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ossp - Check-in [4030]
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Check-in Number: 4030
Date: 2003-Feb-13 19:22:32 (local)
2003-Feb-13 18:22:32 (UTC)
Comment: Lots of RPC changes including disable and enablement according to compile time transport availability, multi row spanning with SOAP transmission, and solve security problems by making CORBA and SOAP hosts user configurable.
ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/TODO      1.85 -> 1.86     2 inserted, 0 deleted
ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_const.h      1.50 -> 1.51     7 inserted, 0 deleted
ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_panel.h      1.6 -> 1.7     2 inserted, 0 deleted
ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_slot.cpp      1.118 -> 1.119     64 inserted, 19 deleted

ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/TODO 1.85 -> 1.86

--- TODO 2003/02/12 19:33:05     1.85
+++ TODO 2003/02/13 18:22:32     1.86
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
 Might not need classes Amount and Tableitem at all
 Mach mal mit den 'autobackup' und 'fextension' Optionen von prefs
 Check for outdated config file version
+Make status bar message, qWarning, qDebug, and Popup messages consistent
+  For which purposes do messages go in each category?
 Bugs (? = unverified)

ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_const.h 1.50 -> 1.51

--- as_const.h   2003/02/12 19:33:05     1.50
+++ as_const.h   2003/02/13 18:22:32     1.51
@@ -150,6 +150,13 @@
+// Falsified incoming ORB initilization arguments
+#define TITRAQ_ORBINIT          "-ORBGIOPVersion 1.2 -ORBIIOPVersion 1.2 -ORBInitRef"
+#define TITRAQ_COSSPART1        "NameService=corbaloc::"
+#define TITRAQ_COSSPART2        "/NameService"
+#define TITRAQ_SOAPSPACE        "http://soap.europalab.com/asdb"
+#define TITRAQ_PREFIXHTTP       "http://"
 // Style string constants
 #define TITRAQ_STRCDE           "CDE"
 #define TITRAQ_STRSGI           "SGI"

ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_panel.h 1.6 -> 1.7

--- as_panel.h   2003/02/12 19:33:05     1.6
+++ as_panel.h   2003/02/13 18:22:32     1.7
@@ -110,6 +110,8 @@
     void setSoaphost(const QString &kInstr)  {m_pSoapline->setText(kInstr);};
     void setBackon(const bool &kbEnable = true)   {m_pBackupcheck->setChecked(kbEnable);};
     void setExtendon(const bool &kbEnable = true) {m_pExtendcheck->setChecked(kbEnable);};
+    void lockCorba(const bool &kbLock = true) {m_pCorbacheck->setEnabled(!kbLock);};
+    void lockSoap(const bool &kbLock = true) {m_pSoapcheck->setEnabled(!kbLock);};
     void setCorbaon(const bool &kbEnable = true) {

ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_slot.cpp 1.118 -> 1.119

--- as_slot.cpp  2003/02/12 19:33:05     1.118
+++ as_slot.cpp  2003/02/13 18:22:32     1.119
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 // system headers
 #include <memory>
+#include <cstring>
 // Qt headers
 #include <qfiledialog.h>
@@ -1119,8 +1120,18 @@
     pUserpanel->setHome(m_pPrefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFHOME, TITRAQ_DEFHOME));
     pUserpanel->setCorbahost(m_pPrefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFCORBHOST, TITRAQ_DEFCORBHOST));
     pUserpanel->setSoaphost(m_pPrefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFSOAPHOST, TITRAQ_DEFSOAPHOST));
+#ifdef HAVE_MICO
     pUserpanel->setCorbaon(m_pPrefs->getBool(TITRAQ_PREFCORBON, TITRAQ_DEFCORBON));
+    pUserpanel->setCorbaon(false);
+    pUserpanel->lockCorba();
+#ifdef HAVE_ESOAP
     pUserpanel->setSoapon(m_pPrefs->getBool(TITRAQ_PREFSOAPON, TITRAQ_DEFSOAPON));
+    pUserpanel->setSoapon(false);
+    pUserpanel->lockSoap();
     pUserpanel->setBackon(m_pPrefs->getBool(TITRAQ_PREFBAKON, TITRAQ_DEFBAKON));
     pUserpanel->setExtendon(m_pPrefs->getBool(TITRAQ_PREFEXTENDON, TITRAQ_DEFEXTENDON));
@@ -1547,9 +1558,8 @@
 void Titraqform::syncIiop(void)
 #ifdef HAVE_MICO
-    int nNada = 0;          // Some false parameters
-    char **ppcNada = NULL;  // to fake out the ORB
-    CORBA::ORB_var Orb;     // The ORB
+    char **ppcInargv = NULL;    // Parameters to the ORB
+    CORBA::ORB_var Orb;         // The ORB iself
     CORBA::Object_var Nameobj;      // Name service reference
     CosNaming::NamingContext_var Namectx; // COSS ns context
@@ -1559,9 +1569,32 @@
     Asdatabase_var Asdbase;         // Casted object to ASDB
     Astuple Singlerow;              // A single row of AS data
+    QString *pOrbargv = new QString(TITRAQ_ORBINIT);
+    int nCount = pOrbargv->contains(' ');
+    int nNamesize = 0;
+    // Build a false incoming argv with which we initialize the ORB
+    ppcInargv = new char *[nCount + 3]; // 3 = arg0 + last section + COSS host
+    *ppcInargv = new char[strlen(*qApp->argv() + 2)]; // For cmd name
+    strcpy(ppcInargv[0], *qApp->argv());              // Copy cmd name
+    for (int nIter = 0; nIter <= nCount; nIter++) {
+        QString Section = pOrbargv->section(' ', nIter, nIter);
+        ppcInargv[nIter + 1] = new char[strlen(Section.ascii() + 2)];
+        strcpy(ppcInargv[nIter + 1], Section.ascii());
+    }
+    // Build the single string COSS naming host name with associated port number
+    *pOrbargv = TITRAQ_COSSPART1
+              + m_pPrefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFCORBHOST, TITRAQ_DEFCORBHOST)
+              + TITRAQ_COSSPART2;
+    nNamesize = strlen(pOrbargv->ascii());
+    ppcInargv[nCount + 2] = new char[nNamesize];
+    strcpy(ppcInargv[nCount + 2], pOrbargv->ascii());
     try {
         // Initialization of the ORB and COSS naming service
-        Orb = CORBA::ORB_init(nNada, ppcNada, "mico-local-orb");
+        nCount = nCount + 3; // Raise the count to include app, last sec, COSS
+        Orb = CORBA::ORB_init(nCount, ppcInargv, "mico-local-orb");
         Nameobj = Orb->resolve_initial_references("NameService");
         Namectx = CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow(Nameobj);
         if (CORBA::is_nil(Namectx)) { // Verify sanity
@@ -1569,6 +1602,12 @@
             qWarning("Could not find the COSS naming service\n");
+        // Clean up our dynamically allocated array
+        for (int nIter = 0; nIter < nCount; nIter++)
+            delete ppcInargv[nIter];
+        delete ppcInargv; // Free the array itself
+        delete pOrbargv;  // Free the intermediate string
         // Prepare the COSS name request
         Cosname[0].id = CORBA::string_dup("Asdatabase");
@@ -1655,29 +1694,35 @@
     try {
-        const char *pSpace    = "http://soap.europalab.com/asdb";
-        const char *pEndpoint = "http://www.europalab.com/cgi-bin/asdbserv";
-        SOAPProxy Proxy(pEndpoint);
-        SOAPMethod Logmeth("Log", pSpace);  // SOAP remote method name
+        SOAPMethod Logmeth("Log", TITRAQ_SOAPSPACE); // SOAP namespace
         SOAPString Clistr;                  // Outgoing parameter to marshall
         int nCrc;                           // SOAP unmarshalled return value
-        // A quasi diff summary to transmit to the server
-        QString Syncthis;
-        int nRow = m_pMaintable->currentRow();
-        Syncthis += m_pMaintable->text(nRow, TITRAQ_IDXUSER);
-        for (int nIter = TITRAQ_IDXUSER + 1; nIter < TITRAQ_IDXTAIL; nIter++)
-            Syncthis += ' ' + m_pMaintable->text(nRow, nIter);
+        // Build the single string SOAP end point which look like this:
+        //   "http://www.europalab.com/cgi-bin/asdbserv"
+        QString Endpoint;
+        SOAPProxy Proxy(Endpoint.ascii());
-        Clistr = Syncthis;                          // Build RPC parameter
-        Logmeth.AddParameter("Tuple") << Clistr;    // Prepare for marshalling
-        const SOAPResponse &Logresp = Proxy.Execute(Logmeth);
-        Logresp.GetReturnValue() >> nCrc;
+        // Fill account log object(s) to marshall and transmit
+        QTableSelection Select = m_pMaintable->selection(0);    // Capture selected rows
+        int nTotal = Select.bottomRow() - Select.topRow() + 1;  // Total rows selected
+        // Iterate through the selection of row entries to transmit
+        for (int nRowiter = 0; nRowiter < nTotal; nRowiter++) {
+            QString Syncthis = m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXUSER);
+            for (int nColiter = TITRAQ_IDXUSER + 1; nColiter < TITRAQ_IDXTAIL; nColiter++)
+                Syncthis += ' ' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, nColiter);
+            Clistr = Syncthis;                          // Build RPC parameter
+            Logmeth.AddParameter("Tuple") << Clistr;    // Prepare for marshalling
+            const SOAPResponse &Logresp = Proxy.Execute(Logmeth);
+            Logresp.GetReturnValue() >> nCrc;
+        }
         m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("Successful transmission, CRC returned %1").arg(nCrc));
     catch (SOAPException& Soapex) { // Announce the exception we received
         m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("Caught SOAP exception: %1").arg(Soapex.What().Str()));
-        qDebug("Caught SOAP exception: %s\n", Soapex.What().Str());
+        qDebug("Caught SOAP exception: %s", Soapex.What().Str());
     catch (...) {
         qDebug("Caught unknown exception\n");

CVSTrac 2.0.1