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ossp - Check-in [3466]
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Check-in Number: 3466
Date: 2003-Jun-30 13:13:08 (local)
2003-Jun-30 11:13:08 (UTC)
Comment: introduce "trunc=" option for file channel; change default to append; keep support for obsolete "append" option
ossp-pkg/fsl/fsl.pod      1.29 -> 1.30     9 inserted, 7 deleted
ossp-pkg/l2/l2.pod      1.14 -> 1.15     1 inserted, 1 deleted
ossp-pkg/l2/l2_ch_file.c      1.25 -> 1.26     36 inserted, 6 deleted
ossp-pkg/l2/l2_test.c      1.53 -> 1.54     2 inserted, 2 deleted

ossp-pkg/fsl/fsl.pod 1.29 -> 1.30

--- fsl.pod      2003/05/22 14:01:55     1.29
+++ fsl.pod      2003/06/30 11:13:08     1.30
@@ -202,11 +202,17 @@
 The B<file> channel opens a file at the given I<path> and passes
 messages poured in from upper channels to this file. If the file at
 the given path already exists, additional data is either appended
-(I<append>=1) or the existing file is truncated (I<append>=0). The
-desired permissions of the file can be set.
+(I<append>=1 or I<trunc>=0>) or the existing file is truncated
+(I<append>=0 or I<trunc>=1>). The desired permissions of the file can be
+set.  Both append and trunc work equally well but append is obsolete and
+might be removed in the future.  Both options can be specified together
+as long as they are set different. L2 versions which know the trunc
+option default to append mode while previous versions only having the
+append option defaulted to truncate mode.
  o file   (STR path            m
-           INT append          o [0=truncate|1=append] =1
+           INT append          o [0=no|1=yes]          =1
+           INT trunc           o [0=no|1=yes]          =0
            INT perm            o [octal]               =0644
@@ -449,17 +455,14 @@
      -> {
          critical: file(
-             append=1,
          error: file(
-             append=1,
          notice: file(
-             append=1,
@@ -474,7 +477,6 @@
      ) ->
-         append=1,

ossp-pkg/l2/l2.pod 1.14 -> 1.15

--- l2.pod       2003/01/06 11:41:51     1.14
+++ l2.pod       2003/06/30 11:13:08     1.15
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
  noop -> {
    debug: prefix(prefix="[%d-%m-%Y/%H:%M:%S] ")
       -> buffer(size=16384)
-         -> file(path=foo.log, append=1);
+         -> file(path=foo.log, trunc=0);
    error: syslog(ident=foo, facility=user,

ossp-pkg/l2/l2_ch_file.c 1.25 -> 1.26

--- l2_ch_file.c 2003/01/06 11:41:51     1.25
+++ l2_ch_file.c 2003/06/30 11:13:08     1.26
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
     int   fd;
     char *path;
     int   append;
+    int   trunc;
     int   perm;
 } l2_ch_file_t;
@@ -54,7 +55,8 @@
     /* initialize configuration with reasonable defaults */
     cfg->fd     = -1;
     cfg->path   = NULL;
-    cfg->append = TRUE;
+    cfg->append = -1;
+    cfg->trunc  = -1;
     cfg->perm   = (S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH);
     /* link private channel configuration into channel context */
@@ -74,11 +76,13 @@
     /* feed and call generic parameter parsing engine */
     L2_PARAM_SET(pa[0], path,   STR, &cfg->path);
     L2_PARAM_SET(pa[1], append, INT, &cfg->append);
-    L2_PARAM_SET(pa[2], perm,   INT, &cfg->perm);
-    L2_PARAM_END(pa[3]);
+    L2_PARAM_SET(pa[2], trunc,  INT, &cfg->trunc);
+    L2_PARAM_SET(pa[3], perm,   INT, &cfg->perm);
+    L2_PARAM_END(pa[4]);
     l2_channel_env(ch, &env);
     rv = l2_util_setparams(env, pa, fmt, ap);
     return rv;
@@ -89,16 +93,42 @@
     int mode;
     mode_t mask;
+    /* "append" backward compatibility; only cfg->trunc is used in the code
+     * make sure append/trunc either both use defaults, both are set different, or only one is set
+     *
+     * truth table for user input,       append, trunc => resulting trunc
+     *                 -----------------+------+------+------------------
+     *                                       -1     -1      0 (default)
+     *                 trunc=0               -1      0      0 
+     *                 trunc=1               -1      1      1 
+     *                 append=0               0     -1      1 
+     *                 append=0, trunc=0      0      0      ERROR
+     *                 append=0, trunc=1      0      1      1 
+     *                 append=1               1     -1      0 
+     *                 append=1, trunc=0      1      0      0 
+     *                 append=1, trunc=1      1      1      ERROR
+     */
+    if (cfg->append >= 1)
+        cfg->append = 1; /* reduce to -1 (undef), 0 (no), 1 (yes) */
+    if (cfg->trunc >= 1)
+        cfg->trunc = 1; /* reduce to -1 (undef), 0 (no), 1 (yes) */
+    if (   cfg->append != -1
+        && cfg->trunc != -1
+        && cfg->append == cfg->trunc) /* collision */
+        return L2_ERR_USE;
+    if (   cfg->trunc == -1)
+        cfg->trunc = (1 - cfg->append) & 1;
     /* make sure a path was set */
     if (cfg->path == NULL)
         return L2_ERR_USE;
     /* open channel file */
     mode = O_WRONLY|O_CREAT;
-    if (cfg->append)
-        mode |= O_APPEND;
-    else
+    if (cfg->trunc == 1)
         mode |= O_TRUNC;
+    else
+        mode |= O_APPEND;
     mask = umask(0);
     cfg->fd = open(cfg->path, mode, cfg->perm);

ossp-pkg/l2/l2_test.c 1.53 -> 1.54

--- l2_test.c    2003/02/11 07:51:28     1.53
+++ l2_test.c    2003/06/30 11:13:09     1.54
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
            "  filter(regex=hecking, negate=0)"
            "  -> prefix(prefix=\"[%d-%m-%Y/%H:%M:%S] %L test[%P]: \", timezone=local)"
            "     -> buffer(size=800)"
-           "        -> file(path=l2_test.log, append=1, perm=0644) ;"
+           "        -> file(path=l2_test.log, trunc=0, perm=0644) ;"
            "  syslog(ident=L2-Test, facility=user, "
            "         remotehost=localhost, logpid=1, target=remote)"
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
     /* create file channel */
     if ((rv = l2_channel_create(&chFile, env, "file")) != L2_OK)
         die(env, rv, "failed to create file channel");
-    if ((rv = l2_channel_configure(chFile, "path=l2_test.log, append=%d,perm=%d", TRUE, 0644)) != L2_OK)
+    if ((rv = l2_channel_configure(chFile, "path=l2_test.log, trunc=%d,perm=%d", 0, 0644)) != L2_OK)
         die(env, rv, "failed to configure file channel");
     if ((rv = l2_channel_levels(chFile, L2_LEVEL_UPTO(L2_LEVEL_INFO), L2_LEVEL_NONE)) != L2_OK)
         die(env, rv, "failed to level of smtp channel");

CVSTrac 2.0.1