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ossp - Check-in [3448]
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Check-in Number: 3448
Date: 2003-Jun-23 16:46:33 (local)
2003-Jun-23 14:46:33 (UTC)
Comment: Really get the example text right.
ossp-pkg/rc/rc.pod      1.33 -> 1.34     4 inserted, 4 deleted

ossp-pkg/rc/rc.pod 1.33 -> 1.34

--- rc.pod       2003/06/23 14:43:48     1.33
+++ rc.pod       2003/06/23 14:46:33     1.34
@@ -320,10 +320,10 @@
 the command line.
  /mybin/rc all start sFac="LOG_USER"  # pass LOG_USER as an argument to 'start'
- /etc/rc lmtp2nntp start nSleep=2     # sleep for 2 seconds before returning
- /etc/rc.d/rc.rsyncd restart nSleep=4 # pause 4 seconds between start and stop
- /cw/etc/rc.d/rc.ftpd start nMax=32   # a maximum of 32 users can connect
- rc -rdv all stop nSleep=2 start nSleep=4 sLevel="LOG_INFO" bQuiet=1
+ /opt/bin/rc lmtp2nntp start nSleep=2 # sleep for 2 seconds before returning
+ /cw/etc/rc/ ftpd start nMax=32       # a maximum of 32 users can connect
+ ./rc rsyncd restart nSleep=4         # pause 4 seconds between start and stop
+ ./rc -rdv all stop nSleep=2 start nSleep=4 sLevel="LOG_INFO" bQuiet=1
 =head1 FILES

CVSTrac 2.0.1