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ossp - Check-in [3688]
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Check-in Number: 3688
Date: 2003-Dec-01 18:43:57 (local)
2003-Dec-01 17:43:57 (UTC)
Comment: Correct label text on save and print buttons.
ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_reportpanel.cpp      1.16 -> 1.17     2 inserted, 2 deleted

ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_reportpanel.cpp 1.16 -> 1.17

--- as_reportpanel.cpp   2003/11/20 11:31:20     1.16
+++ as_reportpanel.cpp   2003/12/01 17:43:57     1.17
@@ -741,10 +741,10 @@
     this->setCaption(trUtf8("AS local report", "Local report using weekly or monthly data."));
     // Top level push buttons associated with accept and save slots
-    m_pSavebutt->setText(trUtf8("Save", "Comment for Savebutton"));
+    m_pSavebutt->setText(trUtf8("Save As...", "Comment for Savebutton"));
     QToolTip::add(m_pSavebutt, trUtf8("Saves the report text", "Comment for tooltip Savebutton"));
     QWhatsThis::add(m_pSavebutt, trUtf8("The save button saves the report text to a file", "Comment for whatsThis Savebutton"));
-    m_pPrintbutt->setText(trUtf8("Print", "Comment for Printbutton"));
+    m_pPrintbutt->setText(trUtf8("Print...", "Comment for Printbutton"));
     QToolTip::add(m_pPrintbutt, trUtf8("Print the report text", "Comment for tooltip Printbutton"));
     QWhatsThis::add(m_pPrintbutt, trUtf8("The print button prints the report text to a file", "Comment for whatsThis Printbutton"));
     m_pDismissbutt->setText(trUtf8("Dismiss", "Comment for Dismissbutton"));

CVSTrac 2.0.1