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ossp - Check-in [5437]
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Check-in Number: 5437
Date: 2004-Oct-05 12:19:07 (local)
2004-Oct-05 10:19:07 (UTC)
Comment: Import new upstream version: Mozilla JavaScript 1.6-
ossp-pkg/js/src/Makefile.ref      1.1 ->    
ossp-pkg/js/src/Makefile.ref      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/js/src/jslong.h      1.1 ->    
ossp-pkg/js/src/jslong.h      added-> 1.1

ossp-pkg/js/src/Makefile.ref -> 1.1

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--- 1,374 ----
+ # -*- Mode: makefile -*-
+ #
+ # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
+ #
+ # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ #
+ # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ # License.
+ #
+ # The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
+ # March 31, 1998.
+ #
+ # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ # Netscape Communications Corporation.
+ # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
+ # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ #
+ # Contributor(s):
+ #   Michael Ang <mang@subcarrier.org>
+ #   Kevin Buhr <buhr@stat.wisc.edu>
+ #
+ # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+ # either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
+ # or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+ # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+ # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+ # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+ # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+ # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+ # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+ # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+ # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+ #
+ # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ #
+ # JSRef GNUmake makefile.
+ #
+ # Note: dependency rules are missing for some files (some
+ #       .h, all .msg, etc.)  Re-make clean if in doubt.
+ #
+ DEPTH = .
+ include config.mk
+ ifdef USE_MSVC
+ OTHER_LIBS += fdlibm/$(OBJDIR)/fdlibm.lib
+ else
+ OTHER_LIBS += -Lfdlibm/$(OBJDIR) -lfdm
+ endif
+ INCLUDES += -I../../dist/$(OBJDIR)/include
+ ifdef USE_MSVC
+ OTHER_LIBS += ../../dist/$(OBJDIR)/lib/libnspr${NSPR_LIBSUFFIX}.lib
+ else
+ OTHER_LIBS += -L../../dist/$(OBJDIR)/lib -lnspr${NSPR_LIBSUFFIX}
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ #
+ # XCFLAGS may be set in the environment or on the gmake command line
+ #
+ LDFLAGS                = $(XLDFLAGS)
+ ifndef NO_LIBM
+ LDFLAGS += -lm
+ endif
+ # Prevent floating point errors caused by VC++ optimizations
+ ifeq ($(OS_ARCH),WINNT)
+ CFLAGS += /Op
+ endif # WINNT
+ #
+ # Ask perl what flags it was built with, so we can build js with similar flags
+ # and link properly.  Viva gmake.
+ #
+ PERLCFLAGS := $(shell perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ccopts)
+ PERLLDFLAGS := $(shell perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts)
+ # perl erroneously reports compiler flag -rdynamic (interpreted by ld
+ # as -r) when it really meant -export-dynamic.
+ PERLLDFLAGS := $(subst -rdynamic,-export-dynamic,$(PERLLDFLAGS))
+ #LDFLAGS += $(PERLLDFLAGS) #PH removed this assgnment
+ INCLUDES += -I. #needed for perlconnect/jsperl.c
+ endif
+ #
+ #      Server-related changes :
+ #
+ ifdef NES40 
+ endif 
+ #
+ # Line editing support.
+ # Define JS_READLINE or JS_EDITLINE to enable line editing in the
+ # js command-line interpreter.
+ #
+ # For those platforms with the readline library installed.
+ PROG_LIBS += -lreadline -ltermcap
+ else
+ # Use the editline library, built locally.
+ PREDIRS += editline
+ PROG_LIBS += editline/$(OBJDIR)/libedit.a
+ endif
+ endif
+ # For purify
+                   $(INCLUDES) $(XCFLAGS)
+ #
+ # JS file lists
+ #
+ JS_HFILES =            \
+        jsarray.h       \
+        jsatom.h        \
+        jsbool.h        \
+        jsconfig.h      \
+        jscntxt.h       \
+        jsdate.h        \
+        jsemit.h        \
+        jsexn.h         \
+        jsfun.h         \
+        jsgc.h          \
+        jsinterp.h      \
+        jslibmath.h     \
+        jslock.h        \
+        jsmath.h        \
+        jsnum.h         \
+        jsobj.h         \
+        jsopcode.h      \
+        jsparse.h       \
+        jsarena.h       \
+        jsclist.h       \
+        jsdhash.h       \
+        jsdtoa.h        \
+        jshash.h        \
+        jslong.h        \
+        jsosdep.h       \
+        jstypes.h       \
+        jsprvtd.h       \
+        jspubtd.h       \
+        jsregexp.h      \
+        jsscan.h        \
+        jsscope.h       \
+        jsscript.h      \
+        jsstr.h         \
+        jsxdrapi.h      \
+        jsxml.h         \
+        $(NULL)
+ API_HFILES =           \
+        jsapi.h         \
+        jsdbgapi.h      \
+        $(NULL)
+ OTHER_HFILES =         \
+        jsbit.h         \
+        jscompat.h      \
+        jscpucfg.h      \
+        jsotypes.h      \
+        jsstddef.h      \
+        prmjtime.h      \
+        resource.h      \
+        jsopcode.tbl    \
+        js.msg          \
+        jsshell.msg     \
+        $(NULL)
+ OTHER_HFILES += $(OBJDIR)/jsautocfg.h
+ endif
+ JS_CFILES =            \
+        jsapi.c         \
+        jsarena.c       \
+        jsarray.c       \
+        jsatom.c        \
+        jsbool.c        \
+        jscntxt.c       \
+        jsdate.c        \
+        jsdbgapi.c      \
+        jsdhash.c       \
+        jsdtoa.c        \
+        jsemit.c        \
+        jsexn.c         \
+        jsfun.c         \
+        jsgc.c          \
+        jshash.c        \
+        jsinterp.c      \
+        jslock.c        \
+        jslog2.c        \
+        jslong.c        \
+        jsmath.c        \
+        jsnum.c         \
+        jsobj.c         \
+        jsopcode.c      \
+        jsparse.c       \
+        jsprf.c         \
+        jsregexp.c      \
+        jsscan.c        \
+        jsscope.c       \
+        jsscript.c      \
+        jsstr.c         \
+        jsutil.c        \
+        jsxdrapi.c      \
+        jsxml.c         \
+        prmjtime.c      \
+        $(NULL)
+ PREDIRS        += fdlibm
+ ifdef USE_MSVC
+ FDLIBM_LIBRARY = fdlibm/$(OBJDIR)/fdlibm.lib
+ else
+ FDLIBM_LIBRARY = fdlibm/$(OBJDIR)/libfdm.a
+ endif
+ JSMATH_PRELINK = $(OBJDIR)/jsmathtemp.o
+ # Flag for incremental linking
+ DASH_R         = -r
+ ifeq ($(OS_ARCH),QNX)
+ ifneq ($(OS_TARGET),NTO)
+ # Don't use wildcard here, because we only want this resolved at link time.
+ OBJS           += fdlibm/*.o
+ endif
+ endif
+ DIRS      += liveconnect
+ endif
+ JS_CFILES += perlconnect/jsperl.c
+ endif
+ JS_CFILES += jsfile.c
+ JS_HFILES += jsfile.h
+ endif
+ LIB_ASFILES := $(wildcard *_$(OS_ARCH).s)
+ PROG_CFILES = js.c
+ ifdef USE_MSVC
+ LIBRARY = $(OBJDIR)/js32.lib
+ PROGRAM = $(OBJDIR)/js.exe
+ else
+ LIBRARY = $(OBJDIR)/libjs.a
+ endif
+ endif
+ include rules.mk
+ MOZ_DEPTH = ../..
+ include jsconfig.mk
+ nsinstall-target:
+        cd ../../config; $(MAKE) OBJDIR=$(OBJDIR) OBJDIR_NAME=$(OBJDIR)
+ ifdef USE_MSVC
+        link.exe -out:"$@" $(EXE_LINK_FLAGS) $^
+ else
+        $(CC) -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $(PROG_OBJS) $(LIBRARY) $(LDFLAGS) $(OTHER_LIBS) \
+            $(PROG_LIBS)
+ endif
+        purify $(PUREFLAGS) \
+            $(CC) -o $@ $(PURE_OS_CFLAGS) $(PROG_OBJS) $(LIBRARY) $(LDFLAGS) \
+                $(OTHER_LIBS) $(PROG_LIBS)
+ $(HFILES) $(CFILES): $(OBJDIR)/jsautocfg.h
+ $(OBJDIR)/jsautocfg.h: $(OBJDIR)/jscpucfg
+        rm -f $@
+        $(OBJDIR)/jscpucfg > $@
+ $(OBJDIR)/jscpucfg: $(OBJDIR)/jscpucfg.o
+        $(CC) -o $@ $(OBJDIR)/jscpucfg.o
+ # Look in OBJDIR to find jsautocfg.h
+ # Add to TARGETS for clobber rule
+ TARGETS += $(OBJDIR)/jsautocfg.h $(OBJDIR)/jscpucfg \
+        $(OBJDIR)/jscpucfg.o $(OBJDIR)/jsmathtemp.o
+ endif
+ # special rule for jsmath.o since we want to incrementally link
+ # against fdlibm to pull in only what is needed
+ $(OBJDIR)/jsmath.o: jsmath.c jsmath.h jslibmath.h $(FDLIBM_LIBRARY)
+ ifneq (,$(filter OS2 WINNT,$(OS_ARCH)))
+        $(CC) -Fo$(JSMATH_PRELINK) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
+ else
+        $(CC) -o $(JSMATH_PRELINK) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(OS_ARCH),QNX)
+ ifneq ($(OS_TARGET),NTO)
+        @cp $(JSMATH_PRELINK) $@
+ else   
+        $(LD) $(DASH_R) -o $@ $(JSMATH_PRELINK) $(FDLIBM_LIBRARY)
+ endif
+ else
+ ifdef USE_MSVC
+        @echo Warning: to use $(LIBRARY) must also link against $(FDLIBM_LIBRARY)
+        @cp $(JSMATH_PRELINK) $@
+ endif
+        $(LD) $(DASH_R) -o $@ $(JSMATH_PRELINK) $(FDLIBM_LIBRARY)
+ endif
+ # Note: generated headers must be built before descending
+ #       into fdlibm directory
+        $(MAKE) -C fdlibm -f Makefile.ref $(@F)
+ #
+ # Hardwire dependencies on jsopcode.tbl
+ #
+ jsopcode.h jsopcode.c: jsopcode.tbl
+ -include $(DEPENDENCIES)
+ TARNAME = jsref.tar
+ TARFILES = files `cat files`
+ %.i: %.c
+        $(CC) -C -E $(CFLAGS) $< > $*.i

ossp-pkg/js/src/Makefile.ref 1.1 ->

ossp-pkg/js/src/jslong.h -> 1.1

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--- 1,437 ----
+ /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+ /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+  * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
+  *
+  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+  * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+  *
+  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+  * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+  * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+  * License.
+  *
+  * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
+  * March 31, 1998.
+  *
+  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+  * Netscape Communications Corporation.
+  * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
+  * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+  *
+  * Contributor(s):
+  *
+  * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+  * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
+  * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+  * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+  * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+  * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+  * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+  * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+  * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+  * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+  * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+  *
+  * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
+ /*
+ ** File:                jslong.h
+ ** Description: Portable access to 64 bit numerics
+ **
+ ** Long-long (64-bit signed integer type) support. Some C compilers
+ ** don't support 64 bit integers yet, so we use these macros to
+ ** support both machines that do and don't.
+ **/
+ #ifndef jslong_h___
+ #define jslong_h___
+ #include "jstypes.h"
+ /***********************************************************************
+ ** DEFINES:     JSLL_MaxInt
+ **              JSLL_MinInt
+ **              JSLL_Zero
+ **      Various interesting constants and static variable
+ **      initializer
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ #ifdef HAVE_WATCOM_BUG_2
+ JSInt64 __pascal __loadds __export
+     JSLL_MaxInt(void);
+ JSInt64 __pascal __loadds __export
+     JSLL_MinInt(void);
+ JSInt64 __pascal __loadds __export
+     JSLL_Zero(void);
+ #else
+ extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSInt64) JSLL_MaxInt(void);
+ extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSInt64) JSLL_MinInt(void);
+ extern JS_PUBLIC_API(JSInt64) JSLL_Zero(void);
+ #endif
+ #define JSLL_MAXINT   JSLL_MaxInt()
+ #define JSLL_MININT   JSLL_MinInt()
+ #define JSLL_ZERO     JSLL_Zero()
+ #if JS_BYTES_PER_LONG == 8
+ #define JSLL_INIT(hi, lo)  ((hi ## L << 32) + lo ## L)
+ #elif (defined(WIN32) || defined(WIN16)) && !defined(__GNUC__)
+ #define JSLL_INIT(hi, lo)  ((hi ## i64 << 32) + lo ## i64)
+ #else
+ #define JSLL_INIT(hi, lo)  ((hi ## LL << 32) + lo ## LL)
+ #endif
+ /***********************************************************************
+ ** MACROS:      JSLL_*
+ **      The following macros define portable access to the 64 bit
+ **      math facilities.
+ **
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ /***********************************************************************
+ ** MACROS:      JSLL_<relational operators>
+ **
+ **  JSLL_IS_ZERO        Test for zero
+ **  JSLL_EQ             Test for equality
+ **  JSLL_NE             Test for inequality
+ **  JSLL_GE_ZERO        Test for zero or positive
+ **  JSLL_CMP            Compare two values
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ #define JSLL_IS_ZERO(a)       ((a) == 0)
+ #define JSLL_EQ(a, b)         ((a) == (b))
+ #define JSLL_NE(a, b)         ((a) != (b))
+ #define JSLL_GE_ZERO(a)       ((a) >= 0)
+ #define JSLL_CMP(a, op, b)    ((JSInt64)(a) op (JSInt64)(b))
+ #define JSLL_UCMP(a, op, b)   ((JSUint64)(a) op (JSUint64)(b))
+ /***********************************************************************
+ ** MACROS:      JSLL_<logical operators>
+ **
+ **  JSLL_AND            Logical and
+ **  JSLL_OR             Logical or
+ **  JSLL_XOR            Logical exclusion
+ **  JSLL_OR2            A disgusting deviation
+ **  JSLL_NOT            Negation (one's compliment)
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ #define JSLL_AND(r, a, b)        ((r) = (a) & (b))
+ #define JSLL_OR(r, a, b)        ((r) = (a) | (b))
+ #define JSLL_XOR(r, a, b)        ((r) = (a) ^ (b))
+ #define JSLL_OR2(r, a)        ((r) = (r) | (a))
+ #define JSLL_NOT(r, a)        ((r) = ~(a))
+ /***********************************************************************
+ ** MACROS:      JSLL_<mathematical operators>
+ **
+ **  JSLL_NEG            Negation (two's compliment)
+ **  JSLL_ADD            Summation (two's compliment)
+ **  JSLL_SUB            Difference (two's compliment)
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ #define JSLL_NEG(r, a)        ((r) = -(a))
+ #define JSLL_ADD(r, a, b)     ((r) = (a) + (b))
+ #define JSLL_SUB(r, a, b)     ((r) = (a) - (b))
+ /***********************************************************************
+ ** MACROS:      JSLL_<mathematical operators>
+ **
+ **  JSLL_MUL            Product (two's compliment)
+ **  JSLL_DIV            Quotient (two's compliment)
+ **  JSLL_MOD            Modulus (two's compliment)
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ #define JSLL_MUL(r, a, b)        ((r) = (a) * (b))
+ #define JSLL_DIV(r, a, b)        ((r) = (a) / (b))
+ #define JSLL_MOD(r, a, b)        ((r) = (a) % (b))
+ /***********************************************************************
+ ** MACROS:      JSLL_<shifting operators>
+ **
+ **  JSLL_SHL            Shift left [0..64] bits
+ **  JSLL_SHR            Shift right [0..64] bits with sign extension
+ **  JSLL_USHR           Unsigned shift right [0..64] bits
+ **  JSLL_ISHL           Signed shift left [0..64] bits
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ #define JSLL_SHL(r, a, b)     ((r) = (JSInt64)(a) << (b))
+ #define JSLL_SHR(r, a, b)     ((r) = (JSInt64)(a) >> (b))
+ #define JSLL_USHR(r, a, b)    ((r) = (JSUint64)(a) >> (b))
+ #define JSLL_ISHL(r, a, b)    ((r) = (JSInt64)(a) << (b))
+ /***********************************************************************
+ ** MACROS:      JSLL_<conversion operators>
+ **
+ **  JSLL_L2I            Convert to signed 32 bit
+ **  JSLL_L2UI           Convert to unsigned 32 bit
+ **  JSLL_L2F            Convert to floating point
+ **  JSLL_L2D            Convert to floating point
+ **  JSLL_I2L            Convert signed to 64 bit
+ **  JSLL_UI2L           Convert unsigned to 64 bit
+ **  JSLL_F2L            Convert float to 64 bit
+ **  JSLL_D2L            Convert float to 64 bit
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ #define JSLL_L2I(i, l)        ((i) = (JSInt32)(l))
+ #define JSLL_L2UI(ui, l)        ((ui) = (JSUint32)(l))
+ #define JSLL_L2F(f, l)        ((f) = (JSFloat64)(l))
+ #define JSLL_L2D(d, l)        ((d) = (JSFloat64)(l))
+ #define JSLL_I2L(l, i)        ((l) = (JSInt64)(i))
+ #define JSLL_UI2L(l, ui)        ((l) = (JSInt64)(ui))
+ #define JSLL_F2L(l, f)        ((l) = (JSInt64)(f))
+ #define JSLL_D2L(l, d)        ((l) = (JSInt64)(d))
+ /***********************************************************************
+ **  Produce both a quotient and a remainder given an unsigned
+ ** INPUTS:      JSUint64 a: The dividend of the operation
+ **              JSUint64 b: The quotient of the operation
+ ** OUTPUTS:     JSUint64 *qp: pointer to quotient
+ **              JSUint64 *rp: pointer to remainder
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ #define JSLL_UDIVMOD(qp, rp, a, b) \
+     (*(qp) = ((JSUint64)(a) / (b)), \
+      *(rp) = ((JSUint64)(a) % (b)))
+ #else  /* !JS_HAVE_LONG_LONG */
+ #define JSLL_INIT(hi, lo) {JS_INT32(lo), JS_INT32(hi)}
+ #else
+ #define JSLL_INIT(hi, lo) {JS_INT32(hi), JS_INT32(lo)}
+ #endif
+ #define JSLL_IS_ZERO(a)         (((a).hi == 0) && ((a).lo == 0))
+ #define JSLL_EQ(a, b)           (((a).hi == (b).hi) && ((a).lo == (b).lo))
+ #define JSLL_NE(a, b)           (((a).hi != (b).hi) || ((a).lo != (b).lo))
+ #define JSLL_GE_ZERO(a)         (((a).hi >> 31) == 0)
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ #define JSLL_CMP(a, op, b)      (JS_ASSERT((#op)[1] != '='), JSLL_REAL_CMP(a, op, b))
+ #define JSLL_UCMP(a, op, b)     (JS_ASSERT((#op)[1] != '='), JSLL_REAL_UCMP(a, op, b))
+ #else
+ #define JSLL_CMP(a, op, b)      JSLL_REAL_CMP(a, op, b)
+ #define JSLL_UCMP(a, op, b)     JSLL_REAL_UCMP(a, op, b)
+ #endif
+ #define JSLL_REAL_CMP(a,op,b)   (((JSInt32)(a).hi op (JSInt32)(b).hi) || \
+                                  (((a).hi == (b).hi) && ((a).lo op (b).lo)))
+ #define JSLL_REAL_UCMP(a,op,b)  (((a).hi op (b).hi) || \
+                                  (((a).hi == (b).hi) && ((a).lo op (b).lo)))
+ #define JSLL_AND(r, a, b)       ((r).lo = (a).lo & (b).lo, \
+                                  (r).hi = (a).hi & (b).hi)
+ #define JSLL_OR(r, a, b)        ((r).lo = (a).lo | (b).lo, \
+                                  (r).hi = (a).hi | (b).hi)
+ #define JSLL_XOR(r, a, b)       ((r).lo = (a).lo ^ (b).lo, \
+                                  (r).hi = (a).hi ^ (b).hi)
+ #define JSLL_OR2(r, a)          ((r).lo = (r).lo | (a).lo, \
+                                  (r).hi = (r).hi | (a).hi)
+ #define JSLL_NOT(r, a)          ((r).lo = ~(a).lo, \
+                                  (r).hi = ~(a).hi)
+ #define JSLL_NEG(r, a)          ((r).lo = -(JSInt32)(a).lo, \
+                                  (r).hi = -(JSInt32)(a).hi - ((r).lo != 0))
+ #define JSLL_ADD(r, a, b) { \
+     JSInt64 _a, _b; \
+     _a = a; _b = b; \
+     (r).lo = _a.lo + _b.lo; \
+     (r).hi = _a.hi + _b.hi + ((r).lo < _b.lo); \
+ }
+ #define JSLL_SUB(r, a, b) { \
+     JSInt64 _a, _b; \
+     _a = a; _b = b; \
+     (r).lo = _a.lo - _b.lo; \
+     (r).hi = _a.hi - _b.hi - (_a.lo < _b.lo); \
+ }
+ #define JSLL_MUL(r, a, b) { \
+     JSInt64 _a, _b; \
+     _a = a; _b = b; \
+     JSLL_MUL32(r, _a.lo, _b.lo); \
+     (r).hi += _a.hi * _b.lo + _a.lo * _b.hi; \
+ }
+ #define jslo16(a)        ((a) & JS_BITMASK(16))
+ #define jshi16(a)        ((a) >> 16)
+ #define JSLL_MUL32(r, a, b) { \
+      JSUint32 _a1, _a0, _b1, _b0, _y0, _y1, _y2, _y3; \
+      _a1 = jshi16(a), _a0 = jslo16(a); \
+      _b1 = jshi16(b), _b0 = jslo16(b); \
+      _y0 = _a0 * _b0; \
+      _y1 = _a0 * _b1; \
+      _y2 = _a1 * _b0; \
+      _y3 = _a1 * _b1; \
+      _y1 += jshi16(_y0);                         /* can't carry */ \
+      _y1 += _y2;                                /* might carry */ \
+      if (_y1 < _y2)    \
+         _y3 += (JSUint32)(JS_BIT(16));  /* propagate */ \
+      (r).lo = (jslo16(_y1) << 16) + jslo16(_y0); \
+      (r).hi = _y3 + jshi16(_y1); \
+ }
+ #define JSLL_UDIVMOD(qp, rp, a, b)    jsll_udivmod(qp, rp, a, b)
+ extern JS_PUBLIC_API(void) jsll_udivmod(JSUint64 *qp, JSUint64 *rp, JSUint64 a, JSUint64 b);
+ #define JSLL_DIV(r, a, b) { \
+     JSInt64 _a, _b; \
+     JSUint32 _negative = (JSInt32)(a).hi < 0; \
+     if (_negative) { \
+     JSLL_NEG(_a, a); \
+     } else { \
+     _a = a; \
+     } \
+     if ((JSInt32)(b).hi < 0) { \
+     _negative ^= 1; \
+     JSLL_NEG(_b, b); \
+     } else { \
+     _b = b; \
+     } \
+     JSLL_UDIVMOD(&(r), 0, _a, _b); \
+     if (_negative) \
+     JSLL_NEG(r, r); \
+ }
+ #define JSLL_MOD(r, a, b) { \
+     JSInt64 _a, _b; \
+     JSUint32 _negative = (JSInt32)(a).hi < 0; \
+     if (_negative) { \
+     JSLL_NEG(_a, a); \
+     } else { \
+     _a = a; \
+     } \
+     if ((JSInt32)(b).hi < 0) { \
+     JSLL_NEG(_b, b); \
+     } else { \
+     _b = b; \
+     } \
+     JSLL_UDIVMOD(0, &(r), _a, _b); \
+     if (_negative) \
+     JSLL_NEG(r, r); \
+ }
+ #define JSLL_SHL(r, a, b) { \
+     if (b) { \
+     JSInt64 _a; \
+         _a = a; \
+         if ((b) < 32) { \
+         (r).lo = _a.lo << ((b) & 31); \
+         (r).hi = (_a.hi << ((b) & 31)) | (_a.lo >> (32 - (b))); \
+     } else { \
+         (r).lo = 0; \
+         (r).hi = _a.lo << ((b) & 31); \
+     } \
+     } else { \
+     (r) = (a); \
+     } \
+ }
+ /* a is an JSInt32, b is JSInt32, r is JSInt64 */
+ #define JSLL_ISHL(r, a, b) { \
+     if (b) { \
+     JSInt64 _a; \
+     _a.lo = (a); \
+     _a.hi = 0; \
+         if ((b) < 32) { \
+         (r).lo = (a) << ((b) & 31); \
+         (r).hi = ((a) >> (32 - (b))); \
+     } else { \
+         (r).lo = 0; \
+         (r).hi = (a) << ((b) & 31); \
+     } \
+     } else { \
+     (r).lo = (a); \
+     (r).hi = 0; \
+     } \
+ }
+ #define JSLL_SHR(r, a, b) { \
+     if (b) { \
+     JSInt64 _a; \
+         _a = a; \
+     if ((b) < 32) { \
+         (r).lo = (_a.hi << (32 - (b))) | (_a.lo >> ((b) & 31)); \
+         (r).hi = (JSInt32)_a.hi >> ((b) & 31); \
+     } else { \
+         (r).lo = (JSInt32)_a.hi >> ((b) & 31); \
+         (r).hi = (JSInt32)_a.hi >> 31; \
+     } \
+     } else { \
+     (r) = (a); \
+     } \
+ }
+ #define JSLL_USHR(r, a, b) { \
+     if (b) { \
+     JSInt64 _a; \
+         _a = a; \
+     if ((b) < 32) { \
+         (r).lo = (_a.hi << (32 - (b))) | (_a.lo >> ((b) & 31)); \
+         (r).hi = _a.hi >> ((b) & 31); \
+     } else { \
+         (r).lo = _a.hi >> ((b) & 31); \
+         (r).hi = 0; \
+     } \
+     } else { \
+     (r) = (a); \
+     } \
+ }
+ #define JSLL_L2I(i, l)        ((i) = (l).lo)
+ #define JSLL_L2UI(ui, l)        ((ui) = (l).lo)
+ #define JSLL_L2F(f, l)        { double _d; JSLL_L2D(_d, l); (f) = (JSFloat64)_d; }
+ #define JSLL_L2D(d, l) { \
+     int _negative; \
+     JSInt64 _absval; \
+  \
+     _negative = (l).hi >> 31; \
+     if (_negative) { \
+     JSLL_NEG(_absval, l); \
+     } else { \
+     _absval = l; \
+     } \
+     (d) = (double)_absval.hi * 4.294967296e9 + _absval.lo; \
+     if (_negative) \
+     (d) = -(d); \
+ }
+ #define JSLL_I2L(l, i)        { JSInt32 _i = (i) >> 31; (l).lo = (i); (l).hi = _i; }
+ #define JSLL_UI2L(l, ui)      ((l).lo = (ui), (l).hi = 0)
+ #define JSLL_F2L(l, f)        { double _d = (double)f; JSLL_D2L(l, _d); }
+ #define JSLL_D2L(l, d) { \
+     int _negative; \
+     double _absval, _d_hi; \
+     JSInt64 _lo_d; \
+  \
+     _negative = ((d) < 0); \
+     _absval = _negative ? -(d) : (d); \
+  \
+     (l).hi = _absval / 4.294967296e9; \
+     (l).lo = 0; \
+     JSLL_L2D(_d_hi, l); \
+     _absval -= _d_hi; \
+     _lo_d.hi = 0; \
+     if (_absval < 0) { \
+     _lo_d.lo = -_absval; \
+     JSLL_SUB(l, l, _lo_d); \
+     } else { \
+     _lo_d.lo = _absval; \
+     JSLL_ADD(l, l, _lo_d); \
+     } \
+  \
+     if (_negative) \
+     JSLL_NEG(l, l); \
+ }
+ #endif /* !JS_HAVE_LONG_LONG */
+ #endif /* jslong_h___ */

ossp-pkg/js/src/jslong.h 1.1 ->

CVSTrac 2.0.1