*** /dev/null Tue Feb 18 23:07:47 2025
--- - Tue Feb 18 23:08:03 2025
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1999 ----
+ //
+ // OSSP asgui - Accounting system graphical user interface
+ // Copyright (c) 2002-2003 The OSSP Project (http://www.ossp.org/)
+ // Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+ // Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Michael Schloh von Bennewitz <michael@schloh.com>
+ // Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Cable & Wireless Telecommunications Services GmbH
+ //
+ // This file is part of OSSP asgui, an accounting system graphical user
+ // interface which can be found at http://www.ossp.org/pkg/tool/asgui/.
+ //
+ // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for
+ // any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that
+ // the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all
+ // copies.
+ //
+ //
+ // titslot.cpp: ISO C++ implementation
+ //
+ // system headers
+ #include <memory>
+ #include <cstring>
+ // Qt headers
+ #include <qfiledialog.h>
+ #include <qcombobox.h>
+ #include <qclipboard.h>
+ #include <qmenudata.h>
+ #include <qdatastream.h>
+ #include <qstatusbar.h>
+ #include <qaction.h>
+ #include <qpopupmenu.h>
+ // Qt style headers
+ #include <qcdestyle.h>
+ #include <qsgistyle.h>
+ #include <qmotifstyle.h>
+ #include <qmotifplusstyle.h>
+ #include <qplatinumstyle.h>
+ #include <qwindowsstyle.h>
+ // User interface
+ #include "as_const.h" // Application constants
+ #include "as_except.h" // Exception classes
+ #include "as_tableitem.h" // For our custom table items
+ #include "as_generic.h" // Generic classes
+ #include "as_uuid.h" // UUID classes
+ #include "as_datedit.h" // Derived from QDateEdit
+ #include "as_amount.h" // Derived from QTimeEdit
+ #include "as_crc.h" // Useful Qualistring class
+ #include "as_pref.h" // For Preferences class
+ #include "as_panel.h" // For Prefpanel class
+ #include "as_reportpanel.h" // For Reportpanel class
+ #include "as_helpanel.h" // For Helpanel class
+ #include "as_sfile.h" // For Simplefile class
+ #include "as_table.h" // For TiTable class
+ // RPC headers
+ #ifdef HAVE_ESOAP
+ #include <easysoap/SOAP.h>
+ #endif // HAVE_ESOAP
+ #ifdef HAVE_MICO
+ #include <coss/CosNaming.h>
+ #include "as_stub.h" // CORBA stubs and skeletons
+ #endif // HAVE_MICO
+ // Icon pixel maps
+ #include "as_gfx/cwlogo.xpm" // static const char *s_kpcCwlogo_xpm[]
+ #include "as_gfx/ossplogo.xpm" // static const char *s_kpcOssplogo_xpm[]
+ #include "as_gfx/statok.xpm" // static const char *s_kpcStatokay_xpm[]
+ #include "as_gfx/staterr.xpm" // static const char *s_kpcStaterror_xpm[]
+ #include "as_gfx/statwrn.xpm" // static const char *s_kpcStatwarn_xpm[]
+ #include "as_gfx/statvoid.xpm" // static const char *s_kpcStatvoid_xpm[]
+ //
+ // Cut an entry
+ //
+ void Titraqform::cutEntry(void)
+ {
+ this->copyEntry(); // Reuse slot
+ this->delEntry(); // Reuse slot
+ }
+ //
+ // Copy an entry
+ //
+ void Titraqform::copyEntry(void)
+ {
+ QString Selection; // Will hold the selected text
+ QClipboard *pClip; // Will reference the global clipboard
+ // Initialize data and clipboard handle
+ Selection = getRowdata(); // Use accessor
+ pClip = QApplication::clipboard();
+ Q_ASSERT(!Selection.isNull());
+ pClip->setText(Selection, QClipboard::Selection); // Doesn't work on Windows
+ pClip->setText(Selection, QClipboard::Clipboard); // Works on both equally
+ }
+ //
+ // Paste an entry
+ //
+ void Titraqform::pasteEntry(void)
+ {
+ int nRows = 0; // Paste so many rows as are stored
+ QString Selection; // Will receive the clipboard text
+ QClipboard *pClip = NULL; // Will reference the global clipboard
+ pClip = QApplication::clipboard(); // Prime the clips
+ Selection = pClip->text(QClipboard::Clipboard); // Windows and Unix
+ nRows = Selection.contains(QChar('\n')); // How many rows
+ if (Selection != NULL && nRows > 0) { // Ignore empty clipboards
+ this->addEntry(nRows); // Reuse slot
+ setRowdata(Selection); // Use accessor
+ // Update line numbers for this new row and all subsequent rows
+ for (int nIter = m_pMaintable->currentRow(); nIter < m_pMaintable->numRows(); nIter++)
+ m_pMaintable->setText(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXLINE, QString::number(nIter).rightJustify(4, QChar('0')));
+ // Do basic data validation to warn against missing fields
+ for (int nIter = 0; nIter < nRows; nIter++)
+ this->validateData(m_pMaintable->currentRow() + nIter, 0);
+ m_pStatbar->message(QString::number(nRows) + trUtf8(" rows pasted"), 4000);
+ updEdit(m_pMaintable->currentRow()); // Reflect in the update controls
+ }
+ else // Well, I guess the user tried to paste an empty clipboard
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("The clipboard is empty"), 4000);
+ }
+ //
+ // Append a blank row entry
+ //
+ void Titraqform::addEntry(int nRows)
+ {
+ QTableSelection Select; // Highlighted text
+ int nTotal = 0; // Total row select
+ int nCurrent = 0; // Current row
+ std::auto_ptr<AS::Uuid> pGuid(new AS::Uuid); // For GUID production
+ // Decide how many rows to add
+ Select = m_pMaintable->selection(0);
+ if (nRows > 0)
+ nTotal = nRows;
+ else
+ nTotal = Select.bottomRow() - Select.topRow() + 1;
+ // Optimize viewing by repainting cells only once after processing
+ m_pMaintable->setUpdatesEnabled(false);
+ // Add a row after selection and focus to the new row
+ if (Select.bottomRow() + 1 != m_pMaintable->numRows()) { // Add upwards
+ m_pMaintable->insertRows(Select.topRow(), nTotal);
+ m_pMaintable->setDirty(); // Set data to dirty state
+ m_pMaintable->setCurrentCell(Select.topRow(), m_pMaintable->currentColumn());
+ // Update relevant data fields for all new rows
+ for (int nIter = 0; nIter < nTotal; nIter++) {
+ m_pMaintable->setText(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS, QString(QChar('W')));
+ m_pMaintable->setPixmap(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS, QPixmap(s_kpcStatwarn_xpm));
+ m_pMaintable->setText(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXUSER, m_pPrefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFUSER, TITRAQ_DEFUSER));
+ pGuid->genId();
+ m_pMaintable->setText(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXGUID, pGuid->getString());
+ m_pMaintable->setText(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXCRC, "0"); // 0 = invalid entry
+ m_pMaintable->setText(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXREV, "0"); // Entry not revised
+ m_pMaintable->setText(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXDATE, QDate::currentDate().toString(Qt::ISODate));
+ m_pMaintable->setText(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXSTART, "00:00");
+ m_pMaintable->setText(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXFINISH, "00:00");
+ m_pMaintable->setText(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT, "00:00");
+ // m_pMaintable->setText(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXTASK, "/");
+ // m_pMaintable->setText(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXREMARK, "Remark");
+ m_pMaintable->setText(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXCRC, "1"); // 0 = invalid entry
+ this->calcCrc(Select.topRow() + nIter, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ else { // Special case on last row add downwards
+ m_pMaintable->insertRows(Select.bottomRow() + 1, nTotal);
+ m_pMaintable->setDirty(); // Set data to dirty state
+ m_pMaintable->setCurrentCell(Select.bottomRow() + 1, m_pMaintable->currentColumn());
+ // Update relevant data fields for all new rows
+ for (int nIter = 1; nIter <= nTotal; nIter++) {
+ m_pMaintable->setText(Select.bottomRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS, QString(QChar('W')));
+ m_pMaintable->setPixmap(Select.bottomRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS, QPixmap(s_kpcStatwarn_xpm));
+ m_pMaintable->setText(Select.bottomRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXUSER, m_pPrefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFUSER, TITRAQ_DEFUSER));
+ pGuid->genId();
+ m_pMaintable->setText(Select.bottomRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXGUID, pGuid->getString());
+ m_pMaintable->setText(Select.bottomRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXCRC, "0");
+ m_pMaintable->setText(Select.bottomRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXREV, "0");
+ m_pMaintable->setText(Select.bottomRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXDATE, QDate::currentDate().toString(Qt::ISODate));
+ m_pMaintable->setText(Select.bottomRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXSTART, "00:00");
+ m_pMaintable->setText(Select.bottomRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXFINISH, "00:00");
+ m_pMaintable->setText(Select.bottomRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT, "00:00");
+ // m_pMaintable->setText(Select.bottomRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXTASK, "/");
+ // m_pMaintable->setText(Select.bottomRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXREMARK, "Remark");
+ this->calcCrc(Select.bottomRow() + nIter, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ // Update line numbers for this new row and all subsequent rows
+ for (int nIter = m_pMaintable->currentRow(); nIter < m_pMaintable->numRows(); nIter++)
+ m_pMaintable->setText(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXLINE, QString::number(nIter).rightJustify(4, QChar('0')));
+ updEdit(m_pMaintable->currentRow()); // Reflect in the update controls
+ m_pStatusedit->setPixmap(QPixmap(s_kpcStatwarn_xpm)); // Show pixmap
+ m_pMaintable->setUpdatesEnabled(true); // Turn updates back on
+ m_pMaintable->repaintContents(true); // Do a general repaint of table
+ m_pMaintable->ensureCellVisible(m_pMaintable->currentRow() + nTotal - 1, m_pMaintable->currentColumn());
+ m_pMaintable->ensureCellVisible(m_pMaintable->currentRow(), m_pMaintable->currentColumn());
+ // In case we added the first and only row entry,
+ // do post state adjustments like icon undimming
+ if (m_pMaintable->numRows() == 1) {
+ m_pDelrowact->setEnabled(true);
+ m_pRefreshact->setEnabled(true);
+ m_pCutact->setEnabled(true);
+ m_pCopyact->setEnabled(true);
+ // Brighten all the edit controls also
+ m_pLineedit->setEnabled(true);
+ m_pUseredit->setEnabled(true);
+ m_pGuidedit->setEnabled(true);
+ m_pCrcedit->setEnabled(true);
+ m_pRevedit->setEnabled(true);
+ m_pDateedit->setEnabled(true);
+ m_pStarttime->setEnabled(true);
+ m_pEndtime->setEnabled(true);
+ m_pAmount->setEnabled(true);
+ m_pTasks->setEnabled(true);
+ m_pRemark->setEnabled(true);
+ // And optionally the RPC actions, too
+ #if defined HAVE_MICO || defined HAVE_ESOAP
+ m_pSyncact->setEnabled(m_pPrefs->getBool(TITRAQ_PREFCORBON, TITRAQ_DEFCORBON)
+ #endif // HAVE_MICO || defined HAVE_ESOAP
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Delete a row entry
+ //
+ void Titraqform::delEntry(int nRows)
+ {
+ QTableSelection Select = m_pMaintable->selection(0); // Highlighted text
+ int nTotal = Select.bottomRow() - Select.topRow() + 1; // Total row select
+ QMemArray<int> Rowselect(nTotal); // Row array
+ // Calculate rows to delete from selection highlight
+ for (int nIter = 0; nIter < nTotal; ++nIter)
+ Rowselect[nIter] = Select.topRow() + nIter;
+ // Remove the row at selection and focus to the next row
+ if (m_pMaintable->currentRow() + 1 != m_pMaintable->numRows()) {
+ m_pMaintable->setCurrentCell(Select.bottomRow() + 1, m_pMaintable->currentColumn());
+ m_pMaintable->removeRows(Rowselect);
+ m_pMaintable->setDirty(); // Set data to dirty state
+ }
+ else { // Special case to handle removing of only row or last row
+ m_pMaintable->removeRows(Rowselect);
+ m_pMaintable->setDirty(); // Set data to dirty state
+ }
+ // Update line numbers for this new row and all subsequent rows
+ for (int nIter = m_pMaintable->currentRow(); nIter < m_pMaintable->numRows(); nIter++)
+ m_pMaintable->setText(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXLINE, QString::number(nIter));
+ // In case we removed the last remaining row,
+ // do post state adjustments like icon dimming
+ if (m_pMaintable->numRows() <= 0) {
+ m_pDelrowact->setEnabled(false);
+ m_pRefreshact->setEnabled(false);
+ m_pCutact->setEnabled(false);
+ m_pCopyact->setEnabled(false);
+ // Dim all the edit controls also
+ m_pStatusedit->setPixmap(s_kpcStatvoid_xpm);
+ m_pLineedit->setEnabled(false);
+ m_pUseredit->setEnabled(false);
+ m_pGuidedit->setEnabled(false);
+ m_pCrcedit->setEnabled(false);
+ m_pRevedit->setEnabled(false);
+ m_pDateedit->setEnabled(false);
+ m_pStarttime->setEnabled(false);
+ m_pEndtime->setEnabled(false);
+ m_pAmount->setEnabled(false);
+ m_pTasks->setEnabled(false);
+ m_pRemark->setEnabled(false);
+ // And optionally dim the RPC actions
+ #if defined HAVE_MICO || defined HAVE_ESOAP
+ m_pSyncact->setEnabled(false);
+ #endif // HAVE_MICO || defined HAVE_ESOAP
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Refresh the display of all data items
+ //
+ void Titraqform::refreshDisplay(void)
+ {
+ int nIter = 0; // Matrix iterator
+ int nRows = m_pMaintable->numRows(); // Total number of rows
+ // Sweep through matrix validating linewise
+ // data and updating line numbers for all rows
+ while (nIter < nRows) {
+ this->validateData(nIter, 0);
+ m_pMaintable->setText(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXLINE, QString::number(nIter).rightJustify(4, QChar('0')));
+ nIter++;
+ }
+ m_pMaintable->repaintContents(false); // Do a general repaint of table
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("Display was refreshed"), 4000); // Announce result
+ }
+ //
+ // Make and display a new document window
+ //
+ void Titraqform::newDoc(void)
+ {
+ int nResult = 0; // Holds return value from save first messagebox
+ // Check modification state of current data
+ if (m_pMaintable->isDirty()) {
+ nResult = QMessageBox::information(this, QString(TITRAQ_APPTITLE)
+ + ' ' + asgui_version.v_short, trUtf8(TITRAQ_SAVEFIRST),
+ trUtf8("&Save"), trUtf8("&Discard"), trUtf8("Cancel"), 0, 2);
+ switch (nResult) {
+ case 0: // First button selected, so save first
+ this->saveFile(); // Save changes first
+ break;
+ case 1: // Second button selected, so don't save
+ break;
+ case 2: // Third button selected, so return sofort
+ default:
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("New aborted"), 4000);
+ return;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!m_pMaintable->isDirty() || nResult == 1) { // Check modification state
+ // Fall through to implicit new doc code
+ this->setCaption(trUtf8("No file name"));
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("New document"), 4000);
+ this->enableIface(true); // Enable the interface
+ m_pMaintable->setNumRows(0); // Remove all data in table
+ this->setFilename(""); // Signal a closed doc state
+ this->addEntry(1); // Default new op adds a row
+ m_pMaintable->setDirty(false); // Start out clean
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Open and display an existing document
+ //
+ void Titraqform::openDoc(void)
+ {
+ int nResult = 0; // Holds return value from save first messagebox
+ //
+ // This block will guide the user to saving the contents of the timesheet
+ // before losing them in an open operation. The question and dialog box will
+ // not be raised if no open timesheet exists or if it was just serialized.
+ //
+ if (m_pMaintable->isDirty()) { // Check modification state
+ nResult = QMessageBox::information(this, QString(TITRAQ_APPTITLE)
+ + ' ' + asgui_version.v_short, trUtf8(TITRAQ_SAVEFIRST),
+ trUtf8("&Save"), trUtf8("&Discard"), trUtf8("Cancel"), 0, 2);
+ switch (nResult) {
+ case 0: // Save first
+ this->saveFile(); // Save changes first
+ break;
+ case 1: // Don't save first but do load
+ break;
+ case 2: // Don't do a load timesheet
+ default:
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("Loading aborted"), 4000);
+ return;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // This block ensures that conditions of first block logic were met if
+ // applicable. If so, the user gives a file name to open or cancels the
+ // operation. The corresponding file will be opened, and if this is
+ // unsuccessful then the post state is exactly the same as the pre state.
+ //
+ if (!m_pMaintable->isDirty() || nResult == 1) { // Check modification state
+ // Make sure we correctly get the name of the default file to open
+ QString Openas = m_pPrefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFASDIR, TITRAQ_DEFASDIR);
+ if (Openas.startsWith(TITRAQ_HOMEDIRTOK))
+ Openas = QDir::homeDirPath() + Openas.remove(0, QString(TITRAQ_HOMEDIRTOK).length() - 1);
+ // This dialog asks which file the user wants to open
+ QString Filestring = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(Openas,
+ trUtf8("Accounting Data (*.as);;Text files (*.txt);;All Files (*)"),
+ this, trUtf8("ChooserDialog"), trUtf8("Choose a file to open"), NULL, false);
+ // We might have a filename to work on, so do something with it
+ if (!Filestring.isEmpty()) {
+ setFilename(Filestring); // Set the new file name
+ m_pMaintable->setNumRows(0); // Clear out old data
+ m_pMaintable->setDirty(false); // Reset dirty flag
+ QFile Filetemp(Filestring); // File to load
+ try {
+ loadData(Filetemp); // Pass to helper method
+ this->setCaption(Filestring); // Caption in the titlebar
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("Loaded document ") + Filestring, 4000);
+ this->enableIface(true); // Turn on the lights
+ }
+ catch (Genexcept& Genex) { // Crap, we failed
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("Loading failed"), 4000);
+ this->setOpen(false);
+ Genex.reportErr();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else // An empty filename returning from the file dialog means cancel
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("Loading aborted"), 4000);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Serialize current state to the current file
+ //
+ void Titraqform::saveFile(void)
+ {
+ QString Fname;
+ Simplefile Filevents;
+ try {
+ Fname = *this->getFilename();
+ // First time saves are really just saveName in disguise
+ if (Fname.isEmpty()) {
+ try {
+ this->saveName(); // Try to 'save as'
+ return; // and short circuit
+ }
+ catch (Genexcept& Genex) {
+ // Genex.reportErr(); // Report the error
+ return; // and short circuit
+ }
+ }
+ Filevents.setName(Fname); // Construct a file to write
+ Filevents.makeBackup(); // Back up to filename.bak
+ this->saveData(Filevents); // Pass to helper method
+ }
+ catch (Genexcept& Genex) {
+ Genex.reportErr();
+ }
+ // Reset and give output to main window
+ this->setCaption(Fname);
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("File %1 saved").arg(Fname), 4000);
+ m_pMaintable->setDirty(false); // Set the clean state to allow close
+ }
+ //
+ // Serialize current state to a selected file
+ //
+ void Titraqform::saveAs(void)
+ {
+ int nResult = 0; // For checking user's answer
+ // Make sure we correctly get the name of the default file to open
+ QString Openas = m_pPrefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFASDIR, TITRAQ_DEFASDIR);
+ if (Openas.startsWith(TITRAQ_HOMEDIRTOK))
+ Openas = QDir::homeDirPath() + Openas.remove(0, QString(TITRAQ_HOMEDIRTOK).length() - 1);
+ // And then get the name of the selected file to save to
+ QString Filestring = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(Openas, trUtf8("Accounting Data (*.as);;Text files (*.txt);;All Files (*)"), this, trUtf8("ChooserDialog"), trUtf8("Choose a file to save"), NULL, false);
+ if (!Filestring.isEmpty()) {
+ if (QFile::exists(Filestring)) {
+ nResult = QMessageBox::warning(this, QString(TITRAQ_APPTITLE)
+ + ' ' + asgui_version.v_short, trUtf8(TITRAQ_OVERWRITE),
+ trUtf8("&Yes"), trUtf8("&No"), NULL, 1, 1);
+ switch (nResult) {
+ case 0: // Overwrite contents
+ this->setFilename(Filestring);
+ this->saveFile();
+ break;
+ case 1: // Don't overwrite
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Conditionally use a unique extension like '.as' if user prefers
+ QString Extension = TITRAQ_FEXTENSION; // Logic to handle
+ if (!Filestring.endsWith(Extension)) // AS file extension
+ Filestring += Extension; // insertion
+ }
+ this->setFilename(Filestring); // Set filename of object first
+ this->saveFile(); // Finish by calling the save action
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ // User did not select a valid file and push okay button
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("Saving aborted"), 4000);
+ }
+ //
+ // Implicitly serialize current state to a selected file
+ // The main difference with saveAs is that this uses exceptions
+ //
+ void Titraqform::saveName(void)
+ {
+ int nResult = 0; // For checking user's answer
+ // Make sure we correctly get the name of the default file to open
+ QString Openas = m_pPrefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFASDIR, TITRAQ_DEFASDIR);
+ if (Openas.startsWith(TITRAQ_HOMEDIRTOK))
+ Openas = QDir::homeDirPath() + Openas.remove(0, QString(TITRAQ_HOMEDIRTOK).length() - 1);
+ nResult = 1; // We loop on this dialog only if an indecisive user
+ while (nResult > 0) { // is hesitant to overwrite a file over and over again
+ QString Filestring = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(Openas, trUtf8("Accounting Data (*.as);;Text files (*.txt);;All Files (*)"), this, trUtf8("ChooserDialog"), trUtf8("Choose a file to save"), NULL, false);
+ if (!Filestring.isEmpty()) {
+ if (QFile::exists(Filestring)) {
+ nResult = QMessageBox::warning(this, QString(TITRAQ_APPTITLE)
+ + ' ' + asgui_version.v_short, trUtf8(TITRAQ_OVERWRITE),
+ trUtf8("&Yes"), trUtf8("&No"), NULL, 1, 1);
+ switch (nResult) {
+ case 0: // Overwrite contents
+ this->setFilename(Filestring);
+ this->saveFile();
+ break;
+ case 1: // Don't overwrite
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Conditionally use a unique extension like '.as' if user prefers
+ QString Extension = TITRAQ_FEXTENSION; // Logic to handle
+ if (!Filestring.endsWith(Extension)) // AS file extension
+ Filestring += Extension; // insertion
+ }
+ this->setFilename(Filestring); // Set filename of object first
+ nResult = 0; // Reset our loop control
+ this->saveFile(); // Finish by calling the save action
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // User did not select a valid file and push okay button
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("Saving aborted"), 4000);
+ throw Genexcept(TITRAQ_SAVECANCELLED);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Close current document, and then quit the application
+ //
+ void Titraqform::quitApp(void)
+ {
+ int nResult = 0;
+ if (m_pMaintable->isDirty()) {
+ nResult = QMessageBox::information(this, QString(TITRAQ_APPTITLE)
+ + ' ' + asgui_version.v_short, trUtf8(TITRAQ_SAVEFIRST),
+ trUtf8("&Save"), trUtf8("&Discard"), trUtf8("Cancel"), 0, 2);
+ switch (nResult) { // Maybe save before closing
+ case 0: // Save first
+ this->saveFile(); // Save changes first
+ break;
+ case 1: // Don't save first
+ m_pMaintable->setDirty(false);
+ break;
+ case 2: // Do nothing
+ default:
+ return; // Go away without closing
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // We should be clean now, but double check just in case
+ if (!m_pMaintable->isDirty())
+ qApp->quit();
+ }
+ //
+ // Close current document, displaying in main window
+ //
+ void Titraqform::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *pClosit)
+ {
+ int nResult = 0;
+ if (!this->isOpen()) // Short circuit if user
+ qApp->quit(); // selects close twice
+ // Check modification state of current data
+ if (m_pMaintable->isDirty()) {
+ nResult = QMessageBox::information(this, QString(TITRAQ_APPTITLE)
+ + ' ' + asgui_version.v_short, trUtf8(TITRAQ_SAVEFIRST),
+ trUtf8("&Save"), trUtf8("&Discard"), trUtf8("Cancel"), 0, 2);
+ switch (nResult) { // Maybe save before closing
+ case 0: // Save first
+ this->saveFile(); // Save changes first
+ break;
+ case 1: // Don't save first
+ m_pMaintable->setDirty(false);
+ break;
+ case 2: // Do nothing
+ default:
+ pClosit->ignore();
+ return; // Go away without closing
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!m_pMaintable->isDirty()) { // Check again
+ // Fall through to implicit close code
+ this->setCaption(QString(TITRAQ_APPTITLE) + ' ' + asgui_version.v_short);
+ try { // There might be problems, so wrap these last ops with error handling
+ QString Lightsout; // It's late, go to bed
+ if (this->isOpen())
+ Lightsout = trUtf8("Closed document ") + *this->getFilename();
+ this->setOpen(false); // Set doc state to closed
+ this->enableIface(false); // Turn off the lights
+ m_pStatbar->message(Lightsout, 4000);
+ }
+ catch (Genexcept& Genex) {
+ Genex.reportErr();
+ }
+ }
+ pClosit->ignore(); // Finish off by not closing
+ }
+ //
+ // Edit menu select all entries
+ //
+ void Titraqform::selAll(void)
+ {
+ Prototype Unimp;
+ Unimp.doMbox();
+ }
+ //
+ // Edit a table entry in place, without the usual edit controls
+ //
+ void Titraqform::inplaceEdit(int nRow, int nCol, int nButton, const QPoint &Mousepos)
+ {
+ m_pMaintable->setReadOnly(false);
+ m_pMaintable->editCell(nRow, nCol);
+ m_pMaintable->setEdition(nCol);
+ m_pMaintable->setReadOnly(true);
+ }
+ //
+ // Update the edit controls widget sizes
+ //
+ void Titraqform::updSizes(int nSection, int nOldsize, int nNewsize)
+ {
+ switch (nSection) {
+ if (m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS) > 0)
+ m_pStatusedit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ if (m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXLINE) > 0)
+ m_pLineedit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXLINE) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ if (m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXUSER) > 0)
+ m_pUseredit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXUSER) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ if (m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXGUID) > 0)
+ m_pGuidedit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXGUID) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ if (m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXCRC) > 0)
+ m_pCrcedit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXCRC) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ if (m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXREV) > 0)
+ m_pRevedit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXREV) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ if (m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXDATE) > 0)
+ m_pDateedit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXDATE) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ if (m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXSTART) > 0)
+ m_pStarttime->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXSTART) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ if (m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXFINISH) > 0)
+ m_pEndtime->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXFINISH) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ if (m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT) > 0)
+ m_pAmount->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ if (m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXTASK) > 0)
+ m_pTasks->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXTASK) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ // if (m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXRCOL)))
+ // m_pRemark->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXREMARK) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ break;
+ m_pStatusedit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ break;
+ m_pLineedit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXLINE) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ break;
+ m_pUseredit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXUSER) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ break;
+ m_pGuidedit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXGUID) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ break;
+ m_pCrcedit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXCRC) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ break;
+ m_pRevedit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXREV) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ break;
+ m_pDateedit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXDATE) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ break;
+ m_pStarttime->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXSTART) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ break;
+ m_pEndtime->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXFINISH) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ break;
+ m_pAmount->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ break;
+ m_pTasks->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXTASK) - TITRAQ_SPACING);
+ break;
+ // m_pRemark->setFixedWidth(nNewsize);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw Genexcept("Unrecognized main window column header.");
+ break;
+ }
+ // As a last and redundant step, adjust size of first visible control
+ switch(this->getFirstcol()) {
+ m_pStatusedit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS) - TITRAQ_SPACING + TITRAQ_SPACING / 2);
+ break;
+ m_pLineedit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXLINE) - TITRAQ_SPACING + TITRAQ_SPACING / 2);
+ break;
+ m_pUseredit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXUSER) - TITRAQ_SPACING + TITRAQ_SPACING / 2);
+ break;
+ m_pGuidedit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXGUID) - TITRAQ_SPACING + TITRAQ_SPACING / 2);
+ break;
+ m_pCrcedit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXCRC) - TITRAQ_SPACING + TITRAQ_SPACING / 2);
+ break;
+ m_pRevedit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXREV) - TITRAQ_SPACING + TITRAQ_SPACING / 2);
+ break;
+ m_pDateedit->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXDATE) - TITRAQ_SPACING + TITRAQ_SPACING / 2);
+ break;
+ m_pStarttime->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXSTART) - TITRAQ_SPACING + TITRAQ_SPACING / 2);
+ break;
+ m_pEndtime->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXFINISH) - TITRAQ_SPACING + TITRAQ_SPACING / 2);
+ break;
+ m_pAmount->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT) - TITRAQ_SPACING + TITRAQ_SPACING / 2);
+ break;
+ m_pTasks->setFixedWidth(m_pMaintable->horizontalHeader()->sectionSize(TITRAQ_IDXTASK) - TITRAQ_SPACING + TITRAQ_SPACING / 2);
+ break;
+ default: // Probably no columns are visible?
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // What to do if a data cell is modified
+ //
+ void Titraqform::dataChanged(int nRow, int nCol)
+ {
+ m_pMaintable->setDirty(); // Mark this timesheet dirty, changes pending save
+ }
+ //
+ // Convenience member calculates CRC for current row
+ //
+ void Titraqform::calcCrc(void)
+ {
+ this->calcCrc(-1, -1);
+ }
+ //
+ // Calculates CRC for the specified row, fires when data is changed
+ //
+ void Titraqform::calcCrc(int nRow, int nCol)
+ {
+ && m_pMaintable->numRows() > 0) {
+ U32 Testcrc, Valcrc;
+ QString Crcstr;
+ std::auto_ptr<Qualistring>pWholerow(new Qualistring);
+ int nRealrow = -1;
+ // Build the data that will be used in testing CRC calculation
+ nRealrow = (nRow >= 0) ? nRow : m_pMaintable->currentRow();
+ *pWholerow = m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXUSER);
+ for (int nIter = TITRAQ_IDXUSER + 1; nIter < TITRAQ_IDXTAIL; nIter++)
+ if (nIter != TITRAQ_IDXCRC) // Don't checksum the checksum!
+ *pWholerow += m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, nIter);
+ // Update the checksum and revision only if necessary
+ Testcrc = pWholerow->getCrc();
+ // FIXME: This thing is not very unportable, because toUInt != U32
+ if (Testcrc != m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXCRC).toUInt()) {
+ // // Bump the revision number of our entry to control conflicts
+ // nNewrev = m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXREV).toInt() + 1;
+ // m_pMaintable->setText(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXREV, QString::number(nNewrev));
+ // Build the data that will be used in setting CRC calculation
+ *pWholerow = m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXUSER);
+ for (int nIter = TITRAQ_IDXUSER + 1; nIter < TITRAQ_IDXTAIL; nIter++)
+ if (nIter != TITRAQ_IDXCRC) // Don't checksum the checksum!
+ *pWholerow += m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, nIter);
+ Valcrc = pWholerow->getCrc(); // Finally set the checksum to its new value
+ Crcstr = QString::number(Valcrc, 16).rightJustify(8, '0');
+ m_pMaintable->setText(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXCRC, "0x" + Crcstr);
+ m_pCrcedit->setText("0x" + Crcstr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Gets a hit on every table click
+ //
+ void Titraqform::onClick(int nRow, int nCol, int nButton, const QPoint &Mousepos)
+ {
+ // Give the clueless user some hints when clicking an empty timesheet
+ if (m_pMaintable->numRows() <= 0)
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("Empty timesheet, add entries first please"), 2000);
+ }
+ //
+ // Update the edit controls contents
+ //
+ void Titraqform::updEdit(int nRow, int nCol)
+ {
+ // Why is the app sending negative row signal? I don't know yet,
+ // so add in this nasty hack to fend off the debug spew on stderr
+ if (m_pMaintable->numRows() > 0 && nRow >= 0) {
+ // Field strings to check for validity and process
+ QString Textline(m_pMaintable->text(nRow, TITRAQ_IDXLINE));
+ QString Textuser(m_pMaintable->text(nRow, TITRAQ_IDXUSER));
+ QString Textguid(m_pMaintable->text(nRow, TITRAQ_IDXGUID));
+ QString Textcrc(m_pMaintable->text(nRow, TITRAQ_IDXCRC));
+ QString Textrev(m_pMaintable->text(nRow, TITRAQ_IDXREV));
+ QString Textdate(m_pMaintable->text(nRow, TITRAQ_IDXDATE));
+ QString Textstart(m_pMaintable->text(nRow, TITRAQ_IDXSTART));
+ QString Textfinish(m_pMaintable->text(nRow, TITRAQ_IDXFINISH));
+ QString Textamount(m_pMaintable->text(nRow, TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT));
+ QString Texttask(m_pMaintable->text(nRow, TITRAQ_IDXTASK));
+ QString Textremark(m_pMaintable->text(nRow, TITRAQ_IDXREMARK));
+ // Reset the edition state member
+ m_pMaintable->setEdition();
+ // Set text of member edit controls
+ if (m_pMaintable->text(nRow, TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS).isEmpty()) // If row is empty
+ m_pStatusedit->setPixmap(s_kpcStatvoid_xpm); // add a placeholder
+ else
+ m_pStatusedit->setPixmap(m_pMaintable->pixmap(nRow, TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS));
+ m_pLineedit->setText(Textline);
+ m_pUseredit->setText(Textuser);
+ m_pGuidedit->setText(Textguid);
+ m_pCrcedit->setText(Textcrc);
+ m_pRevedit->setText(Textrev);
+ // QRegExp Shorten("/(\\w+)$"); // For stripping prefix off the current task
+ // Texttask.remove(0, Shorten.search(Texttask) + 1); // Strip leading slash
+ m_pRemark->setText(Textremark);
+ m_pTasks->setCurrentText(Texttask);
+ // Date field not suitable for empty string text
+ if (Textdate == ".")
+ m_pDateedit->setDate(QDate::currentDate());
+ else if (Textdate.isEmpty())
+ m_pDateedit->setDate(QDate::fromString("0000-00-00", Qt::ISODate));
+ else
+ m_pDateedit->setDate(QDate::fromString(Textdate, Qt::ISODate));
+ // Start time not suitable for empty string text
+ if (Textstart == ".")
+ m_pStarttime->setTime(QTime::currentTime());
+ else if (Textstart.isEmpty())
+ m_pStarttime->setTime(QTime::QTime(0, 0));
+ else
+ m_pStarttime->setTime(QTime::fromString(Textstart, Qt::ISODate));
+ // Finish time not suitable for empty string text
+ if (Textfinish == ".")
+ m_pEndtime->setTime(QTime::currentTime());
+ else if (Textfinish.isEmpty())
+ m_pEndtime->setTime(QTime::QTime(0, 0));
+ else
+ m_pEndtime->setTime(QTime::fromString(Textfinish, Qt::ISODate));
+ // Amount time not suitable for empty string text
+ if (Textamount == ".") {
+ int nDifference = m_pStarttime->time().secsTo(m_pEndtime->time());
+ m_pAmount->setTime(QTime(0, 0).addSecs(nDifference));
+ }
+ else if (Textamount.isEmpty())
+ m_pAmount->setTime(QTime::QTime(0, 0));
+ else
+ m_pAmount->setTime(QTime::fromString(Textamount, Qt::ISODate));
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Validate current row of matrix data
+ //
+ void Titraqform::validateData(void)
+ {
+ this->validateData(-1, -1);
+ }
+ //
+ // Validate specified row of matrix data
+ //
+ void Titraqform::validateData(int nRow, int nCol)
+ {
+ int nRealrow = -1;
+ if (!this->isOpen()) { // If no data is loaded then short circuit
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("Timesheet contains no data"), 4000);
+ return;
+ }
+ nRealrow = (nRow >= 0) ? nRow : m_pMaintable->currentRow();
+ QString Statis = m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS); // Get text
+ // Review whole data validity, and set pixmap accordingly
+ if (m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXUSER).isEmpty() ||
+ m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXGUID).isEmpty() ||
+ m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXCRC).isEmpty() ||
+ m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXREV).isEmpty() ||
+ m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXDATE).isEmpty() ||
+ m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXSTART).isEmpty() ||
+ m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXFINISH).isEmpty() ||
+ m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT).isEmpty() ||
+ m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXTASK).isEmpty())
+ { // No K&R style to show where actual code begins
+ if (Statis.startsWith(QString("W"))) { // Conditionally set pixmap to avoid overhead
+ // FIXME: Next line commented out, and I see that this algorythm needs help
+ // m_pStatusedit->setPixmap(m_pMaintable->pixmap(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS));
+ }
+ else if (!Statis.startsWith(QString("E"))) { // Conditionally set pixmap to avoid overhead
+ m_pMaintable->setText(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS, Statis.replace(TITRAQ_IDXSTATERROR, sizeof(char), 'E'));
+ m_pMaintable->setPixmap(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS, QPixmap(s_kpcStaterror_xpm));
+ m_pStatusedit->setPixmap(m_pMaintable->pixmap(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!Statis.startsWith(QString("O"))) { // Conditionally set pixmap to avoid overhead
+ m_pMaintable->setText(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS, Statis.replace(TITRAQ_IDXSTATERROR, sizeof(char), 'O'));
+ m_pMaintable->setPixmap(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS, QPixmap(s_kpcStatokay_xpm));
+ m_pStatusedit->setPixmap(m_pMaintable->pixmap(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS));
+ }
+ }
+ // Test for blank user field, and set to default if so
+ if (m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXUSER).isEmpty())
+ m_pMaintable->setText(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXUSER, m_pPrefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFUSER, TITRAQ_DEFUSER));
+ // Test for blank date field, and set to default if so
+ if (m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXDATE) == ".")
+ m_pMaintable->setText(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXDATE, QDate::currentDate().toString(Qt::ISODate));
+ // Test for blank start field, and set to default if so
+ if (m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXSTART) == ".")
+ m_pMaintable->setText(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXSTART, QTime::currentTime().toString("hh:mm"));
+ // Test for blank finish field, and set to default if so
+ if (m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXFINISH) == ".")
+ m_pMaintable->setText(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXFINISH, QTime::currentTime().toString("hh:mm"));
+ // Test for blank amount field, and set to default if so
+ if (m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT) == ".") {
+ QTime Begin = QTime::fromString(m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXSTART), Qt::ISODate);
+ QTime End = QTime::fromString(m_pMaintable->text(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXFINISH), Qt::ISODate);
+ QString Diff = QTime(0, 0).addSecs(Begin.secsTo(End)).toString("hh:mm");
+ m_pMaintable->setText(nRealrow, TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT, Diff);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Update the current line number column item
+ //
+ void Titraqform::updateLine(const QString &Instring)
+ {
+ m_pMaintable->setText(m_pMaintable->currentRow(), TITRAQ_IDXLINE, Instring);
+ }
+ //
+ // Update the current user column item
+ //
+ void Titraqform::updateUser(const QString &Instring)
+ {
+ m_pMaintable->setText(m_pMaintable->currentRow(), TITRAQ_IDXUSER, Instring);
+ }
+ //
+ // Update the current GUID column item
+ //
+ void Titraqform::updateGuid(const QString &Instring)
+ {
+ m_pMaintable->setText(m_pMaintable->currentRow(), TITRAQ_IDXGUID, Instring);
+ }
+ //
+ // Update the current CRC column item
+ //
+ void Titraqform::updateCrc(const QString &Instring)
+ {
+ m_pMaintable->setText(m_pMaintable->currentRow(), TITRAQ_IDXCRC, Instring);
+ }
+ //
+ // Update the current rev column item
+ //
+ void Titraqform::updateRev(const QString &Instring)
+ {
+ m_pMaintable->setText(m_pMaintable->currentRow(), TITRAQ_IDXREV, Instring);
+ }
+ //
+ // Update the current date column item
+ //
+ void Titraqform::updateDate(const QDate &Dateup)
+ {
+ m_pMaintable->setText(m_pMaintable->currentRow(), TITRAQ_IDXDATE, Dateup.toString(Qt::ISODate));
+ }
+ //
+ // Update the current start column item
+ //
+ void Titraqform::updateStart(const QTime &Startup)
+ {
+ m_pMaintable->setText(m_pMaintable->currentRow(), TITRAQ_IDXSTART, Startup.toString("hh:mm"));
+ }
+ //
+ // Update the current finish column item
+ //
+ void Titraqform::updateFinish(const QTime &Finishup)
+ {
+ m_pMaintable->setText(m_pMaintable->currentRow(), TITRAQ_IDXFINISH, Finishup.toString("hh:mm"));
+ }
+ //
+ // Update the current amount column item
+ //
+ void Titraqform::updateAmount(const QTime &Amountup)
+ {
+ m_pMaintable->setText(m_pMaintable->currentRow(), TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT, Amountup.toString("hh:mm"));
+ }
+ //
+ // Update the current task column item
+ //
+ void Titraqform::updateTask(const QString &Taskup)
+ {
+ // // FIXME: Broken
+ // RtTableItem *pTask = NULL;
+ // pTask = static_cast<RtTableItem *>(m_pMaintable->item(m_pMaintable->currentRow(), TITRAQ_IDXTASK));
+ // pTask->setText(Taskup);
+ // Don't try to use the Taskup string, because it ignores autocompletion
+ m_pMaintable->setText(m_pMaintable->currentRow(), TITRAQ_IDXTASK, m_pTasks->currentText());
+ }
+ //
+ // Update the current remark column item
+ //
+ void Titraqform::updateRemark(const QString &Remarkup)
+ {
+ m_pMaintable->setText(m_pMaintable->currentRow(), TITRAQ_IDXREMARK, Remarkup);
+ }
+ //
+ // Confirm any recent editions on a whole row
+ //
+ void Titraqform::confirmEdit(void)
+ {
+ RtTableItem *pTask = NULL; // Task item is a derived class
+ // Conversions from edit control data formats to native tabular format
+ m_pMaintable->setText(m_pMaintable->currentRow(), TITRAQ_IDXDATE, m_pDateedit->date().toString(Qt::ISODate));
+ m_pMaintable->setText(m_pMaintable->currentRow(), TITRAQ_IDXSTART, m_pStarttime->time().toString(Qt::ISODate));
+ m_pMaintable->setText(m_pMaintable->currentRow(), TITRAQ_IDXFINISH, m_pEndtime->time().toString(Qt::ISODate));
+ m_pMaintable->setText(m_pMaintable->currentRow(), TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT, m_pAmount->time().toString(Qt::ISODate));
+ // Specially handle task fields
+ pTask = static_cast<RtTableItem *>(m_pMaintable->item(m_pMaintable->currentRow(), TITRAQ_IDXTASK));
+ pTask->setText(m_pTasks->currentText());
+ m_pMaintable->setText(m_pMaintable->currentRow(), TITRAQ_IDXREMARK, m_pRemark->text());
+ }
+ //
+ // Edit menu configure preferences
+ //
+ void Titraqform::configPrefs(void)
+ {
+ QString Templine; // Used for preferences resetting
+ Prefpanel *pUserpanel = NULL; // The user preferences panel itself
+ // Create a new preferences panel window
+ pUserpanel = new Prefpanel(this, "Userprefpanel");
+ connect(pUserpanel, SIGNAL(applied(void)), SLOT(applyPrefs(void)));
+ // Set default values to appear in initialized panel widgets
+ pUserpanel->setAccounts(m_pPrefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFACCOUNTS, TITRAQ_DEFACCOUNTS));
+ pUserpanel->setEvents(m_pPrefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFASDIR, TITRAQ_DEFASDIR));
+ pUserpanel->setUser(m_pPrefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFUSER, TITRAQ_DEFUSER));
+ pUserpanel->setHome(m_pPrefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFHOME, TITRAQ_DEFHOME));
+ pUserpanel->setCorbahost(m_pPrefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFCORBHOST, TITRAQ_DEFCORBHOST));
+ pUserpanel->setSoaphost(m_pPrefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFSOAPHOST, TITRAQ_DEFSOAPHOST));
+ #ifdef HAVE_MICO
+ pUserpanel->setCorbaon(m_pPrefs->getBool(TITRAQ_PREFCORBON, TITRAQ_DEFCORBON));
+ #else
+ pUserpanel->setCorbaon(false);
+ pUserpanel->lockCorba();
+ #endif
+ #ifdef HAVE_ESOAP
+ pUserpanel->setSoapon(m_pPrefs->getBool(TITRAQ_PREFSOAPON, TITRAQ_DEFSOAPON));
+ #else
+ pUserpanel->setSoapon(false);
+ pUserpanel->lockSoap();
+ #endif
+ pUserpanel->setBackon(m_pPrefs->getBool(TITRAQ_PREFBAKON, TITRAQ_DEFBAKON));
+ pUserpanel->setExtendon(m_pPrefs->getBool(TITRAQ_PREFEXTENDON, TITRAQ_DEFEXTENDON));
+ pUserpanel->setDetailon(m_pPrefs->getBool(TITRAQ_PREFDETAILON, TITRAQ_DEFDETAILON));
+ pUserpanel->setSignaton(m_pPrefs->getBool(TITRAQ_PREFSIGNATON, TITRAQ_DEFSIGNATON));
+ // Set default style which can be more complicated due to mapping...
+ switch (m_pPrefs->getNumber(TITRAQ_PREFSTYLE, TITRAQ_STYLECDE)) {
+ pUserpanel->setStyle(TITRAQ_STRCDE);
+ break;
+ pUserpanel->setStyle(TITRAQ_STRSGI);
+ break;
+ pUserpanel->setStyle(TITRAQ_STRMOTIF);
+ break;
+ pUserpanel->setStyle(TITRAQ_STRMPLUS);
+ break;
+ pUserpanel->setStyle(TITRAQ_STRPLAT);
+ break;
+ pUserpanel->setStyle(TITRAQ_STRMSOFT);
+ break;
+ default:
+ pUserpanel->setStyle(TITRAQ_STRCDE); // My personal favourite ;-)
+ break;
+ }
+ // Colour preferences
+ int nRed, nGreen, nBlue;
+ QColorGroup Origcolour, Altcolour;
+ // Set colours to revert to if user screws up and wants out
+ Origcolour.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, Origlight);
+ Origcolour.setColor(QColorGroup::Background, Origdark);
+ pUserpanel->setOrigcolour(&Origcolour);
+ Altcolour.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, Altlight);
+ Altcolour.setColor(QColorGroup::Background, Altdark);
+ pUserpanel->setAltcolour(&Altcolour);
+ // Set colour preferences saved from last session
+ const QColor Lightshade = QColor(nRed, nGreen, nBlue);
+ pUserpanel->setLight(&Lightshade);
+ const QColor Darkshade = QColor(nRed, nGreen, nBlue);
+ pUserpanel->setDark(&Darkshade);
+ // Modal panel handler
+ if (pUserpanel->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
+ this->applyPrefs(pUserpanel);
+ // Dispose Panel object
+ delete pUserpanel;
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu normal
+ //
+ void Titraqform::normalView(void)
+ {
+ // All view types except normal are disabled until implemention, so
+ // this body can remain empty, causing nothing to happen on selection.
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu editing
+ //
+ void Titraqform::editingView(void)
+ {
+ // All view types except normal are disabled until implemention, so
+ // this body can remain empty, causing nothing to happen on selection.
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu timing
+ //
+ void Titraqform::timingView(void)
+ {
+ // All view types except normal are disabled until implemention, so
+ // this body can remain empty, causing nothing to happen on selection.
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu show file toolbar
+ //
+ void Titraqform::showFilebar(void)
+ {
+ if (m_pFiletools->isVisible()) {
+ m_pFiletools->hide();
+ m_pTbarspopup->setItemChecked(m_pTbarspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXFILEBAR), false);
+ }
+ else {
+ m_pFiletools->show();
+ m_pTbarspopup->setItemChecked(m_pTbarspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXFILEBAR), true);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu show edit toolbar
+ //
+ void Titraqform::showEditbar(void)
+ {
+ if (m_pEdittools->isVisible()) {
+ m_pEdittools->hide();
+ m_pTbarspopup->setItemChecked(m_pTbarspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXEDITBAR), false);
+ }
+ else {
+ m_pEdittools->show();
+ m_pTbarspopup->setItemChecked(m_pTbarspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXEDITBAR), true);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu show view toolbar
+ //
+ void Titraqform::showViewbar(void)
+ {
+ if (m_pViewtools->isVisible()) {
+ m_pViewtools->hide();
+ m_pTbarspopup->setItemChecked(m_pTbarspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXVIEWBAR), false);
+ }
+ else {
+ m_pViewtools->show();
+ m_pTbarspopup->setItemChecked(m_pTbarspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXVIEWBAR), true);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu show prefs toolbar
+ //
+ void Titraqform::showPrefsbar(void)
+ {
+ if (m_pPrefstools->isVisible()) {
+ m_pPrefstools->hide();
+ m_pTbarspopup->setItemChecked(m_pTbarspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXPREFBAR), false);
+ }
+ else {
+ m_pPrefstools->show();
+ m_pTbarspopup->setItemChecked(m_pTbarspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXPREFBAR), true);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu show whats this toolbar
+ //
+ void Titraqform::showWhatsbar(void)
+ {
+ if (m_pWhatstools->isVisible()) {
+ m_pWhatstools->hide();
+ m_pTbarspopup->setItemChecked(m_pTbarspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXWHATBAR), false);
+ }
+ else {
+ m_pWhatstools->show();
+ m_pTbarspopup->setItemChecked(m_pTbarspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXWHATBAR), true);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu show status column
+ //
+ void Titraqform::showStatcol(void)
+ {
+ // Test if column is currently shown, conditionally show or hide it
+ if (m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXSTATCOL))) {
+ m_pMaintable->hideColumn(TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXSTATCOL), false);
+ m_pStatusedit->hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ m_pMaintable->showColumn(TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXSTATCOL), true);
+ m_pStatusedit->show();
+ }
+ // Make sure switch take place right away and sizes are handled
+ m_pColspopup->updateItem(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXSTATCOL));
+ this->updSizes(TITRAQ_IDXALLCTRLS, 0, 0); // Update size of this and next
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu show line numbers column
+ //
+ void Titraqform::showLinecol(void)
+ {
+ // Test if column is currently shown, conditionally show or hide it
+ if (m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXLCOL))) {
+ m_pMaintable->hideColumn(TITRAQ_IDXLINE);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXLCOL), false);
+ m_pLineedit->hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ m_pMaintable->showColumn(TITRAQ_IDXLINE);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXLCOL), true);
+ m_pLineedit->show();
+ }
+ // Make sure switch take place right away and sizes are handled
+ m_pColspopup->updateItem(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXLCOL));
+ this->updSizes(TITRAQ_IDXALLCTRLS, 0, 0); // Update size of this and next
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu show users column
+ //
+ void Titraqform::showUsercol(void)
+ {
+ // Test if column is currently shown, conditionally show or hide it
+ if (m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXUCOL))) {
+ m_pMaintable->hideColumn(TITRAQ_IDXUSER);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXUCOL), false);
+ m_pUseredit->hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ m_pMaintable->showColumn(TITRAQ_IDXUSER);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXUCOL), true);
+ m_pUseredit->show();
+ }
+ // Make sure switch take place right away and sizes are handled
+ this->updSizes(TITRAQ_IDXALLCTRLS, 0, 0); // Update size of this and next
+ m_pColspopup->updateItem(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXUCOL));
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu show GUIDs column
+ //
+ void Titraqform::showGuidcol(void)
+ {
+ // Test if column is currently shown, conditionally show or hide it
+ if (m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXGCOL))) {
+ m_pMaintable->hideColumn(TITRAQ_IDXGUID);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXGCOL), false);
+ m_pGuidedit->hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ m_pMaintable->showColumn(TITRAQ_IDXGUID);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXGCOL), true);
+ m_pGuidedit->show();
+ }
+ // Make sure switch take place right away and sizes are handled
+ m_pColspopup->updateItem(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXGCOL));
+ this->updSizes(TITRAQ_IDXALLCTRLS, 0, 0); // Update size of this and next
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu show CRC column
+ //
+ void Titraqform::showCrccol(void)
+ {
+ // Test if column is currently shown, conditionally show or hide it
+ if (m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXCCOL))) {
+ m_pMaintable->hideColumn(TITRAQ_IDXCRC);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXCCOL), false);
+ m_pCrcedit->hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ m_pMaintable->showColumn(TITRAQ_IDXCRC);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXCCOL), true);
+ m_pCrcedit->show();
+ }
+ // Make sure switch take place right away and sizes are handled
+ m_pColspopup->updateItem(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXCCOL));
+ this->updSizes(TITRAQ_IDXALLCTRLS, 0, 0); // Update size of this and next
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu show Rev column
+ //
+ void Titraqform::showRevcol(void)
+ {
+ // Test if column is currently shown, conditionally show or hide it
+ if (m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXREVCOL))) {
+ m_pMaintable->hideColumn(TITRAQ_IDXREV);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXREVCOL), false);
+ m_pRevedit->hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ m_pMaintable->showColumn(TITRAQ_IDXREV);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXREVCOL), true);
+ m_pRevedit->show();
+ }
+ // Make sure switch take place right away and sizes are handled
+ m_pColspopup->updateItem(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXREVCOL));
+ this->updSizes(TITRAQ_IDXALLCTRLS, 0, 0); // Update size of this and next
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu show dates column
+ //
+ void Titraqform::showDatecol(void)
+ {
+ // Test if column is currently shown, conditionally show or hide it
+ if (m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXDCOL))) {
+ m_pMaintable->hideColumn(TITRAQ_IDXDATE);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXDCOL), false);
+ m_pDateedit->hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ m_pMaintable->showColumn(TITRAQ_IDXDATE);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXDCOL), true);
+ m_pDateedit->show();
+ }
+ // Make sure switch take place right away and sizes are handled
+ m_pColspopup->updateItem(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXDCOL));
+ this->updSizes(TITRAQ_IDXALLCTRLS, 0, 0); // Update size of this and next
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu show start time column
+ //
+ void Titraqform::showStartcol(void)
+ {
+ // Test if column is currently shown, conditionally show or hide it
+ if (m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXSTARTCOL))) {
+ m_pMaintable->hideColumn(TITRAQ_IDXSTART);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXSTARTCOL), false);
+ m_pStarttime->hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ m_pMaintable->showColumn(TITRAQ_IDXSTART);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXSTARTCOL), true);
+ m_pStarttime->show();
+ }
+ // Make sure switch take place right away and sizes are handled
+ m_pColspopup->updateItem(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXSTARTCOL));
+ this->updSizes(TITRAQ_IDXALLCTRLS, 0, 0); // Update size of this and next
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu show finish time column
+ //
+ void Titraqform::showFinishcol(void)
+ {
+ // Test if column is currently shown, conditionally show or hide it
+ if (m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXFCOL))) {
+ m_pMaintable->hideColumn(TITRAQ_IDXFINISH);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXFCOL), false);
+ m_pEndtime->hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ m_pMaintable->showColumn(TITRAQ_IDXFINISH);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXFCOL), true);
+ m_pEndtime->show();
+ }
+ // Make sure switch take place right away and sizes are handled
+ m_pColspopup->updateItem(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXFCOL));
+ this->updSizes(TITRAQ_IDXALLCTRLS, 0, 0); // Update size of this and next
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu show Amounts column
+ //
+ void Titraqform::showAmountcol(void)
+ {
+ // Test if column is currently shown, conditionally show or hide it
+ if (m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXACOL))) {
+ m_pMaintable->hideColumn(TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXACOL), false);
+ m_pAmount->hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ m_pMaintable->showColumn(TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXACOL), true);
+ m_pAmount->show();
+ }
+ // Make sure switch take place right away and sizes are handled
+ m_pColspopup->updateItem(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXACOL));
+ this->updSizes(TITRAQ_IDXALLCTRLS, 0, 0); // Update size of this and next
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu show tasks column
+ //
+ void Titraqform::showTaskcol(void)
+ {
+ // Test if column is currently shown, conditionally show or hide it
+ if (m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXTCOL))) {
+ m_pMaintable->hideColumn(TITRAQ_IDXTASK);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXTCOL), false);
+ m_pTasks->hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ m_pMaintable->showColumn(TITRAQ_IDXTASK);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXTCOL), true);
+ m_pTasks->show();
+ }
+ // Make sure switch take place right away and sizes are handled
+ m_pColspopup->updateItem(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXTCOL));
+ this->updSizes(TITRAQ_IDXALLCTRLS, 0, 0); // Update size of this and next
+ }
+ //
+ // View menu show Remarks column
+ //
+ void Titraqform::showRemarkcol(void)
+ {
+ // Test if column is currently shown, conditionally show or hide it
+ if (m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXREMCOL))) {
+ m_pMaintable->hideColumn(TITRAQ_IDXREMARK);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXREMCOL), false);
+ m_pRemark->hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ m_pMaintable->showColumn(TITRAQ_IDXREMARK);
+ m_pColspopup->setItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXREMCOL), true);
+ m_pRemark->show();
+ }
+ // Make sure switch take place right away and sizes are handled
+ m_pColspopup->updateItem(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXREMCOL));
+ this->updSizes(TITRAQ_IDXALLCTRLS, 0, 0); // Update size of this and next
+ }
+ //
+ // Generate a local formatted report
+ //
+ void Titraqform::genReport(void)
+ {
+ try { // Create and execute a new local report window
+ std::auto_ptr<AS::Reportpanel> pReport(new AS::Reportpanel
+ (m_pMaintable, m_pPrefs, this, "Locreportpanel"));
+ pReport->exec();
+ delete pReport.release(); // Technically unnecessary, smart pointer
+ }
+ catch (Genexcept& Genex) {
+ Genex.reportErr();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Syncronize data with server using IIOP
+ //
+ void Titraqform::syncIiop(void)
+ {
+ #ifdef HAVE_MICO
+ // Short circuit if user has disabled CORBA transmission in prefs
+ return;
+ char **ppcInargv = NULL; // Parameters to the ORB
+ CORBA::ORB_var Orb; // The ORB iself
+ CORBA::Object_var Nameobj; // Name service reference
+ CosNaming::NamingContext_var Namectx; // COSS ns context
+ CosNaming::Name Cosname; // Our requested obj name
+ CORBA::Object_var Objcaster; // Generic CORBA object
+ Asdatabase_var Asdbase; // Casted object to ASDB
+ Astuple Singlerow; // A single row of AS data
+ QString *pOrbargv = new QString(TITRAQ_ORBINIT);
+ int nCount = pOrbargv->contains(' ');
+ int nNamesize = 0;
+ // Build a false incoming argv with which we initialize the ORB
+ ppcInargv = new char *[nCount + 3]; // 3 = arg0 + last section + COSS host
+ *ppcInargv = new char[strlen(*qApp->argv() + 2)]; // For cmd name
+ strcpy(ppcInargv[0], *qApp->argv()); // Copy cmd name
+ for (int nIter = 0; nIter <= nCount; nIter++) {
+ QString Section = pOrbargv->section(' ', nIter, nIter);
+ ppcInargv[nIter + 1] = new char[strlen(Section.ascii() + 2)];
+ strcpy(ppcInargv[nIter + 1], Section.ascii());
+ }
+ // Build the single string COSS naming host name with associated port number
+ *pOrbargv = TITRAQ_COSSPART1
+ nNamesize = strlen(pOrbargv->ascii());
+ ppcInargv[nCount + 2] = new char[nNamesize];
+ strcpy(ppcInargv[nCount + 2], pOrbargv->ascii());
+ try {
+ // Initialization of the ORB and COSS naming service
+ nCount = nCount + 3; // Raise the count to include app, last sec, COSS
+ Orb = CORBA::ORB_init(nCount, ppcInargv, "mico-local-orb");
+ Nameobj = Orb->resolve_initial_references("NameService");
+ Namectx = CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow(Nameobj);
+ if (CORBA::is_nil(Namectx)) { // Verify sanity
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("Could not find the COSS naming service"));
+ qWarning("Could not find the COSS naming service\n");
+ }
+ // Clean up our dynamically allocated array
+ for (int nIter = 0; nIter < nCount; nIter++)
+ delete ppcInargv[nIter];
+ delete ppcInargv; // Free the array itself
+ delete pOrbargv; // Free the intermediate string
+ // Prepare the COSS name request
+ Cosname.length(1);
+ Cosname[0].id = CORBA::string_dup("Asdatabase");
+ Cosname[0].kind = CORBA::string_dup("");
+ try { // Resolve to a CORBA object
+ Objcaster = Namectx->resolve(Cosname);
+ }
+ catch (CosNaming::NamingContext::NotFound &Cossex) {
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("NotFound exception thrown"));
+ qWarning("NotFound exception thrown\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ catch (CosNaming::NamingContext::CannotProceed &Cossex) {
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("CannotProceed exception thrown"));
+ qWarning("CannotProceed exception thrown\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ catch (CosNaming::NamingContext::InvalidName &Cossex) {
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("InvalidName exception thrown"));
+ qWarning("InvalidName exception thrown\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Cast the generic CORBA object to a AS database type
+ Asdbase = Asdatabase::_narrow(Objcaster);
+ if (CORBA::is_nil(Asdbase)) { // Verify sanity
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("Could not find the AS database"));
+ qWarning("Could not find the AS database\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Open an account object on the remote server
+ Account_var Account = Asdbase->Open("/tmp/events.as");
+ if (CORBA::is_nil(Account)) { // Verify sanity
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("Could not create an account object on the server"));
+ qWarning("Could not create an account object on the server\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Fill account log object(s) to marshall and transmit
+ int nRow = m_pMaintable->currentRow();
+ QTableSelection Select = m_pMaintable->selection(0); // Capture selected rows
+ int nTotal = Select.bottomRow() - Select.topRow() + 1; // Total rows selected
+ // Remember, CORBA::stri_dup creates smart pointers
+ for (int nIter = 0; nIter < nTotal; nIter++) {
+ Singlerow.szUser = CORBA::string_dup(m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXUSER));
+ Singlerow.szGuid = CORBA::string_dup(m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXGUID));
+ Singlerow.szCrc = CORBA::string_dup(m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXCRC).remove("0x"));
+ Singlerow.szRev = CORBA::string_dup(m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXREV));
+ Singlerow.szDate = CORBA::string_dup(m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXDATE));
+ Singlerow.szStart = CORBA::string_dup(m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXSTART));
+ Singlerow.szFinish = CORBA::string_dup(m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXFINISH));
+ Singlerow.szAmount = CORBA::string_dup(m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT));
+ // Singlerow.nRev = m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXREV).toUInt();
+ // Singlerow.nDate = m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXDATE).toUInt();
+ // Singlerow.nStart = m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXSTART).toUInt();
+ // Singlerow.nFinish = m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXFINISH).toUInt();
+ // Singlerow.nAmount = m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT).toUInt();
+ Singlerow.szTask = CORBA::string_dup(m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXTASK));
+ Singlerow.szRemark = CORBA::string_dup(m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nIter, TITRAQ_IDXREMARK));
+ Account->Log(Singlerow); // Finally transmit to server
+ }
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("Successful transmission of accounting data"));
+ }
+ catch (const CORBA::Exception &Corbex) {
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("Caught CORBA exception: %1").arg(Corbex._repoid()));
+ qWarning("Caught CORBA exception: %s", Corbex._repoid());
+ }
+ catch (...) {
+ qWarning("Caught unknown exception\n");
+ }
+ #endif // HAVE_MICO
+ }
+ //
+ // Syncronize data with server using SOAP
+ //
+ void Titraqform::syncSoap(void)
+ {
+ #ifdef HAVE_ESOAP
+ // Short circuit if user has disabled SOAP transmission in prefs
+ return;
+ try {
+ SOAPMethod Logmeth("Log", TITRAQ_SOAPSPACE); // SOAP namespace
+ SOAPString Clistr; // Outgoing parameter to marshall
+ int nCrc; // SOAP unmarshalled return value
+ // Build the single string SOAP end point which look like this:
+ // "http://www.europalab.com/cgi-bin/asdbserv"
+ QString Endpoint;
+ SOAPProxy Proxy(Endpoint.ascii());
+ // Fill account log object(s) to marshall and transmit
+ QTableSelection Select = m_pMaintable->selection(0); // Capture selected rows
+ int nTotal = Select.bottomRow() - Select.topRow() + 1; // Total rows selected
+ // Iterate through the selection of row entries to transmit
+ for (int nRowiter = 0; nRowiter < nTotal; nRowiter++) {
+ QString Syncthis = m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXUSER);
+ Syncthis += ' ' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXGUID);
+ Syncthis += ' ' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXCRC).remove("0x");
+ Syncthis += ' ' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXREV);
+ Syncthis += ' ' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXDATE);
+ Syncthis += ' ' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXSTART);
+ Syncthis += ' ' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXFINISH);
+ Syncthis += ' ' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT);
+ Syncthis += ' ' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXTASK);
+ Syncthis += ' ' + ('"' + m_pMaintable->text(Select.topRow() + nRowiter, TITRAQ_IDXREMARK)) + '"';
+ Clistr = Syncthis; // Build RPC parameter
+ Logmeth.AddParameter("Tuple") << Clistr; // Prepare for marshalling
+ const SOAPResponse &Logresp = Proxy.Execute(Logmeth);
+ Logresp.GetReturnValue() >> nCrc;
+ }
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("Successful transmission, CRC returned %1").arg(nCrc));
+ }
+ catch (SOAPException& Soapex) { // Announce the exception we received
+ m_pStatbar->message(trUtf8("Caught SOAP exception: %1").arg(Soapex.What().Str()));
+ qDebug("Caught SOAP exception: %s", Soapex.What().Str());
+ }
+ catch (...) {
+ qDebug("Caught unknown exception\n");
+ }
+ #endif // HAVE_ESOAP
+ }
+ //
+ // Save user preferences
+ //
+ void Titraqform::savePrefs(void)
+ {
+ // Get check status from column menu and pass it to prefs handler
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFSTATCOLON, m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXSTATCOL)));
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFLCOLON, m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXLCOL)));
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFUCOLON, m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXUCOL)));
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFGCOLON, m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXGCOL)));
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFCCOLON, m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXCCOL)));
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFREVCOLON, m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXREVCOL)));
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFDCOLON, m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXDCOL)));
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFSTARTCOLON, m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXSTARTCOL)));
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFFCOLON, m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXFCOL)));
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFACOLON, m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXACOL)));
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFFCOLON, m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXFCOL)));
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFREMCOLON, m_pColspopup->isItemChecked(m_pColspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXREMCOL)));
+ // Get check status from toolbar menu and pass it to prefs handler
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFFILEBAR, m_pTbarspopup->isItemChecked(m_pTbarspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXFILEBAR)));
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFEDITBAR, m_pTbarspopup->isItemChecked(m_pTbarspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXEDITBAR)));
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFVIEWBAR, m_pTbarspopup->isItemChecked(m_pTbarspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXVIEWBAR)));
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFPREFBAR, m_pTbarspopup->isItemChecked(m_pTbarspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXPREFBAR)));
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFWHATBAR, m_pTbarspopup->isItemChecked(m_pTbarspopup->idAt(TITRAQ_IDXWHATBAR)));
+ // Get column widths from main table and pass it to prefs handler
+ if (m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS) > 0)
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFSTATCOLWIDTH, (long)m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXSTATUS));
+ if (m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXLINE) > 0)
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFLCOLWIDTH, (long)m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXLINE));
+ if (m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXUSER) > 0)
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFUCOLWIDTH, (long)m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXUSER));
+ if (m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXGUID) > 0)
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFGCOLWIDTH, (long)m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXGUID));
+ if (m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXCRC) > 0)
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFCCOLWIDTH, (long)m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXCRC));
+ if (m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXREV) > 0)
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFREVCOLWIDTH, (long)m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXREV));
+ if (m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXDATE) > 0)
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFDCOLWIDTH, (long)m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXDATE));
+ if (m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXSTART) > 0)
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFSTARTCOLWIDTH, (long)m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXSTART));
+ if (m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXFINISH) > 0)
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFFCOLWIDTH, (long)m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXFINISH));
+ if (m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT) > 0)
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFACOLWIDTH, (long)m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT));
+ if (m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXTASK) > 0)
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFTCOLWIDTH, (long)m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXTASK));
+ if (m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXREMARK) > 0)
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFREMCOLWIDTH, (long)m_pMaintable->columnWidth(TITRAQ_IDXREMARK));
+ // Get sorting order and direction from table and pass it to prefs handler
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFSORTCOL, (long)m_pMaintable->getSortcol());
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFSORTDIR, (long)m_pMaintable->getSortdir());
+ // Set frame geometry preferences
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFFRAMEWIDTH, (long)this->width());
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFFRAMEHEIGHT, (long)this->height());
+ // Remember main window layout and doc positions
+ QString Laystring;
+ QTextStream Laystream(&Laystring, IO_WriteOnly);
+ Laystream << *this; // Persist the main window
+ m_pPrefs->setString(TITRAQ_PREFFRAMELAY, Laystring);
+ }
+ //
+ // Get help on Titraq functionality
+ //
+ void Titraqform::helpContents(void)
+ {
+ try { // Create and execute a new help contents window
+ std::auto_ptr<AS::Helpanel> pHelpcont(new AS::Helpanel(TITRAQ_REFHELP, this, "Helpanel"));
+ pHelpcont->exec();
+ delete pHelpcont.release(); // Technically unnecessary, smart pointer
+ }
+ catch (Genexcept& Genex) {
+ Genex.reportErr();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Learn more about this program itself
+ //
+ void Titraqform::aboutTitraq(void)
+ {
+ QString Namever = QString(TITRAQ_APPTITLE) + ' ' + asgui_version.v_short;
+ QMessageBox *pCwmsg = new QMessageBox(Namever,
+ QObject::trUtf8("The as-gui is a time and task-based accounting\n"
+ "system that acts as both a work-like punch card and\n"
+ "time tracker. Development of as-gui is sponsored by\n"
+ "Cable & Wireless Telecommunications Services GmbH."),
+ QMessageBox::NoIcon, QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Default,
+ QMessageBox::NoButton, QMessageBox::NoButton,
+ NULL, "Titraqmessage", true, Qt::WStyle_NormalBorder);
+ pCwmsg->setIconPixmap(QPixmap(s_kpcCwlogo_xpm));
+ pCwmsg->exec();
+ }
+ //
+ // Learn more about the OSSP
+ //
+ void Titraqform::aboutOSSP(void)
+ {
+ QString Namever = QString(TITRAQ_APPTITLE) + ' ' + asgui_version.v_short;
+ QMessageBox *pOsspmsg = new QMessageBox(Namever,
+ QObject::trUtf8("The open source software project (OSSP) is\n"
+ "a collective effort aimed at implementing\n"
+ "high-quality Unix software components,\n"
+ "ranging from networking, multi-threading\n"
+ "and algorithmic libraries to networking\n"
+ "servers and development tools."),
+ QMessageBox::NoIcon, QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Default,
+ QMessageBox::NoButton, QMessageBox::NoButton,
+ NULL, "Osspmessage", true, Qt::WStyle_NormalBorder);
+ pOsspmsg->setIconPixmap(QPixmap(s_kpcOssplogo_xpm));
+ pOsspmsg->exec();
+ }
+ //
+ // Learn more about this program and Qt
+ //
+ void Titraqform::aboutQt(void)
+ {
+ QMessageBox::aboutQt(this, QString(TITRAQ_APPTITLE) + ' ' + asgui_version.v_short);
+ }
+ //
+ // Apply preference values from a signal emitting object
+ //
+ void Titraqform::applyPrefs(void)
+ {
+ Prefpanel *pPan = (Prefpanel *)QObject::sender();
+ this->applyPrefs(pPan);
+ }
+ //
+ // Accept preference values from a inbound Panel object
+ //
+ void Titraqform::applyPrefs(Prefpanel *pPrefpanel)
+ {
+ m_pPrefs->setString(TITRAQ_PREFACCOUNTS, pPrefpanel->getAccounts());
+ m_pPrefs->setString(TITRAQ_PREFASDIR, pPrefpanel->getEvents());
+ m_pPrefs->setString(TITRAQ_PREFUSER, pPrefpanel->getUser());
+ m_pPrefs->setString(TITRAQ_PREFHOME, pPrefpanel->getHome());
+ m_pPrefs->setString(TITRAQ_PREFCORBHOST, pPrefpanel->getCorbahost());
+ m_pPrefs->setString(TITRAQ_PREFSOAPHOST, pPrefpanel->getSoaphost());
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFCORBON, pPrefpanel->getCorbaon());
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFSOAPON, pPrefpanel->getSoapon());
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFBAKON, pPrefpanel->getBackon());
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFEXTENDON, pPrefpanel->getExtendon());
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFDETAILON, pPrefpanel->getDetailon());
+ m_pPrefs->setBool(TITRAQ_PREFSIGNATON, pPrefpanel->getSignaton());
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFLIGHTRED, pPrefpanel->getLight()->red());
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFLIGHTGREEN, pPrefpanel->getLight()->green());
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFLIGHTBLUE, pPrefpanel->getLight()->blue());
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFDARKRED, pPrefpanel->getDark()->red());
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFDARKGREEN, pPrefpanel->getDark()->green());
+ m_pPrefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFDARKBLUE, pPrefpanel->getDark()->blue());
+ // Dim the lights if no RPC transports are available
+ if (this->isOpen())
+ m_pSyncact->setEnabled(m_pPrefs->getBool(TITRAQ_PREFCORBON, TITRAQ_DEFCORBON)
+ else
+ m_pSyncact->setEnabled(false);
+ // Get the selected style which can be more complicated due to mapping...
+ if (pPrefpanel->getStyle() == TITRAQ_STRCDE) {
+ qApp->setStyle(new QCDEStyle);
+ }
+ else if (pPrefpanel->getStyle() == TITRAQ_STRSGI) {
+ qApp->setStyle(new QSGIStyle);
+ }
+ else if (pPrefpanel->getStyle() == TITRAQ_STRMOTIF) {
+ qApp->setStyle(new QMotifStyle);
+ }
+ else if (pPrefpanel->getStyle() == TITRAQ_STRMPLUS) {
+ qApp->setStyle(new QMotifPlusStyle);
+ }
+ else if (pPrefpanel->getStyle() == TITRAQ_STRPLAT) {
+ qApp->setStyle(new QPlatinumStyle);
+ }
+ else if (pPrefpanel->getStyle() == TITRAQ_STRMSOFT) {
+ qApp->setStyle(new QWindowsStyle);
+ }
+ else // My personal favourite ;-)
+ }