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ossp - Check-in [4067]
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Check-in Number: 4067
Date: 2003-Feb-20 22:28:57 (local)
2003-Feb-20 21:28:57 (UTC)
Comment: Use unicode macro translations instead of ASCII ones.
ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_panel.cpp      1.12 -> 1.13     59 inserted, 59 deleted
ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_reportpanel.cpp      1.7 -> 1.8     27 inserted, 27 deleted

ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_panel.cpp 1.12 -> 1.13

--- as_panel.cpp 2003/02/20 21:08:47     1.12
+++ as_panel.cpp 2003/02/20 21:28:57     1.13
@@ -79,12 +79,12 @@
     for (QStringList::Iterator Stylename = Styles.begin();
         Stylename != Styles.end(); Stylename++) {
         Stylevector[nIter] = new QRadioButton(m_pStylegroup, *Stylename + "_button");
-        Stylevector[nIter]->setText(tr(*Stylename, "Comment for " + *Stylename));
+        Stylevector[nIter]->setText(trUtf8(*Stylename, "Comment for " + *Stylename));
         Stylevector[nIter]->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding,
-        QToolTip::add(Stylevector[nIter], tr("The " + *Stylename + " style",
+        QToolTip::add(Stylevector[nIter], trUtf8("The " + *Stylename + " style",
             "Comment for toolTip " + *Stylename));
-        QWhatsThis::add(Stylevector[nIter], tr("Click this button to enjoy the style of the "
+        QWhatsThis::add(Stylevector[nIter], trUtf8("Click this button to enjoy the style of the "
             + *Stylename + " user interface", "Comment whatsThis for " + *Stylename));
@@ -101,16 +101,16 @@
     // Optional file backups with hard coded extension .bak
     m_pBackupcheck = new QCheckBox(m_pSwitchgroup, "Backupbutton");
-    m_pBackupcheck->setText(tr("Make .bak file on save", "Comment for Backupcheck"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pBackupcheck, tr("Will make a .bak file when saving", "Comment for toolTip Backupcheck"));
-    QWhatsThis::add(m_pBackupcheck, tr("Check this box to enable automatic file backups when overwriting an existing file", "Comment whatsThis for Backupcheck"));
+    m_pBackupcheck->setText(trUtf8("Make .bak file on save", "Comment for Backupcheck"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pBackupcheck, trUtf8("Make a .bak file when saving", "Comment for toolTip Backupcheck"));
+    QWhatsThis::add(m_pBackupcheck, trUtf8("Check this box to enable automatic file backups when overwriting an existing file", "Comment whatsThis for Backupcheck"));
     // Optional easy filename appending with hard coded extension .as
     m_pExtendcheck = new QCheckBox(m_pSwitchgroup, "Extensionbutton");
-    m_pExtendcheck->setText(tr("Append .as extension", "Comment for Extensioncheck"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pExtendcheck, tr("Use the .as file extension", "Comment for toolTip Extensioncheck"));
-    QWhatsThis::add(m_pExtendcheck, tr("Check this box to automatically append '.as' to new filenames when saving", "Comment whatsThis for Extensioncheck"));
+    m_pExtendcheck->setText(trUtf8("Append .as extension", "Comment for Extensioncheck"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pExtendcheck, trUtf8("Use the .as file extension", "Comment for toolTip Extensioncheck"));
+    QWhatsThis::add(m_pExtendcheck, trUtf8("Check this box to automatically append '.as' to new filenames when saving", "Comment whatsThis for Extensioncheck"));
     // Start of report option UI pieces (like detailed report listings)
@@ -124,16 +124,16 @@
     // Optional detailed report listings write all events in range
     m_pDetailcheck = new QCheckBox(m_pReportgroup, "Detailistbutton");
-    m_pDetailcheck->setText(tr("Detailed listing", "Comment for Detailcheck"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pDetailcheck, tr("Write detailed event listings", "Comment for toolTip Detailcheck"));
-    QWhatsThis::add(m_pDetailcheck, tr("Check this box to enable writing of detailed event listings to the local report", "Comment whatsThis for Detailcheck"));
+    m_pDetailcheck->setText(trUtf8("Detailed listing", "Comment for Detailcheck"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pDetailcheck, trUtf8("Write detailed event listings", "Comment for toolTip Detailcheck"));
+    QWhatsThis::add(m_pDetailcheck, trUtf8("Check this box to enable writing of detailed event listings to the local report", "Comment whatsThis for Detailcheck"));
     // Optional signature line in report footer
     m_pSigncheck = new QCheckBox(m_pReportgroup, "Signaturebutton");
-    m_pSigncheck->setText(tr("Signature line", "Comment for Signaturecheck"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pSigncheck, tr("Append a signature line", "Comment for toolTip Signaturecheck"));
-    QWhatsThis::add(m_pSigncheck, tr("Check this box to write a signature line to the report footer", "Comment whatsThis for Signaturecheck"));
+    m_pSigncheck->setText(trUtf8("Signature line", "Comment for Signaturecheck"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pSigncheck, trUtf8("Append a signature line", "Comment for toolTip Signaturecheck"));
+    QWhatsThis::add(m_pSigncheck, trUtf8("Check this box to write a signature line to the report footer", "Comment whatsThis for Signaturecheck"));
@@ -248,49 +248,49 @@
 void Prefpanel::textChange(void)
-    this->setCaption(tr("AS Applicate Preferences", "Personal preferences are persistent across sessions"));
+    this->setCaption(trUtf8("AS Applicate Preferences", "Personal preferences are persistent across sessions"));
-    m_pTabselect->changeTab(m_pBoolpage, tr("General"));
-    m_pTabselect->changeTab(m_pGeneralpage, tr("Paths"));
-    m_pTabselect->changeTab(m_pRemotepage, tr("Hosts"));
-    m_pOkaybutton->setText(tr("Okay", "Comment for Okaybutton"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pOkaybutton, tr("Applies and saves changes", "Comment for tooltip Okaybutton"));
-    QWhatsThis::add(m_pOkaybutton, tr("The okay button applies and saves changes", "Comment for whatsThis Okaybutton"));
-    m_pApplybutton->setText(tr("Apply", "Comment for Applybutton"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pApplybutton, tr("Apply changes immediately", "Comment for toolTip Applybutton"));
-    QWhatsThis::add(m_pApplybutton, tr("The apply button applies changes immediately", "Comment for whatsThis Applybutton"));
-    m_pCancelbutton->setText(tr("Cancel", "Comment for Cancelbutton"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pCancelbutton, tr("Cancel any changes", "Comment for toolTip Cancelbutton"));
-    QWhatsThis::add(m_pCancelbutton, tr("The cancel button cancels any changes", "Comment for whatsThis Cancelbutton"));
-    m_pGenbox->setTitle(tr("File and directory paths", "Comment for Genbox"));
-    m_pAcctlabel->setText(tr("Accounts path", "Comment for Acctlabel"));
-    m_pEventlabel->setText(tr("Events directory", "Comment for Eventlabel"));
-    m_pUserlabel->setText(tr("User name", "Comment for Userlabel"));
-    m_pHomelabel->setText(tr("Home directory", "Comment for Homelabel"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pAcctline, tr("The accounts file pathname", "Comment for toolTip Acctline"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pEventline, tr("The default events directory", "Comment for toolTip Eventline"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pUserline, tr("The user name", "Comment for toolTip Userline"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pHomeline, tr("The home directory", "Comment for toolTip Homeline"));
-    m_pRembox->setTitle(tr("Remote host names", "Comment for Rembox"));
-    m_pCorbalabel->setText(tr("CORBA host", "Comment for Corbalabel"));
-    m_pSoaplabel->setText(tr("SOAP host", "Comment for Soaplabel"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pCorbaline, tr("The CORBA host name", "Comment for toolTip Corbaline"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pSoapline, tr("The SOAP host name", "Comment for toolTip Soapline"));
-    m_pCorbacheck->setText(tr("Enable IIOP transmission", "Comment for Corbacheck"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pCorbacheck, tr("Will enable transmission over IIOP", "Comment for toolTip Corbacheck"));
-    QWhatsThis::add(m_pCorbacheck, tr("Check this box to enable transmission to a CORBA host", "Comment whatsThis for Corbacheck"));
-    m_pSoapcheck->setText(tr("Enable SOAP transmission", "Comment for Soapcheck"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pSoapcheck, tr("Will enable transmission over SOAP", "Comment for toolTip Soapcheck"));
-    QWhatsThis::add(m_pSoapcheck, tr("Check this box to enable transmission over to a SOAP host", "Comment whatsThis for Soapcheck"));
-    m_pStylegroup->setTitle(tr("Available styles", "Comment for Stylebuttons"));
-    m_pReportgroup->setTitle(tr("Report options", "Comment for Reportbox"));
-    m_pSwitchgroup->setTitle(tr("Other options", "Comment for Switchbox"));
+    m_pTabselect->changeTab(m_pBoolpage, trUtf8("General"));
+    m_pTabselect->changeTab(m_pGeneralpage, trUtf8("Paths"));
+    m_pTabselect->changeTab(m_pRemotepage, trUtf8("Hosts"));
+    m_pOkaybutton->setText(trUtf8("Okay", "Comment for Okaybutton"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pOkaybutton, trUtf8("Applies and saves changes", "Comment for tooltip Okaybutton"));
+    QWhatsThis::add(m_pOkaybutton, trUtf8("The okay button applies and saves changes", "Comment for whatsThis Okaybutton"));
+    m_pApplybutton->setText(trUtf8("Apply", "Comment for Applybutton"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pApplybutton, trUtf8("Apply changes immediately", "Comment for toolTip Applybutton"));
+    QWhatsThis::add(m_pApplybutton, trUtf8("The apply button applies changes immediately", "Comment for whatsThis Applybutton"));
+    m_pCancelbutton->setText(trUtf8("Cancel", "Comment for Cancelbutton"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pCancelbutton, trUtf8("Cancel any changes", "Comment for toolTip Cancelbutton"));
+    QWhatsThis::add(m_pCancelbutton, trUtf8("The cancel button cancels any changes", "Comment for whatsThis Cancelbutton"));
+    m_pGenbox->setTitle(trUtf8("File and directory paths", "Comment for Genbox"));
+    m_pAcctlabel->setText(trUtf8("Accounts path", "Comment for Acctlabel"));
+    m_pEventlabel->setText(trUtf8("Events directory", "Comment for Eventlabel"));
+    m_pUserlabel->setText(trUtf8("User name", "Comment for Userlabel"));
+    m_pHomelabel->setText(trUtf8("Home directory", "Comment for Homelabel"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pAcctline, trUtf8("The accounts file pathname", "Comment for toolTip Acctline"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pEventline, trUtf8("The default events directory", "Comment for toolTip Eventline"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pUserline, trUtf8("The user name", "Comment for toolTip Userline"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pHomeline, trUtf8("The home directory", "Comment for toolTip Homeline"));
+    m_pRembox->setTitle(trUtf8("Remote host names", "Comment for Rembox"));
+    m_pCorbalabel->setText(trUtf8("CORBA host", "Comment for Corbalabel"));
+    m_pSoaplabel->setText(trUtf8("SOAP host", "Comment for Soaplabel"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pCorbaline, trUtf8("The CORBA host name", "Comment for toolTip Corbaline"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pSoapline, trUtf8("The SOAP host name", "Comment for toolTip Soapline"));
+    m_pCorbacheck->setText(trUtf8("Enable IIOP transmission", "Comment for Corbacheck"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pCorbacheck, trUtf8("Will enable transmission over IIOP", "Comment for toolTip Corbacheck"));
+    QWhatsThis::add(m_pCorbacheck, trUtf8("Check this box to enable transmission to a CORBA host", "Comment whatsThis for Corbacheck"));
+    m_pSoapcheck->setText(trUtf8("Enable SOAP transmission", "Comment for Soapcheck"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pSoapcheck, trUtf8("Will enable transmission over SOAP", "Comment for toolTip Soapcheck"));
+    QWhatsThis::add(m_pSoapcheck, trUtf8("Check this box to enable transmission over to a SOAP host", "Comment whatsThis for Soapcheck"));
+    m_pStylegroup->setTitle(trUtf8("Available styles", "Comment for Stylebuttons"));
+    m_pReportgroup->setTitle(trUtf8("Report options", "Comment for Reportbox"));
+    m_pSwitchgroup->setTitle(trUtf8("Other options", "Comment for Switchbox"));

ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_reportpanel.cpp 1.7 -> 1.8

--- as_reportpanel.cpp   2003/02/20 21:09:58     1.7
+++ as_reportpanel.cpp   2003/02/20 21:28:57     1.8
@@ -128,11 +128,11 @@
     m_pWeekpop = new QPopupMenu(this);
     if (m_pWeekpop == NULL) // Sanity check
         throw Genexcept("Weekly toolbutton popup creation failed.");
-    m_pWeekpop->insertItem(tr("One week"), this, SLOT(reportWeeks(int)));
-    m_pWeekpop->insertItem(tr("Two weeks"), this, SLOT(reportWeeks(int)));
-    m_pWeekpop->insertItem(tr("Three weeks"), this, SLOT(reportWeeks(int)));
-    m_pWeekpop->insertItem(tr("Four weeks"), this, SLOT(reportWeeks(int)));
-    m_pWeekpop->insertItem(tr("N... weeks"), this, SLOT(reportWeeks(int)));
+    m_pWeekpop->insertItem(trUtf8("One week"), this, SLOT(reportWeeks(int)));
+    m_pWeekpop->insertItem(trUtf8("Two weeks"), this, SLOT(reportWeeks(int)));
+    m_pWeekpop->insertItem(trUtf8("Three weeks"), this, SLOT(reportWeeks(int)));
+    m_pWeekpop->insertItem(trUtf8("Four weeks"), this, SLOT(reportWeeks(int)));
+    m_pWeekpop->insertItem(trUtf8("N... weeks"), this, SLOT(reportWeeks(int)));
     m_pWeekpop->setItemChecked(m_pWeekpop->idAt(m_nWeeks - 1), true);
@@ -142,11 +142,11 @@
     m_pMonthpop = new QPopupMenu(this);
     if (m_pMonthpop == NULL) // Sanity check
         throw Genexcept("Monthly toolbutton popup creation failed.");
-    m_pMonthpop->insertItem(tr("One month"), this, SLOT(reportMonths(int)));
-    m_pMonthpop->insertItem(tr("Two months"), this, SLOT(reportMonths(int)));
-    m_pMonthpop->insertItem(tr("Three months"), this, SLOT(reportMonths(int)));
-    m_pMonthpop->insertItem(tr("Four months"), this, SLOT(reportMonths(int)));
-    m_pMonthpop->insertItem(tr("N... months"), this, SLOT(reportMonths(int)));
+    m_pMonthpop->insertItem(trUtf8("One month"), this, SLOT(reportMonths(int)));
+    m_pMonthpop->insertItem(trUtf8("Two months"), this, SLOT(reportMonths(int)));
+    m_pMonthpop->insertItem(trUtf8("Three months"), this, SLOT(reportMonths(int)));
+    m_pMonthpop->insertItem(trUtf8("Four months"), this, SLOT(reportMonths(int)));
+    m_pMonthpop->insertItem(trUtf8("N... months"), this, SLOT(reportMonths(int)));
     m_pMonthpop->setItemChecked(m_pMonthpop->idAt(m_nMonths - 1), true);
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@
     // Clear data window and write header out
-    m_pBrowser->append(tr("The 'both' feature is not working yet."));
+    m_pBrowser->append(trUtf8("The 'both' feature is not working yet."));
     m_pBrowser->setCursorPosition(0, 0);
@@ -554,25 +554,25 @@
 void Reportpanel::textChange(void)
-    this->setCaption(tr("AS local report", "Local report using weekly data or monthly data or both."));
+    this->setCaption(trUtf8("AS local report", "Local report using weekly data or monthly data or both."));
     // Top level push buttons associated with accept and save slots
-    m_pDismissbutt->setText(tr("Dismiss", "Comment for Dismissbutton"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pDismissbutt, tr("Closes the report panel", "Comment for tooltip Dismissbutton"));
-    QWhatsThis::add(m_pDismissbutt, tr("The dismiss button dismisses the report panel", "Comment for whatsThis Dsimissbutton"));
-    m_pSavebutt->setText(tr("Save", "Comment for Savebutton"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pSavebutt, tr("Saves the report panel text", "Comment for tooltip Savebutton"));
-    QWhatsThis::add(m_pSavebutt, tr("The save button saves the report panel text to a file", "Comment for whatsThis Savebutton"));
+    m_pDismissbutt->setText(trUtf8("Dismiss", "Comment for Dismissbutton"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pDismissbutt, trUtf8("Closes the report panel", "Comment for tooltip Dismissbutton"));
+    QWhatsThis::add(m_pDismissbutt, trUtf8("The dismiss button dismisses the report panel", "Comment for whatsThis Dsimissbutton"));
+    m_pSavebutt->setText(trUtf8("Save", "Comment for Savebutton"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pSavebutt, trUtf8("Saves the report panel text", "Comment for tooltip Savebutton"));
+    QWhatsThis::add(m_pSavebutt, trUtf8("The save button saves the report panel text to a file", "Comment for whatsThis Savebutton"));
     // Inner tool buttons for new local report generation
-    m_pWeeklybutt->setText(tr("Weekly", "Comment for Weeklybutt"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pWeeklybutt, tr("Hold down for options", "Comment for tooltip Weeklybutt"));
-    QWhatsThis::add(m_pWeeklybutt, tr("The weekly button generates a new weekly report.\nHold this button down to specify many weeks.", "Comment for whatsThis Weeklybutt"));
-    m_pMonthlybutt->setText(tr("Monthly", "Comment for Monthlybutt"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pMonthlybutt, tr("Hold down for options", "Comment for tooltip Monthlybutt"));
-    QWhatsThis::add(m_pMonthlybutt, tr("The monthly button makes a new monthly report.\nHold this button down to specify how many months.", "Comment for whatsThis Monthlybutt"));
-    m_pBothbutt->setText(tr("Both", "Comment for Bothbutt"));
-    QToolTip::add(m_pBothbutt, tr("Report with both week data and month data", "Comment for tooltip Bothbutt"));
-    QWhatsThis::add(m_pBothbutt, tr("The both button makes a new report with both weekly and monthly items mixed in. Hold this button down to specify how many weeks mixed of data.", "Comment for whatsThis Bothbutt"));
+    m_pWeeklybutt->setText(trUtf8("Weekly", "Comment for Weeklybutt"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pWeeklybutt, trUtf8("Hold down for options", "Comment for tooltip Weeklybutt"));
+    QWhatsThis::add(m_pWeeklybutt, trUtf8("The weekly button generates a new weekly report.\nHold this button down to specify many weeks.", "Comment for whatsThis Weeklybutt"));
+    m_pMonthlybutt->setText(trUtf8("Monthly", "Comment for Monthlybutt"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pMonthlybutt, trUtf8("Hold down for options", "Comment for tooltip Monthlybutt"));
+    QWhatsThis::add(m_pMonthlybutt, trUtf8("The monthly button makes a new monthly report.\nHold this button down to specify how many months.", "Comment for whatsThis Monthlybutt"));
+    m_pBothbutt->setText(trUtf8("Both", "Comment for Bothbutt"));
+    QToolTip::add(m_pBothbutt, trUtf8("Report with both week data and month data", "Comment for tooltip Bothbutt"));
+    QWhatsThis::add(m_pBothbutt, trUtf8("The both button makes a new report with both weekly and monthly items mixed in. Hold this button down to specify how many weeks mixed of data.", "Comment for whatsThis Bothbutt"));
 } // namespace AS

CVSTrac 2.0.1