(OP)             /* nothing */
+ #define XML_NAME_EQUALITY_OP(OP)        /* nothing */
+ #endif
+ #define EQUALITY_OP(OP, IFNAN)                                                \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);                                                \
+         lval = FETCH_OPND(-2);                                                \
+         ltmp = JSVAL_TAG(lval);                                               \
+         rtmp = JSVAL_TAG(rval);                                               \
+         XML_EQUALITY_OP(OP)                                                   \
+         if (ltmp == rtmp) {                                                   \
+             if (ltmp == JSVAL_STRING) {                                       \
+                 str  = JSVAL_TO_STRING(lval);                                 \
+                 str2 = JSVAL_TO_STRING(rval);                                 \
+                 cond = js_CompareStrings(str, str2) OP 0;                     \
+             } else if (ltmp == JSVAL_DOUBLE) {                                \
+                 d  = *JSVAL_TO_DOUBLE(lval);                                  \
+                 d2 = *JSVAL_TO_DOUBLE(rval);                                  \
+                 cond = JSDOUBLE_COMPARE(d, OP, d2, IFNAN);                    \
+             } else {                                                          \
+                 XML_NAME_EQUALITY_OP(OP)                                      \
+                 /* Handle all undefined (=>NaN) and int combinations. */      \
+                 cond = lval OP rval;                                          \
+             }                                                                 \
+         } else {                                                              \
+             if (JSVAL_IS_NULL(lval) || JSVAL_IS_VOID(lval)) {                 \
+                 cond = (JSVAL_IS_NULL(rval) || JSVAL_IS_VOID(rval)) OP 1;     \
+             } else if (JSVAL_IS_NULL(rval) || JSVAL_IS_VOID(rval)) {          \
+                 cond = 1 OP 0;                                                \
+             } else {                                                          \
+                 if (ltmp == JSVAL_OBJECT) {                                   \
+                     VALUE_TO_PRIMITIVE(cx, lval, JSTYPE_VOID, &sp[-2]);       \
+                     lval = sp[-2];                                            \
+                     ltmp = JSVAL_TAG(lval);                                   \
+                 } else if (rtmp == JSVAL_OBJECT) {                            \
+                     VALUE_TO_PRIMITIVE(cx, rval, JSTYPE_VOID, &sp[-1]);       \
+                     rval = sp[-1];                                            \
+                     rtmp = JSVAL_TAG(rval);                                   \
+                 }                                                             \
+                 if (ltmp == JSVAL_STRING && rtmp == JSVAL_STRING) {           \
+                     str  = JSVAL_TO_STRING(lval);                             \
+                     str2 = JSVAL_TO_STRING(rval);                             \
+                     cond = js_CompareStrings(str, str2) OP 0;                 \
+                 } else {                                                      \
+                     VALUE_TO_NUMBER(cx, lval, d);                             \
+                     VALUE_TO_NUMBER(cx, rval, d2);                            \
+                     cond = JSDOUBLE_COMPARE(d, OP, d2, IFNAN);                \
+                 }                                                             \
+             }                                                                 \
+         }                                                                     \
+         sp--;                                                                 \
+         STORE_OPND(-1, BOOLEAN_TO_JSVAL(cond));                               \
+           case JSOP_EQ:
+             EQUALITY_OP(==, JS_FALSE);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_NE:
+             EQUALITY_OP(!=, JS_TRUE);
+             break;
+ #define NEW_EQUALITY_OP(OP)                                                   \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);                                                \
+         lval = FETCH_OPND(-2);                                                \
+         cond = js_StrictlyEqual(lval, rval) OP JS_TRUE;                       \
+         sp--;                                                                 \
+         STORE_OPND(-1, BOOLEAN_TO_JSVAL(cond));                               \
+           case JSOP_NEW_EQ:
+             NEW_EQUALITY_OP(==);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_NEW_NE:
+             NEW_EQUALITY_OP(!=);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_CASE:
+             NEW_EQUALITY_OP(==);
+             (void) POP();
+             if (cond) {
+                 len = GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc);
+                 CHECK_BRANCH(len);
+             } else {
+                 PUSH(lval);
+             }
+             break;
+           case JSOP_CASEX:
+             NEW_EQUALITY_OP(==);
+             (void) POP();
+             if (cond) {
+                 len = GET_JUMPX_OFFSET(pc);
+                 CHECK_BRANCH(len);
+             } else {
+                 PUSH(lval);
+             }
+             break;
+ #endif
+ #endif /* !JS_BUG_FALLIBLE_EQOPS */
+           case JSOP_LT:
+             RELATIONAL_OP(<);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_LE:
+             RELATIONAL_OP(<=);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_GT:
+             RELATIONAL_OP(>);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_GE:
+             RELATIONAL_OP(>=);
+             break;
+ #undef EQUALITY_OP
+           case JSOP_LSH:
+             SIGNED_SHIFT_OP(<<);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_RSH:
+             SIGNED_SHIFT_OP(>>);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_URSH:
+           {
+             uint32 u;
+             FETCH_INT(cx, -1, j);
+             FETCH_UINT(cx, -2, u);
+             j &= 31;
+             d = u >> j;
+             sp--;
+             STORE_NUMBER(cx, -1, d);
+             break;
+           }
+ #undef INTEGER_OP
+ #undef BITWISE_OP
+           case JSOP_ADD:
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             lval = FETCH_OPND(-2);
+             if (!JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(lval) &&
+                 (obj2 = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(lval), OBJECT_IS_XML(cx, obj2)) &&
+                 VALUE_IS_XML(cx, rval)) {
+                 JSXMLObjectOps *ops;
+                 ops = (JSXMLObjectOps *) obj2->map->ops;
+                 SAVE_SP(fp);
+                 ok = ops->concatenate(cx, obj2, rval, &rval);
+                 if (!ok)
+                     goto out;
+                 sp--;
+                 STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+                 break;
+             }
+ #endif
+             {
+                 VALUE_TO_PRIMITIVE(cx, lval, JSTYPE_VOID, &sp[-2]);
+                 lval = sp[-2];
+                 VALUE_TO_PRIMITIVE(cx, rval, JSTYPE_VOID, &sp[-1]);
+                 rval = sp[-1];
+                 if ((cond = JSVAL_IS_STRING(lval)) || JSVAL_IS_STRING(rval)) {
+                     SAVE_SP(fp);
+                     if (cond) {
+                         str = JSVAL_TO_STRING(lval);
+                         ok = (str2 = js_ValueToString(cx, rval)) != NULL;
+                     } else {
+                         str2 = JSVAL_TO_STRING(rval);
+                         ok = (str = js_ValueToString(cx, lval)) != NULL;
+                     }
+                     if (!ok)
+                         goto out;
+                     str = js_ConcatStrings(cx, str, str2);
+                     if (!str) {
+                         ok = JS_FALSE;
+                         goto out;
+                     }
+                     sp--;
+                     STORE_OPND(-1, STRING_TO_JSVAL(str));
+                 } else {
+                     VALUE_TO_NUMBER(cx, lval, d);
+                     VALUE_TO_NUMBER(cx, rval, d2);
+                     d += d2;
+                     sp--;
+                     STORE_NUMBER(cx, -1, d);
+                 }
+             }
+             break;
+ #define BINARY_OP(OP)                                                         \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         FETCH_NUMBER(cx, -1, d2);                                             \
+         FETCH_NUMBER(cx, -2, d);                                              \
+         d = d OP d2;                                                          \
+         sp--;                                                                 \
+         STORE_NUMBER(cx, -1, d);                                              \
+           case JSOP_SUB:
+             BINARY_OP(-);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_MUL:
+             BINARY_OP(*);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_DIV:
+             FETCH_NUMBER(cx, -1, d2);
+             FETCH_NUMBER(cx, -2, d);
+             sp--;
+             if (d2 == 0) {
+ #if defined(XP_WIN)
+                 /* XXX MSVC miscompiles such that (NaN == 0) */
+                 if (JSDOUBLE_IS_NaN(d2))
+                     rval = DOUBLE_TO_JSVAL(rt->jsNaN);
+                 else
+ #endif
+                 if (d == 0 || JSDOUBLE_IS_NaN(d))
+                     rval = DOUBLE_TO_JSVAL(rt->jsNaN);
+                 else if ((JSDOUBLE_HI32(d) ^ JSDOUBLE_HI32(d2)) >> 31)
+                     rval = DOUBLE_TO_JSVAL(rt->jsNegativeInfinity);
+                 else
+                     rval = DOUBLE_TO_JSVAL(rt->jsPositiveInfinity);
+                 STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+             } else {
+                 d /= d2;
+                 STORE_NUMBER(cx, -1, d);
+             }
+             break;
+           case JSOP_MOD:
+             FETCH_NUMBER(cx, -1, d2);
+             FETCH_NUMBER(cx, -2, d);
+             sp--;
+             if (d2 == 0) {
+                 STORE_OPND(-1, DOUBLE_TO_JSVAL(rt->jsNaN));
+             } else {
+ #if defined(XP_WIN)
+               /* Workaround MS fmod bug where 42 % (1/0) => NaN, not 42. */
+               if (!(JSDOUBLE_IS_FINITE(d) && JSDOUBLE_IS_INFINITE(d2)))
+ #endif
+                 d = fmod(d, d2);
+                 STORE_NUMBER(cx, -1, d);
+             }
+             break;
+           case JSOP_NOT:
+             POP_BOOLEAN(cx, rval, cond);
+             PUSH_OPND(BOOLEAN_TO_JSVAL(!cond));
+             break;
+           case JSOP_BITNOT:
+             FETCH_INT(cx, -1, i);
+             d = (jsdouble) ~i;
+             STORE_NUMBER(cx, -1, d);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_NEG:
+             FETCH_NUMBER(cx, -1, d);
+ #ifdef HPUX
+             /*
+              * Negation of a zero doesn't produce a negative
+              * zero on HPUX. Perform the operation by bit
+              * twiddling.
+              */
+             JSDOUBLE_HI32(d) ^= JSDOUBLE_HI32_SIGNBIT;
+ #else
+             d = -d;
+ #endif
+             STORE_NUMBER(cx, -1, d);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_POS:
+             FETCH_NUMBER(cx, -1, d);
+             STORE_NUMBER(cx, -1, d);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_NEW:
+             /* Get immediate argc and find the constructor function. */
+             argc = GET_ARGC(pc);
+           do_new:
+ #endif
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             vp = sp - (2 + argc);
+             JS_ASSERT(vp >= fp->spbase);
+             fun = NULL;
+             obj2 = NULL;
+             lval = *vp;
+             if (!JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(lval) ||
+                 (obj2 = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(lval)) == NULL ||
+                 /* XXX clean up to avoid special cases above ObjectOps layer */
+                 OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, obj2) == &js_FunctionClass ||
+                 !obj2->map->ops->construct)
+             {
+                 fun = js_ValueToFunction(cx, vp, JSV2F_CONSTRUCT);
+                 if (!fun) {
+                     ok = JS_FALSE;
+                     goto out;
+                 }
+             }
+             clasp = &js_ObjectClass;
+             if (!obj2) {
+                 proto = parent = NULL;
+                 fun = NULL;
+             } else {
+                 /*
+                  * Get the constructor prototype object for this function.
+                  * Use the nominal |this| parameter slot, vp[1], as a local
+                  * root to protect this prototype, in case it has no other
+                  * strong refs.
+                  */
+                 ok = OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(cx, obj2,
+                                       ATOM_TO_JSID(rt->atomState
+                                                    .classPrototypeAtom),
+                                       &vp[1]);
+                 if (!ok)
+                     goto out;
+                 rval = vp[1];
+                 proto = JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(rval) ? JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(rval) : NULL;
+                 parent = OBJ_GET_PARENT(cx, obj2);
+                 if (OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, obj2) == &js_FunctionClass) {
+                     funclasp = ((JSFunction *)JS_GetPrivate(cx, obj2))->clasp;
+                     if (funclasp)
+                         clasp = funclasp;
+                 }
+             }
+             obj = js_NewObject(cx, clasp, proto, parent);
+             if (!obj) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             /* Now we have an object with a constructor method; call it. */
+             vp[1] = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
+             ok = js_Invoke(cx, argc, JSINVOKE_CONSTRUCT);
+             RESTORE_SP(fp);
+             LOAD_BRANCH_CALLBACK(cx);
+             LOAD_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(rt);
+             if (!ok) {
+                 cx->newborn[GCX_OBJECT] = NULL;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             /* Check the return value and update obj from it. */
+             rval = *vp;
+             if (JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(rval)) {
+                 if (fun || !JS_VERSION_IS_ECMA(cx)) {
+                     *vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
+                     break;
+                 }
+                 /* native [[Construct]] returning primitive is error */
+                 JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
+                                      JSMSG_BAD_NEW_RESULT,
+                                      js_ValueToPrintableString(cx, rval));
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(rval);
+             JS_RUNTIME_METER(rt, constructs);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_DELNAME:
+             atom = GET_ATOM(cx, script, pc);
+             id   = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = js_FindProperty(cx, id, &obj, &obj2, &prop);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             /* ECMA says to return true if name is undefined or inherited. */
+             rval = JSVAL_TRUE;
+             if (prop) {
+                 OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+                 ok = OBJ_DELETE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval);
+                 if (!ok)
+                     goto out;
+             }
+             PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_DELPROP:
+             atom = GET_ATOM(cx, script, pc);
+             id   = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+             PROPERTY_OP(-1, ok = OBJ_DELETE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval));
+             STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_DELELEM:
+             ELEMENT_OP(-1, ok = OBJ_DELETE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval));
+             sp--;
+             STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_TYPEOF:
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             type = JS_TypeOfValue(cx, rval);
+             atom = rt->atomState.typeAtoms[type];
+             STORE_OPND(-1, ATOM_KEY(atom));
+             break;
+           case JSOP_VOID:
+             (void) POP_OPND();
+             PUSH_OPND(JSVAL_VOID);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_INCNAME:
+           case JSOP_DECNAME:
+           case JSOP_NAMEINC:
+           case JSOP_NAMEDEC:
+             atom = GET_ATOM(cx, script, pc);
+             id   = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = js_FindProperty(cx, id, &obj, &obj2, &prop);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             if (!prop)
+                 goto atom_not_defined;
+             OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+             lval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
+             i = 0;
+             goto do_incop;
+           case JSOP_INCPROP:
+           case JSOP_DECPROP:
+           case JSOP_PROPINC:
+           case JSOP_PROPDEC:
+             atom = GET_ATOM(cx, script, pc);
+             id   = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+             lval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             i = -1;
+             goto do_incop;
+           case JSOP_INCELEM:
+           case JSOP_DECELEM:
+           case JSOP_ELEMINC:
+           case JSOP_ELEMDEC:
+             FETCH_ELEMENT_ID(-1, id);
+             lval = FETCH_OPND(-2);
+             i = -2;
+           do_incop:
+             VALUE_TO_OBJECT(cx, lval, obj);
+             if (i < 0)
+                 STORE_OPND(i, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
+             CHECK_ELEMENT_ID(obj, id);
+             /* The operand must contain a number. */
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             CACHED_GET(OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval));
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             /* The expression result goes in rtmp, the updated value in rval. */
+             if (JSVAL_IS_INT(rval) &&
+                 rval != INT_TO_JSVAL(JSVAL_INT_MIN) &&
+                 rval != INT_TO_JSVAL(JSVAL_INT_MAX)) {
+                 if (cs->format & JOF_POST) {
+                     rtmp = rval;
+                     (cs->format & JOF_INC) ? (rval += 2) : (rval -= 2);
+                 } else {
+                     (cs->format & JOF_INC) ? (rval += 2) : (rval -= 2);
+                     rtmp = rval;
+                 }
+             } else {
+ /*
+  * Initially, rval contains the value to increment or decrement, which is not
+  * yet converted.  As above, the expression result goes in rtmp, the updated
+  * value goes in rval.  Our caller must set vp to point at a GC-rooted jsval
+  * in which we home rtmp, to protect it from GC in case the unconverted rval
+  * is not a number.
+  */
+ #define NONINT_INCREMENT_OP_MIDDLE()                                          \
+     JS_BEGIN_MACRO                                                            \
+         VALUE_TO_NUMBER(cx, rval, d);                                         \
+         if (cs->format & JOF_POST) {                                          \
+             rtmp = rval;                                                      \
+             if (!JSVAL_IS_NUMBER(rtmp)) {                                     \
+                 ok = js_NewNumberValue(cx, d, &rtmp);                         \
+                 if (!ok)                                                      \
+                     goto out;                                                 \
+                 *vp = rtmp;                                                   \
+             }                                                                 \
+             (cs->format & JOF_INC) ? d++ : d--;                               \
+             ok = js_NewNumberValue(cx, d, &rval);                             \
+         } else {                                                              \
+             (cs->format & JOF_INC) ? ++d : --d;                               \
+             ok = js_NewNumberValue(cx, d, &rval);                             \
+             rtmp = rval;                                                      \
+         }                                                                     \
+         if (!ok)                                                              \
+             goto out;                                                         \
+                 if (cs->format & JOF_POST) {
+                     /*
+                      * We must push early to protect the postfix increment
+                      * or decrement result, if converted to a jsdouble from
+                      * a non-number value, from GC nesting in the setter.
+                      */
+                     vp = sp++;
+                     SAVE_SP(fp);
+                     --i;
+                 }
+ #ifdef __GNUC__
+                 else vp = NULL; /* suppress bogus gcc warnings */
+ #endif
+                 NONINT_INCREMENT_OP_MIDDLE();
+             }
+             fp->flags |= JSFRAME_ASSIGNING;
+             CACHED_SET(OBJ_SET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval));
+             fp->flags &= ~JSFRAME_ASSIGNING;
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             sp += i;
+             PUSH_OPND(rtmp);
+             break;
+ /*
+  * NB: This macro can't use JS_BEGIN_MACRO/JS_END_MACRO around its body because
+  * it must break from the switch case that calls it, not from the do...while(0)
+  * loop created by the JS_BEGIN/END_MACRO brackets.
+  */
+ #define FAST_INCREMENT_OP(SLOT,COUNT,BASE,PRE,OP,MINMAX)                      \
+     slot = SLOT;                                                              \
+     JS_ASSERT(slot < fp->fun->COUNT);                                         \
+     vp = fp->BASE + slot;                                                     \
+     rval = *vp;                                                               \
+     if (JSVAL_IS_INT(rval) &&                                                 \
+         rval != INT_TO_JSVAL(JSVAL_INT_##MINMAX)) {                           \
+         PRE = rval;                                                           \
+         rval OP 2;                                                            \
+         *vp = rval;                                                           \
+         PUSH_OPND(PRE);                                                       \
+         break;                                                                \
+     }                                                                         \
+     goto do_nonint_fast_incop;
+           case JSOP_INCARG:
+             FAST_INCREMENT_OP(GET_ARGNO(pc), nargs, argv, rval, +=, MAX);
+           case JSOP_DECARG:
+             FAST_INCREMENT_OP(GET_ARGNO(pc), nargs, argv, rval, -=, MIN);
+           case JSOP_ARGINC:
+             FAST_INCREMENT_OP(GET_ARGNO(pc), nargs, argv, rtmp, +=, MAX);
+           case JSOP_ARGDEC:
+             FAST_INCREMENT_OP(GET_ARGNO(pc), nargs, argv, rtmp, -=, MIN);
+           case JSOP_INCVAR:
+             FAST_INCREMENT_OP(GET_VARNO(pc), nvars, vars, rval, +=, MAX);
+           case JSOP_DECVAR:
+             FAST_INCREMENT_OP(GET_VARNO(pc), nvars, vars, rval, -=, MIN);
+           case JSOP_VARINC:
+             FAST_INCREMENT_OP(GET_VARNO(pc), nvars, vars, rtmp, +=, MAX);
+           case JSOP_VARDEC:
+             FAST_INCREMENT_OP(GET_VARNO(pc), nvars, vars, rtmp, -=, MIN);
+           do_nonint_fast_incop:
+             *vp = rval;
+             PUSH_OPND(rtmp);
+             break;
+ #define FAST_GLOBAL_INCREMENT_OP(SLOWOP,PRE,OP,MINMAX)                        \
+     slot = GET_VARNO(pc);                                                     \
+     JS_ASSERT(slot < fp->nvars);                                              \
+     lval = fp->vars[slot];                                                    \
+     if (JSVAL_IS_NULL(lval)) {                                                \
+         op = SLOWOP;                                                          \
+         goto do_op;                                                           \
+     }                                                                         \
+     slot = JSVAL_TO_INT(lval);                                                \
+     obj = fp->varobj;                                                         \
+     rval = OBJ_GET_SLOT(cx, obj, slot);                                       \
+     if (JSVAL_IS_INT(rval) &&                                                 \
+         rval != INT_TO_JSVAL(JSVAL_INT_##MINMAX)) {                           \
+         PRE = rval;                                                           \
+         rval OP 2;                                                            \
+         OBJ_SET_SLOT(cx, obj, slot, rval);                                    \
+         PUSH_OPND(PRE);                                                       \
+         break;                                                                \
+     }                                                                         \
+     goto do_nonint_fast_global_incop;
+           case JSOP_INCGVAR:
+           case JSOP_DECGVAR:
+           case JSOP_GVARINC:
+           case JSOP_GVARDEC:
+           do_nonint_fast_global_incop:
+             vp = sp++;
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             OBJ_SET_SLOT(cx, obj, slot, rval);
+             STORE_OPND(-1, rtmp);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_GETPROP:
+             /* Get an immediate atom naming the property. */
+             atom = GET_ATOM(cx, script, pc);
+             id   = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+             PROPERTY_OP(-1, CACHED_GET(OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval)));
+             STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_SETPROP:
+             /* Pop the right-hand side into rval for OBJ_SET_PROPERTY. */
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             /* Get an immediate atom naming the property. */
+             atom = GET_ATOM(cx, script, pc);
+             id   = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+             PROPERTY_OP(-2, CACHED_SET(OBJ_SET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval)));
+             sp--;
+             STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_GETELEM:
+             ELEMENT_OP(-1, CACHED_GET(OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval)));
+             sp--;
+             STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_SETELEM:
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             ELEMENT_OP(-2, CACHED_SET(OBJ_SET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval)));
+             sp -= 2;
+             STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_ENUMELEM:
+             /* Funky: the value to set is under the [obj, id] pair. */
+             FETCH_ELEMENT_ID(-1, id);
+             FETCH_OBJECT(cx, -2, lval, obj);
+             CHECK_ELEMENT_ID(obj, id);
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-3);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = OBJ_SET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             sp -= 3;
+             break;
+ /*
+  * LAZY_ARGS_THISP allows the JSOP_ARGSUB bytecode to defer creation of the
+  * arguments object until it is truly needed.  JSOP_ARGSUB optimizes away
+  * arguments objects when the only uses of the 'arguments' parameter are to
+  * fetch individual actual parameters.  But if such a use were then invoked,
+  * e.g., arguments[i](), the 'this' parameter would and must bind to the
+  * caller's arguments object.  So JSOP_ARGSUB sets obj to LAZY_ARGS_THISP.
+  */
+ #define LAZY_ARGS_THISP ((JSObject *) 1)
+           case JSOP_PUSHOBJ:
+             if (obj == LAZY_ARGS_THISP && !(obj = js_GetArgsObject(cx, fp))) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             PUSH_OPND(OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
+             break;
+           case JSOP_CALL:
+           case JSOP_EVAL:
+             argc = GET_ARGC(pc);
+             vp = sp - (argc + 2);
+             lval = *vp;
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             if (JSVAL_IS_FUNCTION(cx, lval) &&
+                 (obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(lval),
+                  fun = (JSFunction *) JS_GetPrivate(cx, obj),
+                  fun->interpreted &&
+                  !(fun->flags & (JSFUN_HEAVYWEIGHT | JSFUN_BOUND_METHOD)) &&
+                  argc >= (uintN)(fun->nargs + fun->extra)))
+           /* inline_call: */
+             {
+                 uintN nframeslots, nvars;
+                 void *newmark;
+                 JSInlineFrame *newifp;
+                 JSInterpreterHook hook;
+                 /* Restrict recursion of lightweight functions. */
+                 if (inlineCallCount == MAX_INLINE_CALL_COUNT) {
+                     JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
+                                          JSMSG_OVER_RECURSED);
+                     ok = JS_FALSE;
+                     goto out;
+                 }
+ #if JS_HAS_JIT
+                 /* ZZZbe should do this only if interpreted often enough. */
+                 ok = jsjit_Compile(cx, fun);
+                 if (!ok)
+                     goto out;
+ #endif
+                 /* Compute the number of stack slots needed for fun. */
+                 nframeslots = (sizeof(JSInlineFrame) + sizeof(jsval) - 1)
+                               / sizeof(jsval);
+                 nvars = fun->nvars;
+                 script = fun->u.script;
+                 depth = (jsint) script->depth;
+                 /* Allocate the frame and space for vars and operands. */
+                 newsp = js_AllocRawStack(cx, nframeslots + nvars + 2 * depth,
+                                          &newmark);
+                 if (!newsp) {
+                     ok = JS_FALSE;
+                     goto bad_inline_call;
+                 }
+                 newifp = (JSInlineFrame *) newsp;
+                 newsp += nframeslots;
+                 /* Initialize the stack frame. */
+                 memset(newifp, 0, sizeof(JSInlineFrame));
+                 newifp->frame.script = script;
+                 newifp->frame.fun = fun;
+                 newifp->frame.argc = argc;
+                 newifp->frame.argv = vp + 2;
+                 newifp->frame.rval = JSVAL_VOID;
+                 newifp->frame.nvars = nvars;
+                 newifp->frame.vars = newsp;
+                 newifp->frame.down = fp;
+                 newifp->frame.scopeChain = OBJ_GET_PARENT(cx, obj);
+                 newifp->mark = newmark;
+                 /* Compute the 'this' parameter now that argv is set. */
+                 ok = js_ComputeThis(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(vp[1]), &newifp->frame);
+                 if (!ok) {
+                     js_FreeRawStack(cx, newmark);
+                     goto bad_inline_call;
+                 }
+                 LogCall(cx, *vp, argc, vp + 2);
+ #endif
+                 /* Push void to initialize local variables. */
+                 sp = newsp;
+                 while (nvars--)
+                     PUSH(JSVAL_VOID);
+                 sp += depth;
+                 newifp->frame.spbase = sp;
+                 SAVE_SP(&newifp->frame);
+                 /* Call the debugger hook if present. */
+                 hook = cx->runtime->callHook;
+                 if (hook) {
+                     newifp->hookData = hook(cx, &newifp->frame, JS_TRUE, 0,
+                                             cx->runtime->callHookData);
+                     LOAD_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(rt);
+                 }
+                 /* Switch to new version if currentVersion wasn't overridden. */
+                 newifp->callerVersion = cx->version;
+                 if (cx->version == currentVersion) {
+                     currentVersion = script->version;
+                     if (currentVersion != cx->version)
+                         js_SetVersion(cx, currentVersion);
+                 }
+                 /* Push the frame and set interpreter registers. */
+                 cx->fp = fp = &newifp->frame;
+                 pc = script->code;
+                 endpc = pc + script->length;
+                 inlineCallCount++;
+                 JS_RUNTIME_METER(rt, inlineCalls);
+                 continue;
+               bad_inline_call:
+                 script = fp->script;
+                 depth = (jsint) script->depth;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             ok = js_Invoke(cx, argc, 0);
+             RESTORE_SP(fp);
+             LOAD_BRANCH_CALLBACK(cx);
+             LOAD_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(rt);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             JS_RUNTIME_METER(rt, nonInlineCalls);
+             if (cx->rval2set) {
+                 /*
+                  * Sneaky: use the stack depth we didn't claim in our budget,
+                  * but that we know is there on account of [fun, this] already
+                  * having been pushed, at a minimum (if no args).  Those two
+                  * slots have been popped and [rval] has been pushed, which
+                  * leaves one more slot for rval2 before we might overflow.
+                  *
+                  * NB: rval2 must be the property identifier, and rval the
+                  * object from which to get the property.  The pair form an
+                  * ECMA "reference type", which can be used on the right- or
+                  * left-hand side of assignment ops.  Only native methods can
+                  * return reference types.  See JSOP_SETCALL just below for
+                  * the left-hand-side case.
+                  */
+                 PUSH_OPND(cx->rval2);
+                 cx->rval2set = JS_FALSE;
+                 ELEMENT_OP(-1, ok = OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval));
+                 sp--;
+                 STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+             }
+ #endif
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_SETCALL:
+             argc = GET_ARGC(pc);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = js_Invoke(cx, argc, 0);
+             RESTORE_SP(fp);
+             LOAD_BRANCH_CALLBACK(cx);
+             LOAD_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(rt);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             if (!cx->rval2set) {
+                 JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
+                                      JSMSG_BAD_LEFTSIDE_OF_ASS);
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             PUSH_OPND(cx->rval2);
+             cx->rval2set = JS_FALSE;
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+ #endif
+           case JSOP_NAME:
+             atom = GET_ATOM(cx, script, pc);
+             id   = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = js_FindProperty(cx, id, &obj, &obj2, &prop);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             if (!prop) {
+                 /* Kludge to allow (typeof foo == "undefined") tests. */
+                 for (pc2 = pc + len; pc2 < endpc; pc2++) {
+                     op2 = (JSOp)*pc2;
+                     if (op2 == JSOP_TYPEOF) {
+                         PUSH_OPND(JSVAL_VOID);
+                         goto advance_pc;
+                     }
+                     if (op2 != JSOP_GROUP)
+                         break;
+                 }
+                 goto atom_not_defined;
+             }
+             /* Take the slow path if prop was not found in a native object. */
+             if (!OBJ_IS_NATIVE(obj) || !OBJ_IS_NATIVE(obj2)) {
+                 OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+                 ok = OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval);
+                 if (!ok)
+                     goto out;
+                 PUSH_OPND(rval);
+                 break;
+             }
+             /* Get and push the obj[id] property's value. */
+             sprop = (JSScopeProperty *)prop;
+             slot = (uintN)sprop->slot;
+             rval = (slot != SPROP_INVALID_SLOT)
+                    ? LOCKED_OBJ_GET_SLOT(obj2, slot)
+                    : JSVAL_VOID;
+             JS_UNLOCK_OBJ(cx, obj2);
+             ok = SPROP_GET(cx, sprop, obj, obj2, &rval);
+             JS_LOCK_OBJ(cx, obj2);
+             if (!ok) {
+                 OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             if (SPROP_HAS_VALID_SLOT(sprop, OBJ_SCOPE(obj2)))
+                 LOCKED_OBJ_SET_SLOT(obj2, slot, rval);
+             OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+             PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_UINT16:
+             i = (jsint) GET_ATOM_INDEX(pc);
+             rval = INT_TO_JSVAL(i);
+             PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_UINT24:
+             i = (jsint) GET_LITERAL_INDEX(pc);
+             rval = INT_TO_JSVAL(i);
+             PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_LITERAL:
+             atomIndex = GET_LITERAL_INDEX(pc);
+             atom = js_GetAtom(cx, &script->atomMap, atomIndex);
+             PUSH_OPND(ATOM_KEY(atom));
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_FINDNAME:
+             atomIndex = GET_LITERAL_INDEX(pc);
+             atom = js_GetAtom(cx, &script->atomMap, atomIndex);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             obj = js_FindIdentifierBase(cx, ATOM_TO_JSID(atom));
+             if (!obj) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             PUSH_OPND(OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
+             PUSH_OPND(ATOM_KEY(atom));
+             break;
+           case JSOP_LITOPX:
+             atomIndex = GET_LITERAL_INDEX(pc);
+             op = pc[1 + LITERAL_INDEX_LEN];
+             switch (op) {
+               case JSOP_ANONFUNOBJ:   goto do_JSOP_ANONFUNOBJ;
+               case JSOP_BINDNAME:     goto do_JSOP_BINDNAME;
+               case JSOP_CLOSURE:      goto do_JSOP_CLOSURE;
+               case JSOP_DEFCONST:     goto do_JSOP_DEFCONST;
+               case JSOP_DEFFUN:       goto do_JSOP_DEFFUN;
+               case JSOP_DEFLOCALFUN:  goto do_JSOP_DEFLOCALFUN;
+               case JSOP_DEFVAR:       goto do_JSOP_DEFVAR;
+               case JSOP_EXPORTNAME:   goto do_JSOP_EXPORTNAME;
+ #endif
+               case JSOP_GETMETHOD:    goto do_JSOP_GETMETHOD;
+               case JSOP_SETMETHOD:    goto do_JSOP_SETMETHOD;
+ #endif
+               case JSOP_INITCATCHVAR: goto do_JSOP_INITCATCHVAR;
+               case JSOP_NAMEDFUNOBJ:  goto do_JSOP_NAMEDFUNOBJ;
+               case JSOP_NUMBER:       goto do_JSOP_NUMBER;
+               case JSOP_OBJECT:       goto do_JSOP_OBJECT;
+               case JSOP_QNAMECONST:   goto do_JSOP_QNAMECONST;
+               case JSOP_QNAMEPART:    goto do_JSOP_QNAMEPART;
+ #endif
+               case JSOP_REGEXP:       goto do_JSOP_REGEXP;
+               case JSOP_SETCONST:     goto do_JSOP_SETCONST;
+               case JSOP_STRING:       goto do_JSOP_STRING;
+               case JSOP_XMLCDATA:     goto do_JSOP_XMLCDATA;
+               case JSOP_XMLCOMMENT:   goto do_JSOP_XMLCOMMENT;
+               case JSOP_XMLOBJECT:    goto do_JSOP_XMLOBJECT;
+               case JSOP_XMLPI:        goto do_JSOP_XMLPI;
+ #endif
+               default:                JS_ASSERT(0);
+             }
+             /* NOTREACHED */
+             break;
+           case JSOP_NUMBER:
+           case JSOP_STRING:
+           case JSOP_OBJECT:
+             atomIndex = GET_ATOM_INDEX(pc);
+           do_JSOP_NUMBER:
+           do_JSOP_STRING:
+           do_JSOP_OBJECT:
+             atom = js_GetAtom(cx, &script->atomMap, atomIndex);
+             PUSH_OPND(ATOM_KEY(atom));
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+           {
+             JSRegExp *re;
+             JSObject *funobj;
+             /*
+              * Push a regexp object for the atom mapped by the bytecode at pc,
+              * cloning the literal's regexp object if necessary, to simulate in
+              * the pre-compile/execute-later case what ECMA specifies for the
+              * compile-and-go case: that scanning each regexp literal creates
+              * a single corresponding RegExp object.
+              *
+              * To support pre-compilation transparently, we must handle the
+              * case where a regexp object literal is used in a different global
+              * at execution time from the global with which it was scanned at
+              * compile time.  We do this by re-wrapping the JSRegExp private
+              * data struct with a cloned object having the right prototype and
+              * parent, and having its own lastIndex property value storage.
+              *
+              * Unlike JSOP_DEFFUN and other prolog bytecodes that may clone
+              * literal objects, we don't want to pay a script prolog execution
+              * price for all regexp literals in a script (many may not be used
+              * by a particular execution of that script, depending on control
+              * flow), so we initialize lazily here.
+              *
+              * XXX This code is specific to regular expression objects.  If we
+              * need a similar op for other kinds of object literals, we should
+              * push cloning down under JSObjectOps and reuse code here.
+              */
+             JS_ASSERT(ATOM_IS_OBJECT(atom));
+             obj = ATOM_TO_OBJECT(atom);
+             JS_ASSERT(OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, obj) == &js_RegExpClass);
+             re = (JSRegExp *) JS_GetPrivate(cx, obj);
+             slot = re->cloneIndex;
+             if (fp->fun) {
+                 /*
+                  * We're in function code, not global or eval code (in eval
+                  * code, JSOP_REGEXP is never emitted).  The code generator
+                  * recorded in fp->fun->nregexps the number of re->cloneIndex
+                  * slots that it reserved in the cloned funobj.
+                  */
+                 funobj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(fp->argv[-2]);
+                 slot += JSCLASS_RESERVED_SLOTS(&js_FunctionClass);
+                 if (!JS_GetReservedSlot(cx, funobj, slot, &rval))
+                     return JS_FALSE;
+                 if (JSVAL_IS_VOID(rval))
+                     rval = JSVAL_NULL;
+             } else {
+                 /*
+                  * We're in global code.  The code generator already arranged
+                  * via script->numGlobalVars to reserve a global variable slot
+                  * at cloneIndex.  All global variable slots are initialized
+                  * to null, not void, for faster testing in JSOP_*GVAR cases.
+                  */
+                 rval = fp->vars[slot];
+ #ifdef __GNUC__
+                 funobj = NULL;  /* suppress bogus gcc warnings */
+ #endif
+             }
+             if (JSVAL_IS_NULL(rval)) {
+                 /* Compute the current global object in obj2. */
+                 obj2 = fp->scopeChain;
+                 while ((parent = OBJ_GET_PARENT(cx, obj2)) != NULL)
+                     obj2 = parent;
+                 /*
+                  * We must home sp here, because either js_CloneRegExpObject
+                  * or JS_SetReservedSlot could nest a last-ditch GC.  We home
+                  * pc as well, in case js_CloneRegExpObject has to lookup the
+                  * "RegExp" class in the global object, which could entail a
+                  * JSNewResolveOp call.
+                  */
+                 SAVE_SP(fp);
+                 /*
+                  * If obj's parent is not obj2, we must clone obj so that it
+                  * has the right parent, and therefore, the right prototype.
+                  *
+                  * Yes, this means we assume that the correct RegExp.prototype
+                  * to which regexp instances (including literals) delegate can
+                  * be distinguished solely by the instance's parent, which was
+                  * set to the parent of the RegExp constructor function object
+                  * when the instance was created.  In other words,
+                  *
+                  *   (/x/.__parent__ == RegExp.__parent__) implies
+                  *   (/x/.__proto__ == RegExp.prototype)
+                  *
+                  * (unless you assign a different object to RegExp.prototype
+                  * at runtime, in which case, ECMA doesn't specify operation,
+                  * and you get what you deserve).
+                  *
+                  * This same coupling between instance parent and constructor
+                  * parent turns up everywhere (see jsobj.c's FindConstructor,
+                  * js_ConstructObject, and js_NewObject).  It's fundamental to
+                  * the design of the language when you consider multiple global
+                  * objects and separate compilation and execution, even though
+                  * it is not specified fully in ECMA.
+                  */
+                 if (OBJ_GET_PARENT(cx, obj) != obj2) {
+                     obj = js_CloneRegExpObject(cx, obj, obj2);
+                     if (!obj) {
+                         ok = JS_FALSE;
+                         goto out;
+                     }
+                 }
+                 rval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
+                 /* Store the regexp object value in its cloneIndex slot. */
+                 if (fp->fun) {
+                     if (!JS_SetReservedSlot(cx, funobj, slot, rval))
+                         return JS_FALSE;
+                 } else {
+                     fp->vars[slot] = rval;
+                 }
+             }
+             PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             obj = NULL;
+           }
+           END_LITOPX_CASE
+           case JSOP_ZERO:
+             PUSH_OPND(JSVAL_ZERO);
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_ONE:
+             PUSH_OPND(JSVAL_ONE);
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_NULL:
+             PUSH_OPND(JSVAL_NULL);
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_THIS:
+             obj = fp->thisp;
+             clasp = OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, obj);
+             if (clasp->flags & JSCLASS_IS_EXTENDED) {
+                 JSExtendedClass *xclasp;
+                 xclasp = (JSExtendedClass *) clasp;
+                 if (xclasp->outerObject) {
+                     obj = xclasp->outerObject(cx, obj);
+                     if (!obj) {
+                         ok = JS_FALSE;
+                         goto out;
+                     }
+                 }
+             }
+             PUSH_OPND(OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_FALSE:
+             PUSH_OPND(JSVAL_FALSE);
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_TRUE:
+             PUSH_OPND(JSVAL_TRUE);
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_TABLESWITCH:
+             pc2 = pc;
+             len = GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc2);
+             /*
+              * ECMAv2 forbids conversion of discriminant, so we will skip to
+              * the default case if the discriminant isn't already an int jsval.
+              * (This opcode is emitted only for dense jsint-domain switches.)
+              */
+             if ((cx->version & JSVERSION_MASK) == JSVERSION_DEFAULT ||
+                 (cx->version & JSVERSION_MASK) >= JSVERSION_1_4) {
+                 rval = POP_OPND();
+                 if (!JSVAL_IS_INT(rval))
+                     break;
+                 i = JSVAL_TO_INT(rval);
+             } else {
+                 FETCH_INT(cx, -1, i);
+                 sp--;
+             }
+             pc2 += JUMP_OFFSET_LEN;
+             low = GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc2);
+             pc2 += JUMP_OFFSET_LEN;
+             high = GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc2);
+             i -= low;
+             if ((jsuint)i < (jsuint)(high - low + 1)) {
+                 pc2 += JUMP_OFFSET_LEN + JUMP_OFFSET_LEN * i;
+                 off = (jsint) GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc2);
+                 if (off)
+                     len = off;
+             }
+             break;
+           case JSOP_LOOKUPSWITCH:
+             lval = POP_OPND();
+             pc2 = pc;
+             len = GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc2);
+             if (!JSVAL_IS_NUMBER(lval) &&
+                 !JSVAL_IS_STRING(lval) &&
+                 !JSVAL_IS_BOOLEAN(lval)) {
+                 goto advance_pc;
+             }
+             pc2 += JUMP_OFFSET_LEN;
+             npairs = (jsint) GET_ATOM_INDEX(pc2);
+             pc2 += ATOM_INDEX_LEN;
+ #define SEARCH_PAIRS(MATCH_CODE)                                              \
+     while (npairs) {                                                          \
+         atom = GET_ATOM(cx, script, pc2);                                     \
+         rval = ATOM_KEY(atom);                                                \
+         MATCH_CODE                                                            \
+         if (match) {                                                          \
+             pc2 += ATOM_INDEX_LEN;                                            \
+             len = GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc2);                                       \
+             goto advance_pc;                                                  \
+         }                                                                     \
+         pc2 += ATOM_INDEX_LEN + JUMP_OFFSET_LEN;                              \
+         npairs--;                                                             \
+     }
+             if (JSVAL_IS_STRING(lval)) {
+                 str  = JSVAL_TO_STRING(lval);
+                 SEARCH_PAIRS(
+                     match = (JSVAL_IS_STRING(rval) &&
+                              ((str2 = JSVAL_TO_STRING(rval)) == str ||
+                               !js_CompareStrings(str2, str)));
+                 )
+             } else if (JSVAL_IS_DOUBLE(lval)) {
+                 d = *JSVAL_TO_DOUBLE(lval);
+                 SEARCH_PAIRS(
+                     match = (JSVAL_IS_DOUBLE(rval) &&
+                              *JSVAL_TO_DOUBLE(rval) == d);
+                 )
+             } else {
+                 SEARCH_PAIRS(
+                     match = (lval == rval);
+                 )
+             }
+             break;
+           case JSOP_TABLESWITCHX:
+             pc2 = pc;
+             len = GET_JUMPX_OFFSET(pc2);
+             /*
+              * ECMAv2 forbids conversion of discriminant, so we will skip to
+              * the default case if the discriminant isn't already an int jsval.
+              * (This opcode is emitted only for dense jsint-domain switches.)
+              */
+             if ((cx->version & JSVERSION_MASK) == JSVERSION_DEFAULT ||
+                 (cx->version & JSVERSION_MASK) >= JSVERSION_1_4) {
+                 rval = POP_OPND();
+                 if (!JSVAL_IS_INT(rval))
+                     break;
+                 i = JSVAL_TO_INT(rval);
+             } else {
+                 FETCH_INT(cx, -1, i);
+                 sp--;
+             }
+             pc2 += JUMPX_OFFSET_LEN;
+             low = GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc2);
+             pc2 += JUMP_OFFSET_LEN;
+             high = GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc2);
+             i -= low;
+             if ((jsuint)i < (jsuint)(high - low + 1)) {
+                 pc2 += JUMP_OFFSET_LEN + JUMPX_OFFSET_LEN * i;
+                 off = (jsint) GET_JUMPX_OFFSET(pc2);
+                 if (off)
+                     len = off;
+             }
+             break;
+           case JSOP_LOOKUPSWITCHX:
+             lval = POP_OPND();
+             pc2 = pc;
+             len = GET_JUMPX_OFFSET(pc2);
+             if (!JSVAL_IS_NUMBER(lval) &&
+                 !JSVAL_IS_STRING(lval) &&
+                 !JSVAL_IS_BOOLEAN(lval)) {
+                 goto advance_pc;
+             }
+             pc2 += JUMPX_OFFSET_LEN;
+             npairs = (jsint) GET_ATOM_INDEX(pc2);
+             pc2 += ATOM_INDEX_LEN;
+ #define SEARCH_EXTENDED_PAIRS(MATCH_CODE)                                     \
+     while (npairs) {                                                          \
+         atom = GET_ATOM(cx, script, pc2);                                     \
+         rval = ATOM_KEY(atom);                                                \
+         MATCH_CODE                                                            \
+         if (match) {                                                          \
+             pc2 += ATOM_INDEX_LEN;                                            \
+             len = GET_JUMPX_OFFSET(pc2);                                      \
+             goto advance_pc;                                                  \
+         }                                                                     \
+         pc2 += ATOM_INDEX_LEN + JUMPX_OFFSET_LEN;                             \
+         npairs--;                                                             \
+     }
+             if (JSVAL_IS_STRING(lval)) {
+                 str  = JSVAL_TO_STRING(lval);
+                 SEARCH_EXTENDED_PAIRS(
+                     match = (JSVAL_IS_STRING(rval) &&
+                              ((str2 = JSVAL_TO_STRING(rval)) == str ||
+                               !js_CompareStrings(str2, str)));
+                 )
+             } else if (JSVAL_IS_DOUBLE(lval)) {
+                 d = *JSVAL_TO_DOUBLE(lval);
+                 SEARCH_EXTENDED_PAIRS(
+                     match = (JSVAL_IS_DOUBLE(rval) &&
+                              *JSVAL_TO_DOUBLE(rval) == d);
+                 )
+             } else {
+                 SEARCH_EXTENDED_PAIRS(
+                     match = (lval == rval);
+                 )
+             }
+             break;
+           case JSOP_CONDSWITCH:
+             break;
+           case JSOP_EXPORTALL:
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             obj = fp->varobj;
+             ida = JS_Enumerate(cx, obj);
+             if (!ida) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+             } else {
+                 for (i = 0, j = ida->length; i < j; i++) {
+                     id = ida->vector[i];
+                     ok = OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &obj2, &prop);
+                     if (!ok)
+                         break;
+                     if (!prop)
+                         continue;
+                     ok = OBJ_GET_ATTRIBUTES(cx, obj, id, prop, &attrs);
+                     if (ok) {
+                         attrs |= JSPROP_EXPORTED;
+                         ok = OBJ_SET_ATTRIBUTES(cx, obj, id, prop, &attrs);
+                     }
+                     OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+                     if (!ok)
+                         break;
+                 }
+                 JS_DestroyIdArray(cx, ida);
+             }
+             break;
+             id   = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+             obj  = fp->varobj;
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &obj2, &prop);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             if (!prop) {
+                 ok = OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, JSVAL_VOID, NULL, NULL,
+                                          JSPROP_EXPORTED, NULL);
+             } else {
+                 ok = OBJ_GET_ATTRIBUTES(cx, obj, id, prop, &attrs);
+                 if (ok) {
+                     attrs |= JSPROP_EXPORTED;
+                     ok = OBJ_SET_ATTRIBUTES(cx, obj, id, prop, &attrs);
+                 }
+                 OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+             }
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+           END_LITOPX_CASE
+           case JSOP_IMPORTALL:
+             id = (jsid) JSVAL_VOID;
+             PROPERTY_OP(-1, ok = ImportProperty(cx, obj, id));
+             sp--;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_IMPORTPROP:
+             /* Get an immediate atom naming the property. */
+             atom = GET_ATOM(cx, script, pc);
+             id   = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+             PROPERTY_OP(-1, ok = ImportProperty(cx, obj, id));
+             sp--;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_IMPORTELEM:
+             ELEMENT_OP(-1, ok = ImportProperty(cx, obj, id));
+             sp -= 2;
+             break;
+ #endif /* JS_HAS_EXPORT_IMPORT */
+           case JSOP_TRAP:
+             switch (JS_HandleTrap(cx, script, pc, &rval)) {
+               case JSTRAP_ERROR:
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+               case JSTRAP_CONTINUE:
+                 JS_ASSERT(JSVAL_IS_INT(rval));
+                 op = (JSOp) JSVAL_TO_INT(rval);
+                 JS_ASSERT((uintN)op < (uintN)JSOP_LIMIT);
+                 LOAD_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(rt);
+                 goto do_op;
+               case JSTRAP_RETURN:
+                 fp->rval = rval;
+                 goto out;
+               case JSTRAP_THROW:
+                 cx->throwing = JS_TRUE;
+                 cx->exception = rval;
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+ #endif /* JS_HAS_EXCEPTIONS */
+               default:;
+             }
+             LOAD_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(rt);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_ARGUMENTS:
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = js_GetArgsValue(cx, fp, &rval);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_ARGSUB:
+             id = INT_TO_JSID(GET_ARGNO(pc));
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = js_GetArgsProperty(cx, fp, id, &obj, &rval);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             if (!obj) {
+                 /*
+                  * If arguments was not overridden by eval('arguments = ...'),
+                  * set obj to the magic cookie respected by JSOP_PUSHOBJ, just
+                  * in case this bytecode is part of an 'arguments[i](j, k)' or
+                  * similar such invocation sequence, where the function that
+                  * is invoked expects its 'this' parameter to be the caller's
+                  * arguments object.
+                  */
+                 obj = LAZY_ARGS_THISP;
+             }
+             PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_ARGCNT:
+             id = ATOM_TO_JSID(rt->atomState.lengthAtom);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = js_GetArgsProperty(cx, fp, id, &obj, &rval);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_GETARG:
+             slot = GET_ARGNO(pc);
+             JS_ASSERT(slot < fp->fun->nargs);
+             PUSH_OPND(fp->argv[slot]);
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_SETARG:
+             slot = GET_ARGNO(pc);
+             JS_ASSERT(slot < fp->fun->nargs);
+             vp = &fp->argv[slot];
+             GC_POKE(cx, *vp);
+             *vp = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_GETVAR:
+             slot = GET_VARNO(pc);
+             JS_ASSERT(slot < fp->fun->nvars);
+             PUSH_OPND(fp->vars[slot]);
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_SETVAR:
+             slot = GET_VARNO(pc);
+             JS_ASSERT(slot < fp->fun->nvars);
+             vp = &fp->vars[slot];
+             GC_POKE(cx, *vp);
+             *vp = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_GETGVAR:
+             slot = GET_VARNO(pc);
+             JS_ASSERT(slot < fp->nvars);
+             lval = fp->vars[slot];
+             if (JSVAL_IS_NULL(lval)) {
+                 op = JSOP_NAME;
+                 goto do_op;
+             }
+             slot = JSVAL_TO_INT(lval);
+             obj = fp->varobj;
+             rval = OBJ_GET_SLOT(cx, obj, slot);
+             PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_SETGVAR:
+             slot = GET_VARNO(pc);
+             JS_ASSERT(slot < fp->nvars);
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             lval = fp->vars[slot];
+             obj = fp->varobj;
+             if (JSVAL_IS_NULL(lval)) {
+                 /*
+                  * Inline-clone and specialize JSOP_SETNAME code here because
+                  * JSOP_SETGVAR has arity 1: [rval], not arity 2: [obj, rval]
+                  * as JSOP_SETNAME does, where [obj] is due to JSOP_BINDNAME.
+                  */
+                 atom = GET_ATOM(cx, script, pc);
+                 id = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+                 SAVE_SP(fp);
+                 CACHED_SET(OBJ_SET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval));
+                 if (!ok)
+                     goto out;
+                 STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+             } else {
+                 slot = JSVAL_TO_INT(lval);
+                 GC_POKE(cx, obj->slots[slot]);
+                 OBJ_SET_SLOT(cx, obj, slot, rval);
+             }
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_DEFCONST:
+           case JSOP_DEFVAR:
+             atomIndex = GET_ATOM_INDEX(pc);
+           do_JSOP_DEFCONST:
+           do_JSOP_DEFVAR:
+             atom = js_GetAtom(cx, &script->atomMap, atomIndex);
+             obj = fp->varobj;
+             attrs = JSPROP_ENUMERATE;
+             if (!(fp->flags & JSFRAME_EVAL))
+                 attrs |= JSPROP_PERMANENT;
+             if (op == JSOP_DEFCONST)
+                 attrs |= JSPROP_READONLY;
+             /* Lookup id in order to check for redeclaration problems. */
+             id = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = js_CheckRedeclaration(cx, obj, id, attrs, &obj2, &prop);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             /* Bind a variable only if it's not yet defined. */
+             if (!prop) {
+                 ok = OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, JSVAL_VOID, NULL, NULL,
+                                          attrs, &prop);
+                 if (!ok)
+                     goto out;
+                 JS_ASSERT(prop);
+                 obj2 = obj;
+             }
+             /*
+              * Try to optimize a property we either just created, or found
+              * directly in the global object, that is permanent, has a slot,
+              * and has stub getter and setter, into a "fast global" accessed
+              * by the JSOP_*GVAR opcodes.
+              */
+             if (atomIndex < script->numGlobalVars &&
+                 (attrs & JSPROP_PERMANENT) &&
+                 obj2 == obj &&
+                 OBJ_IS_NATIVE(obj)) {
+                 sprop = (JSScopeProperty *) prop;
+                 if (SPROP_HAS_VALID_SLOT(sprop, OBJ_SCOPE(obj)) &&
+                     SPROP_HAS_STUB_GETTER(sprop) &&
+                     SPROP_HAS_STUB_SETTER(sprop)) {
+                     /*
+                      * Fast globals use fp->vars to map the global name's
+                      * atomIndex to the permanent fp->varobj slot number,
+                      * tagged as a jsval.  The atomIndex for the global's
+                      * name literal is identical to its fp->vars index.
+                      */
+                     fp->vars[atomIndex] = INT_TO_JSVAL(sprop->slot);
+                 }
+             }
+             OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);
+             break;
+           {
+             uintN flags;
+             atomIndex = GET_ATOM_INDEX(pc);
+             atom = js_GetAtom(cx, &script->atomMap, atomIndex);
+             obj = ATOM_TO_OBJECT(atom);
+             fun = (JSFunction *) JS_GetPrivate(cx, obj);
+             id = ATOM_TO_JSID(fun->atom);
+             /*
+              * We must be at top-level (either outermost block that forms a
+              * function's body, or a global) scope, not inside an expression
+              * (JSOP_{ANON,NAMED}FUNOBJ) or compound statement (JSOP_CLOSURE)
+              * in the same compilation unit (ECMA Program).
+              *
+              * However, we could be in a Program being eval'd from inside a
+              * with statement, so we need to distinguish scope chain head from
+              * variables object.  Hence the obj2 vs. parent distinction below.
+              * First we make sure the function object we're defining has the
+              * right scope chain.  Then we define its name in fp->varobj.
+              *
+              * If static link is not current scope, clone fun's object to link
+              * to the current scope via parent.  This clause exists to enable
+              * sharing of compiled functions among multiple equivalent scopes,
+              * splitting the cost of compilation evenly among the scopes and
+              * amortizing it over a number of executions.  Examples include XUL
+              * scripts and event handlers shared among Mozilla chrome windows,
+              * and server-side JS user-defined functions shared among requests.
+              *
+              * NB: The Script object exposes compile and exec in the language,
+              * such that this clause introduces an incompatible change from old
+              * JS versions that supported Script.  Such a JS version supported
+              * executing a script that defined and called functions scoped by
+              * the compile-time static link, not by the exec-time scope chain.
+              *
+              * We sacrifice compatibility, breaking such scripts, in order to
+              * promote compile-cost sharing and amortizing, and because Script
+              * is not and will not be standardized.
+              */
+             obj2 = fp->scopeChain;
+             if (OBJ_GET_PARENT(cx, obj) != obj2) {
+                 obj = js_CloneFunctionObject(cx, obj, obj2);
+                 if (!obj) {
+                     ok = JS_FALSE;
+                     goto out;
+                 }
+             }
+             /*
+              * Protect obj from any GC hiding below OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY.  All
+              * paths from here must flow through the "Restore fp->scopeChain"
+              * code below the OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY call.
+              */
+             fp->scopeChain = obj;
+             rval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
+             /*
+              * ECMA requires functions defined when entering Global code to be
+              * permanent, and functions defined when entering Eval code to be
+              * impermanent.
+              */
+             attrs = JSPROP_ENUMERATE;
+             if (!(fp->flags & JSFRAME_EVAL))
+                 attrs |= JSPROP_PERMANENT;
+             /*
+              * Load function flags that are also property attributes.  Getters
+              * and setters do not need a slot, their value is stored elsewhere
+              * in the property itself, not in obj->slots.
+              */
+             flags = fun->flags & (JSFUN_GETTER | JSFUN_SETTER);
+             if (flags) {
+                 attrs |= flags | JSPROP_SHARED;
+                 rval = JSVAL_VOID;
+             }
+             /*
+              * Check for a const property of the same name -- or any kind
+              * of property if executing with the strict option.  We check
+              * here at runtime as well as at compile-time, to handle eval
+              * as well as multiple HTML script tags.
+              */
+             parent = fp->varobj;
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = js_CheckRedeclaration(cx, parent, id, attrs, NULL, NULL);
+             if (ok) {
+                 ok = OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY(cx, parent, id, rval,
+                                          (flags & JSFUN_GETTER)
+                                          ? (JSPropertyOp) obj
+                                          : NULL,
+                                          (flags & JSFUN_SETTER)
+                                          ? (JSPropertyOp) obj
+                                          : NULL,
+                                          attrs,
+                                          &prop);
+             }
+             /* Restore fp->scopeChain now that obj is defined in fp->varobj. */
+             fp->scopeChain = obj2;
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+ #if 0
+             if (attrs == (JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_PERMANENT) &&
+                 script->numGlobalVars) {
+                 /*
+                  * As with JSOP_DEFVAR and JSOP_DEFCONST (above), fast globals
+                  * use fp->vars to map the global function name's atomIndex to
+                  * its permanent fp->varobj slot number, tagged as a jsval.
+                  */
+                 sprop = (JSScopeProperty *) prop;
+                 fp->vars[atomIndex] = INT_TO_JSVAL(sprop->slot);
+             }
+ #endif
+             OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, parent, prop);
+           }
+           END_LITOPX_CASE
+             /*
+              * Define a local function (i.e., one nested at the top level of
+              * another function), parented by the current scope chain, and
+              * stored in a local variable slot that the compiler allocated.
+              * This is an optimization over JSOP_DEFFUN that avoids requiring
+              * a call object for the outer function's activation.
+              */
+             slot = GET_VARNO(pc);
+             atom = js_GetAtom(cx, &script->atomMap, atomIndex);
+             obj = ATOM_TO_OBJECT(atom);
+             fun = (JSFunction *) JS_GetPrivate(cx, obj);
+             parent = fp->scopeChain;
+             if (OBJ_GET_PARENT(cx, obj) != parent) {
+                 SAVE_SP(fp);
+                 obj = js_CloneFunctionObject(cx, obj, parent);
+                 if (!obj) {
+                     ok = JS_FALSE;
+                     goto out;
+                 }
+             }
+             fp->vars[slot] = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
+           END_LITOPX_CASE
+             /* Push the specified function object literal. */
+             obj = ATOM_TO_OBJECT(atom);
+             /* If re-parenting, push a clone of the function object. */
+             parent = fp->scopeChain;
+             if (OBJ_GET_PARENT(cx, obj) != parent) {
+                 SAVE_SP(fp);
+                 obj = js_CloneFunctionObject(cx, obj, parent);
+                 if (!obj) {
+                     ok = JS_FALSE;
+                     goto out;
+                 }
+             }
+             PUSH_OPND(OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
+             obj = NULL;
+           END_LITOPX_CASE
+             /* ECMA ed. 3 FunctionExpression: function Identifier [etc.]. */
+             rval = ATOM_KEY(atom);
+             JS_ASSERT(JSVAL_IS_FUNCTION(cx, rval));
+             /*
+              * 1. Create a new object as if by the expression new Object().
+              * 2. Add Result(1) to the front of the scope chain.
+              *
+              * Step 2 is achieved by making the new object's parent be the
+              * current scope chain, and then making the new object the parent
+              * of the Function object clone.
+              */
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             obj2 = fp->scopeChain;
+             parent = js_NewObject(cx, &js_ObjectClass, NULL, obj2);
+             if (!parent) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             /*
+              * 3. Create a new Function object as specified in section 13.2
+              * with [parameters and body specified by the function expression
+              * that was parsed by the compiler into a Function object, and
+              * saved in the script's atom map].
+              *
+              * Protect parent from GC after js_CloneFunctionObject calls into
+              * js_NewObject, which displaces the newborn object root in cx by
+              * allocating the clone, then runs a last-ditch GC while trying
+              * to allocate the clone's slots vector.  Another, multi-threaded
+              * path: js_CloneFunctionObject => js_NewObject => OBJ_GET_CLASS
+              * which may suspend the current request in ClaimScope, with the
+              * newborn displaced as in the first scenario.
+              */
+             fp->scopeChain = parent;
+             obj = js_CloneFunctionObject(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(rval), parent);
+             if (!obj) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             /*
+              * Protect obj from any GC hiding below OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY.  All
+              * paths from here must flow through the "Restore fp->scopeChain"
+              * code below the OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY call.
+              */
+             fp->scopeChain = obj;
+             rval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
+             /*
+              * 4. Create a property in the object Result(1).  The property's
+              * name is [fun->atom, the identifier parsed by the compiler],
+              * value is Result(3), and attributes are { DontDelete, ReadOnly }.
+              */
+             fun = (JSFunction *) JS_GetPrivate(cx, obj);
+             attrs = fun->flags & (JSFUN_GETTER | JSFUN_SETTER);
+             if (attrs) {
+                 attrs |= JSPROP_SHARED;
+                 rval = JSVAL_VOID;
+             }
+             ok = OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY(cx, parent, ATOM_TO_JSID(fun->atom), rval,
+                                      (attrs & JSFUN_GETTER)
+                                      ? (JSPropertyOp) obj
+                                      : NULL,
+                                      (attrs & JSFUN_SETTER)
+                                      ? (JSPropertyOp) obj
+                                      : NULL,
+                                      attrs |
+                                      JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_PERMANENT |
+                                      JSPROP_READONLY,
+                                      NULL);
+             /* Restore fp->scopeChain now that obj is defined in parent. */
+             fp->scopeChain = obj2;
+             if (!ok) {
+                 cx->newborn[GCX_OBJECT] = NULL;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             /*
+              * 5. Remove Result(1) from the front of the scope chain [no-op].
+              * 6. Return Result(3).
+              */
+             PUSH_OPND(OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
+             obj = NULL;
+           END_LITOPX_CASE
+             /*
+              * ECMA ed. 3 extension: a named function expression in a compound
+              * statement (not at the top statement level of global code, or at
+              * the top level of a function body).
+              *
+              * Get immediate operand atom, which is a function object literal.
+              * From it, get the function to close.
+              */
+             JS_ASSERT(JSVAL_IS_FUNCTION(cx, ATOM_KEY(atom)));
+             obj = ATOM_TO_OBJECT(atom);
+             /*
+              * Clone the function object with the current scope chain as the
+              * clone's parent.  The original function object is the prototype
+              * of the clone.  Do this only if re-parenting; the compiler may
+              * have seen the right parent already and created a sufficiently
+              * well-scoped function object.
+              */
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             obj2 = fp->scopeChain;
+             if (OBJ_GET_PARENT(cx, obj) != obj2) {
+                 obj = js_CloneFunctionObject(cx, obj, obj2);
+                 if (!obj) {
+                     ok = JS_FALSE;
+                     goto out;
+                 }
+             }
+             /*
+              * Protect obj from any GC hiding below OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY.  All
+              * paths from here must flow through the "Restore fp->scopeChain"
+              * code below the OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY call.
+              */
+             fp->scopeChain = obj;
+             rval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
+             /*
+              * Make a property in fp->varobj with id fun->atom and value obj,
+              * unless fun is a getter or setter (in which case, obj is cast to
+              * a JSPropertyOp and passed accordingly).
+              */
+             fun = (JSFunction *) JS_GetPrivate(cx, obj);
+             attrs = fun->flags & (JSFUN_GETTER | JSFUN_SETTER);
+             if (attrs) {
+                 attrs |= JSPROP_SHARED;
+                 rval = JSVAL_VOID;
+             }
+             parent = fp->varobj;
+             ok = OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY(cx, parent, ATOM_TO_JSID(fun->atom), rval,
+                                      (attrs & JSFUN_GETTER)
+                                      ? (JSPropertyOp) obj
+                                      : NULL,
+                                      (attrs & JSFUN_SETTER)
+                                      ? (JSPropertyOp) obj
+                                      : NULL,
+                                      attrs | JSPROP_ENUMERATE
+                                            | JSPROP_PERMANENT,
+                                      &prop);
+             /* Restore fp->scopeChain now that obj is defined in fp->varobj. */
+             fp->scopeChain = obj2;
+             if (!ok) {
+                 cx->newborn[GCX_OBJECT] = NULL;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+ #if 0
+             if (attrs == 0 && script->numGlobalVars) {
+                 /*
+                  * As with JSOP_DEFVAR and JSOP_DEFCONST (above), fast globals
+                  * use fp->vars to map the global function name's atomIndex to
+                  * its permanent fp->varobj slot number, tagged as a jsval.
+                  */
+                 sprop = (JSScopeProperty *) prop;
+                 fp->vars[atomIndex] = INT_TO_JSVAL(sprop->slot);
+             }
+ #endif
+             OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, parent, prop);
+           END_LITOPX_CASE
+           case JSOP_GETTER:
+           case JSOP_SETTER:
+             JS_ASSERT(len == 1);
+             op2 = (JSOp) *++pc;
+             cs = &js_CodeSpec[op2];
+             len = cs->length;
+             switch (op2) {
+               case JSOP_SETNAME:
+               case JSOP_SETPROP:
+                 atom = GET_ATOM(cx, script, pc);
+                 id   = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+                 rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+                 i = -1;
+                 goto gs_pop_lval;
+               case JSOP_SETELEM:
+                 rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+                 FETCH_ELEMENT_ID(-2, id);
+                 i = -2;
+               gs_pop_lval:
+                 FETCH_OBJECT(cx, i - 1, lval, obj);
+                 break;
+               case JSOP_INITPROP:
+                 JS_ASSERT(sp - fp->spbase >= 2);
+                 rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+                 i = -1;
+                 atom = GET_ATOM(cx, script, pc);
+                 id   = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+                 goto gs_get_lval;
+               case JSOP_INITELEM:
+                 JS_ASSERT(sp - fp->spbase >= 3);
+                 rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+                 FETCH_ELEMENT_ID(-2, id);
+                 i = -2;
+               gs_get_lval:
+                 lval = FETCH_OPND(i-1);
+                 JS_ASSERT(JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(lval));
+                 obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(lval);
+                 break;
+ #endif /* JS_HAS_INITIALIZERS */
+               default:
+                 JS_ASSERT(0);
+             }
+             /* Ensure that id has a type suitable for use with obj. */
+             CHECK_ELEMENT_ID(obj, id);
+             if (JS_TypeOfValue(cx, rval) != JSTYPE_FUNCTION) {
+                 JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
+                                      JSMSG_BAD_GETTER_OR_SETTER,
+                                      (op == JSOP_GETTER)
+                                      ? js_getter_str
+                                      : js_setter_str);
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             /*
+              * Getters and setters are just like watchpoints from an access
+              * control point of view.
+              */
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = OBJ_CHECK_ACCESS(cx, obj, id, JSACC_WATCH, &rtmp, &attrs);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             if (op == JSOP_GETTER) {
+                 getter = (JSPropertyOp) JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(rval);
+                 setter = NULL;
+                 attrs = JSPROP_GETTER;
+             } else {
+                 getter = NULL;
+                 setter = (JSPropertyOp) JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(rval);
+                 attrs = JSPROP_SETTER;
+             }
+             attrs |= JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_SHARED;
+             /* Check for a readonly or permanent property of the same name. */
+             ok = js_CheckRedeclaration(cx, obj, id, attrs, NULL, NULL);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             ok = OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, JSVAL_VOID, getter, setter,
+                                      attrs, NULL);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             obj = NULL;
+             sp += i;
+             if (cs->ndefs)
+                 STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+             break;
+ #endif /* JS_HAS_GETTER_SETTER */
+           case JSOP_NEWINIT:
+             argc = 0;
+             fp->sharpDepth++;
+             goto do_new;
+           case JSOP_ENDINIT:
+             if (--fp->sharpDepth == 0)
+                 fp->sharpArray = NULL;
+             /* Re-set the newborn root to the top of this object tree. */
+             JS_ASSERT(sp - fp->spbase >= 1);
+             lval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             JS_ASSERT(JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(lval));
+             cx->newborn[GCX_OBJECT] = JSVAL_TO_GCTHING(lval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_INITPROP:
+             /* Pop the property's value into rval. */
+             JS_ASSERT(sp - fp->spbase >= 2);
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             /* Get the immediate property name into id. */
+             atom = GET_ATOM(cx, script, pc);
+             id   = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+             i = -1;
+             goto do_init;
+           case JSOP_INITELEM:
+             /* Pop the element's value into rval. */
+             JS_ASSERT(sp - fp->spbase >= 3);
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             /* Pop and conditionally atomize the element id. */
+             FETCH_ELEMENT_ID(-2, id);
+             i = -2;
+           do_init:
+             /* Find the object being initialized at top of stack. */
+             lval = FETCH_OPND(i-1);
+             JS_ASSERT(JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(lval));
+             obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(lval);
+             /* Ensure that id has a type suitable for use with obj. */
+             CHECK_ELEMENT_ID(obj, id);
+             /* Set the property named by obj[id] to rval. */
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = OBJ_SET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             sp += i;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_DEFSHARP:
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             obj = fp->sharpArray;
+             if (!obj) {
+                 obj = js_NewArrayObject(cx, 0, NULL);
+                 if (!obj) {
+                     ok = JS_FALSE;
+                     goto out;
+                 }
+                 fp->sharpArray = obj;
+             }
+             i = (jsint) GET_ATOM_INDEX(pc);
+             id = INT_TO_JSID(i);
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             if (JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(rval)) {
+                 char numBuf[12];
+                 JS_snprintf(numBuf, sizeof numBuf, "%u", (unsigned) i);
+                 JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
+                                      JSMSG_BAD_SHARP_DEF, numBuf);
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             ok = OBJ_SET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_USESHARP:
+             i = (jsint) GET_ATOM_INDEX(pc);
+             id = INT_TO_JSID(i);
+             obj = fp->sharpArray;
+             if (!obj) {
+                 rval = JSVAL_VOID;
+             } else {
+                 SAVE_SP(fp);
+                 ok = OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval);
+                 if (!ok)
+                     goto out;
+             }
+             if (!JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(rval)) {
+                 char numBuf[12];
+                 JS_snprintf(numBuf, sizeof numBuf, "%u", (unsigned) i);
+                 JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
+                                      JSMSG_BAD_SHARP_USE, numBuf);
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             break;
+ #endif /* JS_HAS_SHARP_VARS */
+ #endif /* JS_HAS_INITIALIZERS */
+           /* No-ops for ease of decompilation and jit'ing. */
+           case JSOP_TRY:
+           case JSOP_FINALLY:
+             break;
+           /* Reset the stack to the given depth. */
+           case JSOP_SETSP:
+             i = (jsint) GET_ATOM_INDEX(pc);
+             JS_ASSERT(i >= 0);
+             sp = fp->spbase + i;
+             obj = fp->scopeChain;
+             while (OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, obj) == &js_WithClass &&
+                    JSVAL_TO_INT(OBJ_GET_SLOT(cx, obj, JSSLOT_PRIVATE)) > i) {
+                 obj = OBJ_GET_PARENT(cx, obj);
+             }
+             fp->scopeChain = obj;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_GOSUB:
+             i = PTRDIFF(pc, script->main, jsbytecode) + len;
+             len = GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc);
+             PUSH(INT_TO_JSVAL(i));
+             break;
+           case JSOP_GOSUBX:
+             i = PTRDIFF(pc, script->main, jsbytecode) + len;
+             len = GET_JUMPX_OFFSET(pc);
+             PUSH(INT_TO_JSVAL(i));
+             break;
+           case JSOP_RETSUB:
+             rval = POP();
+             JS_ASSERT(JSVAL_IS_INT(rval));
+             i = JSVAL_TO_INT(rval);
+             pc = script->main + i;
+             len = 0;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_EXCEPTION:
+             PUSH(cx->exception);
+             cx->throwing = JS_FALSE;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_THROW:
+             cx->throwing = JS_TRUE;
+             cx->exception = POP_OPND();
+             ok = JS_FALSE;
+             /* let the code at out try to catch the exception. */
+             goto out;
+             /* Load the value into rval, while keeping it live on stack. */
+             JS_ASSERT(sp - fp->spbase >= 2);
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             /* Get the immediate catch variable name into id. */
+             id   = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+             /* Find the object being initialized at top of stack. */
+             lval = FETCH_OPND(-2);
+             JS_ASSERT(JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(lval));
+             obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(lval);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             /*
+              * It's possible for an evil script to substitute a random object
+              * for the new object. Check to make sure that we don't override a
+              * readonly property with the below OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY.
+              */
+             ok = OBJ_GET_ATTRIBUTES(cx, obj, id, NULL, &attrs);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             if (!(attrs & (JSPROP_READONLY | JSPROP_PERMANENT |
+                            JSPROP_GETTER | JSPROP_SETTER))) {
+                 /* Define obj[id] to contain rval and to be permanent. */
+                 ok = OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, rval, NULL, NULL,
+                                          JSPROP_PERMANENT, NULL);
+                 if (!ok)
+                     goto out;
+             }
+             /* Now that we're done with rval, pop it. */
+             sp--;
+           END_LITOPX_CASE
+ #endif /* JS_HAS_EXCEPTIONS */
+           case JSOP_INSTANCEOF:
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             if (JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(rval) ||
+                 !(obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(rval))->map->ops->hasInstance) {
+                 SAVE_SP(fp);
+                 str = js_DecompileValueGenerator(cx, -1, rval, NULL);
+                 if (str) {
+                     JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
+                                          JSMSG_BAD_INSTANCEOF_RHS,
+                                          JS_GetStringBytes(str));
+                 }
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             lval = FETCH_OPND(-2);
+             cond = JS_FALSE;
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = obj->map->ops->hasInstance(cx, obj, lval, &cond);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             sp--;
+             STORE_OPND(-1, BOOLEAN_TO_JSVAL(cond));
+             break;
+ #endif /* JS_HAS_INSTANCEOF */
+           case JSOP_DEBUGGER:
+           {
+             JSTrapHandler handler = rt->debuggerHandler;
+             if (handler) {
+                 SAVE_SP(fp);
+                 switch (handler(cx, script, pc, &rval,
+                                 rt->debuggerHandlerData)) {
+                   case JSTRAP_ERROR:
+                     ok = JS_FALSE;
+                     goto out;
+                   case JSTRAP_CONTINUE:
+                     break;
+                   case JSTRAP_RETURN:
+                     fp->rval = rval;
+                     goto out;
+                   case JSTRAP_THROW:
+                     cx->throwing = JS_TRUE;
+                     cx->exception = rval;
+                     ok = JS_FALSE;
+                     goto out;
+ #endif /* JS_HAS_EXCEPTIONS */
+                   default:;
+                 }
+                 LOAD_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(rt);
+             }
+             break;
+           }
+           case JSOP_DEFXMLNS:
+             rval = POP();
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = js_SetDefaultXMLNamespace(cx, rval);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_ANYNAME:
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = js_GetAnyName(cx, &rval);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             break;
+             PUSH_OPND(ATOM_KEY(atom));
+           END_LITOPX_CASE
+             rval = ATOM_KEY(atom);
+             lval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             obj = js_ConstructXMLQNameObject(cx, lval, rval);
+             if (!obj) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             STORE_OPND(-1, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
+           END_LITOPX_CASE
+           case JSOP_QNAME:
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             lval = FETCH_OPND(-2);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             obj = js_ConstructXMLQNameObject(cx, lval, rval);
+             if (!obj) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             sp--;
+             STORE_OPND(-1, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
+             break;
+           case JSOP_TOATTRNAME:
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = js_ToAttributeName(cx, &rval);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_TOATTRVAL:
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             JS_ASSERT(JSVAL_IS_STRING(rval));
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             str = js_EscapeAttributeValue(cx, JSVAL_TO_STRING(rval));
+             if (!str) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             STORE_OPND(-1, STRING_TO_JSVAL(str));
+             break;
+           case JSOP_ADDATTRNAME:
+           case JSOP_ADDATTRVAL:
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             lval = FETCH_OPND(-2);
+             str = JSVAL_TO_STRING(lval);
+             str2 = JSVAL_TO_STRING(rval);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             str = js_AddAttributePart(cx, op == JSOP_ADDATTRNAME, str, str2);
+             if (!str) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             sp--;
+             STORE_OPND(-1, STRING_TO_JSVAL(str));
+             break;
+           case JSOP_BINDXMLNAME:
+             lval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = js_FindXMLProperty(cx, lval, &obj, &rval);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             STORE_OPND(-1, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
+             PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_SETXMLNAME:
+             obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(FETCH_OPND(-3));
+             lval = FETCH_OPND(-2);
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = js_SetXMLProperty(cx, obj, lval, &rval);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             sp -= 2;
+             STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+             obj = NULL;
+             break;
+           case JSOP_XMLNAME:
+             lval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = js_FindXMLProperty(cx, lval, &obj, &rval);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             ok = js_GetXMLProperty(cx, obj, rval, &rval);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_DESCENDANTS:
+           case JSOP_DELDESC:
+             FETCH_OBJECT(cx, -2, lval, obj);
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = js_GetXMLDescendants(cx, obj, rval, &rval);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             if (op == JSOP_DELDESC) {
+                 sp[-1] = rval;          /* set local root */
+                 ok = js_DeleteXMLListElements(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(rval));
+                 if (!ok)
+                     goto out;
+                 rval = JSVAL_TRUE;      /* always succeed */
+             }
+             sp--;
+             STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_FILTER:
+             FETCH_OBJECT(cx, -1, lval, obj);
+             len = GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             ok = js_FilterXMLList(cx, obj, pc + cs->length, &rval);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             JS_ASSERT(fp->sp == sp);
+             STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_ENDFILTER:
+             *result = POP_OPND();
+             goto out;
+          case JSOP_STARTXML:
+          case JSOP_STARTXMLEXPR:
+            break;
+           case JSOP_TOXML:
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             obj = js_ValueToXMLObject(cx, rval);
+             if (!obj) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             STORE_OPND(-1, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
+             break;
+           case JSOP_TOXMLLIST:
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             obj = js_ValueToXMLListObject(cx, rval);
+             if (!obj) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             STORE_OPND(-1, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
+             break;
+           case JSOP_XMLTAGEXPR:
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             str = js_ValueToString(cx, rval);
+             if (!str) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             STORE_OPND(-1, STRING_TO_JSVAL(str));
+             break;
+           case JSOP_XMLELTEXPR:
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             if (VALUE_IS_XML(cx, rval)) {
+                 str = js_ValueToXMLString(cx, rval);
+             } else {
+                 str = js_ValueToString(cx, rval);
+                 if (str)
+                     str = js_EscapeElementValue(cx, str);
+             }
+             if (!str) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             STORE_OPND(-1, STRING_TO_JSVAL(str));
+             break;
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             obj = js_CloneXMLObject(cx, ATOM_TO_OBJECT(atom));
+             if (!obj) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             PUSH_OPND(OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
+             obj = NULL;
+           END_LITOPX_CASE
+             str = ATOM_TO_STRING(atom);
+             obj = js_NewXMLSpecialObject(cx, JSXML_CLASS_TEXT, NULL, str);
+             if (!obj) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             PUSH_OPND(OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
+           END_LITOPX_CASE
+             str = ATOM_TO_STRING(atom);
+             obj = js_NewXMLSpecialObject(cx, JSXML_CLASS_COMMENT, NULL, str);
+             if (!obj) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             PUSH_OPND(OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
+           END_LITOPX_CASE
+             str = ATOM_TO_STRING(atom);
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             str2 = JSVAL_TO_STRING(rval);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             obj = js_NewXMLSpecialObject(cx,
+                                          JSXML_CLASS_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION,
+                                          str, str2);
+             if (!obj) {
+                 ok = JS_FALSE;
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             STORE_OPND(-1, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj));
+           END_LITOPX_CASE
+             /* Get an immediate atom naming the property. */
+             id   = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+             FETCH_OBJECT(cx, -1, lval, obj);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             /* Special-case XML object method lookup, per ECMA-357. */
+             if (OBJECT_IS_XML(cx, obj)) {
+                 JSXMLObjectOps *ops;
+                 ops = (JSXMLObjectOps *) obj->map->ops;
+                 obj = ops->getMethod(cx, obj, id, &rval);
+                 if (!obj)
+                     ok = JS_FALSE;
+             } else {
+                 CACHED_GET(OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval));
+             }
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+           END_LITOPX_CASE
+             /* Get an immediate atom naming the property. */
+             id   = ATOM_TO_JSID(atom);
+             rval = FETCH_OPND(-1);
+             FETCH_OBJECT(cx, -2, lval, obj);
+             SAVE_SP(fp);
+             /* Special-case XML object method lookup, per ECMA-357. */
+             if (OBJECT_IS_XML(cx, obj)) {
+                 JSXMLObjectOps *ops;
+                 ops = (JSXMLObjectOps *) obj->map->ops;
+                 ok = ops->setMethod(cx, obj, id, &rval);
+             } else {
+                 CACHED_SET(OBJ_SET_PROPERTY(cx, obj, id, &rval));
+             }
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             --sp;
+             STORE_OPND(-1, rval);
+             obj = NULL;
+           END_LITOPX_CASE
+           case JSOP_GETFUNNS:
+             ok = js_GetFunctionNamespace(cx, &rval);
+             if (!ok)
+                 goto out;
+             PUSH_OPND(rval);
+             break;
+           case JSOP_FOREACH:
+             foreach = JS_TRUE;
+             break;
+ #endif /* JS_HAS_XML_SUPPORT */
+           default: {
+             char numBuf[12];
+             JS_snprintf(numBuf, sizeof numBuf, "%d", op);
+             JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
+                                  JSMSG_BAD_BYTECODE, numBuf);
+             ok = JS_FALSE;
+             goto out;
+           }
+         }
+     advance_pc:
+         pc += len;
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+         if (tracefp) {
+             intN ndefs, n;
+             jsval *siter;
+             ndefs = cs->ndefs;
+             if (ndefs) {
+                 SAVE_SP(fp);
+                 if (op == JSOP_FORELEM && sp[-1] == JSVAL_FALSE)
+                     --ndefs;
+                 for (n = -ndefs; n < 0; n++) {
+                     str = js_DecompileValueGenerator(cx, n, sp[n], NULL);
+                     if (str) {
+                         fprintf(tracefp, "%s %s",
+                                 (n == -ndefs) ? "  output:" : ",",
+                                 JS_GetStringBytes(str));
+                     }
+                 }
+                 fprintf(tracefp, " @ %d\n", sp - fp->spbase);
+             }
+             fprintf(tracefp, "  stack: ");
+             for (siter = fp->spbase; siter < sp; siter++) {
+                 str = js_ValueToSource(cx, *siter);
+                 fprintf(tracefp, "%s ",
+                         str ? JS_GetStringBytes(str) : "<null>");
+             }
+             fputc('\n', tracefp);
+         }
+ #endif
+     }
+ out:
+     if (!ok) {
+         /*
+          * Has an exception been raised?  Also insist that we are in the
+          * interpreter activation that pushed fp's operand stack, to avoid
+          * catching exceptions within XML filtering predicate expressions,
+          * such as the one from tests/e4x/Regress/regress-301596.js:
+          *
+          *    try {
+          *        <xml/>.(@a == 1);
+          *        throw 5;
+          *    } catch (e) {
+          *    }
+          *
+          * The inner interpreter activation executing the predicate bytecode
+          * will throw "reference to undefined XML name @a" (or 5, in older
+          * versions that followed the first edition of ECMA-357 and evaluated
+          * unbound identifiers to undefined), and the exception must not be
+          * caught until control unwinds to the outer interpreter activation.
+          *
+          * Otherwise, the wrong stack depth will be restored by JSOP_SETSP,
+          * and the catch will move into the filtering predicate expression,
+          * leading to double catch execution if it rethrows.
+          *
+          * XXX This assumes the null mark case implies XML filtering predicate
+          * expression execution!
+          * FIXME: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=309894
+          */
+         if (cx->throwing && JS_LIKELY(mark != NULL)) {
+             /*
+              * Call debugger throw hook if set (XXX thread safety?).
+              */
+             JSTrapHandler handler = rt->throwHook;
+             if (handler) {
+                 SAVE_SP(fp);
+                 switch (handler(cx, script, pc, &rval, rt->throwHookData)) {
+                   case JSTRAP_ERROR:
+                     cx->throwing = JS_FALSE;
+                     goto no_catch;
+                   case JSTRAP_RETURN:
+                     ok = JS_TRUE;
+                     cx->throwing = JS_FALSE;
+                     fp->rval = rval;
+                     goto no_catch;
+                   case JSTRAP_THROW:
+                     cx->exception = rval;
+                   case JSTRAP_CONTINUE:
+                   default:;
+                 }
+                 LOAD_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(rt);
+             }
+             /*
+              * Look for a try block in script that can catch this exception.
+              */
+             SCRIPT_FIND_CATCH_START(script, pc, pc);
+             if (pc) {
+                 /* Don't clear cx->throwing to save cx->exception from GC. */
+                 len = 0;
+                 ok = JS_TRUE;
+                 foreach = JS_FALSE;
+ #endif
+                 goto advance_pc;
+             }
+         }
+ no_catch:;
+     }
+ #endif
+     /*
+      * Check whether control fell off the end of a lightweight function, or an
+      * exception thrown under such a function was not caught by it.  If so, go
+      * to the inline code under JSOP_RETURN.
+      */
+     if (inlineCallCount) {
+         foreach = JS_FALSE;
+ #endif
+         goto inline_return;
+     }
+     /*
+      * Reset sp before freeing stack slots, because our caller may GC soon.
+      * Clear spbase to indicate that we've popped the 2 * depth operand slots.
+      * Restore the previous frame's execution state.
+      */
+     if (JS_LIKELY(mark != NULL)) {
+         fp->sp = fp->spbase;
+         fp->spbase = NULL;
+         js_FreeRawStack(cx, mark);
+     } else {
+         SAVE_SP(fp);
+     }
+ out2:
+     if (cx->version == currentVersion && currentVersion != originalVersion)
+         js_SetVersion(cx, originalVersion);
+     cx->interpLevel--;
+     return ok;
+ atom_not_defined:
+     {
+         const char *printable = js_AtomToPrintableString(cx, atom);
+         if (printable)
+             js_ReportIsNotDefined(cx, printable);
+         ok = JS_FALSE;
+ #ifdef OSSP
+         sp = NULL;
+ #endif
+         goto out;
+     }
+ }

ossp-pkg/js/src/jspubtd.h -> 1.2

*** /dev/null    Sun Apr 28 08:37:11 2024
--- -    Sun Apr 28 08:41:07 2024
*** 0 ****
--- 1,616 ----
+ /* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+  *
+  * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+  * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
+  *
+  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+  * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+  *
+  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+  * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+  * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+  * License.
+  *
+  * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
+  * March 31, 1998.
+  *
+  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+  * Netscape Communications Corporation.
+  * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
+  * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+  *
+  * Contributor(s):
+  *
+  * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+  * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
+  * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+  * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+  * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+  * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+  * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+  * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+  * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+  * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+  * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+  *
+  * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
+ #ifndef jspubtd_h___
+ #define jspubtd_h___
+ /*
+  * JS public API typedefs.
+  */
+ #include "jstypes.h"
+ #include "jscompat.h"
+ /* Scalar typedefs. */
+ typedef uint16    jschar;
+ typedef int32     jsint;
+ typedef uint32    jsuint;
+ typedef float64   jsdouble;
+ typedef jsword    jsval;
+ typedef jsword    jsid;
+ typedef int32     jsrefcount;   /* PRInt32 if JS_THREADSAFE, see jslock.h */
+ /*
+  * Run-time version enumeration.  See jsconfig.h for compile-time counterparts
+  * to these values that may be selected by the JS_VERSION macro, and tested by
+  * #if expressions.
+  */
+ typedef enum JSVersion {
+     JSVERSION_1_0     = 100,
+     JSVERSION_1_1     = 110,
+     JSVERSION_1_2     = 120,
+     JSVERSION_1_3     = 130,
+     JSVERSION_1_4     = 140,
+     JSVERSION_ECMA_3  = 148,
+     JSVERSION_1_5     = 150,
+     JSVERSION_1_6     = 160,
+ } JSVersion;
+ #define JSVERSION_IS_ECMA(version) \
+     ((version) == JSVERSION_DEFAULT || (version) >= JSVERSION_1_3)
+ /* Result of typeof operator enumeration. */
+ typedef enum JSType {
+     JSTYPE_VOID,                /* undefined */
+     JSTYPE_OBJECT,              /* object */
+     JSTYPE_FUNCTION,            /* function */
+     JSTYPE_STRING,              /* string */
+     JSTYPE_NUMBER,              /* number */
+     JSTYPE_BOOLEAN,             /* boolean */
+     JSTYPE_NULL,                /* null */
+     JSTYPE_XML,                 /* xml object */
+ } JSType;
+ /* JSObjectOps.checkAccess mode enumeration. */
+ typedef enum JSAccessMode {
+     JSACC_PROTO  = 0,           /* XXXbe redundant w.r.t. id */
+     JSACC_PARENT = 1,           /* XXXbe redundant w.r.t. id */
+     JSACC_IMPORT = 2,           /* import foo.bar */
+     JSACC_WATCH  = 3,           /* a watchpoint on object foo for id 'bar' */
+     JSACC_READ   = 4,           /* a "get" of foo.bar */
+     JSACC_WRITE  = 8,           /* a "set" of foo.bar = baz */
+ } JSAccessMode;
+ #define JSACC_TYPEMASK          (JSACC_WRITE - 1)
+ /*
+  * This enum type is used to control the behavior of a JSObject property
+  * iterator function that has type JSNewEnumerate.
+  */
+ typedef enum JSIterateOp {
+     JSENUMERATE_INIT,       /* Create new iterator state */
+     JSENUMERATE_NEXT,       /* Iterate once */
+     JSENUMERATE_DESTROY     /* Destroy iterator state */
+ } JSIterateOp;
+ /* Struct typedefs. */
+ typedef struct JSClass           JSClass;
+ typedef struct JSExtendedClass   JSExtendedClass;
+ typedef struct JSConstDoubleSpec JSConstDoubleSpec;
+ typedef struct JSContext         JSContext;
+ typedef struct JSErrorReport     JSErrorReport;
+ typedef struct JSFunction        JSFunction;
+ typedef struct JSFunctionSpec    JSFunctionSpec;
+ typedef struct JSIdArray         JSIdArray;
+ typedef struct JSProperty        JSProperty;
+ typedef struct JSPropertySpec    JSPropertySpec;
+ typedef struct JSObject          JSObject;
+ typedef struct JSObjectMap       JSObjectMap;
+ typedef struct JSObjectOps       JSObjectOps;
+ typedef struct JSXMLObjectOps    JSXMLObjectOps;
+ typedef struct JSRuntime         JSRuntime;
+ typedef struct JSRuntime         JSTaskState;   /* XXX deprecated name */
+ typedef struct JSScript          JSScript;
+ typedef struct JSString          JSString;
+ typedef struct JSXDRState        JSXDRState;
+ typedef struct JSExceptionState  JSExceptionState;
+ typedef struct JSLocaleCallbacks JSLocaleCallbacks;
+ /* JSClass (and JSObjectOps where appropriate) function pointer typedefs. */
+ /*
+  * Add, delete, get or set a property named by id in obj.  Note the jsval id
+  * type -- id may be a string (Unicode property identifier) or an int (element
+  * index).  The *vp out parameter, on success, is the new property value after
+  * an add, get, or set.  After a successful delete, *vp is JSVAL_FALSE iff
+  * obj[id] can't be deleted (because it's permanent).
+  */
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSPropertyOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id,
+                                  jsval *vp);
+ /*
+  * This function type is used for callbacks that enumerate the properties of
+  * a JSObject.  The behavior depends on the value of enum_op:
+  *
+  *    A new, opaque iterator state should be allocated and stored in *statep.
+  *    (You can use PRIVATE_TO_JSVAL() to tag the pointer to be stored).
+  *
+  *    The number of properties that will be enumerated should be returned as
+  *    an integer jsval in *idp, if idp is non-null, and provided the number of
+  *    enumerable properties is known.  If idp is non-null and the number of
+  *    enumerable properties can't be computed in advance, *idp should be set
+  *    to JSVAL_ZERO.
+  *
+  *    A previously allocated opaque iterator state is passed in via statep.
+  *    Return the next jsid in the iteration using *idp.  The opaque iterator
+  *    state pointed at by statep is destroyed and *statep is set to JSVAL_NULL
+  *    if there are no properties left to enumerate.
+  *
+  *    Destroy the opaque iterator state previously allocated in *statep by a
+  *    call to this function when enum_op was JSENUMERATE_INIT.
+  *
+  * The return value is used to indicate success, with a value of JS_FALSE
+  * indicating failure.
+  */
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSNewEnumerateOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                                      JSIterateOp enum_op,
+                                      jsval *statep, jsid *idp);
+ /*
+  * The old-style JSClass.enumerate op should define all lazy properties not
+  * yet reflected in obj.
+  */
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSEnumerateOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj);
+ /*
+  * Resolve a lazy property named by id in obj by defining it directly in obj.
+  * Lazy properties are those reflected from some peer native property space
+  * (e.g., the DOM attributes for a given node reflected as obj) on demand.
+  *
+  * JS looks for a property in an object, and if not found, tries to resolve
+  * the given id.  If resolve succeeds, the engine looks again in case resolve
+  * defined obj[id].  If no such property exists directly in obj, the process
+  * is repeated with obj's prototype, etc.
+  *
+  * NB: JSNewResolveOp provides a cheaper way to resolve lazy properties.
+  */
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSResolveOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id);
+ /*
+  * Like JSResolveOp, but flags provide contextual information as follows:
+  *
+  *  JSRESOLVE_QUALIFIED   a qualified property id: obj.id or obj[id], not id
+  *  JSRESOLVE_ASSIGNING   obj[id] is on the left-hand side of an assignment
+  *  JSRESOLVE_DETECTING   'if (o.p)...' or similar detection opcode sequence
+  *  JSRESOLVE_DECLARING   var, const, or function prolog declaration opcode
+  *  JSRESOLVE_CLASSNAME   class name used when constructing
+  *
+  * The *objp out parameter, on success, should be null to indicate that id
+  * was not resolved; and non-null, referring to obj or one of its prototypes,
+  * if id was resolved.
+  *
+  * This hook instead of JSResolveOp is called via the JSClass.resolve member
+  * if JSCLASS_NEW_RESOLVE is set in JSClass.flags.
+  *
+  * extends this hook by passing in the starting object on the prototype chain
+  * via *objp.  Thus a resolve hook implementation may define the property id
+  * being resolved in the object in which the id was first sought, rather than
+  * in a prototype object whose class led to the resolve hook being called.
+  *
+  * When using JSCLASS_NEW_RESOLVE_GETS_START, the resolve hook must therefore
+  * null *objp to signify "not resolved".  With only JSCLASS_NEW_RESOLVE and no
+  * JSCLASS_NEW_RESOLVE_GETS_START, the hook can assume *objp is null on entry.
+  * This is not good practice, but enough existing hook implementations count
+  * on it that we can't break compatibility by passing the starting object in
+  * *objp without a new JSClass flag.
+  */
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSNewResolveOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id,
+                                    uintN flags, JSObject **objp);
+ /*
+  * Convert obj to the given type, returning true with the resulting value in
+  * *vp on success, and returning false on error or exception.
+  */
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSConvertOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSType type,
+                                 jsval *vp);
+ /*
+  * Finalize obj, which the garbage collector has determined to be unreachable
+  * from other live objects or from GC roots.  Obviously, finalizers must never
+  * store a reference to obj.
+  */
+ typedef void
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSFinalizeOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj);
+ /*
+  * Used by JS_AddExternalStringFinalizer and JS_RemoveExternalStringFinalizer
+  * to extend and reduce the set of string types finalized by the GC.
+  */
+ typedef void
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSStringFinalizeOp)(JSContext *cx, JSString *str);
+ /*
+  * The signature for JSClass.getObjectOps, used by JS_NewObject's internals
+  * to discover the set of high-level object operations to use for new objects
+  * of the given class.  All native objects have a JSClass, which is stored as
+  * a private (int-tagged) pointer in obj->slots[JSSLOT_CLASS].  In contrast,
+  * all native and host objects have a JSObjectMap at obj->map, which may be
+  * shared among a number of objects, and which contains the JSObjectOps *ops
+  * pointer used to dispatch object operations from API calls.
+  *
+  * Thus JSClass (which pre-dates JSObjectOps in the API) provides a low-level
+  * interface to class-specific code and data, while JSObjectOps allows for a
+  * higher level of operation, which does not use the object's class except to
+  * find the class's JSObjectOps struct, by calling clasp->getObjectOps, and to
+  * finalize the object.
+  *
+  * If this seems backwards, that's because it is!  API compatibility requires
+  * a JSClass *clasp parameter to JS_NewObject, etc.  Most host objects do not
+  * need to implement the larger JSObjectOps, and can share the common JSScope
+  * code and data used by the native (js_ObjectOps, see jsobj.c) ops.
+  *
+  * Further extension to preserve API compatibility: if this function returns
+  * a pointer to JSXMLObjectOps.base, not to JSObjectOps, then the engine calls
+  * extended hooks needed for E4X.
+  */
+ typedef JSObjectOps *
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSGetObjectOps)(JSContext *cx, JSClass *clasp);
+ /*
+  * JSClass.checkAccess type: check whether obj[id] may be accessed per mode,
+  * returning false on error/exception, true on success with obj[id]'s last-got
+  * value in *vp, and its attributes in *attrsp.  As for JSPropertyOp above, id
+  * is either a string or an int jsval.
+  *
+  * See JSCheckAccessIdOp, below, for the JSObjectOps counterpart, which takes
+  * a jsid (a tagged int or aligned, unique identifier pointer) rather than a
+  * jsval.  The native js_ObjectOps.checkAccess simply forwards to the object's
+  * clasp->checkAccess, so that both JSClass and JSObjectOps implementors may
+  * specialize access checks.
+  */
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSCheckAccessOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id,
+                                     JSAccessMode mode, jsval *vp);
+ /*
+  * Encode or decode an object, given an XDR state record representing external
+  * data.  See jsxdrapi.h.
+  */
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSXDRObjectOp)(JSXDRState *xdr, JSObject **objp);
+ /*
+  * Check whether v is an instance of obj.  Return false on error or exception,
+  * true on success with JS_TRUE in *bp if v is an instance of obj, JS_FALSE in
+  * *bp otherwise.
+  */
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSHasInstanceOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval v,
+                                     JSBool *bp);
+ /*
+  * Function type for JSClass.mark and JSObjectOps.mark, called from the GC to
+  * scan live GC-things reachable from obj's private data structure.  For each
+  * such thing, a mark implementation must call
+  *
+  *    JS_MarkGCThing(cx, thing, name, arg);
+  *
+  * The trailing name and arg parameters are used for GC_MARK_DEBUG-mode heap
+  * dumping and ref-path tracing.  The mark function should pass a (typically
+  * literal) string naming the private data member for name, and it must pass
+  * the opaque arg parameter through from its caller.
+  *
+  * For the JSObjectOps.mark hook, the return value is the number of slots at
+  * obj->slots to scan.  For JSClass.mark, the return value is ignored.
+  *
+  * NB: JSMarkOp implementations cannot allocate new GC-things (JS_NewObject
+  * called from a mark function will fail silently, e.g.).
+  */
+ typedef uint32
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSMarkOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, void *arg);
+ /*
+  * The optional JSClass.reserveSlots hook allows a class to make computed
+  * per-instance object slots reservations, in addition to or instead of using
+  * JSCLASS_HAS_RESERVED_SLOTS(n) in the JSClass.flags initializer to reserve
+  * a constant-per-class number of slots.  Implementations of this hook should
+  * return the number of slots to reserve, not including any reserved by using
+  * JSCLASS_HAS_RESERVED_SLOTS(n) in JSClass.flags.
+  *
+  * NB: called with obj locked by the JSObjectOps-specific mutual exclusion
+  * mechanism appropriate for obj, so don't nest other operations that might
+  * also lock obj.
+  */
+ typedef uint32
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSReserveSlotsOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj);
+ /* JSObjectOps function pointer typedefs. */
+ /*
+  * Create a new subclass of JSObjectMap (see jsobj.h), with the nrefs and ops
+  * members initialized from the same-named parameters, and with the nslots and
+  * freeslot members initialized according to ops and clasp.  Return null on
+  * error, non-null on success.
+  *
+  * JSObjectMaps are reference-counted by generic code in the engine.  Usually,
+  * the nrefs parameter to JSObjectOps.newObjectMap will be 1, to count the ref
+  * returned to the caller on success.  After a successful construction, some
+  * number of js_HoldObjectMap and js_DropObjectMap calls ensue.  When nrefs
+  * reaches 0 due to a js_DropObjectMap call, JSObjectOps.destroyObjectMap will
+  * be called to dispose of the map.
+  */
+ typedef JSObjectMap *
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSNewObjectMapOp)(JSContext *cx, jsrefcount nrefs,
+                                      JSObjectOps *ops, JSClass *clasp,
+                                      JSObject *obj);
+ /*
+  * Generic type for an infallible JSObjectMap operation, used currently by
+  * JSObjectOps.destroyObjectMap.
+  */
+ typedef void
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSObjectMapOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObjectMap *map);
+ /*
+  * Look for id in obj and its prototype chain, returning false on error or
+  * exception, true on success.  On success, return null in *propp if id was
+  * not found.  If id was found, return the first object searching from obj
+  * along its prototype chain in which id names a direct property in *objp, and
+  * return a non-null, opaque property pointer in *propp.
+  *
+  * If JSLookupPropOp succeeds and returns with *propp non-null, that pointer
+  * may be passed as the prop parameter to a JSAttributesOp, as a short-cut
+  * that bypasses id re-lookup.  In any case, a non-null *propp result after a
+  * successful lookup must be dropped via JSObjectOps.dropProperty.
+  *
+  * NB: successful return with non-null *propp means the implementation may
+  * have locked *objp and added a reference count associated with *propp, so
+  * callers should not risk deadlock by nesting or interleaving other lookups
+  * or any obj-bearing ops before dropping *propp.
+  */
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSLookupPropOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsid id,
+                                    JSObject **objp, JSProperty **propp);
+ /*
+  * Define obj[id], a direct property of obj named id, having the given initial
+  * value, with the specified getter, setter, and attributes.  If the propp out
+  * param is non-null, *propp on successful return contains an opaque property
+  * pointer usable as a speedup hint with JSAttributesOp.  But note that propp
+  * may be null, indicating that the caller is not interested in recovering an
+  * opaque pointer to the newly-defined property.
+  *
+  * If propp is non-null and JSDefinePropOp succeeds, its caller must be sure
+  * to drop *propp using JSObjectOps.dropProperty in short order, just as with
+  * JSLookupPropOp.
+  */
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSDefinePropOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                                    jsid id, jsval value,
+                                    JSPropertyOp getter, JSPropertyOp setter,
+                                    uintN attrs, JSProperty **propp);
+ /*
+  * Get, set, or delete obj[id], returning false on error or exception, true
+  * on success.  If getting or setting, the new value is returned in *vp on
+  * success.  If deleting without error, *vp will be JSVAL_FALSE if obj[id] is
+  * permanent, and JSVAL_TRUE if id named a direct property of obj that was in
+  * fact deleted, or if id names no direct property of obj (id could name a
+  * prototype property, or no property in obj or its prototype chain).
+  */
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSPropertyIdOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsid id,
+                                    jsval *vp);
+ /*
+  * Get or set attributes of the property obj[id].  Return false on error or
+  * exception, true with current attributes in *attrsp.  If prop is non-null,
+  * it must come from the *propp out parameter of a prior JSDefinePropOp or
+  * JSLookupPropOp call.
+  */
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSAttributesOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsid id,
+                                    JSProperty *prop, uintN *attrsp);
+ /*
+  * JSObjectOps.checkAccess type: check whether obj[id] may be accessed per
+  * mode, returning false on error/exception, true on success with obj[id]'s
+  * last-got value in *vp, and its attributes in *attrsp.
+  */
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSCheckAccessIdOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsid id,
+                                       JSAccessMode mode, jsval *vp,
+                                       uintN *attrsp);
+ /*
+  * A generic type for functions mapping an object to another object, or null
+  * if an error or exception was thrown on cx.  Used by JSObjectOps.thisObject
+  * at present.
+  */
+ typedef JSObject *
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSObjectOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj);
+ /*
+  * A generic type for functions taking a context, object, and property, with
+  * no return value.  Used by JSObjectOps.dropProperty currently (see above,
+  * JSDefinePropOp and JSLookupPropOp, for the object-locking protocol in which
+  * dropProperty participates).
+  */
+ typedef void
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSPropertyRefOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                                     JSProperty *prop);
+ /*
+  * Function type for JSObjectOps.setProto and JSObjectOps.setParent.  These
+  * hooks must check for cycles without deadlocking, and otherwise take special
+  * steps.  See jsobj.c, js_SetProtoOrParent, for an example.
+  */
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSSetObjectSlotOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                                       uint32 slot, JSObject *pobj);
+ /*
+  * Get and set a required slot, one that should already have been allocated.
+  * These operations are infallible, so required slots must be pre-allocated,
+  * or implementations must suppress out-of-memory errors.  The native ops
+  * (js_ObjectOps, see jsobj.c) access slots reserved by including a call to
+  * the JSCLASS_HAS_RESERVED_SLOTS(n) macro in the JSClass.flags initializer.
+  *
+  * NB: the slot parameter is a zero-based index into obj->slots[], unlike the
+  * index parameter to the JS_GetReservedSlot and JS_SetReservedSlot API entry
+  * points, which is a zero-based index into the JSCLASS_RESERVED_SLOTS(clasp)
+  * reserved slots that come after the initial well-known slots: proto, parent,
+  * class, and optionally, the private data slot.
+  */
+ typedef jsval
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSGetRequiredSlotOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                                         uint32 slot);
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSSetRequiredSlotOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                                         uint32 slot, jsval v);
+ typedef JSObject *
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSGetMethodOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsid id,
+                                   jsval *vp);
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSSetMethodOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsid id,
+                                   jsval *vp);
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSEnumerateValuesOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
+                                         JSIterateOp enum_op,
+                                         jsval *statep, jsid *idp, jsval *vp);
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSEqualityOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval v,
+                                  JSBool *bp);
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSConcatenateOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval v,
+                                     jsval *vp);
+ /* Typedef for native functions called by the JS VM. */
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSNative)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc,
+                              jsval *argv, jsval *rval);
+ /* Callbacks and their arguments. */
+ typedef enum JSGCStatus {
+     JSGC_END,
+ } JSGCStatus;
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSGCCallback)(JSContext *cx, JSGCStatus status);
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSBranchCallback)(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script);
+ typedef void
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSErrorReporter)(JSContext *cx, const char *message,
+                                     JSErrorReport *report);
+ typedef struct JSErrorFormatString {
+     const char *format;
+     uintN argCount;
+ } JSErrorFormatString;
+ typedef const JSErrorFormatString *
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSErrorCallback)(void *userRef, const char *locale,
+                                     const uintN errorNumber);
+ #ifdef va_start
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSArgumentFormatter)(JSContext *cx, const char *format,
+                                         JSBool fromJS, jsval **vpp,
+ #ifdef OSSP
+                                         va_list app);
+ #else
+                                         va_list *app);
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSLocaleToUpperCase)(JSContext *cx, JSString *src,
+                                         jsval *rval);
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSLocaleToLowerCase)(JSContext *cx, JSString *src,
+                                         jsval *rval);
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSLocaleCompare)(JSContext *cx,
+                                     JSString *src1, JSString *src2,
+                                     jsval *rval);
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSLocaleToUnicode)(JSContext *cx, char *src, jsval *rval);
+ /*
+  * Security protocol types.
+  */
+ typedef struct JSPrincipals JSPrincipals;
+ /*
+  * XDR-encode or -decode a principals instance, based on whether xdr->mode is
+  * JSXDR_ENCODE, in which case *principalsp should be encoded; or JSXDR_DECODE,
+  * in which case implementations must return a held (via JSPRINCIPALS_HOLD),
+  * non-null *principalsp out parameter.  Return true on success, false on any
+  * error, which the implementation must have reported.
+  */
+ typedef JSBool
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSPrincipalsTranscoder)(JSXDRState *xdr,
+                                            JSPrincipals **principalsp);
+ /*
+  * Return a weak reference to the principals associated with obj, possibly via
+  * the immutable parent chain leading from obj to a top-level container (e.g.,
+  * a window object in the DOM level 0).  If there are no principals associated
+  * with obj, return null.  Therefore null does not mean an error was reported;
+  * in no event should an error be reported or an exception be thrown by this
+  * callback's implementation.
+  */
+ typedef JSPrincipals *
+ (* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSObjectPrincipalsFinder)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj);
+ #endif /* jspubtd_h___ */

CVSTrac 2.0.1