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ossp - Check-in [462]
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Check-in Number: 462
Date: 2001-May-11 21:53:45 (local)
2001-May-11 19:53:45 (UTC)
Comment: *** empty log message ***
ossp-pkg/shiela/ChangeLog      1.4 -> 1.5     3 inserted, 0 deleted
ossp-pkg/shiela/shiela.pl      1.6 -> 1.7     4 inserted, 2 deleted

ossp-pkg/shiela/ChangeLog 1.4 -> 1.5

--- ChangeLog    2001/05/04 13:33:53     1.4
+++ ChangeLog    2001/05/11 19:53:45     1.5
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
   Changes between 0.9.1 and 0.9.2 (10-Feb-2001 to 04-May-2001):
+   *) Fixed meta character handling in regex matchings.
+      [Ralf S. Engelschall]
    *) Make sure shiela accepts CVS 1.11 and newer, too.
       [Ralf S. Engelschall]

ossp-pkg/shiela/shiela.pl 1.6 -> 1.7

--- shiela.pl    2001/05/04 15:06:55     1.6
+++ shiela.pl    2001/05/11 19:53:45     1.7
@@ -1182,7 +1182,8 @@
     my @newfiles = ();
     foreach my $cvsfile (@cvsfiles) {
         my $branch = 'HEAD';
-        if ($cvsstat =~ m|===+\nFile:\s+$cvsfile.+?Sticky Tag:\s+(\S+)|s) {
+        my $cvsfile_quoted = quotemeta($cvsfile);
+        if ($cvsstat =~ m|===+\nFile:\s+${cvsfile_quoted}.+?Sticky Tag:\s+(\S+)|s) {
             $branch = $1;
             $branch = 'HEAD' if ($branch eq '(none)');
@@ -1746,7 +1747,8 @@
         $e->{date}   = $ID;
         $e->{delta}  = $Id;
         $e->{diff} = '';
-        $cvsdiff =~ s|\n<Diff\s+$Is>\n(.+?\n)</Diff>|$e->{diff} = $1, ''|se;
+        my $Is_quoted = quotemeta($Is);
+        $cvsdiff =~ s|\n<Diff\s+${Is_quoted}>\n(.+?\n)</Diff>|$e->{diff} = $1, ''|se;
         $IN->{file}->{$Is} = $e;
         $handle_min = $ID if ($ID ne '' and (not defined($handle_min) or $handle_min > $ID));
         $handle_max = $ID if ($ID ne '' and (not defined($handle_max) or $handle_max < $ID));

CVSTrac 2.0.1