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Check-in Number: 4433
Date: 2004-Feb-17 10:16:04 (local)
2004-Feb-17 09:16:04 (UTC)
Comment: correct spelling: privileges, convenient;
ossp-web/new/index.wml      1.2 -> 1.3     1 inserted, 1 deleted
ossp-web/pkg/lib/l2/index.wml      1.10 -> 1.11     1 inserted, 1 deleted
ossp-web/pkg/lib/pcre/index.wml      1.4 -> 1.5     1 inserted, 1 deleted
ossp-web/pkg/lib/str/index.wml      1.7 -> 1.8     1 inserted, 1 deleted

ossp-web/new/index.wml 1.2 -> 1.3

--- index.wml    2002/09/24 12:53:46     1.2
+++ index.wml    2004/02/17 09:16:04     1.3
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 On the <a href="news.html"><b>What's New</b></a> page we summarize all
 OSSP project news in reverse chronological order (newest first). Mainly
 these are announcements of new software versions. Visit this page
-to get a brief summary on the project history. For convinience reasons,
+to get a brief summary on the project history. For convenience reasons,
 the first (latest) entries of this page are always included in the <a
 href="$(ROOT)"><b>Title</b></a> page.

ossp-web/pkg/lib/l2/index.wml 1.10 -> 1.11

--- index.wml    2003/11/10 19:04:53     1.10
+++ index.wml    2004/02/17 09:16:05     1.11
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 Channels are implemented by channel handlers which can be even customer
 supplied for creating own channels which seamlessly integrate into the
-framework. For convinience reasons, OSSP l2 already ships with pre-implemented
+framework. For convenience reasons, OSSP l2 already ships with pre-implemented
 filtering (noop, filter, prefix, buffer) and output (null, fd, file, pipe,
 socket, syslog, smtp) channels which already cover mostly all use cases of

ossp-web/pkg/lib/pcre/index.wml 1.4 -> 1.5

--- index.wml    2002/10/02 12:44:41     1.4
+++ index.wml    2004/02/17 09:16:05     1.5
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 OSSP pcre is a derivative of Philip Hazel's <a
 href="http://www.pcre.org/">PCRE</a> library for matching text via
 Perl-compatible regular expressions. OSSP pcre additionally contains the
-function pcre_match(3) which provides a very convinience way to apply a
+function pcre_match(3) which provides a very convenience way to apply a
 regular expression, including caching support.

ossp-web/pkg/lib/str/index.wml 1.7 -> 1.8

--- index.wml    2003/02/17 15:20:44     1.7
+++ index.wml    2004/02/17 09:16:06     1.8
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 OSSP str is a generic string library written in ISO-C which provides
 functions for handling, matching, parsing, searching and formatting of ISO-C
 strings. So it can be considered as a superset of POSIX string(3), but its
-main intention is to provide a more convinient and compact API plus a more
+main intention is to provide a more convenient and compact API plus a more
 generalized functionality. 

CVSTrac 2.0.1