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ossp - Check-in [5072]
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Check-in Number: 5072
Date: 2003-Feb-20 12:04:10 (local)
2003-Feb-20 11:04:10 (UTC)
Comment: change "0" to leftmost set destination, keep "^" leftmost cell
ossp-pkg/as/as-cui/as-cui.pod      1.11 -> 1.12     3 inserted, 2 deleted

ossp-pkg/as/as-cui/as-cui.pod 1.11 -> 1.12

--- as-cui.pod   2003/02/13 12:55:41     1.11
+++ as-cui.pod   2003/02/20 11:04:10     1.12
@@ -553,10 +553,11 @@
  CTRL-F scrolls one screen height down
  HOME moves to the upper left visible cell
  END  moves to the bottom right visible cell
- "^" or "0" moves to the leftmost cell in the row
- "$" moves to the rightmost cell in the row
  "w" or TAB jumps to the next set destination
  "b" or BACKTAB jumps to the previous set destination
+ "0" jumps to the leftmost set destination
+ "^" moves to the leftmost cell in the row
+ "$" moves to the rightmost cell in the row
  "1" moves to the first row
  "G" moves to the last row
  "o" creates and places the cursor on a new line below

CVSTrac 2.0.1