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ossp - Check-in [3572]
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Check-in Number: 3572
Date: 2003-Sep-09 11:24:28 (local)
2003-Sep-09 09:24:28 (UTC)
Comment: flush pending changes before tagging
ossp-pkg/snmpdx/00README      1.1->removed
ossp-pkg/snmpdx/AUTHORS      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/snmpdx/COPYING      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/snmpdx/ChangeLog      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/snmpdx/INSTALL      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/snmpdx/Makefile      1.2->removed
ossp-pkg/snmpdx/Makefile.in      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/snmpdx/README      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/snmpdx/THANKS      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/snmpdx/VERSION      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/snmpdx/config.h.in      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/snmpdx/configure.ac      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/snmpdx/devtool      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/snmpdx/devtool.conf      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/snmpdx/devtool.func      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/snmpdx/shtool      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/snmpdx/snmpdx      1.8->removed
ossp-pkg/snmpdx/snmpdx.cfg      1.1 -> 1.2     3 inserted, 3 deleted
ossp-pkg/snmpdx/snmpdx.pl      added-> 1.1

ossp-pkg/snmpdx/00README 1.1 -> 1.2

ossp-pkg/snmpdx/AUTHORS -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Sun Apr 28 11:22:13 2024
--- -    Sun Apr 28 11:22:30 2024
*** 0 ****
--- 1,19 ----
+    _        ___  ____ ____  ____
+   |_|_ _   / _ \/ ___/ ___||  _ \ 
+   _|_||_| | | | \___ \___ \| |_) |
+  |_||_|_| | |_| |___) |__) |  __/ 
+   |_|_|_|  \___/|____/____/|_|    
+   OSSP snmpdx - SNMP Daemon Extension
+   Version 0.2.0 (09-Sep-2003)
+   ____________________________________________________________________
+   This is a list of authors who have written or edited parts of 
+   the OSSP snmpdx sources.
+   o  OSSP snmpdx (as a whole)
+      Written by: Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com> 
+                  Thomas Lotterer     <thomas@lotterer.net> 

ossp-pkg/snmpdx/COPYING -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Sun Apr 28 11:22:13 2024
--- -    Sun Apr 28 11:22:30 2024
*** 0 ****
--- 1,280 ----
+                     GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+                        Version 2, June 1991
+  Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+                        59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+  Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+  of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+                             Preamble
+   The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+ freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+ License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+ software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+ General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+ Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+ using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+ the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+ your programs, too.
+   When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+ price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+ have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+ this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+ if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+ in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+   To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+ anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+ These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+ distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+   For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+ gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+ you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+ source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ rights.
+   We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+ (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+ distribute and/or modify the software.
+   Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+ that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+ software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+ want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+ that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+ authors' reputations.
+   Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+ patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+ program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+ program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+ patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+   The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+ modification follow.
+                     GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+   0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+ a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+ under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+ refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+ means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+ that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+ either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+ language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+ the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+ Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+ covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+ running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+ is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+ Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+ Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+   1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+ source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+ conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+ copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+ notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+ and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+ along with the Program.
+ You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+ you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+   2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+ of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+ distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+ above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+     a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+     stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+     b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+     whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+     part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+     parties under the terms of this License.
+     c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+     when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+     interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+     announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+     notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+     a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+     these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+     License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+     does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+     the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+ These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+ identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+ and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+ themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+ sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+ distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+ on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+ this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+ entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+ Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+ your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+ exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+ collective works based on the Program.
+ In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+ with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+ a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+ the scope of this License.
+   3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+ under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+ Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+     a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+     source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+     1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+     b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+     years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+     cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+     machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+     distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+     customarily used for software interchange; or,
+     c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+     to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+     allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+     received the program in object code or executable form with such
+     an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+ The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+ making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+ code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+ associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+ control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+ special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+ anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+ form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+ operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+ itself accompanies the executable.
+ If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+ access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+ access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+ distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+ compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+   4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+ except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+ otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+ void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+ However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+ this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+ parties remain in full compliance.
+   5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+ signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+ distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+ prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+ modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+ Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+ all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+ the Program or works based on it.
+   6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+ Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+ original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+ these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+ restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+ You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+ this License.
+   7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+ infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+ conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+ otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+ excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+ distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+ License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+ may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+ license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+ all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+ the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+ refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+ If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+ any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+ apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+ circumstances.
+ It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+ patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+ such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+ integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+ implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+ generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+ through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+ system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+ to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+ impose that choice.
+ This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+ be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+   8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+ certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+ original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+ may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+ those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+ countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+ the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+   9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+ of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+ be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+ address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+ specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+ later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+ either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+ Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+ this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ Foundation.
+   10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+ programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+ to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+ Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+ make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+ of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+ of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+                             NO WARRANTY
+                      END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS

ossp-pkg/snmpdx/ChangeLog -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Sun Apr 28 11:22:13 2024
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--- 1,23 ----
+    _        ___  ____ ____  ____
+   |_|_ _   / _ \/ ___/ ___||  _ \ 
+   _|_||_| | | | \___ \___ \| |_) |
+  |_||_|_| | |_| |___) |__) |  __/ 
+   |_|_|_|  \___/|____/____/|_|    
+   OSSP snmpdx - SNMP Daemon Extension
+   Version 0.2.0 (09-Sep-2003)
+   ____________________________________________________________________
+   ChangeLog
+   Changes between 0.1.0 and 0.2.0 (9-Sep-2003):
+    *) Build environment, OpenPKG package
+       [Thomas Lotterer]
+   Changes between *GENESIS* and 0.1.0 (Aug-2003 to 9-Sep-2003):
+    *) Framework and initial probes
+       [Ralf S. Engelschall]
+    *) More probes
+       [Thomas Lotterer]

ossp-pkg/snmpdx/INSTALL -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Sun Apr 28 11:22:13 2024
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*** 0 ****
--- 1,14 ----
+    _        ___  ____ ____  ____
+   |_|_ _   / _ \/ ___/ ___||  _ \ 
+   _|_||_| | | | \___ \___ \| |_) |
+  |_||_|_| | |_| |___) |__) |  __/ 
+   |_|_|_|  \___/|____/____/|_|    
+   OSSP snmpdx - SNMP Daemon Extension
+   Version 0.2.0 (09-Sep-2003)
+   ____________________________________________________________________

ossp-pkg/snmpdx/Makefile 1.2 -> 1.3

ossp-pkg/snmpdx/Makefile.in -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Sun Apr 28 11:22:13 2024
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*** 0 ****
--- 1,75 ----
+ ##
+ ##  OSSP snmpdx - SNMP Daemon Extension
+ ##
+ ##  Copyright (c) 2003 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+ ##  Copyright (c) 2003 The OSSP Project <http://www.ossp.org/>
+ ##  Copyright (c) 2003 Cable & Wireless Germany <http://www.cw.com/de/>
+ ##
+ ##  This file is part of OSSP snmpd, a SNMP Daemon Extension which
+ ##  can be found at http://www.ossp.org/pkg/tool/snmpdx/.
+ ##
+ ##  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ##  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public  License 
+ ##  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
+ ##  2.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ ##
+ ##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ##  General Public License for more details.
+ ##
+ ##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
+ ##  along with this file; if not, write to the Free Software
+ ##  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ ##  USA, or contact Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>.
+ ##
+ ##  Makefile.in: build procedure source (syntax: make)
+ ##
+ SHELL       = /bin/sh
+ SHTOOL      = ./shtool
+ RM          = rm -f
+ SED         = sed
+ POD2MAN     = pod2man
+ PERL        = @PATH_PERL@
+ prefix      = @prefix@
+ exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+ bindir      = @bindir@
+ libdir      = @libdir@
+ includedir  = @includedir@
+ mandir      = @mandir@
+ DESTDIR     =
+ all: snmpdx snmpdx.1
+ snmpdx: snmpdx.pl
+        @$(SHTOOL) echo -e "%Bgenerating snmpdx%b"
+        $(SED) -e "s;#!\@PERL\@;#!$(PERL);" \
+        <snmpdx.pl >snmpdx && \
+        chmod a+x snmpdx
+ snmpdx.1: snmpdx.pod
+        @$(SHTOOL) echo -e "%Bgenerating snmpdx.1%b"
+        V=`$(SHTOOL) version -l txt -d short VERSION`; \
+        D=`$(SHTOOL) version -l txt -d long VERSION | $(SED) -e 's;.*(;;' -e 's;).*;;'`; \
+        $(POD2MAN) --section=1 --center="SNMP Daemon Extension" \
+                   --release="$$D" --date="OSSP snmpdx $$V" snmpdx.pod >snmpdx.1
+ install: all
+        $(SHTOOL) mkdir -f -p -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
+        $(SHTOOL) mkdir -f -p -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
+        $(SHTOOL) mkdir -f -p -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
+        $(SHTOOL) install -c -m 755 snmpdx $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/snmpdx
+        $(SHTOOL) install -c -m 644 snmpdx.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/snmpdx.1
+ clean:
+        $(RM) snmpdx snmpdx.1
+ distclean: clean
+        $(RM) config.cache config.status config.log
+        $(RM) Makefile config.h

ossp-pkg/snmpdx/README -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Sun Apr 28 11:22:13 2024
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*** 0 ****
--- 1,50 ----
+    _        ___  ____ ____  ____
+   |_|_ _   / _ \/ ___/ ___||  _ \ 
+   _|_||_| | | | \___ \___ \| |_) |
+  |_||_|_| | |_| |___) |__) |  __/ 
+   |_|_|_|  \___/|____/____/|_|    
+   OSSP snmpdx - SNMP Daemon Extension
+   Version 0.2.0 (09-Sep-2003)
+   OSSP snmpdx is a framework for easily hooking into net-snmp's snmpd(8)
+   and providing an own SNMP MIB and the OID implementing probes. It
+   is a Perl program which either can be configured as a pass (not
+   recommended) or pass_persist (recommended) program into snmpd.conf.
+   Copyright (c) 2003 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+   Copyright (c) 2003 The OSSP Project <http://www.ossp.org/>
+   Copyright (c) 2003 Cable & Wireless Germany <http://www.cw.com/de/>
+   This file is part of OSSP snmpd, a SNMP Daemon Extension which
+   can be found at http://www.ossp.org/pkg/tool/snmpdx/.
+   Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for
+   any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that
+   the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all
+   copies.
+   The documentation and latest release can be found on
+   o http://www.ossp.org/pkg/tool/snmpdx/
+   o  ftp://ftp.ossp.org/pkg/tool/snmpdx/

ossp-pkg/snmpdx/THANKS -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Sun Apr 28 11:22:13 2024
--- -    Sun Apr 28 11:22:30 2024
*** 0 ****
--- 1,19 ----
+    _        ___  ____ ____  ____
+   |_|_ _   / _ \/ ___/ ___||  _ \ 
+   _|_||_| | | | \___ \___ \| |_) |
+  |_||_|_| | |_| |___) |__) |  __/ 
+   |_|_|_|  \___/|____/____/|_|    
+   OSSP snmpdx - SNMP Daemon Extension
+   Version 0.2.0 (09-Sep-2003)
+   ____________________________________________________________________
+   Credit has to be given to the following people who contributed ideas,
+   stuff, bugfixes, hints etc. (in alphabetical order):
+   o Christoph Schug          <chris@schug.net>
+   ...and all other OSSP snmpd users who gave me feedback but I've forgot.

ossp-pkg/snmpdx/VERSION -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Sun Apr 28 11:22:13 2024
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*** 0 ****
--- 1,18 ----
+ ##
+ ##  VERSION -- Version Information for OSSP snmpdx (syntax: Perl)
+ ##  [automatically generated and maintained by GNU shtool]
+ ##
+ my $snmpdx_version = {
+     'v_hex'   => 0x002200,
+     'v_short' => "0.2.0",
+     'v_long'  => "0.2.0 (09-Sep-2003)",
+     'v_tex'   => "This is OSSP snmpdx, Version 0.2.0 (09-Sep-2003)",
+     'v_gnu'   => "OSSP snmpdx 0.2.0 (09-Sep-2003)",
+     'v_web'   => "OSSP snmpdx/0.2.0",
+     'v_sccs'  => "@(#)OSSP snmpdx 0.2.0 (09-Sep-2003)",
+     'v_rcs'   => "\$Id: VERSION,v 1.1 2003/09/09 09:24:28 thl Exp $/"
+ };
+ 1;

ossp-pkg/snmpdx/config.h.in -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Sun Apr 28 11:22:13 2024
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*** 0 ****
--- 1,16 ----
+ /* config.h.in.  Generated from configure.ac by autoheader.  */
+ /* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
+ /* Define to the full name of this package. */
+ /* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
+ /* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
+ /* Define to the version of this package. */

ossp-pkg/snmpdx/configure.ac -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Sun Apr 28 11:22:13 2024
--- -    Sun Apr 28 11:22:30 2024
*** 0 ****
--- 1,55 ----
+ ##
+ ##  OSSP snmpdx - SNMP Daemon Extension
+ ##
+ ##  Copyright (c) 2003 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+ ##  Copyright (c) 2003 The OSSP Project <http://www.ossp.org/>
+ ##  Copyright (c) 2003 Cable & Wireless Germany <http://www.cw.com/de/>
+ ##
+ ##  This file is part of OSSP snmpd, a SNMP Daemon Extension which
+ ##  can be found at http://www.ossp.org/pkg/tool/snmpdx/.
+ ##
+ ##  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ##  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public  License 
+ ##  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
+ ##  2.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ ##
+ ##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ##  General Public License for more details.
+ ##
+ ##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
+ ##  along with this file; if not, write to the Free Software
+ ##  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ ##  USA, or contact Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>.
+ ##
+ ##  configure.ac: auto-configuration source (syntax: Autoconf)
+ ##
+ AC_PREREQ(2.53)
+ V=`./shtool version -ltxt -dlong VERSION`
+ ./shtool echo -e "Configuring %BOSSP snmpdx%b, Version %B${V}%b"
+ echo "Copyright (c) 2003 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>"
+ echo "Copyright (c) 2003 The OSSP Project <http://www.ossp.org/>"
+ echo "Copyright (c) 2003 Cable & Wireless Germany <http://www.cw.com/de/>"
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Perl program)
+ AC_ARG_WITH(perl,dnl
+ [  --with-perl=PATH        force the use of a particular Perl program],
+ with_perl="$withval",
+ if test ".$with_perl" = .; then
+     with_perl=`./shtool path -m perl5 perl`
+ fi
+ )dnl
+ PATH_PERL="$with_perl"
+ AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile])

ossp-pkg/snmpdx/devtool -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Sun Apr 28 11:22:13 2024
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*** 0 ****
--- 1,47 ----
+ #!/bin/sh
+ ##
+ ##  devtool -- Development Tool
+ ##  Copyright (c) 2001 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+ ##
+ if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+     echo "devtool:USAGE: devtool <command> [<arg> ...]" 1>&2
+     exit 1
+ fi
+ cmd="$1"
+ shift
+ devtoolfunc="./devtool.func"
+ if [ ! -f devtool.conf ]; then
+     echo "devtool:ERROR: no devtool.conf in current directory" 1>&2
+     exit 1
+ fi
+ cmdline=`grep "^%$cmd" devtool.conf`
+ if [ ".$cmdline" = . ]; then
+     echo "devtool:ERROR: command $cmd not found in devtool.conf" 1>&2
+     exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ ".$TMPDIR" != . ]; then
+     tmpdir="$TMPDIR"
+ elif [ ".$TEMPDIR" != . ]; then
+     tmpdir="$TEMPDIR"
+ else
+     tmpdir="/tmp"
+ fi
+ tmpfile="$tmpdir/rc.$$.tmp"
+ rm -f $tmpfile
+ touch $tmpfile
+ echo ". $devtoolfunc" >>$tmpfile
+ ( sed <devtool.conf -e "1,/^%common/d" -e '/^%.*/,$d'
+   sed <devtool.conf -e "1,/^%$cmd/d" -e '/^%.*/,$d' ) |\
+ sed -e 's;\([  ]\)@\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\);\1devtool_\2;' >>$tmpfile
+ sh $tmpfile "$@"
+ rm -f $tmpfile >/dev/null 2>&1 || true

ossp-pkg/snmpdx/devtool.conf -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Sun Apr 28 11:22:13 2024
--- -    Sun Apr 28 11:22:30 2024
*** 0 ****
--- 1,66 ----
+ ##
+ ##  devtool.conf -- Development Tool Configuration
+ ##
+ %autogen
+     @autogen shtool   1.6.2 "1.6.*" all
+     @autogen autoconf 2.57  "2.5[4-9]*"
+ %autoclean
+     @autoclean shtool
+     @autoclean libtool
+     @autoclean autoconf
+ %configure
+     ./configure \
+         --prefix=/tmp/snmpdx \
+         "$@"
+ %release
+     ./devtool version
+     ./devtool tag
+     ./devtool dist
+     ./devtool upload
+ %version
+     ./shtool version -lperl -n "OSSP snmpdx" -p "snmpdx_" -e VERSION
+     V=`./shtool version -lperl -dlong VERSION`
+     for i in AUTHORS ChangeLog INSTALL README THANKS; do
+         sed -e "s/  Version .*/  Version $V/g" <$i >$i.n && mv $i.n $i
+     done
+ %tag
+     V=`./shtool version -lc -dshort VERSION | sed -e 's;\.;_;g'`
+     echo "+++ tagging CVS sources as SNMPDX_${V}"
+     cvs commit -m 'flush pending changes before tagging'
+     cvs tag SNMPDX_${V}
+ %dist
+     echo "+++ removing old tarballs"
+     rm -f snmpdx-*.tar.gz
+     echo "+++ generating"
+     ./devtool autoclean
+     ./devtool autogen
+     echo "+++ configuring"
+     ./devtool configure
+     echo "+++ building"
+     make clean all man
+     echo "+++ cleaning"
+     make distclean
+     echo "+++ fixing"
+     ./shtool fixperm -v .
+     echo "+++ rolling"
+     V=`./shtool version -lc -dshort VERSION`
+     ./shtool tarball -o snmpdx-${V}.tar.gz -d snmpdx-${V} -u ossp -g ossp \
+                      -e 'CVS,\.cvsignore,\.[ao]$,^\.,devtool*,*.tar.gz,^#.*,.*~$' -c 'gzip --best' .
+     ls -l snmpdx-${V}.tar.gz
+     echo "+++ testing"
+     gunzip <snmpdx-${V}.tar.gz | tar tvf - | head -10
+     echo "[...]"
+     gunzip <snmpdx-${V}.tar.gz | tar tvf - | tail -10
+ %upload
+     echo "+++ copying to ftp://ftp.ossp.org/pkg/lib/snmpdx/"
+     V=`./shtool version -lc -dshort VERSION`
+     scp snmpdx-${V}.tar.gz master.ossp.org:/e/ossp/ftp/pkg/lib/snmpdx/

ossp-pkg/snmpdx/devtool.func -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Sun Apr 28 11:22:13 2024
--- -    Sun Apr 28 11:22:30 2024
*** 0 ****
--- 1,73 ----
+ ##
+ ##  devtool.func -- Development Tool Functions
+ ##  Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+ ##
+ devtool_require () {
+     t="$1"; o="$2"; p="$3"; e="$4"; a="$5"
+     v=`($t $o | head -1 | awk "{ print \\\$$p; }") 2>/dev/null`
+     if [ ".$v" = . ]; then
+         echo "devtool:ERROR: unable to determine version of $t" 1>&2
+         exit 1
+     fi
+     case "$v" in
+         $e )
+             ;;
+         $a )
+             echo "devtool:WARNING: $t version $v accepted, but expected $e." 1>&2
+             ;;
+         * )
+             echo "devtool:ERROR: $t version $v NOT acceptable, requires $e." 1>&2
+             exit 1
+             ;;
+     esac
+     echo "$v"
+ }
+ devtool_autogen () {
+     tool=$1
+     shift
+     case $tool in
+         autoconf )
+             autoconf_version=`devtool_require autoconf --version 4 "$1" "$2"`
+             echo "generating (GNU Autoconf $autoconf_version): configure config.h.in"
+             autoconf
+             autoheader 2>&1 | grep -v "is unchanged"
+             rm -rf autom4te.cache >/dev/null 2>&1
+             ;;
+         libtool )
+             libtoolize_version=`devtool_require libtoolize --version 4 "$1" "$2"`
+             echo "generating (GNU Libtool $libtoolize_version): ltmain.sh, libtool.m4, config.guess, config.sub"
+             libtoolize --force --copy >/dev/null 2>&1
+             cp `libtoolize --force --copy --dry-run | grep "add the contents of" |\
+                 sed -e 's;^[^\`]*\`;;' -e "s;'.*;;"` libtool.m4
+             ;;
+         shtool )
+             shtoolize_version=`devtool_require shtoolize -v 3 "$1" "$2"`
+             echo "generating (GNU Shtool $shtoolize_version): shtool"
+             shift
+             shift
+             shtoolize -q "$@"
+             ;;
+     esac
+ }
+ devtool_autoclean () {
+     tool=$1
+     shift
+     case $tool in
+         autoconf )
+             echo "removing: configure config.h.in"
+             rm -f configure config.h.in
+             ;;
+         libtool )
+             echo "removing: ltmain.sh libtool.m4 config.guess config.sub"
+             rm -f ltmain.sh libtool.m4 config.guess config.sub
+             ;;
+         shtool )
+             echo "removing: shtool"
+             rm -f shtool
+             ;;
+     esac
+ }

ossp-pkg/snmpdx/shtool -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Sun Apr 28 11:22:13 2024
--- -    Sun Apr 28 11:22:30 2024
*** 0 ****
--- 1,3506 ----
+ #!/bin/sh
+ ##
+ ##  GNU shtool -- The GNU Portable Shell Tool
+ ##  Copyright (c) 1994-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+ ##
+ ##  See http://www.gnu.org/software/shtool/ for more information.
+ ##  See ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/shtool/ for latest version.
+ ##
+ ##  Version:  1.6.2 (02-Nov-2002)
+ ##  Contents: all available modules
+ ##
+ ##
+ ##  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ##  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ ##  (at your option) any later version.
+ ##
+ ##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ##  General Public License for more details.
+ ##
+ ##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ##  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ ##  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
+ ##  USA, or contact Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>.
+ ##
+ ##  NOTICE: Given that you include this file verbatim into your own
+ ##  source tree, you are justified in saying that it remains separate
+ ##  from your package, and that this way you are simply just using GNU
+ ##  shtool. So, in this situation, there is no requirement that your
+ ##  package itself is licensed under the GNU General Public License in
+ ##  order to take advantage of GNU shtool.
+ ##
+ ##
+ ##  Usage: shtool [<options>] [<cmd-name> [<cmd-options>] [<cmd-args>]]
+ ##
+ ##  Available commands:
+ ##    echo       Print string with optional construct expansion
+ ##    mdate      Pretty-print modification time of a file or dir
+ ##    table      Pretty-print a field-separated list as a table
+ ##    prop       Display progress with a running propeller
+ ##    move       Move files with simultaneous substitution
+ ##    install    Install a program, script or datafile
+ ##    mkdir      Make one or more directories
+ ##    mkln       Make link with calculation of relative paths
+ ##    mkshadow   Make a shadow tree through symbolic links
+ ##    fixperm    Fix file permissions inside a source tree
+ ##    rotate     Logfile rotation
+ ##    tarball    Roll distribution tarballs
+ ##    subst      Apply sed(1) substitution operations
+ ##    guessos    Simple operating system guesser
+ ##    arx        Extended archive command
+ ##    slo        Separate linker options by library class
+ ##    scpp       Sharing C Pre-Processor
+ ##    version    Maintain a version information file
+ ##    path       Deal with program paths
+ ##
+ if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+     echo "$0:Error: invalid command line" 1>&2
+     echo "$0:Hint:  run \`$0 -h' for usage" 1>&2
+     exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ ".$1" = ".-h" -o ".$1" = ".--help" ]; then
+     echo "This is GNU shtool, version 1.6.2 (02-Nov-2002)"
+     echo "Copyright (c) 1994-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>"
+     echo "Report bugs to <bug-shtool@gnu.org>"
+     echo ''
+     echo "Usage: shtool [<options>] [<cmd-name> [<cmd-options>] [<cmd-args>]]"
+     echo ''
+     echo 'Available global <options>:'
+     echo '  -v, --version   display shtool version information'
+     echo '  -h, --help      display shtool usage help page (this one)'
+     echo '  -d, --debug     display shell trace information'
+     echo '  -r, --recreate  recreate this shtool script via shtoolize'
+     echo ''
+     echo 'Available <cmd-name> [<cmd-options>] [<cmd-args>]:'
+     echo '  echo     [-n|--newline] [-e|--expand] [<str> ...]'
+     echo '  mdate    [-n|--newline] [-z|--zero] [-s|--shorten] [-d|--digits]'
+     echo '           [-f|--field-sep <str>] [-o|--order <spec>] <path>'
+     echo '  table    [-F|--field-sep <sep>] [-w|--width <width>] [-c|--columns'
+     echo '           <cols>] [-s|--strip <strip>] <str><sep><str>...'
+     echo '  prop     [-p|--prefix <str>]'
+     echo '  move     [-v|--verbose] [-t|--trace] [-e|--expand] [-p|--preserve]'
+     echo '           <src-file> <dst-file>'
+     echo '  install  [-v|--verbose] [-t|--trace] [-d|--mkdir] [-c|--copy]'
+     echo '           [-C|--compare-copy] [-s|--strip] [-m|--mode <mode>]'
+     echo '           [-o|--owner <owner>] [-g|--group <group>] [-e|--exec'
+     echo '           <sed-cmd>] <file> [<file> ...] <path>'
+     echo '  mkdir    [-t|--trace] [-f|--force] [-p|--parents] [-m|--mode'
+     echo '           <mode>] [-o|--owner <owner>] [-g|--group <group>] <dir>'
+     echo '           [<dir> ...]'
+     echo '  mkln     [-t|--trace] [-f|--force] [-s|--symbolic] <src-path>'
+     echo '           [<src-path> ...] <dst-path>'
+     echo '  mkshadow [-v|--verbose] [-t|--trace] [-a|--all] <src-dir> <dst-dir>'
+     echo '  fixperm  [-v|--verbose] [-t|--trace] <path> [<path> ...]'
+     echo '  rotate   [-v|--verbose] [-t|--trace] [-f|--force] [-n|--num-files'
+     echo '           <count>] [-s|--size <size>] [-c|--copy] [-r|--remove]'
+     echo '           [-a|--archive-dir <dir>] [-z|--compress [<tool>:]<level>]'
+     echo '           [-b|--background] [-d|--delay] [-p|--pad <len>] [-o|--owner'
+     echo '           <owner>] [-g|--group <group>] [-m|--mode <mode>] [-M|--migrate'
+     echo '           <cmd>] [-P|--prolog <cmd>] [-E|--epilog <cmd>] <file> [...]'
+     echo '  tarball  [-t|--trace] [-v|--verbose] [-o|--output <tarball>]'
+     echo '           [-c|--compress <prog>] [-d|--directory <dir>] [-u|--user'
+     echo '           <user>] [-g|--group <group>] [-e|--exclude <pattern>]'
+     echo '           <path> [<path> ...]'
+     echo '  subst    [-v|--verbose] [-t|--trace] [-n|--nop] [-s|--stealth]'
+     echo '           [-i|--interactive] [-b|--backup <ext>] [-e|--exec <cmd>]'
+     echo '           [-f|--file <cmd-file>] [<file>] [...]'
+     echo '  guessos  '
+     echo '  arx      [-t|--trace] [-C|--command <cmd>] <op> <archive> [<file>'
+     echo '           ...]'
+     echo '  slo      [-p|--prefix <str>] -- -L<dir> -l<lib> [-L<dir> -l<lib>'
+     echo '           ...]'
+     echo '  scpp     [-v|--verbose] [-p|--preserve] [-f|--filter <filter>]'
+     echo '           [-o|--output <ofile>] [-t|--template <tfile>] [-M|--mark'
+     echo '           <mark>] [-D|--define <dname>] [-C|--class <cname>]'
+     echo '           <file> [<file> ...]'
+     echo '  version  [-l|--language <lang>] [-n|--name <name>] [-p|--prefix'
+     echo '           <prefix>] [-s|--set <version>] [-e|--edit] [-i|--increase'
+     echo '           <knob>] [-d|--display <type>] <file>'
+     echo '  path     [-s|--suppress] [-r|--reverse] [-d|--dirname] [-b|--basename]'
+     echo '           [-m|--magic] [-p|--path <path>] <str> [<str> ...]'
+     echo ''
+     exit 0
+ fi
+ if [ ".$1" = ".-v" -o ".$1" = ."--version" ]; then
+     echo "GNU shtool 1.6.2 (02-Nov-2002)"
+     exit 0
+ fi
+ if [ ".$1" = ".-r" -o ".$1" = ."--recreate" ]; then
+     shtoolize -oshtool all
+     exit 0
+ fi
+ if [ ".$1" = ".-d" -o ".$1" = ."--debug" ]; then
+     shift
+     set -x
+ fi
+ name=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's;.*/\([^/]*\)$;\1;' -e 's;-sh$;;' -e 's;\.sh$;;'`
+ case "$name" in
+     echo|mdate|table|prop|move|install|mkdir|mkln|mkshadow|fixperm|rotate|tarball|subst|guessos|arx|slo|scpp|version|path )
+         #   implicit tool command selection
+         tool="$name"
+         ;;
+     * )
+         #   explicit tool command selection
+         tool="$1"
+         shift
+         ;;
+ esac
+ arg_spec=""
+ opt_spec=""
+ gen_tmpfile=no
+ ##
+ ##
+ case $tool in
+     echo )
+         str_tool="echo"
+         str_usage="[-n|--newline] [-e|--expand] [<str> ...]"
+         arg_spec="0+"
+         opt_spec="n.e."
+         opt_alias="n:newline,e:expand"
+         opt_n=no
+         opt_e=no
+         ;;
+     mdate )
+         str_tool="mdate"
+         str_usage="[-n|--newline] [-z|--zero] [-s|--shorten] [-d|--digits] [-f|--field-sep <str>] [-o|--order <spec>] <path>"
+         arg_spec="1="
+         opt_spec="n.z.s.d.f:o:"
+         opt_alias="n:newline,z:zero,s:shorten,d:digits,f:field-sep,o:order"
+         opt_n=no
+         opt_z=no
+         opt_s=no
+         opt_d=no
+         opt_f=" "
+         opt_o="dmy"
+         ;;
+     table )
+         str_tool="table"
+         str_usage="[-F|--field-sep <sep>] [-w|--width <width>] [-c|--columns <cols>] [-s|--strip <strip>] <str><sep><str>..."
+         arg_spec="1+"
+         opt_spec="F:w:c:s:"
+         opt_alias="F:field-sep,w:width,c:columns,s:strip"
+         opt_F=":"
+         opt_w=15
+         opt_c=3
+         opt_s=79
+         ;;
+     prop )
+         str_tool="prop"
+         str_usage="[-p|--prefix <str>]"
+         arg_spec="0="
+         opt_spec="p:"
+         opt_alias="p:prefix"
+         opt_p=""
+         ;;
+     move )
+         str_tool="move"
+         str_usage="[-v|--verbose] [-t|--trace] [-e|--expand] [-p|--preserve] <src-file> <dst-file>"
+         arg_spec="2="
+         opt_spec="v.t.e.p."
+         opt_alias="v:verbose,t:trace,e:expand,p:preserve"
+         opt_v=no
+         opt_t=no
+         opt_e=no
+         opt_p=no
+         ;;
+     install )
+         str_tool="install"
+         str_usage="[-v|--verbose] [-t|--trace] [-d|--mkdir] [-c|--copy] [-C|--compare-copy] [-s|--strip] [-m|--mode <mode>] [-o|--owner <owner>] [-g|--group <group>] [-e|--exec <sed-cmd>] <file> [<file> ...] <path>"
+         arg_spec="1+"
+         opt_spec="v.t.d.c.C.s.m:o:g:e+"
+         opt_alias="v:verbose,t:trace,d:mkdir,c:copy,C:compare-copy,s:strip,m:mode,o:owner,g:group,e:exec"
+         opt_v=no
+         opt_t=no
+         opt_d=no
+         opt_c=no
+         opt_C=no
+         opt_s=no
+         opt_m="0755"
+         opt_o=""
+         opt_g=""
+         opt_e=""
+         ;;
+     mkdir )
+         str_tool="mkdir"
+         str_usage="[-t|--trace] [-f|--force] [-p|--parents] [-m|--mode <mode>] [-o|--owner <owner>] [-g|--group <group>] <dir> [<dir> ...]"
+         arg_spec="1+"
+         opt_spec="t.f.p.m:o:g:"
+         opt_alias="t:trace,f:force,p:parents,m:mode,o:owner,g:group"
+         opt_t=no
+         opt_f=no
+         opt_p=no
+         opt_m=""
+         opt_o=""
+         opt_g=""
+         ;;
+     mkln )
+         str_tool="mkln"
+         str_usage="[-t|--trace] [-f|--force] [-s|--symbolic] <src-path> [<src-path> ...] <dst-path>"
+         arg_spec="2+"
+         opt_spec="t.f.s."
+         opt_alias="t:trace,f:force,s:symbolic"
+         opt_t=no
+         opt_f=no
+         opt_s=no
+         ;;
+     mkshadow )
+         str_tool="mkshadow"
+         str_usage="[-v|--verbose] [-t|--trace] [-a|--all] <src-dir> <dst-dir>"
+         arg_spec="2="
+         opt_spec="v.t.a."
+         opt_alias="v:verbose,t:trace,a:all"
+         opt_v=no
+         opt_t=no
+         opt_a=no
+         ;;
+     fixperm )
+         str_tool="fixperm"
+         str_usage="[-v|--verbose] [-t|--trace] <path> [<path> ...]"
+         arg_spec="1+"
+         opt_spec="v.t."
+         opt_alias="v:verbose,t:trace"
+         opt_v=no
+         opt_t=no
+         ;;
+     rotate )
+         str_tool="rotate"
+         str_usage="[-v|--verbose] [-t|--trace] [-f|--force] [-n|--num-files <count>] [-s|--size <size>] [-c|--copy] [-r|--remove] [-a|--archive-dir <dir>] [-z|--compress [<tool>:]<level>] [-b|--background] [-d|--delay] [-p|--pad <len>] [-o|--owner <owner>] [-g|--group <group>] [-m|--mode <mode>] [-M|--migrate <cmd>] [-P|--prolog <cmd>] [-E|--epilog <cmd>] <file> [...]"
+         arg_spec="1+"
+         opt_spec="v.t.f.n:s:c.r.a:z:b.d.p:o:g:m:M:P:E:"
+         opt_alias="v:verbose,t:trace,f:force,n:num-files,s:size,c:copy,r:remove,a:archive-dir,z:compress,b:background,d:delay,p:pad,o:owner,g:group,m:mode,M:migrate,P:prolog,E:epilog"
+         opt_v=no
+         opt_t=no
+         opt_f=no
+         opt_n=10
+         opt_s=""
+         opt_c=no
+         opt_r=no
+         opt_a=""
+         opt_z=""
+         opt_b=no
+         opt_d=no
+         opt_p=1
+         opt_o=""
+         opt_g=""
+         opt_m=""
+         opt_M=""
+         opt_P=""
+         opt_E=""
+         ;;
+     tarball )
+         str_tool="tarball"
+         str_usage="[-t|--trace] [-v|--verbose] [-o|--output <tarball>] [-c|--compress <prog>] [-d|--directory <dir>] [-u|--user <user>] [-g|--group <group>] [-e|--exclude <pattern>] <path> [<path> ...]"
+         gen_tmpfile=yes
+         arg_spec="1+"
+         opt_spec="t.v.o:c:d:u:g:e:"
+         opt_alias="t:trace,v:verbose,o:output,c:compress,d:directory,u:user,g:group,e:exclude"
+         opt_t=no
+         opt_v=no
+         opt_o=""
+         opt_c=""
+         opt_d=""
+         opt_u=""
+         opt_g=""
+         opt_e="CVS,\\.cvsignore,\\.[oa]\$"
+         ;;
+     subst )
+         str_tool="subst"
+         str_usage="[-v|--verbose] [-t|--trace] [-n|--nop] [-s|--stealth] [-i|--interactive] [-b|--backup <ext>] [-e|--exec <cmd>] [-f|--file <cmd-file>] [<file>] [...]"
+         gen_tmpfile=yes
+         arg_spec="0+"
+         opt_spec="v.t.n.s.i.b:e+f:"
+         opt_alias="v:verbose,t:trace,n:nop,s:stealth,i:interactive,b:backup,e:exec,f:file"
+         opt_v=no
+         opt_t=no
+         opt_n=no
+         opt_s=no
+         opt_i=no
+         opt_b=""
+         opt_e=""
+         opt_f=""
+         ;;
+     guessos )
+         str_tool="guessos"
+         str_usage=""
+         arg_spec="0="
+         opt_spec=""
+         opt_alias=""
+         ;;
+     arx )
+         str_tool="arx"
+         str_usage="[-t|--trace] [-C|--command <cmd>] <op> <archive> [<file> ...]"
+         arg_spec="2+"
+         opt_spec="t.C:"
+         opt_alias="t:trace,C:command"
+         opt_t=no
+         opt_C="ar"
+         ;;
+     slo )
+         str_tool="slo"
+         str_usage="[-p|--prefix <str>] -- -L<dir> -l<lib> [-L<dir> -l<lib> ...]"
+         arg_spec="1+"
+         opt_spec="p:"
+         opt_alias="p:prefix"
+         opt_p="SLO_"
+         ;;
+     scpp )
+         str_tool="scpp"
+         str_usage="[-v|--verbose] [-p|--preserve] [-f|--filter <filter>] [-o|--output <ofile>] [-t|--template <tfile>] [-M|--mark <mark>] [-D|--define <dname>] [-C|--class <cname>] <file> [<file> ...]"
+         gen_tmpfile=yes
+         arg_spec="1+"
+         opt_spec="v.p.f+o:t:M:D:C:"
+         opt_alias="v:verbose,p:preserve,f:filter,o:output,t:template,M:mark,D:define,C:class"
+         opt_v=no
+         opt_p=no
+         opt_f=""
+         opt_o="lib.h"
+         opt_t="lib.h.in"
+         opt_M="%%MARK%%"
+         opt_D="cpp"
+         opt_C="intern"
+         ;;
+     version )
+         str_tool="version"
+         str_usage="[-l|--language <lang>] [-n|--name <name>] [-p|--prefix <prefix>] [-s|--set <version>] [-e|--edit] [-i|--increase <knob>] [-d|--display <type>] <file>"
+         arg_spec="1="
+         opt_spec="l:n:p:s:i:e.d:"
+         opt_alias="l:language,n:name,p:prefix,s:set,e:edit,i:increase,d:display"
+         opt_l="txt"
+         opt_n="unknown"
+         opt_p=""
+         opt_s=""
+         opt_e="no"
+         opt_i=""
+         opt_d="short"
+         ;;
+     path )
+         str_tool="path"
+         str_usage="[-s|--suppress] [-r|--reverse] [-d|--dirname] [-b|--basename] [-m|--magic] [-p|--path <path>] <str> [<str> ...]"
+         gen_tmpfile=yes
+         arg_spec="1+"
+         opt_spec="s.r.d.b.m.p:"
+         opt_alias="s:suppress,r:reverse,d:dirname,b:basename,m:magic,p:path"
+         opt_s=no
+         opt_r=no
+         opt_d=no
+         opt_b=no
+         opt_m=no
+         opt_p="$PATH"
+         ;;
+     -* )
+         echo "$0:Error: unknown option \`$tool'" 2>&1
+         echo "$0:Hint:  run \`$0 -h' for usage" 2>&1
+         exit 1
+         ;;
+     * )
+         echo "$0:Error: unknown command \`$tool'" 2>&1
+         echo "$0:Hint:  run \`$0 -h' for usage" 2>&1
+         exit 1
+         ;;
+ esac
+ ##
+ ##
+ #   commonly used ASCII values
+ ASC_TAB="      "
+ ASC_NL="
+ "
+ #   determine name of tool
+ if [ ".$tool" != . ]; then
+     #   used inside shtool script
+     toolcmd="$0 $tool"
+     toolcmdhelp="shtool $tool"
+     msgprefix="shtool:$tool"
+ else
+     #   used as standalone script
+     toolcmd="$0"
+     toolcmdhelp="sh $0"
+     msgprefix="$str_tool"
+ fi
+ #   parse argument specification string
+ eval `echo $arg_spec |\
+       sed -e 's/^\([0-9]*\)\([+=]\)/arg_NUMS=\1; arg_MODE=\2/'`
+ #   parse option specification string
+ eval `echo h.$opt_spec |\
+       sed -e 's/\([a-zA-Z0-9]\)\([.:+]\)/opt_MODE_\1=\2;/g'`
+ #   parse option alias string
+ eval `echo h:help,$opt_alias |\
+       tr 'x-' 'x_' | sed -e 's/\([a-zA-Z0-9]\):\([^,]*\),*/opt_ALIAS_\2=\1;/g'`
+ #   interate over argument line
+ opt_PREV=''
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+     #   special option stops processing
+     if [ ".$1" = ".--" ]; then
+         shift
+         break
+     fi
+     #   determine option and argument
+     opt_ARG_OK=no
+     if [ ".$opt_PREV" != . ]; then
+         #   merge previous seen option with argument
+         opt_OPT="$opt_PREV"
+         opt_ARG="$1"
+         opt_ARG_OK=yes
+         opt_PREV=''
+     else
+         #   split argument into option and argument
+         case "$1" in
+             --[a-zA-Z0-9]*=*)
+                 eval `echo "x$1" |\
+                       sed -e 's/^x--\([a-zA-Z0-9-]*\)=\(.*\)$/opt_OPT="\1";opt_ARG="\2"/'`
+                 opt_STR=`echo $opt_OPT | tr 'x-' 'x_'`
+                 eval "opt_OPT=\${opt_ALIAS_${opt_STR}-${opt_OPT}}"
+                 ;;
+             --[a-zA-Z0-9]*)
+                 opt_OPT=`echo "x$1" | cut -c4-`
+                 opt_STR=`echo $opt_OPT | tr 'x-' 'x_'`
+                 eval "opt_OPT=\${opt_ALIAS_${opt_STR}-${opt_OPT}}"
+                 opt_ARG=''
+                 ;;
+             -[a-zA-Z0-9]*)
+                 eval `echo "x$1" |\
+                       sed -e 's/^x-\([a-zA-Z0-9]\)/opt_OPT="\1";/' \
+                           -e 's/";\(.*\)$/"; opt_ARG="\1"/'`
+                 ;;
+             -[a-zA-Z0-9])
+                 opt_OPT=`echo "x$1" | cut -c3-`
+                 opt_ARG=''
+                 ;;
+             *)
+                 break
+                 ;;
+         esac
+     fi
+     #   eat up option
+     shift
+     #   determine whether option needs an argument
+     eval "opt_MODE=\$opt_MODE_${opt_OPT}"
+     if [ ".$opt_ARG" = . -a ".$opt_ARG_OK" != .yes ]; then
+         if [ ".$opt_MODE" = ".:" -o ".$opt_MODE" = ".+" ]; then
+             opt_PREV="$opt_OPT"
+             continue
+         fi
+     fi
+     #   process option
+     case $opt_MODE in
+         '.' )
+             #   boolean option
+             eval "opt_${opt_OPT}=yes"
+             ;;
+         ':' )
+             #   option with argument (multiple occurances override)
+             eval "opt_${opt_OPT}=\"\$opt_ARG\""
+             ;;
+         '+' )
+             #   option with argument (multiple occurances append)
+             eval "opt_${opt_OPT}=\"\$opt_${opt_OPT}\${ASC_NL}\$opt_ARG\""
+             ;;
+         * )
+             echo "$msgprefix:Error: unknown option: \`$opt_OPT'" 1>&2
+             echo "$msgprefix:Hint:  run \`$toolcmdhelp -h' or \`man shtool' for details" 1>&2
+             exit 1
+             ;;
+     esac
+ done
+ if [ ".$opt_PREV" != . ]; then
+     echo "$msgprefix:Error: missing argument to option \`$opt_PREV'" 1>&2
+     echo "$msgprefix:Hint:  run \`$toolcmdhelp -h' or \`man shtool' for details" 1>&2
+     exit 1
+ fi
+ #   process help option
+ if [ ".$opt_h" = .yes ]; then
+     echo "Usage: $toolcmdhelp $str_usage"
+     exit 0
+ fi
+ #   complain about incorrect number of arguments
+ case $arg_MODE in
+     '=' )
+         if [ $# -ne $arg_NUMS ]; then
+             echo "$msgprefix:Error: invalid number of arguments (exactly $arg_NUMS expected)" 1>&2
+             echo "$msgprefix:Hint:  run \`$toolcmd -h' or \`man shtool' for details" 1>&2
+             exit 1
+         fi
+         ;;
+     '+' )
+         if [ $# -lt $arg_NUMS ]; then
+             echo "$msgprefix:Error: invalid number of arguments (at least $arg_NUMS expected)" 1>&2
+             echo "$msgprefix:Hint:  run \`$toolcmd -h' or \`man shtool' for details" 1>&2
+             exit 1
+         fi
+         ;;
+ esac
+ #   establish a temporary file on request
+ if [ ".$gen_tmpfile" = .yes ]; then
+     if [ ".$TMPDIR" != . ]; then
+         tmpdir="$TMPDIR"
+     elif [ ".$TEMPDIR" != . ]; then
+         tmpdir="$TEMPDIR"
+     else
+         tmpdir="/tmp"
+     fi
+     tmpfile="$tmpdir/.shtool.$$"
+     rm -f $tmpfile >/dev/null 2>&1
+     touch $tmpfile
+     chmod 600 $tmpfile
+ fi
+ ##
+ ##
+ case $tool in
+ echo )
+     ##
+     ##  echo -- Print string with optional construct expansion
+     ##  Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+     ##  Originally written for WML as buildinfo
+     ##
+     text="$*"
+     #   check for broken escape sequence expansion
+     seo=''
+     bytes=`echo '\1' | wc -c | awk '{ printf("%s", $1); }'`
+     if [ ".$bytes" != .3 ]; then
+         bytes=`echo -E '\1' | wc -c | awk '{ printf("%s", $1); }'`
+         if [ ".$bytes" = .3 ]; then
+             seo='-E'
+         fi
+     fi
+     #   check for existing -n option (to suppress newline)
+     minusn=''
+     bytes=`echo -n 123 2>/dev/null | wc -c | awk '{ printf("%s", $1); }'`
+     if [ ".$bytes" = .3 ]; then
+         minusn='-n'
+     fi
+     #   determine terminal bold sequence
+     term_bold=''
+     term_norm=''
+     if [ ".$opt_e" = .yes -a ".`echo $text | egrep '%[Bb]'`" != . ]; then
+         case $TERM in
+             #   for the most important terminal types we directly know the sequences
+             xterm|xterm*|vt220|vt220*)
+                 term_bold=`awk 'BEGIN { printf("%c%c%c%c", 27, 91, 49, 109); }' </dev/null 2>/dev/null`
+                 term_norm=`awk 'BEGIN { printf("%c%c%c", 27, 91, 109); }' </dev/null 2>/dev/null`
+                 ;;
+             vt100|vt100*|cygwin)
+                 term_bold=`awk 'BEGIN { printf("%c%c%c%c%c%c", 27, 91, 49, 109, 0, 0); }' </dev/null 2>/dev/null`
+                 term_norm=`awk 'BEGIN { printf("%c%c%c%c%c", 27, 91, 109, 0, 0); }' </dev/null 2>/dev/null`
+                 ;;
+             #   for all others, we try to use a possibly existing `tput' or `tcout' utility
+             * )
+                 paths=`echo $PATH | sed -e 's/:/ /g'`
+                 for tool in tput tcout; do
+                     for dir in $paths; do
+                         if [ -r "$dir/$tool" ]; then
+                             for seq in bold md smso; do # 'smso' is last
+                                 bold="`$dir/$tool $seq 2>/dev/null`"
+                                 if [ ".$bold" != . ]; then
+                                     term_bold="$bold"
+                                     break
+                                 fi
+                             done
+                             if [ ".$term_bold" != . ]; then
+                                 for seq in sgr0 me rmso init reset; do # 'reset' is last
+                                     norm="`$dir/$tool $seq 2>/dev/null`"
+                                     if [ ".$norm" != . ]; then
+                                         term_norm="$norm"
+                                         break
+                                     fi
+                                 done
+                             fi
+                             break
+                         fi
+                     done
+                     if [ ".$term_bold" != . -a ".$term_norm" != . ]; then
+                         break;
+                     fi
+                 done
+                 ;;
+         esac
+         if [ ".$term_bold" = . -o ".$term_norm" = . ]; then
+             echo "$msgprefix:Warning: unable to determine terminal sequence for bold mode" 1>&2
+             term_bold=''
+             term_norm=''
+         fi
+     fi
+     #   determine user name
+     username=''
+     if [ ".$opt_e" = .yes -a ".`echo $text | egrep '%[uUgG]'`" != . ]; then
+         username="$LOGNAME"
+         if [ ".$username" = . ]; then
+             username="$USER"
+             if [ ".$username" = . ]; then
+                 username="`(whoami) 2>/dev/null |\
+                            awk '{ printf("%s", $1); }'`"
+                 if [ ".$username" = . ]; then
+                     username="`(who am i) 2>/dev/null |\
+                                awk '{ printf("%s", $1); }'`"
+                     if [ ".$username" = . ]; then
+                         username='unknown'
+                     fi
+                 fi
+             fi
+         fi
+     fi
+     #   determine user id
+     userid=''
+     if [ ".$opt_e" = .yes -a ".`echo $text | egrep '%U'`" != . ]; then
+         userid="`(id -u) 2>/dev/null`"
+         if [ ".$userid" = . ]; then
+             str="`(id) 2>/dev/null`"
+             if [ ".`echo $str | grep '^uid[    ]*=[    ]*[0-9]*('`" != . ]; then
+                 userid=`echo $str | sed -e 's/^uid[    ]*=[    ]*//' -e 's/(.*//'`
+             fi
+             if [ ".$userid" = . ]; then
+                 userid=`egrep "^${username}:" /etc/passwd 2>/dev/null | \
+                         sed -e 's/[^:]*:[^:]*://' -e 's/:.*$//'`
+                 if [ ".$userid" = . ]; then
+                     userid=`(ypcat passwd) 2>/dev/null |
+                             egrep "^${username}:" | \
+                             sed -e 's/[^:]*:[^:]*://' -e 's/:.*$//'`
+                     if [ ".$userid" = . ]; then
+                         userid='?'
+                     fi
+                 fi
+             fi
+         fi
+     fi
+     #   determine (primary) group id
+     groupid=''
+     if [ ".$opt_e" = .yes -a ".`echo $text | egrep '%[gG]'`" != . ]; then
+         groupid=`egrep "^${username}:" /etc/passwd 2>/dev/null | \
+                  sed -e 's/[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*://' -e 's/:.*$//'`
+         if [ ".$groupid" = . ]; then
+             groupid=`(ypcat passwd) 2>/dev/null | egrep "^${username}:" | \
+                      sed -e 's/[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*://' -e 's/:.*$//'`
+             if [ ".$groupid" = . ]; then
+                 groupid='?'
+             fi
+         fi
+     fi
+     #   determine (primary) group name
+     groupname=''
+     if [ ".$opt_e" = .yes -a ".`echo $text | egrep '%g'`" != . ]; then
+         groupname=`egrep "^[^:]*:[^:]*:${groupid}:" /etc/group 2>/dev/null | \
+                    sed -e 's/:.*$//'`
+         if [ ".$groupname" = . ]; then
+             groupname=`(ypcat group) 2>/dev/null | \
+                        egrep "^[^:]*:[^:]*:${groupid}:" | \
+                        sed -e 's/:.*$//'`
+             if [ ".$groupname" = . ]; then
+                 groupname='?'
+             fi
+         fi
+     fi
+     #   determine host and domain name
+     hostname=''
+     domainname=''
+     if [ ".$opt_e" = .yes -a ".`echo $text | egrep '%h'`" != . ]; then
+         hostname="`(uname -n) 2>/dev/null |\
+                    awk '{ printf("%s", $1); }'`"
+         if [ ".$hostname" = . ]; then
+             hostname="`(hostname) 2>/dev/null |\
+                        awk '{ printf("%s", $1); }'`"
+             if [ ".$hostname" = . ]; then
+                 hostname='unknown'
+             fi
+         fi
+         case $hostname in
+             *.* )
+                 domainname=".`echo $hostname | cut -d. -f2-`"
+                 hostname="`echo $hostname | cut -d. -f1`"
+                 ;;
+         esac
+     fi
+     if [ ".$opt_e" = .yes -a ".`echo $text | egrep '%d'`" != . ]; then
+         if [ ".$domainname" = . ]; then
+             if [ -f /etc/resolv.conf ]; then
+                 domainname="`egrep '^[         ]*domain' /etc/resolv.conf | sed -e 'q' |\
+                              sed -e 's/.*domain//' \
+                                  -e 's/^[      ]*//' -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/^      *//' \
+                                  -e 's/^\.//' -e 's/^/./' |\
+                              awk '{ printf("%s", $1); }'`"
+                 if [ ".$domainname" = . ]; then
+                     domainname="`egrep '^[     ]*search' /etc/resolv.conf | sed -e 'q' |\
+                                  sed -e 's/.*search//' \
+                                      -e 's/^[  ]*//' -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/^      *//' \
+                                      -e 's/ .*//' -e 's/       .*//' \
+                                      -e 's/^\.//' -e 's/^/./' |\
+                                  awk '{ printf("%s", $1); }'`"
+                 fi
+             fi
+         fi
+     fi
+     #   determine current time
+     time_day=''
+     time_month=''
+     time_year=''
+     time_monthname=''
+     if [ ".$opt_e" = .yes -a ".`echo $text | egrep '%[DMYm]'`" != . ]; then
+         time_day=`date '+%d'`
+         time_month=`date '+%m'`
+         time_year=`date '+%Y' 2>/dev/null`
+         if [ ".$time_year" = . ]; then
+             time_year=`date '+%y'`
+             case $time_year in
+                 [5-9][0-9]) time_year="19$time_year" ;;
+                 [0-4][0-9]) time_year="20$time_year" ;;
+             esac
+         fi
+         case $time_month in
+             1|01) time_monthname='Jan' ;;
+             2|02) time_monthname='Feb' ;;
+             3|03) time_monthname='Mar' ;;
+             4|04) time_monthname='Apr' ;;
+             5|05) time_monthname='May' ;;
+             6|06) time_monthname='Jun' ;;
+             7|07) time_monthname='Jul' ;;
+             8|08) time_monthname='Aug' ;;
+             9|09) time_monthname='Sep' ;;
+               10) time_monthname='Oct' ;;
+               11) time_monthname='Nov' ;;
+               12) time_monthname='Dec' ;;
+         esac
+     fi
+     #   expand special ``%x'' constructs
+     if [ ".$opt_e" = .yes ]; then
+         text=`echo $seo "$text" |\
+               sed -e "s/%B/${term_bold}/g" \
+                   -e "s/%b/${term_norm}/g" \
+                   -e "s/%u/${username}/g" \
+                   -e "s/%U/${userid}/g" \
+                   -e "s/%g/${groupname}/g" \
+                   -e "s/%G/${groupid}/g" \
+                   -e "s/%h/${hostname}/g" \
+                   -e "s/%d/${domainname}/g" \
+                   -e "s/%D/${time_day}/g" \
+                   -e "s/%M/${time_month}/g" \
+                   -e "s/%Y/${time_year}/g" \
+                   -e "s/%m/${time_monthname}/g" 2>/dev/null`
+     fi
+     #   create output
+     if [ .$opt_n = .no ]; then
+         echo $seo "$text"
+     else
+         #   the harder part: echo -n is best, because
+         #   awk may complain about some \xx sequences.
+         if [ ".$minusn" != . ]; then
+             echo $seo $minusn "$text"
+         else
+             echo dummy | awk '{ printf("%s", TEXT); }' TEXT="$text"
+         fi
+     fi
+     ;;
+ mdate )
+     ##
+     ##  mdate -- Pretty-print modification time of a file or dir
+     ##  Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     ##  Originally idea and basis code by Ulrich Drepper
+     ##  Enhanced by Ralf S. Engelschall for shtool
+     ##
+     fod="$1"
+     case "$opt_o" in
+         [dmy][dmy][dmy] )
+             ;;
+         * ) echo "$msgprefix:Error: invalid argument to option \`-o': $opt_o" 1>&2
+             exit 1
+             ;;
+     esac
+     if [ ! -r "$fod" ]; then
+         echo "$msgprefix:Error: file or directory not found: $fod" 1>&2
+         exit 1
+     fi
+     #   prevent "date" giving response in another language
+     LANG=C;    export LANG
+     LC_ALL=C;  export LC_ALL
+     LC_TIME=C; export LC_TIME
+     #   get the extended ls output of the file or directory.
+     if ls -L /dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+         set - x`ls -L -l -d $fod`
+     else
+         set - x`ls -l -d $fod`
+     fi
+     #   The month is at least the fourth argument
+     #   (3 shifts here, the next inside the loop).
+     shift; shift; shift
+     #   Find the month. Next argument is day, followed by the year or time.
+     month=""
+     while [ ".$month" = . ]; do
+         shift
+         case $1 in
+             Jan) month=January;   nummonth=1  ;;
+             Feb) month=February;  nummonth=2  ;;
+             Mar) month=March;     nummonth=3  ;;
+             Apr) month=April;     nummonth=4  ;;
+             May) month=May;       nummonth=5  ;;
+             Jun) month=June;      nummonth=6  ;;
+             Jul) month=July;      nummonth=7  ;;
+             Aug) month=August;    nummonth=8  ;;
+             Sep) month=September; nummonth=9  ;;
+             Oct) month=October;   nummonth=10 ;;
+             Nov) month=November;  nummonth=11 ;;
+             Dec) month=December;  nummonth=12 ;;
+         esac
+     done
+     day="$2"
+     year="$3"
+     #   We finally have to deal with the problem that the "ls" output
+     #   gives either the time of the day or the year.
+     case $year in
+         *:*)
+             this_year=`date '+%Y' 2>/dev/null`
+             if [ ".$this_year" = . ]; then
+                 this_year=`date '+%y'`
+                 case $this_year in
+                     [5-9][0-9]) this_year="19$this_year" ;;
+                     [0-4][0-9]) this_year="20$this_year" ;;
+                 esac
+             fi
+             #   for the following months of the last year the time notation
+             #   is usually also used for files modified in the last year.
+             this_month=`date '+%m'`
+             if (expr $nummonth \> $this_month) >/dev/null; then
+                 this_year=`expr $this_year - 1`
+             fi
+             year="$this_year"
+             ;;
+     esac
+     #   Optionally fill day and month with leeding zeros
+     if [ ".$opt_z" = .yes ]; then
+         case $day in
+             [0-9][0-9] ) ;;
+                  [0-9] ) day="0$day" ;;
+         esac
+         case $nummonth in
+             [0-9][0-9] ) ;;
+                  [0-9] ) nummonth="0$nummonth" ;;
+         esac
+     fi
+     #   Optionally use digits for month
+     if [ ".$opt_d" = .yes ]; then
+         month="$nummonth"
+     fi
+     #   Optionally shorten the month name to three characters
+     if [ ".$opt_s" = .yes ]; then
+         month=`echo $month | cut -c1-3`
+     fi
+     #   Output the resulting date string
+     echo dummy | awk '{
+         for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+             now = substr(order, 1, 1);
+             order = substr(order, 2);
+             if (now == "d")
+                 out = day;
+             else if (now == "m")
+                 out = month;
+             else if (now == "y")
+                 out = year;
+             if (i < 2)
+                 printf("%s%s", out, field);
+             else
+                 printf("%s", out);
+         }
+         if (newline != "yes")
+             printf("\n");
+     }' "day=$day" "month=$month" "year=$year" \
+        "field=$opt_f" "order=$opt_o" "newline=$opt_n"
+     ;;
+ table )
+     ##
+     ##  table -- Pretty-print a field-separated list as a table
+     ##  Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+     ##  Originally written for Apache
+     ##
+     if [ $opt_c -gt 4 ]; then
+         echo "$msgprefix:Error: Invalid number of colums (1..4 allowed only)" 1>&2
+         exit 1
+     fi
+     case "x$opt_F" in
+         x? ) ;;
+         *  ) echo "$msgprefix:Error: Invalid separator (one char allowed only)" 1>&2; exit 1 ;;
+     esac
+     #   split the list into a table
+     list=`
+         IFS="$opt_F"
+         for entry in $*; do
+             if [ ".$entry" != . ]; then
+                 echo "$entry"
+             fi
+         done |\
+         awk "
+             BEGIN { list = \"\"; n = 0; }
+             {
+                 list = list \\$1;
+                 n = n + 1;
+                 if (n < $opt_c) {
+                     list = list \":\";
+                 }
+                 if (n == $opt_c) {
+                     list = list \"\\n\";
+                     n = 0;
+                 }
+             }
+             END { print list; }
+          "
+     `
+     #   format table cells and make sure table
+     #   doesn't exceed maximum width
+     OIFS="$IFS"
+     IFS='
+ '
+     for entry in $list; do
+         case $opt_c in
+             1 ) eval "echo \"\${entry}\" | awk -F: '{ printf(\"%-${opt_w}s\\n\", \$1); }'" ;;
+             2 ) eval "echo \"\${entry}\" | awk -F: '{ printf(\"%-${opt_w}s %-${opt_w}s\\n\", \$1, \$2); }'" ;;
+             3 ) eval "echo \"\${entry}\" | awk -F: '{ printf(\"%-${opt_w}s %-${opt_w}s %-${opt_w}s\\n\", \$1, \$2, \$3); }'" ;;
+             4 ) eval "echo \"\${entry}\" | awk -F: '{ printf(\"%-${opt_w}s %-${opt_w}s %-${opt_w}s %-${opt_w}s\\n\", \$1, \$2, \$3, \$4); }'" ;;
+         esac
+     done |\
+     awk "{
+         if (length(\$0) > $opt_s) {
+             printf(\"%s\\n\", substr(\$0, 0, $opt_s-1));
+         } else {
+             print \$0;
+         }
+     }"
+     IFS="$OIFS"
+     ;;
+ prop )
+     ##
+     ##  prop -- Display progress with a running propeller
+     ##  Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+     ##  Originally written for mod_ssl
+     ##
+     perl=''
+     for dir in `echo $PATH | sed -e 's/:/ /g'` .; do
+         if [ -f "$dir/perl" ]; then
+             perl="$dir/perl"
+             break
+         fi
+     done
+     if [ ".$perl" != . ]; then
+         #   Perl is preferred because writing to STDERR in
+         #   Perl really writes immediately as one would expect
+         $perl -e '
+             @p = ("|","/","-","\\");
+             $i = 0;
+             while (<STDIN>) {
+                 printf(STDERR "\r%s...%s\b", $ARGV[0], $p[$i++]);
+                 $i = 0 if ($i > 3);
+             }
+             printf(STDERR "\r%s    \n", $ARGV[0]);
+         ' "$opt_p"
+     else
+         #   But if Perl doesn't exists we use Awk even
+         #   some Awk's buffer even the /dev/stderr writing :-(
+         awk '
+             BEGIN {
+                 split("|#/#-#\\", p, "#");
+                 i = 1;
+             }
+             {
+                 printf("\r%s%c\b", prefix, p[i++]) > "/dev/stderr";
+                 if (i > 4) { i = 1; }
+             }
+             END {
+                 printf("\r%s    \n", prefix) > "/dev/stderr";
+             }
+         ' "prefix=$opt_p"
+     fi
+     ;;
+ move )
+     ##
+     ##  move -- Move files with simultaneous substitution
+     ##  Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+     ##  Originally written for shtool
+     ##
+     src="$1"
+     dst="$2"
+     #   consistency checks
+     if [ ".$src" = . -o ".$dst" = . ]; then
+         echo "$msgprefix:Error: Invalid arguments" 1>&2
+         exit 1
+     fi
+     if [ ".$src" = ".$dst" ]; then
+         echo "$msgprefix:Error: Source and destination files are the same" 1>&2
+         exit 1
+     fi
+     expsrc="$src"
+     if [ ".$opt_e" = .yes ]; then
+         expsrc="`echo $expsrc`"
+     fi
+     if [ ".$opt_e" = .yes ]; then
+         if [ ".`echo "$src" | sed -e 's;^.*\\*.*$;;'`" = ".$src" ]; then
+             echo "$msgprefix:Error: Source doesn't contain wildcard ('*'): $dst" 1>&2
+             exit 1
+         fi
+         if [ ".`echo "$dst" | sed -e 's;^.*%[1-9].*$;;'`" = ".$dst" ]; then
+             echo "$msgprefix:Error: Destination doesn't contain substitution ('%N'): $dst" 1>&2
+             exit 1
+         fi
+         if [ ".$expsrc" = ".$src" ]; then
+             echo "$msgprefix:Error: Sources not found or no asterisk : $src" 1>&2
+             exit 1
+         fi
+     else
+         if [ ! -r "$src" ]; then
+             echo "$msgprefix:Error: Source not found: $src" 1>&2
+             exit 1
+         fi
+     fi
+     #   determine substitution patterns
+     if [ ".$opt_e" = .yes ]; then
+         srcpat=`echo "$src" | sed -e 's/\\./\\\\./g' -e 's/;/\\;/g' -e 's;\\*;\\\\(.*\\\\);g'`
+         dstpat=`echo "$dst" | sed -e 's;%\([1-9]\);\\\\\1;g'`
+     fi
+     #   iterate over source(s)
+     for onesrc in $expsrc; do
+         if [ .$opt_e = .yes ]; then
+             onedst=`echo $onesrc | sed -e "s;$srcpat;$dstpat;"`
+         else
+             onedst="$dst"
+         fi
+         errorstatus=0
+         if [ ".$opt_v" = .yes ]; then
+             echo "$onesrc -> $onedst"
+         fi
+         if [ ".$opt_p" = .yes ]; then
+             if [ -r $onedst ]; then
+                 if cmp -s $onesrc $onedst; then
+                     if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                         echo "rm -f $onesrc" 1>&2
+                     fi
+                     rm -f $onesrc || errorstatus=$?
+                 else
+                     if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                         echo "mv -f $onesrc $onedst" 1>&2
+                     fi
+                     mv -f $onesrc $onedst || errorstatus=$?
+                 fi
+             else
+                 if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                     echo "mv -f $onesrc $onedst" 1>&2
+                 fi
+                 mv -f $onesrc $onedst || errorstatus=$?
+             fi
+         else
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "mv -f $onesrc $onedst" 1>&2
+             fi
+             mv -f $onesrc $onedst || errorstatus=$?
+         fi
+         if [ $errorstatus -ne 0 ]; then
+             break;
+         fi
+     done
+     exit $errorstatus
+     ;;
+ install )
+     ##
+     ##  install -- Install a program, script or datafile
+     ##  Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+     ##  Originally written for shtool
+     ##
+     #   special case: "shtool install -d <dir> [...]" internally
+     #   maps to "shtool mkdir -f -p -m 755 <dir> [...]"
+     if [ "$opt_d" = yes ]; then
+         cmd="$0 mkdir -f -p -m 755"
+         if [ ".$opt_o" != . ]; then
+             cmd="$cmd -o '$opt_o'"
+         fi
+         if [ ".$opt_g" != . ]; then
+             cmd="$cmd -g '$opt_g'"
+         fi
+         if [ ".$opt_v" = .yes ]; then
+             cmd="$cmd -v"
+         fi
+         if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+             cmd="$cmd -t"
+         fi
+         for dir in "$@"; do
+             eval "$cmd $dir" || exit $?
+         done
+         exit 0
+     fi
+     #   determine source(s) and destination
+     argc=$#
+     srcs=""
+     while [ $# -gt 1 ]; do
+         srcs="$srcs $1"
+         shift
+     done
+     dstpath="$1"
+     #   type check for destination
+     dstisdir=0
+     if [ -d $dstpath ]; then
+         dstpath=`echo "$dstpath" | sed -e 's:/$::'`
+         dstisdir=1
+     fi
+     #   consistency check for destination
+     if [ $argc -gt 2 -a $dstisdir = 0 ]; then
+         echo "$msgprefix:Error: multiple sources require destination to be directory" 1>&2
+         exit 1
+     fi
+     #   iterate over all source(s)
+     for src in $srcs; do
+         dst=$dstpath
+         #   if destination is a directory, append the input filename
+         if [ $dstisdir = 1 ]; then
+             dstfile=`echo "$src" | sed -e 's;.*/\([^/]*\)$;\1;'`
+             dst="$dst/$dstfile"
+         fi
+         #   check for correct arguments
+         if [ ".$src" = ".$dst" ]; then
+             echo "$msgprefix:Warning: source and destination are the same - skipped" 1>&2
+             continue
+         fi
+         if [ -d "$src" ]; then
+             echo "$msgprefix:Warning: source \`$src' is a directory - skipped" 1>&2
+             continue
+         fi
+         #   make a temp file name in the destination directory
+         dsttmp=`echo $dst |\
+                 sed -e 's;[^/]*$;;' -e 's;\(.\)/$;\1;' -e 's;^$;.;' \
+                     -e "s;\$;/#INST@$$#;"`
+         #   verbosity
+         if [ ".$opt_v" = .yes ]; then
+             echo "$src -> $dst" 1>&2
+         fi
+         #   copy or move the file name to the temp name
+         #   (because we might be not allowed to change the source)
+         if [ ".$opt_C" = .yes ]; then
+             opt_c=yes
+         fi
+         if [ ".$opt_c" = .yes ]; then
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "cp $src $dsttmp" 1>&2
+             fi
+             cp $src $dsttmp || exit $?
+         else
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "mv $src $dsttmp" 1>&2
+             fi
+             mv $src $dsttmp || exit $?
+         fi
+         #   adjust the target file
+         if [ ".$opt_e" != . ]; then
+             sed='sed'
+             OIFS="$IFS"; IFS="$ASC_NL"; set -- $opt_e; IFS="$OIFS"
+             for e
+             do
+                 sed="$sed -e '$e'"
+             done
+             cp $dsttmp $dsttmp.old
+             eval "$sed <$dsttmp.old >$dsttmp" || exit $?
+             rm -f $dsttmp.old
+         fi
+         if [ ".$opt_s" = .yes ]; then
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "strip $dsttmp" 1>&2
+             fi
+             strip $dsttmp || exit $?
+         fi
+         if [ ".$opt_o" != . ]; then
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "chown $opt_o $dsttmp" 1>&2
+             fi
+             chown $opt_o $dsttmp || exit $?
+         fi
+         if [ ".$opt_g" != . ]; then
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "chgrp $opt_g $dsttmp" 1>&2
+             fi
+             chgrp $opt_g $dsttmp || exit $?
+         fi
+         if [ ".$opt_m" != ".-" ]; then
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "chmod $opt_m $dsttmp" 1>&2
+             fi
+             chmod $opt_m $dsttmp || exit $?
+         fi
+         #   determine whether to do a quick install
+         #   (has to be done _after_ the strip was already done)
+         quick=no
+         if [ ".$opt_C" = .yes ]; then
+             if [ -r $dst ]; then
+                 if cmp -s $src $dst; then
+                     quick=yes
+                 fi
+             fi
+         fi
+         #   finally, install the file to the real destination
+         if [ $quick = yes ]; then
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "rm -f $dsttmp" 1>&2
+             fi
+             rm -f $dsttmp
+         else
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "rm -f $dst && mv $dsttmp $dst" 1>&2
+             fi
+             rm -f $dst && mv $dsttmp $dst
+         fi
+     done
+     ;;
+ mkdir )
+     ##
+     ##  mkdir -- Make one or more directories
+     ##  Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+     ##  Originally written for public domain by Noah Friedman <friedman@prep.ai.mit.edu>
+     ##  Cleaned up and enhanced for shtool
+     ##
+     errstatus=0
+     for p in ${1+"$@"}; do
+         #   if the directory already exists...
+         if [ -d "$p" ]; then
+             if [ ".$opt_f" = .no -a ".$opt_p" = .no ]; then
+                 echo "$msgprefix:Error: directory already exists: $p" 1>&2
+                 errstatus=1
+                 break
+             else
+                 continue
+             fi
+         fi
+         #   if the directory has to be created...
+         if [ ".$opt_p" = .no ]; then
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "mkdir $p" 1>&2
+             fi
+             mkdir $p || errstatus=$?
+             if [ ".$opt_o" != . ]; then
+                 if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                     echo "chown $opt_o $p" 1>&2
+                 fi
+                 chown $opt_o $p || errstatus=$?
+             fi
+             if [ ".$opt_g" != . ]; then
+                 if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                     echo "chgrp $opt_g $p" 1>&2
+                 fi
+                 chgrp $opt_g $p || errstatus=$?
+             fi
+             if [ ".$opt_m" != . ]; then
+                 if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                     echo "chmod $opt_m $p" 1>&2
+                 fi
+                 chmod $opt_m $p || errstatus=$?
+             fi
+         else
+             #   the smart situation
+             set fnord `echo ":$p" |\
+                        sed -e 's/^:\//%/' \
+                            -e 's/^://' \
+                            -e 's/\// /g' \
+                            -e 's/^%/\//'`
+             shift
+             pathcomp=''
+             for d in ${1+"$@"}; do
+                 pathcomp="$pathcomp$d"
+                 case "$pathcomp" in
+                     -* ) pathcomp="./$pathcomp" ;;
+                 esac
+                 if [ ! -d "$pathcomp" ]; then
+                     if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                         echo "mkdir $pathcomp" 1>&2
+                     fi
+                     mkdir $pathcomp || errstatus=$?
+                     if [ ".$opt_o" != . ]; then
+                         if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                             echo "chown $opt_o $pathcomp" 1>&2
+                         fi
+                         chown $opt_o $pathcomp || errstatus=$?
+                     fi
+                     if [ ".$opt_g" != . ]; then
+                         if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                             echo "chgrp $opt_g $pathcomp" 1>&2
+                         fi
+                         chgrp $opt_g $pathcomp || errstatus=$?
+                     fi
+                     if [ ".$opt_m" != . ]; then
+                         if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                             echo "chmod $opt_m $pathcomp" 1>&2
+                         fi
+                         chmod $opt_m $pathcomp || errstatus=$?
+                     fi
+                 fi
+                 pathcomp="$pathcomp/"
+             done
+         fi
+     done
+     exit $errstatus
+     ;;
+ mkln )
+     ##
+     ##  mkln -- Make link with calculation of relative paths
+     ##  Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+     ##  Originally written for shtool
+     ##
+     args=$?
+     srcs=""
+     while [ $# -gt 1 ]; do
+         srcs="$srcs $1"
+         shift
+     done
+     dst="$1"
+     if [ ! -d $dst ]; then
+         if [ $args -gt 2 ]; then
+             echo "$msgprefix:Error: multiple sources not allowed when target isn't a directory" 1>&2
+             exit 1
+         fi
+     fi
+     #   determine link options
+     lnopt=""
+     if [ ".$opt_f" = .yes ]; then
+         lnopt="$lnopt -f"
+     fi
+     if [ ".$opt_s" = .yes ]; then
+         lnopt="$lnopt -s"
+     fi
+     #   iterate over sources
+     for src in $srcs; do
+         #   determine if one of the paths is an absolute path,
+         #   because then we _have_ to use an absolute symlink
+         oneisabs=0
+         srcisabs=0
+         dstisabs=0
+         case $src in
+             /* ) oneisabs=1; srcisabs=1 ;;
+         esac
+         case $dst in
+             /* ) oneisabs=1; dstisabs=1 ;;
+         esac
+         #   split source and destination into dir and base name
+         if [ -d $src ]; then
+             srcdir=`echo $src | sed -e 's;/*$;;'`
+             srcbase=""
+         else
+             srcdir=`echo  $src | sed -e 's;^[^/]*$;;' -e 's;^\(.*/\)[^/]*$;\1;' -e 's;\(.\)/$;\1;'`
+             srcbase=`echo $src | sed -e 's;.*/\([^/]*\)$;\1;'`
+         fi
+         if [ -d $dst ]; then
+             dstdir=`echo $dst | sed -e 's;/*$;;'`
+             dstbase=""
+         else
+             dstdir=`echo  $dst | sed -e 's;^[^/]*$;;' -e 's;^\(.*/\)[^/]*$;\1;' -e 's;\(.\)/$;\1;'`
+             dstbase=`echo $dst | sed -e 's;.*/\([^/]*\)$;\1;'`
+         fi
+         #   consistency check
+         if [ ".$dstdir" != . ]; then
+             if [ ! -d $dstdir ]; then
+                 echo "$msgprefix:Error: destination directory not found: $dstdir" 1>&2
+                 exit 1
+             fi
+         fi
+         #   make sure the source is reachable from the destination
+         if [ $dstisabs = 1 ]; then
+             if [ $srcisabs = 0 ]; then
+                 if [ -d $srcdir ]; then
+                     srcdir="`cd $srcdir; pwd | sed -e 's;/*$;;'`"
+                     srcisabs=1
+                     oneisabs=1
+                 fi
+             fi
+         fi
+         #   split away a common prefix
+         prefix=""
+         if [ ".$srcdir" = ".$dstdir" -a ".$srcdir" != . ]; then
+             prefix="$srcdir/"
+             srcdir=""
+             dstdir=""
+         else
+             while [ ".$srcdir" != . -a ".$dstdir" != . ]; do
+                 presrc=`echo $srcdir | sed -e 's;^\([^/]*\)/.*;\1;'`
+                 predst=`echo $dstdir | sed -e 's;^\([^/]*\)/.*;\1;'`
+                 if [ ".$presrc" != ".$predst" ]; then
+                     break
+                 fi
+                 prefix="$prefix$presrc/"
+                 srcdir=`echo $srcdir | sed -e 's;^[^/]*/*;;'`
+                 dstdir=`echo $dstdir | sed -e 's;^[^/]*/*;;'`
+             done
+         fi
+         #   destination prefix is just the common prefix
+         dstpre="$prefix"
+         #   determine source prefix which is the reverse directory
+         #   step-up corresponding to the destination directory
+         srcpre=""
+         if [ $oneisabs = 0 ] || [ ".$prefix" != . -a ".$prefix" != ./ ]; then
+             pl="$dstdir/"
+             OIFS="$IFS"; IFS='/'
+             for pe in $pl; do
+                 [ ".$pe" = . ] && continue
+                 srcpre="../$srcpre"
+             done
+             IFS="$OIFS"
+         else
+             if [ $srcisabs = 1 ]; then
+                 srcpre="$prefix"
+             fi
+         fi
+         #   determine destination symlink name
+         if [ ".$dstbase" = . ]; then
+             if [ ".$srcbase" != . ]; then
+                 dstbase="$srcbase"
+             else
+                 dstbase=`echo "$prefix$srcdir" | sed -e 's;/*$;;' -e 's;.*/\([^/]*\)$;\1;'`
+             fi
+         fi
+         #   now finalize source and destination directory paths
+         srcdir=`echo $srcdir | sed -e 's;\([^/]\)$;\1/;'`
+         dstdir=`echo $dstdir | sed -e 's;\([^/]\)$;\1/;'`
+         #   run the final link command
+         if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+             echo "ln$lnopt $srcpre$srcdir$srcbase $dstpre$dstdir$dstbase"
+         fi
+         eval ln$lnopt $srcpre$srcdir$srcbase $dstpre$dstdir$dstbase
+     done
+     ;;
+ mkshadow )
+     ##
+     ##  mkshadow -- Make a shadow tree through symbolic links
+     ##  Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+     ##  Originally written for Apache
+     ##
+     #   source and destination directory
+     src=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's:/$::' -e 's:^\./\(.\):\1:'`
+     dst=`echo "$2" | sed -e 's:/$::' -e 's:^\./\(.\):\1:'`
+     #   check whether source exists
+     if [ ! -d $src ]; then
+         echo "$msgprefix:Error: source directory not found: \`$src'" 1>&2
+         exit 1
+     fi
+     #   determine if one of the paths is an absolute path,
+     #   because then we have to use an absolute symlink
+     oneisabs=0
+     case $src in
+         /* ) oneisabs=1 ;;
+     esac
+     case $dst in
+         /* ) oneisabs=1 ;;
+     esac
+     #   determine reverse directory for destination directory
+     dstrevdir=''
+     if [ $oneisabs = 0 ]; then
+         #   derive reverse path from forward path
+         pwd=`pwd`
+         OIFS="$IFS"; IFS='/'
+         for pe in $dst; do
+             if [ "x$pe" = "x.." ]; then
+                 OIFS2="$IFS"; IFS="$DIFS"
+                 eval `echo "$pwd" |\
+                       sed -e 's:\([^/]*\)$:; dir="\1":' \
+                           -e 's:^\(.*\)/[^/]*;:pwd="\1";:'\
+                           -e 's:^;:pwd="";:'`
+                 dstrevdir="$dir/$dstrevdir"
+                 IFS="$OIFS2"
+             else
+                 dstrevdir="../$dstrevdir"
+             fi
+         done
+         IFS="$OIFS"
+     else
+         src="`cd $src; pwd`";
+     fi
+     #   create directory tree at destination
+     if [ ! -d $dst ]; then
+         if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+             echo "mkdir $dst" 1>&2
+         fi
+         mkdir $dst
+     fi
+     if [ ".$opt_a" = .yes ]; then
+         DIRS=`cd $src; find . -type d -print |\
+               sed -e '/^\.$/d' -e 's:^\./::'`
+     else
+         DIRS=`cd $src; find . -type d -print |\
+               sed -e '/\/CVS/d' -e '/^\.$/d' -e 's:^\./::'`
+     fi
+     for dir in $DIRS; do
+         if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+             echo "mkdir $dst/$dir" 1>&2
+         fi
+         mkdir $dst/$dir
+     done
+     #   fill directory tree with symlinks to files
+     if [ ".$opt_a" = .yes ]; then
+         FILES="`cd $src; find . -depth -print |\
+                 sed -e 's/^\.\///'`"
+     else
+         FILES="`cd $src; find . -depth -print |\
+                 sed -e '/\.o$/d' -e '/\.a$/d' -e '/\.so$/d' \
+                     -e '/\.cvsignore$/d' -e '/\/CVS/d' \
+                     -e '/\/\.#/d' -e '/\.orig$/d' \
+                     -e 's/^\.\///'`"
+     fi
+     for file in $FILES; do
+          #  don't use `-type f' above for find because of symlinks
+          if [ -d "$src/$file" ]; then
+              continue
+          fi
+          basename=`echo $file | sed -e 's:^.*/::'`
+          dir=`echo $file | sed -e 's:[^/]*$::' -e 's:/$::' -e 's:$:/:' -e 's:^/$::'`
+          from=`echo "$src/$file" | sed -e 's/^\.\///'`
+          to="$dst/$dir$basename"
+          if [ $oneisabs = 0 ]; then
+              if [ ".$dir" != . ]; then
+                  subdir=`echo $dir | sed -e 's:/$::'`
+                  #   derive reverse path from forward path
+                  revdir=''
+                  OIFS="$IFS"; IFS='/'
+                  for pe in $subdir; do
+                      revdir="../$revdir"
+                  done
+                  IFS="$OIFS"
+                  #   finalize from
+                  from="$revdir$from"
+              fi
+              from="$dstrevdir$from"
+          fi
+          if [ ".$opt_v" = .yes ]; then
+              echo "    $to" 1>&2
+          fi
+          if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+              echo "ln -s $from $to" 1>&2
+          fi
+          ln -s $from $to
+     done
+     ;;
+ fixperm )
+     ##
+     ##  fixperm -- Fix file permissions inside a source tree
+     ##  Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+     ##  Originally written for ePerl
+     ##
+     paths="$*"
+     #   check whether the test command supports the -x option
+     if [ -x /bin/sh ] 2>/dev/null; then
+         minusx="-x"
+     else
+         minusx="-r"
+     fi
+     #   iterate over paths
+     for p in $paths; do
+         for file in `find $p -depth -print`; do
+             if [ -f $file ]; then
+                 if [ $minusx $file ]; then
+                     if [ ".$opt_v" = .yes ]; then
+                         echo "-rwxrwxr-x $file" 2>&1
+                     fi
+                     if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                         echo "chmod 775 $file" 2>&1
+                     fi
+                     chmod 775 $file
+                 else
+                     if [ ".$opt_v" = .yes ]; then
+                         echo "-rw-rw-r-- $file" 2>&1
+                     fi
+                     if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                         echo "chmod 664 $file" 2>&1
+                     fi
+                     chmod 664 $file
+                 fi
+                 continue
+             fi
+             if [ -d $file ]; then
+                 if [ ".$opt_v" = .yes ]; then
+                     echo "drwxrwxr-x $file" 2>&1
+                 fi
+                 if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                     echo "chmod 775 $file" 2>&1
+                 fi
+                 chmod 775 $file
+                 continue
+             fi
+             if [ ".$opt_v" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "?????????? $file" 2>&1
+             fi
+         done
+     done
+     ;;
+ rotate )
+     ##
+     ##  rotate -- Logfile rotation
+     ##  Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+     ##  Originally written for use in OpenPKG
+     ##
+     #   make sure we have at least one file to rotate
+     if [ ".$opt_n" = .0 ]; then
+         echo "$msgprefix:Error: invalid argument \`$opt_n' to option -n." 1>&2
+         exit 1
+     fi
+     #   canonicalize -s option argument
+     if [ ".$opt_s" != . ]; then
+         if [ ".`expr $opt_s : '[0-9]*$'`" != .0 ]; then
+             :
+         elif [ ".`expr $opt_s : '[0-9]*[Kk]$'`" != .0 ]; then
+             opt_s=`expr $opt_s : '\([0-9]*\)[Kk]$'`
+             opt_s=`expr $opt_s \* 1024`
+         elif [ ".`expr $opt_s : '[0-9]*[Mm]$'`" != .0 ]; then
+             opt_s=`expr $opt_s : '\([0-9]*\)[Mm]$'`
+             opt_s=`expr $opt_s \* 1048576` # 1024*1024
+         elif [ ".`expr $opt_s : '[0-9]*[Gg]$'`" != .0 ]; then
+             opt_s=`expr $opt_s : '\([0-9]*\)[Gg]$'`
+             opt_s=`expr $opt_s \* 1073741824` # 1024*1024*1024
+         else
+             echo "$msgprefix:Error: invalid argument \`$opt_s' to option -s." 1>&2
+             exit 1
+         fi
+     fi
+     #   option -d/-z consistency
+     if [ ".$opt_d" = .yes -a ".$opt_z" = . ]; then
+         echo "$msgprefix:Error: option -d requires option -z." 1>&2
+         exit 1
+     fi
+     #   make sure target directory exists
+     if [ ".$opt_a" != . ]; then
+         if [ ! -d $opt_a ]; then
+             if [ ".$opt_f" = .no ]; then
+                 echo "$msgprefix:Error: archive directory \`$opt_a' does not exist." 1>&2
+                 exit 1
+             fi
+             mkdir $opt_a || exit $?
+             chmod 755 $opt_a
+         fi
+         if [ ! -w $opt_a ]; then
+             echo "$msgprefix:Error: archive directory \`$opt_a' not writable." 1>&2
+             exit 1
+         fi
+     fi
+     #   determine compression approach
+     if [ ".$opt_z" != . ]; then
+         comp_lvl="$opt_z"
+         comp_prg=""
+         case $comp_lvl in
+             *:* ) eval `echo $comp_lvl |\
+                         sed -e 's%^\(.*\):\(.*\)$%comp_prg="\1"; comp_lvl="\2"%'` ;;
+         esac
+         #   compression level consistency
+         case $comp_lvl in
+             [0-9] )
+                 ;;
+             * ) echo "$msgprefix:Error: invalid compression level \`$comp_lvl'" 1>&2
+                 exit 1
+                 ;;
+         esac
+         #   determine a suitable compression tool
+         if [ ".$comp_prg" = . ]; then
+             #   check whether the test command supports the -x option
+             if [ -x /bin/sh ] 2>/dev/null; then
+                 minusx="-x"
+             else
+                 minusx="-r"
+             fi
+             #   search for tools in $PATH
+             paths="`echo $PATH |\
+                     sed -e 's%/*:%:%g' -e 's%/*$%%' \
+                         -e 's/^:/.:/' -e 's/::/:.:/g' -e 's/:$/:./' \
+                         -e 's/:/ /g'`"
+             for prg in bzip2 gzip compress; do
+                 for path in $paths; do
+                     if [ $minusx "$path/$prg" -a ! -d "$path/$prg" ]; then
+                         comp_prg="$prg"
+                         break
+                     fi
+                 done
+                 if [ ".$comp_prg" != . ]; then
+                     break
+                 fi
+             done
+             if [ ".$comp_prg" = . ]; then
+                 echo "$msgprefix:Error: no suitable compression tool found in \$PATH" 1>&2
+                 exit 1
+             fi
+         fi
+         #   determine standard compression extension
+         #   and make sure it is a known tool
+         case $comp_prg in
+             */bzip2    | bzip2    ) comp_ext="bz2" comp_lvl="-$comp_lvl" ;;
+             */gzip     | gzip     ) comp_ext="gz"  comp_lvl="-$comp_lvl" ;;
+             */compress | compress ) comp_ext="Z";  comp_lvl=""           ;;
+             * ) echo "$msgprefix:Error: tool \`$comp_prg' is not a known compression tool" 1>&2
+                 exit 1
+                 ;;
+         esac
+         comp_suf=".$comp_ext"
+     fi
+     #   iterate over all given logfile arguments
+     for file in $*; do
+         #   make sure the logfile exists
+         if [ ! -f $file ]; then
+             if [ ".$opt_f" = .yes ]; then
+                 continue
+             fi
+             echo "$msgprefix:Error: logfile \`$file' not found" 1>&2
+             exit 1
+         fi
+         #   determine log directory (where original logfile is placed)
+         ldir="."
+         case $file in
+             */* ) eval `echo $file | sed -e 's%^\(.*\)/\([^/]*\)$%ldir="\1"; file="\2";%'` ;;
+         esac
+         #   determine archive directory (where rotated logfiles are placed)
+         adir="$ldir"
+         if [ ".$opt_a" != . ]; then
+             case "$opt_a" in
+                 /* | ./* ) adir="$opt_a" ;;
+                 * ) adir="$ldir/$opt_a"  ;;
+             esac
+         fi
+         #   optionally take logfile size into account
+         if [ ".$opt_s" != . ]; then
+             #   determine size of logfile
+             set -- `ls -l $ldir/$file | sed -e 's; -> .*$;;' -e 's;[   ][      ]*; ;g'`
+             n=`expr $# - 4`
+             eval "size=\`echo \${$n}\`"
+             #   skip logfile if size is still too small
+             if [ $size -lt $opt_s ]; then
+                 if [ ".$opt_v" = .yes ]; then
+                     echo "$ldir/$file: still too small in size -- skipping"
+                 fi
+                 continue
+             fi
+         fi
+         #   verbosity
+         if [ ".$opt_v" = .yes ]; then
+             echo "rotating $ldir/$file"
+         fi
+         #   execute prolog
+         if [ ".$opt_P" != . ]; then
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "$opt_P"
+             fi
+             eval $opt_P
+             [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit $?
+         fi
+         #   kick away out-rotated logfile
+         n=`expr $opt_n - 1`
+         n=`echo dummy | awk "{ printf(\"%0${opt_p}d\", n); }" n=$n`
+         if [ -f "${adir}/${file}.${n}${comp_suf}" ]; then
+             #   optionally migrate away the out-rotated logfile
+             if [ ".$opt_M" != . ]; then
+                 if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                     echo "$opt_M ${adir}/${file}.${n}${comp_suf}"
+                 fi
+                 eval "$opt_M ${adir}/${file}.${n}${comp_suf}"
+                 [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit $?
+             fi
+             #   finally get rid of the out-rotated logfile
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "rm -f ${adir}/${file}.${n}${comp_suf}"
+             fi
+             rm -f ${adir}/${file}.${n}${comp_suf} || exit $?
+         fi
+         #   rotate already archived logfiles
+         while [ $n -gt 0 ]; do
+             m=$n
+             n=`expr $n - 1`
+             n=`echo dummy | awk "{ printf(\"%0${opt_p}d\", n); }" n=$n`
+             if [ $n -eq 0 -a ".$opt_d" = .yes ]; then
+                 #   special case: first rotation file under delayed compression situation
+                 if [ ! -f "${adir}/${file}.${n}" ]; then
+                     continue
+                 fi
+                 #   compress file (delayed)
+                 if [ ".$opt_b" = .yes ]; then
+                     if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                         echo "mv ${adir}/${file}.${n} ${adir}/${file}.${m}"
+                     fi
+                     mv ${adir}/${file}.${n} ${adir}/${file}.${m} || exit $?
+                     if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                         echo "(${comp_prg} ${comp_lvl} <${adir}/${file}.${m} >${adir}/${file}.${m}${comp_suf}; rm -f ${adir}/${file}.${m}) &"
+                     fi
+                     ( ${comp_prg} ${comp_lvl} \
+                           <${adir}/${file}.${m} \
+                           >${adir}/${file}.${m}${comp_suf} || exit $?
+                       rm -f ${adir}/${file}.${m} || exit $?
+                     ) </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
+                 else
+                     if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                         echo "${comp_prg} ${comp_lvl} <${adir}/${file}.${n} >${adir}/${file}.${m}${comp_suf}"
+                     fi
+                     ${comp_prg} ${comp_lvl} \
+                         <${adir}/${file}.${n} \
+                         >${adir}/${file}.${m}${comp_suf} || exit $?
+                     if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                         echo "rm -f ${adir}/${file}.${n}"
+                     fi
+                     rm -f ${adir}/${file}.${n} || exit $?
+                 fi
+                 #   fix file attributes
+                 if [ ".$opt_o" != . ]; then
+                     if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                         echo "chown $opt_o ${adir}/${file}.${m}${comp_suf}"
+                     fi
+                     chown $opt_o ${adir}/${file}.${m}${comp_suf} || exit $?
+                 fi
+                 if [ ".$opt_g" != . ]; then
+                     if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                         echo "chgrp $opt_g ${adir}/${file}.${m}${comp_suf}"
+                     fi
+                     chgrp $opt_g ${adir}/${file}.${m}${comp_suf} || exit $?
+                 fi
+                 if [ ".$opt_m" != . ]; then
+                     if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                         echo "chmod $opt_m ${adir}/${file}.${m}${comp_suf}"
+                     fi
+                     chmod $opt_m ${adir}/${file}.${m}${comp_suf} || exit $?
+                 fi
+             else
+                 #   standard case: second and following rotation file
+                 if [ ! -f "${adir}/${file}.${n}${comp_suf}" ]; then
+                     continue
+                 fi
+                 if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                     echo "mv ${adir}/${file}.${n}${comp_suf} ${adir}/${file}.${m}${comp_suf}"
+                 fi
+                 mv ${adir}/${file}.${n}${comp_suf} ${adir}/${file}.${m}${comp_suf} || exit $?
+             fi
+         done
+         #   move away current logfile
+         if [ ".$opt_c" = .yes ]; then
+             #   approach: copy[+truncate]
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "cp -p ${ldir}/${file} ${adir}/${file}.${n}"
+             fi
+             cp -p ${ldir}/${file} ${adir}/${file}.${n} || exit $?
+             if [ ".$opt_r" = .no ]; then
+                 if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                     echo "cp /dev/null ${ldir}/${file}"
+                 fi
+                 cp /dev/null ${ldir}/${file} || exit $?
+             fi
+         else
+             #   approach: move[+touch]
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "mv ${ldir}/${file} ${adir}/${file}.${n}"
+             fi
+             mv ${ldir}/${file} ${adir}/${file}.${n} || exit $?
+             if [ ".$opt_r" = .no ]; then
+                 if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                     echo "touch ${ldir}/${file}"
+                 fi
+                 touch ${ldir}/${file} || exit $?
+                 #   fix file attributes
+                 if [ ".$opt_o" != . ]; then
+                     if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                         echo "chown $opt_o ${ldir}/${file}"
+                     fi
+                     chown $opt_o ${ldir}/${file} || exit $?
+                 fi
+                 if [ ".$opt_g" != . ]; then
+                     if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                         echo "chgrp $opt_g ${ldir}/${file}"
+                     fi
+                     chgrp $opt_g ${ldir}/${file} || exit $?
+                 fi
+                 if [ ".$opt_m" != . ]; then
+                     if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                         echo "chmod $opt_m ${ldir}/${file}"
+                     fi
+                     chmod $opt_m ${ldir}/${file} || exit $?
+                 fi
+             fi
+         fi
+         #   regular compression step
+         if [ ".$opt_z" != . -a ".$opt_d" = .no ]; then
+             #   compress file
+             if [ ".$opt_b" = .yes ]; then
+                 if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                     echo "(${comp_prg} ${comp_lvl} <${adir}/${file}.${n} >${adir}/${file}.${n}${comp_suf}; rm -f ${adir}/${file}.${n}) &"
+                 fi
+                 ( ${comp_prg} ${comp_lvl} \
+                       <${adir}/${file}.${n} \
+                       >${adir}/${file}.${n}${comp_suf} || exit $?
+                   rm -f ${adir}/${file}.${n} || exit $?
+                 ) </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
+             else
+                 if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                     echo "${comp_prg} ${comp_lvl} <${adir}/${file}.${n} >${adir}/${file}.${n}${comp_suf}"
+                 fi
+                 ${comp_prg} ${comp_lvl} \
+                     <${adir}/${file}.${n} \
+                     >${adir}/${file}.${n}${comp_suf} || exit $?
+                 if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                     echo "rm -f ${opt_a}${file}.${n}"
+                 fi
+                 rm -f ${adir}/${file}.${n} || exit $?
+             fi
+             #   fix file attributes
+             if [ ".$opt_o" != . ]; then
+                 if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                     echo "chown $opt_o ${adir}/${file}.${n}${comp_suf}"
+                 fi
+                 chown $opt_o ${adir}/${file}.${n}${comp_suf} || exit $?
+             fi
+             if [ ".$opt_g" != . ]; then
+                 if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                     echo "chgrp $opt_g ${adir}/${file}.${n}${comp_suf}"
+                 fi
+                 chgrp $opt_g ${adir}/${file}.${n}${comp_suf} || exit $?
+             fi
+             if [ ".$opt_m" != . ]; then
+                 if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                     echo "chmod $opt_m ${adir}/${file}.${n}${comp_suf}"
+                 fi
+                 chmod $opt_m ${adir}/${file}.${n}${comp_suf} || exit $?
+             fi
+         fi
+         #   execute epilog
+         if [ ".$opt_E" != . ]; then
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "$opt_E"
+             fi
+             eval $opt_E
+             [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit $?
+         fi
+     done
+     ;;
+ tarball )
+     ##
+     ##  tarball -- Roll distribution tarballs
+     ##  Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+     ##  Originally written for shtool
+     ##
+     srcs="$*"
+     #   check whether the test command supports the -x option
+     if [ -x /bin/sh ] 2>/dev/null; then
+         minusx="-x"
+     else
+         minusx="-r"
+     fi
+     #   find the tools
+     paths="`echo $PATH |\
+             sed -e 's%/*:%:%g' -e 's%/*$%%' \
+                 -e 's/^:/.:/' -e 's/::/:.:/g' -e 's/:$/:./' \
+                 -e 's/:/ /g'`"
+     for spec in find:gfind,find tar:gtar,tar tardy:tardy,tarcust; do
+         prg=`echo $spec | sed -e 's/:.*$//'`
+         tools=`echo $spec | sed -e 's/^.*://'`
+         eval "prg_${prg}=''"
+         #   iterate over tools
+         for tool in `echo $tools | sed -e 's/,/ /g'`; do
+             #   iterate over paths
+             for path in $paths; do
+                 if [ $minusx "$path/$tool" -a ! -d "$path/$tool" ]; then
+                     eval "prg_${prg}=\"$path/$tool\""
+                     break
+                 fi
+             done
+             eval "val=\$prg_${prg}"
+             if [ ".$val" != . ]; then
+                 break
+             fi
+         done
+     done
+     #   expand source paths
+     exclude=''
+     for pat in `echo $opt_e | sed 's/,/ /g'`; do
+         exclude="$exclude | grep -v '$pat'"
+     done
+     if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+         echo "cp /dev/null $tmpfile.lst" 1>&2
+     fi
+     cp /dev/null $tmpfile.lst
+     for src in $srcs; do
+         if [ -d $src ]; then
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "(cd $src && $prg_find . -type f -depth -print) | sed -e 's:^\\.\$::' -e 's:^\\./::' | cat $exclude >>$tmpfile.lst" 1>&2
+             fi
+             (cd $src && $prg_find . -type f -depth -print) |\
+             sed -e 's:^\.$::' -e 's:^\./::' | eval cat $exclude >>$tmpfile.lst
+         else
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "echo $src >>$tmpfile.lst" 1>&2
+             fi
+             echo $src >>$tmpfile.lst
+         fi
+     done
+     sort <$tmpfile.lst >$tmpfile.lst.n
+     mv $tmpfile.lst.n $tmpfile.lst
+     if [ ".$opt_v" = .yes ]; then
+         cat $tmpfile.lst | sed -e 's/^/  /' 1>&2
+     fi
+     #   determine tarball file and directory name
+     if [ ".$opt_o" != . ]; then
+         tarfile="$opt_o"
+         if [ ".$opt_d" != . ]; then
+             tarname="$opt_d"
+         else
+             tarname=`echo $tarfile | sed -e 's/\.tar.*$//' -e 's;.*/\([^/]*\)$;\1;'`
+         fi
+     else
+         if [ ".$opt_d" != . ]; then
+             tarname="$opt_d"
+         elif [ -d "$from" ]; then
+             tarname=`echo $from | sed -e 's;.*/\([^/]*\)$;\1;'`
+         else
+             tarname="out"
+         fi
+         tarfile="$tarname.tar"
+     fi
+     #   roll the tarball
+     compress=''
+     if [ ".$opt_c" != . ]; then
+         compress="| $opt_c"
+     fi
+     if [ ".$prg_tardy" != . ]; then
+         #   the elegant hackers way
+         tardy_opt="--prefix=$tarname"
+         tardy_opt="$tardy_opt --user_number=0 --group_number=0" # security!
+         if [ ".$opt_u" != . ]; then
+             tardy_opt="$tardy_opt --user_name=$opt_u"
+         fi
+         if [ ".$opt_g" != . ]; then
+             tardy_opt="$tardy_opt --group_name=$opt_g"
+         fi
+         if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+             echo "cat $tmpfile.lst | xargs $prg_tar cf - | $prg_tardy $tardy_opt | cat $compress >$tmpfile.out" 1>&2
+         fi
+         cat $tmpfile.lst |\
+         xargs $prg_tar cf - |\
+         $prg_tardy $tardy_opt |\
+         eval cat $compress >$tmpfile.out
+         if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+             echo "cp $tmpfile.out $tarfile" 1>&2
+         fi
+         cp $tmpfile.out $tarfile
+     else
+         #  the portable standard way
+         if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+             echo "mkdir $tmpdir/$tarname" 1>&2
+         fi
+         mkdir $tmpdir/$tarname || exit 1
+         if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+             echo "cat $tmpfile.lst | xargs $prg_tar cf - | (cd $tmpdir/$tarname && $prg_tar xf -)" 1>&2
+         fi
+         cat $tmpfile.lst |\
+         xargs $prg_tar cf - |\
+         (cd $tmpdir/$tarname && $prg_tar xf -)
+         if [ ".$opt_u" != . ]; then
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "chown -R $opt_u $tmpdir/$tarname >/dev/null 2>&1" 2>&1
+             fi
+             chown -R $opt_u $tmpdir/$tarname >/dev/null 2>&1 ||\
+             echo "$msgprefix:Warning: cannot set user name \`$opt_u' (would require root priviledges)"
+         fi
+         if [ ".$opt_g" != . ]; then
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "chgrp -R $opt_g $tmpdir/$tarname >/dev/null 2>&1" 2>&1
+             fi
+             chgrp -R $opt_g $tmpdir/$tarname >/dev/null 2>&1 ||\
+             echo "$msgprefix:Warning: cannot set group name \`$opt_g' (would require root priviledges)"
+         fi
+         if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+             echo "(cd $tmpdir && $prg_find $tarname -type f -depth -print | sort | xargs $prg_tar cf -) | cat $compress >$tmpfile.out" 1>&2
+         fi
+         (cd $tmpdir && $prg_find $tarname -type f -depth -print | sort | xargs $prg_tar cf -) |\
+         eval cat $compress >$tmpfile.out
+         if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+             echo "cp $tmpfile.out $tarfile" 1>&2
+         fi
+         cp $tmpfile.out $tarfile
+         if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+             echo "rm -rf $tmpdir/$tarname" 1>&2
+         fi
+         rm -rf $tmpdir/$tarname
+     fi
+     #   cleanup
+     if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+         echo "rm -f $tmpfile.lst $tmpfile.out" 1>&2
+     fi
+     rm -f $tmpfile.lst $tmpfile.out
+     ;;
+ subst )
+     ##
+     ##  subst -- Apply sed(1) substitution operations
+     ##  Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+     ##  Originally written for OpenPKG's rpmtool
+     ##
+     #   remember optional list of file(s)
+     files="$*"
+     #   parameter consistency check
+     if [ $# -eq 0 -a ".$opt_b" != . ]; then
+         echo "$msgprefix:Error: option -b cannot be applied to stdin" 1>&2
+         exit 1
+     fi
+     if [ $# -eq 0 -a ".$opt_s" = .yes ]; then
+         echo "$msgprefix:Error: option -s cannot be applied to stdin" 1>&2
+         exit 1
+     fi
+     #   build underlying sed(1) command
+     sedcmd='sed'
+     if [ ".$opt_e" != . ]; then
+         OIFS="$IFS"; IFS="$ASC_NL"; set -- $opt_e; IFS="$OIFS"
+         for e
+         do
+             sedcmd="$sedcmd -e '$e'" 
+         done
+     elif [ ".$opt_f" != . ]; then
+         if [ ! -f $opt_f ]; then
+             echo "$msgprefix:Error: command file \`$opt_f' not found or not a regular file" 1>&2
+             exit 1
+         fi
+         sedcmd="$sedcmd -f '$opt_f'"
+     else
+         echo "$msgprefix:Error: either -e option(s) or -f option required" 1>&2
+         exit 1
+     fi
+     #   determine extension for original file
+     orig=".orig"
+     if [ ".$opt_b" != . ]; then
+         orig="$opt_b"
+     fi
+     #   apply sed(1) operation(s)
+     if [ ".$files" != . ]; then
+         #   apply operation(s) to files
+         for file in $files; do
+             test ".$file" = . && continue
+             if [ ! -f $file ]; then
+                 echo "$msgprefix:Warning: file \`$file' not found or not a regular file" 1>&2
+                 continue
+             fi
+             #   handle interactive mode
+             if [ ".$opt_i" = .yes ]; then
+                 eval "$sedcmd <$file >$file.new"
+                 skip=no
+                 if cmp $file $file.new >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+                     rm -f $file.new
+                     skip=yes
+                 else
+                     (diff -U1 $file $file.new >$tmpfile) 2>/dev/null
+                     if [ ".`cat $tmpfile`" = . ]; then
+                         (diff -C1 $file $file.new >$tmpfile) 2>/dev/null
+                         if [ ".`cat $tmpfile`" = . ]; then
+                             echo "$msgprefix:Warning: unable to show difference for file \`$file'" 1>&2
+                             cp /dev/null $tmpfile
+                         fi
+                     fi
+                     rm -f $file.new
+                     cat $tmpfile
+                     echo dummy | awk '{ printf("%s", TEXT); }' TEXT=">>> Apply [Y/n]: "
+                     read input
+                     if [ ".$input" != .Y ] &&\
+                        [ ".$input" != .y ] &&\
+                        [ ".$input" != . ]; then
+                        skip=yes
+                     fi
+                 fi
+                 if [ ".$skip" = .yes ]; then
+                     if [ ".$opt_v" = .yes ]; then
+                         echo "file \`$file' -- skipped" 1>&2
+                     fi
+                     continue
+                 fi
+             fi
+             #   apply sed(1) operation(s)
+             if [ ".$opt_v" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "patching \`$file'" 1>&2
+             fi
+             if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                 echo "\$ cp -p $file $file$orig"
+                 echo "\$ $sedcmd <$file$orig >$file"
+             fi
+             if [ ".$opt_n" = .no ]; then
+                 cp -p $file $file$orig
+                 eval "$sedcmd <$file$orig >$file"
+             fi
+             #   optionally fix timestamp
+             if [ ".$opt_s" = .yes ]; then
+                 if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                     echo "\$ touch -r $file$orig $file"
+                 fi
+                 if [ ".$opt_n" = .no ]; then
+                     touch -r $file$orig $file
+                 fi
+             fi
+             #   optionally remove preserved original file
+             if [ ".$opt_b" = . ]; then
+                 if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                     echo "\$ rm -f $file$orig"
+                 fi
+                 if [ ".$opt_n" = .no ]; then
+                     rm -f $file$orig
+                 fi
+             fi
+         done
+     else
+         #   apply operation(s) to stdin/stdout
+         if [ ".$opt_v" = .yes ]; then
+             echo "patching <stdin>" 1>&2
+         fi
+         if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+             echo "\$ $sedcmd"
+         fi
+         if [ ".$opt_n" = .no ]; then
+             eval "$sedcmd"
+         fi
+     fi
+     ;;
+ guessos )
+     ##
+     ##  guessos -- Simple operating system guesser
+     ##  Copyright (c) 1996-1999 The Apache Group, http://www.apache.org/
+     ##  The Apache license applies (see http://www.apache.org/docs/LICENSE)
+     ##  Originally written for Apache
+     ##
+     MACHINE=`(uname -m) 2>/dev/null` || MACHINE=`(uname -p) 2>/dev/null` || MACHINE="unknown"
+     RELEASE=`(uname -r) 2>/dev/null` || RELEASE="unknown"
+      SYSTEM=`(uname -s) 2>/dev/null` ||  SYSTEM="unknown"
+     VERSION=`(uname -v) 2>/dev/null` || VERSION="unknown"
+     XREL=`(uname -X) 2>/dev/null | grep "^Release" | awk '{print $3}'`
+     if [ "x$XREL" != "x" ]; then
+         if [ -f /etc/kconfig ]; then
+             case "$XREL" in
+                 4.0|4.1) echo "${MACHINE}-whatever-isc4"; exit 0 ;;
+             esac
+         else
+         case "$XREL" in
+             3.2v4.2)
+                 echo "whatever-whatever-sco3"; exit 0
+                 ;;
+             3.2v5.0*)
+                 echo "whatever-whatever-sco5"; exit 0
+                 ;;
+             4.2MP)
+                 if [ "x$VERSION" = "x2.1.1" ]; then
+                     echo "${MACHINE}-whatever-unixware211"; exit 0
+                 elif [ "x$VERSION" = "x2.1.2" ]; then
+                     echo "${MACHINE}-whatever-unixware212"; exit 0
+                 else
+                     echo "${MACHINE}-whatever-unixware2"; exit 0
+                 fi
+                 ;;
+             4.2)
+                 echo "whatever-whatever-unixware1"; exit 0
+                 ;;
+             5)
+                 case "$VERSION" in
+                     7*) echo "${MACHINE}-whatever-unixware7"; exit 0 ;;
+                 esac
+                 ;;
+         esac
+         fi
+     fi
+     case "${SYSTEM}:${RELEASE}:${VERSION}:${MACHINE}" in
+         MiNT:*)
+             echo "m68k-atari-mint"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         A/UX:*)
+             echo "m68k-apple-aux3"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         AIX:*)
+             MACH=`echo $MACHINE | sed -e 's;[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F];;'`
+             echo "${MACH}-ibm-aix${VERSION}.${RELEASE}"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         dgux:*)
+             echo "${MACHINE}-dg-dgux"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         HI-UX:*)
+             echo "${MACHINE}-hi-hiux"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         HP-UX:*)
+             HPUXVER=`echo ${RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*.[0B]*//'`
+             MACHINE=`echo ${MACHINE}|sed -e 's:/:_:'`
+             echo "${MACHINE}-hp-hpux${HPUXVER}"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         IRIX:*)
+             if [ -f /usr/lib32/mips4/libm.so ]; then
+                 echo "${MACHINE}/32-sgi-irix${RELEASE}"; exit 0
+             else
+                 echo "${MACHINE}-sgi-irix${RELEASE}"; exit 0
+             fi
+             ;;
+         IRIX64:*)
+             echo "${MACHINE}/64-sgi-irix${RELEASE}"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         Linux:*)
+             V='whatever'
+             case "$MACHINE" in
+                 i?86) V='pc' ;;
+             esac
+             R=''
+             case "$RELEASE" in
+                 [1-9].*) R=`echo $RELEASE | cut -c1` ;;
+             esac
+             echo "${MACHINE}-${V}-linux-gnu${R}"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         LynxOS:*)
+             echo "${MACHINE}-lynx-lynxos"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         BSD/386|BSD/OS:3.*)
+             echo "${MACHINE}-whatever-bsdi3"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         BSD/386:*:*:*486*|BSD/OS:*:*:*:*486*)
+             echo "i486-whatever-bsdi"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         BSD/386:*|BSD/OS:*)
+             echo "${MACHINE}-whatever-bsdi"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         FreeBSD:*)
+             VERS=`echo ${RELEASE} | sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`
+             MACH=`/sbin/sysctl -n hw.model`
+             ARCH='whatever'
+             case ${MACH} in
+                *386*       ) MACH="i386"     ;;
+                *486*       ) MACH="i486"     ;;
+                Pentium\ II*) MACH="i686"     ;;
+                Pentium*    ) MACH="i586"     ;;
+                Alpha*      ) MACH="alpha"    ;;
+                *           ) MACH="$MACHINE" ;;
+             esac
+             case ${MACH} in
+                i[0-9]86 ) ARCH="pc" ;;
+             esac
+             echo "${MACH}-${ARCH}-freebsd${VERS}"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         NetBSD:*:*:*486*)
+             echo "i486-whatever-netbsd${RELEASE}"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         NetBSD:*)
+             echo "${MACHINE}-whatever-netbsd${RELEASE}"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         OpenBSD:*)
+             echo "${MACHINE}-whatever-openbsd"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         OSF1:*:*:*alpha*)
+             VERS=`echo $RELEASE | sed -e 's;^V;;'`
+             echo "${MACHINE}-dec-osf${VERS}"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         QNX:*)
+             if [ "$VERSION" -gt 422 ]; then
+                 echo "${MACHINE}-qssl-qnx32"
+             else
+                 echo "${MACHINE}-qssl-qnx"
+             fi
+             exit 0
+             ;;
+         Paragon*:*:*:*)
+             echo "i860-intel-osf1"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         SunOS:5.*)
+             VERSION=`echo $RELEASE | sed -e 's;^5\.;;'`
+             echo "${MACHINE}-sun-solaris2.${VERSION}"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         SunOS:*)
+             echo "${MACHINE}-sun-sunos4"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         UNIX_System_V:4.*:*)
+             echo "${MACHINE}-whatever-sysv4"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         unix:3.0.9*:*:88k)
+             echo "${MACHINE}-encore-sysv4"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         *:4*:R4*:m88k)
+             echo "${MACHINE}-whatever-sysv4"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         UnixWare:5:99*:*)
+             # Gemini, beta release of next rev of unixware
+             echo "${MACHINE}-whatever-unixware212"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         DYNIX/ptx:4*:*)
+             echo "${MACHINE}-whatever-sysv4"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         *:4.0:3.0:[345][0-9]?? | *:4.0:3.0:3[34]??[/,]* | library:*)
+             echo "x86-ncr-sysv4"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         ULTRIX:*)
+             echo "${MACHINE}-unknown-ultrix"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         SINIX-?:* | ReliantUNIX-?:*)
+             echo "${MACHINE}-siemens-sysv4"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         POSIX*BS2000)
+             echo "${MACHINE}-siemens-sysv4"; exit 0
+             ;;
+         machten:*)
+            echo "${MACHINE}-tenon-${SYSTEM}"; exit 0;
+            ;;
+         ConvexOS:*:11.*:*)
+            echo "${MACHINE}-v11-${SYSTEM}"; exit 0;
+            ;;
+         UNIX_SV:*:*:maxion)
+            echo "${MACHINE}-ccur-sysv4"; exit 0;
+            ;;
+         PowerMAX_OS:*:*:Night_Hawk)
+            MACHINE=`uname -p`
+            echo "${MACHINE}-concurrent-powermax"; exit 0;
+            ;;
+         UNIX_SV:*)
+            if [ -d /usr/nec ];then
+                echo "mips-nec-sysv4"; exit 0;
+            fi
+            ;;
+         NonStop-UX:4.[02]*:[BC]*:*)
+            echo "${MACHINE}-tandem-sysv4"; exit 0;
+            ;;
+         Rhapsody:*:*:*)
+            case "${MACHINE}" in
+                "Power Macintosh") MACHINE=powerpc ;;
+            esac
+            echo "${MACHINE}-apple-rhapsody${RELEASE}"; exit 0
+            ;;
+         Darwin:*:*:*)
+            MACHINE=`uname -p`
+            echo "${MACHINE}-apple-darwin${RELEASE}"; exit 0
+            ;;
+         "Mac OS":*:*:*)
+            MACHINE=`uname -p`
+            echo "${MACHINE}-apple-macos${RELEASE}"; exit 0
+            ;;
+         "RISC iX":*)
+            echo "arm-whatever-riscix"; exit 0;
+            ;;
+         *:4.0:2:*)
+            echo "whatever-unisys-sysv4"; exit 0;
+            ;;
+         *:*:dcosx:NILE*)
+            echo "pyramid-pyramid-svr4"; exit 0;
+            ;;
+         *:*:*:"DRS 6000")
+            echo "drs6000-whatever-whatever"; exit 0;
+            ;;
+         AmigaOS:*:*:* )
+            echo "${MACHINE}-whatever-${SYSTEM}${RELEASE}"; exit 0
+            ;;
+     esac
+     # Now NeXT
+     ISNEXT=`(hostinfo) 2>/dev/null`
+     case "$ISNEXT" in
+         *NeXT*)
+              # Swiped from a friendly uname clone for NEXT/OPEN Step.
+              NEXTOSVER="`hostinfo | sed -n 's/.*NeXT Mach \([0-9\.]*\).*/\1/p'`"
+              if [ "$NEXTOSVER" -gt 3.3 ]; then
+                  NEXTOS="openstep"
+              else
+                  NEXTOS="nextstep"
+              fi
+              NEXTREL="`hostinfo | sed -n 's/.*NeXT Mach \([0-9\.]*\).*/\1/p'`"
+              NEXTARCH=`arch`
+              echo "${NEXTARCH}-next-${NEXTOS}${NEXTREL}" ; exit 0
+              ;;
+     esac
+     # Fallback
+     echo "${MACHINE}-unknown-${SYSTEM}/${RELEASE}/${VERSION}"
+     ;;
+ arx )
+     ##
+     ##  arx -- Extended archive command
+     ##  Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+     ##  Originally written for shtool
+     ##
+     ar_prg="$opt_C"
+     ar_cmd="$1"; shift
+     archive="$1"; shift
+     files="$*"
+     #   walk through the file list and expand archives members
+     tmpdir=`echo $archive | sed -e 's;[^/]*$;.arx;'`
+     nfiles=''
+     if [ ".$files" != . ]; then
+         for file in $files; do
+             if [ ! -f $file ]; then
+                 echo "$msgprefix:Error: input file not found: $file" 1>&2
+                 exit 1
+             fi
+             case $file in
+                 *.a )
+                     if [ ! -d $tmpdir ]; then
+                         if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                             echo "mkdir $tmpdir" 1>&2
+                         fi
+                         mkdir $tmpdir
+                     fi
+                     case $tmpdir in
+                          .arx )
+                              from="../$file"
+                              ;;
+                          * )
+                              dir=`echo $file | sed -e 's;[^/]*$;;' -e 's;\(.\)/$;\1;' -e 's;^$;.;'`
+                              base=`echo $file | sed -e 's;.*/\([^/]*\)$;\1;'`
+                              from="`cd $dir; pwd`/$base"
+                              ;;
+                     esac
+                     if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+                         echo "(cd $tmpdir && $ar_prg x $from)" 1>&2
+                     fi
+                     (cd $tmpdir && eval $ar_prg x $from)
+                     if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+                         echo "$msgprefix:Error: member extraction failed for archive: $file" 1>&2
+                         exit 1
+                     fi
+                     for member in - `eval $ar_prg t $file | sed -e '/_\.SYMDEF/d'`; do
+                         [ ".$member" = .- ] && continue
+                         nfiles="$nfiles $tmpdir/$member"
+                     done
+                     ;;
+                 * )
+                     nfiles="$nfiles $file"
+                     ;;
+             esac
+         done
+     fi
+     #   run the final archive command
+     if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+         echo "$ar_prg $ar_cmd $archive $nfiles" 1>&2
+     fi
+     eval $ar_prg $ar_cmd $archive $nfiles
+     if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+         echo "$msgprefix:Error: archive command failed" 1>&2
+         exit $?
+     fi
+     #   cleanup and die gracefully
+     if [ -d $tmpdir ]; then
+         if [ ".$opt_t" = .yes ]; then
+             echo "rm -rf $tmpdir" 1>&2
+         fi
+         rm -rf $tmpdir
+     fi
+     ;;
+ slo )
+     ##
+     ##  slo -- Separate linker options by library class
+     ##  Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+     ##  Originally written for Apache
+     ##
+     DIFS="$IFS"
+     #   parse out -L and -l options from command line
+     DIRS=''
+     LIBS=''
+     ARGV=''
+     optprev=''
+     for opt
+     do
+         #   concatenate with previous option if exists
+         if [ ".$optprev" != . ]; then
+             opt="${optprev}${opt}";
+             optprev=''
+         fi
+         #   remember options for arg if used stand-alone
+         if [ ".$opt" = ".-L" -o ".$opt" = ".-l" ]; then
+             optprev="$opt"
+             continue;
+         fi
+         #   split argument into option plus option argument
+         arg="`echo $opt | cut -c3-`"
+         opt="`echo $opt | cut -c1-2`"
+         #   store into containers
+         case $opt in
+             -L) DIRS="$DIRS:$arg" ;;
+             -l) LIBS="$LIBS:$arg" ;;
+              *) ARGV="$ARGV $opt" ;;
+         esac
+     done
+     #   set linker default directories
+     DIRS_DEFAULT='/lib:/usr/lib'
+     if [ ".$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" != . ]; then
+     fi
+     #   sort options by class
+     DIRS_OBJ=''
+     LIBS_OBJ=''
+     DIRS_PIC=''
+     LIBS_PIC=''
+     DIRS_DSO=''
+     LIBS_DSO=''
+     #    for each library...
+     OIFS="$IFS"; IFS=':'
+     for lib in $LIBS; do
+         [ ".$lib" = . ] && continue
+         found='no'
+         found_indefdir='no'
+         found_type=''
+         found_dir=''
+         #    for each directory...
+         OIFS2="$IFS"; IFS=":$DIFS"
+         for dir in ${DIRS} switch-to-defdirs ${DIRS_DEFAULT}; do
+             [ ".$dir" = . ] && continue
+             [ ".$dir" = .switch-to-defdirs ] && found_indefdir=yes
+             [ ! -d $dir ] && continue
+             #    search the file
+             OIFS3="$IFS"; IFS="$DIFS"
+             for file in '' `cd $dir && ls lib${lib}.* 2>/dev/null`; do
+                  [ ".$file" = . ] && continue
+                  case $file in
+                      *.so|*.so.[0-9]*|*.sl|*.sl.[0-9]* )
+                           found=yes;
+                           found_type=DSO;
+                           break
+                           ;;
+                      *.lo|*.la )
+                           found=yes;
+                           found_type=PIC
+                           ;;
+                      *.a )
+                           if [ ".$found_type" = . ]; then
+                               found=yes
+                               found_type=OBJ
+                           fi
+                           ;;
+                  esac
+             done
+             IFS="$OIFS3"
+             if [ ".$found" = .yes ]; then
+                 found_dir="$dir"
+                 break
+             fi
+         done
+         IFS="$OIFS2"
+         if [ ".$found" = .yes ]; then
+             if [ ".$found_indefdir" != .yes ]; then
+                 eval "dirlist=\"\${DIRS_${found_type}}:\""
+                 if [ ".`echo \"$dirlist\" | fgrep :$found_dir:`" = . ]; then
+                     eval "DIRS_${found_type}=\"\$DIRS_${found_type}:${found_dir}\""
+                 fi
+                 eval "LIBS_${found_type}=\"\$LIBS_${found_type}:$lib\""
+             else
+                 eval "LIBS_${found_type}=\"\$LIBS_${found_type}:$lib\""
+             fi
+         else
+             LIBS_OBJ="$LIBS_OBJ:$lib"
+             #dirlist="`echo $DIRS $DIRS_DEFAULT | sed -e 's/:/ /g'`"
+             #echo "slo:Warning: library \"$lib\" not found in any of the following dirs:" 2>&1
+             #echo "slo:Warning: $dirlist" 1>&1
+         fi
+     done
+     IFS="$OIFS"
+     #   also pass-through unused dirs even if it's useless
+     OIFS="$IFS"; IFS=':'
+     for dir in $DIRS; do
+         dirlist="${DIRS_OBJ}:${DIRS_PIC}:${DIRS_DSO}:"
+         if [ ".`echo \"$dirlist\" | fgrep :$dir:`" = . ]; then
+             DIRS_OBJ="$DIRS_OBJ:$dir"
+         fi
+     done
+     IFS="$OIFS"
+     #   reassemble the options but separated by type
+     for type in OBJ PIC DSO; do
+         OIFS="$IFS"; IFS=':'
+         eval "libs=\"\$LIBS_${type}\""
+         opts=''
+         for lib in $libs; do
+             [ ".$lib" = . ] && continue
+             opts="$opts -l$lib"
+         done
+         eval "LIBS_${type}=\"$opts\""
+         eval "dirs=\"\$DIRS_${type}\""
+         opts=''
+         for dir in $dirs; do
+             [ ".$dir" = . ] && continue
+             opts="$opts -L$dir"
+         done
+         eval "DIRS_${type}=\"$opts\""
+         IFS="$OIFS"
+     done
+     #   give back results
+         eval "val=\"\$${var}\""
+         val="`echo $val | sed -e 's/^ *//'`"
+         echo "${opt_p}${var}=\"${val}\""
+     done
+     ;;
+ scpp )
+     ##
+     ##  scpp -- Sharing C Pre-Processor
+     ##  Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+     ##  Originally written for GNU Pth
+     ##
+     srcs="$*"
+     output="${opt_o}.n"
+     #   find a reasonable Awk
+     awk=''
+     paths=`echo $PATH |\
+            sed -e 's%/*:%:%g' -e 's%/$%%' \
+                -e 's/^:/.:/' -e 's/::/:.:/g' -e 's/:$/:./' \
+                -e 's/:/ /g'`
+     for name in gawk nawk awk; do
+         for path in $paths; do
+             if [ -r "$path/$name" ]; then
+                 awk="$path/$name"
+                 break
+             fi
+         done
+         if [ ".$awk" != . ]; then
+             break
+         fi
+     done
+     if [ ".$awk" = . ]; then
+         echo "$msgprefix:Error: cannot find a reasonable Awk" 1>&2
+         exit 1
+     fi
+     #   parse source file(s)
+     if [ ".$opt_v" = .yes ]; then
+         echo "Parsing:" | $awk '{ printf("%s", $0); }' 1>&2
+     fi
+     for src in $srcs; do
+         if [ ".$opt_v" = .yes ]; then
+             echo $src | $awk '{ printf(" %s", $0); }' 1>&2
+         fi
+         if [ ".$opt_f" != . ]; then
+             inputcmd="sed"
+             OIFS="$IFS"; IFS="$ASC_NL"; set -- $opt_f; IFS="$OIFS"
+             for e
+             do
+                 inputcmd="$inputcmd -e '$e'"
+             done
+             inputcmd="$inputcmd '$src'"
+         else
+             inputcmd="cat '$src'"
+         fi
+         eval $inputcmd |\
+         $awk '
+            BEGIN {
+                ln    = 0;
+                fln   = 0;
+                level = 0;
+                mode  = "";
+                store = "";
+            }
+            {
+                ln++;
+            }
+            /^#if.*/ {
+                level++;
+            }
+            /^#if [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* *$/ {
+                if ($2 == define) {
+                    mode = "D";
+                    printf("D:#line %d \"%s\"\n", ln, src);
+                    next;
+                }
+            }
+            /^#endif.*/ {
+                level--;
+                if (mode == "D" && level == 0) {
+                    mode = "";
+                    next;
+                }
+            }
+            /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_].*;.*/ {
+                if ($1 == class) {
+                    printf("V:#line %d \"%s\"\n", ln, src);
+                    printf("V:%s\n", $0);
+                    printf("J:%s\n", $0);
+                    next;
+                }
+            }
+            /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_].*=.*/ {
+                if ($1 == class) {
+                    printf("V:#line %d \"%s\"\n", ln, src);
+                    printf("V:%s\n", $0);
+                    printf("J:%s\n", $0);
+                    next;
+                }
+            }
+            /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/ {
+                if ($1 == class) {
+                    fln = ln;
+                    store = $0;
+                    mode = "F";
+                    next;
+                }
+            }
+            /^\{ *$/ {
+                if (mode == "F") {
+                    printf("F:#line %d \"%s\"\n", fln, src);
+                    printf("F:%s;\n", store);
+                    printf("I:%s;\n", store);
+                    store = "";
+                    mode = "";
+                    next;
+                }
+            }
+            {
+                if (mode == "D")
+                    printf("D:%s\n", $0);
+                else if (mode == "F")
+                    store = store " " $0;
+            }
+         ' "src=$src" "define=$opt_D" "class=$opt_C" >>$tmpfile
+     done
+     if [ ".$opt_v" = .yes ]; then
+         echo "" 1>&2
+     fi
+     #   start generating output header
+     echo "/* $opt_o -- autogenerated from $opt_t, DO NOT EDIT! */" >$output
+     echo "#line 1 \"$opt_t\"" >>$output
+     sed <$opt_t -e "1,/^${opt_M} *\$/p" -e 'd' |\
+     sed -e "/^${opt_M} *\$/d" >>$output
+     #   merge in the define blocks
+     grep '^D:' $tmpfile | sed -e 's/^D://' >>$output
+     #   generate standard prolog
+     echo "#line 1 \"_ON_THE_FLY_\"" >>$output
+     echo "" >>$output
+     echo "/* make sure the scpp source extensions are skipped */" >>$output
+     echo "#define $opt_D 0" >>$output
+     echo "#define $opt_C /**/" >>$output
+     #   generate namespace hiding for variables
+     echo "" >>$output
+     echo "/* move intern variables to hidden namespace */" >>$output
+     grep '^J:' $tmpfile | sed >>$output \
+         -e 's/^J://' \
+         -e 's/  */ /g' \
+         -e 's/^[^=;]*[ *]\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)\[\];.*$/#define \1 __\1/' \
+         -e 's/^[^=;]*[ *]\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)\[\] =.*$/#define \1 __\1/' \
+         -e 's/^[^=;]*[ *]\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\);.*$/#define \1 __\1/' \
+         -e 's/^[^=;]*[ *]\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\) =.*$/#define \1 __\1/'
+     #   generate namespace hiding for functions
+     echo "" >>$output
+     echo "/* move intern functions to hidden namespace */" >>$output
+     grep '^I:' $tmpfile | sed >>$output \
+         -e 's/^I://' \
+         -e 's/\([ (]\) */\1/g' \
+         -e 's/ *\([),]\)/\1/g' \
+         -e 's/^[^(]*[ *]\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)(.*$/#define \1 __\1/'
+     #   generate prototypes for variables
+     echo "" >>$output
+     echo "/* prototypes for intern variables */" >>$output
+     grep '^V:' $tmpfile | sed >>$output \
+         -e 's/^V://' \
+         -e 's/  */ /g' \
+         -e 's/^\([^=;]*[ *][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\[\]\);.*$/\1;/' \
+         -e 's/^\([^=;]*[ *][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\[\]\) =.*$/\1;/' \
+         -e 's/^\([^=;]*[ *][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\);.*$/\1;/' \
+         -e 's/^\([^=;]*[ *][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\) =.*$/\1;/' \
+         -e 's/ ;/;/g' \
+         -e "s/^$opt_C /extern /"
+     #   generate prototypes for functions
+     echo "" >>$output
+     echo "/* prototypes for intern functions */" >>$output
+     grep '^F:' $tmpfile | sed >>$output \
+         -e 's/^F://' \
+         -e 's/\([ (]\) */\1/g' \
+         -e 's/ *\([),]\)/\1/g' \
+         -e 's/\([* ]\)[a-zA-Z0-9_]*,/\1,/g' \
+         -e 's/\([* ]\)[a-zA-Z0-9_]*);/\1);/g' \
+         -e 's/(\*[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(/(*)(/g' \
+         -e 's/\([ (]\) */\1/g' \
+         -e 's/ *\([),]\)/\1/g' \
+         -e "s/^$opt_C /extern /"
+     #   finish generating output header
+     n=`(echo ''; sed <$opt_t -e "1,/^${opt_M} *\$/p" -e 'd') |\
+        wc -l | sed -e 's;^ *\([0-9]*\) *$;\1;'`
+     echo "#line $n \"$opt_t\"" >>$output
+     sed <$opt_t -e "/^${opt_M} *\$/,\$p" -e 'd' |\
+     sed -e "/^${opt_M} *\$/d" >>$output
+     #   create final output file
+     if [ -f $opt_o ]; then
+         if [ ".$opt_p" = .yes ]; then
+             grep -v '^#line' $opt_o  >$tmpfile.o
+             grep -v '^#line' $output >$tmpfile.n
+             out_old="$tmpfile.o"
+             out_new="$tmpfile.n"
+         else
+             out_old="$opt_o"
+             out_new="$output"
+         fi
+         if cmp -s $out_old $out_new; then
+             :
+         else
+             cp $output $opt_o
+         fi
+     else
+         cp $output $opt_o
+     fi
+     rm -f $output
+     rm -f $tmpfile $tmpfile.* >/dev/null 2>&1
+     ;;
+ version )
+     ##
+     ##  version -- Maintain a version information file
+     ##  Copyright (c) 1994-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+     ##  Originally written for ePerl, rewritten from scratch for shtool
+     ##
+     file="$1"
+     #   determine prefix and name
+     name="$opt_n"
+     prefix="$opt_p"
+     #   determine current version
+     triple="$opt_s"
+     if [ ".$triple" != . ]; then
+         #   use given triple
+         if [ ".`echo $triple | grep '[0-9]*.[0-9]*[sabp.][0-9]*'`" = . ]; then
+             echo "$msgprefix:Error: invalid argument to option \`-s': \`$opt_s'" 1>&2
+             exit 1
+         fi
+         eval `echo $triple |\
+               sed -e 's%\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\([sabp.]\)\([0-9]*\).*%\
+               ver="\1";rev="\2";typ="\3";lev="\4"%'`
+         tim=calc
+     elif [ -r $file ]; then
+         #   determine triple from given file
+         eval `grep 'Version [0-9]*.[0-9]*[sabp.][0-9]* ([0-9]*-[a-zA-Z]*-[0-9]*)' $file |\
+               sed -e 's%.*Version \([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\([sabp.]\)\([0-9]*\) (\([0-9]*-[a-zA-Z]*-[0-9]*\)).*%\
+               ver="\1";rev="\2";typ="\3";lev="\4";tim="\5"%' -e 'q'`
+     else
+         #   intialise to first version
+         ver=0
+         rev=1
+         typ=.
+         lev=0
+         tim=calc
+     fi
+     #   determine new version in batch
+     if [ ".$opt_i" != . ]; then
+         case $opt_i in
+             v ) ver=`expr $ver + 1`
+                 rev=0
+                 lev=0
+                 ;;
+             r ) rev=`expr $rev + 1`
+                 lev=0
+                 ;;
+             l ) lev=`expr $lev + 1`
+                 ;;
+             * ) echo "$msgprefix:Error: invalid argument to option \`-i': \`$opt_i'" 1>&2
+                 exit 1
+                 ;;
+         esac
+         tim=calc
+     fi
+     #   determine new version interactively
+     if [ ".$opt_e" = .yes ]; then
+         echo "old version: ${ver}.${rev}${typ}${lev}"
+         while [ 1 ]; do
+             echo dummy | awk '{ printf("new version: "); }'
+             read triple
+             case $triple in
+                 [0-9]*.[0-9]*[sabp.][0-9]* )
+                     ;;
+                 * ) echo "$msgprefix:Error: invalid version string entered: \`$triple'" 1>&2
+                     continue
+                     ;;
+             esac
+             break
+         done
+         eval `echo $triple |\
+               sed -e 's%^\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\([sabp.]\)\([0-9]*\)$%\
+               ver="\1";rev="\2";typ="\3";lev="\4"%'`
+         tim=calc
+     fi
+     #   determine hexadecimal and libtool value of version
+     case $typ in
+         a     ) typnum=0;  levnum=$lev ;;
+         b     ) typnum=1;  levnum=$lev ;;
+         p | . ) typnum=2;  levnum=$lev ;;
+         s     ) typnum=15; levnum=255  ;; # snapshots are special
+     esac
+     hex=`echo "$ver:$rev:$typnum:$levnum" |\
+          awk -F: '{ printf("0x%x%02x%1x%02x", $1, $2, $3, $4); }' |\
+          tr 'abcdef' 'ABCDEF'`
+     ltv=`echo "$ver:$rev:$typnum:$levnum" |\
+          awk -F: '{ printf("%d:%d", $1*10 + $2, $3*10 + $4); }'`
+     #   determine date
+     if [ ".$tim" = .calc ]; then
+         day=`date '+%d'`
+         month=`date '+%m'`
+         year=`date '+%Y' 2>/dev/null`
+         if [ ".$time_year" = . ]; then
+             year=`date '+%y'`
+             case $year in
+                 [5-9][0-9]) year="19$year" ;;
+                 [0-4][0-9]) year="20$year" ;;
+             esac
+         fi
+         case $month in
+             1|01) month='Jan' ;;
+             2|02) month='Feb' ;;
+             3|03) month='Mar' ;;
+             4|04) month='Apr' ;;
+             5|05) month='May' ;;
+             6|06) month='Jun' ;;
+             7|07) month='Jul' ;;
+             8|08) month='Aug' ;;
+             9|09) month='Sep' ;;
+               10) month='Oct' ;;
+               11) month='Nov' ;;
+               12) month='Dec' ;;
+         esac
+         tim="${day}-${month}-${year}"
+     fi
+     #   perform result actions
+     mode=show
+     if [ ".$opt_i" != . ]; then
+         mode=edit
+     elif [ ".$opt_e" = .yes ]; then
+         mode=edit
+     elif [ ".$opt_s" != . ]; then
+         mode=edit
+     fi
+     if [ ".$mode" = .show ]; then
+         #   just display the current version
+         case $opt_d in
+             short )
+                 echo "${ver}.${rev}${typ}${lev}"
+                 ;;
+             long )
+                 echo "${ver}.${rev}${typ}${lev} ($tim)"
+                 ;;
+             libtool )
+                 echo "${ltv}"
+                 ;;
+             hex )
+                 echo "${hex}"
+                 ;;
+             * ) echo "$msgprefix:Error: invalid argument to option \`-d': \`$opt_d'" 1>&2
+                 exit 1
+                 ;;
+         esac
+     else
+         #   update the version file
+         #   pre-generate various strings
+         triple="${ver}.${rev}${typ}${lev}"
+         vHex="$hex"
+         vShort="${triple}"
+         vLong="${triple} (${tim})"
+         vTeX="This is ${name}, Version ${triple} (${tim})"
+         vGNU="${name} ${triple} (${tim})"
+         vWeb="${name}/${triple}"
+         vSCCS="@(#)${name} ${triple} (${tim})"
+         vRCS="\$Id: shtool,v 1.1 2003/09/09 09:24:28 thl Exp ${name} ${triple} (${tim}) \$"
+         #   determine string out of filename
+         #   (do NOT try to optimize this in any way because of portability)
+         filestr=`echo $file |\
+                  tr 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./%+' \
+                     'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ____' | sed -e 's/-/_/g'`
+         #   generate uppercase prefix
+         prefixupper=`echo $prefix |\
+                      tr 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'`
+         #   create the version file according the the selected language
+         echo "new version: ${vLong}"
+         cp /dev/null $file
+         case $opt_l in
+             txt )
+                 echo >>$file ""
+                 echo >>$file "  ${file} -- Version Information for ${name} (syntax: Text)"
+                 echo >>$file "  [automatically generated and maintained by GNU shtool]"
+                 echo >>$file ""
+                 echo >>$file "  $vTeX"
+                 echo >>$file ""
+                 ;;
+             c )
+                 echo >>$file "/*"
+                 echo >>$file "**  ${file} -- Version Information for ${name} (syntax: C/C++)"
+                 echo >>$file "**  [automatically generated and maintained by GNU shtool]"
+                 echo >>$file "*/"
+                 echo >>$file ""
+                 echo >>$file "#ifdef _${filestr}_AS_HEADER_"
+                 echo >>$file ""
+                 echo >>$file "#ifndef _${filestr}_"
+                 echo >>$file "#define _${filestr}_"
+                 echo >>$file ""
+                 echo >>$file "#define ${prefixupper}VERSION ${vHex}"
+                 echo >>$file ""
+                 echo >>$file "typedef struct {"
+                 echo >>$file "    const int   v_hex;"
+                 echo >>$file "    const char *v_short;"
+                 echo >>$file "    const char *v_long;"
+                 echo >>$file "    const char *v_tex;"
+                 echo >>$file "    const char *v_gnu;"
+                 echo >>$file "    const char *v_web;"
+                 echo >>$file "    const char *v_sccs;"
+                 echo >>$file "    const char *v_rcs;"
+                 echo >>$file "} ${prefix}version_t;"
+                 echo >>$file ""
+                 echo >>$file "extern ${prefix}version_t ${prefix}version;"
+                 echo >>$file ""
+                 echo >>$file "#endif /* _${filestr}_ */"
+                 echo >>$file ""
+                 echo >>$file "#else /* _${filestr}_AS_HEADER_ */"
+                 echo >>$file ""
+                 echo >>$file "#define _${filestr}_AS_HEADER_"
+                 echo >>$file "#include \"${file}\""
+                 echo >>$file "#undef  _${filestr}_AS_HEADER_"
+                 echo >>$file ""
+                 echo >>$file "${prefix}version_t ${prefix}version = {"
+                 echo >>$file "    ${vHex},"
+                 echo >>$file "    \"${vShort}\","
+                 echo >>$file "    \"${vLong}\","
+                 echo >>$file "    \"${vTeX}\","
+                 echo >>$file "    \"${vGNU}\","
+                 echo >>$file "    \"${vWeb}\","
+                 echo >>$file "    \"${vSCCS}\","
+                 echo >>$file "    \"${vRCS}\""
+                 echo >>$file "};"
+                 echo >>$file ""
+                 echo >>$file "#endif /* _${filestr}_AS_HEADER_ */"
+                 echo >>$file ""
+                 ;;
+             perl )
+                 echo >>$file "##"
+                 echo >>$file "##  ${file} -- Version Information for ${name} (syntax: Perl)"
+                 echo >>$file "##  [automatically generated and maintained by GNU shtool]"
+                 echo >>$file "##"
+                 echo >>$file ""
+                 echo >>$file "my \$${prefix}version = {"
+                 echo >>$file "    'v_hex'   => ${vHex},"
+                 echo >>$file "    'v_short' => \"${vShort}\","
+                 echo >>$file "    'v_long'  => \"${vLong}\","
+                 echo >>$file "    'v_tex'   => \"${vTeX}\","
+                 echo >>$file "    'v_gnu'   => \"${vGNU}\","
+                 echo >>$file "    'v_web'   => \"${vWeb}\","
+                 echo >>$file "    'v_sccs'  => \"${vSCCS}\","
+                 echo >>$file "    'v_rcs'   => \"\\${vRCS}/\""
+                 echo >>$file "};"
+                 echo >>$file ""
+                 echo >>$file "1;"
+                 echo >>$file ""
+                 ;;
+             python )
+                 echo >>$file "##"
+                 echo >>$file "##  ${file} -- Version Information for ${name} (syntax: Python)"
+                 echo >>$file "##  [automatically generated and maintained by GNU shtool]"
+                 echo >>$file "##"
+                 echo >>$file ""
+                 echo >>$file "class ${prefix}version:"
+                 echo >>$file "    v_hex       = ${vHex}"
+                 echo >>$file "    v_short     = \"${vShort}\""
+                 echo >>$file "    v_long      = \"${vLong}\""
+                 echo >>$file "    v_tex       = \"${vTeX}\""
+                 echo >>$file "    v_gnu       = \"${vGNU}\""
+                 echo >>$file "    v_web       = \"${vWeb}\""
+                 echo >>$file "    v_sccs      = \"${vSCCS}\""
+                 echo >>$file "    v_rcs       = \"${vRCS}\""
+                 echo >>$file ""
+                 ;;
+             * ) echo "$msgprefix:Error: invalid argument to option \`-l': \`$opt_l'" 1>&2
+                 exit 1
+                 ;;
+         esac
+     fi
+     ;;
+ path )
+     ##
+     ##  path -- Deal with program paths
+     ##  Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+     ##  Originally written for Apache
+     ##
+     namelist="$*"
+     #   check whether the test command supports the -x option
+     if [ -x /bin/sh ] 2>/dev/null; then
+         minusx="-x"
+     else
+         minusx="-r"
+     fi
+     #   split path string
+     paths="`echo $opt_p |\
+             sed -e 's/^:/.:/' \
+                 -e 's/::/:.:/g' \
+                 -e 's/:$/:./' \
+                 -e 's/:/ /g'`"
+     #   translate forward to reverse path
+     if [ ".$opt_r" = .yes ]; then
+         if [ "x$namelist" = "x." ]; then
+             rp='.'
+         else
+             rp=''
+             for pe in `IFS="$IFS/"; echo $namelist`; do
+                 rp="../$rp"
+             done
+         fi
+         echo $rp | sed -e 's:/$::'
+         exit 0
+     fi
+     #   strip out directory or base name
+     if [ ".$opt_d" = .yes ]; then
+         echo "$namelist" |\
+         sed -e 's;[^/]*$;;' -e 's;\(.\)/$;\1;'
+         exit 0
+     fi
+     if [ ".$opt_b" = .yes ]; then
+         echo "$namelist" |\
+         sed -e 's;.*/\([^/]*\)$;\1;'
+         exit 0
+     fi
+     #   Perl Interpreter (perl)
+     if [ ".$opt_m" = .yes  -a ".$namelist" = .perl ]; then
+         rm -f $tmpfile >/dev/null 2>&1
+         touch $tmpfile
+         found=0
+         pc=99
+         for dir in $paths; do
+             dir=`echo $dir | sed -e 's;/*$;;'`
+             nc=99
+             for name in perl perl5 miniperl; do
+                  if [ $minusx "$dir/$name" -a ! -d "$dir/$name" ]; then
+                      perl="$dir/$name"
+                      pv=`$perl -e 'printf("%.3f", $]);'`
+                      echo "$pv:$pc:$nc:$perl" >>$tmpfile
+                      found=1
+                  fi
+                  nc=`expr $nc - 1`
+             done
+             pc=`expr $pc - 1`
+         done
+         if [ $found = 1 ]; then
+             perl="`cat $tmpfile | sort -r -u | sed -e 'q' | cut -d: -f4`"
+             rm -f $tmpfile >/dev/null 2>&1
+             echo "$perl"
+             exit 0
+         fi
+         rm -f $tmpfile >/dev/null 2>&1
+         exit 1
+     fi
+     #   C pre-processor (cpp)
+     if [ ".$opt_m" = .yes -a ".$namelist" = .cpp ]; then
+         echo >$tmpfile.c "#include <assert.h>"
+         echo >>$tmpfile.c "Syntax Error"
+         #   1. try the standard cc -E approach
+         cpp="${CC-cc} -E"
+         (eval "$cpp $tmpfile.c >/dev/null") 2>$tmpfile.out
+         my_error=`grep -v '^ *+' $tmpfile.out`
+         if [ ".$my_error" != . ]; then
+             #   2. try the cc -E approach and GCC's -traditional-ccp option
+             cpp="${CC-cc} -E -traditional-cpp"
+             (eval "$cpp $tmpfile.c >/dev/null") 2>$tmpfile.out
+             my_error=`grep -v '^ *+' $tmpfile.out`
+             if [ ".$my_error" != . ]; then
+                 #   3. try a standalone cpp command in path and lib dirs
+                 for path in $paths /lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib; do
+                     path=`echo $path | sed -e 's;/*$;;'`
+                     if [ $minusx "$path/cpp" -a ! -d "$path/cpp" ]; then
+                         cpp="$path/cpp"
+                         break
+                     fi
+                 done
+                 if [ ".$cpp" != . ]; then
+                     (eval "$cpp $tmpfile.c >/dev/null") 2>$tmpfile.out
+                     my_error=`grep -v '^ *+' $tmpfile.out`
+                     if [ ".$my_error" != . ]; then
+                         #   ok, we gave up...
+                         cpp=''
+                     fi
+                 fi
+             fi
+         fi
+         rm -f $tmpfile >/dev/null 2>&1
+         rm -f $tmpfile.c $tmpfile.out >/dev/null 2>&1
+         if [ ".$cpp" != . ]; then
+             echo "$cpp"
+             exit 0
+         fi
+         exit 1
+     fi
+     #   iterate over names
+     for name in $namelist; do
+         #   iterate over paths
+         for path in $paths; do
+             path=`echo $path | sed -e 's;/*$;;'`
+             if [ $minusx "$path/$name" -a ! -d "$path/$name" ]; then
+                 if [ ".$opt_s" != .yes ]; then
+                     echo "$path/$name"
+                 fi
+                 exit 0
+             fi
+         done
+     done
+     exit 1
+     ;;
+ esac
+ exit 0
+ ##EOF##

ossp-pkg/snmpdx/snmpdx 1.8 -> 1.9

ossp-pkg/snmpdx/snmpdx.cfg 1.1 -> 1.2

--- snmpdx.cfg   2003/09/02 12:12:55     1.1
+++ snmpdx.cfg   2003/09/09 09:24:28     1.2
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ##  snmpdx.cfg -- configuration file for SNMP Daemon Extension
-mibdir    /u/rse/wrk/ossp/snmpdx/snmpdx.mib:/cw/share/snmp/mibs
-probedir  /u/rse/wrk/ossp/snmpdx/snmpdx.d
-logfile   /tmp/snmpdx-rse.log
+mibdir    /u/thl/work/snmpdx/snmpdx.mib:/cw/share/snmp/mibs
+probedir  /u/thl/work/snmpdx/snmpdx.d
+logfile   /tmp/snmpdx-thl.log

ossp-pkg/snmpdx/snmpdx.pl -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Sun Apr 28 11:22:13 2024
--- -    Sun Apr 28 11:22:30 2024
*** 0 ****
--- 1,929 ----
+ #!@PERL@ -w
+ ##
+ ##  OSSP snmpdx -- SNMP Daemon Extension
+ ##  Copyright (c) 2003 The OSSP Project <http://www.ossp.org/>
+ ##  Copyright (c) 2003 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+ ##  Copyright (c) 2003 Cable & Wireless <http://www.cw.com/>
+ ##
+ ##  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for
+ ##  any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that
+ ##  the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all
+ ##  copies.
+ ##
+ ##
+ #   requirements
+ require 5;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use FindBin;
+ use Getopt::Long;
+ use IO;
+ #   program information
+ my $prg = {
+     'name'    => 'OSSP snmpdx',
+     'version' => '0.2.0',
+     'date'    => '01-Sep-2003'
+ };
+ ##  _________________________________________________________________________
+ ##
+ ##  _________________________________________________________________________
+ ##
+ package My::Log;
+ require Exporter;
+ our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ our @EXPORT_OK = qw(new destroy DESTROY write);
+ sub new ($$) {
+     my $proto = shift @_;
+     my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
+     my $self = {};
+     bless ($self, $class);
+     my $level    = shift @_ || die "missing level argument";
+     my $filename = shift @_ || die "missing filename argument";
+     $self->{-level} = $level;
+     $self->{-io} = new IO::File ">>$filename"
+         or die "cannot open logfile \"$filename\" for writing";
+     $self->{-io}->autoflush(1);
+     return $self;
+ }
+ sub destroy ($) {
+     my ($self) = @_;
+     $self->{-io}->close() if (defined($self->{-io}));
+     return;
+ }
+ sub DESTROY ($) {
+     my ($self) = @_;
+     $self->destroy;
+     return;
+ }
+ sub printf ($;@) {
+     my $self  = shift @_;
+     my $level = shift @_ || die "missing level argument";
+     my $fmt   = shift @_ || die "missing format argument";
+     if ($self->{-level} >= $level) {
+         my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time());
+         my $id = sprintf("[%04d-%02d-%02d/%02d:%02d:%02d@%05d] ", 
+                          $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec, $$);
+         $self->{-io}->printf($id . $fmt . "\n", @_);
+     }
+     return;
+ }
+ ##  _________________________________________________________________________
+ ##
+ ##  _________________________________________________________________________
+ ##
+ package My::Cache;
+ require Exporter;
+ our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ our @EXPORT_OK = qw(new destroy DESTROY store fetch);
+ sub new ($) {
+     my ($proto) = @_;
+     my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
+     my $self = {};
+     bless ($self, $class);
+     $self->{-cache} = {};
+     return $self;
+ }
+ sub destroy ($) {
+     my ($self) = @_;
+     return;
+ }
+ sub DESTROY ($) {
+     my ($self) = @_;
+     $self->destroy;
+     return;
+ }
+ sub store ($$$$) {
+     my ($self, $id, $expires, $value) = @_;
+     die "invalid id" if (not defined($id) or $id eq '');
+     if    ($expires =~ m|^(\d+)[sS]?$|) { $expires = $1; }
+     elsif ($expires =~ m|^(\d+)[mM]$|)  { $expires = $1 * 60; }
+     elsif ($expires =~ m|^(\d+)[hH]$|)  { $expires = $1 * 60 * 60; }
+     elsif ($expires =~ m|^(\d+)[dD]$|)  { $expires = $1 * 60 * 60 * 24; }
+     elsif ($expires =~ m|^(\d+)[wW]$|)  { $expires = $1 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; }
+     elsif ($expires =~ m|^forever$|i)   { $expires = 99999 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60; }
+     else { die "invalid expire time"; }
+     $expires = time() + $expires;
+     $self->{-cache}->{$id} = { -expires => $expires, -value => $value };
+     return;
+ }
+ sub fetch ($$) {
+     my ($self, $id) = @_;
+     my $value = undef;
+     if (defined($self->{-cache}->{$id})) {
+         if ($self->{-cache}->{$id}->{-expires} > time()) {
+             $value = $self->{-cache}->{$id}->{-value};
+         }
+         else {
+             undef $self->{-cache}->{$id};
+         }
+     }
+     return $value;
+ }
+ ##  _________________________________________________________________________
+ ##
+ ##  _________________________________________________________________________
+ ##
+ package My::System;
+ require Exporter;
+ our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ our @EXPORT_OK = qw(new destroy DESTROY run);
+ sub new ($;$) {
+     my ($proto, $log, $cache) = @_;
+     my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
+     my $self = {};
+     bless ($self, $class);
+     $self->{-log}   = $log;
+     $self->{-cache} = (defined($cache) ? $cache : new My::Cache);
+     return $self;
+ }
+ sub destroy ($) {
+     my ($self) = @_;
+     $self->{-cache}->destroy() if (defined($self->{-cache}));
+     return;
+ }
+ sub DESTROY ($) {
+     my ($self) = @_;
+     $self->destroy;
+     return;
+ }
+ sub run ($$;$) {
+     my ($self, $cmd, $expires) = @_;
+     $expires = "1m" if (not defined($expires));
+     my $result = $self->{-cache}->fetch($cmd);
+     if (defined($result)) {
+         $self->{-log}->printf(4, "system: run: \"$cmd\" ($expires) [CACHE HIT]");
+     }
+     else {
+         $self->{-log}->printf(3, "system: run: \"$cmd\" ($expires) [CACHE MISS]");
+         $self->{-log}->printf(5, "system: executing command: \"$cmd\""); 
+         $result = { -stdout => '', -rv => 0 };
+         $result->{-stdout} = `$cmd 2>/dev/null`;
+         $result->{-rv} = ($? >> 8);
+         $self->{-log}->printf(6, "system: return value: ". $result->{-rv}); 
+         $self->{-cache}->store($cmd, $expires, $result);
+     }
+     return $result;
+ }
+ ##  _________________________________________________________________________
+ ##
+ ##  _________________________________________________________________________
+ ##
+ package My::Platform;
+ require Exporter;
+ our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ our @EXPORT_OK = qw(new destroy DESTROY id);
+ sub new ($) {
+     my ($proto) = @_;
+     my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
+     my $self = {};
+     bless ($self, $class);
+     $self->{-machine} = `(uname -m) 2>/dev/null`;
+     $self->{-machine} = `(uname -p) 2>/dev/null` if ($self->{-machine} eq '');
+     $self->{-machine} =~ s|^\s*(.+?)\s*$|$1|s;
+     $self->{-system}  = `(uname -s) 2>/dev/null`;
+     $self->{-system}  =~ s|^\s*(.+?)\s*$|$1|s;
+     $self->{-release} = `(uname -r) 2>/dev/null`;
+     $self->{-release} = `(uname -v) 2>/dev/null` if ($self->{-release} eq '');
+     $self->{-release} =~ s|^\s*(.+?)\s*$|$1|s;
+     return $self;
+ }
+ sub destroy ($) {
+     my ($self) = @_;
+     return;
+ }
+ sub DESTROY ($) {
+     my ($self) = @_;
+     $self->destroy;
+     return;
+ }
+ sub arch ($) {
+     my ($self) = @_;
+     return $self->{-machine};
+ }
+ sub os ($) {
+     my ($self) = @_;
+     return sprintf("%s%s", $self->{-system}, $self->{-release});
+ }
+ sub id ($) {
+     my ($self) = @_;
+     return sprintf("%s-%s%s", $self->{-machine}, $self->{-system}, $self->{-release});
+ }
+ ##  _________________________________________________________________________
+ ##
+ ##  _________________________________________________________________________
+ ##
+ package My::MIB;
+ require Exporter;
+ our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ our @EXPORT_OK = qw(new destroy DESTROY oid2name name2oid oid2type);
+ sub new ($$$) {
+     my ($proto, $bindir, $mibdir, $mib) = @_;
+     my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
+     my $self = {};
+     bless ($self, $class);
+     $self->{-oid2name} = {};
+     $self->{-name2oid} = {};
+     my @entries = `$bindir/snmptranslate -M $mibdir -m $mib -Tl`;
+     foreach my $entry (@entries) {
+         $entry =~ s|\n$||s;
+         my $name = $entry;
+         my $oid = '';
+         $name =~ s|\((\d+)\)|$oid .= ".$1", ''|sge;
+         my $out = `$bindir/snmptranslate -M $mibdir -m $mib -Td $oid`;
+         if ($out =~ m|\s+MAX-ACCESS\s+not-accessible\s*|si) {
+             next;
+         }
+         my $type;
+         if ($out =~ m|TEXTUAL\s+CONVENTION\s+(.+?)\n\s+SYNTAX|si) {
+             $type = $1;
+         }
+         elsif ($out =~ m|SYNTAX\s+(.+?)\s*\n|si) {
+             $type = $1;
+             $type =~ s|\s+\([^\)]+\)$||s;
+         }
+         else {
+             next;
+         }
+         if ($name =~ m|[^.]+TABLE\.[^.]+ENTRY\.[^.]+$|) {
+             $name .= ".#";
+             $oid  .= ".#";
+         }
+         $self->{-oid2type}->{$oid} = $type;
+         $self->{-oid2name}->{$oid} = $name;
+         $self->{-name2oid}->{$name} = $oid;
+     }
+     return $self;
+ }
+ sub destroy ($) {
+     my ($self) = @_;
+     return;
+ }
+ sub DESTROY ($) {
+     my ($self) = @_;
+     $self->destroy;
+     return;
+ }
+ sub oid2name ($$) {
+     my ($self, $oid) = @_;
+     return $self->{-oid2name}->{$oid};
+ }
+ sub name2oid ($$) {
+     my ($self, $name) = @_;
+     return $self->{-name2oid}->{$name};
+ }
+ sub oid2type ($$) {
+     my ($self, $oid) = @_;
+     return $self->{-oid2type}->{$oid};
+ }
+ sub oids ($;@) {
+     my ($self, @patterns) = @_;
+     my $oids = [];
+     foreach my $pattern (@patterns) {
+         $pattern = "*" if (not defined($pattern));
+         $pattern =~ s/\./\\./sg;
+         $pattern =~ s/\*/.*/sg;
+         foreach my $name (keys(%{$self->{-name2oid}})) {
+             if ($name =~ m|^${pattern}$|si) {
+                 push(@{$oids}, $self->{-name2oid}->{$name});
+             }
+         }
+     }
+     return $oids;
+ }
+ ##  _________________________________________________________________________
+ ##
+ ##  HELPER CLASS: PROBE (abstract only)
+ ##  _________________________________________________________________________
+ ##
+ package My::Probe;
+ require Exporter;
+ our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ our @EXPORT_OK = qw(new destroy DESTROY oids probe);
+ sub new ($$) {
+     my ($proto, $ctx) = @_;
+     my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
+     my $self = {};
+     bless ($self, $class);
+     $self->{-ctx} = $ctx;
+     return $self;
+ }
+ sub destroy ($) {
+     my ($self) = @_;
+     return;
+ }
+ sub DESTROY ($) {
+     my ($self) = @_;
+     $self->destroy;
+     return;
+ }
+ sub oids ($) {
+     my ($self) = @_;
+     return [];
+ }
+ sub probe ($$$) {
+     my ($self, $ctx, $oid) = @_;
+     return {};
+ }
+ ##  _________________________________________________________________________
+ ##
+ ##  HELPER CLASS: Encoding
+ ##  _________________________________________________________________________
+ ##
+ package My::Enc;
+ require Exporter;
+ our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ our @EXPORT_OK = qw(new destroy DESTROY dat_encode dat_decode octet_encode octet_decode);
+ sub new ($$) {
+     my ($proto) = @_;
+     my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
+     my $self = {};
+     bless ($self, $class);
+     return $self;
+ }
+ sub destroy ($) {
+     my ($self) = @_;
+     return;
+ }
+ sub DESTROY ($) {
+     my ($self) = @_;
+     $self->destroy;
+     return;
+ }
+ #   ASN.1 DateAndTime encoding/decoding
+ sub dat_encode ($$) {
+     my ($self, $asc) = @_;
+     my ($y, $m, $d, $H, $M, $S) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+     if ($asc =~ m|^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$|) {
+         ($y, $m, $d, $H, $M, $S) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
+     }
+     return pack("nCCCCCCCCC", $y, $m, $d, $H, $M, $S, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ sub dat_decode ($$) {
+     my ($self, $bin) = @_;
+     my ($y, $m, $d, $H, $M, $S) = unpack("nCCCCCCCCC", $bin);
+     return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $y, $m, $d, $H, $M, $S);
+ }
+ #   snmpd(8) pass_persist protocol 'octet' encoding/decoding
+ sub octet_encode ($$) {
+     my ($self, $bin) = @_;
+     my $asc = '';
+     $bin =~ s|(.)|$asc .= sprintf("%02x ", ord($1)), ''|sge;
+     return $asc;
+ }
+ sub octet_decode ($$) {
+     my ($self, $asc) = @_;
+     my $bin = '';
+     $asc =~ s|([0-9a-zA-Z]{2})\s*|$bin .= chr(hex($1)), ''|sge;
+     return $bin;
+ }
+ ##  _________________________________________________________________________
+ ##
+ ##  _________________________________________________________________________
+ ##
+ package main;
+ #   find path to ourself
+ my $myroot = "$FindBin::Bin";
+ #   parameters (defaults)
+ my $opt = {
+     'config'    => "$myroot/snmpdx.cfg",
+     'version'   => 0,
+     'help'      => 0,
+     'tmpdir'    => ($ENV{TMPDIR} || $ENV{TEMPDIR} || "/tmp"),
+     'get'       => 0,
+     'next'      => 0,
+     'set'       => 0,
+     'bindir'    => "/cw/bin",
+     'probedir'  => "$myroot/snmpdx.d",
+     'probename' => "*",
+     'mibdir'    => "$myroot/snmpdx.mib",
+     'mibname'   => "snmpdx",
+     'logfile'   => "$myroot/snmpdx.log",
+     'loglevel'  => 9,
+     'strict'    => 0,
+ };
+ #   command line parsing
+ my %options = (
+     'c|config=s'    => \$opt->{'config'},
+     'V|version'     => \$opt->{'version'},
+     'h|help'        => \$opt->{'help'},
+     't|tmpdir=s'    => \$opt->{'tmpdir'},
+     'g|get'         => \$opt->{'get'},
+     'n|next'        => \$opt->{'next'},
+     's|set'         => \$opt->{'set'},
+     'b|bindir=s'    => \$opt->{'bindir'},
+     'P|probedir=s'  => \$opt->{'probedir'},
+     'p|probename=s' => \$opt->{'probename'},
+     'M|mibdir=s'    => \$opt->{'mibdir'},
+     'm|mibname=s'   => \$opt->{'mibname'},
+     'l|logfile=s'   => \$opt->{'logfile'},
+     'L|loglevel=i'  => \$opt->{'loglevel'},
+     'S|strict'      => \$opt->{'strict'},
+ );
+ Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling");
+ my $result = GetOptions(%options) || die "option parsing failed";
+ if ($opt->{'help'}) {
+     print "Usage: $prg->{'name'} [options] [SPECFILE ...]\n" .
+           "Available options:\n" .
+           " -c,--config=PATH    read command line options from configuration fil\n" .
+           " -V,--version        print program version\n" .
+           " -h,--help           print out this usage page\n" .
+           " -t,--tmpdir=PATH    filesystem path to temporary directory\n" .
+           " -g,--get            get value of this MIB OID\n" .
+           " -n,--next           get value of next MIB OID\n" .
+           " -s,--set            set value of next MIB OID (NOT IMPLEMENTED)\n" .
+           " -b,--bindir=PATH    path to the net-snmp binaries\n" .
+           " -P,--probedir=PATH  path to probe directory\n" .
+           " -p,--probename=NAME the pattern for probes to load\n" .
+           " -M,--mibdir=PATH    path to MIB directory\n" .
+           " -m,--mibname=MIB    the name of the MIB to act under\n" .
+           " -l,--logfile=PATH   path to daemon logfile\n" .
+           " -L,--loglevel=NUM   logging level (0...9)\n" .
+           " -S,--strict         strict processing of unknown values\n";
+     exit(0);
+ }
+ if ($opt->{'version'}) {
+     print "$prg->{'name'} $prg->{'version'} ($prg->{'date'})\n";
+     exit(0);
+ }
+ #   support external configuration file
+ if (-f $opt->{'config'}) {
+     my $cfg = new IO::File "<$opt->{'config'}";
+     my $line;
+     while (defined($line = $cfg->getline())) {
+         $line =~ s|\r?\n$||s;
+         next if ($line =~ m/^\s*(#.*)?$/s);
+         my ($option, $value) = ($line =~ m|^\s*(\S+)\s+(.+?)\s*$|s);
+         die "invalid configuration line \"$line\""
+             if (not defined($option) or not defined($value));
+         my ($var) = map  { $options{$_} } 
+                     grep { $_ =~ m/^.\|\Q$option\E(=[si])?$/s }
+                     keys(%options);
+         die "invalid configuration option \"$option\""
+             if (not defined($var));
+         ${$var} = $value;
+     }
+     $cfg->close;
+ }
+ #   create daemon run-time context
+ my $ctx = {};
+ $ctx->{-prg}      = $prg;
+ $ctx->{-opt}      = $opt;
+ $ctx->{-log}      = new My::Log ($opt->{'loglevel'}, $opt->{'logfile'});
+ $ctx->{-cache}    = new My::Cache;
+ $ctx->{-sys}      = new My::System ($ctx->{-log}, $ctx->{-cache});
+ $ctx->{-platform} = new My::Platform;
+ $ctx->{-mib}      = new My::MIB ($opt->{'bindir'}, $opt->{'mibdir'}, $opt->{'mibname'});
+ $ctx->{-enc}      = new My::Enc;
+ #   startup information
+ $ctx->{-log}->printf(1, "startup %s %s (%s) on %s",
+     $prg->{'name'}, $prg->{'version'}, $prg->{'date'},
+     $ctx->{-platform}->id());
+ #   exception handling support 
+ $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
+     my ($err) = @_;
+     $err =~ s|\r?\n$||s;
+     $ctx->{-log}->printf(1, "ERROR: $err ". ($! ? "($!)" : ""));
+     undef $ctx;
+     exit(1);
+ };
+ $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
+     my ($err) = @_;
+     $err =~ s|\r?\n$||s;
+     $ctx->{-log}->printf(1, "WARNING: $err");
+     return;
+ };
+ #   PROTOCOL   MIB        MIB TYPE            net-snmp API   CONVERT TYPE
+ #   ---------- ---------- ------------------- -------------- ------- ------
+ #   string     SNMPv2-TC  DisplayString       ASN_OCTET_STR  -       char *
+ #   integer    ASN.1      Integer32           ASN_INTEGER    strtol  long
+ #   unsigned   SNMPv2-SMI Unsigned32          ASN_UNSIGNED   strtoul long
+ #   counter    SNMPv2-SMI Counter32           ASN_COUNTER    strtoul long
+ #   octet      ASN.1      OCTET STRING        ASN_OCTET_STR  asc2bin char *
+ #   opaque     SNMPv2-SMI Opaque              ASN_OPAQUE     asc2bin char *
+ #   gauge      SNMPv2-SMI Gauge32             ASN_GAUGE      strtoul long
+ #   objectid   ASN.1      OBJECT IDENTIFIER   ASN_OBJECT_ID  -       char *
+ #   timetick   SNMPv2-SMI TimeTicks           ASN_TIMETICKS  strtoul long
+ #   ipaddress  SNMPv2-SMI IpAddress           ASN_IPADDRESS  htonl   long
+ #   octet      SNMPv2-TC  DateAndTime         ASN_OCTET_STR  asc2bin char *
+ #   load probes and determine their handled OIDs
+ my $oidtable   = [];
+ my $oidhandler = {};
+ my $oidprobe   = {};
+ my $oidtype    = {
+     'DisplayString'      => [ 'string',    'N.A.'    ],
+     'Integer32'          => [ 'integer',   '-1'      ],
+     'Unsigned32'         => [ 'unsigned',  '0'       ],
+     'Counter32'          => [ 'counter',   '-1'      ],
+     'OCTET STRING'       => [ 'octet',     'N.A.'    ],
+     'Opaque'             => [ 'opaque',    'N.A.'    ],
+     'Gauge32'            => [ 'gauge',     '-1'      ],
+     'OBJECT IDENTIFIER'  => [ 'objectid',  '.0'      ],
+     'TimeTicks'          => [ 'timetick',  '0'       ],
+     'IpAddress'          => [ 'ipaddress', '' ],
+     'DateAndTime'        => [ 'octet',     $ctx->{-enc}->dat_encode("1970-01-01 01:02:03") ],
+ };
+ $ctx->{-log}->printf(1, "MIB id: %s", $opt->{'mibname'});
+ foreach my $probefile (glob($opt->{'probedir'}."/".$opt->{'probename'}.".pm")) {
+     my $probe = $probefile;
+     $probe =~ s|^.*/([^/]+)\.pm$|$1|sg;
+     my $p;
+     eval {
+         local $SIG{__DIE__} = 'DEFAULT';
+         eval "require \"$probefile\";";
+         die if ($@);
+         eval "\$p = new My::Probe::$probe (\$ctx);";
+         die if ($@);
+     };
+     if ($@) {
+         die "invalid probe \"$probe\": $@";
+     }
+     $ctx->{-log}->printf(2, "Probe: \"%s\"", $probe);
+     foreach my $oid (sort(@{$p->oids()})) {
+         push(@{$oidtable}, $oid);
+         $oidhandler->{$oid} = $p;
+         $oidprobe->{$oid} = $probe;
+         $ctx->{-log}->printf(1, "MIB OID: %s [%s] ::= %s (%s)",
+             $oid, $ctx->{-mib}->oid2name($oid),
+             $ctx->{-mib}->oid2type($oid),
+             $oidtype->{$ctx->{-mib}->oid2type($oid)}->[0]);
+     }
+ }
+ @{$oidtable} = sort(@{$oidtable});
+ #   determine run-time mode
+ my $mode = "pass_persist";
+ if ($opt->{'get'} or $opt->{'next'} or $opt->{'set'}) {
+     $mode = "pass";
+ }
+ #   connect I/O channels
+ my $stdin = new IO::Handle;;
+ $stdin->fdopen(fileno(STDIN), "r");
+ $stdin->blocking(1);
+ my $stdout = new IO::Handle;;
+ $stdout->fdopen(fileno(STDOUT), "w");
+ $stdout->autoflush(1);
+ open(STDERR, ">/dev/null");
+ #   processing loop
+ while (1) {
+     #   determine command
+     my $cmd;
+     if ($mode eq "pass_persist") {
+         #   read next command from snmpd
+         $cmd = $stdin->getline;
+         if (not defined($cmd)) {
+             $ctx->{-log}->printf(4, "IO: EOF");
+                 last;
+         }
+         $cmd =~ s|\n?$||s;
+         $ctx->{-log}->printf(4, "IO: recv: << \"%s\\n\"", $cmd);
+     }
+     else {
+         $cmd = ($opt->{'get'}  ? 'get'     :
+                ($opt->{'next'} ? 'getnext' :
+                ($opt->{'set'}  ? 'set'     : 'unknown')));
+         $ctx->{-log}->printf(4, "CMD: \"%s\\n\"", $cmd);
+     }
+     #   act upon command
+     if ($cmd =~ m/^PING$/i) {
+         #
+         #   the PING/PONG protocol part
+         #
+         $ctx->{-log}->printf(4, "IO: send: >> \"PONG\\n\"");
+         $stdout->printf("PONG\n");
+     }
+     elsif ($cmd =~ m/^GET$/i or $cmd =~ m/^GETNEXT$/i) {
+         #
+         #   the GET/GETNEXT protocol part
+         #
+         my $error = 1;
+         #   read requested OID
+         my $oid_request;
+         if ($mode eq "pass") {
+             $oid_request = $ARGV[0];
+         }
+         else {
+             $oid_request = $stdin->getline;
+             if (not defined($oid_request)) {
+                 $ctx->{-log}->printf(1, "ERROR: EOF instead of OID");
+                 goto ERROR;
+             }
+             $oid_request =~ s|\n?$||s;
+         }
+         $ctx->{-log}->printf(4, "IO: recv: << \"%s\\n\"", $oid_request);
+         if ($oid_request !~ m/^(\.\d+)+$/) {
+             $ctx->{-log}->printf(1, "ERROR: invalid query OID \"%s\"", $oid_request);
+             goto ERROR;
+         }
+         #  re-entry point for OID processing
+         my $oid_search = $oid_request;
+         RETRY:
+         #   determine acted/handled OID
+         my $oid_action  = undef;
+         my $oid_handled = undef;
+         my $oid_handler = undef;
+         my $oid_next    = undef;
+         if ($cmd =~ m/^GET$/i) {
+             #   search for explicitly handled OID
+             for (my $i = 0; defined($oidtable->[$i]); $i++) {
+                 if ($oidtable->[$i] eq $oid_search) {
+                     $oid_action  = $oidtable->[$i];
+                     $oid_handled = $oidtable->[$i];
+                     last;
+                 }
+             }
+             #   search for implicitly handled OID (sequence element)
+             if (not defined($oid_handled)) {
+                 my $oid_parent = $oid_search;
+                 $oid_parent =~ s|(\.\d+)$||s;
+                 for (my $i = 0; defined($oidtable->[$i]); $i++) {
+                     if ($oidtable->[$i] =~ m|^\Q$oid_parent\E\.#$|) {
+                         $oid_action  = $oid_search;
+                         $oid_handled = $oidtable->[$i];
+                         last;
+                     }
+                 }
+             }
+         }
+         elsif ($cmd =~ m/^GETNEXT$/i) {
+             #   search for explicitly handled OID
+             for (my $i = 0; defined($oidtable->[$i]); $i++) {
+                 if ($oidtable->[$i] =~ m|^\Q$oid_search\E(\.\d+)+$|) {
+                     #   OID starts with requested OID prefix, so use this OID
+                     $oid_action  = $oidtable->[$i];
+                     $oid_handled = $oidtable->[$i];
+                     $oid_next    = $oidtable->[$i+1];
+                     last;
+                 }
+                 elsif ($oidtable->[$i] eq $oid_search) {
+                     #   OID is the requested OID exactly, so use next OID
+                     if (defined($oidtable->[$i+1])) {
+                         $oid_action  = $oidtable->[$i+1];
+                         $oid_action  =~ s|\.#$|.1|s;
+                         $oid_handled = $oidtable->[$i+1];
+                         $oid_next    = $oidtable->[$i+2];
+                         last;
+                     }
+                     else {
+                         goto ERROR; # end-of-MIB
+                     }
+                 }
+             }
+             #   search for implicitly handled OID (sequence element)
+             if (not defined($oid_handled)) {
+                 my $oid_parent = $oid_search;
+                 $oid_parent =~ s|(\.\d+)$||s;
+                 for (my $i = 0; defined($oidtable->[$i]); $i++) {
+                     #   search for implicitly handled OID (sequence element)
+                     if ($oidtable->[$i] =~ m|^\Q$oid_search\E(\.\d+)*\.#$|) {
+                         #   OID start with requested OID prefix, so use first OID in sequence
+                         $oid_action  = $oidtable->[$i];
+                         $oid_action  =~ s|\.#$|.1|s;
+                         $oid_handled = $oidtable->[$i];
+                         $oid_next    = $oidtable->[$i+1];
+                         last;
+                     }
+                     elsif ($oidtable->[$i] =~ m|^\Q$oid_parent\E\.#$|) {
+                         #   OID is the requested OID of a sequence exactly, so use next OID in sequence
+                         $oid_action  = $oid_search;
+                         $oid_action  =~ s|\.(\d+)$|".".($1+1)|se;
+                         $oid_handled = $oidtable->[$i];
+                         $oid_next    = $oidtable->[$i+1];
+                         last;
+                     }
+                 }
+             }
+         }
+         if (defined($oid_handled)) {
+             $oid_handler = $oidhandler->{$oid_handled};
+         }
+         else {
+             $ctx->{-log}->printf(1, "ERROR: no handler found for OID \"%s\"", $oid_request);
+             goto ERROR; # end-of-MIB
+         }
+         #   prepare probe request object
+         my $obj = {
+             -oid   => $oid_action,
+             -name  => $ctx->{-mib}->oid2name($oid_handled),
+             -type  => $ctx->{-mib}->oid2type($oid_handled),
+             -value => undef
+         };
+         #   provide mixed name/OID for sequence index
+         if ($obj->{-name} =~ m|\.#$|) {
+             my ($idx) = ($obj->{-oid} =~ m|\.(\d+)$|);
+             $obj->{-name} =~ s|\.#$|.$idx|;
+         }
+         #   probe value of OID
+         $ctx->{-log}->printf(2, "probing \"%s\" for OID \"%s\"", $oidprobe->{$oid_handled}, $oid_action);
+         $oid_handler->probe($obj);
+         #   handle special "unknown OID value" situation
+         if (not defined($obj->{-value})) {
+             $ctx->{-log}->printf(1, "WARNING: handler was unable to provide probe value for OID \"%s\"", $oid_request);
+             if ($opt->{'strict'}) {
+                 #   strict processing: return ERROR on unknown value
+                 #   for GET request and skip unknown OIDs on GETNEXT.
+                 if ($cmd =~ m/^GET$/i) {
+                     goto ERROR; # no-value
+                 }
+                 else { # GETNEXT
+                     if (defined($oid_next)) {
+                         $oid_search = $oid_next;
+                         $oid_search =~ s|\.#$||s;
+                         goto RETRY;
+                     }
+                     else {
+                         goto ERROR; # no-value
+                     }
+                 }
+             }
+             else {
+                 #   non-strict processing: return a reasonable default value
+                 if ($oid_handled =~ m|\.#$|) {
+                     if ($oid_action =~ m|\.1$|) {
+                         $obj->{-value} = $oidtype->{$obj->{-type}}->[1];
+                     }
+                     else {
+                         if (defined($oid_next)) {
+                             $oid_search = $oid_next;
+                             $oid_search =~ s|\.#$||s;
+                             goto RETRY;
+                         }
+                         else {
+                             goto ERROR; # end-of-MIB
+                         }
+                     }
+                 }
+                 else {
+                     $obj->{-value} = $oidtype->{$obj->{-type}}->[1];
+                 }
+             }
+         }
+         #   optionally encode value to conform to snmpd(8) protocol
+         if ($oidtype->{$obj->{-type}}->[0] =~ m/^(octet|opaque)$/) {
+             $obj->{-value} = $ctx->{-enc}->octet_encode($obj->{-value});
+         }
+         #   return result
+         $ctx->{-log}->printf(1, "QUERY: %s [%s] ::= %s \"%s\"",
+             $obj->{-name}, $obj->{-oid}, $obj->{-type}, $obj->{-value});
+         $stdout->printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n",
+             $obj->{-oid}, $oidtype->{$obj->{-type}}->[0], $obj->{-value});
+         $ctx->{-log}->printf(4, "IO: send: >> \"%s\\n%s\\n%s\\n\"",
+             $obj->{-oid}, $oidtype->{$obj->{-type}}->[0], $obj->{-value});
+         #   end-of-MIB or no-value handling
+         $error = 0;
+         if ($error) {
+             ERROR:
+             if ($mode eq "pass_persist") {
+                 $ctx->{-log}->printf(4, "IO: send: >> \"NONE\\n\"");
+                 $stdout->printf("NONE\n");
+             }
+         }
+     }
+     elsif ($cmd =~ m/^SET$/i) {
+         #
+         #   the SET protocol part
+         #
+         if ($mode eq "pass_persist") {
+             #   read requested OID/TYPE/VALUE (and ignore)
+             my $oid       = $stdin->getline;
+             my $oid_type  = $stdin->getline;
+             my $oid_value = $stdin->getline;
+             $ctx->{-log}->printf(4, "IO: send: >> \"NONE\\n\"");
+             $stdout->printf("NONE\n");
+         }
+         else {
+             $ctx->{-log}->printf(4, "IO: send: >> \"not-writable\\n\"");
+             $stdout->printf("not-writable\n");
+         }
+     }
+     else {
+         #   for anything else (not expected) just send at least
+         #   "NONE" in case snmpd(8) expects something.
+         $ctx->{-log}->printf(4, "IO: send: >> \"NONE\\n\"");
+         $stdout->printf("NONE\n");
+     }
+     #   stop processing on "pass" mode
+     last if ($mode eq "pass");
+ }
+ #   shutdown gracefully
+ $ctx->{-log}->printf(1, "shutdown");
+ undef $ctx;
+ exit(0);

CVSTrac 2.0.1