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ossp - Check-in [544]
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Check-in Number: 544
Date: 2001-Jul-20 11:53:37 (local)
2001-Jul-20 09:53:37 (UTC)
Comment: Added skeleton autoconf support.
ossp-pkg/xds/Makefile      added-> 1.21
ossp-pkg/xds/Makefile.in      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/xds/configure.in      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/xds/regression-tests/Makefile      added-> 1.20
ossp-pkg/xds/regression-tests/Makefile.in      added-> 1.1

ossp-pkg/xds/Makefile -> 1.21

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--- 1,69 ----
+ # Build libxds and support/test programs.
+ CC             = gcc
+ CXX            = g++
+ AR             = ar
+ RANLIB                 = ranlib
+ WARNFLAGS      = -Wall -ansi -pedantic -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Winline -Wmissing-prototypes \
+                  -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs
+ OPTFLAGS       = -O3 -pipe
+ CFLAGS         =
+ CXXFLAGS       =
+ LDFLAGS                =
+ OBJS           = decode.o destroy.o encode.o getbuffer.o init.o register.o \
+                  setbuffer.o unregister.o vdecode.o vencode.o find-engine.o \
+                  set-capacity.o  xdr-encode-int32.o xdr-encode-int64.o \
+                  xdr-encode-uint32.o xdr-encode-uint64.o xdr-decode-int32.o \
+                  xdr-decode-int64.o xdr-decode-uint32.o xdr-decode-uint64.o \
+                  xdr-encode-octetstream.o xdr-decode-octetstream.o \
+                  xdr-encode-string.o xdr-decode-string.o
+ .c.o:
+        $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(WARNFLAGS) $(OPTFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
+ .cpp.o:
+ all:   libxds.a xds.3
+ libxds.a:      $(OBJS)
+        @rm -f $@
+        $(AR) cr $@ $(OBJS)
+        $(RANLIB) $@
+ xds.3:         xds.pod
+        pod2man --section=3 --center="XDS Library Programmer API " xds.pod >xds.3
+ clean::
+        @(cd regression-tests && $(MAKE) clean)
+        rm -f $(OBJS)
+        rm -f libxds.a test.o test xds.3
+ check:         libxds.a
+        (cd regression-tests && $(MAKE) check)
+ # Dependencies
+ decode.o: internal.h xds.h
+ destroy.o: internal.h xds.h
+ encode.o: internal.h xds.h
+ find-engine.o: internal.h xds.h
+ getbuffer.o: internal.h xds.h
+ init.o: internal.h xds.h
+ register.o: internal.h xds.h
+ set-capacity.o: internal.h xds.h
+ setbuffer.o: internal.h xds.h
+ unregister.o: internal.h xds.h
+ vdecode.o: internal.h xds.h
+ vencode.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-decode-int32.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-decode-int64.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-decode-uint32.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-decode-uint64.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-encode-int32.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-encode-int64.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-encode-uint32.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-encode-uint64.o: internal.h xds.h

ossp-pkg/xds/Makefile.in -> 1.1

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--- 1,74 ----
+ # Build libxds and support/test programs.
+ CC             = @CC@
+ AR             = ar
+ RANLIB         = @RANLIB@
+ CFLAGS         = @CFLAGS@
+ LDFLAGS                = @LDFLAGS@
+ OBJS           = decode.o destroy.o encode.o getbuffer.o init.o register.o \
+                  setbuffer.o unregister.o vdecode.o vencode.o find-engine.o \
+                  set-capacity.o  xdr-encode-int32.o xdr-encode-int64.o \
+                  xdr-encode-uint32.o xdr-encode-uint64.o xdr-decode-int32.o \
+                  xdr-decode-int64.o xdr-decode-uint32.o xdr-decode-uint64.o \
+                  xdr-encode-octetstream.o xdr-decode-octetstream.o \
+                  xdr-encode-string.o xdr-decode-string.o
+ .c.o:
+        $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(WARNFLAGS) $(OPTFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
+ .cpp.o:
+ all:   libxds.a xds.3
+ libxds.a:      $(OBJS)
+        @rm -f $@
+        $(AR) cr $@ $(OBJS)
+        $(RANLIB) $@
+ xds.3:         xds.pod
+        pod2man --section=3 --center="XDS Library Programmer API " xds.pod >xds.3
+ clean::
+        @(cd regression-tests && $(MAKE) $@)
+        rm -f $(OBJS)
+        rm -f libxds.a test.o test xds.3
+ distclean::    clean
+        @(cd regression-tests && $(MAKE) $@)
+        rm -f config.log config.status Makefile
+ realclean::    distclean
+        rm -f configure
+ check:         libxds.a
+        (cd regression-tests && $(MAKE) check)
+ # Dependencies
+ decode.o: internal.h xds.h
+ destroy.o: internal.h xds.h
+ encode.o: internal.h xds.h
+ find-engine.o: internal.h xds.h
+ getbuffer.o: internal.h xds.h
+ init.o: internal.h xds.h
+ register.o: internal.h xds.h
+ set-capacity.o: internal.h xds.h
+ setbuffer.o: internal.h xds.h
+ unregister.o: internal.h xds.h
+ vdecode.o: internal.h xds.h
+ vencode.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-decode-int32.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-decode-int64.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-decode-octetstream.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-decode-string.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-decode-uint32.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-decode-uint64.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-encode-int32.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-encode-int64.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-encode-octetstream.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-encode-string.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-encode-uint32.o: internal.h xds.h
+ xdr-encode-uint64.o: internal.h xds.h

ossp-pkg/xds/configure.in -> 1.1

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--- 1,22 ----
+ dnl configure.in -- Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
+ AC_INIT(libxds, [$Revision: 1.1 $])
+ dnl Get rid of the lousy -g and -O defaults in CFLAGS.
+ dnl
+ dnl Checks for paths and programs.
+ dnl
+ dnl Set special flags for gcc.
+ dnl
+ if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+     CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall -ansi -pedantic -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Winline -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs"
+ fi
+ dnl Write results.
+ dnl
+ AC_OUTPUT(Makefile regression-tests/Makefile)

ossp-pkg/xds/regression-tests/Makefile -> 1.20

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--- 1,40 ----
+ # Build and run the regression tests.
+ CC             = gcc
+ WARNFLAGS      = -Wall -ansi -pedantic -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Winline \
+                  -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -Wno-long-long \
+                  -Werror
+ OPTFLAGS       = -O3 -pipe
+ CFLAGS         =
+ LDFLAGS                = -L..
+ TESTS          = xds-core.exe xds-find-engine.exe xds-register.exe xds-encode.exe \
+                  xds-getbuffer.exe xds-decode.exe xds-setbuffer.exe xds-engine-restart.exe \
+                  xdr-uint32.exe xdr-int32.exe xdr-uint64.exe xdr-int64.exe  \
+                  xdr-octetstream.exe xdr-octetstream-empty.exe xdr-string.exe \
+                  xdr-string-empty.exe xds-mystruct.exe
+ .SUFFIXES:     .c .exe
+ .c.exe:
+        $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(WARNFLAGS) $(OPTFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $< -lxds
+ .cpp.exe:
+        $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(WARNFLAGS) $(OPTFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $< -lxds
+ all:   $(TESTS)
+ check: all
+        @./.run-tests $(TESTS)
+ ../libxds.a:
+        (cd .. && $(MAKE) libxds.a)
+ clean::
+        rm -f $(TESTS) *.log
+ # Dependencies
+ $(TESTS): ../libxds.a

ossp-pkg/xds/regression-tests/Makefile.in -> 1.1

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--- 1,44 ----
+ # Build and run the regression tests.
+ CC             = @CC@
+ AR             = ar
+ RANLIB         = @RANLIB@
+ CFLAGS         = @CFLAGS@
+ LDFLAGS                = @LDFLAGS@ -L..
+ TESTS          = xds-core.exe xds-find-engine.exe xds-register.exe xds-encode.exe \
+                  xds-getbuffer.exe xds-decode.exe xds-setbuffer.exe xds-engine-restart.exe \
+                  xdr-uint32.exe xdr-int32.exe xdr-uint64.exe xdr-int64.exe  \
+                  xdr-octetstream.exe xdr-octetstream-empty.exe xdr-string.exe \
+                  xdr-string-empty.exe xds-mystruct.exe
+ .SUFFIXES:     .c .exe
+ .c.exe:
+        $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(WARNFLAGS) $(OPTFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $< -lxds
+ .cpp.exe:
+        $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(WARNFLAGS) $(OPTFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $< -lxds
+ all:   $(TESTS)
+ check: all
+        @./.run-tests $(TESTS)
+ ../libxds.a:
+        (cd .. && $(MAKE) libxds.a)
+ clean::
+        rm -f $(TESTS) *.log
+ distclean::    clean
+        rm -f  Makefile
+ realclean::    distclean
+ # Dependencies
+ $(TESTS): ../libxds.a

CVSTrac 2.0.1